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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Dec 1956, p. 7

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-N ,. - AD.. Vq SV ATEi. '.A- lràuLIJ A ~UW r9A¶CAf~?A%? e'r A ~T~IA ~.? UPU~II A %?~7W t V P~>~ A ~ Ten-Year-OIds Raise Money for Memorial Hospital Auxili ary This small but hard-working group of 10 and 11-year-old girls cali sold. With cheque in hand. they appeared at the hospital Saturday morn- themselvs the "Sounds Fun" club and from the expressions on most of ing and handed it over for use b-y the Ladies' Auxiiiarv. Miss Shaw made their faces, it was great fun raising $20 which they are shown presenting the draw with the doil being %won by Mvis. Tracy Teupah, Kin- St. W., to Miss Irene Shaw, Superintendent of the Memorial Hospital. They Bo-uvmanville. She held ticket number 919. From left bo right. thev are: started this pro.Iect by holding an afternoon tea which raised enough Linda Steel, Elairie Biggs, Dianne Biggs, Miss Shaw, Jane Oliver, Presi- money to buy the loveiv doil in the photo. Mis. Jesse Van Nest outfitted dent Sharon MeMlurter, Mrs. Ernest Wesselis who supervises the organiza- it with clothes and then the ticket seiling started until over 200 were tion, Cheryi Scott, JudY Scott and Denise Wesseils. BEY vided special music for the church who received a spien- and Mrs. Keith Fairbairn, Petit Christmas evening service at did message from jour minister erborough. Enniskillen on Sunday. W Vt:l wh 0 chose as his text, ' h r e d hi. b ut i Jm yeI Mrs. W. Werry and sons. Frank Was No Rooni in the Inn". The 'knocked down ini first round. He C. Lee, and Brian Lee al w ere male quartette, Messrs. Jack wvas helping Mr. Jackson, Ken.1 royally entertained at the home Franci S, Ronald Werry, w.11. dal, kili the turkceys and one big of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Werry. Werry and Murray Mountjoy turkey gobbler decided lie didn't Enniskillen, following the ser- from Keciron added miuch to want to die, so lie hit Jini mn the vice. 1 the service in their rendition of eve with his -wing and gave hira Rev. R. H-. and Mrs. Rickard, two numibers "Steal Awav il a niice black eye for Christrnas. Alistair and Patsy are spend- Jesuis and -Rise Up O Men of __________ ing the week at Belleville, God". guests of Mrs. Rickard's parent,-, Amidst ail the gaietv of the The most exhiausting thing in Mr. and Mrs. Clarke. Christmas season Dan Cupid 111e, 1 have discovered, is being Mrs. Humphrey, Toronto, has arrived ahead of Santa Clais insincere. That is 'vyso rnuch beenspedin a fw dys ithpiercing with his arrow twr) of social life is exhausting: one hier son, Jack Francis and fam- younig gallants in the persons is wearing a rnask.