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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Jan 1957, p. 8

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%3w,. PAG <W WUp BLAC STOC Mr and Mrs. Mervyn Ga hiMrs. Jas. Campbell, Fens- 13lackstock residents seemned lon Falls, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Uwa'ware of the second presen- Harris, were guests of Mr. and tation of the Blackstock Song- Mrs. J. J. Flett, Bowmanville. men's Concert last Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Grant Ferguson, evening. Out of town folk Ian and 'Mary; Mr. and Mrs. madle Up the amal crowd which Geo. Dunbar and Denise, To- heard these local men present ranto, with Roy, Bill and San- two hours of chorus and son" dra Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. undr he irctin ! Ml c- Lloyd Wright, Don, Leslie Ann Coy. Guest artist was Loweil and Cheryl, joined themn Mon- Highfield of Bowmanville, who day for New Year's get-togu- played à nùmber of accordion ther. solos. The Christmas numbe"s Ms ev aly r n and popular sangs were weil Mrs. elv BaileyndMr.s a- recevedby hosewhoattnd-therine and Mrs. Jas. Parr, with ed. Mel McCoy sang -The Haly Mrs. Mark Waldon. Uxbridge. City", "Nazareth", "Gently Lord Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wright, Oh Gently Lead Us" and "Who Mr. and' Mrs. Fred Trewin, is Sylvia?" Surely a commun- LodadErwt r n ity effort such as this deserves Lloy a Edarrn, our upprt hre.Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bradbumn, Blackstock farm folk are in- Donald and Ivan, with the Alb. vited ta attend Farmn Forum on Wrichts and Fred Trewins, Sun- Jan. 'th at Mr. and Mrs. Ten- 0 nyson Samelîs, when a series day. of discussions on Parity for Mr. and «Mrs. Joe Bradburn, Farmers will begin. Joan, Marion and Roy, with the Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Staniland Merrill Vancamps, Sunday.* are spending a couple of week<s Miss Vera Farder, Toronto, with their daughter and fam- with Mr. and Mrs. Walter ily, Montreal. Wright and girls. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Mount- Messrs. Neil Bailey and Roy joy have eturned homne after Turner were two of a team -who apending two months with her competed in the annual teach- sister, Mrs. Cecil Ferguson, ers' bonspiel in Oshawa Satur- Newcastle. day and were fortunate in Mr. and Mrs. Harold We:r, winning a Christmas cake each.1 London, with her parents, Mr. The Cther two on the team were an-d Mrs. Thos. Bowman. Sunderland teachers. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Beacock and boys, Prince Albert, Mr and Mrs. Roy McLaughlin and O IU R f amily, with Mr. and Mrs. Jno. O IU R Beacock, Fmîday. Mrs. Wesley Beacock, Mis. MRS. HAROLD MeKINZEY Margaret Larvis; Mr. and Mmi. Funeral services for Kate Jno Beacock; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Gwendoline McKinzey were Beacock and Glen, joined the held frmr McDougal and rest of the family at Mr. and Brown Funeral Chapel. Toron- Mrs. Thos. Cole's, Oshawa, ta, on Decemnber 31, 1956. Christmas Day. Mrs. MeKinzey died follow- Mr. and Mrs. Benson Dunn, iga cietwe h a Oshawa; Miss Vera Farder, To- tin an acciet hebn'secar ronto, and Miss Eva Brown, a thrw fron horlhsbn's c ar Hamilton. visited Mr. and Mrs. itak in on olliToionwto.a Will Farder and called on Mr. tuki onanTmnO andi Mrs. Earl Dorreli, Thurs- Born in Bristol, England, day. 1902, Kate Panes camne ta Can- ada in 1907 with hem family to Toronto, then to Orono dur- ing World War 1. She has e- 1 N0OiN E y sidet inToronto since ta time. AVAIABLEFORSurviving are lier husband, AVAILBLE ~ Harold McKinzey: her father, ADIPfIf!