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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Mar 1957, p. 15

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0.T --g-. '~i*-~ ~ i THURSDAY, MARC!! 7th,1 Cards of Thanks We wish ta express our sincere thanks to our man "y friends who were~ k~,îo us during our reccrit ravement and also to thank them for the beautiful floral offerings. The Muldrew Famnily. '4wish to thank ail our Srie1.s neighbours and relatives sympathy and floral offerings extended to us in the loss of a dear xife and mother. T. B. Veale and famiiy. 10-1. 1 wish to express my' sincere thanks to ail my good neighbours and friends, who so kindly re- rnembered me with their cards of good-will during my recent stay in Oshawa Hospital. Harrv W. Grubb. 10-1 Our most sincere thanks ta al our Nestleton friends and rela- tives for a most enjoyable even- ing and for the lovely gifts pre- sented to us. We appreciated it very much. Allan and Gladys Suggitt. l0-1*ý I wish to thank ail my friends, Lions and Lionettes Clubs for the cards and presents sent me during my stay in hospitai]. Special thanks ta Dr. Mikios and the nurses for the care given me. Janice Rickard. 10-I I wish to thank mv neighbours and friends. Maple Grove W.M.S. and Women's Institute for their kincdness in sending get-x.veli cards. birthday greetings, fruit and flowers durinA mv period of resting. Mrs. F. Swiliow. 10-1 I wish ta sincemely thank Dr. Maroosis, kind nurses and staff of (2C) Oshawa Hospital, also friends and relatives for flowers, fruit, cards, gifts, inquiries and visits duing mv stay in hospital due to mv accident. Ron Clemens. 1 would like ta thank ail my relatives, friends and neighbours for~ cards, flowers and messages sent to me while in hospital, to those who visited me and brought Mrs. Moses to hospital to see me. Thank you ail very nu ch. E. B. Moses. I would lîke to take this op- portunity ti thank mv relatives and friends for their kindness in remembering me by sending cards, candy, flowems and plants, also the W .A. of United Church o! Port 1jqýe: the W.A. of New- tonville, Dir. McDerment, nurses and staff o! Port Hope Hospital. Mr< F,,iolette Stapleton. 10-1* -'I wish to express my sincere ýhanks and appreciatian to Dr. L. S. Mikios, Rev. M. C. Fisher, 'Su»er4ntendent and Nurses of Me sia for care and kindriven me and ta my rnany efnds who sa kindly called,,also for cards, fruit, flow- ers, ete,. sent to me. (Mrs.) Nettie Butler, Newcastle. 10-1 Auction Sales Mr. Clarence Goodman, Lot 4, Con. 4, Hope Township, ane ..concession narth and a haîf mile west of Dale, bas sald bis farm and will seli by public auctibn on Saturday, March l6th, comi- rnencing at 1 p.m., al bis farm stock, nearly new Fardson trac- tar. tractor machinery, lumber, etc. For further particulars see bis. Terms cash. No reserve. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 10-2* The undersigned ,,ctioneerl will selI by publiceatio h chattels for Van Valentine oni Lot 35, Concession 10, Clarke Township, or one mile east off Long Sanît Church on Saturday, tMamch 23: Two horses, harness and ail farm implements; 800 bushels grain. many other articles. A complete list will appear lu Mamch 2lst issue of The Canadian Statesman. Terms cash. Sale at 1:30. Cliff Peth- ick, auctioneer. 