TTD.~flAV.TA~ q¶.+ ¶O~? THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. EOWMANV!LLE. ONTARIO Sunday School Members Up Kedron Report Shows The annual meeting of the <LOngrçgation of Kedron Churcli waî'eld on Tuesday evening in thie Lower Hall, and was well attended. Opening worship on the theme "'Building Charaster, in This New Year" was led by Rau Werry, assisted by Grant Spen- r vho read the Scripture. tig was conducted by 0 Ws)ter, Rev. R. H. Rick- ard. Minutes of the previous an- inual meeting were read by Secretary Clarence F. Werry. A brief "In Memoriam", hon- oured members held in tender iniemory wbo passed away dur- ing 1956. These were the late Richard J. Luke who died on July 2, the late Alvin Howard' Van Dyke wha died on July 5, and the late Herman L. Pas- coe, who was a member of Ke- dron church far many years and wbo died on September 11. Session repart as given by the Session Clerk C. F. Werry follows. Number ai active fam- ilies at Kedron, 40; number of persans under pastoral over- sigbt, 222; (resident membrs 82, adherents 50, cbildren 90); bap- tisms 23; marriages 2. No new members were received by pro- fession ai faitb, twa by trans- f er. The Financial Report w3s presented by Treasurer How- ard Farndale with receipts ta- talling $2,645.12. An increase of expenses far the ycar was reported as $318-17 over 1955, due largely ta an increase in S. S. attendance with little lu- crease in supparting member- ship. The C. K. Doubles Club had receipts af $88.95; and the C.K. Y.P.U. receipts af $147.1 ofa 'which $80 was giverk ta M. and M. Ross Lee, Treasurer af the S. S., reparted receipts of $529.14 with a small balance ou baud. Mrs. Lorne Tregunna, W. A. treasuxer,. reporled receipts ai $1,820.39, and the Missionary Secretary, Mrs. E. Mountjoy, reported $69 lu addition cou- tributed ta Missions froma the W.A. M. and M. givings sent by the Cburch Missionary Treasurer, J. Harvey Pascoe, to Toronto, were $700.81. Mrs. R. H. Rickard reparted Junior Congregatian receipts ai $87.48; Lowe&+ ,FOOD FREEZER- REFRIGERATOR Modet FS-10IC57 Easy Payments after aMailidowe payment, This 10.1 eu. ft. low-cost Super Model is tbe big "bonus baby" of '57! Top-quality Frigidaire features: Real Zero Zone Freezer- holda 44 lba - Exclusive Cycla-Matic Defrosting in refrigerator sec- tion * Four Full-Width Shelves . F'ull.Width Glide-Out Porcelain Hydrator - Big, Deep Storage Door with Five removable ahelves. Quit and backed by General Motors MASON & DALE HARDWARE Phone 408 36 King St.E Bowman ville Grant Spencer, Treasurer of the UJnited Links Class of Young People, reported receipts of $190.05; Everett Mountjoy, trea- surer of the Aduit Bible Class, reported $150.32 raised. A vote of thanks xvas ex- pressed to ail treasurers and to the 1956 auditors, Frank C. Lee and Harvey Crossman, for their work in preparing the financial reports of the year. At this time a treat was en- joyed, when Mrs. Rickard show- cd on the screen beautiful col- oured pictures which she had taken locally. Màny familiar community homes and views, were s ho wn, as well as splendid pictures of the spe- cial service when the late Mr. R. J. Luke and Mrs. Fletcher Werry burned the note owed on the present church. Officers elected were: Session, Walter Davis, Ross Lee, Ever- ett Mountjoy, Clarence Wer-i ry. Stewards, Russel Down. Wm. L. Mountjoy, Albert Wood and (newly elected), Harvey Crossmnan: Trustees, Harvey Crossman, Fýoss Lee, Everett Mountjoy, Hàroid Werry, and (newly-elected> Howard