PAM grXTZENAW~A.~OMN1TL.ONA! 1flRSA.MAC!?tl North Nesiletoni On Friday evening a gather- ing of almost 100 frîends and neighbours assembled in the Nestieton CaF. Hall to pre-, sent a belated send-off to Mr. and Mrs. Allan Suggitt who for years resided in North Cart- wright and A presently living in Port Perrvy. Allan and bais wife are respectively caretakers for Port Perry Memorial Hos- pital and the Emrnerson Motel establishments. Wilfred Jack- sion acted as chairman and ex- pressed briefly the esteemn in which the Suggitt family were held. Allan was a councillor for the, MunicipalitY for severall years until he moved ta Port Perry whcn his son Merlin was acclaimed to that office. Since then Merlin has become Road Commissioner for the townshiu and the improved condition of the roads are a direct resuit nf his ability. A presentatian of a coffee table. tri-light lamP aind s>ome smaller articles-pil- low cases, sheets, cup and sau- cers from W.A. and their many friends. Gamnes of progressive euchre were played, 16 tables in ail. Winners were: High lady, Mrs. H. Van Camp, Blackstock; Iigh gent, Bruce Heaslip, Nes- tieton; low lady', Miss Clara Johnýon: iow gent, Ed LaWson, Yelverton. Special spot prize, .Ailan Suggitt. Those Who keep up with thie ponies Wiii be happy to know that the R. Sadier fan- ily are finaliv cashing in on their mierits. The Hydro will be appreciated. Mr. and Mrr. Grant Camp- bell visited in Toronto with the Stewarts fÈecently. Congratula- tions ta Grant and his friend Roy Lee. on resuit of a success- fui fishing expedition. One fizsh evory haîf day ibetter than somne. A rash of birthdays broke out At the Laurence Malcoliii resi- ficnce recently, Gwen reached the age of loveliness the day befare leap year and Bonnie, David and Laurence eele4brated Mar. 1 coming in like a lamb. A conmon birthday present >SPeciallv appreciated by the whole familY I'm sure is the '57 Pontiac. Congratula- tions. Brother N\eil Maleolan and family and Auint Ida Tay- lor. Black-stock, helped Lau- rence and family, celebrate the oc'casiofl. Mrs. S. B;rook.s and Grant, rowmnanville. were Sunday vis- itors too at Malco Farms. Miss Ruth Proutt was a Sun- tiay guest at Malcolm Emersons' und attended the 3.30 p.M. thurch service at Nestieton Un- ited, where Rev. Rament (aur iew pastor) expounded the theory of Christian Love and peems 5ta be puttiflg it in prac- tice. There's no denying that his preaching is packing the pews. Sundav evening the Vic SpecerCorseliere Mnr. J. E. Richards pHfONE 127 ORONO Malcolm family bad the plea- fsure of meeting and gettingt better acquainted with Bey. and Mns. Romeril and Dennis. at dinner. Mr. and Mns. M. Emerson visited son Frank, Monday evening in Peterborough where the latter bas built a new home. Mn. and Mrs. Ken NLnshaii wene hasts ta the Deluka faryt- ily of Toranta for the weekenJ. A speedy recoveny ta Knyne Duivestyne who is in Part Penny bospital for treatments. A couple of maple synup factonies are lacally being made neady sa gel your order in earl,, Nestieton Station Recent visitons wiih Mns. Jas. Samelîs and Norman wene: Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Gardon of EMyrle, Miss Eileen Crockett Land Mr. Ganth Barneti, Bow- manville. Mn. and Mns. Bruce Heaslip and Mns. J. W. Invine visîted Mr. and Mrs. Hanny Hall, Lind- Say. Mr. and Mns. Ch-anles Gist Lvisited Mn. and Mns. Francis Gist and family, Laing. Mr. and Mns. George Bowers visiîed Mn. John Fnatalocki in tLindsay hospital lasI week. Mn. and Mrs. Finlay Harris, Belleville, and Mns. T. M. Ni- cal, Madoc, weî'e weekenci guesîs of Mn. and Mrs. James Ha rnis. Mn. Nael Sweetman. Schom- berg. visiied Mn. Edwand Leii- n ard. Mns. O. Wright, Blacksîock, was a visitan thnough the week of Mns. George Farder. Mn. and Mrs. Grant Thomp- son took bis moîhen ta Toron- ta on Suinday in lime ta wei- came bier granddaughter. Jili Wanmington. fnom Atlantic City, N.J. Jill was a memben of the H. A. Haîbent public school choir who represented Canada during Canada Da.y at the annual convention af Inter- national Music Education. We