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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Jan 1957, p. 7

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IU!JRSDAY. IAN. lut, 195? T~ CANADIAN BTATZSMAK, EOWMANV!LIZ. ONTAMO p&r~~ mviras, Mrs. Everett S. Leavitt, Bos- ton, Mass., bas been a guest of lioS. G. Chartran the past Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Smith, Mary St., Oshawa, are leaving 1by plane from Malton on Feb. 6 for a two-month vacation in Ploridit. t" Lorne Whitney, Brigh- tM d M r. and Mrs. Newell La n," Brantford, spent a few days with Mrs. Donald Lawson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Byron S. Van- atone, Mir. J. C. Vanstone and Miss Mary Lewis, Taronto, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Vanstone. Mr. and Mrs. William G. James left today for Syracuse, N.Y. wbere tbey will be guests of the New York State Press Association convention. Mir. and Mrs. Roy Jackson and Brenda Jean, Marmora, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Jackson and Misses Flor- ence and Leta Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. S. Casbourn, Toronto, were weekend guests with his father, Mr. H. H. Cas- boumn, and paid Tbe Statesman a caîl to renew tbeir subscrip- tion, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Talcot are leaving this week for their annuai boliday at St. Peters- burg, Florida. They will be ac- companied by Mrs. Edith Mut- ton o! Coîborne. Mr. Lloyd Ayre returns ta- day (Turs.) from Brandon, Man., wbere he attended the, Canadian Sheep Breeders' Meeting as a director from the Province of Ontario. Winners of the Lions hockey ticleet draw for Saturday, Feb. 2, are Wes. Martin and Bob flates: Wednesday, Feb. 6, Myra Cooper, Henry Pierce; Saturday, Feb. 9, Lawrence Rebder, Ron Hetherington. ST» JOHN'S CHURCH <Anlican) Fourth Sunday Ait or Epiphany 8 and 11 arn. - HOLY COMMUNION 10 and il a.n. - .CHURCH SHO According to the Northum'b- erland - Durham Health Unit repart for bhc week ending Jan. 26, Bowmanville bas ane case o! infectiaus jaundice; six o! mumps, two a! whaoping caugb. Darlîngton Township bas one case af chicken pax. Bawmanvile Choral Society under the direction o! Mr. Hugh Martin have entered bhc Kiwanis Music Festival at Tor- onto and will sing in competi- tian ai Eaton Auditorium anj Feb. 21. They will sing twa numbers, "Everyane Sang" and "The Hussar's Sang." Mr. Wilfrid Carruthems wil attend the annual meeting af the Canadian Harticultural Cauncil in Ottawa from Feb. 3 ta 6 inclusive as a director o! the Ontario Fruit and Veget- able Growems. Representatives will be present from ail prov- inces of the Daminion. The Statesman jains with his few remaining !ricnds in bis native town o! Bawmanville in extending congratulations to Mr. H. G. (Bert) Hutcheson o! Fart Ferry in being honored wiib an address o! appreciation by Reeve Harry Peel for bis many ycars o! active service ta the community. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ames and Jill, accompanied by Mrs. Nelson Osborne, Bowmanvillc; Mrs. D. M. Palmer, Osbawa, and Mrs. N. Smith, Belleville, will leave by mator Friday for Califomnia wbcre they will visit fiendts, including Mrs. Os- borne's sisier, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Williams in Hollywood. Mirs. W. A. Lawson celebrat- ed ber 83rd birtbday on Wed- nesday at ber home, Kingsway Apartments. Guests were Mrs. Forbes Heyland, Mrs. Byron Bridges, Mrs. Donald Lawson and Mrs. Harold Lake. A damn- ty