e&wA~Aw ~A~WAW U~AJ.U ~ -~ - - ~RegenTheBeatbCombines ned thee 'ý,Reg nts B at Co binesscoring on a goal by Raye Ws and late in the period Rosa Mc- JfGili rifled a hot one from the Break Loose in Second Nue lne that ticked theue iginto the net to even the Thre WayTiefor irscounit at 1-1. Thre W a Ti for# is t Bail made it 2-1 for the visitors and three minutes later Jack A four-goal eruption by the îng in a much bigger score. Graham increased the lead on a Linday Rgens inthesecod tsolo effort. Chuck Armstrong Leidaylets the semande Avalanche of Rubber kept the Combines in the gaine OerooCoie srteeling and i- With s uch an avalanche Of 1as he taok Gerry Robinson's pass oedComth e sr to ickpanal rubber being blasted at hlm and let drive a blazing 40-footer lo-3t wiintrasnto ik ah from ahl angles Hawe probably past Joe OSrien in the Lindsay1 Memorial Arena. This loss putsifetikagunapgtteGodhcg. the B.O.C.'s in a three-wvay tie year Tire and Rubber plant. Th e Howe ver, the Regents started withLinsayandCoburgforCombines' backchecking lefttopl wyatinhescd withLinsayandCoburgformuch ta be desired and on sevt- ulaa at ntescn first place in the Lakeshore, Î with Ron Teel and Bob Grow-1 Intrmeiat "A hokeyloo. 1eral occasions the Regents man-,e ohfnigtemr o Intrmejat "" hcke iop.aged ta launch two and thre en ahfnig h akt Once again it was the inability men rushes with only one B.O.C. seThe Corbies t 5-2.vta ta polish off fine scaring oppor- defenceman ta thwart off thej ized for the final stanza but were tunities that sank tIe lacals and attack. unabie ta crack the Lindsay de- eut their winning streak at faur On ane rush two Lindsay play- fence and Joe O'Brien except on games. Lindsay outplayed the'ers broke into the clear but the single occasion at the 14:43 31O.C.'s for the greater part of were ably turned aside by Ross mark as Raye West found hirn- the gaine, completeiy outshoot- Hawe. A minute later the same self the triggerman on a three- Ing them 44-28. It was anly pair were presented with the way passing pattern froin Junior tbrough saine brilliant saves by same situation and this time and Dean West. Itoss Hawe that the Lindsay made no mistake with Bob The game was ane cleanly Inarksmen were kept froin turn- Growden denting the twine and played with only five penaltiesi ~Wimp" Parker assisting. handed out and four of these 1Raye West was hot and caidlIwent ta Lindsay. throughout the evening for the' Line-ups: N NE icombines but stili managed ta Lindsay,,-Goal, O'Brien; de- lq NE Y:1pick up two goals with Frank fene Burns, Green; forwards, Hooper and Dan Mercer assist- Bail, Orley, Hutton; alternates, AVAILABLE FOR ing an one and Junior and Dean Hennessey, Williams, Parker, 7 West on the other. Grawden, Crawfard, Mendie, 1< OR T A GE 5 Frank "Sonny" Hooper pro- TeelMcGill. - ol the game as he started out on Hawe; defence, Edwards, Dyks-t the forward line until the Orono Itra; forwards, Hooper, R. West, Ralpn S. Jones "morchants" arrived and then Junior West: alternates, Mercer, shited back ta defonce where ho Marshal, Welsh, Yourtb, Robin- flarri1ste]r and Solicitor cnnudtshwfaesfieson, D. West, Armstrong. t 65 Slmcoa St. S. Oshawa stick handling. a ssieseadycor R2Ev Edwards played Bines Drecor RA ~ 'game on defence and started e________________ _________several rushes.framn his rear- - ed hitU4h, dear father of Toronto. cutt & Smit Division St., ice on Thur at 2 p.m. Cemetery, PERGUSON/ pital. BowmE, December 24, Ferguson, New, years, beloved h ence Ferguson. S at the Marris Fii Bawmanville, an December 26th at ') ment Cadmus GREEUBLIC SKATING Absaroke,' Dec. 13t2 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 281h beloved Grse - St 0pm jAdmission - . . - Aduits 40c, Students 25c [ Intermediate "A"' Hockey Game ai 9 p.m. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 291h Lindsay Regents v S. -~Bowmanville - Orono Combines Admission ------ ----- -------Aduits 75c for Reserved Seats and General Admission Students and Children---------- 0c New Year's Eve PUBLIC SKATING MONDAY, DECEMBER 31st 8 ta 10 p.m. &.MISSION - - - Aduits 40c, Students 25e New Year's Day PUBLIC SKATING 2tIo 4p.m. - 8 to 10p.m. TUESDAY, JANUARY Ist qDMISSION - - - Aduits 40c, Students 25e SPECIAL! CHILDREN'S SKATING 3:30 - 5:30 p.ni. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 2nd 12 years and under oiily ~25c Aduits acconmpanying children ---- .---25c HOCKEY ai 8:30 p.m. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 2nd, Aurora Robson Pontiacs AdMiSsion . . . . . . . . Aduits 50e Children - 25e Accounlancy RAY 3. DILLING Certif led Public Accountant 93 Church Street MArket .3-3861 WM. J. H. COGGINS Chartered Accountant 64 King St. E. Bowmanville (Above Garton's'Bus Station) 64 King Street E. MONTEITH - MONTEITE RIEHL & CO. Chartered Accountants 135 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa RA 5-4662 Partners: J. W. Monteith, M.P., F.C.A. A. B. Monteith, B.Comm., C.A. G. W. Riehl, C.A. (Licensed Trustee) G. E. Trethewey, C.A. R. F. Lightfoot. C.A. YALE, FRTEDLANDER, HUNTER & CO. Accountants andl AudItors 64 King St. E. RA 5-1621 Oshawa B. L. Yale. C.A. F. Friedlander, B. Comm., C.P.A J. Hunter, C.P.A. C h ir op ra c 1lc G. EDffIN MANN, D.C. Chiropractor Office: 15 Elgin St., cor, of Horsey St. i Phone MA 3-5509 Office Fours: By Appointment D entfal DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.DS. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. 40 King St. W. Bowmanville Office EFours: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. ta 12 noon Saturday Closed Sunday Office Phone MA 3-5790 House Phone - Newcastle 3551 DR. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. Office in his home 100 Liberty St. N. - Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. dal1y 9 a.m. ta 12 noon Wednesday Closed Sunday Phone MA 3-5604 DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. I Offce ~ Office 23 KingSt E. - Bowmanvflle Ofic Fours: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. ta 12 noon Saturday Closed Sunday Telephone: Office MA 3-5459 Le g a STRIKE and STRIKE Barristers, Solicitors Notaries Public WV. R. Strike, Q.C. A. A. H. Strike. B.A. 40 King St. W. - Bowmanville Telephone MA 3-5791 LAWRENCE C. MASON, R.A. Barrister, Solicitor Notary Public King St. W. - Bowmanville Phones: Office MA 3-5688 Residence MA 3-5553 NUSS APHA L. HODGINS Barrister. Solicitor Notary Public Temperance St. - Bowmanville Morigages LEROY HAMIfLTON - ORONO Phone 1 r 16 First Mortgage funds Residences - Fari Business Properties Optomefry Optometrist 141 King St. E. Bowinanville Office Hours: By appointment Telephone MArket 3-3252 Monday ta Saturday 9 a.m. ta, 5 pi. Wednesdayvs: 9 to 12 Thursdav eveninizz JOHN A. OVENS Optometri st Jury & Loveli Bowmanviile Phone MA 3-5778B Piano Tun-g Prafessional Pia,4 sampjç- ARTHUR CI-t Dert. T-2U Phone 21.. Box 91, Hae Miilèrs Beat Courtice- in Close. 