10-2 The undersigned auctioncer lias rcceived instructions from A. Beacock, Lot 15, Cancession 6, Cartwright Township, 11,,à milesý east off Taylor's Garage on Sat- urday. March 9th (note change off date), the following valuable livestock, grain and machinemy: two Heefords. seven vears, due April: Holstein cow,' due ini June; caw. bred in October: Dumham heifer, due time of sale; Short- homu cow, due April; black cow, bred: youngz Durham bull, two yearling steers, four Durham heifers, due April: foui' Durham yearling steers: twa Shorthou-n cows, cal! at foot; twa Holstein cows, due May: Shomthorn caov, cal! at foot: heifer caîf, eiglit nuonths aId: twa yearling heifers; 800 bushels mixed grain, 200 bushels faîl wheat, 100 bushels oats, 100 bales straw, 1949 Chuv. panel tmuck, Massey-Harmis 11- disc drill, Cockshutt fertîlizer, No. il: drill. 13 dise, two-wbecl tractar trailer with 32x6 tires. Terms cash. Sale at 1:30 p.m. No reserve. Clif! Pethick, auc- tianeer. W ntd 10-1 bDA and crippled farmn stock, pick~ up promptiy. Phone MAI 3-2679. Margwill Fur Farmn, Tyrone. 26-tf TE good used tractors as trade- irzjt pw International tractars. Vwéeuire these tractors for customers at Cowau &iuipment Co., 134 King St. E.. Bowman- ville. Phone MA 3-5689. 10-1 Seed Cleaning WAIN Seed Cleaners naw apen -day week and by appointment )n Saturdays. Please have vaur Segistered grain for Peterborough $ow in b v M arc b t .. Phone lackstock 89 r 1L S -2 1957 Work Wanted YOUNG woman wanis bouse- wark or baby sittîng bv the day. Phone MA 3-5071. 10-1 NEW plastering and repairs, workmanship guaranteed. A. C. Woods. Phone Clarke 23 r 04. 4-tf CLERK-T.vpist. having senior matriculatian, commercial diplo- ma and one vear of experience desires position in, Bowmanville or Oshawa. Phone MA 3-3175. 10-1 * SAVE MONEY AT IDave's Shoe Repair Fasi, Prompt Service 35 TEMPERANCE ST. (ln rear) 42-tf MASONRY and CONCRETE REPAIRS or STRUCTURAL Brick, Block or Concrete Estimates Fre P.O. BOX 177 L. TURNER Phione MA 3-3231 Evenings MA 3-333987t Plasfering Repairs QUICK SERVICE STUCCO AND NEIV IVORK R. L. TAFT 69 King St. E. MA 3-5030 6-tf 24-IIOUR Expert Service on ai! makes of TV and Radio PHONE Television Service Co. MA 3-3883 NIGHT OR DAY WM. DYKSTRA, Proprictor 10-1 Brakes RelinecI Bonded Exchange Brake Shoes Ready to go - AI! Makes Brake Riveting Machine Brake Druni Lathing Machine Brake Bonding Machine Brake Cylinder Honing Brake Toois and Eqiiipment TO DO YOU A BETTER JOB Bob Sfocker's Garage Bowmanville PHONE MA 3-5804 10-1 * iRepairs RADIO and television repairs. Prompt service. Pick up and delivery. Lamne Doreen, 85 King E. Phone MA 3-5713. 2-tf REPAIRS to ail makes off refrig- erators. domestic and cèom- mercial; milking coolers. Hig- gon Electric Limited, 42 King St. E. Phone MA 3-5438. 25-tf Clock Repairs PICK-UP AND DELIVERY G. A. Brown 192 King St. F. MA 3-5136 BOWMANVILLE 10-1 Wafch Repairing M ar r ,s JEIVELLERY 43 King St. W. MA BOWMAN VILLE 3-5463 50-t! Personal WHY suffer the agony of rheu- matic pain, sciatica. lumbago, when Rumacaps will help you ta welcome relief. Ask youm dmug- gist. 10-1 HX' GENIC supplies -- (Rubber gaads) mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list. Six samples 25c, 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28, Nav.-Rubber Ca., Box 91, Ham- ilton, Ont. 1-52 ENNJSKJLLEN The Service C]lub ladies met aI the home o! Mrs. A. Leati- 'beater Feb. 19.,xith five merm- bers preseut. We planneti a card paty ta be hcld on Marc-h 8 a[ the home of -Mr. anti Mms. Leon- arti Stainton. Lunch xas serveti by Mrs. E. MeNair. Mrs. L. Stainton anti the hostess. The Womnan's Association met at the home off Mrs. Haroldi Ashton on Tuestiay aftemnoon, Feb. 26 with 20 members pres- ent. Devotional on 'Pra *ver" by Mrs. E A. Werrx'. Bible xeati- ing by Mrs. H. McGiIi, Mrs. J. Siemon gave sonie intercsting emiarks on the Unitedi Nations. A speliing bec