lunch was served, followed by a delicious birthday cake made and presented by Mrs. Harold Lake. The Ontario Soil and Crop Improvement Association are holding their annual conven- tion in the Coliseum, Toronto, this week. Garnet Rickard, Bowmanville, is on the pro- gram ta discuss "Seed Pros- pects for 1957". His address wil be followed by a panel discussion on "Ideas for Mer- chandising Seed". Tbe editor received a card thîs week fram Mr. and Mrs. W. Mercer af Kendal, who are spending the winter in the Sun- shine State of Florida. The at- tractive picture post card shows the vacationisis lolling on snaw white sands with blue skies and warma surf on Anna Maria Is- land, near Bradenion, on Flor- ida's lower gulf coast. Mir. and Mrs. John Purdon were very happy to receive a birih notice announcing the ar- rival and enclasing a picture of their first great-grandchild, Janice Elaine, born January 18th, 1957. Her father, Ken. neth Purdori, is a second' year Tbeology student at Queen's Trin ity Unit ed Church Minister - Rev. T. Arthur Morgan, B.A. il A.M. - The Baptism of Jesus 7 P.M.- The Aposies' Creed 3. 1 Belie've in the Holy Ghost.À Organist-Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus. Bach. L.R .S.-M. ~ BOWMANVI LLE BAPTIST CHURCH is "AT HOME" to ail its friends and neighbors. We are celebrating the completion of our renovated and enlarged building with eight days cf wonderful ministry. A Full Week of Blessing For You! Sunday, Feb. 3-11 a.m., 3 and 7 p.m.- OPENING SERVICE. Don Myers, Tenor. Monday-7:45 p.m.-REV. C. M. KEEN, OSHAWA. Mrs. Keen, Soprano Tuesday-REV. A. MITCHELL, OSHAWA Talent from Gibbon St. Baptist Church Wednesday-REV. WIGHTON, OSHAWA Calvary Male Quartette Thursday-REV. E. C. CORBETT, WHITBY Talent f rom Faith Baptist Church FrdsiyREV. J. F. HOLLIDAY, TORONTO Waverley "Sky Teens" Satu iy-YOUNG PEOPLE'S RALLY Msic by Bethel Church Young people Sunday-REV. WIGHTON, OSHAWA Hooper Quartet EVERYONE WELCOME cSoci»aI & [ersonial Phone MA 3-3303 University and Student minis- ter ai Portsmouth. He and his wife are residing in Kingston. Mrs. Clarence Hall was lak- e'n by surprise on hem birthday lasi Sunday. A surprise gaiber- ing was planned by ber daugh- ters, Grace and Joan. Guests in- cluded Mrs. E. Element, Osh- awa, Mm. *'and Mrs. Eric Coombes, Gwen and Calleen, Oakville; Mr. and Mrs. Byron Bridges and famnily, Miss Nvy Hockley, Mrs. H. Smyibe, Mrs. J. Newman, Mrs. Donald Law- son, Mms. Clifford Pumdy and Mrs. R. Cale. Friends and relatives in Bowmanville were exciied to see Miss Pal Slemon's picture1 adomning the caver or the Tele- gmam Weekend Magazine for Jan. 26. This is in the Canad-1 ian Beauiy series run by ibis1 publication. Pat is the daugh-1 ter o! Air Marsbal C. Roy Sic- mon and Mirs. Siemon of Ot- tawa, ber mother being bbc former Marion Siemon a! Bow- manville. Pal, wbo is 18 years old and ýttending Whitby Lad- ies' College this year, is a ganddaughier of Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Siemon, Bowrnanville. The slory carried by Weekend shows several photographs of Pal, who intends 10 go mbt training nexi summer ai the Sick Chidren's Hospital, Toron- la. In 1954 skie was selecicd as Miss Ottawa Rough Rider. Grand Master of I.O.O.F. District Meeting Speaker The Grand Master of the I.O.O.F. in Ontario, W. 0. Jef- fery, Kitchener, was guest speak- er at a meeting of Odd Fellows and Rebekahs of District 42 in Bowmanville. January 17. D.D.G.M. Wm. Shotter, Flor- ence Nightingale Lodge, chair- man, conducted