Farn- dale. Aud-:tors for 1957: Frank C. Lee and William Snowden. Col- lectars, Jack Francis, William Farnctale, William Snowden, Keith Tregunna, Alvin Spencer, and the Convenor, Albert Wood. Tellers, Alvin Spencer and Harold Werry. Flower Com.: Mrs. J. Glo- ver, Mrs. C. F. Werry; M. and M. Com.: William Werry (Con- venor), Harvey Pascoe (Treas- urer), Walter Davis, Mrs. E. Mountjoy and Ronald Werry. Manse Com.: Wm. L. Mount- joy and Harvey Crossman; Re- ception Com., Howard Brown, Elmer Parkes, Alvin Spencer, Albert Wood;' Jack Glover and the Convenor, William Snow- den. Chureh Reporter, Mrs. Har- old Werry; Secretary of àOffi- ciai Board, Ross E. Lee. A vote of appreciatian was tendered Howard Farndale who has been the Church Treasurer for the past few years, and fui- filled that office most capably. Special appreciations were also expressed to Rev. and Mrs. Rickard, and to the church or- ganist, Mrs. Ross E. Lee. It was brought to the atten- tion of the cangregation by Har- old A. Werry that our share of clie quarter of circuit expenses was no longer considered ade- quate, and an extra $150 was voted at this time to assume a greater part of the costs of the pastoral charge. It was also pointed out that in 1958, Kedron Chureh as an institution would be 100 yearsi old, and the Session were re- quested to begin plans to mark this occasion suitably. Members of the W.A. served refreshments during a social hour. United Church Elects Officers Blackstock: The Annual Con- gregational Meeting of the Un- ited Church was held Monday night with a good attendance. Rev. P. Romeril conducted the worship. Splendid reports from the Phon e MA 3-3303 NOWU BOUT THAT -Il Sunday School were given by Ralph Larmer, Superintendent, and Richard Van Camp, Treas- urer; W. A. by Mrs. Russell Mountjoy; W.M.S. by Mrs. Stu- art Ijorrell; Mission Band by Mrs. Cecil Hil Explorers by Mrs. Roy McLaughlin, and church reports by the envelope Steward, Percy Van Camp; Treasurer, Ivan' Thompson; Missionary and Maintenance Secretary, Carl Wright. Following are the officers for 1957:-Elders, Earl Dorrell, Er- nest Larmer, Wallace Marlow, Russell Mountjoy, J. A. John- stan. Carl Wright and Herb Swain. Stewards, Jim Marlow, Dal- ton Dorreil, Ivan Thompson, Harold Martyn, Hector Short- ridge, Clarence Marlow, Stan- fard Van Camp, Gardon Strong, Roy McLaughlin, Harold Swain, Harold Kyte, Ralph Larmer, Merrili Van Camp, Percy Van Camp, Ross Duff, Murray By- ers, Neil Malcolm, Auditors, Richard Van Camp and Glenn Larmer. Ushers, Hectar Shortridgo, Merriili Van Camp. Keith Van Camp, Ralph Strong, Harvey Grahim, Ernest Swain. Ex:ension Cammittee, Ralph Larmer, Ernest Swain, Wal- lace Marlow, Harold Kyte, Earl Darrell, Rev. Romeril. Several other items of busi- ness were dealt with. Meeting closed with prayer by the Pas- tor. OBITUARY Norman, Charles Yellowlees Mr. Norman Charles Yellow- lees ai Hampton passed away lu Memocial Hospital, Bowmau- ville, an January 21. His sud- cien death came as a great shack ta bis family and fciends. Mr, Yellowlees was 70 years ai a g e.i *The deceased was born in Darlington Township, a san ai Donald P. and Susaunah Fran- ces Yellowlees. He was a butcher for many years and learned bis trade with the late Alex Hume ai Bawmanville. He worked lu meat stores in Hamilton and opecated a butch- er business in partnership dur- ing the ten years he spent there. I-?e xvas marrîed on Sept. 1, 1915, ta Mary L. Cation and in the Falai 1916, Mr. and Mrs. Yellowlees