t . s t t .,-*,. t t- -THURSDAY, 3AN. 10th, 1951 r THE CAI<ADIA!1 STATESMAK, EowuwvfL. ONTA.IO PAGM IMM~1 .Congratulations ta Mr. and jýrs. Arthur Harris, Sharbot a'ke, forme.-ly of Newcastle, ,0 their 501h wedding anuiven- sary, Decemben 26th, 1956, Mn. and Mrs. Sidney Byam and son Terry of Toronto, were New Years Day guests wilh Mr. and Mns. John Voutt and famiiy. Mrs. J. C. Hancock bas ne- ceived word o! the passing on Januany 3rd, o! ber sister, Mrs. James Mavor, in Victoria, B.C. Wc Jain with ber-many iriends in the district in expnessing our aincene sympathy ta Mrs. Han. cock in ber loss. Mn. and Mrs. M. A, Picker- ing, Dayrel], CGnanam, Ardele and Bian were Christmas Day dinner guests al the Victonian }toom o! the King Edward Ha- tel iu Toronto and visited wilh Mn. and Mrs. Michael Rhodes anxd family, Brendan Rd. Mrs. Walter Crowther spent the holiday season visiting witn ber son Robent Crowther and fami!y ini Toronto. Mn. and Mrs. Carl Gould- and hblîdren spent New Yea's lu Newmarket visiting witb Mrs. Gould's parents, Mn. and Mrs. McDougal. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hare vis- ited in Toronto on Friday. Mn. and Mns. Milton Kimbali and Mn. and Mns. Jack Kimbali and family o! Newlonville, Mn. and Mrs Vance Cooper and family of Oshawa and Mn. and Mrs. Ai! qraham. were New Year's Day guesîs with Mn. and Mrs. George Kimball and fam- ily. Mn. and Mrs. Marshall Pick- Pring, Ardele and Brian spent the New Year's weekend visil- irig with Mn. and Mrs. J. Volk. inar at St. Laurent, P.Q. Mr. and Mrs. George Kimnbal and family were Sunday dinner guests witb Mr. and, Mrs. High Etapletoni in Newtonville. The final service of the Week of Prayer services being held NÈWCASTLE GARAGE FRANKEIROAR, Proprieter Phone 2671 FAMILY' SINGLE, SINGLE, this week will be held in the Sunday School Hall on Fnidray evening at 8.15 on the theme ai "The Gospel is Gaod News". Everyone is invited ta this ser- vice. Mn. and Mrs. George Kimbal wene Friday evening guests with Mr. and Mrs. Meilville Samis in Newtonville. Report Local Accidents Are Way Down Despite what was pra4ablv. the hcaviest volume o! lnafiic lu histary, passing through the village in 1956, Police Chie! A.- R. Randail reports the report- able Motor vehicle accident toil in the village was down ta 28 in 1956 compared ta a total of 51 accidents neparled in 1955. Only accidents with a dam- a ge cost af $100 or aven, or wnhene someone is injured, ha3 ta be reported. It is believed 1 that the accident decrease is partly due ta the lessening a! speed ai maton vehîcles because ai the electnically controiled speed trap employed by Chie! Randaîl and the dloser watch on traiiic. Duning the year just cndedý there were a total ai 51 charges laid under the Moton Vehicles Act, four under the Liquon Con- trol Act and five unden the Ciminal- Cale ai Canada. The total amount o! fines ne- tunned ta the village duning the first eleven months o! 1956 amour.ted ta $324.40. Public Invited To Inaugurai Council Meet The- Newcastle Village Coun- cil for the year 1957 will hold its inaugural meeting in the Council Chamber o! the Com- munity Hall on Monday evenmng next, ivhen eiected representa- tives will take their oatb -)f office and one o! the local cler. gy will be present ta offer prayer. The v-arious council commit- tees will be set up at thîs meeting and council appoint- ments to the various boards and committees will be made. It is expected Reeve J. H. Jose will have a number of sugges- tions ta make to council in bis inaugural add.ress of improve- xnents he would like to see made in the village administra- tion duning the year. Reeve Jase bas asked us ta let the people know that he will be most pleased ta have- tbem attend the inaugural meeting ta see what is being done, and, any meeting during the year. ma a- TICKET - -..