PAGETOU~EENTE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVfLLE. ONTARIO 4 PAGE rouRTZTN Births Coming Events ArticlesfoSaeNOT ciRalEte for Sale Real Estate for Sale Real Estate for Sale BOTHWELL-Roy and Irene are Resere Aprîl 4th. 5th, 6th for* FOUR 6.00x16 tires, $24. Phone NIO-eTIC Esucohus,5 EENromd frm hue,.rn hapy o nnonc te irt o Crn A opin Tckes owMA3-20oms-1 and bath, on first floor and centrallv located. Terms. Post!r4 appy gto , anunce Mythe . blr f orz roppclub Tickes.fO A3238 <4For the past four weeks the Classified Section second floor partly finished. In Office Box 35, Bo%\manville. 25. 1957 at Memorial Hospital, 10-1 BALED straw; softwood. Phone' of The Canadian Statesman bas been set in smaller Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-3856. 10-1OrnREL R Bowmanville. A sister for Bon- MA 3-28815. 10-1 type than the redi matter in this paper. This wvas 10-1 hne19 reaSndaad one. 1- Tennetsar odiga1FIRST mortgage funds-Several 10arsrlln adwt nie, SandraomandaJoanne.l10-1 The Kinettes aN artre holdingla, donc to conserve space. The recent increases in newvs- TWO summer cottages for sale, thousand dollars immediatelyrutsra inheonto GORHAM-Ronald and -Reta Shp rdý,Mac Sh tphn A327.8-3* print and other materials made this necessary. Bowmanville Beaei. Ver as vilable for good f irst mort 2 pm 10-2 terms. Reasonable dlow n pay- gages. Six pcr cent semi-annua-son radcseteerhig happily announce the arrivai of iQAE ioem 1', o However, we have received so many complaints ment. Write'Box 624, c/o Thel 1. Leroy Hamilt6n. BrokerEsaealS70. their son on March 2nd. 1957, at The annual meeting of the Phone MA 3-5433. 10-1 about the size of the type it Ieft us with only one Canadian Statesman. 8-tf Orono. 1 r 16. I0-1 5arsrligln er Memorial Hospital, Bowman-1 pIa Community Memorial Hospitaaleratv. hi____te______e ecio tpei ville. A littie brother for Karen Port Perry'. will be held at The 1BARN. approximately 60' x3' atrntv.Ti1.e h 5ssfe etontp s SORE, gas business and bouse LOTS, industrial sites, close t an.8 or1rm h~ue x and Roddv. 10-1 Library, Port Perr -v, Thursdav l Phone MA 3-2489. 1 -1* back to its former size. Effective immediately the combined, in Bowmanville. Good 115, sehool, business section.cletmpe n ec uh evnn, ac 2s.at8pm.rtsare changed to a minimum of 60e for 15 words i location. doing good business., Mortgage monev available. List-ravfrml vr ls v KILGANNON -Bonnie Laurie 10-2;APPLE wood for sale. Phone, and 4c a word over this minimum. To see the rest of For more information write i ings of farms and homes requcsî-Lwtxs lsn u saea wishes to announce the arrivaI MA 3-5476 or MA 3-5805. 10-14 Box 617, c/o The Canadian cd for waiting clients. WV. C 900 offerh abe siterableresientS.rPtrck'aDnceineolna he ats frSte lasifidaectonconuitth boaStleman Bomav9-e. -2 Evnsn Brker Oono Phne 10 acesexcllet ay oa on February 26. 1957 at Memor- Hall. March 1Sth. S1.25 per per- FEED wheat, 500 bushels at 2c below. -_3__1._0 ial Hospital, Bowmanville. Proud son Dress optional. Lunch per lb. Phone MA 3-2413. 