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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Dec 1956, p. 6

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Music Featured ut Rotary, Program Friday The musical aspect of christ- mas was the theme af the Ro- tarians meeting Friday at the Balmoral Motel and ta give bear- ing and depth ta the program, a fine selection of vocal and instru- mental talent was secured by the co-chairmen Art Morgan and Bill Brown. Feature of the program was the appearance of three young ladies, Norma Dale, Diane Aus- ptin and Eleanor Osborne who -À.clplighted the gathering with "O '-4Uoly Night" and IlWinter Won- dèr1lond". In two solo numbers b Miss Vivian Sadler captured the V attention of the Rotarians with "Corne ta he Stables" and "Birth- dyof a King". Another guest at the meeting, Miss Margaret Goheen accompanied on the piano. Another highlight was the L euphoniura solo by Rotarian Bill Brown whose abiity ta play such a cumbersome instrument with tremendous deftness was greatly appreciated by al. His two numbers were "Deck the Halls" and "0 Holy Night". The Rotarians did not take a fully passive part in the pragram '717ENFIELD f~ede or last wee k) W.A. met at the home of 7'red Samis with a good Mrince. Miss Elsie Samis 4t4rs. Rod Simpson had af the devotional. j'ueewas no program and I'lowing new officers werc ILdwith Rev. Green prc- .xg: Pres., Mrs. Fred Samis; vice pres., Mrs. Edgar Pres- t; 2nd vice pres., Mrs. Rod nxpson; Sec., Mrs. George Ir- in; Treas., Mrs. Donald Pres- itt. Missionary Convener; Mrs. ýý*rey Bowman, Secretary- . îf2rs. Ron Gake; Pianists, ChristiGriffin, Mrs. Donald 'forotito.-. George Bowers; Miss Wrs. Wallace Pas- spent Chri IUrescott; Com- Mrs. W. , Wallace Pascoe, spCét Cli Parsonage Com., ents, Mrimpson, Mrs. Edgar spnt n held a receptian sfe. Mr'g aur regular ser- terdMr afternoon. He re- adJFfollowing young i\Irso'membership of the Dol 7nn Stinson, Bruce 5ý, Donald and Norman .ee2rere was a goad attend- ance at' Sunday School and the r church .-ervice folawing. Mr. ai d Mrs. Earl Howes, Goderîci', with their daughter, E. Mrs. Ron Qake and family. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Lee Whitby, at theLee home. Mreand Mr- Edgar Prescott attended the Smalley -Gibson wedding reception at the home ofi the br;le's parents at Green- bank. Mr. and Mrs. W. Pascoe and Miss Evelyn had supper with the H. Beaton's at Oshawa last week. Mr. and Mrs. George Carson, Mrs. R. Best, Mr. A. J. Tamb- lyn, Orono, were with the W. Bowman's. as ail joined in the carol singiflg led by Bll Brown with Dave Marrison as pianist. In closing the program Art Morgan painted out that in Pagan times a celebration was heid at this time ai the year ta lighten the spiritgoai nien and ta bring sunshine ta an other- wise bieak winter. This custom ai brightening the winter months bas successfully been carried over jnta the mod- ern era Mr. Morgan stated and with the added Christian sig- nificance that it is the birthday af Jesus Christ. "God so ioved the worid that He gave His oniy begotten Son", he quated and askcd that the Rotarians thoughtfuUy remem- ber these words which bing out the true spirit a! Christmas. President Bill Rudeil thànked Rotarians Art and Bill for one of the finest Christmas pragmams enjoyed by the club and for plac- ing the members in a praper frame ai mmnd for the Christ- mas season. No less than 19 guests were an hand for the meeting. Besides the five yaung ladies who enter- tained, there were the ioilowing Rotarians imom Oshawa: Kelly Ceighton, Lance Beath, Ed Rose, Wes Saiter, Len Mc- Laughiin, Ed Storie, Jim Flett, Stan Eversan and Reg. Geen. Ajax guests weme Emile "Army" Armstrong, Ken