insteat off the nistuai rail cail w-as enjoyeti bv ail witb Mrs. Ross Sharp the winner. Progî-am lu charge of Mms. Il. Ashton, encing by Mms. L. Ashton, reatiing by Mrs. H. Asbton. A commitîe vas puit in for the bowling banquet. Meetings are ta continue in afteruoans fot- Marc-h anti then back ta Tuesday cveniuugs. Mrs. G. Yeo nioveti a v-ote off thanks ta Mms. H-. Ashton. We are verv pleasedti t re- port Mr. H. Grubh ks home fmom the Oshawa bospitai. Mr. anti Mrs. Ralph Virtue xvere with Mr. anti Mrs. Allan Martin, Bowmanvilie. Miss Rcxbv Virtue, Toronto., Mr. andi Mrs. Èarl Masters, Gail and Darlene. Bowinanville. were with Mr. anti Mrs. Ralpb Virtue. Mm. and Mrs. J. Osborne. Courtice, Mm. anti Mrs. M. C Brown, Mr. anti Mrs. M. Taba and boys, Mn. anti Mms. P. Vautiershaff ant iis. Baovman- v-ille. Mm. anti Mîrs. R. Lamb, Ennisillen. bave been nec-cnt Cassified Ads Town Council (Cantînued from page one) lic Property section off thE Board off Works, Coun. Day. Higgon reported that to date ail requests for tree removal have been atteuded. Hie went on ta ask cauncil's permission ta order 50 stacking chairs to replace the waod benches in the counicil chamberî and thi.; was grantcd. It was with regret that Coun. Higgon announced the resigna- tion of J. C. -Samîs from the Arena Management committee. "Hie has doue a xvonderful job,' the counicillor said, "and it wil] be difficuit ta replace hlm". Cotin. Wesley Fice, chaimman af the cemetery committee, me- parted that the aid building ai the front of the cernetery hi.sî ibeen memaved and the lumnber starcd. Fie expected that the toal sbed would be moved bac-k eamly in the spring. Queen Street Parking Couin. Jim Presson. chairman of the police committee, me-a: a letter frorn A, T. Fletcher, Quecu street, in which Mr. Fletcher stated that he hadi suggested ta Counicil in May 1956 the .setting up of a faur- boum parking zone on the south side of Queen between Texnoemance and Ontamia. The 1956 Council followed the suggestion somewhat by setting up a thmee haur zone but since that lime na action lias heen taken ta enfarce the rcu la lion. Mm1'. Fletcher suggested that Couincil reconsider the mat+er and also give tboigbt ta in- ci-casirlg the lime limit ta four hounrs. .On motion off council the ]et- tem xvas tîîmned over ta the po- lice comnmîtîce HOUSE FOR SAL BUILDING TO BE MOVED <From 151 Simpson Ave.)E FRAME CONSTRUCTION Size 30 x 20 ft. One Bath Tub - Leg Style Cheap for quick disposai Apply - Nf. J. Scott BROOKDALE-KINGSWAY viof f Mr. and Mrs. A. 1 Leabeaer.Murs. ELInai Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Irwin and Rodneyv vsited Mr. and Mrs. -Ernest Irwin and Mr. and Mrs. u s ut R Mr. and Mrs. EarI Trewin, Ms daAdroWrh -Doreen and Donald, Mr. and Grn dMarnron, W oanVtle Mrs. Fred Toms attended a so- Mran ad GalBaith, illi, cial evening at Mr. and Mrè.. Dna d G Pbaith ron. ad Lloyd Slemnon's, Haydan, an Sat- Warthy Grand arn n urday. Grand Chapter officers were Mr. and Mrs. Howard Oke given a receptian iby Districts and family, Mr. and Mrs. John 10, il and 19 off Toronto, Order Oke and family. Oshawa, were o! the Eastern Star at the f vitb their parents, Mr. and Royal York Hotel on Feb. 27. -Mms. Walter Oke. There weme 750 dinnier guests. r Mm. Roy Spry, Rochester, N includtng a bus load from Bow- Y; M. ad Ms. W E.Saner-manvîlle. Amang the head table son Murayan Ra, Clu--fgucst s wprc Mayor Nathan bs;nMur. vand MRsyHerberi Phillips and Mrs. Phillips. 