-Anne Mor- ily. of Messrs. Bill nid Ted Werry. row Lindbergh. ________ Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mar- Relatives and friends assem. lowe, Blackstock, were Mon- bled in the Hall to honour these two y oung men on tîîei: day guests of Mr. and Mrs . Har- recent marriages. Mr. and Mrs. old Werry. Win. Werry (iiee Marlene Can- i Miss Edythe Short, Smooth trillt and Mr. and Mrs.. Ed- Rock Falls, spent the weekend wvard Werry (nee Joy Perigoe) at Kedron with relatives. of Caesarea. With Rev. Green Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Jebson, as cliairinan a prograîli was CUSTOM MàAOO Carolyn and Gordon, Beaver- presen ted with readings b'. ton; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mesdames R. J. Ormiston and Brown and Eric. Oshawa, joined E. Trewini and 10r. Frank local miembers of the famnily for Stenger: vocal solos 6Y Mibs a pre-Christmas fainily party Margot Rankine, Haydon, and and oyster supper at the home Miss- Shirley Milîs accompan- of Mrs. Fletcher Werry on Sat- ied bv Miss Elenor Heard; pi- urday evening. ano solo by Mr. Ronald Ashton. Mr. and Mrs. H-arvey Cross- Several humorous selections man were guests at the wedding were given by the maie quar- and receptioti of Mliss Mlae Nay- tette, Messrs. John Slemnon, lor and Walter Haas of Zion on Edgar Wright, Orvillc' and Ross Satu:day alternoon, at the Ashton ,vith Mrs, E. Wrignt home of the bride's parents, as accompanist. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Naylor. Mesdames R. and I. Sharp Miss Olive Luke, Toronto,1 presented the couples with and MViss Beryl Mountjoy, Loni- corsages and boutotinieres and 6$MoÂ$4 don, are spending a few dlas Messrs, Ron Ashton, S. Lamb, smW at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B.* Werrv, C. Stainiton and Mrs. Wý. L. Mountjoy. R. Virtue presented the newly- w eds with gifts of card table ofthme community îollowîng an address read to them by Mr. EW T M. J. Hobbs. D Messrs. R. Sharp and J. Me- AN Gill presented mirrors fromr the N soccer team of which Bill and 1 I- Ted uere memibers. Thie groomns M Owa on mnade replies expressing ther IN con appreciation. NMusîc xvas sup- onSun- Iplied by Mrs. F. Griffin, uc eerlIim LA was served. u LnCe er l o past month. Thev plan to re- Vfff~ I'L \L L turn home next week. Fu st JILUÂ1 Our Christmas public actvi- The owmavill conregaionties have ceatred around chui-ch cS'ocial~ r ChristmasI Teervicesillt cngregatilandicechool.wT he aty fr ofJehovah's Witnesses is one of 1., clba S ociai "(Z)U-rsoflal è~~~~~~leven thal will be asse.mbling at eeatne . ag oge in ea ihIl'at o the R. H. King Collegiat e Insti-' e vï e gations. Rev. R.1. Rickard ueilhe xplorers' Group in the Phone M 3-3303tute, Scarborough, on Jan. 4, 51 (Contînued from Page one) as his .ernion thenie-The Lighit Sunday Schiool roomn on Dec. circu it-n ein. i-n u l t l have an able re r s n and deait with tliings that are parehnts.C. .. . G o p h d "' 'uit onvetion tatveGerry VaniShpn emnn n hita.Cor w Mrs. F. Cator, Salem, spent familv were with his brother. With Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Dip- who lives in this district. With- pmeraen in Cl riŽtas. Choir Thil enGIT. Gr oup hd two Christmas with relatives in 1 Mi. and Mrs. Ted Mason, Scar- pell over Christmas were their in a few minutes the K.L.M. Xilan arrangemient otf Xhat v'ear. The first of these was the Toronto. borough, for Christmas. daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Ray- mani