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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Jan 1957, p. 7

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?RT3ESDAT, A2i rd, 195? flm CAKADIAN STATESMAN. DOWMANVffIZ. OftARIO PAGE SEVEIS M çluia Kerr spent Christ- mas h dayswith her brother ini Mr. L. B. Nichols spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. Doug- lau B. Nichols, Kingston. Gt. >ç4îs Elleen Couch spent New ~ 'a's with her mother, Mrn. oWard Couch, Beech Ave. Mins Donna Akey has return- ed home after spending Christ- mnas holidays in Syracuse, N.Y. Mns. H. Humphries and Mrs. W. H. Densem spent Christmas 'Vacation in Toronto and WiI- lowdale. Miss Ruby Harper, Ottawa, spent Christmas bolidays with her sister, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Barrett, Jane St. Mr. J. E. Corbett and son Howard, Toronto, were Sunday guests of his brother Mr. Percy Corbett New Year guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ames were Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Wilkinson, Scar- borough. Miss Catharine Alldread, Newcastle, spent a few days with ber cousin Miss Jacque- line Bird. Mr. Ron Turner, University of Toronto, is spending bolidays with bis parents, Rev. and Mrs. H. A. Turner. Miss Irene Raw and friend, Toronto, were New Year visit- ors of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Smith, Liberty St. N. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Law and son Chris, Uxbridge, were witb ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ives, for New Year's. Mrs. G. S, Patterson, North H-cad, Grand Manan Island, N.B., is spending the winter with ber aunt, Miss Eva Hellyar. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Morrison, Lana and Billy, spent the Christ- mas holiday with his mother Mrs. Margaret Morrison at Gait. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mitchell and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mit- chell spent Christmas in Lind- say with Mrs. Dan Sinclair. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Welliver, Williamsport, Pa., have been holidaying with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Reynolds. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Towns- end, O-shawa, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Morrison, Con- cession St., on Christmas Day. Miss Janet McGregor, Queen's University, is spending Christ- mas holidays with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. .A. McGregor. Mr.. Robert Carruthers, Kempt- 'ville Agricultural College, spent Christmas holidays with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Cam., hers. " Joan Gibson, Peterbor- ou h4 Teachers' College, bas been witb ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gibson for Christ- mas holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Badger o! Woodstoclk, were tbe week- end gues# sof bis parents, Mr. Gordon Badger, 205 %tE. Mrs. lq*arold Vag' Dusen, AI- lan, Me4e.aidiMlennie, Lea- side, were fnday afternoon guests of Mrs. F. E. Van Du- &en and Helen. Mr. Donald R. Wilkins, Bank of Commerce staff, Bloomfield, spent the bolidays witb bis par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Wilk- ins, Carlisle Ave. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Brown, Toronto, attended the New Yea's Eve dance at the Lions Community Centre witb Mr and Mrs. J. W. Braden.' Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lake, Nan- cy and Peter, Newcastle; M7. and Mns. Harold Skinner, Ty- rone, witb Mr. and Mrs. Ah- fred Brown Sunday. Christmas guests witb Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Fowler were ber mother Mrs. Mary Harris, Orono and ber brother, Mr. Frank Har- ris and son Frank, Stouffville. Mr. Donald Leask, McMaster University, Hamilton, and Mr. Robert Leask, University of Toronto, spent holidays with their mother, Mrs. M. E. Leask. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Kleinstiv- Pr and Peter visited ber parents, Dr. and Mrs. Errol B. Ca- hoon and family, Toronto, spen' Nem, Ycars with his niother, Mrs. Emna Cahoon and sister, Mr. a.nd Mrs. A. IL McDonald. Mrs. J. W. Knight, Bowman- ville; Mr. and Mrs. Alan Knigbt and son John, Detroit, ST. JOHN'S CHURCH (Anglican) The Epiphany 8 nd11Il. ~ OLY COMMUNION and 11 a.m CHURCH SCHOOL Sp.m. EVENING ?RAYER spent Christmas holidays wlth Mn. and Mns. O. L. Metcalf, Toronto. Mn. and Mrs. Ronald Hall, Nancy and Jimmy left for Chatham Wednesday a f t e r spending Christmas holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Hall. Mrs. Mina Colwell, Mrs. Hilda Colwell, Edward and Irwin,t town; Mrs. Vers Lymer, Bill, Ray, Douglas, and Miss Eleanon Crumback of Oshawa, visited friends in Bond Head on -Sun-1 day. Mrs. C. A. Wight, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson E. Osborne and Mary Ruth were weekend guests o! Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Parrisb and famlly, Hamilton. Mrs. Wight remained for a few days. Mr. Archie Bowman, Cold- springs is. visiting bis son, Jackson Bowman and Mr-, Bowman, Silver St. Mn. Bow- man was 85 years old in Dec- ember and is in excellent healtb. Mn. Robent Corbett o! the edi- tonial staff o! the Daily Sun- Times Owen Sound, and bis son Noel, visited bis parents Mn. and Mrs. Percy Corbett, Mrs. Corbett being a patient in the Memonial Hospital. Mi. and Mrs. N. C. Yellow- Mees, Hampton; Mrs. Alma Yel- lowlees, Tyrone, and Mrs. IvanI Ellicott, Peterborough, attend- ed the Glover -Cation wedding, Dec. 26, at Islington United Cburcb, Toronto. Three Higb Scbool students, Bnian Van Nest, Arthun Jam- mer and Gary Humpbnies, left by bus on Dec. 24 for a holi- day in Miami Beach, Flonida. Tbey will arrive home this Sunday evening. Miss Helen Cole, Peterbor- ough Teachers' College, spent Christmas holidays with her mother, Mrs. Douglas Cole. Guests for New Year's were ber daughter, Mn. and Mis. Bob Emberson, Alliston. Mr. L. G. Jobnston o! the B. H.S. teaching staff and bis wife, a member of the nursing staff of the Memonial Hospital, spent a pleasant and exciting Yuletide holiday skiing at St. Agathe, Laurentian Mountains, in Que- bec. Mn. and Mns. Chanles Lewis, Toronto, were guests o! Mrs. Geo. W. James on Boxing Day. Tbey wene interested in getting first band news o! their parents wbo Mrs. James visited in Lon- don, England, wben on ber trip ovenseas. Christmas holiday guests at the borne o! Miss Eva Hellyar were Mn. and Mns. Fred Bartlett, Kingston; Mn. Sam Bartlett, Grimsby Beach; Mn. Brenton Hellyar, St. Thomas; Misses Katherine and Betty Grove, Toronto. New Year's Day visitons with Mn. and Mrs. Herb Colmen were Miss Winnie Cryderman, Trafalgar; Mn. and Mrs. Byron Cryderman and family, R.R. 4, Bowmanville; Miss Jean Gaines, Newcastle, and Mn. and Mrs. Ernest Roberts, Town. Holiday guests at the home o! Mn. and Mrs. Frank Blunt were Mn. and Mns. Bloyd Wîh- cox and Donald, Cobourg; Mn. Harold Cawken, Winnipeg, Man.; Mrs. Harold Tbompson, Scarborough, and Mn. and Mns. J. D. Hogarth, Hampton. Holiday guests witb Mn. and Mrs. Elmer Banting were Mn. Noel Cairns, Mn. John Cairns, Miss Isobel Garnîty and Miss Stella Lowe o! Toronto. Mn. John Cairns, Miss Garnîty and Miss Lowe just came