10-1 EA ESTATE FOR SALEcre.Hadny elpitd parents are Irene and David Kil- pro\'ided. Ted Koss's orchestra.,DESDrbitma o a Articles for Sale Help ane Properties SoId. Rented Jm s Nxn9ro oe ieofHg. gannon. 10-1 Sponsored b.v Solina Football;uidav. Phone itMeAt-3430. 1-1 ______________..anaged and Appraised RaesATEixonE vx nstn od ls _______ Club. I ~~~~~~~~~~~~i STUDIO couch, matching chaire PART time stenographer, mustL M.A bikrornahlis-WtcxaluIdg wthev REYNOLDS-Art and Shirley iGrand St. Patrick's Dance and' BURPEES new vgardien sesanLo.sol hoeM 33M.bea. t ye frlca u-lsofl icen ul- Reyols re apv 0 anonc IDraw in aid of the renovation of now in stock. Stewart's Seeds. 10-1 miess. For interview write Box Real Estate Broker cupbooards. 4-piece bath. part]yprt, ~olv$551.Trs the birth of their daughter. Jane Tvrone Comi-nnity Hall: the i1-f61./oTeCnda States-i Phone 2566 - Newcastle, Ont.l finished, large beater %vith ther-[1< cc evlc omwt Marie, on March ist, 1957. at date, Saturday'. Marcli l6th:îLOCAL, good w~hite bîossom TWO continental beds, metal1 man. Two blocks north of traffie signal! mostat beats the xvhole bous.Uhao.rnemn edpi Memorial Hospital, Bowman- place, Tyrone Hall: admission weîcoerCPîer'îavlegs, full size, 1310 each. Phone î Noewýcastle 5-tf. fullv insu]ated. tiýe and Inlaid' a e ntesvc~n9ro ville. A sister for Debbie and 50Sc. Music bv a local orchestra. - MA 3-3200) after 6 p.m. 10-If' A WELL knowýn manufacturer 1 Ont. 9-5he - - - - loors, bot and cold \vater. beca\ubrewt eax vrn i Steve. 10-l", 10-29 __________î_____ of finest bousehiold necessities WE NEED LISTINGS vrgatcdgraegodlbidns.areadto)ou. SLEEPMr. ad Mr. Doulas.Do come to our Daffodil Tea QUE13EC cook stove. practically ONE hospital bcd, complete; 4- and toiletries Fias openings in ON SALABLE TOWN AND nicely dccorated and good lnca-O;oavraiv.vcoet SLE-r adMs Duls-newý,. reasonable. Phone MA wheel chair and one hearîng aid. lyolîr surroundings. Write for COUNTRY PROPERTIES [Lion in Hampton, close 10 t churchel oladal eîeis we Sleep (nee Bowles> are happyiand bazaar at Memorial Park 3-:352.10-14, Almost new. Phone MA 3-5611. full details and free catalogue Enquiries are inow e oming in. 'school and stores. Priced to selIjlevn unr. acicea oannounce the arrival of theirJ club bouse on Saturdav~, March .522. îoî today., 1600 Delorimier, Dp. so ereAnl lno n9th from 2::30 to 5.0t) p.m. Home- BABY carriage. ver « good con- 49 Station C. Montreal. '-iPhn or call in and talk it over. 5-room insul stonc, 3 years Thursday. Februarv 21 al Royal haking. candv, fish pond. gond dition. Will seli for $20. Tele- CEDAR rails. sawed. readv Io -Van Id. on one acre. cellar, nil furn-Irue Victoria. Hospital, Barrie. 1 0-,1 used clothing. E\,er.vbody l. phone MA 3-3721. 101-ibùri, $11) per truck load. deliv-ITWO teachers wanled for En-1 .V nN s a.,ht)idcl aeha ______cone.1-1 - ered. Phone MArlket 3-2234. 