was at Jury's and on the i hsLvlyFarne n hita epr l Miss Nettie Gowdv, Guelph., Airs. Lk T. Brandon, Midiand, mond Muirhead and Peter, re- phonie to Montreal ari- 'iS tas Lovly Fragance.e' aîd hmstmad V e, Ca nd e speentCCrismssmas th Mrt andMi. a pnYing Chaismii ngmlidNAsScai tl, selitseCandnîe".glen.LigssaneNend Wtepe GioneSer- Mis. W. B. Reynolds. with hetr daLughter, Mr. and Mrs.1 and Mr. and Mrs. Beecher to the Bank of Montreal's Ait cmaieqatetote îsc oribut- 16ices.nGundy evenmng Dec. Miss Kav O'Neill. Montreal, Jack Lander and family. Menizies, Clinton. Constable who came from home The sacrament of infant bap- Corlaedrce h u spent Christmas with her par- Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bantinîg Weekend visitors with Dr. and to the bank \vhere reit\v sr a pefmdfo Nils ndte1C.IT nn- crits, Mr~. and Mrs. J. O'Neill. and family spent Christmas Day Mrs. Keith Siemon were hec arranged, then a hop to iMayor tDsuglas prol.or. d fors. erlsicad sthed17 CG.i.Tleaders- Doulasoso oOsboardMrs'bes,;sised y teirleaers Mrs. Dora M. Palmer, Oshawa, \Vith his brother, Mr. and Mrs. parents, Mr. and, Mrs. J. R Nes* son'st bat Douglas Love, borni on July Mesdames O. C. Ashton and R. spent Christimas with lier claugli- Carl Banting, Brampton. Thompson, Sr~., St. Catharines; letter which would show tha, 19, 1.956, and for Gary Clifford B. Green, had complete charge ter, 'Mr. aîd Mrs. Ralph Ames, MrIi. Glenholme Hughes whoI Mc. Jack Thompson, Queen's Mr. Sweep xvas well known and Foster, soli o! Mr. and Mrs. o! the services, whichwer arnd JîlI. was in Sunnybrook Hospital hast University, Kingston; Miss Jane respected here. Shortly afterWi.Sodn r nAustvycabl peetdt i Mrs. J. B. E. Staples and Dr. week for a check-up returned Von Zuben, Fort Erie. 11,nih M.195p6a n heW . Mr.onden born oge lavrye capratipente t Dooh .Jms oothome in tfine for Christmnas. train to Montreal where lus 1956. Mr. nddrs.Geore large coregton. eviewr Dorothv M. Jaes, TorontoSpending Christmas weekend plane took off within hours of 1we tedda gdaet h res !-sriewr spent Christmnas with Mrs. N. S. Ms ay odrQenswt r n e.H .Rni i ria h etdyh for Baby Gary'. distributed by Misses Doris B. James. University, is spending Christ- were two Toronto University stu- was in the Netherhands. He will Aduit class sessions have Pikrig.idaseGoriadWicki Mliss Shirley Kitson, Winni mas bolidays with her parents, dents, Mr. Maria Louis O!fnda ik up hlis passport from the bencnNae hog ecm ikrncy isssWoria re igh t peg, Mai., spent Christmas with AMr' and Mrs. Laurence Goddard. and Mr. Kwamina Barnes of pCadin oslae i h ber by Franîk C. Lee and How~ and I'aiyWo csdda lierý parents. Air. and M\rs. Wil- Mcr. Ray Pr'eston o! the Hamn- Africa. Ail spent Christmnas Day Netheclands aftec he arrives. ard Farndale.thoraadpinreecv- rc Ktn.iloJuirhce em pn ihD.adMsH.C nl, ly. Pres. Reva McGilI read the lrrd ktsoîî ilto Junio hocky tea, spen xvît Dr. nd Mrs H. C Runde, _________________ Kdron undaySahoolheld oCallto Worhip" nd ivnvoca Mliss EiaehPovr t hita ekn ihbspr rgtn a Christmas concert. on Friday tion". The Scripture