01Wright and family, Sc-arbo,:- Fol lowing the banquet, a drili ough; Mr. Ron C1emensp Hamp- was pemform-ed by the prcsiding ion; Miss Linda Yeo, Mr. and Matrons and Patrons and Assa- iVrs. N. E. Wright were Sunday claie Matrons and Patrons of dlinner guests off Mm. and Mms. the tbree districts, under the E. Wright. direction a! Mm. Jack Pbiilips A number fromn here attend- off Pi ckering. The ladies form- cd the Vegetabie Growers', Ban- ed a guard o! hionor for the quel and dance at Newcastle Worthy Grand Matran and Pa- on Frday nght.trou, eacb carîrying coiomed car- Mr. and Mms. Bruce Ashton nations whic-h were later pre- and familY, Pumple Hill, with Mm. and Mirs. Harold Asbton. . Mr. and Mrs. V. S. Cubitt and Miss Joan Hobbs, Oshawa, i wiih Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Habbs. .1b 'Miss Sy-lvia Meeking, Mr. Gamry Viekers, Hamilton, were ~ - wcekend visilars of Mm. and n Mms. Alian Werry. The Girls' Quartette sang for the Missionary pmagmamn on Sun- day mornin.- Mi-. and Mms. Mervin Bird, Brookiu. wilb Mr. and Mms. R. Simple And Interesting- J. Ormiston. 1 Strangely enough it is f ar M\r. Dennis Doyle, Camp Bar- mare dîfficult ta design a for- den, spent the weekcnd with 1 mal garaden with its straig-ht Mm. aînd Mis. Wni. Howeils. rows and patbs than it is ïa Mr. and Mrs. Frank Damland cre -ate one witb curves and w'eme Sunday visitors of Mr. clumps and a general informaI and Mrs. Stan Turner, Osb- layou-t. Anyane with a string, o! awa. course, c-an plant perfectly Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Pctbick straigbt maws off petunias or und Gai], Barrie: Mm. and Mrs roses or tlups 'but it takes au J. L. Swiîzer, Gates Milis, Ohio; expert ta make a garden iikc' Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Petbick that look really attr-active. and Robin, Toronto, visiied and The average pet-son wiiln celc-brated their parents, Mr-. average skili and an average andi Mms. S. R. -Pethick's 45th loi is far better advised ta stick xvcdcing anniversary. ta the simple. and nine time, Congî-atutions ta Mi,. andiout of te", more iuteresting in- Mrs. S. R. Pethlick. formail .yout. lu this, o! co'urse, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Wermvialong the straight \walls off aur were Sunday visitars off Mr. bouse or tbe boundary feners, and Mms. Hamry Van Camp,ý theme. wili be no chance for Blackstock. wcavî ng at the bac-k, but by Miss Phyllis Howells witb plantiug in clurmbs and hetis o, Mr. ai M-s. Earl Cross, Maple vax-ious widlhs and curvin ý Grove. edges we gel an informai ap- Mr. andi Mrs. T. P. Bell and pearance at the front. As a faiy, Toronto, spent , r ule the higo;er flowers anJ wc-ekend witb Mm. and Mrs. A. taller Fbrubbem go at the bac-k L. Wcaru. but jusitat break the înanotony Mm. and Mrs. Ross Page and we accasionatll bring somethiug family. Newcastle; Miss Clara fomward. We aiso plant lu groups Page, Toronto, with Mrs. E. off two or lhree ta a dozen off Pagýe. cacb species depeuding upon Mr. and Mrs. E. Pmescott andi size. mather than as singýle ln- Mrs. K. Hardy were c-allers at dividual specimiens. Mr. andi Mrs. R. McNeil's. In the centre a! ilinost auy Mm. anti Mrs. B. Maughan, gai-drn la.vant, no malter how Newcastle, were Saturday even-1 smail, will be a piece off lawn îng c-allers at Mm. and Mrs. W.1 andi araunti that we group fiaw- Howeils'. c rs and shmubbemy. Rather ihan Mrs. Lloyd Slemnon, Haydon: hide aIl the founidation hure off and Mm. andi Mrs. Fred Toms the bouse, or ail off au attmac- weme Thursdav dinner guesîs tiv-e wall or fence, weý leave jr- off Mm. and Mu-s. Keith Van regcular spaces here andtithere Camp and te-a guests off Mm -between clumps off sbmubbery andi Mrs. Coî-tney Grahaun. or betis off flowems. If the gar- Mr. andi