moved ta the Sev- enth Concession ai DarlinIgton where they farmed successfully for about 30 years and were known toalal as wouderful ueigbbours. Mr. Yellawlees was always willing ta belp neigh- bours and fciends wbenever ueeded. He was a lover ai borses. Mr. Yellowlees served as au elder lu Eldad United Church and aiter moving ta Hamptan, as elder af that church. Iu Hmpton be carried an car- peutering work until he suifer- ed a strake from which he did not regain consciousness. Frieuds and relatives gath- ered from fac and near ta pay their last tribute ta a fine bus- baud, father and fciend when funeral services xve-e held at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, ou Thursday, jan. 24. Service couducted by Rev. F. J. Reed ai Hampton. Out-of-towu fciends and rela- tives attended from Brampton, Toronto, Peterborough an d Mayfield. There were many beautiful floral tributes testifying ta the esteem in which Mr. Yellowlees was held, among them thase ai the I.G.A. Staff ai Torouto and also ai Dartmouth, N.S., Boys o! Oshawa Praduets, Hampton W.M.S., Hamptan Womeu's Iu- stitute, Hampton Service Club, Eldad Bible Class, Sauina Wom- eu's Institute, Bradley's Cam- munity Club, Tyrane W.A., St. Pauls Evening W.A. Palibearers were Messrs. Herh NichaIs, Ken Courtice, Cecil Goodman, Dave Hall, Archie Virtue and Art Belîman. In- terment was lu Hamptan Ceme- tery. Leit to mauru bis passing are his wiie, Mary L. Cation; and cbildren, Jessie (Mrs. Ivan E -ictt Pterbarough; Norma (Mrs. Ernest Hockaday) Hamp- ton; Grace (Mrs. Frank Wright) Bowmanville; Donald L., Wil- lowdale. One son, Neil, pre- deceased him. He also leavesz two brothers, Donald ai Taun- ton, and Jack W., Solina. Because af inflation, lu terms o! its pucchasing power lu 1900 the Canadian dollar was worth 48 cents lu 1945, is warth 30%2 cents in 1956. By RAILPH TEE Celebrate 60 Years Wed Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Richards who live with their daughter, Mrs. Kenneth Rundie, at R.R. 1, Bowmanville, celcbrated their 6th wedding anniversary on Sunday, January 27., with a reception for friends and relatives held at the Lions Community Centre. Pictured with Mr. and Mrs. Richards is their only great-grandchild, Master Douglas Roberts, aged 3, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Roberts, Toronto. Mrs. Roberts is the former Joan Richards, daughter of Mc. and Mrs. Garnet Richards, Toronto. Many lovely bouquets, gifts and cards wr receivc'd by the bride and groom o! 60 yeacs. -Photo by Fiehder Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. George Hutton on their 50',h Wedding Annivecsacy Feb- ruacy th, 1957. Mc. and Mrs. W. S. Staples, Bowmanville, visited Mc. and Mcs. D. G. Hooper. Mc. C. L, Myles, Mcs. D. N. Myles, Mc. Le Roy Myles, Mrs. J. Patts, Haydan, and Mc. Don- ald Myles, Bawmanville, at- tended the funecal ai Mrs. Roy Sears (the former Mabel Myles) in Hamilton last Fciday. Mc. and Mrs. Robt. Haucock and dau1ghtecs Helen and Peg- gy and Mcs. Egerton Hancock visited Mc. and Mrs. Jesse E. Tester, Toronto, an Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lamb, Karen and Barbara, Scachoro, speut the weekend with Mrs. Thacuton Wilson. Congratulations to Mr. Ger- ald Lunn who was a winnec ai Private and Commercial Pilot Wiugs at the Annual Members Banquet at Ontario Couuty Flying Club at Oshawa Aicpart on Januacy lOth. Ger- ald is the sou ai Mr. and Mrs. Archiýý Lunu. Mr. and Mrs. David Phasey and son Wayne have returned home aiter spending a week with Mc. and Mrs. Howard Philip. Tyrane. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Davis and daughtccs, Bowmanville, spent Satucday witb Mrs. D. N. Myles. Mcs. Laura Cooper bas ce- turneri ta Mc. and Mrs. O. Cawans aiter spending twa ,months in Picton. Mrs. John Turner bas been with ber daughtec, Mrs. Bob Morton, who bias been i11. Mrs. Earl Gcady lias returu- ed home from visiting bier family in Hamilton. M'viss Gweu Chatterton, Tar- onto, with htr parents. Mr. ana Mcs. M. Chatterton. Rey. R. A. Wbattam, Toronto, attended I.O.O.F. banquet and visited at a few bornes last week. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Waod and daughters, Lakefield; Mc. and Mrs. Chas. Wood visited Mrs. Gea. Crowther, Newcastle, on Sunday. -Mro. J. D. Brown lias been ill at bier hume. Hec daugbter, Mrs. E. C. Milîson, is with bier. Mr. and Mcs. J. Pape, Raws- mau River, Manitoba, visited Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Raine 1 Mr. and Mcs. Victor Elancock, Bowmanville, and Mr. and Mrs. Egerton Hancack attended the funeral ai Mr. Evans MeCon- key, Bcidgenorth, on Manday. Mr. McConkey was killed on 115 bighxvay Jast wcek. Mrs. McRoberts, Tycone, isz staying with Mrs. Chas. Awde. Mcs. Ralph Bougbeu and Mc. and Mrs. Boughen, Newtanville, visited Mc. and Mrs. Gea. Mac- tan. Mc. and Mrs. Egerton Han- rock and Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hancock. visiied Mc. and Mrs. Gardon Wonnacott, Oshawa, on Sunday. Rev. C, R. Rudd, B.A., B.D, the District Secretacy ai thel British and Foreign Bible Sc- ciet.y was the guest preacheri at the moruing ser'vice af Ocono United Chucch ou Bible Sunday. A senior meiybers' night was the members had in having aI observed by Orano I. 00.F.i Grand Ladge officer chosen Lodge on January 23. Heather from their lodge. He presentedi Rebekah members served a him with a pen and pencil set as turkey dinner at 6:30 p.m., fol- a token of esteem. lowed by an open meetin gin the Grand Marshial Youngman, lodgce room of the new hall. who had been taken completely P.D.D.G.M. Wm. Riddell was by surprise, said it was one of a toastmaster at banquet and. very few tirnes when he was at chairman of the meeting. The a loss for words, but capably coll caîl showed 15 P.D.DG.M.'s, expressed bis thanks, foll owed 51 Past Grands, four 50-year b.y a short history of his life in members, 25 members of 25 the Order, and *.as proud ta years were present, in addition have five sons in the lodge. ta many junior mnembers. Vis- D.D.G.M. W. Shotter, Bowman- itors from Cobourg, Port Hope, ville, and D.D.G.M. Harold Wîc- Bowmanville, Oshawa, Whitby, kett, Whitby, brougflt greetings Ajax, Toronto, Peterborough, from Durham District 42, and Kingston, signed the register. Ontario District 41. Cbairmafi Riddell and P.G. P.G. Walter Hackney, Baw- Gardon Watson gave financial manville, moved a vote of tbanks st&,îment on aperation of the ta members of Heather Rebekah 100.OF. Community Hall, show- Lodge for their contribution in ing that in the threc years since preparing and serving the turkey it was opened it bas operated at dinner. Reply was made by Mrs.1 a profit and the building fund Herb. Murray. indebtedness almost entirely Grand Treasurer Speaker wiped out, due to the bard work Th1us pekr rn and free labour of members,' and Th us spaeGnd dontins ro Ornoand dist- Lodge Treasurer Newton A.' donteins.o OooFoster, P.G.M., Kingston, based net esidnts.his adciress on the part younger Charter Member Present