1 iskiJ{le Public Sehool Seniior REAL ESTATE BROKER rig2 roomns 10 hc finishediglprc.$50 $10. - , ~~HAY for sale, approximatelv t1 'and Juînior rooms, begining Sept. 118 taStE. i insulated: Qa rape, ______________ ST. JOHN-Mr. and Mrs. Harold Club 15 invites you to their 1 2,0)00 bales, No.1 hay. Phone -Ilst. 1957. Protestant, good sa]- 11MAig t.E.3-3230 vll husairns Nobo21 Tend \Vanted St. John (nec Ruth Aberneth.vl Senior Citizens' Party, Tucsdavý, MA 3-5476 or 3-5805. 10- ~1 500 BUSHELS Rodiney see 3at3230rv. Fr inormaionwontacle.____6___00_________on are happy to announce the bîrth March 12th at 8 p.m. aI the $12 prbuhlatbrn-r-15'F . --v erea, -resthuan ov-.30-diay posses- of their daughter. LorrainelLions Centre. Evervone wel- FLOOR polisher for rent aI: 121prPusetateanor$10 F W Wrr, eeelrvTras, Rt.asister for Llo',;d, on Feb.1 coîne. If transportation is need-' Mason & Dale Hardwvare, 36 cleaned. Phone F. Griffîn, MA Eaniskillen. Phone Bowmanville Pee Fdemson 25,t957,at Toronto East General cd. cal Mrs. N. Osborne, MA King St. E., Bowmanville. l01* A -239 REAL ESTATE BROKER Man ore hmsinBw Hopi, l 1957,' at:3627. 10-1 Bmanaille. Hospîtal. l0-1dre3-b62e!;10f1g-oâ GENERAL Elecîrie stove, coal LADIES-Avon Piroducts offers Dairv farm. 283 acres. 2 sets 47~ Queen St. o anie T7AIT-To Mr. and Mrs. Jack Regular weekl 'v bingo held; mixed hax-ý. Applvy Allan Baz- , and wood combinalion, excelen; a fin e opportunilv 10 capable of buildings, bath, turnace. waier MA 3-.1682 1- I _______________________________1,Ponypoo. 9ý) condition. Phone Blake Short.. mature woman wilh 3 or 4 spare bowls. etc. Very gond soil, gon Tat nerWaeruoo ospta, a son, the month which will be held i MA3-479___________________________oaton Prcean don ay Jaes Ewatrd. Hspta, 0a4on o Tuesdavs. in the Union Hall.' SAVE on lumber, direct fromi an opening near voti. For furth- ment arranged. CalsPOET AEN.14- James Edward. 10-1_______ 20 regular games and a jackpnt mniii to you. Phillips Lumber 1 BRANT barley, regisîcred No. 11 or information write todav toi Geneî'al farm, 275 acres, dlay Chre Rankine game. No game under' $3.00. Co., Yin m*ntn, Ontario. Phone1 seed, treated. Germination test, Mrs. G. Tatc. 304 Frederick Ave., loam, 12 roomn frame bouse, bath, REAL ESTATE BROKER E g g m ns Admission 50c. 2t 17_r 1l. l3t£' 96%1. J. Cruicksbank., Hampton.; Peterhorouîgh. 10-2e furnace, barn 200) x 36, gond Io- 200 acre stock farni. Longtai PhneMrk- .-16. l cation. Price $20.000. Terms. recognized as a top faim in ils Mr. and Mrs. James Harding The Annual Birlhday Partly of ESctaoitilyvhe ATTENTION part-lime sales Dair, farm. 85 acres, 5 2 canl' district. 9-room brick borne in ceo ad ihafotg of Whitby wish to announce the 1Ihe Memorial Hospital, Bowman-' vou waît. aI Mason & Dale Hard-1 FAMOUS make, big 21' TV, people. Would vou like to earnl mi]k quota. fuîll line of machin-! top condition, main barn 96 x 40,o 1.0fe a h ueino engagement of their youngest; ville, will be held in the Corn-! ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- bhandsome bardwnocl cabinet,.ý from $20.010 10 $50.00 per weck erv plus 20) bead of cattle. Price i bydro througbout, pressure sysl ig ay7ad 2an Nrt daughter Audrey Mac, to Donald munitxv Centre, Beech Ave., xvillc. 46-If sale price $179.95. ful ,warranit.. in yý%our spare tîme, sclling a $21.000. Terms. ern. i4 mile from scboo. Gordon Richards. eldest son Of Thursdiay, Marcb 21st, from 31I- Kelly TV. 81 King W., Oshawa'. dai]v nccessitv thal brings re- Pasture farm, 150 acres, plenly Full price $113,000. AboutSreinteVlaeo roln Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Richards.,053)olck h ulci SINGER Sewing Centre, new 10-4 peal sales v ervfw weeksl of wvater. Price $5,500. Terms. $4.000cs.Mrag10vnoTE ER CL E Bowmanville. The marniage wîll codially iited.10-2Rand s o ed sng mhnes.____MA____________ Apply RwegsDept. C-I1401 - 50t)acres suîtable for Christ- for balance. $50 monthlv a ea takeplaceiui.llCon arch 01h, entai3 or2epair. Phoe MAINSULATION. blowinx mclbod,! 49, Montreal. P.Q. 10- 1 mas Irces. Pice $2.000. Ternis. Don't fail 10 sec Ibis farm, a 1957, at Dunbarton Parsonage. Smoi.Cmbnd e-325. 18t wilb rock wool. Workmansbip' House with five acres of land, price, quality and îerms %vill seiNO EST 10-1* îng of tbc Federalion of Agrictîl- RODNEY Commercial naIs for guaranîecld. F r c e estimates. 1 For Rentj Price $7.000. Vcry lnw down il quickly. 1:0 o turc and The Farmers' Union,l_________________p 1t 10ars ctdf Deats Backtoc Comuniy Hllsale, $1,10 per bus. at the harn. IHarry L. Wade. Phone Clarkel bjpwaymj HUSDYeMRC ,1 ThurWery. Phon Blacksock 242. 39tfGARAGE, Cburcb St. West. Newcastle R. R. 2 Phone 2204, bouse. bydro, ilwyfr _____________Thrda, arb I pm1i98 r 3. 9-2*j Telephone MA 3-5492. 10-1 10-1 Price $10,000. Tcrms. IIfrainadtne om HALL-AI Memorial Hospital, Furtber particulars appear else- TV acrials crected, nioved, re-1-- $10.500 for Ibis new 3-becd Bowmanville on Friday, Marcb where in Ibis issue. 9-2 HARD and soft waler delivered. paircd. 30 fI., ahl channel, instal- STORE or office space for rent. f 1-1,~~r nom brick home. Modern inotnblfrm lst, 1957, Grace A. Hall. agcd 77 ~Plan la attend the Pomtsevcecn et . ae.ld,,9.0clccsd.KllyVo KngSret Poe Alkt L.eI Dollar L1iLeeer etî.folaofrdolrdtollETNDarSCETR years, dear sister of Rene (Mrs. iat n akt oilt e Phone MArkeI 3-5476 or MAIOsbawa, coîlect, RA 5-5121. 241:3-5042. 8-31' DAR FRM20)arsil can't be beal in value. ROM 41.E TBLC R. . al) ndth lIeCln-held in Newtonville Hall on Fmi- 3-8518-fhus a.10- ONE room, central, for gent]- 4< acres workablc, 100' x 41' Many others frorn whicb ence J. Hall. Miss Hall rested day evening. Mancb lStb. Pro-: BEATTY wasbems, dyers, iron- NEcern-i Aosio).mn btie.Poe M bank barn with 75' x 35' L-shap- ARAM TBIL NS at the Morris Funeral Chapel, ceeds for Secoît and CLIb wnrk E erigad. .sio).i a.Asane.Poe M 52 Kin St. W. B ih TORONT Bowmanvilîe. Service was beld - arvi. ad* covilp rs, ranges, polishers and vocuum : for little more than haîf price; 3-3948. 