2 - 1 Baffle Newcastle Defeated Miller's Taxi were pressed bard before eking out a 2-1 win over Courtice Thursday even- ing in the Town League while in the second game Front Street ran up an early lead ta down Newcastle 7-4. Buck Cowle gave the Taxi- men a 1-0 first period lead and Tim Cox increased this ta 2-0 .early in the mniddle stanza. Courtice finally found the range in the third period as Ed- wards hoisted the puck into the cage ta break the goase egg but were unable ta blink the light again. Bill Lyle was flying high for the Main Drag boys, perfarm- ing a 3-goal bat trick within the first seven minutes of the game and later scored a fourth goal in the second period. After yielding 3 goals Newcastle struck back fast as Brown and Phil Gilmer each potted single- tons.1 tFront Street kept contrai oof the game by scoring twice in the second with Chuck Kilpat- rick and Lyle being the marks- mnen. Lane cut the Streeters' lead down ta 5-3 but Clint Ferguson and Don Bishop scwed up the game with a goal apiece setting the caunit at 7-3. With a second left in the game Phil Gilmer gave Newcastle its fourth goal. In tanights (Thursday) dou- ble-header the battle for first place will be continued with Miller's meeting Front Street in the first game and Caurtice clashing with Newcastlo. BOCs Swamp Redmen In Own Backc Yard 13-3 If was Combines' nighit ail some sharp netminding. the way as our high flying In- Dean West led the Combines termediate squad swamped Port in scoring by picking up five Hope 13-3 in the Redmen's own goals and onè assist.« Brother back yard on December 19, to Raye netted one and six and leave them in a neck and neck Junior counted twýo and three. tie with Lindsay Regents for Frank Hooper counted fortwo second place ini the Lakeshore and three, Gcrry Robinson Intermediate -A" lonp. one and thrce and Chuck Arm- Taking command in the op- strong tallied two. Max Yourth ening stanza, the Combines acldeci one atnd two, while Jack1 wve ahead 3-1 when it canmc Mar 4hall coLunted ithree assists time for fihe teamns t ta1eýc and Bun Wýelsh one. leave for the dressing roomi. A Ray'e and Junior West pick- the second period drcw to a ed up $5 each from. Gartons. close they' were holding a six i Coach Lines for their scoring goal rnargin over their hosts. jefforts. Frank Hooper netted a Combine plays scemcd 1o $5 prize from Riekaby's Big click nearlv everv finie Their "0 for his. These prizes are forward lines carried some awarded by four local mer- iandv piay* s and exerted a bez- chai3t.,ý to the various players fer style of hackcheclking. Ros for goals and assists. Ini addi- i-awe xvas in his usual forrni tion the goal tender reccives a from the start as he displayect pri7e if he produces a siutout. Legionnaires Split Series with Port Hope Bowmanville's Juvenile Legion- Panthers tied it at 1-1 ,when flaires after suffering a closeiJohns on a pass from Fentoni 4-3 defeat at the hands of the sent the ruhber home at 7:53. Port Hope Panthers on Decem-1Ge rsygaeteLio- ber 18, in that town. captured a Gl Cosygv h ein 3-1 win over the visiting Panth- 1ia ires the lead again when he, ers the following night here to1 tallied at 8:48. Marlerrison and break the Panthers three game Masoni drew assist' honors. For winning streak. his second of the night, Mvason Johnny Mason led the Legion- got a shot away at 13:08 afteri naires oie ta victory as he tallied receiving a pass fromn Luke two of heir goals. Glen Crossey Prout. Mason's goal ended the scored the tie-breaker near the scoring-. halfway mark of the third after Pr oeGm Port Hope had counted their onlv otHpeGri