members must play in the Order A charter member of Orano' and said their ability will de-! Ladge, Rev. R. A. Wattam,! pend on initiative in these days Tonto, minister at Orono, 1911-I of rapidly changing customs in1 15. gave reminiscing remarks1 our way af life. about his Orono mniistry and 1 Due ta the rapid increase in jining the Order in April, 1912,; population of Canada thraugh, as a member of the new lodge. immigration, we must think of" He was the officiating clergy- the future. The question of man at the wedding af Wm. Rid- 'haw long ean xve maintain the! dell, Orono, also Wesley Cawker, xvay of life we appreciate" must! Bowmanville. On bis retirement be given priority, Many are, from the ministry be drapped coming ta aur land with a hunger his affiliation with variaus lad, for a new lufe and by teaching ges and arganizatians but retain- tbem the Canadian way afi lue ed membership in the Odd Fel-1 we ean make doubly sure af aur: lows. He paidi tribute ta Bra. democratie principles. Riddell for his untiring work in! Immigrants may want ta share. the Order. in Odd Fellowship and ta keep 1 Two mrembers af the staff; pace xith world conditions mem-' whih nsttuedOrono Lde bers must be "gaod f.-llows ta 5-vear veterans Wesley Cawker ail men and do their part ta and Wm. Yeo ai Flarence Night- make them happy and contented. ingale Lodge, Bowmanville, gave Do flot pass them bY. for by sa a fev remarks. j 'ig the principles of Odd Fel- Honor Grand Marshal lawship eould be lost, and also P.D.D.G.M. Alvin Blewett, on the majority vote. behaîf of Orono Lodge, called Conimunity Service Grand Marshal Ed Yaungmnan to The Order should be af service the Noble Grand*s station ndta the cammunity and the speak- expressed the feeling of hnou er cited the work Orono Lodge' bas done and is doing for the betterment of the community through their Cancer, Polio and Tuberculosis Fund, hespital bed and the new community hall. At the present time a cam- paign is under way by Grand Lodge to provide additional ac- comodation for senior members1 in the I.O.O.F. Home at Barrie, and make the Home safer by new devices asked for by the Ontario Government. Anglican W.A. To beGuests of St. John's Here Blackstock: The monthly meeting of the St. John's W.A. was held Jan. 17 with the new president, Mrs. John Hamilton, presiding. The Devotional was In charge of Mrs. J. A. McAr- thur who read the Seripture Pnd led in prayers. The minutes and treasurer's reports were given; roll cal was answered jwith the membership fee for 11957. A 4hank you letter was re- ceived from Mrs. W. Lamb for the get well wishes sent ber husband during his recent iii- ness. Ahl were very happy ta know he was improving. Mrs. Langfeld expressed ber thanks for the expression of sympathy she received at the time of ber mother's passing. It was decided ta accept the invitation of!-the Bowmanville Branch ta visit them on the evening of Feb. 11. Anyone wishing to go is ta get in toucri with Mrs. Langfeld, Mrs. H. McLaughlin or Mrs. John Ham- ilton. A committee wvas appointed to buy working material for the bazaar.