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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Jan 1957, p. 6

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TE AADA TTEMNGOWAVI sixRO NRDYJN lu.15 Expect to Reap B enef ifs .ln 195 7 from L,,*ODDA. Work JThe Lake Ontario Develop- ment Association after only one full year of operation bas pro- vn its ability ta attract indus- try and to bring ahl-round benefit and prosperity to this area. The Association's strength lays in unity, the unity o! 33 towns and townships wbo have collectively secured 16 new in- dustries and bave contacts with 115 other prospective firms de- iring new locations. These facts bighlighted the annual meeting of the L.O.D.A. held in the Rockhaven Motel, Peterborough, on Wednesday of lait week, at which timne the executîve and committee reports were presented to over 100 mnembers of the Association. Guest speaker for the occa- sion was Alex Crate, Director ci the Trade and Industry Branch, Onlario Department o! Planning and Development. Mr. Crate predicted a great future for this area on reviewing the Theology Stt United Chur L.O.D.A.'s accomplisbments. Bowmanviile Represented Those in, attendance from Bowmanville were Mayor Nel- son Osborne, Elmer Banting, Chamber president and 2nd vice-presîdent of the L.O.D.A., R. B. Rickaby, George Hacking, W. H. Brown, A. H. Sturrock, and Ken Morris, secmtary-mfaIi- ager of the Chamber. ýW. J. Powell, president of the Association submitted his an- nual report to the members wbich sunimarized the year's activities. Mr. Powell stated that for the L.O.D.A. 1955 was the year of preparation, and 1956 the year o! fuifilîment. He went on to predict 1957 as the year of implimentation and 1958 as tbe year in which the full impact of the programme wili be felt. A Seiling Job The guest speaker, Mr. Crate, pointed out to the members that aidents FNI ých Pulpits Twenty-five students of at GILebe Road United Chiurch, lheology attending Emmnanuel Toronto, was the speaker at St. Collegae, Toronto, occupied pul- Paul's United Church. Mr. Al- pits throughout Oshawa Pres- bytery last Sunday morning. len spoke in clear and forceful This was a part of %he observ- terms of the meanmng of the ance of Christian Youth Week Christian wav of life and the in the United Church of Cdlh- opportun ities 'for young people ada. to serve in the church. In Bowmanville, Mr. John The C.G.I.T. gir],%. Sigma C Coutts, second year Theology and Tyro ïboys' classes attend- student whose home is in To- ed the service in a body. The ronto, occupied the pulpit of Theology students, with the Trinity Uffited Church and exception of the two in Bow- brought a vital message to the manville wvho had cornmitnents congregation. in Toronto. attended a special Mr. Kenneth Allen, a native youtb service in Simcoe Street ef North Bay, second year United Cburch, Oshawa, in the Theology student and assistant evening. Enden Shampoo Hazel Bishop r The Dandruff Treatnient UlIra-Matic Llpstick 2y2 months supply special Vacuum * Deep Botties Ail New Special Bobbl Noxzema ___.00P ~M~ 98c-1.25 Bufferin98c size Tablets Ma'tee.civetrtnd Halo 39e -79o u hteCIf msyet formltd. 1.23 Resuils gaorented. I 790 BAYER ASPIRIN SPECIAL Mulcin- 1.50 - 2.75 - 4.85 79o Infantol- 1.25 . 2.25 - 3.50 75esiz Intanine Tri-Visol- 1.55 « 280 - 4.00 25e size Instantine Polyvisol - 1.95.