1 (- 1 ed extension. water howls, steel MAi 3-2453 ow-276 C hin SarvleadNwoîl. cleaners, easy tcrms. Kelly TV, also 250 gallon round steel gas -- stanchions, steel boxes for -youngMA343or-26Hiesoraytnr lnnt.St h's nJocahn'rs AmAnglican adis AdmissionW.,Osawa Oc.4takLadieslFOR withooss8nleoKingcatlW., Osbawat.,.mpemet10-4me on Monday, March 4 aI 2 oclock. baskets free. 10-l' ________________tnkue ny few montbs. Tele- gteo ilbadfllpoesehnhusml os ihEert an onHal Irîterment Bowmanvîlle Cerne- - -- _____-- -ELECTRICAL Repairs-Pmompt iphone MA 3-2035. îo0lIgebrorilbod.Tlephon315.101elsed, en oue, 2cmkb os;ih vrt1Hn2 on etlen1esr0.acet tery. 10-i Bowmanville Business and service to electnical appliances ALL cbestenficlds, space-savens, I-ord hus,$0 er roomcd solid brick bouse witb hT EATET0 Professional Women's Club pre-, large and small. Lander es, IXroe hue $0prfumnace. etc. Has an 8 cans per reS SHERWIN-At Memorial Hos- sent tbe6r Arnnal Spring Fashion ware. Phone MA 3-774. 4-If' eromadktce uie monlb. Immediale possession. day milk quota. Pnice $25,000.VaOTAI pital, Bowmanville on Tuesday, Show in the Town Hall, Bow-' low bargain pnices witb Irade-in Phone MA 3-3935.101Eslrns.CnbbogtitI REAL ESTATE BROKER ___ March 5th, 1957,, Edith May manville, Wednesday, March 20, DO your own floos-Rent aI allowance. Trade-ins: Rangette, 101 aRO d dCn ebogh i1 118 King St. E. Bowmnanville -lin Laner Hrdwae, Ki$14t.E- 0Klviasb efrirt p8um . 34.0; lFIe-n9medsaprîment iwmnvi- m, Pe. pr dhr a 7th year, dean sister of Robert donated by Huyck's Hair StyliNgeandastlreaî'. 7 Kng S. E. t TandZ E. and the laIe O. A. Sberwin. Studio. Admission 50 cents. Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5774.179.50; space heater. medium size,' ville. Phone MA 3-2209. 10-1 DAIRY FARM, 150 acrsesai toe n Sprt tneswilb e Restig at bc Mrris unerl 9-33-tfj 29.0. ad 21"leleision 99.0 ' close ta Oshawa, 10)0 acres work- haîf on one acre, fruit, garagecivdbthunrsndunl haeBowmanvillc. Service-j Murphy Co., King St. W.. Bow,-1 A THREE-roomed heaîed aparî- able, 4 acres in yoong orchardi,l e rbe, o80 i hat,000 cas] 2no ensdy ae 0h ineChapelo hrdv St. Paîrick's Concert at Hamp- '57 FRIGIDAIRE super dryeri manvîlle. Phone MA 3-378!1. ment witb bath and private nemainder in pasînre. creck, 90' pressure 68) ib5,0 ah 97 o h aeo h olw Marn th Cat 2:3 p.mThu mda, ton on March 181h at 8 p.m., in, onlv $189, but and backed by lo1-h'eiiraiice. Aduits. Available1 x 35' and .50' x 30' bank bamn Orono - Five-moom, modem nrw acl fln n porary interment Lang Vault. the S. S. ronm, under auspices of j G.M ., $18.95 down, G.M.A.C. - March i sI. Phone MA 3-3787. with stoel stanchions and watcr bungalow, a little gem, pictor uligs b îopryo h 10ithe Womcn's Institute. Gond'1 plan. Kelly Frigidaire. 81 King 10-i bowls, 2 implernent sheds, lien windows, panellýd livinig-room.Cuclo heMncplCi Oron Ceetey. 