Mrs. R. J. Ommistaa den is a faim size, too, it is au andi Mrs. Lloyd Asbton visited excellent plan ta arrange trees. Mm. anti Mms. J. D. Brown, sbmubbery anti taller flowers s0 Ou-ano. that part off the lavant is bld- Mm. anti Mrs. M. J. Hobbs at- den andi onlv revealed wher tentied Open House at DukI? off Etiînburgb Scbool, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. N. Collacutt Bawmanville, were Saturtay Bowlers Hold visitors a! Mm. and Mrs. W.,. Griffin. Ms.MerinMontIhi r Banquet guesis off Mm. and Mrs. Fred ln f4 \c sl Ne c s e the visitor moves aion. if possible have a curving pal n rather than a straight one but make sure there is some rcasan for the curve even if you have ta make one by planting a tree or a clump of shrubs. Veg-etable Groups Vegetabies divîde themsel\vcs, iuta .teveral main groups. The, are those that are hardy lik;ý lettuce, radish, the first pata- toes, carilats, beets, cakbbageý, pcas and sîîch things. Thecs. can be planted almost as soaon as the sal is fit ta work. They will noL mind a tauch of f rnst. Then there are the semi-tenl- dem thiugs like the niain plant- ing of potatoes, bt-ans, corn and so an. These should not be planted until danger off frost is over and the sail aud air- are beginuing ta warni out. At the end arýe the really tender tornafaes, melons, cu- cumber,, peppers, etc.,~ s will kili these instantlv and tLhey will not hrive until bath soil and sun are reallv wa r n. Fi-rmail off this the i,-r shauld îiot decide ta plant ail of hls vegetables in th e order mentianed. These directions, ai-e only for the first off each gruup. fl aider ta spread out the garden, bath bmforiowers and vegetables, it is vita tat spread out the seeding dates. Most expemienced gardeners make at icast three piantings off standard vegetables like carrais, lettuce, co-rn, beans and peas. They plant one third as early as possible, anather third froin two '.a thmee weeks later and the last thiî-d later again. In ibis wav the harvest is spread over weeks instead of just a few days. Next Week Tailored ta fit. teach the importance off scbool, .vork and ta help the boys be- come goad citizens. Spectators Enjoy Exhibition The excelelnt support gîven the teams at the touî-nament by their parents and friends was marvellous. If these people con- tin*ue LU encourage ii1i1 irCIlU- Somne 65 members off the Dur- i-n anti the men who are coach- ham Bowling League atiendet inig tbe teams theme i1, no doubt the annual banquet at the Eim- that the aim off the Little N.H.L. hurst Hotel in Newcastle on Association will be reacbed. Fitiay o! last week. Gi ve tbe yaungstems support in Tbey enjoyeti an excelient ail the games you can possibl.v' tiineî ani scia evnin sce aI home as well. If you do: wbich included the presentatian I~ wi see some temiific off trophies Ia the top tcam. It hockey" stateti Keifh Cauruth. was also announced that the ers, Leagcue Vice-President. league wauid temminate inde- fin itely. Eanl McQuatie, captain off Elect the top teani lu the leagUe anti bis team members were ail presenteti witb irophies by th, c n m*ce League President, Bill Palley. d m o e Minou Hockey (Continued from page one)f been beard on matters af con- sitierable importance anti per- haps of vital interest Io thi.; constituency.'1 Victo:*y Within Reach The audience was assureti (Continued fmom page one) that the Conservatives could -during the toumnament. Those Jwin in Durham in the nexi. tureceiving trophies includeti Ca election anti witb the rapi-Il sbourg wbo were awardeti the tieveiapments naw occuring the, rBowmanville Recreation Com- Conservatuves