- 3.45 - 4.90r B oth for 75c Ostoco Drops 1.45 - 2.40 - 4.25 Hot Waler BoiUles - Guaranteed 1.29 - 1.79 2.19. - 2.75 ""Operalion Porchlight" Fight Polio Tonight - 7 to 8 COWLING'S PAHO595NEU' TUES MAR3-E695 DRUG STORE TWE FIT R Royal Theatre Bowmanvilk I Thurs. Io Sal. Nexi Mon., Tues. Matinee Saturday, 2 p.m. Feb. 4 - 5 - MG s hfaloum com.dy- i MLLE. DESI I ALL"ÀARNA I. .FE T- THE LONG, LONG 1i TR LTALER cCME .J SCREEN m'wi'KwUîaaI Uta nom momm Last Complete 8:35 5umWUU UP THE LIKES ME -NPI B UHMU Last Compiete 9:10 NEXT WED. AND THURS. - FED. 6 - 7 Last complete show 9 p.m. January Calendars 915 and 248 worth $15 each HELP FIGHT POLIO TO-NIGHT Let your porch light shine - 7 to 8 p.m. ')BITUARY MRS. JAMES E. FLETT On January 2, 1957, there en- tered into rest at the Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, Mrs. Elizabeth Dunseath Flett, belov- ed wif e o! the late James Edwin Flett, in her 85th year. Born in Verulam Township on September 11, 1872, the deceased was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Dunseath. She had lived in Bowmanville for about 30 years, coming from Cartwright Township. A mcem- ber of Trinlty United Church, she was one af its most active workers and a woman bighly re- spected by the entire congrega- tion. Surviving are two sons, Alex of Fenelon Falls; Joe o! Bow- manville, and two daughters, Ella (Mrs. Mervyn Graham) of Blackstock; Susie (Mis. Ed. Mar- ris) of Burketon; also 10 grand- children and three great-grand- chiidren; two sisters, Mrs. Mar- garet Campbell, Fenelon Falls, and Mrs. Bertha Rutherford, Otonabee Township, and one brother, Mr. Thomas Dunseath, Cranbrook, B.C. The funeral service was held at 2 p.m., Saturday, January 5, at the Northcutt & Smith Fun- eral Morne, conducted by Rev. T. A. Morgan. Interment was in Bowmanvile Cemetery. Palibearers and flower-bear- ers were nephews of the de- ceased. IETHANY Mrs. Clarence Jobnston and Miss Zetta Johnston, who have been with Mrs. Elmer Rowan for the past week. returned to their home at Springviile, Sun- day. Mis. Winnifred Fitzgerald spent the weekend with rela- tives in Peterborough and on Saturday attended the funeral of ber bratber-in-law, the late Clarence Fitzgerald at Lake- field. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Sander- son, Toronto, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Harold San- derson. The Woman's Auxiliary of St. Paul's Church held a successful sale of home baking in A. H. Watson's store on Saturday. Miss Joan Ramsay and Mr. Jack Ramsay, Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Carr on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cathcart and NeNai Cathcart of Spring- ville were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Neal. The Ladies' Good Luck Lodge held a successful progressive euchre party in the Orange Hall on Friday evenîng with il tables of piayers. Prizes for bigb scores went ta Percy Cruikshanks and Carl Porteous. Consolation prizes to Miss Shar- on Bigelow and Roy Scott. The lucky door prize wvas wvon by Jack Durham. Lunch was serv- ed and the ladies plan a similar event for Feb. 8. Ladies' Guiid Mrs. G. E. Meades entertaîned the members of St. Mary's Ladies' Guild with Mrs. Laverne McKinley presiding and leading in prayer. Secretary Mrs. Gib- son Lowery read the minutes, also tbe correspondence, which included thank you notes from Miss Ruth McKinlay, Miss Na>-ty Lowery and Miss Marie Carr for remembrances at Christmas. Membership fees for the com- ing year were paid. Ta raise funds, a Birthday Bank was in- troduced, each meniber ta con- tribute in ber birtbday month, a penny for each year of her age. A Holiday Bank will hold coin donations for each holiday of the year. Aprons which will be offered for sale were on dis- play, made by Mrs. W. Hannah, Mrs. G. Lowery and MrsEd niunds Staples. Plans -ere made to hold a Spring Tea, date ta be announced later. Rev. G. E. Meades closed the meeting with prayer, after which a social hour was enjoyed, wîth the hostess serving a dainty lunch. A quilting bee is plan- ned for the February meeting, which wilI be held at the home o! Mrs. William Hannah. only through organization and a program will aýny re- gion or province reap fuil benefit from Canada's rapidly growing economy. He stated that bis department was the larger than any similar department on a provincial or federal level. Established only eight years ago it has proved its usefulness since each year bas seen new records in indus- trial growth. In