0-1pogram of madings, vocal and: W.. Oshawa. 10-4 N wI1TN 'mavll, -ro mdenbouse, milk bouse xith hulk lireplace, conveniences, cil forn- instrumental_____music, ±ew IdcIN proom odem er, i pens, silo: 9 roomced ace. Do you want to catchapotinotoUildCuic [n Memoriam 1 "Afler the Cburch Suppen" wijl HEARING ai evcbetn eated aparîmenîs. Handwoodi solid brick bouse wiîb all citv brook Iront? Asking $10,600 witb ()Ta lprykona 1beviead Tpet tcko able Model TV Sets adblefon, pi lt 6 and1 conveniences. Pnice and benms $12,500 cash, bepresenled. Adulîs 35e, child- sericeanddcmplee stck o' Ib Coburg egisry Ofice GALeL.In j y f is en 15c. 10-2 batteries and cords at Higgon i $50. Adulîs. Apply Mrs. L. N.! arranged. Albert St., older brick, ail con- Hrc all.-I eoyo is_____________ Electnie Limitcd, 38 King St. E.,'AT LOWEST PRICES EV-.ER.! Peacock. 341 Richmond St. E.,I DAIRY FARM, 100 acres wilb veniences. double lot, ail bcated.lctda 6KigSre at A friend of mine passed on. Bowmanville Lions Club Bingo Bowmanville. Telephone MA From Oshawa. Dial RA 3-3972. 10-tf 193 'acres wonkable, 5 acres wood, Asking S6.800) witb $4.500 cash.bigBok1 LI1,Twsi toayînTwHaloSauday,Mah 3-5438. 20-Iftllll APARTMENT, enra octin spring pond. 80' x 40' bank barn Hampton. 6-rnom, new bricke o 6 ocsinA ~ar I did not know ber long 23rd aI 8 p.m. $100 jackpot, $219~.00iceta oaiowitb L-sbaped extension, waîer some finishing to do, with 10 prxmtl' hsvlal But oh ber heani was happy, $100 door prize, 20) games for $10 ADDING machines, typewnitems, lange living-noomn, big bednoonr, 1 bowls, implement shed' milk acres, Phone for parliculars. lti ioldi b uiessc Her voice was like a song. and one game for $25. lhree; cash * ' iTiceuewier, SE HE LLA odernkthnbbtincp ouse with hnlk cooler, hen. Hampton-4-roomn witb twg to fteTono nor filing cabinetsATorniciteben.tbout-bocupsandeisrhoundedeon4tpe Soutblb She was so kind ta cveryone special games. Admission $1.fln aintofc fniue1 had.eetnesoe -peebl oo -.arge 9ro d slid above unfinisbed, on nice siZEd igSre HgwyN.2 So ovaleand sweet Tickets from members of Lions new and used. Repairs t10 iii "'eisi Servi Ce Co. baîbmoom. hot and eold water b se, gase itage, morne soi-lt l ovnecs si To relatives, acquaintances and Club or aI tbe door. 8-5 makes. Walten Fnank, Bawrnan- sple,$5prmnh vi-vne srneson sth e t. -t__ - ville. MA 3-2403. Newcasîlel 185 CHURCH ST able April lst. Phone MArket ye cces, and 4 roomed. new $9.000 with baîf clown.Srel stragens IbeParents' Night and tbc opening24.1If rPHN MA383 3-3618. 10-tf 1 bungalow witb furnace. Asking Scugog SI. Seven room .frairne ()Ta prykona She seerncd ta live ber life fo1__________________pnîce $24,000. Terms. on 2 acres, ail convenienceses x h olunnadadDr Gad 1of the new addition 10 Cari-! 