- ADULT,_ _ _ _ _ _ CHILD __ __ $5.00 2.50 1.50 Tickets on sale à t Arena I - and Quinncy's Barber Shop M Note- Only Scason Ticket Holders may skate on Sunday afternoon. Go Reg ardless of Snow per tire ý4e-skidding gives you Up te 5%mart traction, 15% mare tire lite. Works on both aid end new, tiras Tokes Iess than an heur, cost is modqrato, Drive in today Our John Sean Skid-Defier crectes hundreds of sturdy grip blocks in the tire treed - traction blocks that cut through the road film end cling ta the rood. NEWCASTLE GARAGE Frank Hoar Phone Newcastle 2666 Lions1 Club Discusses Numerous Activities Wilh close ta a one hundred per ccnt attendance, the New- castle Lions Club held ils firsl meeting ai 1957 in the diniug noom ai the Quecn's Hotel ou Thunsday evening witb the President, Brent.on Rickand, prcsidmng aud welcoming the guesîs o! the evening, Messrs. Bill Knapp, tbe gucat speaker, and Ra-y Ballantyne, bath o! Pe- terborough. Faliowing a deliciaus dinner, the members heard a most iu- teresting and informative ad- dness on the uses made o! by- products ai farm animals since the institution o! Packiug, plants, some fifly years aga. Iu- tnoduced by Lion John Rickand, the speaker, Mn. Bil Knapp. Chensl and plant Supervisor ai the Peterborough plant ai Can- ada Packens Ltd., begart bis ad- dress with a brie! bistory af the sausage industry, stalini. that this fonm ai meat was f irst ealen by the Babylonians 1500 years befare Chnist. Due la the facl Ihal spice was considened sa, precious iu these eanly days, he said thal a meai with sausage was some- what ai a luxury and loaked upon as we naw look upon a lunkey dinner. At anc time sau- sage was banned by the Ern- penon Constantine and bootleg- ging of the praduct became sa prevaient that il was fouud ne. ccssany ta nepeal the law. Iu speaking ai the by-prod- ucîs of hogs aud caIlle, Mn. Knapp cxplained Ibal many partions af these animals which were previausly tbrown away as wortless, are uaw being uscd ta manufacture ails aud ferlili- zen, etc., sud more recenlly nu- meraus glands o! these animais are being used ini the manufac- ture of ncw wouder drugs, sucix as Insulin, Adrenaline, ACTH. etc., explaining the varlous glands used for the drugs snd showing samples o! the glands ta bis audience. Thanka ta the speaker was expressed on behal! ôt the memqocrs fer his mast interest- ing and instructive address by Lion Jim Porter. Buaineft Aetivities During the business part ot the meeting, the members de- cidcd ta agalh sponsor super- vised skating for cbildren at th-3 local arena on Satunday's dur- ing the scason and il was de- cided ta contact thc Arena Coni- mittee for à two bout' period on Saturday anid tô hire Eric Johnston as super-vison. Lion Fred Coucb, repôrting for the Civic Improvement Comnmittee said the Cauncil had approved the plan for street name sigus and that an order had been placed for enough signs, complete with standards, ta caver ail streets iroma the lake ta the northern boundary o! the village. Deliveny ai the signs is expected in the la'.e summen or eariy autumn. Lions Howard Toms and Ar- chie McLaren neported on the activities ai the Health aud Welfare committee which bas beeu most active during the past month. Christmas cheen was distributed to sanie hirty familles in the district who wene in need o! shut-ins. Lion Howard taid o! a couple of pretty pitiful cases discovered by the commîttîeaud that through the co-openation a! the members these families had been assured a good Christmas. Lion Chas. Knax reponted bniefly on the Lions spansared Valentine Dance beiug held on February 151h. featuning Mant Kennv aud bis Western Gentle- men and urged the members ta, get busy on their ticket sales. Lion Dick Davies reported some 19 memnbers had made their neturns an the Talent Scheme averaging about $10 profit pen member. Lion Chas. Megit ne- ported morne $45 had b>een mosi- ized ta date by the fifty-fifty club for the Convention Fund. Memorial Arena Opens For Skating & Hockey The Newcastle Memroial Arena canelaken, Mn. Chas. Col- lins now bas a fine sheet o! ice prepared and public skating was initiatcd for the scason on Tuesday evening. Thaugh a camplete achedule bas flot yet beencompletcd, there will be pubrIc skating at least two evenin-gs per weck (weathýtr penmitting) and also public skating on Sunday afternoans for holders o! season's tickets. It is boped ta, make Sunday afternoon famiiy skating per- iod and season tickets have been pnepaned for family groups on singly wbîch will shlow skat- ing on any public skating even- iug on Sunday afternoon. As il is not permissible ta make a change on Sunday, only holders of season tickets will be able ta, panticipale lu the prapased famîly skating period. HeIp