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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Jan 1957, p. 11

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TKURSDA'Y, 3AIi Ird, 105? - TEE CANADTAN STATESMAN. EOWMAN'V~LL oeqTARIO Friday Game Droppedi When Lakefield Up sets Cotmbines to Win 9 -4 TherP"wmanville'-Orono Com- were ahead hy two goals. bines we&e handed an upset in The Combines equalled the; Peterborough on Friday night as Lunibermen's scoring effort in! the Laketield Lumbermen dowp- the second frame. In the third, ed them by a score af 9-4. This they cauntcd for one, while the Win mnoved Lakefield ta within Lumbermen tallied four. SPoints ai the second place Dean West led the homestersi A$IWtsyRegents. with twa goals, Junior West andi "%YR e Wasons snsaionl galFrank Hooper picked up single-i "tnding combined with the fast Gord Coyle, Ted Collins and skating ai the teami wrapped UP Tommy Birch got twa each for the Win for the Lumbermen. Lakeiield. Bill Twist, Paul Doris Ahead by two goals in the and Neil Wasson counted for early minutes ai play, it looked singles.I 1k. the Combines might take Lakeiield are scheduled ta the Waodsmen in their awn back play bere an January 23. TheyI1 yard. But the hard-hitting e!- will play hasts once again ta thel fectiveness af Lukefield was felt Combines on January 9 in Pet- before the stanza came ta an end. erborough, bef are they venture As the perbad elosed Lakeiield here. Pontiacs Drop Game 7»3 To Whitby Powerhouse Bowmanville's Robson Pan- tiacs received their first upset on home ice as the invading Whitby Junior "C" entry, Hill- crest Dairy, took a 7-3 win, in a fast,. dean. hockey game a', Memnorial Arena Wednesday af last week. A large crowd weie on hand ta sec the game. Whitby iccd a clever and ef- fective tcam for their first ap- pearance here this season. Their forward lines wcre a constant threat ta Vanstçne, the Pontiac goalie. By thwarting many of the Pontiac anslaughts the Whit- by defence proved firm. Kelly In the nets made some ouý- standing saves. The Pontiacs were slow in es- tablishing attacks and their backcbecking appeared ta have a flaw in it. Vanstone played bis usually keen style in the nets, but was bindered by the Iack ai good backchecking. Trhe team did nat organize itself until Jute in the second stanza. Whitby opened the scoring in the iirst. A shot by Ken ]Raberts looked like a dud wb.m it hit Vanstone in the chest, but instead ai deflecting out, the puck dropped inta the nets. Bob Fairey tallied the anly Pan- tiac goal af the period, a few minutes later ta tie the score 1-1. Patton drew the assist on Fairey's goal. In the final five minutes Whitby rallied ta score three additional goals. Two ai these were within 24 seconds ai each other, with Gray counting for bath. Luke tallied the other at 18.58. Second period action openedi with a series of mir .. penalties being issued. Bath teams play- ed a defensîve s'y1p for thei first haîf ai the stanza, wvhiIe each had a player or twa sitting in the sin bin. Whitby -held their three point margin. Roberts, added ta it during a scramble around the Pontiac nets when he grabbed a pass from Rennick and beat Vanstone who was in the oppo- site corner. Hank Lane was stoppedi in a nice effort by the out-stretchcd Carefully Compounded aeh ingredle'nt I. curefuiiy Iwelthed /and meusured, a per- soif4nlabel miade and ae- enraie recards kept. The Urne Invoived paya off in better heulth for you. Sec us. JURY & L@VELL There are 4ome things, that bear repeating, and one of thern is aur wish that aur friends and patrons will bave a bright New Year, fiIled with contenirnent, prosperity and good health. 