- Arrangements were made for some decorating, to be done at the Rectory and dlean- ing of the Parish Hall and kit- chen. Wark was started on the Indian girl's outfit and several cash donations were received toward the same. At the close af the meeting lunch was served by Group 2 with Mrs. H. Bailey convenor. IELJZABETHVILLE On Tuesday evening the young folk attended the Young Peapie's Union beld at Canton. Elizabethville pcepared the devotional part af the meeting. Garden Hill supervised the re- creational part. Canton supplied t he lunch for the meeting. The next meeting is ta be held, at Garden Hill iu a month's time. Miss Gwen Croit, Port Hope, with Miss Sybol Sheppard. Mc. aud Mrs. McAllister and Mrs. Howard Quantrill spent a day lu Guelph last week. Mrs. Quantrill visited her sister-in- law, Mrs. Harold Holden. Sunday Sebool was held un- dec the leadership ai the su- perintendent, Mr. M. White. Church services followed under the leadership ai Rev. Gardin- er who is filling in for Rev. MTrumpour. The cougregation- al meeting is to be held Jan. 29. Miss Marilyn Meccer, Garden Hill, speut the week with Mrs. E. Fallis. Mc. Fallis is still in Malton. Mc. and Hrs. Howard Gardon visited at Mc. and Mrs. H. Mul- drew*s and Mrs. A. Muldrew's an Sunday. Mc. and Mrs. Savery, Stark- ville, visited at Mcs. A. Mul- drew's during the week. M Good Financial Balance 50 % Increase in M.&M. Mark Orono Church Year Some ai the best reports forfr the Junior Congregation, many years were given on Mn- te Tyro and Explorer Groups, day evening when the Orono the C.G.I.T.. W.C.T.U., Mission [UnitedCuc held its A,ýnnual tBaud and Y.P.U. Congreg=ioa Meeting. The This year, aIl the reports resident membership of thsý were mimeographed aud distri- ehurch bas risen to 308, and buted ahead ai tbe Annual the Treasurer's Report showed Meeting so there wvas flot the a credit balance a! $1,145.08 at necessity o! taking time at the the close af 19156. Mr. W. J. meeting to read them ail. Riddell, the church treasurer, Changes in the officers ini the was accorded a bearty vote of church were few. Mr. John appreriation for the splendid Paton was elected Elder; Mr. work be had done by members Wm. Armstrong, Jr., an usher. ai the congregation present. The new W.M.S. presideut is T he Missiouary & Mainten- Mrs. A. A. Drummond while ancl Fund, ai which Mr. E. R. h e rsdn fteWA Raiey s teaure, asoshaw- is Mrs. Lydia Kitchen. Repre- ed a splendid advance over last sentative ta Presbytery for the year. This year showed a total nugyeriM.M.H of $1,9,11.18 having been faor-enun yer1 MrM.H warded ta the M. & M. Depart- ýStaples. ment of the church, about a The meeting commenced with 50% increase over last year. a pot luck supper followed by The Sunday Sehool report show- a sbowing o! the film, "The ed an enrolîment o! around 150 Secret of the Gift.' Around 100 scholars, ranging in agle îrom atteuded.1 four Ia nearly 20. Mr' M. H. Mr. Kitchen, who is due for Staples is the Superintendent. retirement through leugth of The Sunday Scbool Treasurer, service in July, followed up an Mr. Elvin Blewett, presented a announcement which he had repart shawing cash on baud made previously to the Offie- December 3lst ai $216.53. ial Board, by expressing the The Wamen's Missionary Sac- regrets ai Mrs. Kitchen an-1 iety, Aiternoon Auxiliary Pres- himself at the coming severance ident, Mrs. M. H. Staples, re. af relations with the Oran> ported a splendidi year with the Prstoral Charge, and saying raising ai the-ir allocation o! how well the Bloards on the $775. The, Eveuing Auxiliary, Charge had treated hlm and under Mrs. Olive Milîson, pres- ca-oioerated with him in ail the icJent, reported on their program wark be had tried ta do. A ai work and of a splendid year vote o! appreciation was ex- ai co-operatîve endeavaurs be- tendçd ta Mr. and Mrs. Kitchen tween members and groups.. for their services. Mr. Kit- The