Morley and Dick Steinmuier. Ross Stevens, Bowmanville, wvas also present for the meeting. There were three winners in the weekly hockey draw on Fni- day with the fallawing receiving the ducats, "'Marty" Martin, Ross Stevens and Alan Strike. Attendance pins were present- ed ta the follawing members: Bill Coggins, 2 years; Bruno Miil- er, 2 years, and Farbes Heyland, 4 years. Sale birthday celebrant at the meeting was Mark Raenigk. MORRISH Friday evening, Dec. 21, was a gala one for the children ai aur schoal. It was the annual visit ai Santa and although vicather conditions were nat ai the best for this jaily aid fel- low he arived on sehedule. By 8:15 p.m. the church was weil filied with parents and friends who came ta enjay the much talked about Cantata "Santa in Biunderiand" and share in the fun of Santa's vis- it. A gaily decarated tree al aglow with colaured lighits an-d tinsel was a very attractive sight especialiy ta the small f ry. The Rev. A. W. Harding act- ed as chaimman in bis usual hap- py manner. Christmas music softiy played by Mrs. Helen Me- Holm was enjayed until the cui- tains were pulled aside and the singing ai "The Queen" heraid- ed in the presentation ai th.a visit ai Santa ta Blunderland. It was a strange ]and into which Santa strayed-every- thing was wrong side up, inside SERVICE STATION TO LEASE apply Box 597 c/o Canadian Staiesman Royal Theatre BowmanvilkE FIL. AND SAT. - BEC. 28 - 29 Malines Saturday - 2 p.m. MATURE -WGIH M (Thurs., Fni., 7 and 9:05. Sat. cont. 6:30) also 'Copters and Cows (Special colar featurette) and Color Cartoon MON. WED. - DEC. 31 - 2 RCH AWIMKCNmU@p also The Racers (Color) KIRK DOUGLAS, BELLA DARVI Last complete shows 8:40 NEW YEAR'S MIDNITE,- 12:15 The Mummy's Curse and Abbott and Gos tello Meet the Killer out and contrary ta the usuai. run of things. Students taught teachers, doctors taok pilîs and medicines instead o! patients,, clothes were worn inside ou', boys in maids cap and apron served refreshments - in fact everything was tapsy turvy. The performance af ahi the chiidren taking part in this Can- tata was excellent, it wouid be rathet hard to single out one periormer better than another but a note of appreciatian shauld be given ta Ann Harmen for her narration o! the stary also I Joan Marvin for ber vocal sala accompanied an the viahin by Miss E. Wilson and piano by Mrs. Wilson. A vote af thanks ta Mrs. Wil- son and ail who in any way' hehped ta make this presenta- tion sa successful was given by Mr. Harding and responded ta unanimously. Santa now arrived with mucn ringing ai behîs and hearty greetings for one and aIl and for the next hall hour was busy with the help oi Rev. A. W. Harding and yaung helpers handing out the many gaily wrapped parcels. Bags of candy wvere given ta every child pres- nt and in very good time tired and happy children were on their may home and another Christmas gathering was over for Morrish. The cheeriuhness and gaiety ai the evening was marred as we made aur way home by a very seriaus accident only a few yards west ai the church invohving a transport and twa cars, one persan, a woman, was instantly killed and lier hus- band seriausly injured. Traffic was halted bath east and west for a long time and it was early in the dawn of Saturday that traffic returned ta normal. The transport turned over in the south ditch. The driver was un- hurt. Ahl day Saturday men were working in the sleet and ramn unloading the wrecked truck and re-laading inta an- other. Our sympathy is extend- ed ta the relatives ai this un- fartunate couple. Reguhar church service was held at 10 a.m. There was a very good congregation although walking and driving conditions were hazardous. The Rev. A. W. Harding