have the best milIes Cbampionsbip Tropby c-banc-e ln receni. times ta win 1 presented by Doug Rigg, Recrea- the county. tian Director. He drew attention ta Ithef Lyall N. Carr Ltd. Most Val- foundatian wark a! Hon. George1 1uable Player Award, was pre- Drew lu the party's progreý_s sentedti t Len Bazay a! Cobourg and also ta John Diefenbaker, by William Peacbey, League - an able suecessor auti a persan f President. The Durham Motars;f who bas tremendaus appeal te, Lti. Goalie Shielti was presenteti aIl Canatilans. ta Gilbert Broncanier. by Keithl "Winnlng elections, bowever.' Carruthers, League Vice-Presu- - is oniy part of the task. Tu det truly represent you, I must bei Stuart Ryan presenteti the CO- heme as much as possible. Thisi bourg A.H.L. team members xitb I 1amn preparedti t do anti3:, their championshîp crests. He; King Street, Port Hope, wili aiso presented the Bawmanville be the active atdmress," he said. N.H.L. playeis witb their cb .am- I lu sn r iinakd pionship cresî clsn DrVvinae. i iorte loya]ty, untierstandurg The Town off Cobourg Cham- and bard work off Ibase present pionship Troph 'y was presentedi to assist him as the Durham ta Bwawnuville bv Mr. Peacbev. Progressive-Conservative candi- The John James Most Valuable dt avcoyl h eea Plaver Award was presentedti taeto.coy nte ee Jae Bothwell off Bawmanville, by I OttnigCre John M. James, M.P. OusadngCre Hersey Motors Goalie Shieldi Highligbts off Dr. Vivian-ý w-as preseniedti t Larry Gibbs o! outstariding c-arc-cm as ontlinec IMillbrook, bv Claude Snowden.1 by W. J. Austin inclutie h WiIl Receive Speclal Trophy effort in rebuilding the con- Fredie Adredof Nwcasleservative party tiuriug the eaux-, Freidi Atirti ffNewaste,'40's; serving as member off the will receive a special awamd for i Ontario Provincial Govemnme-rj' Most Valuabie Player. The award from 1943 ta 1948; holding ihr will be given bv IMr. Peachey, 1 League Presi.dent.' post off Minister of f ealth antd FineSporamanhip Welfare in the Drew gavexo FineSporamanhip meut in wbicb position hr, f"The sportsmanship off aIl the'. matie several contributions o: teams was marvellous" said: noteworthy menit: in 1955 ho i Lttle N.H.L. League Pesitient 1 becamne the beati of the Depc William Peac-hev. Fie paiti bigh ment off Healtb andi Soc-l tribute ta the Beaver Atbletic Medicine at McGilil Universit,. Association off Port Hope for whicb Position be still boltis. iheur excellent xvork antiitr Guest Speaker est in the Tournament. Hie also pointeti ouI the aims A guest speaker for the cv- off the Little N.H.L. Association.: enung. John A. Charlton. M.., These aimis are: ta teac-h fair levelledi a scve;cre a'tark on pay and good sportîmansbip; ta what ho consideî-ed to be un- e~A C~' &nderson Us àceptions sented ta Mrs. Edna Anders~on end Mrs. Galbraith. Mrs. Anderson was presented with a Queen Anne walnut siu- ver cabinet, with a similar gift-. being made to Mr. Galbraith Dancing and cards 'followed. Mrs. Anderson was also ýn Ottawa on Feb. 22 for a recep- tion given by District No. 4 of Ottawa for the Worthy Grand! Matron, Worthy Grand Patron and Grand Chapter officers. The banquet and receptian were held in St. Luke's Paristi Hall and among the distinguish- ed guests were Mayor George Nelms of Ottawa, and Mrs. Nelms. Mrs. Anderson was presenteiî with the gift of a Lady Char- 'naine Royal Doulton figurine. Dancing and cards completed the evening. "Laddv" MacKillop, a ten year o]d bo,*y has recovered a prized possession, because off a "huineh". Il had been feared that "Lad- Idv's" Bible hiad been consumed lu, the flames that destmoyed his