Wanted Arrangements have been made with the Lions Club ta supervise children's skating on Satunday aftennoons, wbile the recreation cammiltee are an- rauging a Pce Wee hockey schedffle, but two afler school periads are available fan free skating fan school children if supervision can be arrauged. Mrs. R. B. Rickard bas taken the respausibility for arraugiug for tbe supervision o! children nine years and under on Tues- day afternoons from 3.30 ta 6.00 and for childnen 10 years sud aven an Thursdays £rom 4 ta 6 ai.m. but in onden la do this the assistance oi parents la urgent- WE LIKE OUR Woo $. Wp W~PROUPLY SAY so WE iOTUNaNs 5ý Tt! ROERWAY > .IRL 33Z6 - NEWCRST. ly requined. Mathens,' and n Fathens who have children who like ta skate are requested ta offer , their services as super- visons fan a couple o! hours a week, or iu any anc or two weeks, ta assist with this pro- ject. Any person who has a little frec time that tbey can give ta Ibis cause is requested 'ta contact Mrs. Brenton Rickard, Phone 3936 immcdiately. Tbe eilîdren requine cansiderable assistance wilh their skates, etc., and the more volunteens, the casier il will be for the childnen ta make use of Ibis mcce skating lime at the Anena. Town League A local hockey league bas been fonmed again for Ibis win- ter with ail o! last winten's teams re-enlehing, twa local tearns, the Pansies and the Clip- pers and the two nelghbauning teams fnom Orono and New- tonville.i This along with the Pee Wee league should supply plenty o! fun for playens and fans alike and we hope ta be able ta give the days and limes o! these var- ious events in next week's pa- per. It looks like a busy seasan nt the local arena, particularly if the wealher balds as wcll as il did iast winter. KEDRON Rev. A. F. Cawan, Centre St. United Church, couducted the regular service at Kedron on Sunday aiternoan lu the absence o! Rev. R. H. Rickand, who wag assis-ti.ng lu a special dedication servi,,i aI Audley, a former charge. Mn. Cowau's eannest message on 'IWhy Christ Came" vias enjoyed by young and old. Iu the Sunday School houn a fine temperauce pnognsmn was given. The annuai Congregational meeting is planned for the even- ing o! Thursday, Januany 17,I 1 when ail interested in the chunch are cordially invited ta attend. The Community Club bas planned a social eveniug ta be beld on, Saturdayi Januany 19, lu the Lowen Hall. Mn. and Mrs. Alvin Spencer, Carolyn, Robent sud Bnian, wete recent tea guests o! MLs Flassie Spencer, near Raglan. Mn. Arthur Langmaid, Osh- awa, was au avernight visiton at the borne of Mn. sud Mns. E. rMountjoy. Mr. and Mrs. Murton Walter and Dorothy, were holiday gucsts ai Mn. and Mrs. Clarence .fl1in. Newcastle. Mr. and Mns. Donald Watt and famnily, Columbus, Mn. aud MNIs. Arthur Reid and Gary. Bawrnanville, wcre New Year guests ai Mn. and Mr&. J. El- liott. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tregunna, Susan and Peter, spent a few days ai the holiday week with Mrs. Treguuna's parents, Mn. and Mrs. Renowden, Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Gannon, Bannie, Larry, and Donna, Mn. snd Mns. Gardon Brown aud family and Mn. Artbur Lang- maid, sîl o! Oshawa, with the Percy Mountjay !amnily here, comprised a family party on New Ycar's Day aI Ihe E. Mountjoy home. Mn. sud Mns. M. Walter sud Dorothy weruaMmong New Yea.r Gordon Âgnew, Ediior Phone 3621 DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. 40 King St. W. Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. dailv 9 a.m. ta 12 noon Saturday Closed Sunday Office Phone MA 3-5790 House Phone - Newcastle 3551 DR. E. W. SIS SON, L.D.S., D.D.S. Office ln bis home 100 Liberty St. N. - Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. to 12 noon Wednesday Closed Sunday Phone MA 3-5604 DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. Office 23 King St. E. - Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. ta 12 noon Satu.rday Closed Sunday Telephone: Office MA 3-5459 Insur anc e 3. A. BARTON Fire - Automobile - Casualty 43 Carlisle Ave. Phone MA 3-3098 Barnisters, Solicitors Notaries Public W. R. Stnike, Q.C. A. A. H. Strike. B.A. 40 King St. W. - Bowmanville Telephone MA 3-5791 LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. Banister, Solicitor Notarv Public King