readingsi \ichael's College, Toronto, is ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Pres- Mrs. W. A. Wilson (nee Berta F'TTT evening xith Superintendent were given by Miss Elenor llvitli bier parents for the Chrisst-,to0i. Brent o! Tyrone) and Mr. and .L\L ±IJL Harold Werry as Chairmian. Heard, Misses Carrol Wrigtit, mias lîolidays. Mr~. and Mrs. Frank Harvey, Mrs. Lorne Henry, Toronto. whoi Mes. W. Davi's' ciass o! begitu- Nancy Wood and Lorna Wearn Mr. and Airs. Harland Triîih. Franik Jr, and John, Toronto, were in Bowma .rvil e o o- W'e were ail vcry sorr.v o fiters gave a group recitation, led ln the prayers. Miss Ruth llaiiipton, were Sunda ugtwr hitnsvstr ihMday attndng hefueral o! Airs. hiear of Ille passiiig o! Mrc. 'The Signal". Sylvia Wond Lamb read the Christmas poem.I dcinnîeîr guests o! Mc. aîd AMes. land Mrs. Arnold Smnith, Liberty Arthur Brent, calied. on MArs. John Patton on Moîîday of last played a piano solo "~Lttle Miss Doris Wright made the Wharhui-es Johns. 1 St. N.1 Herbert Layman who bas been a week. Hec funeral was lield on Brown Bird". The large group announcements. The offeringI With Mc. and Airs. C. E. I Mr. and Mrs. Harr.v Osborne,1 friend o! Mrs. Wilson's for over Friday ln the Orono Cburch. o! Primary eblîdren taught 1bY which was explained by Treas.j Rehideir for Chiristnmas wene t heir 1 Detroit, spent Christmas withl 50 veans.j Flowers. inemorial to Mrs. Mrs. G. Glover and Mis. W. Nancy Wood was eeceîved byl aute.MorndMsBilMs. R. E. Osborne and Louise,l atnadMs . al eMWryprsne he-c Wla uti. MBrocdilhe.Bid istedMn adrs. . and Mrs. Walter Vaneyk P tnadMs .Fiswr er nsne he-c Misses Doris Wright, Linda Yen.1 M.aisnd Mîocks E. Hoa sp n O se r n r esnand Jh, grne; Mr. and Mrs. placed in churcb here Sunday. play "The Sai-ne Chrstmîas". uyGenLosAhnaci rs E . oa pet sbrn.Paul Vanex ý, Paul, Jan andAîîdcod erd laszt Joanne Milîs was the excellenut wJude Greeb Loi-nahton n. Chrisinas weekend withi theiri Major and Mrs. William Dawn, LongSauit: Mr. and Mrs. Thursdav night for the Keudal reader for the play. Marletie A delighttui stony, "Beautifui son,AMr. anîd Mrs. Chiarlie lHoaîr' ro\v'i aîîd amily. Ottawa, aeCaisPnadnadWdPbi coiCrsmsCn Wood played a piano solo, and I ~Cid vsms.efc- and famiiy, Toronto. spending Chrismas boliday s with' Long Sault, and Mr. Paul Vne et and was awanded witb a a 'lu mornus skit was enacted by îîe\ presented by Missesi SpeningChrstms wth r 1their parents, Mrs. J. J. Brown Brink, Burketon, spent Crs-pogramme gneally enjoyed by nemda By.Go7 WihtadRv M- Riid Mers. Sain Black wvere bie: ad r. and Mrs. E. S. Harnden. mas Eve withu Mr. aîîd Mrs. Har- aIl. John Hanicock played a des- GilI. parents, Mer. and Airs. C. W.; Chr'istmas guests \witlî Mr.atnd nid DeMihle and family. Mr. and Mrs. Hatcher Foster crîptî\'e piano solo -~O1d Grizz- Th'e leaders in the Candie Varcoe o! Roseneathi. 