a short sing song with Miss Margaret Goheen at the piano. Miss Goheen also favoured with a piano solo. A vocal solo was contributed by Bro. Colin Taylor, accompaied by Mrs. Arthur Youngman at the piano. Native of Bow~manviIIe Grand Master Jeffery, iro- duced by D.D.G.M. Shotter, was at one time a resident of Bow- manville. His father was ern. ployed at Goodyear. In bis opening remarks he asked: "Are, you a participant or . spectator?"' In lodges, serviceM B . clubs, etc., the work and e- sponsibilities bave to be carried 1on by a minority. Refemring to the Creed of the Grand Master W. 0. Jeffery Order he emphasized that mem-I bers must truly believe in it. The be willîng to give time, talent doctrine of God is 'necessary to and goods for cause of humanity. the brotherhood of man and in Be positive - The gnawing ver- these days of "isims" we must min of inferiority, pessimism, not be lukewarm in the belief of defeatism and negativism must God in order to counteract the be crushed and casi out; stead-; inroads of communism. fast courage, trustful opiimism, The Grand Master outlined bis triuinphant victory and positive programi and continuted bis talk living rnust control our thoughts, with a number o! helpful sug- words and actions. gestions: Banîsh fear - Fears of A voie of thanks was tendered- many varieties are obstacles to the Grand Master by P.D.D.G.M. If greater accomplishments. Let Wm. Riddell, Orono.II your conscience be your guide Grand Marshal 'Ed Youngman, jI and do flot be afraid to speak of Orono Lodge; D.D.G.M. Har-! and act the truth. Avoid criti- odWiktWib;Ms lr cism - Eliminate silly jealouslvl iktt hty Ms lr petty envy, needless quarrelling; ence Moore, Colotîr Bearer ofI turn tflougbts away f rom in- Rebekah Assembly, gave a f ew hammony and centre thema oniremarks. constructive good and kindnesS ise Deny self - Selfisbness is a de-1Sitrs o! Beebive Rebekah structive force and contradictiLodge servcd refresbments at >the idea of brotherhood; we must the close of the meeting. f I Y gular artists on Burns ngt n ~'om Hamilton, had another en- gagement in the United States and could flot be present ibis M N ig t eQ1 Young Performer 1 t (Continued from page one) Elaine Bishenden, a lovely 19 - presentation of the painting vear old performer, better whic ha iben pepaed ur-known as "Miss Bvline Bail of whîc ba ~en pepaed ur-195' and an entrant in the i'ng the week by a Southi Afri- Miss Universe contest, thrilled can veteran, George Gaunt o! the large audience xith tap Brighton. Pres. Knight express- dancing, superh piano playing1 ed.thanks on behaîf of the band and later in the evening several and the Legion. Scottish dances. At the conclu- Energetie. Ladies' Auxiliary sion of ber numibers, Mrs. Laxv- The evening began with a de- ri sotb h uiec ag licious lhot roast beef dinnorcr oh literally jamined with prepredand ervd bytheover 200 medals Miss Bishen- bard-working and energetic La- dnhc o o e acn dies, Auxiliary. Tables Nvere Helen Bruce also provided a - decorated with attractive Scot- different type of entertainment tish menus artisticolly prepar- which endea'-ed ber to the ed and donaied by the Tartan crowi. SIe sang beautifully Club, whicli is the band's la- and, during one o! ber nurn- dies' Auxiliary. O! course, the bers, 'came down anong 'l;e first item on the program e gathening singiing out embar- fore eating was the preseniation rassecci male-- here and there for of tbe traditional ha ggis, piped beEteto vuetecov into the hall in great ceremony r'oareci in laugh'ier. by Pipe Major Doug Blore and Thie old standb,AnvBue Pipers Don Brooks and Ab xxas 1i other visiting artist, Maviri with the haggis itleif onl):ote xx'tth cornicat, garb,N being, carried on a special con- i wil and his patc hed together. trapticn like a short siretcher ! -es e lve otol on the shoulders o! t1wo other 1h * lSotihtîîs u colofully ciad bandsmen. 