St. W. - Bowmanville Phones: Office MA 3-5688 Résidence MA 3-5553 MISS APHA L. HODGINS Barnister, Solicitor Notary Public Temperance St. - Bowxnanville Morigages LEROY HAMFILTON - ORONO Phone 1 r 16 First Mortizage f unds Residences - Farms Business Properties Op fo me tr y KEFrH A. BILLETT Optometrist 141 King St. E. Bowmanvile Office l{ours: By appointmexit Téléphone MArket 3-3252 Monday ta Salunday 9 a.m. ta 5 p.m. Wedncsdays: 9 t0 12 Thursday evonings JOHN A. OVENS Optometrist Jury & LoveUl Bowmanvillc Phone MA 3-5778 Piano Tuning_ Professionai Piano Tuning 1 ARTrHUR COLLISONj Phone 34 Prince St. BowmanvMle 1' W.M.S.. Meeting Studies "For He Is Our Peace" Social and Personal 1954 PONTIAC Deluxe Sedan 1954 PONTIAC Coach One owner car, dition, 21,000 miles - Only imraculate con- 1953 PONTIAC Laurentian Sedan Like new, one owner, black, new sel whitewall tires. A r-cal $ ,9 bargain--$ .#9 One owner car, 15,000 miles. Only - in. perfect sh4[pe, $1,395 1953 PONTIAC Coach Iu good shape, _iow mileage, See tbis -$1 15 dimner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Plerson, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Werry, Mr. mnd Mru. Wm. Werry, Donald and Dennis, Robert Werry of Waterloo University-, Ted Dobb, London; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Brown and Eric, Oshawa, and the Harold Werry family spent New Year's Day, at the home of Mns. Fletcher Werry. Mr. and Mns. Wm. Elliott and Èvelyn, Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mi-s. J. 19lliott. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Davis and Lynne, Whitby; Mr. and Mr&. J. Glover, Toronto, spent New Yeas'Day as guests of Mr. and Miss J. Glover. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hancocir e ntertained the Hancock famiiv with a holiday reunion at the.r horne. Kedron folk are sorry ta learn that a long-time resident hère, Mr. Arthur Harvey, is iii ln Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville, and good wishes go toi him. Holiday visitors at the M. Walter home included Miss Louisé' Trenwith, Newcastle, Miss Dorothy Trenwith, of To- ronto. Correction* The Christmas family gathering held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Pascoe was mistakenly report- ed as a Crossman gathering. It Business Directory_ Accouniancy- RAT J. DILLING Certified Publie Accountant 93 Church Street MArket 3-3861 WM. J. H. COGGINS Chartered Accountant 64 King St. E. Bowmanville (Above Garton's Bus Station) 64 King Street E. MdONTEITH -MONTEITU RIEHL & CO. Chartered Accountants 135 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa RA 5-4662 Partners: J. W. Monteith, M.P., F.C.A. A. B. Monteith, B.Comm., C.A. G. W. Riehl, C.A. (Licensed Trustee) G. E. Tretheweyr, C.A. R. P. Lightfoot, C.A. TALE, FRIEDLANDER, RIUNTER & 'CO. Accountants and AudItors 84 King St. E. RA 5-1821 Oshawa B. L. Yale. C.A. P. Fniediander, B. Comm., C.P.A J. Hunter, O.P.A. C h ir op r a c f i c G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Chiropractor Office: 15 Elgin St., cor. of Horsey St. Phone MA 3-5509 Office Hours: By Appointrnent D e n al1 ln AI condition whitewall tires. A real steal $ 9 5 at--------- USED 1952 G.N.C. 3/4-lon Shike Excellent condition -- 695 BUICK - PONTIAC 166 King St. E. r The first meeting of the Un- ited Church Woman's Mission- ary Society for 1957 was held in the Board Room of the church on Thursday afternoon, Janu- ary 3rd, with Mrs. George AI- iin's group in charge of the pro- gram. The president, Mrs. W. F. Rickard opened the meeting with prayer and "Thoughts for the New Year". In the begin- ning God, and in the lu-be- tween, and throughout .all1 !Eternity-forever-there is God. Let us be conscious at the be- ginning of the New Year that nothing can separate us frorn, God Himiself, unless we do it of our own free will. Mrs. M. C. Fisher opeued an inspiring devotional study, "For He is our Peace". Witin1 the hymu "Standing at the Por- tal of the Opening Year" shei stressed that God is ail suffi*- dient for the coming year and, as HIe gives us a New Year, boj He can make oi us new crea- tures and give us Peace whicn is victory over ail the trials, a quietness and confidence which is victory aver ail the trials, a qùietness and confidence whicu no external circumstances can was membefs oi Mn. Pascoe's family, Mrs. H. L. Pascoe, Mrs. Wallace Scott oi Columbus, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Walton Pascoe, Bowman- ville, with members of thein familles who formed the party. The writer's apology. On Sunday last Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Crossman, Mr. and Mrs. Norval Crossman, Mrs. S. Con- lin, and John Morrow of Osh- awa, wene dinner guests in the Pascoe home. Mr. and Mrs. Hanvey Cross- mani were New Year guests of the latter's sister, Mrs. Cecil Pascoe, and family, Eldad. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Beaton and Ian, Oshawa,. were Satur- day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Har- vey Pascoe. Mrs. F. Werry, with Mrs. Ewart Nichol, Oshawa, were recent visitors and supper guests oi Miss Monis Batty and Mn. Fnank Batty, Brooklin. New Year's Eve parties were held in many Kedron homes for small groups of friends. Some couples attended varlous New Year balls, and many o! the young folk followed these [with a party i n the home of one o! thein group. And naw that 1957 has been thus welcomed, may it be for ail a very fine year.1 A speedy recovery Is wished for Baby Bannie Milîs who is ili in Oshawa Hospital with pneu- monia Mr. Arthur Hamilton is under- going treatment in Oshawa Hos- pital and kindest wishes are ex- tended frorm Kedron folk. Many friends at Kedron were sorry to learn of the illness o! Miss Hazel Van Dyke, R.N., lu Oshawa Hospital, and say "Best Wishes". A warm welcome to Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Rosnak, daughter Patti and baby, who have moved inta hein new home just across fnom Kedron Church. Miss Margaret Pellow, Osha- wa, and ber Jainaican friend,I Miss Joyce Baxter, at present studying in New York, were holiday guests of Mrs. William Werry. Local Man Is Baptised At Assemfbly Mr. M. Holinaty, local pré&Ild. ing mninister of Jehovah's Wit- nesses tells us that the congre. galion had a splendid tîme at their Circuit Assemibly at Scar.. borough this pat weekend. The sessions commencéd ôti- Friday evenîng. when thé Iheme "Happy People Serving the Happy God" wvas set by Mt.' W. Yacos, District Supervisor. The Minîstry Schaal !ollowed, and Mr. . Holinaly, Bowman-, ville, spake on 'How Long De You Choose ta Live?". Thé meeting ciosed with sang and prayen when mnany of the de., legales assembled again in thq school cafeteria for food and. fellowship. Saturday opened with prac- tical demongtrationg on hOw tô- succeed iu the house to bOute: preaching ai the Gospel. Mit. Yacas spoke ou Dedication nd, Baptisin and later 15 were bap- tised. among them was Mr. Bernardi Haase o! Bowmnan- ville. Motors In AI condition, completely overhauled._-$ 9 TRUCKS 1951 CHEV. '/H-on Pick-up reconditioned - $675 Rob son break. This beautiful worship service was concluded witb prayer by Mrs. Fisher and the singing of a -hymn. Mns. Allin continued the New Year's theme with the thought, truc living means growth into the image of Christ himseli by weli rounded character and dîscipJined manhood and woni- anhood and doing well the woric of the hour. Mrs. Hare canclud- ed this part of the prognam by giving three fine appropri- ate readings -When Jesus Came ta Bethlehem"~, "Lord Show Me How ta Serve" and "This year l'd like to be a friend day. well spent at setting of the sun". The business part of the meeting consisted oi reports for 1956 from the vaniaus secretar- ies. The jubilant spirit express- cd for reaching the Sociely's allocation climaxed if the sing- ing of "Praise God from whrn ail biessings flow". The meet- ing closed with the singing of al hymn and the repeating of the Mizpah Benediction in uni- son. Company owned -car- 1.956 BUICK SUPER '4-Door Hairdtop *FulIy power equipped *Very low Mileage *Like new *New car guarantee $11500 Off List Price SEE THIS SPECIAL BUY At il, Newcastle Nemorial Arena SEASON'S SKATING TICKETS Limited' PONTIAC - BUICK and VAUXHALL CARS G.M.C. TRUCKS 166 King St. East Bowmanville Two telephones to serve you - MA 3-332 1 or 3-3322 1948 PONTIAC Deluxe Sedan 1948 CHEVROLET COACH S E E. ROBSON PONTIAC JUNIOR "C"' HOCKEY TEAN in action at Memorial Arena against WHITDY on Wednesday, January l6th Robson Motors Lumuted :- G.M.C. TRUCK DEALER Bowmanville MA 3-3321 i N C !Prof _cmn A