offi- ciated, the Junior Choir sang very sweetly two selections, "Infant Holy" and "Baby in a Cattle Shed". Christmas music, hymns and a very thoughtiul and earnest sermon upon The Birth ai the Infant Jesus, bring- ing Love, Peace and Goodwil spreading ail over the World, completed this Service ai Wor- ship and Prayer.. Sunday Sehool was heid at 11 a.m. in the Church. This was a special chiidren's service. Car- ais and hymns were piayed in turn by Senior girls. Elaine An- derson read the Christmas Story and also sang "Star ai the East". A short Bible quiz was given by Mrs. Wm. McHolm who also recited "The Legend ai the Christmas Candie". Service clos- ed with prayer by Mrs. 'Wm. McHolm. This session was con- cluded by the superintendent, Mrs. F. McConneli. On a motion it was decided ta hold Sunday School in the Church during winter months. SOLINA As we review the spienditi concerts af Baker's, Bradiey'si and Sauina schools we belie-,ve th e highlight ai each prga xvas the beautiful presentto af the Nativity scene. Alil teseî concerts were weli attended and much credit is due the teachers and pupils for their most enjoyabie entertainment. The C.G.I.T. girls held their Christmas meeting at the home ai the leader, Mms. Raiph Da- vis, on Sat. aftemnaon, Pat D-i- vis, president, opened the meet- ing with the singing of camais. The gmoup decided ta contribute $10 ta, the Missionary and Maintenance Fund ai the church and aiso ta forward $15 ta the Jamaican chiidren. The next meeting will be on Jan. 5. Pat Davis wili prepame the program and Juanita Frazer will leadi in the woship service. The pragram consisted ai Christmas readings given by Pat Davis, Gail Baker and Gladys Yellowlees; a monolo- gue by Helen Knox and a story by Pat Knox. Helen Par- inder and Juanita Frazer had charge of the Christmas wor- ship service when ail the group joined in the camais. The roll cal was the exchange of giits. Aiter a ~Christmas stocking" contest conducted by Gladys Yeliowlees refeshments con- sisting o! cookies, cake, ice crcam home made candy and chocolate milk were served by the hostess. The Thmee M's will meet on Thursday evening Dec. 27 with Mary and Stan Miîlson conven- ons ai the pmagram. Lighted Christmas trees, poinsettias and the Nativity scene, softiy lit with candies iormed an effectiVe setting for the church service Sunday af- temnorin. Camais were piayed on the organ and piano preceding the chair processional "0 Corne Ahi Ye Faithful". Th e chair contributed two anthem s,f "'rBethlehem Hîis" and "The First Christmas Morn". Rev. Reed's message was in keeping with the Christmas season. Congratulations ta Charles and Aima Langmaid who on Dec. M3 became the proud par- ents o! a baby son. Many happy family gather-i ings were held Christmas Day1 throughout the community. Gaodness and philanthrophyt begin vrith work and neyer stop working.-Mary Baker Eddy, President Nagy,-the giver1 ai unusual freedom ta Hun-1 gary, and whose fate is be-( clouded, was born in a stictly1 Calvinistic iarm home. Thaugh' a communist, his daughter bass mamried a Protestant minister.t and wit.h her iather's approval. TUE CA tA D At A lt1 A t? 5 An. BO1' t? iion V AMU? ~HRDY Z.2t,1 Tri nity W.M.S. Evening Aux. Christmas Meet The Christmas meeting ai the Evening Auxiiary of Trinity W.M.S. was held an Tuesday,l Dec. l8th in the beautifully de- corated candle-lighted Sunday School hall. The president, Mûss Marion Beliman, presided. "Joy to the Warld" was the opening hymn. The reports of thé different secretaries and treasurers were given. The program was in charge of Mrs. Reta Osborne's group, andj carried out the theme oi Christ- mas. Mrs. Osborne gaye the cali to worship, and the carol "Si- lent Night" was