point of the game less ithaa à Iii the earlicr Port Hope game minute carlier. The aîert net Bîihl Cole, Glen Crosscy ;andt' minding of Curt Vanstoie addRov Pollard each drew singles! greatly in keeping the visitors as thÏcy clashed with the Panth- down.1 ers. Crossey tied the score early Opening the scoring at 8:45 of in the first. Port Hope tallied the first period, Mason gave the two to the Legionnaires one in1 hamesters the edge which they the second. I held till the third, Crossey and The Panthers counted another Marjerrison getting the assist. ta widen the margin early in Second period action consisted the thirci. With the score 4-2 mostly of close checking plays Ronny Pollard tallied the final that stopped the scoring attempts goal of the game for the of bath teams. Legionnaires at 8:43 ta make Tie Score the final count read 4-3 for the Entering the final stanza, the Panthers.s Pontiacs RaIIy in Third To Talke Newmarket 5 - 2 Sparked by three goals in the final minutes of play the Raob- son Pontiacs defeated the vist- ing Newmarket Smoke Rings by a score of 5-2, before a gaod crowd at Memorial Arena Wed- nesday, December 19. In the first and second per- lads Goalie Vince Vanstone beld most of the defense for the Pontiacs as the team's back- cbecking was rather listless. They did nat appear ta be weli organized tili the final stanza. George Lawrence gave a cie- ver performance on bis part during the wboie game. He did some nice back-cbecking and handi'd out some gnnd dean effective body checks. Law- rence also uouinted for the Le- gionnairos late in the third when he made a shot from the blue line that suid through the waiting hand of Adair the Smoke Ring netminder. Thec goalie did flot realîze hoe hlad nat caugbt the puck until the light went on. .Ted Fairey led the homesiecs in scoring as ho taliied the fir:t o! the game at 1.03 of the open- ing s;anza. His secondriofl the! Legionnaires began ta look more like a team. Dave Stewart started it with a goal that was backhanded into the Newmar- ket neot at 11.30. George Law- rence counted another with a shot from. the blue lino at 14.47 ta further the lead. Ted Fairey taliied bis second of the evening when ho and Kari Kemp managed a neat passing play at 17.04 ta end the scorîng. Lineups were as falows:- Robson Pontiacs-Gaal, Vince Vanstone; defense, Komp and Weldon; forwards, Bob Fairey, Tbompson and Richards; alter- natos, Ted Fairey, Lane, Rab- ertson, Stewart, Lawrence, Mc- Bride, Cale, Patton and Cowl- îng. Newmarket-Goal,Adair, de- fense, Blackburn and Thoras; forwards, Tessier, Cain and Wil- son; alternates, Rogers, Million, Croutch, Chadwick, Goodfei-, low, Williams, Hodgson and Graves. ý..& - a-. "I (11U lad. was late in the final per- Tie Score Million of Newmarket rang the bell witb the tying goal at 7 e of the net. As the first closed Vincý Vanstone \vas ieft wh little aid in the forin of a de- g 1 fense as the toams backcbec k ing seemed ta ho stalled and hoe Tadeoneticks ice som ll mad onme trick ae s style as the second poriod got ~ m* under way and at 7.21 Greg Me Bride gave thern the marginé with a slap shat that buliete r right by the visitors goalie. Kari Kemp and George Law- rence counted for *lhe assist. ,. One of the fewv penaltie-, handed out was given ta Crout On Frirlay, Dec. 21, Teenij o! Newmarket for bigh stick- To,,wn held i'S annual Christ- i ng, hoe caught Ba)h Fairev in MfaS part.y. A,, this partv, the the face wý-th hbs stick as ho Four Bows sang a numiber of