out to Canada fromn Scotland in Nov- emben. r Witb Dr. and Mis. E. W. Sisson for Christmas wene Rev. and Mrs. S. R. Henderson, Heather and John, Windsor; Mr. and Mrs. Hanny Green, Oak- ville; Mn. Stephen Sisson, f Queen's University, Kingston,I 1and Mn. and Mis. C. Werry,I *Oshawa. Waekend guests with Mn. and,i Mns. Ralp)h Mclntyne were Mn. i M.adMrs. James Fowlen, Sault Ste. Marie; Mn. and Mrs.I Albert Peance and family, New- castle, Mis. Mary Hanris, Orono; Mn. and Mis. Fred Wilson and Mr. and Mis. Henry Wilson, Oshawa, were guests o! Mn. and. Mis. Elmen Fowlen during the' New Year's weekend. Dr. and Mis. C. W. Slemn wbo had been visiting their daughtcr in Ottawa fhew to Torcr+o, for the Christmas fam- ily party off 24 relatives at the home o! Mn. and Mis. Howard Price. Dr. and Mis. Keith Sle- mon and four children also mo- toned up for this happy gather- ing. Mn. and Mrs. H. G. Hacking attended the wedding in St. Paul's Anglican Chuncb, LUnd- say. on Dec. 29 o! Mrs. Hack- ing' s mccc, Miss Anne Ward to Dr. Douglas Kavelman. Re- cent visitons with tbe Hack- ings were ber sisten, Mn. and Mis, George Baldwin, Cather-. mne and Bill, o! Panny Sound. Aften two postponements Editor Geo. W. James expects to arrive home today (Thurs- day) a!ten spending over five weeks in the Memonial Hospi- tal due to a beant condition wbich we are ghad to report is back to normal. Howeven it wihh be several wceks beforc lie Iwill be assuming regulan officc 1duties. Rfm. Ralph MWilson of the Queen's Own Rifles left Satur- day to nejoin bis unit in Calgary, Alta., a!ter spending Christmas holidays witb bis mother, Mis. NeU Wilson. Mrs. Wileon did December Wedding 1 Mr. and Mrs. George Kenneth Lewins are pictured Ifollowing their wedding in St. John's Anglican Church, Bowmanville, on December 8th. The bride was Marjorie Edith Seymour, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Seymour and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. George Lewins, ail of Bowmanville. WiII Reside in Bowmanville Pictured cutting their wedding cake are Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Cliff ord Northey who were married in Red- dickville, Ont. on December 8 in the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. The bride is the former Audrey Maxine Snell, daughter of Mr. Melville Snell and the late Mrs. Snell of Reddickville, and is pres- ently on the nursing staff of Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Northey of Millbrook. not know for a time wbetber ber son was among those slated to go to Egypt, but he anived home for holidays a couple of days be- fore Christmas. Will the party who left two baskets of luscious McIntosh and Northern Spy apples at the home o! the editor the past week please reveal youn identity to Mrs. Geo. W. James so that she may pensonalhy thank the donor for the much enjoyed fruit. She bas been assured that Santa Claus is not responsible for thîs act o! kindness before netunning to the North Pole. Visitons with Mrs. Donald Lawson and family for New Year's were Mn. and Mis. Henry McColl, Wooler, and Mn. and Mns. Newell Lawson, Brantford. While here they visited Mn. Donald Lawson of the Boys Training School staff who is a patient in Memonial Hospital. Mis. Geo. Anderson, Toron to, is a guest this week with Mns. Lawson and Mrs. E. M. Wessels. Bowmanvillc Chamber o! Commerce and the judges o! the Chamber's Home Decorating Contest, have commended the students o! Bowmanville High School on the Christmas tnee outside the school. The students originated the idea and financed the schemc for deconating the tnee tbrough the