4A Happy New Year t-â, To You Ail! HOOPER'S Jewellery and Gift Shop leg of the Whitby net minder. It was at this point the Pontiac. began to organize their playini. Roberts added ta his credit a third goal in the closing min- utes of play, when he teamed up with Maw ta widen the Dai- ,-vmes' wmrin fn six goals. Late Juvenile Rail>' T ies Cobourg Game Du rham League 2nd Schedule Co bourg, lea the nomesters in 1 scoring by giving them their first two goals ai the game. He counted for an assist on a goal ze-ored by brother 'Gusty" in the Opens Jan. 4'Combines Tied Friday nîght opens activities for the Durham Bowlers in the second hall ai their season. 1 Teams will remain the same: in regard ta number, also ta its' raster. The handicap system willi once again be used as it bas iproven sutisfactory for balancing the league. It is felt that aur league wvîll came up with an interesting second hall. Due ta early seasan troubles some teams neyer got rolling untîl late in the scbcdule. Following are same statistics on the league's first schedule: First place in league standing -Earl McQuade's team. Play-off Cbampions-Milt Cor- son's team. High Single-Bert Engley 363 High Triple-Bert Engley 783 High Average-Bill Palley 2271 Durham League Second Schedule 1956-57 Seasoni Date - Time January- 4 7:00 9:00 il 7:00 9:00 18 7:00 9:00 25 7:00 9:00 February- 1 7:00 9:00 8 7:00 9:00 15 7:00 22 7:00 9:00 March- 17:00 9:00 8 7:00 9:00 15 7:00 22 - Pla, 1-2 1-10 3- 4 6- 7 iyolfs. Alieys 3-4 2- 9 4- 7 5- 8 2-10 6- 4 3- 9 5- 3 7- 1 9-10 4- 8 1- 3 6- 2 7-10 5- 1 6- 8 3- 7 9- 4 7- 8 5- 9 1- 9 5- 6 6- 7 1- 9 2- 8 4-10 With Cobourg For Top Spot Thcir win an Saturday Onight1 leaves the Bowmanville-Orono Combines in a tic for first place with the Cobourg Lumber Kings, as the first hall ai the O.H.A. Intermediate "A" schcdule draws ta a close. Present league standings are (as of Sunday, Decemnber 30): P W L Pt.. Cobourg 15 10 5 201 Bow,-Orona ---17 I 10 7 201 Lindsay------ 16 9 7 18 Lakcfield 16 7 9 14 Port Hope ---14 3 il 6 Vel Miller, Dot Brooks, Vil O'Rourke, Eileen Holroyd, Dor- cen Halroyd, Aima Perfect. Team No. 9-Kay Beauprie,1 Eva Whitehead, June Baker, Ada Richards, Alyce Hodgson, Dolly Brooks, Thelma Forrester. Team Na. 10-Dot Crombie, Lola Wright, Mary Wilcox, Edith Marlowe, Bey. Disley. Ella Des- Jardine, Madeline Cleland. Team No. li-Muriel Holroyd, Helen Dunn, Joyce Tennant, Mary Harrison, Viv Rogers, Mabel Lewis, Marion Perfect. Team No. 12-Ena Etcher, Dorc Mutton, Myra Cooper, Edna Kerr, Duaine Palmer, Dot Výirtue, Stella Brown. The teams will bowl at the, samne time as printcd, last week, starting Jan. 7 at 6:45 and 8:45.1 Ladies' Teams Make Changes! ~- ln Personnel There had ta be a few changes, made in the Ladies' Major Bowl- i ing League team schedule, so ta pe Imake it casier we arc gain gto O e list ail the teams and captains agcain: . THIS brand Team No. 1-Berneice Budai, * Joan Brunt, Joan Engley. Greta I completed yi Luxton LiA Cannors, Ann White, destroyed tc Betty Severn. Team No. 2-Hilda Brock, Vivi os'tcr Cowan, Donna Martin, Mel Me- 1dentcr Nulty, Barb. Buttonshaw, Claire That's oneo 'Nesbitt, Daisy Bell. jTearn No. 3-Onie Etcher, sans whya IBetty Westlake, Shirley Bickell, tion should J ov McCrackein. Dona Dilihng, Gwen Telford, Evelyn Embley. iuntil toma: jTeam No. 4-Doris Jo11, Helen: help you ma Vivian, Wilma Bates, Marie h , ete n Leddy, Shirley Davis, Marian 1hv teis Slaght. Audrey Osmond. î ta b. suie '1 Team No. 5-Lydia Bates.1 Mlollv Mairs, Dollv Crozier, 1 Marg. Elliott. Myrna KazakS U R Rena Adcock. Glad. Rahme. ST AR Tcam No. 6-Lorraine Mart n, Ada Luxton. Helen Gilhoolex j INSURACE Audrey Bickeli, Hilda Simnick fic Pearl Kilpatnick, Jean Harruess. jOfIC Teamn No. 7-Vi Coole,. Helen, NA 3-5681 Piper. Sadie Bucknell, Dot Mut-' tan. Jane Hodgkinson. ol y n tre Henderson. Loutise L.e Teum £4a, 8-Olie putfield. .House ! d new home vras esterday . .. hait Loday. Fire just Swhere it strikes! of the muny rea- adequate pretee- 1not be "Put off )rrow." Let us ake sure thut you urance You need TODAY. Rl. JAMES 6 REAL ESTATE7 Residence 8 MA 3-5493 ~. Bowmanville - t lu IMille r's -Wic First Pôsitic len m.nL At 5.29 of the final stanza1 In a final period rally the1 Bob Fairey grabbed the rubber Bowmanville Legionnaires came as the Whitby goalie was clear- f ram behind a two-goal delicit1 ing a shot Fairey had madei ta tie the score 3-3. in a clash passed ta Mort Richards who; with the Cobourg Juveniles et was at the corner oi the net and Memorial Arena, December 26,. Richards sent a counter rightl The game consisted mainly of past the net minder. A little checking plays. These, combin- over a minute later Ted Fairey ed with the alert net minding ai tallied again for the homesters.I the goalies, kept scoring toaa Lane and Thompsoyi were crA.