1AMrs. Robent Kent and Mr. Carl ly". A chorus by the Young Ligbting Service were Misses Mc1ap artes e et eeM.JbiKnOt Spending Christmnas Day with enjoyed supper Sunday even- Pol' lsui-oiia ea MGlRt ab Mr aphCruhes e 1Kn er i.JonKn, t ;Mr. and Mrs. Harcv Allun were ing xith Aic. aîîd Mrs. Allilî 7pe lsuigoiini ea MGl. Rt ab orCiy. spent Christmnas hol- \AirM. and Mfrs. Arthîur KentMr. aîîd Mrs. M. "Proctor and Foster and familv.ves aenoe.JieDvsCrol Wgb an Lra diays \ith lus parents, Mr. and : Toronto. !mî rc~le cadMsID t played a piano solo, and Alvin Wearn wben the whole group Mrs. W. H. Canruthers. IDe. CG, N. Murphy, Dr. N. J.1 Wilbur Miller, Oshawa: Mr. and urdav. h tr uSt pne o IeAui l, omdiiasm-iceaou I Mrpy, ot o Subuy.aîeMis I. . no, Troto Mc teateu roads weie made playecinîouth organ intuzic. A the Communion table wita Ms.L.C.Maonau senin te hrstna biiays Aldrs1. Jack AlliornofaMr. trherosanîd iuy throughout vocal duet %vas sîing bv to ligh'ed tapers. withi their sister, Airs. William Cobour~g- Mr. anîd Mrs. Lornereked characters introduced' as* Shîr- Miss Linda Yeo Eprse Prower. Allun and Julie, and Mrs. Fred A large nuniber o! the Ken- ley Harmer and Marilyn Mlon- Ilbe appreciation anîd the good Xith Mir. and Mrs. Wilfcid'1 Neads, town. dal Young People's Union en- roe, but who, under their pret- -wtsbes o! the group to the au- Carrthes fc Crisina wek- jTheDec 2Oh isueo! ana -cyd singing cairols from bhouse ty hia:s and punafores pioved dience, and Miss Elenor Heard CaruhrsfdCita wene 1ThDc. and Mrsu.of Keith 1 to b ouse ou Christmnas Eve, to to be Mcr. Arthur Stainton and explained the use of the Whit e end ere i-. nd Ms. K itiiaîî Broadcasteî' and Telescreen people o! the comimunit. They W'alter Davis, Tfieir nuimber Gifts ivoicli wvere douated by~ Hughes. Ottawa. (airries a photo and article on ahso sanîg iin thle Starkville i-ws~DntWaî oPa i eneso h oîrgton 1 the filining o! a Salvation A rniv, trici. Lai~eri n tbe even iig. ail Youtr Yard". lot the Old Peopie's Home ai Chrsîms Dy gest wth c. eleisin eris elie 'Te etucned tn the home o! Mr. ancl 'lite fie cohoured film -Peace Cobouîrg. These were deiivered and Mis. Heeb Coînier were ber Living Word', showinig the auth- IMiS. H. Fostei for a beatty on Eartli" xvas shown"l on the tn thent by Mr, and Mrs. M. J. sons, Mi. and Mrs. Gen. Robertsl or Major Arnold Browvn and lunch atnd recreation. screeîî, witli Brian Lee as nar-1 Hobbs and Mr. C. Carvetii of and famiily, Toronto: Mr. andiSenlior* Captaiti Ernie Fa]lle. i _____________ rator. Jeanine Werrv \vas plat'- 1 Newcastle. Mes. Ernest Rober~ts, town. ! Major Brown \vas biead of the îst boi- the puograni, Santa de-j The gnuup rendered two tineI - ~~Able Seaman Ralph Vinle spent Bowýmativille Corps a few vears ~hgmduelregop0 hh nhis Va hl s Christmas leave witlî bis fatnilv ago The series wIIl be reieas- .LILV IUNVILLd fn iîlue jlai,e roiu fcil ap-'iles" ad 0Hol Nît' h * befote leaviiîgtil hforoElgý pt and athell'hd Mandc1,Ho.yNgt.Th Middreleast g ou HMCS 'andth e-' rh 5 pearauce, anud aIl the children iC.G.I.T. group occupîed tIi e Midile Easturay. DCember 29. ttending the wedding of Me. Congratulations to Mr. and I eceixed a Christnmas sî.ocking Choir loft. and pulpit and thc nifcetSatrdv.Devmbr 9. Bill Bcnugh. soif of Mr. and Mes. Mrs. Fred Nesbitt wbo were 25 \vith the S. S. treat.1 Exphocei's' Gi'ouLIP the fronitt Mr. andI Mrs. 