Womeu's Associatian, o! chen in July will be going to which Mrs. E. R. Raiuey wab Lundy's Lane Church, Niagara president, raised during the Falls, to become the Assistant year ovec $1600, and presented Minister. ta the Church Chair new choir The meeting closed in happv gowns. There were reports fellowship around ten o'lock. Mr. and'Mrs. Aif. Richards Are Honored on Occasion 0Of Their Diamond Jubilee Mr. and Mcs. Alfred Richards frieuds. Many gift bouquets of o! R. R. 1, Bowmanville, re- f]owers decorated the roomn. reived avec 150 callers in the Cards and giits were received, Green Raom of the Lions Com- also a teleàram o! congratula- munity Centre on Sunday ai- tion from Her Majesty, Queen ternoon, Jan. 27, ou the occasion Elizabeth; a letter from Prime of their 6Oth wedding anniver- Minister St. Laurent; a letter sary. from the Hon. G. H. Dunbar, The bride of 60 years is the Provincial Seeretary, on behaîf former Zilla Maud Parkiu and of the goverument of Ontario. was uuited in marriage with Among the lovely bouquets Mr. Richards ln Enniskillen an was one from the Town of Jan. 27, 1897. Mr. Richards was Bowmanville, and one froru a foceman in the Goodyear Tire Mr. Richards' sister, Mrs. 14. H. and Rubber Company for 25 Todgbam of Windsor who was years, having 35 yeacs of ser- unable to be present. vice there lu aill, dating back The tea table was centred ta the days of the old Durham with an appropriately decoratel Rubbec Campany. Hie retired three tier wedding cake with iu 1935. Mr. and Mrs. Richards a vase o! pink carnations on make their home with their either side. Mrs. Richards' sis- only daughtec, Mrs. Ken Run- ter, Mrs. Charles Maywood, To- dle, and bath enjoy g00d routa, and ber sister-in-law, health. Mrs. Bruce Parkin of Oshawa, Tbc'ir five sons were ail pres- poured tea, and members of eut also, Garuet, Toronto; Leon- the family assisted in serving. ard, Llayd, George and Ross af The guest book was lu charge Bowmanvilie. There are 12 of two af the grandchildren, grandchi]dreu and one great- Gloria and Donna Moon. grandchild. A family supper party con- Members of the famiiy wel- cluded the day, ta celebrate comed guests and ushered them grandson Ronald Richards' lOth into the Green Room where the birthday which fell ou the honaced couple received the same day. Ronald is the son of congratulations o! their many Mr. and Mrs. Ross Richards. Guaranteed Used Trucks!, Trucks! Trucks1 1953 Chevrolet %A-ton Panel nAl89 condition $-- 9 1952 Chevrolet 1/2-lon loci 1953 G.M.C. 1/2-t on Pick-up..... $895 1952 G.N.C. 3/4-Ion Stake ...... $695 Pickup.. 8 5 0 1951 Chevrolet '/2-lon Pick-up A real buy --- -- $695 miU r UaU ,/2-ionUi Et-LupJ Iperfect $5 condition $ 5 2 1950 G.M.C. Panels Good serviceable trucks, from-- $295 1953 BUICK SEDAN Two-tone, new tires, dynaflow transmission, custom radio, nevi slip covers. This car has vecy loxv mileage and is in excellent condition. A real bargain - $1#*69 5 Let Your Porchlight Shine 1952 FORD COACH New paint job, custom radio, whitewall lires. This car is in top shape. Special$ 5 to 8 p.m. Robson Motors Limuted BUICK - PONTIAC 166 King St. E. - G.M.C. TRUCK DEALER BowmavilleMA 3-3321 A Real Bargain 1950 G.M.C. 3-ton Chassis and Cab 172" wheelbase, new motor job, excellent tires -ONLY J$350 Th is Week's USED CAR SPECIALS HELP FIGHT POLIO TO-NIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLLP. ONTARIO ý yffuRMAT. 3AN. 319t. 1957 -.L Senior Members' Night HeId by Orono I.O.O.F. e toic Tmüm r=