- minimum. dited with the assists. This was Cobourg opened the scaring the last goal ai the game. late in the first stanza. Macklin Ted Fairey returned in an at- and McCaig teamed up ta give tempt ta score again, but Kelly them the lead at 17:40, with deflected the shot with bis stick Mclnbigtesie.Te while it was stili in the air. held this lead, as the period end- Hank Lane was injured by a ed. body check while behind the iSome improvement was seen Whithy nets, but was able ta re- tenattesakesecoade by te sumne play aiter a short rcst. Lgoniesa1h ecn rm George Lawrence came near got under way. Their efforts scoring when he let baose wîtii were rewarded at 14:18 as Glenn a dandy back-hander that jut tlidth yn1gao missed the Dairymen's net. sst from Bob Marjerrisan Whîtby took command in the and Mason. Crossey's counter early part of the game and they was the only one oi the period. held their lead throughout k rt:Ia tetermincd style Cobourg' mainainng hei god 'dfenetirtewith two goals in the mainainng hei god dfene frstminute of the final stanza. against the Pontiacs. As The first et .13 by Taylor and noted from the accompanyhng the other at .53 by Stevenson. balance sheet, the Dairymen Stevenson also netted a point for led 4-1 as the first ended. They assisting Taylor in bis effort. did the only scoring in the sec- Cobourg resumed their heavy ond. defensive style. The Legion- Line-Upo flaires were stopped in many afi Rabson Pontiacs-Goal, Vince their attempts by the combina- Vanstone: defence, Cale, Cowl- tion af the visitars' defence and ing; forwards. Lane, Ted Fairey, their alert goalie. At 13:27 Lukei Cross; alternates, Weldon, Kemp, Prout succeeded in bis effort ta Bob Fairey, Richards, Thomp- dent the eneiny's area. On a son. Stewart, Lawrence, Mc- pass from Tom Gould. Pi-outi Bride, Patton. sent the rubber hurtling into Whitby-Goal, Kelly; defence, the twine, narrowing Cobourg's1 Gray, Tovey; forwards, P. Tran, H. Tran, Ward; alter'ates Musselman, Roberts, Rennick, Luke, Rousseau, Maw, Simpso. r a o k First Feriod son 1. Whitby, Roberts (Maw) G e t Fa 3.35; 2. Bowmanville, Bob Fair- Ges F n ey (Patton) 6.26; 3. Whitby,, Gray (Musselman, Roberts) 5 i 16.22: 4. Whitby, Gray (P. Tran, B' Roberts) 16.46; 5. Whitby,IB CI/ s MIl Luke (Rennick, Tovey) 18.58. Second Perlad The Bowmanvillc-Orane Com- 6. Whitby, Roberts (Rennick) bines gave fans a flashing dis- 11.02; 7. Whitby, Roberts (Maw> play of their hockey ability on 16.45.Saturday night at the local ice 16.45palace, as they defeated the vis- Third Period 1iting Lindsay Regents 6-4, i 8. Whitby, R. Tran (Gray, rugged, hard-faught game. This WardY 1.24; 9. Bowmanville, win leaves the Combines in a Richards (Bob Fairey) 5.29; 10'. tie with Cobourg for first place. Bowmanville. Ted Fairey fLane, Keith West. back in action for Thompson) 6.31. the first tirne since he injured b is shoulder two weeks ago at (Keith West, Mercer) 9:05 Combines-Max Yourth i (Robinson > -- --- ---10:101 Lindsa v-Graham1 (Green) - .. 12:03; Lindsay-Kelly (Baîl, Burns) ---------- 16:10 Third Period LindF:a v-Growden Parker. Burns) 1:11. Combne-Mercer 16.01 Stafford Bras. Monumental Works Phono 1N'hitby MOhawk 8-3552 318 Dundas St. E., Whltby FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Precise workmanship and careful attention to detail are your assurance when yau choose fromn the wvide selection of imported and doniestic Granites and Marbles in stock. p. I Their Town League Standing Front Street- 7 2 3 Courtice 2 9 1 ,ead ~~NeNvcastle -----2 ellad Osborne Ç;CowlG TA for the Courtice goals. . Masters, M . 