çka:,ecI, bvFa'rev in pursji t Of r poPUlaîr a-t on nd Jcri v -ie ouck . Fairei, -c amie ack onii Hasitk pla * ed four solos on Îater' ta came noar scoring wbo-hn h:s accordion. A choque for hoe carried the rubber through $85 was presented ta Captaîn the enomies defense anh.v ta Brown of Salvation Army by have bis shot bit the post. aur- president, Miss Rena DihI- Holding the edgo untih late in ing. The hall ,vas decorated the third the Legionnaires con- very nicelY in red and green ti-iued ta play ioosely. At 10.45 and. was full o! the Christmas Cain intercepted a pass froin spirit. A sincore thank you is the stick of Ted Fairey in front sent aut toalal who came and of the homesters net and slap- behped make aur party a s. ped it in ta tie the score 2-2. ce. Legionnairesç RaIIy On Frýiav, Dec. 28 there is It was nlot long belore the to b. a danct, beginnong at 8.30 at the Lions Centre. Dresa will just be ordinary. This is a good chance ta try out those new Christmas duds. Just ane week froin Friday on Jan. 4 there will be a dance beginning at 8:30 at the Lions Centre. with dress ordirbary, and please we wouid appreci- ate it if there were no slacks or jeans on the girls. A small reminder Is sent out to let you know that Bad- minton turne is caming an Jan. riesday night. and we have not as many peuple playing as we would like. If you change your VIGOR STANDARD GASOLINE VIGOR HIGH TEST GASOLINE. Ladies -Schedule Opens Jan. 7 ut the AlIeys The Ladies' Major Bowling League wil start their second schedule Monday nigbt, Jan. 7, 1957, at 6:45 and 8:45 consecu- tively. The teams and captaîns have been chosen and read as follows: No. 1 Team-B. Budai, J. Brunt, J. Engley, Greta Luxton, Lil Connors, J. Wood, Betty mind please tell us and we No. 2 Teamn-H. Brock, V. will add your naine ta the iist. Cowan, D. Martin, M. Elliott, A. All games are played at the White, Claire Nesbitt, D. Bell. Badminton Hall and the price for the season is just $1.00. No. 3 Teain-Onie Etcher, B. Westiake, Shirley Bickell, Mol McNulty, Donna Diliing, M. YELVERTON Cleland, Evelyn Embley. Fiar96meigo h No. 4 Teain-Doris Joîl, Helen Family Club was held in the Vvian, SWirlmyavBats, Marien tChurch Hall with PresidentSLeddy, ShireyDas Marlo Floyd Stinson in the chair. Fol- SahAde sad lowing rail cali, the minutes No. 5 Teain - Lydia Bates, were read by Socretary Myra Moily Mairs, Dally Crazier, Bey Page and adopted. A naminat- Disley, Myrna Kazak, Rena Ad- ing Committee was named, Pres., cock, Glad. Rahine. Soc. and Treasuror Norman Wil- No. 6 Teain-Lorraine Martyn, son. It was decided ta hold a Ada Luxtan, Helen Gilhooly, card party on Friday, January Audrey Bickell, Vivian Rogers, 11. Mission givings (monthly Pearl Kilpatrick, Jean Harness. collections) were brought up ta No. 7 Team-Vi Coole, Helen $15.00. Piper, Sadie Bucknell, Dat Mut- Program with a Christmnas ton, Jane Hodgkinson, M. Hen- theme was in charge of Howard derson, Louise Lyle. and Eileen Malcolm and includ- No8Tei-lePafld cd opening with 'Hark the Fer- NVel Mililler Ba, ilda aid Angeis Sings", Scripture,VSiMil, Eiot Horookd, iDe 1Story of Nativîty read by Haw- H ikEle HlodDre aid. Etieco took toplo the "Un- Holroyd, Aima Perfect. speakable Gift af God'. Howard No emKy Beauprie, read a poem, "No Room. in theI Eva Whitehead, June Baker, Inn" and closed with 'Sulent'Ada Richards, Alyce Hodgson, Night" and praver. Dolly Brooks, Theima Forrester. The Dave Wilsons and Lloyd, No. 10 Team-Dot Crombie, hasts of the evening, we r-Ll Wright. Mary Wihcox, Edith snsible for recreatian--rree- k Marow~e, Ella DesJardine, Joy contests and a "dumb" speilingj McCracken, Gwen Telford. bee. The Expiorers were pros- No. il Team-Muriel Hoiroyd,, ont followirig their own me .eting Helen Dunn, Joyce Tonnant, frrecreation and lunch. New Mary H-arrison, Barbara Button- 197executive was announcod. 