1 rum- xcn toai:-, crack ai a fcxvof' mers Bob Hilditeki andi Jirn Ex is Presley1's n umbcrs, comi- Martyn. jriete xiil wig«gles which sane Mantn. îoxx' crew shrieks of laugh1,i Addressing the Haggis , i "r ci u.hldc sx Also in traditional fashion, ' as xvunen pre-ent. One of!te they stood fast before the head ireFtili, the lusiness. Andy went table wbile Ab Mavin, whose ;hî'o'lh hs co leteroin burr is iniproving cauki ycar,' d~ ajlnce ovedrutcv xveni ihrough a lengthy tirade 1 ininre~o! Tt. Betty Lawrie pre in Scottish dialeci, including -:<ded ai the piano throughou one part where a sw1ord l thshowv and kept it mox'ing at th hags and s cnsiere a fasmacge were preFent fetue o n urns'bnight te surroundng district. as Legion Padre Rev. A. C. H-er- The ba4î,ce of! the exening bert said Grace. Le-lion Presi- "Vas spenk. ii dancing to Bill dent Jim Firth of!ered the toast Hiol7oyd's orchestra. to the Queen and the ladies be- Twao o:her items o! interesi gan the lengthy task of serving during the evening încluded thei the dinner.' expression o! ibanks to the la- Ab Mavin acted as master dies for the delicious supper o! ceremonies for the program given by President Jack Knighi, which follcwed. First humber and replied tb appropriaiely by l was a drum majorette drill, by Mrs. Ab Piper. One o! the other Christine Lamb of Bowmanx'ille leatures of the ex'ening, prior wvhose gr'andmother's grand- to the beginning o! the regular moiher w,%as a sister of Robert prograrn, xas the Pipe Band Burns. *She %vas atiired in a under direction of Pipe Major beautiful plaid costume. Doug, Blore playing sex'eral BtyLaxvrie of Toronto, xvas numbers xwhidi were certainly etty befo h bine fappree&ated iy the audience. the program wvhich includecd professional talent. Mrs. La,.- rie iris arranged this program Da tc e oe for the past four years and ai- îlighest Prices Paid ways bas interesting, humnorous1 24-Hlour Service and top-noich artisis. Her many TELEPHONE COLLECT i friends will be interesied ta IC o B 0 U R G FR 2-3721 know she plans to leave for a i NICK PECONI visit to ber lîomeland in June. PETERBOROUGH RI 2-2080 L Unfortunateiï, aiteof the re-1 Maple Grove Auxiliary Officers Are Installed Police Chief (Continued fram page one) Cloihes Brancb. Three years; prior ta bis resignabian f ram the Î York City Police he held the. e- sponsible appoiniment o! Aliens and Firearm Officer. Besides being vcrsed in reg- ular police duties Smith bas aitended and completed courses in ciminology, crimînal investi- galion and finger print investiga- tion. He also bolds certificates and medallions awardcd by the Si. John Ambulance Association and the Royal Life Saving Sa- ciety, The Town Council Police Coni- miliee, chaircd by Coun. O. J. Presson and consi siing o! Reeve Sidney Little, Coun. Wesley Fice, and Coiîn. Keiti Laihangue feel they bave secured a well-quali- !ied and experienced mnan for, the position of police chie!. May- or NelsonOsborne and Depuiy- Reeve Wilfrid Carruthers also sat in on the opening o! tic 15 applications received for the position.0 In the firsi six monbbs of 1956 Canada's foreign