jparent's home in South Lancas- ter', Mass. The Bible was cher- ished as a Christmas gift from his pastor. Days after the fire the boy developed a conviction lhat the Bible had escaped des- tructCon. Large]y ta humour his son, the boy's father drove himn to their former home. Among the charmed timbers and other debris in thebos bLimnodc-out moom they feOunîd the Bible beneath a collapsed chair. Its cantesîs and caver ,were unharmed by eiher fire or water, "Laddy" says he wants to be FOR ALL YOUR REQUIREMENTS TINSMITHING Eavestroughing -Flashing Furnace Repairs FREE ESTIMATES Mike «Wereszczynski 6 Pine St. Bowmanville Phone MA 3-3764 a mînister somne day becauze -they don't make muchel moncv but the)- do an awftol lot i 0 good". Suggesieui readiîugs fo,: ýhc xveekIc demnocratic parliamnentary pro- cedure by the Liberal govern- ment in such isUes as the pipe- line debate. Illewent on tg criticize the governrnet for many of its actions bothi inside anti oulside the House off Coni- Mous. Mr. Charlton toldth Ie gather- ing that the present small op- position in Ottawa is powerless against the ovemwbelming Lib. eral numbers anti added that it is the voters at election lime who bave the sole power off changiug the situation. Hospital Plan Hon. John W. Foote tbanked Mr, Charlton for bis informa- tive address and spoke bmiefly on the proposeti health and hospîtal plan ta be sbared by the feticral and provincial gov emum-ents. This plan he saii ,viii be matie universalIy avail- able but not compulsai-y as il waulti effeet the many hospital plans now ln effect. Mr. Foote elso felt that the federal goverriment exercised wvhat he termed sheer prejudice in the distribution off tax rev- enue. Alex Carmuthers. Port Hope. acted as chaimman off the meeting anti statedti iat he xvas very pleaseti aI the large tumu- out ai the convention. Ou tbe ligbter sitie off the pmagmamn Charles Stephenson1 ý:anu a sala number and led the audience lu a sing-song. The "Four-get-me-nots" quartet, off Port Hope, also entertainet i wtb se\,eral barbemshop favorites. The Bible Today FIFTEEN Sunday,-Luke 1:39-56 Monday-Luke 1:57-80 Tucsday --Luke 2:1-20 Wpednesdav-Luke 2:21-4f) Tliutrzday Ltuke '-':Il-52 Friday-Luke 3,1-23 OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS A room for the kids Did you ever think how nice it would be te have a "roorn for the Kids" and Mom and Dad as weII? Your dingy basement couid become the rnost popular moontln the house and It wouidn't cost a fortune. Corne in an« see the niany material. on dlmplay at OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS today. Use our convenlent tirne paynient plan and pick the plan that suit@ you best. Make a Boom You Can Alford -Materiai CheckIs ,/ VKnotty Pine Gyproc---------- 10e per sq. ft. VPrinîed Tentest Ceiling Tii.---- 10e per It. \/Asphait Floor Tile from -- -------- 1U petrtMe FREE ESTIMATES- FREE LITERATURE FREE ADVICE Pay as Iow as $12.00 per monih nt Oshawa Wood Products Ltd. MA 3-2130 RA 3-4661 Aiways Look te Oshava Wood Products for the Best This Week's Feature Value This is a "Masterpiece" by MARCON I 0 21" Console 6 Top Tuning Iiiuminated Channel Indicator *Po-wer Transformer Cascade Tuner Aiuminized Picture Tube *Truc Fidelity Sound System *Detachable Safety Glas& ior easy cleaning NOW ONLY $3 19,95 This includes Installation end full guarantees See this and many more il le Television Service Company 183 CHURCH ST, Phone MA 3-3883 Try before you buy No obligation r VR! CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANMILE. ONTRIO COMRMIE rLA r, r

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