12 13 22 L.Hamilton, M.-....1il 14 10 sborne who opened teP olM ln il 23 or thern at 6:05 of the; C Kilpatrick, FS 12 18 13 za. Pickell's goal w'las R. Burgess, FS 11I 10 17 ith only one second Of: Don Childs, M- 12 15 Il in the game. iC.Ferguson, FS il 12 13 were no penalties in the' B.- Lyle. FS ----- 2 15 8 ia. Each team had a H. Boyd, N- 12 7 13 three in the last two D. Bishop, FS 12 il & B. Perfect, M 10 9 10 lead to ane point. IhMlller's Taxi tightened theirl Glen P With their spirits high the i od on first place in Town cutdI Legionnaires gave the Cabourg Iau oke nTusayI a S net minder a busy time. Bob inight when they downed the scaring foi Marjerrison counted for the . eodplc rn treesb inal stanz ing goal at 17:24. Glenn Crossey a score of 8-4. in a fast, dlean tallied wit and Mason drew the assists. game. Newcastle deleated Court- pa eti ice 7-2, ta leave the twa teamspayet Tempers fumed as bath teams I tied for third spot. There w tried ta gain the margin. At Loy Hamilton paced the first stan: 18:46 tempers erupted and a ftaLîOn Yd fight resulted near the Cobourg of b counting for three total Ofiùt nets. Four players were involv o their goals. His second of the periods. ed in the fracas. Luke Prout gme xvas the tie-breaker at - and John Fowler af the Legion- 1:4 of the second frame.U naires battled it out witti two1 hi oitint e am .Frn of Cobourg's representatives. St. had held them ta a 3-3 tie. Officiais had a difficult job in Don Childs tallied the first separating the foursome as they caunter for Miller's late in the haced t ech the wih brefirst stanza. Cowle picked up fsts. Fanscee each hrwtimbae twa, while Bud Perfect, Irv the homesters struck a blow. Bok ale igeos When the villains were finally Leading the Frontstreeters in 1~t parted and the referee was busy scaring Bob Sheridan counted determining the penalties ta be firsttwo; one af which was the. issued, Luke Prout decided ta ith goal ai the game at 6:40 of start the second round. He skat-th opening period. ed ackta hee hs apannt Ron Burgess and Bill Lyle - eda band tohe ehanged blows tallied Front Street's other two once agnd Thi sexcnd fightcounters, with Bull Lyle scoring brought officiais inta the piCture the tir stante ame naite1:2.a pramptly. The refere and lunes- 1theotidS e tahe uased. ta man each subdued a player and tFrntlSlt eptnthe ge at.aAt aiter a tussie managed ta pry teutllt ntescn.A them apart. this point M.Niller's took over and altis wee haded ut.1 scored four goals in succession: Atoal of 20 minutes i e-one i the second and tixree as altes erehaned ut.Each aifIthe third stanza opened. the fighters received a major Only three penalties were and they retired ta the dressing~ handed out by the refere:auoeeIFOR rooms for the remainder af thE in the first period and two in U M game.n stayed at a standstill thew4castle vs. Cnurtice IDI as the teams resumed the final Nwategabda al minute of play, with only three Nwate abda al' My cm players apiece. lead in the first and second, olca periods as they managed ta keep uit,1'ch Courtice scoreless until late in ansdithc tethird stanza. aot t 'ey D isp lay PaulMcCullough and Bovd frio e ' L S .counted toechfrNewcastle, ido C L I cCullough, Embley and Quin-. qualif ney counted for singles. Paul nea ~arurciay McCullough opened the scoring ac a t 13:36 af the first, when hie phone1 and Lane teamed up. Courtice were unable ta score mat Lind say n teasttw ie for ta give hecisttwie oro vie second frame. them asrn edge as thefia W ith Raye- "Gusty" West on stanza opened. Di rk Brinkman NII1I St. N. Newcastle PHONE 3671 NEWCASTLE g N L o A N s To Pay Past Due Bills To Consolidat. Mlonthly Payments For Holiday Expenses For New Purchases For Eniergcncy Expenses Corne in Today Try The Belivue Way on a Pay from Incomne Plan BELL VUE FI