sung. Prayer wvas given by Mrs. Jean Mc- Murter. A reading was giv- en by Mrs. Hazel Davis follow- ed by a solo by Miss Vivian Sadler. A poem was then read by Mrs. Muriel Symons entitled "The Innkeeper Makes Ex- cuses". New Church Is Opened On Scugog Sunday, Dec. 2nd will long be remembered on Scugog Island. In the horse and 'buggy days, it was found necessary ta have four Churches on the Island, which then constituted a Pas- tarai Charge. The Indian Chiurch feli inta dismepairs and finaily had ta be tamn down. The Cen- tre Church, "Grace" bumned down about 1942, and aventures were made ta the "Foot" Church and the "Head Memomial" ta im forces, and mebuiid anc church ion the Island. The re. sult was that the Chumch at the "Foot" was dismantled, and with the purchase of another Church building, a new Church arase at the Centre. At that tume the "Head Memoniai" weme flot ready ta jain. By the ac- tion ai the Members of the In- dian Mission, Grace Church, and Head Mémorial, a new Churh camne into being Decem- ber 2nd, 1956, namely "Scugog United Church." The Minister, Rev. J. K. Braham, M.A., B.D., conducted the Mamning Service in the Centre Church, and the Chairman af Oshawa Presby- tery, Rev. S. C. H. Atkinson afficiated at *the Evening ser- vice in the Head Church. Over farty new members weme me- ceived by Letters, ai Transfer and Profession ai Faith, as weil as ninety-one as weil fmom the thmee Uniting Congregations. The Centre chumcb will be used for the Morning Service and the Head Church for the Even- ing Service once a month. There are two Sunday Schoals and twa Women's Associations. The Pastoral Charge now con- sists ai: Scugog United, Man- chester United, and Prospcct United." OBITUARY MRS. FRANCIS SUT[ON Mms. Francis Sutton wbo had been in poor heaith since March- ai 1955, passed away at her home, 429 Kingston Road, To- monta, on Dec. 9. Mrs. Sutton was the former Eva Burk ai Bowmanvilie and well known here. Mr. Sutton ion a number af ycars was arganist and choir leader in Tinity United Chumch, and taught music in the schools. Mrs. Sutton became intemested in the orchestra work hem bus- band was conducting in the public schools and assisted bim with it. On gaing ta Sault Ste, Marie and later, St. Thomas, Mrs. Suttan took over bh aio hem busband's womk in promot- ing the schoal orchestra move- ment. They moved ta Scarbor- ough in 1946, where Mn. Sut- ton is supervisar ai music in the sehools. Mrs. Sutton who was the daughter of the late Marvin and Kate Burk, was a. member a! the Disciple Chumch at one time, and later joined the An- glican Church with hem bus- band who is omganist at St. John's Anglican Chumcb, Nom- way, Kingston Raad, Taronto. Besides ber husband, she leaves a san, Francis Bumk Suttan. The iunemal took place at St. John's Church, Narway, on Tuesday, Dec. 11, and was con- ducteci by Rev. E. R. Bagley and Canon R. J. Shires. The latter is a former rector af St. John's Cbumch, Bowmanviile. The Nunc Dimittis was sung by ail present and hymns af hope were played by Mm. Keîth Bisseli, Mus. Bac. Intemment was in the family plot, Bow- manvilie. In &ddition ta the many floral tokens irom fiîends were those fmom Scarborough Board ai Education, Public School Principals ai Scarborough, St. John's Narway Choir, Scarbor- A lovely story by Miss Vi- vian Bunner, "The First Christ- mas Bell", was then read. Scripture reading was given by Mrs. Coiiison also a very interesting réading. She stressed the time draws near the Birth of Christ, and we may appropri- ately ask ourselves how His re- ligion is faring in the world. That it is a fallen warld we are ail agmeed, but that it is stihi faiiing is less usualiy me- cognized. A reading by Mrs. Barbara Passmore, "Behald