1 shaw, Mahel Lewis, Marlon Per- Las Su d r and M rs. N or - 1 ect. Creigbton Carrs of Beth ans'. No12Tm-En Eter On Sturdy Yevertn 1 Doarc Muttan, Myra Cooper, Edna mnunity was almost '*ice-olated" duo ta the freezing rain storm. Mir. and Mrs. John Henderson of Kingston called Sunday oný relatives bore, the Ralph Mal- colms and the Rav Robinsons. Christmas celeb*rations started. on Sundavý, the Mahcolm Clan in- 1 cluding Howard and Murray' Malcolms, Jerry Bristows and Mrs. Horb Taylor at the W. J. Maicolms. Mrs. Ray Robinson and infant__ __ son are ta return home Monday .?' from St. Joseph*s Hospital, Pet- % ~ - erborough. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Arnott of - Peterborough callod an her sister, Mrs. MoGlil and Huey , this week. Huoys hetako them -. selves off ta Port Perry far Cbristmas ta the Bill Carnegies and thon ta Toronto for a fevw wý,eeks' visit. The Jack Wilsons thi syear play hasts ta tho Evans-Mr. Joshua, Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd and ~ . likewise hasts ta the Carl Srnithj and famiiv, Mrs. T. J. Jackson, .. ail of Bothany. .- Yelverton's 'Chamber of Com- merce" or sucb-like, annaunices - the annual pot iuck supper and United Cburchi congregational meeting for Monday. 6:30, Jan. 7. Christmas celebrants at the' Dave Wihsons wore Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Marwood McKee are expected with the Ed Law- . sons and Bruce. The other portion o! the Clan '" MIalcolm ta cangregato at the - Ralph Malcolms on Tuesday- 1 Rae, Vics and Harvexs.- - On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. RoyiZ Werry and Dobbie of Ottawa at the Harvey Malcohms. On Mon- day togother ta Cooksvîlhe ta the lank Boons for a Duitch Christ- Well lok what's here LA. nias. happy and hearty, wïth pr, MA 3.3303 into the best for youj SERVIC ~Jury and YOUR REXALL 1 VIGOR SERVICE OIL Kerr, Duaine Palmner, Dot Vir- tue, Stella Browm This is the schedule you will bowl: January- 7 6:45 1- 2 3- 4 5- 6 8:45 7- 8 9-10 11-12 14 6:45 10-11 9- 8 1-12 8:45 4- 5 7- 6 2- 3 21 6:45 3- 5 12- 2 8-10 8:45 9- 7 1-11 6- 4 28 6:45 4- 7 5- 1 6- 3 8:45 2-10 12- 9 8-11 February- 4 6:45 8- 6 10-12 9-11 8:45 1- 3 2- 4 7- 5 i1 6:45 12- 3 4-9 2- 7 8:45 il- 6 8- 5 10- 1 18 6:45 2- 8 6-10 4- 1 8:45 5- 9 Il- 3 12- 7 25 6:4ý 9- 1 7-11 3-10 8:45 6-12 5- 2 4- 8 March- 4 6:45 8:45 il 6:45 8:45 18 6:45 8:45 25 6:45 Happy Nev Year toalal. -T 1 C K E T S TO EVERYWHERE Air, Rail or SteamshlP Consiîlt JURY & LOVELL Bowmanville 15 King St. W. MA 3-,5778 Dead Stock Removed. Ilighest Prices Paid 24-Hour Service TELEPHONE ('OLLECT CO0BO0IURG irFR 2-3721 NICK PECONI PETERBOROUGII RI 2-2080 Il- 4 2- 8- 1 10- .6- 9 1- 12- 4 3-1 8-12 Il-j 3- 7 6- Playoffs. 12- 5 10- 4 0- 2 A. brand New Year, rospects o! grwing in days to corne. 1 Lovel DRUG STORE Co. STATION 389 10 Gal. Tax fne. OtL Ta I me. STOVE DIL - For your convenience, in smail quantifies availahie ai the station OPEN EVENINGS AND SUTNDAYS MEMORIAL ARENA A CTIVITIES Junior "%Cri Two miles North ai Newcastle on Highway No. 35 PHONE 3881,, NEWCASTLE Spud.evts - 33e mmw f 1 IM eJMA2MM UTA'rlMUL4W. MOU KAWVMLIL eWFfi&ý qnqmmmw rWÉ& ý ý Pm pý!r .,'*Tau-mm