'Doit Mason aîîdiDaniel T. Brough, Bowinanvilielyears înai'nied on1 Dec. 23rdi. At Ille coniclusito! o the re- pexxs. Rev. R. B. Greenî closed familv. Toronito. wei'e iin toWvn and Miss Marianne Rita Deser- r.TmCuyad gular choir practice on Wed- the serice wiith te Beîîedic-1 for the ueekend. IlIs mntbei'. cari. daughter o! Mr. and Mrs. daugbmen Dawiu. Bancroft, aîîd îesday evening, pî'esidenl, How- tion. O ne-oiC.L andng! ' n, returned to L. C. Desecirari, Toronto, ou Sat- Miss Mai'garet Curry, Calgary aî'd Farudcale muade a piesenta- The second C.G.I.T. fonction On-Pin anin!j urno vih hrnfo hrsturdav vveniug, Dec'. 22. in Vic- 1 veen uss !M.tion o! loveîy 'munis on1 behaU xvas the Christmnas panty at thie ia". toria Pnesbvterian C i i r c hl,1 ' a eknd Mrs, RtsoodBruce of tIi, choir mieuibers, to Dire(:- parsoriage. Six member- direct- 1 it Me.dC J.Sma. fi oont. WtfdMisBDaueeT. THE point? ' Ais. C.eJber dauge fr, rough. wMc. anl'urs . aiT. Mns. J. T. Pearce retumned to 1 ttrMes. Ross Lee. j cd gaines. There vas Itle usial Mu'. aîîd s .erehîî BasighteîudBroigli. Mr. and AIrý. Johacoko ihMau n.W' Miss Eleanor Mourit îoy~ wasIgift excbauge with Miss Chlers' I ; AIr.and Mr. Alln Balsn and1 BrOLgIl. ir. an Mrs.John! orontcwste r.!eîhotbes o 1! tnubeRoof th 1actîng, atinSau S a.t. Ms. It nias cost Tou hundreds faniilv, Kiîîgslon, and son, Mcr. Humph)ire\-. Mrs. Tom WM'right, ter Wîîlittakei. Lu spenci Christ-UitdLisC1souTedyGre aîdbrLxodiger of dollars, if someone is adMs uhSilCii r. o unl. hia injued n yor Pemies! uclMrs.IlcghiStutle, Mc.and rs.Don unde. wit i em.e eîî hiias w orshîp, served a bountifuul lunîch injurd envour rernses!Mr. Jeri'v Reicllîratih and coîîducted i\ PresideiîL Roi Sehool Concert Me. . . dgcMcan i"end o! Toronuto are spending \Verv was fo lîo\\ed hv buisiniess Our Commînit>- Hall was the BeoetaAimoe ad rs. JohnA. James, Joir. anid[ laf T1few vda vs witb bis gî'audpar- 1il, xxhicuulte class votecd $20) seLîinkfoi- the School Concert Beoe htsoen lns M .J pnM at s, o! hnrtad! MAPLE GRO E ns f' an lr.An.1 o. Bob. spen iiparelofaChristmasupplies. $23 ILuM. aiid M.; ou Dec. 19 pî-eseîuted hy Mnr on ou w ll t, le u p o- Da y wvithî M r. aidc M rs. W nu R. G a c o m u n o i. a d M s fe Cox and $25 to start a fnd toc' e w M . Scott and M iss J. W o nina-J vide sou~vihu (onure- Edgeî' and daugbter. Debbîe, in! S5ndav when a special White le!t by plane oct Satueday forc tir ou.Te oii epl otad theli' 52 pupils. It w hensi'e Personal Liability Peterborouigh, G! evc a ohwd . eîe he uî gi eo superlative quality anîd ci-I Inuane Ms Jnt ieriewa o! lwdihClfr to visit a brother lie xvillhiuu to undectake the churchu joyed iby an overflowirîg hall of Inuac.AisJntDale, Toronto, a ubro Explorer girlsliîad no, seen un, 18 yegns. car:Ltakiing, anîd inake tîuus fur- interested parents, relatives and spent Christmîas with ber par-' takîng part in siuging one o! Mes. Wmi. Iglow is spendingI ther contribution Io the chiucch. frieuds. Judy Green, Lois Ash- Approximately $10,000 of ents. Mcr. and Mns. MT. S. Dale. the hy'mns; Mcs, W. Il1. Brown te oliday seasýon with !riends Rex'. R. H-. Riekard conucct- tonî and Kathîr>n were pianists protecton forabout1 Miss Peggy Lowýýe o! Tasmania, telliug the stor, cm ar pprestettioonTrout. aaoutsoa$gav.a yradMn . TWn.anteiat Orono. ed election o! officers fot' the !oe the prograin. Bruce Mlîs prsnl frniageto. ws ' a gve ren bv Twoirand a s Mr. and Mis. Thos. Turner cléiý,: PaSt Pres.. RoujacI dWerny; and Douglas Ferguson acted as ChPiis.,asnîaiî Lee; Vice-Pib,.