..................................................- ---... - - 4 -r PAGE TEXV TffE CANAD!AN STATESMAN. EOWMANVMLLP. ONTARIO THtTRSDAY, TFM. !4th, 195Y Early Durham History Topic ut WlI. Meeting The regular meeting of Bow- manville Women's Institute was heid on Jan. 31 at the Lions Centre. Business was conducted by Mrs. T. Buttery, Presdent, who announced that ail the large quiîts had been finished for Kopper Karnivai but the crib quilt was in the making. Com- rnittees were appointed for home-baking booth and after- noon tea for the Kopper Kar- nival which is to be held March 14. Mrs. L. Goodman was con- vener for the programme. MrF. Wm. Roberts sang two iovely solos, "'Think On Me" and "An- nie Laurie" accompanied at the pianq by Mrs. W, E. C. Work- mn n Mrs. Selby Grant spoke on the motto, "«Beautify Canada by beautifying your home". She said the first place to beautify- ing your home". She said the first place to beautifY was your own home and its surroundings. Trv to have nice surroundings for your home so it wiil be at- tractive to people on the high- ways. Many an old house with pleasant surroundings is a joy to oneseif as weii as to sight- seerg. Mrs. Goodman gave an inter- esting and well prepared paper on historical research and cur- rent events. if one standing where Providence Church stoodi at the front of the 3rd conces-i Ty rone W.M.S. Pa cking Bale The February meeting o! Ty- rone Womnen's Missionary So- ciety was held at the home of Mrs. Walter Rahm with 15 adults and two childmen, Mrs. P. HI._Werry presiding. It was reported the MissionI Banri sent in $15 and the Baby Band $16.12. Any used lothing is to be left at Mrs. A. His for a bale. World Day of Pmay- er meeting wili be held ln the church, ail are invited to at- tend. Rev. R. B. Green of En- niskilien is to -be our guest speaker at the April Thank- offering service. Mis. A. Hamilton, group lead- er, conducted the devotional on the' topie "Put Off Old Nature. and Put On New." Bible reading b-v Mrs. A. HuIs. Questionnaire on the scriptures was vemy in- teresting. A reading, "Power of Example" by Mrs. F. Werry. Trhe Study Book-on "Malaya" was given in a dialogue form by Mrs. C. H. McQuinn, Mms. A. Hamilton and Mrs. P. Werry A dainty lunch was served. ENFIELD Mns. Edgar Prescott and Mar- ion are staying with Linda and Maniene Hannis at Almondis whiie Mn. and Mms. Harris, ac- companied by Glenn Prescott, areý holidaying in California. Mn. and Mns. George Bray, Raglan, vîsited with Mms. W. J. Ormiston. Miss Elsie Samis has been visiting with friends in Bow- m an ville. Mr. and Mrs. Elmen Lee and fainiiy were with Mr. Keith Hobden, Kinsale. Mn. and Mms. W. Pascoe were dinnen guests last week wîth Mrs. L. Pascoe and Miss Bes- sie, Oshawa. Mn. and Mrs. W. Bowman and famiiy visited at Mn. Gor- don Wery's, Toronto. The famiiy o! Mn. and Mms. sion of Darlington should cast his eye towand the south, he would vîew a beautiful land- scape down to the Lake, the site today of rich fields o! grain, pastune and orchards, once own- ed by the Shaw family. Lieutenant-Guvernor Simcoe hoped this would in future be- come the solid anchorage of aristocracy on which would be founded a firm, reasonable, sys- temn of church and state to be forever the home and refuge of freemen attached by intene.;t and affection to the institutions and ideals of Bitain. This land is owned by Bnaggs, Alluns, Clemences, Cragos, Wights, Rickards and others. The miil of Jas. Moorey south and west o! Enniskillen is not used today, neither is Hay- don miii openating. Hampton miii has changed hands several times; Tyrone miii