Students' Coun- cil. Althougb the tree was not eligible in the contest held by the C. o! C., thev felt the students should be congrattulated for thieir exccllent effort. Holiday visitons with Mn and Mrs. Laurence Goddard have been Mn. and Mns. Jack Herold, Toronto; Mn. Douglas Smith, Queen's University, Kingston, and Christmas Day guests were Mn. and Mrs. Geo. Thiasher, Miss Linda Miller, Mn. Jack Miller, Sr., Town; Mn, Dave Harrison and daugh- tens. Trenton. Miss Tanya God- dard who bas been bolidaying at home. spcnt New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ciuff, Hamilton. Miýg Gertrude G'llland. Mrs. Hilda Rutledge, of Carievale, Sask.; Mn. and Mis. Jack But- ler and Donald, Toronto; Mn. and Mis. Col Daniels and Neil, Oshawa-, Mr. and Mms. E. Wan- burton and family, Courtice; Mn. and Mrs. H. Gilmen, Mn. and Mns. B. Stapleton and family, Bowmanville. Mn. andi Mrs. A. Gilliland and Bever- ley, Orono; Mn. and Mis. Clan-j ence Gilmer and famihy, Stark- ville, visited witb Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Cowan Christmas Day. HAYDON Mis. Olesen beld a famlly gathering on Christmas Day. Mi. and Mrs. Cecil Degeer and family, Ajax, were Christ- mas guests at the Degeen home. They also called on Mn. and Mis. J. Joncs and family. Christmas guests at Mr. and Mrs. Bertrims wene Mn. and Mrs. Don Monison and Dougie, Oshawa, and Mn. and Mis. Geor- gie Bertrim and Georgie, Taun- ton. Misses Winni!red and Grace Trcwin, Mn. Fred Castle, To- ronto, Mr. and Mis. Arthur Trewin, were Christmas guests. at Mrs. Wm. Trewin's and Mn. adMrs. W. Loveridge's. Mn. and Mns. David Malcolm spent Christmas with their family in Toronto. Mn. and Mis. Lloyd Slemon wene Monday guests o! Mr. and Mis. Wilbur Toms, Bhackstock. Mn. and Mis. Arthur Trewin visited Mr. and Mns, Russell Anderson, Port Hope. Mr. and Mis. Silas Trewin and Judith, Mn. and Mis. Cli!- fond Trewin, Mn. and Mns. J. Martyn and !amily, Bowman- ville, visited Mis. Wm. Trewin. Mn. and Mrs. Jack Histed, L'Originale, were dinnen guests o! Mies. W. Martin and Mr. and Mis. J. Potts and family Christ- mas Day. Mr. J. Wahker was guest at their home also. Mn. and Mrs. Elmore Walkcr, Toronto, Mn. and Mis., MacAl- pine and Aileen, Mr. and Mrs., Oscar Walker, Ronnie and No,- ralea, Stoney Cneek; Mn.. and Mis. Kennetb Walken and boys, Bowmanville, witb Mn. J. Wal-! ker on Sunday. Mr. and Mis. Charlie GarrardI x£v-çre Sunday dinner guests of Dr. and Mrs. Mickle and ïam- ily at their cabin north o! the village. Mr. Milton Shemnon spent thei Christmas holidays witb Dr. and Mis. Gordon Shemon, Don Milîs. SMr. and Mis. Lloyd Slemon, Social & $ersonal .4 Phone MA 3-3303 Improvement in Trade Noted for Christmas By Local Merchants were supper guesti at Mrs. W. White's, Hampton, Christmas Day. Mn. and Mrs. Wilbur Black- burn and famhly and Mrs. Cowllng at Mr. and Mrs. Fane- well Blackbunn's on Christmas Day. Mr. and Mrs. C. Rankine and M rgot spent Cbristmas with , and Mrs. W. Corrigan, To- râ,to. Miss Margot Rankine ne- mained for Cbristmas holiday. Mn. and Mrs. Rankine vîsited Mrs. Rankine's sîster at Mid- land. Dinner guests at Mr. and Mrs. C. Garrard's on Cbristmas Day were Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Garrard, Blackstock. Mr. and Mrs. C. Garrard and Mr. and Mis. Alfred Garrarci. were Christmas suppen guest.s o! Mr. Bruce Ganrard, Keswick. Satunday evening visitors at the Ganrard home were Mr. and Mrs. H. Gay, and Robert, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. L. Grif. fin, Mn. and Mrs. Alfred Gar- rard, Blackstock. Police Arrest Two Drivers Over Holiday The Bowmunville Police