1 'efreYb' Hltb Ut AR, 00acesl'td t ace Ro"7nce Bv being gaad tb otbers;i wright Central Public SehoollEQUIP your bouse wîtb Nash ry1eo0-1uBy n avdNodtic 5 ces decoraîed. bas ganage and smal r ca n oe a And she considercd alI the will he held on iVondav, March aluminum combination doons î-ýN tiesn aEtRoA FARM. 100acres cet. onace rooseentieor for ta pm nivtto i n idw, l oor.Orworkable, 10 acres in bardwood iharo. Yuhte e bsac ereSre otna h warld 111h. ten 7 p.m. A in itatiponleis asn windowll gcoeou.Ofre Livesto fr Sale Con and Smelb Licences now bush, 75' x 30' bank haro, lange 1 for sure. Asking $12,500.cnîeobchissetono HHnsisersandbeebrîbesndxtnder bailineretedpeoleavaprienItixeeillgiv Jack avîlale I JckWilon 18414 riv-inse-inale bohsd9,i10i Cboug. blrgebrik hus My heart is filled with teans in the aiea to visit the School estimates. Lander hardware. 7 IK- i ng St. East. Con Licences roorned frarne bouse witîi new .i odrpi.wt i etn la-day will he 7p.m on. An oppnrîunity King SI. E., Bowmanville. Tele- FIVE good Yorkshire pigs, seven i gond from March lsI till Augustnifuac.Akgpie$100.IPK almraanets Rernembering ber smilel e given the parents 10. phone MA 3-5774. 1 0-If wecks nId. Phone MA 3-2062.'31, 195î. 9-2'* Terms. Peter o a And how she sought no glnrv înterv,,'îx the teachers and boar'd MRI o aebe pon-____________ 10-1 - GENERAL FARM. 80 acres REAL, ESTATE BROKER Iselo fIeepoete But she lNoticehtornabbitdhunlers. 51.00s atithis7tiacresiwûrkahîeMsRRdS-CGENERAe bNSURAppCincanNbtiae rangedbht appoinî. e1.0 Bolshelvd te ankandfil, meber aIths lme.Ligt e d Singer Sewing Machine ne- ONE heifer caîf and one Hol- will be paid for eacb nahbit. loam,73 acres xvod, cree, 55' x 99 KingSE. BowmUANvîhE ha bIefrioApibu And ail I hope and pray is this' freshments will bc served. 9-21 Possession mav possiblyx99 hngStaE. Bomanil That al who knew her-name - -- - - - .-. presentatives for the Bowman- stein cow, due Mareb. Clive Please be careful wben hunting I135' and 80' x 15' barns, hen Telephone MA 3-5868 asrdh h s fMv Will ake ip br exmple Goodyear Girls' Re-union, Fnl- ville district. Cornein and 5dd Lambh. Phone MA 3-2973. l0-l'* on nuisery propent.v. Brookdale- i' t h n AndIl t tFthk i e arnle day, April Stb. Leion Hall, a Singer-the finesl in scwiflg Knsa usne.4-fhou se. implemen sed. pig p.n A gon paying, well estahlish- Hgelo o'lne n A - Qucen St., Bowmanville. Turke\: machines. Vaninus attaebmenîs PUREBRED Holstein heifer, , - 17 roonied frame bouse witb cd business for sale in town.ncsail ceîd AFriend. . inner nd e ntitainmont. Tirneý also in stock. Telephone MA fresh, Mar, 11.. Herd aceedited 1Tbe insurance office ofrS1i boavv dluîy wiing. Price $6.500.1 Requîmes about $8,00<) cash. For AItnes1cemîkdo VINE-ln loving memory o! aj1Iciw feed cost' Maaxv bred 10' *For the Latest Papers 1COLLIE puppy, 3 mon<bs nId .\moiîîd 1875 <ho lobostonie ooen.suatooane - -- - - :PhoneHS MNGGEMENT 1v pullets take il in their sti'ide. j~~- .,-~ os-rkn euiîlmîkfamnilv noveci fîotriBovIn.