- 1 chairinan. Ldito Geo. W. James spent special message was given byan fmiBomnule d Grant Spencer; Sec'ty., Eleanori 'Thle prognain consisterd of ce- STUART B. JAMES Chitas in Memiorial Hospital our pastor. Mns. John Turnier, Orono, xxitb I MIocîntjoy; McadMs.Fe rbL eas.. Robert Spcn citations by Gail Stainton, Janet Bon anvle, but is making, Sacrament o! the Lord's s*er; Assistanut Sec'. 'reas., Keru- Robson, Judy Green,.le INSLRANCE REAL ESTATE 1g90d pnogress. TIîe many cards1 Supper i'ifl- be observed on Soda" îeît Dyck; PianiEt, Jeanîne Turnbuli, Betty Wright Ruui received from fi'iends wvere1 Sunday. AMc. and Nies. Howard Ormnis- WVerrv. ('1ass teacherS Werei Pethick and Bernard LePinle Of fice Residence1 greatî' appreciated. Mnr. and Mns. Doug McNairn tonu ieîd a Christnias famîhy chosen. wilh Mcs. liacold W er- 1 Betty and Lawrence Wcigt MA -561 M 3-493 I Mi. and Airs. H. V. Reeves. and daugliters. o! igla dine aîruSudy ve y, assisted b> Hlowand l'arn- 1 sang a pheasing dutet, "I Sa'x RintStret . BwmanilllCagan, Ata.,hav ben vsit Crek, ereSunyHigsiaons the guests umbered over thir- dae, uquested to act in thaât Mummy Kissig Sata", accorn- lgS r e E o m n i n g acx', A ul t , have .bend vis .it- Crc ek. we n Suuday v i r 1toç we r en e e . and~ office. panied by their sister G o c:î. - -i--thei---a dpa-nt-, M r .' T uet p r s to an -i îMý bi D ng their daugber. c S.,ando r s. a d M -Mcs. K îR . Rmistotandnan.- M s. W . L. M ouritjoy and 1 Thce drills, C I r i s t ni a Zs i Dn Alit. Fedeic St. fr te a is ±. ~. Sex us, j lx': Mr. and Mes. Walter Or- Eleanor served delicinus re- Wceath and Star drills by Sr. _____________This community "éxtecds con- miston and familv; Mr. and freshinents, and Kenieth Dy ck girls and Clown Drîilb>' Su'. grtlations 10 Mr. and Airs. R. Me's. Raîpb Ornuiston and faîn- 1 led in fine recceation. boys PîaNs, "Sauta',-, leîpe!'Ž' R. tevens who on Tbctrsday tly; i. and Ms. Torn Baker1I lui attendance t the baptis- i1w the Jrs. and "Sauta o1! (oa cehebrate theur 57th land famiîy, and Air, Edwin Or-1 mai service for babies Gary Trial" bv the Srs. The juic ng 1 Snowýden anîd Neil Love xxere1 ronin gave a group of action A PPR EC IA TIO N D A Y ~~'Air and AMrs. Albert Brown, iWrdbs en1e'evd îom Ms. Chas. Cia>', Guelph; Mcr. rh nbad eeco. BîlI and Betty Aine. Hamilon; '-e tMim,!lnd.C. Knowles and Lorraine, Mnr. an(ca Christmnas Acro.stic: Tiiere A PPREC IA TIM s ax on noden TooniLiWdsa lrn Fod.a 0Miss Ethiln Atod, Toro- T are enijo\> ng a wô ndenful and M-s. Geo. Kox eMr. atud W severa go(s ! 11,uî' DHAW EVERY SATURDAY - 3 P.N. pntCrtrip ioiax O.Xf . * - - lesî,e BOOtll.