~~ E. C. Panes; four sons, Jack, UEIAUflU5I Bruce, Roy and David, al cf Toronto. Also three sisters, Mms. Bert Hunt (Elleen> of Toron- jý Bowm anville; M rs. W . W a -de Barrister and Solicitor (Margaret), Caurtice, ant s Sc() SIthree brothers, Frank, Harolt 6SIMeoe St. S. Oshawa and Ted, all of Toronto. RA 5-3525 Interment followed In Pine- crest Cemnetery. MEMORIAL ARENA ÇA TIVlTIES, * PUBLI9 FRIDAI 8 Admission* Interi SATURDi * Port H Bowma y- CI Admission - - r for Reserved * Students and Chi] CHILI WEDNESI 12 years and und Aduits accomiPan3 Hg Robs Adînluf Studenti -Mc5 C SKATING Vr JAN1JARY 4th 1 I 10 p.m. . . Aduits 40c, Students 25e ,mediate .ey Game ai 8:30 p.m. MY, JANUARY 5th lope Redmen VS. inville m Orono ombines « Adults 75e Seats and General Admission ildren- -- - - ---- C S P E C 1 A L ! DREN'S SKATING 3-30 - 5:30 p.m. DAY, JANUARY 91h der only 25e ying children ?- 5c unior "C" OCKEY DAkYl JANIJAIT Oih Brooklin VS. gon Poni .- a m ao t iccsi .. Aduits 50e Children - 25e * - - ~t~: ..L .-~- - -~ -t-..... ~ ___ wr- t% a ?%? A ti P A YOiIIA W griU~AWVTLM 014TAMO~fy Efficient Net Minder for Juniors Always alert and on guard ta defend the nets of the appasing teams is Vince Vanstone. His effective net min in the team winning many cf its Junior "C" games. He haw players of invading teams. I oamd, Miss Pamm. After the i- St.Jo n' W AA stallation o! officers, the new president tock office for the closing of the meeting. Lunch ,Elects O ~fficers was then serveti by group1 with Mrs. T. Smith convenor. n I t roup convenors for theŽ, At t DackstocS. coming year are: Group 1, Mrs. Ira Argue; Group 2, Mrs. Blackstock-December mneet- Howard Bailey; Group 3, Mrs. ing o! the W.A. o! St. John's Geo. Stanilanti; Group 4, Mrs. church was helti Thursday a!- fiHenry Shernilt. ternoon, December 20. MeetingI opeAxet with- Devotional exer- cises. conducteti by Mvrs. Nich -MANVERS STATION olson. Roll cail was answereti with a gift for the Christmnas Visitors in the community for Cheer boxes. The birthday box Christmas anti the holiday sea- received a donation from Miss son: E va Parr anti Mms. T. Lang- Mr. anti Mms. John Stark anti felti. Mrs. Nicholson, leader of family, Mr. anti Mrs. Mumray the G.A. gave a splendid an- Logan with Mm. and Mrs. Dou- nual report of the fine work glas, Logan. done by the girls..- Mr. anti Mrs. Ian Smith andi Rev. Mm. Nicholson presideti Cathy, Hamilton, with Mr. anti for the election Of officers Mrâ. Sydney Powers. which resulteti as folloWs: Miss Helen Ward, Mr. Glen Hon. Pres., M4rs. Jas. Farder; Carey, Ottawa, Mr. anti Mrs. President, Mrs. Jno. Hamilton; Tom Wamti anti Garmy with Mm. Ist Vice Pres., Mms. F. Stani- anti Mrs. Herb Kennedy, Beth- landi: 2nd Vice Pres., Mrs. H. any. Hamilton, Rec. Secy., Mrs. T. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McGill anti Snmith, Corr. Secy., Mrs. F. fanily, Barrie. Mr. anti Mrs. Stanfland: Treasurer, Mrs. H. Don McGregom anti Sandy, MeLaughlin; Dorcas Secy., Mrs. Hamilton, Mr. anti Mms. Josh IA. Bailey;, Living Message anti Stapies, Lindsay, Mm. anti Mrs. Bulletin Secy., Mrs. H. Mc- Alvin Porter anti family, Fallis Laughlin, Literatume anti StutiY Line, with Mms. W. Bradley anti Book, Mrs. fl. Bone; LittleRos Helpers, Miss Eva Parr: G. A., Mm. anti Mrs. Murray Porter, Mrs. Colley, Mrs. Shemilt anti Sandra anti Donna, Newton- Miss Tymmell; J.A., Mrs. Mc- ville, Miss Vemna Porter, Peter- Arthum; Auditors, Mrs. F. Ham- bora, Mms. M. Baskemville, Miss ilton anti Mrs. F. Stanilanti; Leatha Montmoy' Tomanto, with Representative ta Advisory Mm. anti Mms. W. N. Porter. Mm. anti Mrs. Carman Rupert ~daA,~Iêanti famîly, Bancroft, Mm. anti - ~ c-~U~..JLMrs. Jack Rupert, Bowman- ~ villeMr. anti Mrs. Lorne Hor- b y ner anti Kenneth, Oshawa, Mm. anti Mrs. Stan McCabe, Alex anti Dawn, Lotus, Mr. anti Mms. Jack Horner anti family, Miss Helen Sutherland, Mr. G. Hor- ner, Peterborough, Mrs. Lautra Horneî wîth Mm. anti Mrs. Wil- Smot Horner. (j Misshn:t n esJohnston:and C Mm. Allan Johnston, Toronto, ough Msr.siand hmrsistfedMs Miss Marj amie Elliot, Petembor- Murray Logan for a few tiays. ~ Miss Lyla Davis, Bethany; Mm. anti Mrs. Haroldi Thomp- son, Miss Madelîne Boggs o! A DUR PUMPPeterborough were guests o! Means Better Living 11 o R UO atrSy NE WTON VILLE watcr when and where we Robert Oegemna o! Bowman- need it .. . adds ta aur con- ville spent a couple o! days with venience anticomfort cf daily Johnnie Walkey. life. Miss Inez Gardon spent Sun- DUROPumi ar avil- day with Mr. anti Mrs. Gerald DUROPums ar avîl- Bishop of Oshawa. able in ail sizes to meet in- Mr. anti Mrs. Allun Laing, dividual neetis. Sec your Toronto, spent the weekend Plumber or DURO dealer with his uncle, Mr. Wm. Laing. for foul information or write On Wetinestiay, Mm. anti Mrs. for FREE folder, u'Running C. M. Jones anti Mms. Alice Water, the Farm Noc.ssity". .onps, visiteti Mr. Chas. Moase in Ross Memorial Hospital anti Mr. George Griffin in a private hospital, Lindsay. Mrs. Florence McGee and Miss Ann Evans, Toronto, Bruce Watters cf Elliott Lake, spent a few tiays with Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bruce. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schepers on the bhirth of a daughter at Port Hope hospital on Monday, Dec. 24.F Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bur- ley, Cowanville, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Buley, Oshawa, spent New Year's with Mr. andi Mrs. Willis Farrow. P9IP S F EN R Mr. and Mrs. Eaml Walkey, 1, Joan and Johnnie and Mrs. J. L[MITUD PF 83 T. Pearce, spent the lioliday .ONDON - CANADJ with Mr. and' Mrs. Waller ______________________-Whi'taker. Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. BdJnso JACK B lhhfU Mount Royal, Que., andti ý Zena Carlaw, Whitby, were PLUMBING snd HEATTNG holiday visitors with Mr. anti KIA 3-5615 BOWMANVILLE Mrs. Willis Jones. Diiso SretSouth Miss Alice Nesbitt, Toronto, Divison Sreetspent the holiday with hem sis- _______________________ter, Miss Ann Nesbitt. eRobson Pontiacs against iding bas been a big factor sfoiled many attacks by jrj%%ZZJ raiumýiv erboroulgh; Mr. and Mrs. Kelth by the group ln charge. Davey, Tyrrone; Mrs. L. Pascoe 1 Mrs. Wes. Werry arranged and Miss Beasie Paicoe, Oshawa, the temperance pragram for with Mr. and Mms. W. Pascoe.1 Sunday School. It included a Mr. and Mms. E. Prescott anti vocal trio by Marie Flett, Evel- Glenn at A. Prescott's, Hamp- yn Hockaday anti Dianne Tink ton. anti a story read by Gladys Mr. andi Mrs. L. Wotten and Yellowlees. family, Oshawa; Mr. anti Mrs. N. The annual