Baboushka" was given fallowed by the stamy, "The Results ai His Coming". We should mejaice this day that aur church belîs ring out the Glad Tidings, by Mrs. Os- borne. Another carol and the clas- ing prayer by Mrs. Coihison, and a iavely lunch concluded a very pieasant evening. placed in the church on Sun- day in loving memory a! Mrs. Oliver Bec1Sett and Mrs. X. H. Brent. Many from here at- tended the funerals on FridayJ and Saturday from The Morrils Funeral Chapel. Interment in1 Bethesda Cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. W. Vivian and chiidren ceiebrated Christmas on Saturday at the home ai Mr. and Mms. W. Ormniston, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bigneil, Linda and Marlene, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Lamne An- nis for Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. David Alldread,~ Bowmanvilie; Miss Mary AI'- dread and Mr. Russell Ahldread, Toronto; Mr. J. Weish, Bruce and Laurlyn, Bawmanvilie; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Strong, Mm. Lamne Gaud, Salem, Mr.! James Alidmead, spent Christ- mas Day with Mr. and Mrs. G. Alldread. A speedy recovery ta Mr. Arthur Harvey, who suifered a heart attack last Thursday evtn- ing at the schooi concert and is ini Memomial Hospital, Bow- manviiie. Rev. Fred Jackson dehivered 1 a Christmas message ta a good congregation Sunday marning. He spoke on "The Meaning oi Christmas". The choir sang a Christmas number with Mrs. D. Davey at the argan. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Reynolds and Doris, Port Hope-, Mr. and Mrs. G. Lewis and boys, To- monta; Mms. W. E. Lewis, Wel- came, with Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Gliaspell for Christmas Day. BLACKSTOCK To the Editor, Staff, and al who mead this coiumn, I would like ta extend Season's Get ing and may the New Year*o Healthy, Happy and Peaceable. Aiso I would hike ta thank all who have co-operated in mak- ing it passible ta write this news column. The Christmas meeting of thl* Wo-He-Lo Mission Band xvasI held Tuesday aiter school. Mrs. Hill illustrated the Chmistmas story from. Matt. 2, by flae- graph and offered prayerAi marched ta the front with their offeming whîle singing "Hear the Pennies Dmapping". Prac- tically aillai the 25 chiidmen present contmibuted ta the pro- gram, either by a reading, a me- citation, sang, or a Bible verse pertaining ta Christmas or Christ's birth. Mms. Kyte tald "The Sweetest Stomy". Ahl these were interspersed with camais. Aiter the ciosing exercises the leaders tmeated ta home-made candy. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Fiett, Fenelan Falls, spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Graham and Mrs. J. E. Flett. Mm. and Mrs.. Lame Thomp- son visited Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Montgomery, Monty's Inn, Wed- nesday. Mr. and Mrs. Gamnet Murray and girls, Port Credit, Mr. and Mrs. Anson Taylor, Oýhawa, Mm. and Mrs. Arnold Taylor and Dianne, visited Mr. and' Mrs. Roy Taylor, Sunday aiter- noon. About 50 attended the Famm- er's Union meeting Tuesday night. Mr. Albert Cormack, President ai Ontario Union, who came from Arthur, Ont., c camp anied by his wiie, gave a vemy informative addmess ta farmers. Visîtors were present from Ennîskilien, Sharps School, Pontypooi and Janetville. New dimectors elected are-Dimector for Durham, Victor Malcolm, Nestieton; Sub-directors, Jno Maiett, Tymone; Senton Fali, Pontypooi; Mr. Wood, Shaw's Schoal; Mr. Roy Fern, Cavan; Secretary-treasumer for Caunty, Mrs. Gea. Prosser, Cadmus; Pubiicity directors, Mrs. Eami Argue and Mr. Cox, Shaw's schooi. Mms. Donald Prosser and new daughter, Cathy Joan, returned home from Port Perry Hospital or Friday afternoan hast week. The teachers and pupîls enter- taincu the mothers with a fine programn and lunch, ioilowed by the giving o!f gifts. The High Sehool aiso had a party Friday afternoon. AUl report very pleasant times. Mr. Noel Sweetman, New- market, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Wolfe and boys. The annuai meeting oi R.B.P. No. 398 was hield on Tuesday, Dec. l8th with a good attend- ance. The auditors repart show- ed a balance on hand ai $140.