De- partment reports there were no accidents in town over the New Year's holiday, One person was arrested for "driving wbile bis ability was impained" by Bowmanville po- lice. This was the only case in town. Ontario Provincial Police ar- rested one penson near town. He was charged with "drunk driving". Neither of the vebicles driv- en by the pensons cbanged were involved in accidents. ENNISKILLflN jMr. and Mrs. Earl Trewin, Doneen and Donald, spent Christmas witb Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Horn, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Trewin also attended the 5th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Smith in Oshaw a. BURKETON Wednesday, Dec. 21, a social evening was beld in the churcb in bonour o! Mn. and Mrs. Henry Trick, who left Dec. 31 to live in Lindsay. Rev. R. B. Green acted as chairman; Mr. A. Ribey read a suitable addness. Mrs. E. Adams and Mrs. Roblin made the presentation o! two beauti- ful table hamps and a bassock to match fnom the neigbbors. A social time was enjoyed by alh present and good program witb an instrumental numben by Judy Green and Dapbne Green, and Mn. Mel McCoy; readings by Mns. Harold Larmer, Mis. Leslie Argue; a monologue by Mn. Al- don Hubbard and songs by a trio, Mrs. R. Davey, Mns. E. Adams and Mn. Sam Hall, ac- companied by Mrs. Roblin. Best wishes in their Lindsay home from all. The scbool concert and Sun- day School concert was beld Fr1- day, Dec. 2lst witb a good pro- gram and carol singing. The ratepayens .and trustees meeting was held in the school on Dec. 27tb. Sympathy is extcnded to the parents and relatives o! Gary Adams in the sudden death by tively displayed merchandise than formerly, more intensive adventisîng in The Canadian Statesman, bigber wages and the prospects o! steady employ- ment abead. No one suggested that the new shopping centre at Oshawa bad depnived local stores o! business. On the contnany, sev- eral indicated their belief that because o! the efforts o! local merchants, more local people than usual did the majority o! their shopping in Bowmanvihle and, indeed, that many from other centres and district rural comrmunities bad come bere for their requirements instead of driving to the cities nearby. 'ê Il El ~ ~i) Gary Adams Killed When Car Overturns- Sixteen-yean-old Gary Adams, 36 Libenty North, was instantly killed early Tbursday rAgbt as the car lie was driving skidded on an icy patcb o! road, struck a culvent and oventunned on the victim who was tbrown from the car. The tragedy occurred between the fiftb and sixth concession on Scugog Road north o! Hampton wben young Adams was taking [tbnee passengens to thein homes. The passengens suffened only minon injuries. The deceased was the çan of Mi. and Mrs. Zaccharia Adams. Others in the famihy include bis sister Marguerite and bis brotb- ers Ross, Burwin, Munray, Way- bunn, Samuel, Bryce and Blaine. He was employed at the Good- year Tire and Rîihhert Plant accident on Dec. 27. Many at- Bowmanville.- tended the funeral at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Sunday. The funeral was beld Sunday afternoon from the Morris Fun- Mrs. T. G. Bneck is spending enal Chapel. Interment Hamp- Christmas and New Year's at ton Cemetery. Kingston with Mn. and Mrs. CntbeJh atngto Wally reck.the Ontario Provincial Police Mis. Carter returned from a Detacbment, was the investigat- visit with relatives in Brooklyn, ing officer. New York, and New Jersey. _________ LAC Rahph Wand, Cold Lake. Alta., is spending embarkation levehr wthn h i itr, Mr:: Kinettes Hold Ward beoreleaingfor Ger- the R.C.A.F. for three years. U