Congregational Smith anti family, Columbus; meeting will be helti on Jan- Mm. anti Mrs. P. Peters, Toronto; uamy 15. A oooti attendance is Mm. and Mms. F. Griffin and fam- equested. îly and Mm. and Mms. F. Samis May the coming year be for and family with Mr. and Mrs. R. every reader the happiest one Griffin. ever. Mmm.. T. Taylor and Allan at R. Taylom's, Oshawa. Mr. anti Mms. G. Bowers with MAPLE GROVE friends in Toronto. Mm. anti Mrs. D. McLean, This correspondent wishes Heber McLean, Blackstock; Mr-IThe S tatesman staff and eati- and Mrs. Herb Prescott and Rod- ers a vemy happy and prosper- ger at R. Parr's. ous New Year. i Mr. anti Mms. R. Parr and fam- Sevemal New Year famil~y ily with Mr. and Mms. J. Parr. gatherings were helti here Mm. anti Mrs. Stan Gray and anti some went ta other places. chiltiren, Mm. Gray, Sm., Oshawa; Mrs. J. D. Stevens spent last Mm. anti Mms. I. Puckrin anti week with hem daughter, Mm. Dennis, Whitby; Mm. R. Arm- and Mms. Ken Sumemsford and strong, Tomonto; Mm. and Mms. I. boys, Bowmanville. Ommiston anti Bannie with Mr. Mm. and Mrs. C. H. Snowden anti Mrs. H. Ommiston. spent New Years with their Mm. and Mrs. Ivan Ormiston, daughter, Mm. and Mms. Albert *andi Bannie with Mm. anti Mrs. Bmown anti family, Hamilton. B. Snagg, Oshawa. Mm. anti Mrs. Russell Gilbert, Mm. anti Mms. Herb Pmescott Mm. anti Mms. Don Camm an.- and Rotiger at A. W. Prescott's, family, Town, weme New Year Hampton. guests with Mrs. A. Beech. Mm. and Mrs. R. Stinson and Special New Yeam's message family, Miss Vera Stinson, Tom- on Sunday was given by oui onto, at the Stinson hume. pastor. There was lavely music Mm. anti Mrs. C. Lee, Miss by the choir. Sacrament waç Camol anti David Lee, Miss Joan administeredti t all present, Blendell, Toronto, with the E. Mr. Neil Brownell was receiv- Lee's. eti into church membership by Mm. anti Mms. Gardon Taylor transfer. anti chîltimen with Mr. W. Bri- gett, Bowmanville. Mm. anti Mrs. H. Bamry, Mm. Canada's 1955 total cf 1,38' anti Mms. P. Espie anti chiltimen, tuberculosis deaths registereé Mm. anti Mrs. Ted Lehay and a new low. fariiily, Part Permy; Mrs. Oliver Keffer anti Beth, Peterborough; Mm. anti Mrs. J. Cooper, Hali- burton anti Mm. Jack Barry,* 4 Alberta, were at Lloyd Snith's. Mr. and Mrs. H. Beaton, Ian. Beaton, Mrs. L. Pascoe, Miss, Bessie Pascoe, Oshawa; Mr. andj Mrs. W. Pascoe, Miss Evelyn SOLINA 1 The Three M's met Thursdy q evening in the church base-lody aur 7h E FE Dment. Don Taylor, president, :0pn ing the business discussion a Mr. urayPrscttrake donations ta telcurch S. S. M orton& Son Mr.andMr. Mrra Pescttand ta the Missionary and and Susan, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. aneaneFn.Joc 1a Jim Harris, Linda and Marie ne, Maonteance GladsJoyeoay-e A1monds, with the D. E. Prescott wre aon teld to maewen families. quiries regarding new olar. Mr. and Mrs. J. Pearson and for the choir gowns. famnily, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. R. The siate of officers for 1957 Cleland, Bownianville; Mr. Mor- was read: Honorary President, .eyOak, Npane; r. ackRev. F. Reed; Past President, Oake, Kingston, at R. Oake's. Don Taylor; Presidents, Mur- Mr. and Mrs. F. Abernethy, ray and Faye Vice; Vice Pres- Chiain Maintenance and FiIing Instructions, Bar and Mvr. and Mrs. A. Abernethy and idents, Ewart and Clara Leask; cL claughter, Manilla; Mr. and Mrs.SSrceInomto.D osrais yOE