- allcf 0-i- Pach o! the gcouipý and xx 'b 1$iset Chxisth he areu5 c n ' îdN:s îfe odax-M n r.Llr oe o rîp 'fiiu Agni obmsuo- ge Theys- 'lu dowxs. MANVERS STATION' Another chance is given to jj ~canotes tread an unknoxvn way, to bearj Fire another's b 1urden as we journcy 1Il day by da.%, another chance for i * Sickn h I oving and lifting eavy hods another c*uance !ot' oping w'ben i Acci whichi w'eary is the road. atiotîter "chance I ieusdail foc serving, for faith and cour- * Mu1tit'ols by the gladness, and maybe sorrow, too;i "Away another chance for labor, a 58 Simpson, Aented1 chance for those wbo w'ait, 'for Ie i Bowmaivl.?a now the gladsome Newv Yeaî' open wid be mysie gte.Phone MA 3-3 Mr. and Mrs. XVm, MeGill and' Newcastle- Phon famils', Barrie, are visiting with . Mrs. W. Bradley'.i Congratulations to Mr. and Mcs. John Stubbins (nec Jovcel Cavano) Knob Lake, Labrador,! ou the arrivai o! a baby b>', a! brother foi' Billv. Mr. Clifford Hudson hai been! appointed as a guard on thej pet'maueut staff o! the Dept. oni Reform Institutions-, lie is on dcîty noxv at Minico Reforma- " toc>N'.I The Christmnas concerts ar'e ail] 1 over for another veau'. We hi car giowing accounits o! the stlcndid conicerts put on1iii ouri'mmcd- iale vicinity. _Mis. Allait Wood, ~' teacher at Carsc'adden's School, had a lange attetudance and a goo prgrrn thier concert 9 Wednesdav night and Mrs. Eaîl * Fuel Dii Arguîe, teacher a Fallis sehool, tbat gathered and flth piend~~id*Sov!i xvay ~ ~ ~ ~ Siv thepupl pifrmd concert Tbîtnsdax- niglt. 1 -'Atmteiete Mcr. and Mcs. Alfred Johnston ý u spentt Ihue wc',epkend wxith Mt'. and ~ controhled and met- Mrs. Knox MacLeod, Gisy.~ ered deliveries give Miss Liuîda Stephienson us you the best ln spcndiuîg a !ew dax's lu Osbawaý service! with Mi-. and Mrs. Clifford B1rown and familv. ,PHIONE Mr. and Mi's. Orville CItallice ' MA and !amîly aî'e spending Chrust- mas xxith Mi'. and Mns. Harvey 1 Aikens, Fallis Line. Ow,,jig t the icy condition of the coads, lthe attendance w'as r sinali at the Christmnas stervic Sna' moruing. Those Who: were absent missed a ceai treat' Rex'. R. R. Bonsteel hrougbt thue îîrojec'tor and showed a film o!, A . H the Christmnas story entitledý -Holy' Niglit" with the narrat ion1 recorded, which was enjoyed by Sturrock aIl.I AND SONS, Santa Clauis bas been working i overtime. quite a ilyinber arounid MPERIAL E890O DEALER. livre îece'uvecl new tZisiion sets foi' Christmnas. Sturrock St. - Bewmnanville Mcr. and Mis. Earl Arguîe aî'e 1 Just %West of Scugog speniîdng Chrisîtmaos xith Mi'___________________ 4, '~ s. 4 O I 4. 4,. & 4'. 6* - f -'s. s', 'v.' 4~ January Clearance Sale (EFFECTIVE NOW) To reduce our stock before rnoving.' Wallpapers and Borders nt large reductioris. A SUGGESTION - To brighten that plain walI eindUî1l"rder for a roorn 12 x 15 for only , 90C -JýnyLines of Interior and Exterior Paints Eeduced Io Clear 100 quarts I-igh Quality Paint OnIy $1.00 qt. Corne at once for hest choice. ABERNETHY'S PAINT AND WALLPAPER'* Phone MA 3-5431 Bowrnanville 85 Ring St. W. ID A eqv Dm wPeli. itsi 4

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