ca a t Mn. and Mis. Ross HubbardFo Ch i ma and Janice, Trenton, witb Mn.Fo Ch it a and Mrs. B. Hubband and family. The Kinette Club held its Mn. Alden entertained a few December meeting in the formn neigbbors Friday evening. o! a Christmas party at the Bal- Mrs. Wm. McLaugblin is visit- moral Hotel on Dec. 19. All 20 ing ber daughter, Mn. and Mrs. membens wene present. Ross Ashton, Haydon. Following dinner, the girls Mi. and Mns. Orville Greer played charades and other games and girls witb Mis. Bryan. and exchanged Christmas gifts. Mn. and Mrs. Frank Allison Betty Parker and Florence Gra- and Francis, Oshawa, with Mrs.! bam wene in charge o! the Party. Avery. A brief business meeting was Mn. and Mns. G. Wilson and held with President'Helen l3unn Miss Beryl Wilson with Mrs. presiding when details of the Allison. doîl dnaw wene completediMin- Mrs. Tom Bailey, Oshawa, at utes were read by Secretary ber home. Eheanor Larmer. SPECTAL VAL4UES AND REMINDERS FOR THIS WEEK 2513 $1.40 $2.50 $3.95 GIN PILLS FORIE KIDNEYSAÉý REG. SIZE 590 ECONOMY 98e TOOSTTH PASTE mà. @m PRESCRIPTIONS SHOF AT TOUR DRUO STORE the dependable place to buy &il your medicines and health and beauty needs. A.S.A. TABLETS 0Relieves bead- aches, neuralgia, toothache and pain in general. leEacb tablet con- tains 5 trains Acetysalicylle Acid l00's 19C 300's 49c 'Vaemaster" VACUUM BOTTLE A Canadian-made 15-ounce bottie with red plastic cup-cap. 98e value 89c I.D.A. Brand Toilet Tissue---- 2 for 25e Paper Napklns 17c, 2 for 33c Cold Cream Soap 2 for 25e Save 6c on I.D.A. CASCARA TABLETS Cbocolate-coated mild laxative 100's reg. 39e Save 20e en COLD CREAM4 Evelyn Howard Theatnical Style. 1 lb. Jar 4 reg. 89e - 69c I.DA. Brand, Hydrogen Peroxide 4 oz. 8 oz. reg. 19e reg. 29e 15e 23c 16 oz., reg. 45C 39e 0 g ' pu45PEE I fanm 8 590 bMcý *OTH FO* $12.1 'MELOO0ED FOR SUPER STRENGTH DRY-RWET 9à SIG BO-3.PLY... "pS A SPECIALTY Alex. McGregor, We Deliver Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store Drugs Phone MA 3-ý79 i '(4 /1 f LA 4 - t * I I $4. '7 "c - --I i - .k..a. While the general Christmas business situation locally could not be copIpared this yean with that o! 1955 because o! the Gen- eral Motors stnike at that time, most netaihers bere were quite pleased with Christmas trade. With a few exceptions, thene was considerable improvement in volume witb customens do- ing thein buying earlier, there- by preventing a last minute rush. Several merchants feit that the reasons for business im- provement inchuded a more at- tractive front street, better de- conated stores, betten employ- ment conditions, langer popla tion, better and more atrc COUGH and COLD REMEDIES Vicks VapoRub- 98c Cough Drops 15e Va-Tro-Nol -__________53e Cough Syrup 59e Inhaler _____________43e Throat Lozenges 49e Medi-Misi Spray 98e Combat Coughs and Colda with hlgh quallty I.D.A. PreparatioRs BRONCHIDA COUGH SYRUP A prompt, safe, healing preparation for the relief of Bronchitis, Cougbs and Colds. 8 fluid oz. --- --75e Bronchida CoId Capsules. 30's - 1.25 Idaphedrin Nasal Spray, 20 ce.- 95e 1 riz. dropper hottie , ýý-- --- 6.3c Idarub, ('hest Ruh, 3 oiz. --49r1 Burklev's Mixturp .50c, 8.5e Cinnaniated CapsîIilp - 35c, 79c White Rub ______59e Bufferin ___- 39e, 79e, 1.89 Yack & JiII Cough Syrup - --------50e Pertussin ----- --- 69c, 1.19 Smith Brothers Cough Drops -- 10o Sucrets ___ _________35e- COMPETITIVE PRTCES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE j[Emilmil - 1 1 a-- k 1 THO UMAT. UN Sr& 1957 "M CANAMAN STATESUM. gowMANvu.ýLa onTAme PAGE szvm iv*

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