- 18. Rt. War. Past Grand Mas- ter Creighton Devitt occupied the chair for election and in- stallation af aificers for 1957. I. P. Perceptor, Jas. Delaney; Wor. Per., Wesley Taylor; Dep. Per., Walter Murphy; Chap., Gea. Wolfe; Reg. Henry Thomp- son; Treas., Herb Swain; lst Lcct., Leslie Brooks; 2nd Lect., B. McCullough; lst Cen., Lloyd Clark; 2nd Cen., Jack Wilson, lst. St. Br., Lamne McKee; 2nd St. Br., Ernie Youngman; Purs., Oscar MeQuade; Tyler, Herb Hooey. Committee, H. Swain, Les. Brooks, Les. Thomp- son, Herb Hoaey, Lavern Devitt, Leith Byers, and Dr. McArthur; Auditors, H. Hooey and Gea. Wolfe: Sick Com., Herb Swain, Les. Thampsan, Lloyd Clark. Mrs. Jas Strong, Mr. and Mrs. W. Chapman and family, Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Strang and family; Mr. and Mrs. Gea. 1Wolfe and boys, enjoyed a fine Christmas dinner and visit with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Gra- ham; Mr. and Mrs. Ross Duif and iamiiy Satffi-day evening. Owing ta the fog and very slippery moads and streets Sat- urday night, the Blackstock Sangmen's concert, was very poomiy attended though well presented By request it is be- ing repeated on Wednesday night ai this week. Service in the United Church Sunday at 10 a.m. was weil at- tendeci. Mr. Jack Griffin, Port Perry, delivered a fine sermon. The choir rendered two splen- did Christmas anthems. At the Sunday Sehoal pragram which followed, the childmen of the Primary Room sang -~Corne Softly". Mrs. Ivan Thampsan told ai a German Christmas customn before giving a very interesting Christmas Stary, '"Eagcr Heart". There were 160 present at Sunday School and a very generaus aiiering was received, ta be sent to Rev. Merrili Ferguson, Angola, Afri- ca. Mm. and Mrs. Cecil Hamilton and Mrs. Jno McKee joined the Devitt famiiy for Christmas celebration at the home afi Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Devitt, Osh- awa, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mar- low F:pent hast Manday evený ing wvith Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wermy, Kedron. On Friday evening ail the Junior organizations ai the An- glican church met in the Par- ish Hall suppasedly ta make preparatians for the Pageant on Sunday but as the chief abject -a real surprise party for Rev. and Mrs. Gea. Nicholson. A splendid entertainment was put an and Mr. and Mrs. Nicholson were presented with a hostess cart. Lunch was served and a social time spent. Sunday altemnoon the Sunday Schaoiaif the Anglican church presented a fine Christmas pageant in the Pamish Hall. There were five scenes, "The Angel's Message ta the Worid", "The Shepherds in the Fields", Candlelight Service wvith ail the Countries of the World", ,OÛShcpherds With the Angels and Beils" and "'The Manger Scene", aiter wvhich gifts from the Sunday Sehool were dis- tibuted toa ah the children. Next Sunday at il a.m. will be the last service for Rev HAYDON Mr. and Mrs. Elton Brock and family, Bowmanville; Mrs. J. Cowling, Salem, were Sunday cahiers at Mr. and Mrg, George Tabb's. Mr. and Mrs. George Graham and iamily, Mib and Mrs. Har- vey Hardy, Bowmanville; Mr. Russell Hardy, Toronto, visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Thomp- son. Mrs. Wm. McLaughlin, Burke- ton, is