N- DonTayorSoina Mis ~. ecretaries, Bruce and Jean poceInratnD onrtinby REO Dn Sais, o a:Msand s- Taylor; Publications Convenor, SAW CHAIN CORP. Factory RepresentativesA F.a Samisandshawia M. amrsGladys Yellowlees.ME F. ams nd amlyat . am Stan and Mary Milîson werel COME BRING YOUR CHAIN, BAR, SPRQCKEI PROBLEI Mr. and Mrs. Ray Taylor and convenors of the program with family, Messrs Talmage, RCoss and the latter presiding. Several coé,,,1 ÇSS by 01100M S- Ch7C". Sponsor.d by M Keith Taylor, Oshawa, at the carols were sung, after which, Taylor home. the worship service cantain- YOUR OREGON CHAIN DEALER Mr. A. J. Tamblyn, Orono; ing thoughts for the New Year Miss Myrtie Tamblyn, Toronto; was presented by Murray and Mr. Norman Davis, Zion, witb Faye Vice. A splended reading the W. Bowman's. entitled "By their parents, you A Mr. and Mrs. L. Cochrane, shaîl know them'", was givea 1ý S. orton Ken and Ralph, Mr. and Mrs. E: 1by Mary Milîson. Don Taylor Lee and children, Mr. and Mrs. faored with vocal solos. The IpeetDae L. Stephenson and Ronnie with topic "The selection and eval-Iplmn Dae4*i' Mr. and Mrs. H. Cowling, Whit- uation of aur amusements', BOWMANVILLE ONTARIO by. proveld very, interesting with Miss Evelyn Çunningham, of Joyce Taylor leading the dis- Brantford; Miss Mary Potts, To- cussion in which everyone ronto; Miss Evelyn Pascoe, Pet- partieîpated. Lunch was served I.' You Have a N-ew Year YEAR TELE VISION Wïth 33 King St. W. Phone MA 33883 WiII Happy ALL Choose Yours from the Widest Selection of Prices and Models! EVERY SET AND AERUAL GUARANTEED'1 ELECTROHOME From $299,00 to $51900 MARCONI From $19950 to $479.00 ADMI RAL Televismon ýService Co. il # -'I WIALN b«rArrUbnlp.JN. l3vw aman y LLairi. is 32 THE CANA HAYDON Mr.'" and Mns. LeslUe Taber and family, Pickering, spent Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Pred Ashtorj and Bill, Mr. and Mrs. ert Ashtoni and family, ToA tý; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rep3,'na, Beryl and Lýynîe, spenle-Çhrist- mas Day with Mr. Heiiiw Asn- ton. Mrs. M. Smiley and Mrs-.A. Perger, Hamilton, called on Mr. and Mrs. Roy Graham and fam- lly on Christmas Day. A Christmas gatherlflgfTheld at Mr. and Mrs. Lt6,4 Graham's on Christmas Dâý'. The guests were Mr. and- Mrs. Roy Graham and family and Mrs. H. Crossman. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Tabb and family, Bowmanville; Law- rence Tabb, (RCAF): Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Alfred, Port Per- r. y, were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Blackburn and Mrs. T. Cowling on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Toms, En- niskillen, with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Siemon for Christmas dinner. Mr. Howard Goodman, Miss Frances Goodman, Saskatche- wan, visited Mr. and Mrs. Les- lie Graham, Saturday. A famlly gathering was held at Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton on Christmas Day. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Sharp, Enniskillen, Mrs. Muriel Brownlee, Leaside; Mrs. Verna Farsyth and Ron- ald, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashton and family, were guests. Mrs. Wm. McLaughlin accom- panied Mr. and Mrs. H. Mc- Laughlin, Blackstock, and was Christmas guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wright, Oshawa. %%A" -'"MMAT# MW ý1belwè1

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