NANCE CORP. G. B. WILSON. Mgr.i 2½Simca. S. Dial 5-1 2 OSHAWA SERVICE STATION TO LEASE apply Box 597 c/o Canadian Siaiesman N4GTH ýNCE TED 1LIGS >0K SUITS ULORED ORDER Canadas finest the bench with injuries sustain- cd in a game the previous night against Lakef icld, it was expect- cd be would not play; but when referce, Stan Bashier, tabbed1 Junior West with a game rn'îs- conduct penalty at 13:50 ai thel first stanza, '"Gusty" donned bis' garb and was in the action as the second opened. Lindsay tried flot anly ta band the Combines a defeat, but alsoi a iew casualties as they attempt- ed ta match their brawn with the Combine players, in a fashion similar ta that af the Lakefield Lumbermen. As the game pro- grcssed the Regents high-stick- cd, tripped and baarded the homesters in an unsuccessiu] attempt to win. Fans boocd referee Stan Boshier for sending Junior West ta the sin bin at 12:49. The referce handed Junior twa pen- alties; a minor for roughing and a 1-miutemasconduct. When Don Mercer wvag given a trip ta the penalty box nt 13:50 for elbowing, Junior lett the box for a word with the refere aver the matter. At this point. the referce put Junior out ai action for the remainder af the game when he handed him a game Imisconduet penalty, for talking iback. This leit the homesters with just four players on the ice as play re§umed: Lowell Dykstra, Frank Hooper, Gerry Robinson 1 and Ross Hawe the goalie. The trio played great deiensîvely and managed ta tbwart the attacks made by Lindsay, until the minor ,penalties wcre servcd by their team-mates. Raye "Gusty" West made bis ffirst appearance ai the night as' the second stanza gat under way. Althougb an injury had slowed him up somewhat, "Gusty" tip- .ped in a caunter for the Com- bines in his usual fashion as he picked up a pass from brother Keith near the corner ai the fnet. Backchecking by the Combines was very effective, their staunch defence breaking up several ai the Regents attacks, with bard- hitting efiectiveness. Ross Hawe was like an octapus in the nets for the homesters, his arms and legs flying at every shot the Lindsay team fired. Fans displayed their sense aif humour when linesman Rube Wadell tripped aver the stick ai a Regent player late in the third period and fell ta the ice as he was preparing for a face-off. Don Mercer gave the homes-. ters their insurance goal at 16:01 j af the third stanza when he made' a quick shot on the open corn- er ai -the Lindsay net. Line-ups: Lindsay R ege nt s - Goal, O'Brien; defence, Green, Burns; farwards, Parker, Growden Crawford; alternates: McGill:; Ball, Teed. Freeman, Graham,! Coriey, Williams, Hennessey. i Bowmanville-Orono Combines 1 -Goal, Ross Hawe; defence, Mercer, Hooper: forwards 1) West, K. West, Junior Wesï: ai- ternates: Edwards, MarshallI Dykstra. Yourth, R. West, Rab- inson, WelsiL j Officials-Referea, Stan Boshi- ier; Linesman, Rube Wadcll.j First Period 1 Combines-Keith West (Jr. West, Dean West) .48' 2 Combines-Keith West (Jr. West, Hooper) ___ 9:M 3 Lindsay-Parker (Green) --- - - ------_ 10:37 Second Periad 4 Combines-Dean West 5:15 ,thing LR Bowmanv'ill and lei~ .Y J LAS LE] CLIEARA 0F IMP OR' , su ITIT WARREN K. 00 CUSTOM TA' TO YOURFt Here is your opportuflity to buy C tailored clothes at a very substant Every suit 801d in tliis sale is hai À: fineiy.detailed to the reguliar War standard of quality. Corne in today while the selectioli Bruce Minns CIc ENSand BOYS' WEAI Garry V enning, Mgr. 29 King St. L. ---I ýý4. MI 2.. VHY DAV R RECKLESSI )IVING? mpn im teiu. Lrefl nd riîve rs. tAsi aro- laims coots are iower he savings art passed to policyholders in the Df ower cqst insurarice. out today if you can yfor State Farmn Instar- ia careful driver. Just Me. Jt Po pay »W lo ow - STATE FARM Asamt tiai discount. Lnd- tailoredo ,en K. Cook n is varied. TRUPMAT, ZAN Ira, 1957 - TEE CANADffl STATESU". SOIMANVffjLZ CMAM -- PAGE ELEVM N 1 ý m 9 à,% 1

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