-ivilie bungalow Nvith full hasemnniMA deaîr son and brotheî'. Ralpb Fr te e_____mash____________________ ark n he j,, t BLV our chicks for the best- *Frm etloKasi ings. female. $9. Phone Nev- ' Tornîto vvieic Mary Hunt' ru.onine water. n, ev rî 2j.. MRIGS.DAH Kench.nhnpssdhwy , pawmnkts Plet.smoles. G ncsîe 18vlbotoo td Io balackd.o 2ace ot Pic 5,001 EThlcksbrthird ocero$O0pe Mancb 3'd. 193. ' Wic maoie. uask i frBrav1 5* .rreson & on -_ 1186_. _ -- TîIion i Iobnsone ind915. Trm. o 'iar spanic $,-00 ncla.R-jI EOI silent tboughl. a secret tear lîs. enhoieatr W.rS. SaleS. GRAhpeddg fml.Ao'Toa . Preson smono-s'iBesides ahove rnentioned ,vr i ward for return. Phone MA ý 5.0pu 0 n o e Keeps bis meninrY ever dean. Box 325. Bowrnanville. Phone Phones twa veans ald. registercd. Ver\' possessionis was a wat'b with tho' bave approximatclv 100 miore 13-3876. 10-*1 :payCosfe Turne akes awav the edge o! ni sndhoesu. hos foo MA 3-33V.MA 3-5912 M 110 affectionate. Gond witb cbildrei o <ownîg in i.ptîi:ar saa.nes10cooe froi.e'i .iic ihomnmmo n" forefSale fPhone Bowmanv'ille MA 359ho 'bna ohi iuîstone as i toOb~a emnilj vaLut ,ri But rnemony turns back e\'diN Cr _________ oî- arble i ' .(hic Port Hlope)(. Trenton and Peter- ___-__ ed byjI.- - Bowmanyvillc frin the Con- borougb districts. HIGHEST prices paid for live 4 i isiid d uib n. Loinly remembere OTIAC. 19,51. perfect cn'HueikHetn eed frSaegîegation - ItFbr' i otctputy goefahes ete Mother. Dad and familv. 10-1i dition, ai-cnnd ilioncd. radio, lovw FOR('ED AIR i1-8T1 ',Ti ticks, scnap iran, rags, metals edcs.nap rmnyodz. mîleage. Phone MA 3-31,54. Sut- Ii30BSESCrysc asM.Jbsoexu o nachi- JohînIF. De vvnn and raw fors. Phone R'A 3-204' .adnoemny RecetionsurdaI. afterniion. 10-1 Isald 45I $12.5 bus.; 85 bts ukbat: <ecc, brut a cabinet miaker. Realtor and General insurancej Oshawa, coîleet. .! li hi uifr odyrfeec AIR ('ODITIONIG lO0) ags potaînes. No. I smnall. AnivpersonIî iaving any infon- NwatePoe34 'OFC OE Mr adMr. .A.PruJSD ar ndtrcs-9('01 ONVERSIONS - $265 Phone Blackstock 82 r 12). 10-_I»iflatiio whîchrmax' assist ini trac- Necsl hoe34 ALL kinds of live poultry want-.. Mndyhouhria Newcastle, will be ait home toiFord Fairlane, 19.54 Ford 2-door; Terms Arranged i - __________ ing relatives o! Thornas P. Johns- Slsmen: e d. Top Toronto pnices paid ai~.. :0am 05pm <hein reletives, neighbors' and 1954 PIvrnou'b 4-door. l 5 R. R. 3 BOWMANVILLE SEED--Rodnev nats, negistered. <tone and/or o! bis wife, Mary Donald Mountjoy, Bowmanvillelvour daan for large or srnallXauda friends on Satiirdav, NMarcb l6th. Chevrolet ?-inoor. 1953 (~C' . .trated. in new sacks. si.9f ) por I liiot .Jobnsuîo'îlo ',.:i1e ai NIA 3-3950 Orituties. W'o have our n owrî 5 fnom 3 <o .3 and 7 <o 9 l.[u.. nod o -î'I l ii'vn qîl jnom1 -1 hi7n.,n <bmr arroii. Oron HicrI- on'"' i,, P. Bbin P.Ilono D îte oehm - Port Hqipe r e 7.1-. TIi-dl. nh3i'il ":r:r4 '.t'î0 - the ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ rro ocain te7rKn ? BxvaxIn 1-a1 'cne.P;ntiC.' a $reet, Torori.TU1 3O42Phone tuilect ta Bc, '.' diris anmiversary. 10-1 Phone MA 3-3689. 10-1 8-4 Ororia 31 ring 18. 10-tf'1 Canada. 9-2 10-1 7 r 13. 24 ~."" TmmJS],AY, MARCH 7th, 195?