step with the growth of the country the speaker pointed out is the area served by the L.O.D.A. and he went on to compliment the area on its re- cord year o! expansion. Mr. Crate stressed the im- portance of the local effort stating, "Don't expect your re- gional executive to do ail the work or replace local effort. Each municipality must do for themselves and work at it to seli their community, but your executive can meet with you to work out problems. They can tie them together in terms of new development. Resuits Cost Money An imp)ortant aspect of pub- iicizing and promoting an area is the costs and this led Mr. Crate ta say that it is unlîkely that individual municipalities could afford te maintain a fuily paid staff te promote their in- terests effectively for less than $15,000 per year but by coin- bining the resources througth an organization such as the L. O.D.A. it is quite possible to do justice to the inunicipaiity. Following the generai meet- ing, the director's met te fi- nalize plans for. the Associa- tion's exhibits at the New York and Cleveland Sportsmeni Shows. Solina 4H Club l Holds Meeting the sixth meeting of tbe Solmna "Cosy Cotton Club" was held on Saturday, Jan. 26 at the home of Mrs. E. Leask. There were five members present. As we arrived we went to the sewing room where there was a machine for each person if they needed it, thanks ta the Singer Sewing Centre in Otawa. We are all making bedspreads and we cut and sewed what we had time for. In the business period the minutes of the last meeting were read, roll cail answered and the new ones and Morne Assignments given out. We discussed a bit about chair pads sa we could go ahead and make one if we wanted to. The next meeting is ta be on Feb. 9 at Mrs. Leask's. We closed with the pledge. County Archaic Councils Features For Local Museums We are glad to see that other editors agree with The States- man in that County Councils have long since served their usefulness as a local governing body and should be relegated ta Memorial Museums ta ke gazed upon by future genera- tions. Anyway, here is what Editor Hugb Templin of the Fergus News - Record bad ta say recently editorializing on this subject: People o! the County o! Wel- lington sawv a strange spectacle this week, or read about it 'in their newspaper. The County Council is a sur- vival frorn the past, when tra- vel was by horse and buggy or by train. That is no reason why it should retain ail its archaie features. No douht the élection o! war- den by standing vote, taking three haurs, is an interesting spectacle for a few people. It is something out o! the past like the beefeaters at the TQw- er of London, but the beefeat- crs attract tourists and bring good dollars ta, Britain: the election o! the warden attracts only ex-wardens, county off i- cials, newspaper people and a few other non-paying custom- ers, who can crowd into the narrow confines o! the century- old courthause. If this sort o! thing is ta continue, it might be wortn while ta transfer this historie and hallowed institution ta the Guelph Memoriai Gardens, charge admission and borrow a battery of pari-mutuel machines for the election. While moat o! Canada's Es- kimos today live north o! the tree-line, about 2,000 years aga their ancestors are thaught ta have lived among the forests north o! Lake Superior. i OBITUARY . MES. CLINTON LUNNEY Mrs. Clinton Lunney passed away in Toronto General Hos- pital on January 16, 1957, after an illness of about two months. She had flot enjoyed good health for the past two years. Mrs. Lunney will be greatly missed by a wide circle of friends. Her home was always a place of warrn'l hospitality and friendliness which will be long! remembçred. She took great 1 pleasure in her family, her gar- den and in music and reading. She was a devoteA church worker and *in carlier years was a member of the Congregation- ai and Disciple Churches, being organist of the latter for