rade deficit, thai is the excess o! imports over exporis, reached the ail-lime record high o! $547 million. The- monthly meeting of the1 Maple Grove Evening Auxiliary was held at the home of Mrs. Mel Edwards. Mrs. W. Munday installed the following officers for the year 1957: President, Mrs. W. H. Brown; Vice-President, Mrs. S. Doyle; Sec'y, Mrs. P. Flintof!; Corr. Sec'y, Mrs. G. Beh Treas., Mrs. H. Bradley; Christ-, ian Citizenship, Mrs. M. Flintoff. Missionary Monthly, Mrs. J. Hurrie, Community Friendship, Mrs. B. Snowden; Literature Sec'y,-Mrs. Art Burgess; Christ- ian Stewardship,. Mrs. K. Flint; Supply Sec'y, Mrs. L. Snowden; Pianist, Mrs. T. Foley; Auditors, Mrs. C. Milîs and Mrs. Me.E- wards; Base Line Mission Band, Mrs. T. Foley and Mrs. H.Cy derman. Mrs. C. Mils and her group took charge of the worship serv- ice. Seripture wvas read in unison. Questions and answers Baoptïst Chumach (Contînued from page one) o'ne wall of the primary room, depicting Christ and the child- ren. There are now three spa- ciaus classrooms off the uP- stairs auditorium. A new fo'rced air furnace, gas-fired, has been installed, together with a bright new washroom. The exterior will have a Roman brick front, complete with a beautifully finished door and windows. The brickwork wvi1l not be completed until the Spring. However, the Bap- tist folk are flot waiting until then to hold "open bouse". They plan a full week of special meetings to celebrate the open- ing and dedication &f the com- pleted interior. We trust that they will h'ave a happy time welcoming ail their neighbors and friends, and this paper joins in wishing them every success irn their work in Bow- manville. period follawed. Frayer by Mrs. C. Milis. The study book was taken'ý by Mrs. C. Milîs, Mrs. J. Holtby, Mrs. K. Kubnke, Mrs. M.Edwards and Mrs. B. Staîker. Fresident Mrs. W. Brown took charge of the business periad. Lnch was served by the group ichreta the 26 present. Discuss Policy At Meeting ,Farm Group The polîcies of tbe Co-Opera- tors' Insurance Association were discussed at a meeting o! the C.L.A. Committce o! Durham County and executive mcm- bers if the Fedemalion of Agri- culture in the Agriculture Of- fice, Bowmanville, on Tuesday o! lasi week. Special speaker ai the meet- ing wvas Jim Jacklin, fildman for the Ontario Fedemation o'f AgriCulture, Toronto, wbo poinied ouitbe duties a! the varions Couniy Federations and Insurance Committees ta pro- moie CI.A. He assured those preseni thai C.I.A. rates w ll remain on a competitive basis wviih other insurance companies. In ibis modern age be said it 's especially important liai all farmers hav'e the reassuring protection of liability isr ance. Member s o! the C.I.A. Dur- bam County commitiee preseni ai the meeting were Mirs. Dal- ton Darmeil, Russell Earl, Mirs. Sadie MeBain, Bob Hcndry, and Bey Gray. Federation direciors i the meeting were Bruce Tay- ~or, Clarence Aluin and Jack Amaoti. Sam Black, general manager o! the Durham CI.A. also aitended. Thc name Yukon, nanie o! the greai norihern river as well as o! tie Terriiory, is an Indian word meaning "tihe river." Lyfnne Bagnel (Continued froma page one) bo be playing in Toronto for the firsi lime since she joined the show almosi a year aga. On Monday night she gai a special ibrill out of a telegram received tram Mayar Nelson E. Osborne on bhalf of the Town Council and cilizens o! Bow- manville. The telegramn read: On ibehaif o! Town Council and the ciii- zens o! Bowmanville I cangra- tulate yau an your