staying with ber daugh- ter, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashton. Mrs& H. Gay, Miss Elenor Gay, Oshawa: Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Garrard, Blackstock, at Mr. and Mrs. C. Garrard's. Mr. and Mrs. Don MacKen- zie and family, Mr. and Mrs. Doug Fontain and Neil at Mrs. A. McNeil's, Sunday. Mr. Peter Singer, Mimico,. spent the weekend wlth Mr. and Mrs. D. Cameran, Sunday. Vis- itors at the Cameran home were, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Da- vey, Tyrone, Mr. and Mrs. L. Phillîp, Bowmanville. Mr. Jim Graham, Bowman- ville, called on Mr. and Mrs. L. Graham recently. Mr. Ray Ashton, Leasîde, is spending Christmas holidays at his home. Mrs. C. Rankine attended the Choral Vesper Service at Trin- ity United Church, Bowman- ville Sunday. Mr. and Mirs. Arthur Tre- win attended the 5th Wedding Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith (Aima Trewin), Oshawa, on Saturday. Mr. and Sulas Trewin and Judith, Bowmanvilie, vis- ited Mrs. Wm. Trewin and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Loveridge. A large crowd attended the Christmas Concert which wvas presented in the Church an Thursday evening-. Mr. C. Avery was chairman. The program included, recitation, Tommy Potts; exercise, "What I Like"; readings, Stephen Liptay; short and Mrs. Nicholson here as they are ta move ta Port Whitby, Jan. 3rd. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mar-, low entertained M. Jack Grif- Mr. Elmer Thompson, Mea- ford, visited friends in the vil- lage Thursday and Friday. e fi 1> PÂGI Mx It doesn' t have to be New Year's for us ta think of aur friends. But it does give us the opportunity to pause and express aur appreciation for your f riendship and patronage. It's folks like you who make aur business possible, and serving you is always a pleasure. It's a pleasure, too, ta pause and say "Thank You" 0...and extend a warm wish that you may have a very.. J(appy anc1 £Prosperous )I e- ?ears. BR E S LINNS BOWMANVILLE AND WHITBY TffUItSDAY, DEC. 27th, 1958 q9rr MAMAintAle mm-ràitirn * play, "Why Jimmy Whistied". Several carols were sung. Piano solo, Doreen Ttewin; play, "Getting Experience"; recita- tion, Sheryl Ashton; piano solo, Lynne Read; reading, Frank Colbary; play, "The Arithme- tic CIlass"; recitation, Brian Me- Quinn. Santa Clause arrived with a jolly "Ho Ho", and said he had quite a time getting here. After having a joliy time with the younger children. Santa and several helpers distributed baga o! candy and other presents which surrounded a loveiy de- corated Cliristmas tree. A larger attendance was present at the church service than usual on Sunday after- noon when Rev. F. Jackson took as his subject, "The Way ta Christmas". A choir oi six ladies rendered a suitable num- ber.1 Sympathy is extended ta Mr. Arthur Brent and iamlly on the passing ai Mru. Brent also ta M--. Oliver Beckett and fam- ily in the passing of Mrs. Beck- ett. Sympathy is extended ta Mr. and Mrs. David Craig in the death af their infant daugh- ter. The ireezing rain which feU over the weekend made walk- ing and drivîng rather diffi- cuit. fn he Ediior's Mail Box 914, 92 Wellington St., Bowmanville, December 22, 1956. The Editar, The Canadian Statcsman, Bowmanville. Dear Mr. James, On behaîf ai the members of "Club 15" 1 would like ta thank The Canadian Statesman for the e xc ell1e nt co-operation and splendid coverage given our many prajects during 1956. It is my priviiege ta extend ta yau and ta your staff, every good wish and cordial season's1 greetings. With the hope that 1957 finds your health greatly im- proved. Sincerely, M. Marsden, Secretary "Club 15"

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