some tîme. When the Disciple Church closed, she joined St. Patul's Church, then Presbyterian, with her husbanci and family of four sons, and there served actively in the Evening Auxiliary, the Women's Missionary Society and Woman's Association untili lier last illness. She also did ai great work with the Mission1 Band for many years. She liv- i ed a fine Christian life; ber acts of kindness throughout ber life wcre characteristic and will be rememhered by many in Bowmanville and elsewhere to whomn she was a generousi friend. Born in Trenton, Dec. 1, 1883,! Alice Catherine Murdoff, she came to Bowmanville at an ear]y age with ber parents, the late Charles Murdoff and Min- nie Heal and lived here the re- mainder of her life. SIn 1900 she wvas married to Clinton Lunney of Bowman- ville. Left to mourn her loss be- side ber husband, are four sons, Bruce, BowmanviIleý M orEg an, Toronto; Roy and Jack, Bow- manvilie. She also leaves one3 sister, Belle (Mrs. Frank Wil- liams). She was predeceased by lier brother Morton of Lindsa*f in 1950, an~d sister Hazel (Mrs. Fred Pattinson) in 1952. There are five grandchildren and one great-grandson. Funeral service was conduct- cd by her minister, Rev. Harold Turner, at the residence, 152 Wellington Street, on Friday, January 18. The many beauti- fui flowers spoke eloquently of the love and esteem in wbich Mrs. Lunney was held. Among these tributes were those of St. Paul's Evening Auxiliary, Bow-, manville Public School Board, the Staff of Central School, Je- rusalemn Lodge, Ontario Steel Company, Oshawa, Engineering Department of Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, Loblaw Office and Loblaw Warebous- ing, Toronto, The Canadian Statesman Staff. Palibearers were Messrs. H. C., Osborne, Edward Bird, Alex Cameron, Arthur Baker, L. W. Dippell and Donald Wii- liants. Interrnent was in Bow- manvilie Cemetery. d IGA lIZA ~" bUS Peanut Butter IG Dog FodOUE1 3 jars $100 AYLMER FANCY Apple Sauce 10 20-ex.$10 tins YORK COCKTAIL Tom ato Juice 9 20-oz. 'u tins $,0 SPRAY STANDARD HALVES PEA CHES FANCY VACUUM PACK IGA CORN 7 tins $1900 IGA Dollar Day Citrus Festival California Navel For Better Heaith - Sunkist OrahgesLarge Orahges5-lb. bag PLUS Rich in Vitamin C- Florida Seedless Grapefruit - 5 sz PLUS For that Chiliy Feeling - Hot Lemonade Handy 4 Pack Lemons Cello Tube Loaded with Natural Goodness, Red, Ripe, Mexican - cello tube TOMATOES 15C Nutritious and Flavourful NEW CABBAGE lb. 8c Full of Energy - For a Real Meal - P.E. POTATOES 10bag45 KEEP SAVING ICA CASH IECEIPTS! THEY ARE VALUABLE 1 lb. PURE PORK 1 lb. 8-ex. pkg. Sliced 4tins»z $100 "OZ. pg.$1.00 bottles$10 17 oz $00 15-o . $1.00 ti-oz KOUNTY KIST STANDARD PEAS 8 15-ou .O tins$10 CLARK'S Tomato or Vegetabie soup 1 l-oz. 10 in $.00 IGA EVAPORATED MILK 8 Tall0 tin$1.0 FROZEN F000 FEATURES. OLD SOUTH Orange Juice HUN'SCHOCEIGA Cheese S lices 4 T5OMATESTomato Catsup HUNTS s5 6 tins$1.,(00CakeMiX Pilsbury, Chocolat3 "Tablerite" Dollar Day Feature WIENERS SAUSAGE BOLOGNA ALL FOR $13oo AS YOU LIKE IT! Serve it Rare! Serve it Medium! Serve it Well Done! Trimmed the Table Rite Way PRIME RIB ROAST First 5 ribs lb.51 TABLE RITE SIDE BACON '/2 Lb. Pkg. 45c Table Rite Sliced 6-oz. pkg. MACARONI & CHEESE LOAF Table Rite Sliced CHICKEN LOAF 6-ez. pkg. 25c 25c ALL FOR 7 6-oz. Something New will be added! The opportunity for you to claim FREE BONUS IFi MORE QUICKLY AND EASILY THAN BEFORE!1 Watch for the news Feb. 14 m in our advertis sing! SPECIAL NOTE! Comimencing Wednesday, February 13, ail Free Bonus Gifts wiii be availabie ONLY for IGA Cash Receipts. The ac- ceptance of cash pay- ments with receipts wiiI be eiiminated. Bonus Glîts will continue to be availabie ABSOLUTELY FREE with nothing extra to pay! 0 TIM CAMADIAN STATEMAN. BOWMAMMLE. ONTARIO TM=$T)AT, :AN. 311t. - 1954 dbàoqm mvp 1 tins_$1.OO IGA Beef Se .. . -- -..- . ..... . ... Cour

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