well-earned success. We are proud of yaum autslanding talent, and mýany o! us will be on hand la ap- plaud you during your Toron- to performances. All o! us wisnl you happiness in your choseii career. Cordially yours, Nelson E. Osborne, Mayor. The Studeni Counicil of Bowmanville Hîgh School where Lynne atterded until shki oin- ed the show last February after auditioning in Toronto, also wired Lynne congratulations. Wbile playing in Taronto ibis week, Lynne is being kept busy vjitb shows, rehearsals and receptions. The principals and Canadian members of tbe cast, o! which there are anly five, were guesis aI a press recep- tion on Monday aflemnoon ai the Royal York Hotel wben Lynne xvas inbemviewed by theg Oshawa Times-Gazette and told o! the bard work and strict mules (all for ibeir own good> governing lhe girls. But Lynne loves it, and bas made won- derful progress. The first nigbt when she joined the show in Boston, skie was on for one number; three days later, she was doing five. JusI ibis weck skie was swilch- ed fmom one number, the Mardi Gras, bo the Opera House num- ber, leamning a whole new rou- tine in an aflemnoon. This shows not only Lynne's ability, but *he type of training given iby the Shipstads and Johinson Com pan y. On Wednesday, besides a mia- tince and a show at night. Lynne was a guesi, one a! eighl members o! the Follies casi, of lhe Optimist Club, Toronto, ai IN PERSON JOHNNY CASH MARTY ROBBINS LEE EMERSON McCORMACK BROTHERS "THE TENNESSEE TWO" MUSICAL TEARDROPS 2 Grand 01" Opry, Shows First at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 5 Red Barn OSHAWA r~, COMPETITIE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE SPECIAL -VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR THIS WEEK in bond@«# lors bondy tube$ W *'l Seis R E,. fr Gilliette Razor 'ondensed Verso,, of famous S593 bock k. ~BOTH FOR $12910, ITIS HERE! f abulous new LOTION 1SHAMPOO by -i MAKES YOUR HAIR Y A SUNSHINE BRIGHTI1 THRFE SIZES S1.25 * 75e - 45e Drugs Phone MA 3-57-2 1. Quality M¶ore mon.i xy BRY1CREWbi thon chy other hoir dressi.g in lb rolis 25C "For Bob y's Com fort" BABY POWDER \11I l SmaIIý ~~Y'39c Large S6 5C ~4*lILb 4. Guarantee1 BRONCHIDA COLD CAPSULES, 30's- 1.25 BRONCHIDA COUGH SYRUP, 8 ounce 75c IDAPHEDRIN NASAL SPRAY, 20 ce------- 95c DROPS, 1 oz - --65c COD LT VER OIL (High Test) 8,16 oz. 9c1.50 COD LIVER OIL CAPSULES, 100's 11 HALIBUT LT VER OIL CAPSULES 100's - 250's - 500's 1.15 -2.29 -4.29 17c, 2/33c1 2 For 25v TOILET TISSUE 750-sheet rall ----- COLD CREAM SOAP Bath size - 2Fr25c MACLEÂNS PEROXID-E TOOTH PASTE FIH S. sT DC PRESCRIPTIONS 31C A SPECIALTY a reception ai the Royal Yark. The show, came ta Toronto from Madison Square Gardens, New York, and in New York the girls were rather excited about mceting Dick Hayrns and several other show celebri- lies. So life is exciting for 18-year. aid Lynne, who ai preseni is a line miember of the Follies casi, but whom we wouldn't be surprised ta see become a principal some day. She has a comedy routine in mind thzt she is going ta work an. Besicles talent, Lýynne bas the capacity for bard work. Besi of luck li your ambitions, Lynne. ',Operalion Porchlighi" Fight Polio To-nighi - 7 - 8 p.m. You get - VA U 4.,WAYVAU 1 on I.D.A. BRANDS 2. Quantity 3. Price PAPER NAPKINS 70's ----- wicu regoir, Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store f BOWMANVMLE. ONTAMO losy- IM RWAT. ZAN. Ilst -TEE CANADIAN STATFqMAN, p jýGE srv= p d là i

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