is not in use now. One miii ln Bowmanville is stili in use, that of Mr. F. C. Vanstone & Sons. Some of the stock exhibitors at Bowmanville Fair were Sam- uel Aluin & Sons and the Black- burns, Shorthorn cattie and sheep: L. Skinner, Shropshire sheep; T. Baker, sheep and cat- tle; Albert Clemens and Arthur Brent, horses: R. Collacutt, Shothorn cattle and sheep. Lunch was served and a £0- cal haîf-hour spent. Next meet- ng on Feb. 28 at 8 p.m. Richard Griffin gathered at their home Saturday evening on the occasion of thein 45th weddîng anniversary. We offer aur congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Giffin. Those who attended our chunch service Sunday enjoycd an unusual treat. Young folk from the Explorers, Pathfinders and Sunday School assisted Rev. Green in the service. Four members of the C.G.I.T. of En- niskilien sang two numbers. It was too bad there were sa many empty pews on such a special occasion. Young folk like encouragement. Mr. and Mns. Bob Smith, Lan- ry and Ralph, Toronto; Mn. and Mrs. Ray Taylor and family, Oshawa, were visitors at the Taylor home. Mr. and Mrs. T. Taylor and Alan attended the 5th wedding celebratian of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hughson, Myte. Mr. and Mrs. W. Bridgett, Lanny and Danny, Bowman- ville, wene with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Taylor. TYRONE Mrs. Lloyd Webb, Pontypool, accompanied her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Her'b Camenon, to Owen Sound to attend the funeral on Monday of Mr. Lewis Kiveli. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. H. Camenon on the passing of her brother. Mrs. V. E. Milîson, Bowman- ville, with Mr. and Mrs. Leon Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Vi rtue recently visited Mr. and Mis. Theo. Down, Lakefield. Mr. and Mrs. H. Demilie and boys, Bowmanville, visited Mn. and Mrs. W. Vaneyk. Ail wish Mr. T. McRoberts a speedy recovery in Memonial Hospital, flawmanviile. Mr. and Mrs. H. Skinner at- tended the Silver Wedding An- nivemsany o! Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Coiwill, Newcastle. Mr. and Mrs. A. Marshall and boys visited Mm. and Mrs. T. Scott. Mr. A. V. Edwands, Welland, Opening Brains Behind Rotary - Lions, Annual Stag Nigbt It took a lot of planning and organizing to properly are Fred Cole, Art Constable, Genn Lander and Bob Kent. stage the successful Third Annual Rotary-Lions Stag night Resting on the table wrapped in paper may be seen one of held on Thursday. Here we have some of the men who put the huge hams that were given away as consolation prizes. the night across, seated from left to right: Councillor Jack Brough, George Moody, Councillor Dave Higgon; standing -Photo by Rehder Is enjoying a holiday with his daughter, Mr. and Mrs. T. Scott. Mr. and Mrs. H. Philp, Miss Jean Philp visited Mr. and Mrs. Genald Philp, Morganston. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Sharp, Enniskillen: Mr. and Mms. A. Geisberger and Linda, Zion, with Mr.'and Mrs. Lloyd Skin- ner, Sunday. Mr.,and Mms. S. E. White left Tuesday for Tampa, Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bounsali, Haliburton, visited Mr. and Mrs. R. Virtue iast week. Mr. and Mrs. W. Park and Douglas visited relatives ln Peterborough Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Pnesco t, Mns. K. Hardy were tea guests o! Mr. and Mrs. Ace Abbo.t, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. R. Perfect and Richard, Bowmanville, visited Mr. and Mns. J. Gibbs. Mr. and Mrs-. G. White and Anne visited Mr. and Mrs. Herb Myers, King. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Vintue were tea guests o! Mr. and Mns. Wili Cochrane, Kîrby. Several from here attended the funeral of the late Lorne Robbins. Mr. and Mms. R. Clapp visit- ed Mn. and Mns. D. Hooper, Orono. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. McQuinn and family, also Miss Linda Stainton visited Mr. and Mrs. .A. Hoaper and family, Toronto. Mr. and Mms. A. Youngman and boys visited Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Youngman, Pontypool. Mr. and Mrs. M. Smiley and Kelly, Hamilton, with Mr. and Mrs. W, Rahm. Mr. and Mrs. W. Murphy and famiiy visited Mn. and Mrs. T. Carter, Bowmanville. Sale at Television Service Co. FEATURE VALUE Marconi Model TV 3032 * Cascode Tuner * Tinted Safety Glass * Signal Monitor * Fui! Fidelity FM Sound only $198. SEE THIS AND MANY MORE AT 185 CHURCH STREET or Phone MA 3-3883 for Free Home Demonstratioin NO OBLIGATION. Quits and Clothing to Be Shipped Overseas By Maple Grove Society Maple Grove W.M.S. met on Jan. 9 with the President in the chair. The meditation for Jan- uary, written by Miss Emma Werry, was read by the Presi- dent after which the following officers were instaiied by Mrs. Somervilie: President, Mrs. Ross Stevens; Vice-Pres., Mrs. S. Morton; Rec.- Sec'y, Mrs. H. Freeman; Treas., Mrs. M. Burgess; Cor. Sec'y, Mrs. I. Munday; Lit. Sec'y, Mrs. Fred Stevens; Christian Stewardship Sec'y, Mrs. A. Laird; Finance Com., Mrs. M. Burgess, Mrs. A. Laird, Mrs. I. Munday; Supply Com., Mrs. H. Wright, Mrs. C. H. iCouples Club Enjoys Films Maple Grove: The Country Couples Club met at Maple Grove church on Feb. 7 wilh 62 in attendance. President Howard Bradley conducted a short business period. Sam and Helen Van Camp were in charge of the worship servièe. Norman Hanna introduced the Bowmanville version of the "McGuire gisters,", Eleanor Os- borne,- Dianne Austin and Nor- ma Dale. These girls favoured with three very well rendered songs. Then Maple Grove's "Liberace" in the person of Jim Cryderman, played twc, selections on the piano. Norm introduced Mr. Reg Harding of Bowmanville who showed films on Queen Eliza- beth and the Duke of Edin- burgh's trip to New Zealand, a film of "Mighty Mouse" for ail the not so oid children and several pictures around On- tario. Next month we wîll have a speaker from General Motors. LONG -SAULT The February meeting o! the Home and School was again weil attended Fniday night, Feb. 8. Pres. Mrs. Ethel Gable opened the meeting and con- ducted the business. The faiiowing progmam was given with Mn.' Chanlie Pen- warden as chairman: Solos by Sandra Gibson accompanicd by Mrs. Davey; John Vaneyk sang severai sangs accampanying himseif on the guitar; 'music by the Baker tria. Rev. Jackson en- tertained with his magie tricks and Mrs. Jackson showed pic- tumes o! the Sunday School pic- nie held in Orona hast year, some taken on holidays' and same o! local interest anround1C the community. Mrs Gab!e closed the prognam with a neading. Mr. Penwarden thank- ed ail wha heiped with the program. Lunch was semved and a social time enjoyed. March pnogram convenons are the Part- ner, Barrett and Milîson fam- ilies. Mn. and1 rs. Tom Turner and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bi1 Clark and Mm. and Mrs. Sidney Harper, Toronto, with Mn. and Mrs. Ernest Harper. Mr. and Mrs. Ross and fam- ily, Dunbarton; Mr. Stanley Fletcher, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Fletcher. Mrs. Edith Murphy was a, Sunday evening visitar at the Smith home. Mn. and Mrs. Stan Gable, Ty- rone, with Mn. and Mrs. Bert Johnson. Mn. and Mrs. Bert Johnson with Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sharpe, Enniskillen, an Thurs- day. Mrs. Sophie Kayacs and Mr. Gabriel Koyacs visited fiends in Hamilton on Sunday. Mr. and Mns. R. J. Fleming, Unionvilie, w~ere Sonday v~~ ora of Mr. Robent Siun. Snowden, Mrs. M. Munday. Community Friendship, Mrs. C. Jeffeny, Mrs. A. Beech, Mns. C. H. Snowden; Assoc. Members, Mrs. H. R. Foley; Temperance, Christian Citizenship, Mrs. J. D. Stevens; Missionany Monthly, Mrs. L. Collacutt; Mite Box, Mrs. R. R. Stevens; Pianist, Mrs. A. Beech, Mrs. C. H. Snowden. Fiower Com., Mns. R. L. Wor- den, Mns. S. Tyler, Mns. R. Trimble; Press Sec'y, Mns. H. Freeman; Auditors, Mrs. I. Mun- day, Mrs. S. Morton; Birthday Box, Mrs. F. Swallow; Asst., Mrs. A. Beech; Sec'y for Younger Groups, Mrs. C. Greenham; Asst., Mrs. H. Brooks; Prognamme Com., Mrs. R. L. Worden, Mns. M. Munday. Business was then conducted after which Programme Com- mittee took charge. Wonship period was taken by Mrs. E. Ashton; pnogramme, Mrs. S. Morton, assisted by Mns. H. Foley, Mns. E. Ashton, Mrs. M. Burgess. Since this meeting four large quits, one bassinette quilt, two crib quiits have been quiited for overseas; another one a new top. Twenty yards of white flan- nelette were purchased, cut into nighties and diapens and given ta membens ta sew. This is also for relief. Thé Febnuary meeting was held Feb. 6 in the basement. Worship was in charge o! Mns. H. R. Foiey; scripture was read by Mrs. S. Tyler. Questions were asked by Mns. H. Foiey, answen- Qd by Mrs. R. L. Wonden, Mrs. S. Tyler, Mrs. H. Wright, Mrs. M. Burgess, Mns. C. Greenham, Mrs. I. Munday. Programme was in change of Mrs. C. Jeffery with readings by Mrs. C. H. Snowden, Mrs. A. Beech, Mrs. H. Foiey. The President conducted the bus- i ness. Our special W.M.S. Sunday service xiii be heid an Sunday, March 10, when Miss Jean Som- ervilie, missionary from Tnini- dad, will be guest speaker. Pnesbyterial will be heid on Thursday, Feb. 21 at Whitby. World's Day of Prayer will be heid in Mapie Grove Church for the Courtice circuit at 2.30 p.ra MAPLE GROVE Mn. Chester McGrath visited wilh his cousins, Mr. and Mrs. John Middleton, Ciaremont. Mn. and Mns. Clarènce Hock- in, Mn. and Mrs. Ted Foiey and family visited with Mn. and Mrs. Lau Hockin. Mr. Clifford Swaiiow visited his mother, Mrs. F. Swallow, who is convalescing at hem cousin's home, Mrs. Basil Mc- Master of Brighton. Mn. and Mrs. Dick Bailey and family xisited with his parents, Mr. and Mns. Fred Bailey, in Guelph. Mn. and Mrs. Gardon Jarvie and famiiy with bis mather, Mns. Robt. Jarvie, on Sunday. Mrs. Norman Burgess is spending a few days with ber cousin, Mn. and Mrs. Roy Van Camp. Mn. and Mns. Roy VanCamp and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Van Camp were Satumday evening visitons with Mm. and Mrs. Wes Werry, Sauina. Mr. and Mrs. John Athisan, Scambomo, fonmeriy o! Grimsby, England, cailed on Mn. and Mrs. John Noble on Sunday. Mn. and Mns. Cecii Milîs, Bill and Ralph accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Milîs, Port Penny, visited with Mrs. Joe Cowie and Roy at Beaverton. Mn. and Mms. Art Burgess visitedi with Mr. and Mrs. Jark Graham, Oshawa. Mn. and Mrs. Wally Bothwell wîth her parents, Mn. and Mms. W. Tonkin, Oshawa, an Sunday.1 Mn. and Mrs. Gordon Martin and Ilitica, Mr. and Mrs.. E. NV. Foley were Sunday guests of Mns. R. Warden, Bowmanville. Mr. Ken Brooks, Flint, Mich., visited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Brooks, for the weekend and attended the Stocker - Bagneil wedding. Mn. and Mrs. Howard Foley visited with cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Wili Coolidge, in Oshawa. Mrs. E. Ashton spent Sunday with Mrs. A. Beech. Mrs. A. Beech spent Monday wiith ber brother, Mr. Claude Smith, Enniskillen. Mn. and Mrs. Charles Snow- den are spending a few days with their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Brown, Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Brough and son Teddy, Mr. and Mrs. Whittaken, Toronto, at Mr. and Mns. Hanold Cooney's. Mn. and Mns. John Broome and family wene guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Munday on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mns. Stan Snowden SAVE during HOOVER week Hurry to get this big borgaint Low-price offer imited to Hoover Week. Corne in or phone today. Anderson, Toronto; Mrs. Char- les Weekes, Weston; Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hackson, Oakvilie, who attended the Stocker Bagneli wedding Saturday in Bowmanviile calied on the former's parents, Mr. and U~s R. Stevens and Mr. and !M.* J. Snowden. Canada continues to top ail other countriesas telephone users, only the territorles of Hawaii and Alaska averaging more calis per person a year. With '74% of the country's homes equipped wlth telephones, Canada averages 446 caJIs per persan, and the popular demand for extension telephones promises to boost future records. Typical telephone enthusiasts are the Rex Heslops, of Georgetownl, Ont., who moved recently front a modest two-teie. phone house into thelr dream-come-true-home, equipped with every ultra-modern convenlence. Mrs. Heslop (iower le! t) operates her household smoothly with time-saving devices, one miaid and elght. step-saving telephones. Colored sets wiil soon replace the eigié black extensions located throughout the Heslop home, includiffF, (top) Rex Jr.'s bedroomn and the indoor swimming pool <owem right) where he takes hl& cails without needlng to remove dripa5ý ping "frogmanl" gear. We Are Pleased. TO Announce the ADDointment HOOVER'aO 6~1e~dzMason & Dale The cleaner that floafs on air . e. Hardware Bowmanville's New Authorized Hoover Dealer FOR GENUINE HOOVER PARTS AND SERVICE CALL MA 3-5408 FOR DEMONSTRATION TO SAVE DOLLARS ON THE FAMOUS HOO VER a DOUBLE STRETCH NOSE Reaches across the largest room -even up a f light of stains. No need to move the Constellation. e 3-WHEEL NOZZLE Nozzle roils freely over rugs and floors at just-right cleaning level. e THROW-AWAY BAG Takes oniy 10 seconds to chanze big-capacity dirt bagl e FLOATS ON AIR No wheels or skids. The, Constellation floats along behind you as you dlean. HOOVER Tihe cI.aner that FAMOUS floats on air POLISHE19 $.59.75 MASON & DALE HARDWARE 36 King St. E. Bowmanville MA 3-5408 mTarconi *Large Aluminized Picture Tube *New Powerful V-type Chassis * Low Power Consumption irziuri and Tommy, Bancroft, wlth Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Munday for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. G. Rekker and Annie spent Monday with his sister, Mr. and Mrs. C. Huiz- inga, Picton. Sorry to hear that Mrs. Laird, Sr., had the misfortune to fal after chunch on Sunday. We ail wish her a speedy recovery. Miss Kathy McGuirk enter- tained a number o! small friends at a birthday party on Tues- day. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Kuhnke were Mr. and Mrs. H. Waidroff, Trenton; Mn. and Mrs. M. Stoughton, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Doug McNairn, Highland Cneek, Cathie and Cindie are visiting a few days with Mr. and Mrs. R. R, Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Snowden and Bill, and Miss Maureeii