welcome Mrs. Wesley Campbell again ta Fier homne in Nestleton aften spending a numi- ber af weeks at the home of her son Grant and Mrs. Camp- bell with a broken ankle. A number of local folk aI- tended the Commencement play Friday or Satunday lasI and report splendid ententainmenz. Mn. and Mî's. D. Campbell, were entertained ta dinner ai MiçrButh Pnautt's and Miss Prout \as a supper guest on Sunday with Mn. and Mns. M. Emnerson. The Grant Thompsos visited Mr. and Mns. J. J. Watson, Scar- bonough, and Mi'. and Mrs. Boy- don Cornie, Richmond Hill. Highway 7A was closed one day last week wben fioads caus- ed a washout in the swamp east af the village. Traffic is pnoceeding as usual now. A lange crowd attended the social evening of cards, lucky pnizes and presentalion held in Nestieton Cammunity Hall lasI Fridav -for Mn. and Mrs. Allen Suggiît who maved some lime ago to Port Penny. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Fallis, IBowmanville, visited Mn. and IMns. Arnold Williams and Jan- ice. MAPLE GROVE Miss Katby Sol is visiting with hier grandmother at Till- sonburg. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bunnham and Gordon with her brother, Mr. Chas. Medhurst, Cobourg.~ A speedy recaveny to Jim Potier wha is in Memorial Hospital, Bowmnanville. Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man Avery wene: Miss F. Good- mnan and Mr. H. Goodman of Hayton. Alta.: Mr. Clarence Avery, Burketon; Mr. Frank Dorland, Enniskilien; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Strong, Black- stock: Mr. and Mrs. 1. Cook, MNrs. E. Lutes and Gary, Scar- borough, and Mr, an d Mrs. Lloyd Siemon, Haydon. Mn. and Mrs. Norman Avery visited with Mr. ai-d Mrs. Don Cameron, Haydon. Visitons on Sunday with Mr. and .Mrs. Russell Gimblett wene: Mr. and Mrs. Roy Barrabaîl, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gilmer, Onono: Mr. and Mrs. N. Gimb- lett, Coltimbus.': Miss June Pet- ers, Bowmanviile. Bob Whalen entertained bis friends on bis birthday la--et week. Mr. and Mrs. Chester McGrath visited with their cousins, Mn. and Mrs. Ornie Mowbnay, Col- u m bus. Mr. and Mis. J. Smith attend- cd banquet at the U.A.W. Hall. Oshawva, to celebrate the 2th anniversany of Local 222. Mir. John Smith, Mr. Arthtur Maycock. Hastings, wcne Sun- day visitors of Mr. and Mrs. J. Smith. Miss Janine Allison spent the weckend with -Mn. and Mns. Doug Mantin, Bowmanville. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mr:s. Hugli Allisoti were Mn. and Mrs. Doug Martin and Bilt. Bowmanville. The comimun it N exlends a welcorne to Mr. and Mrs. S. Doorenspleet. Mrs. Aylmcr Beech spent Tuesday with bei' brother, Mn. Claude' Smith. Enniskillen.' Mrs J. E. White, Bowmian- ville; Mr. and MVrs. Boss How- el] and Jack w~ith Mr. and Mi's. Me] Edwards. Mr'. and Mrs. J. W. Atkin- son. Scrborough, with Mn. and Mrs. J. W. Noble. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Dovieý and family accompanied by lvi r. and Mns. Cecil Jeffeî'y visited wilh Mr. and Mrs. Walter Doyle, BRihvale. -Dont foî'get t ie Institut,- meeting on Mondiay ,eVening, Maneh 1l. Prograrn will he presented b 'y M r.,. Howa t'd Bradley's group on Citizenshio). Wonid Day of Prayen wiI bie held at tie Maple Grove churrh on March 8. Gîiest speaker will be Miss Jean Som- envilie. The Couples Club will rneet on Thursday evening, M\,arch 7, at Maple Grove church, The C.G.I.T. met at th," churcli with Jackie Hall and Elaine Armstr'ong conducting the game period. Worship ser- 'vice was taken by Gail ý,iow- de n and Helen Panas. Se veral itelris of Finst Aid were shown the girls. Next meeting will bie beld at the home of Mrs. Bon Brooks as the Institute M Listed below are only a few oi the many hargains we are now offering in Go odwill Guaranteed Used Cars Corne in and look them aven. 1955 Buick Sedan 1954 Meteor Coach Radio. whitewalls, 22.000 miles, 2-tone green,$ On$1,39er original mleage. cuslnm rain( car 95 153Cerles Sedanp 1954 Meteor Coach 1952 ý 1951 Chevrolet Sedan - - $795 1950 Meteor Coach New paint job, nexv slipcovers 1948 Nash Sedan In AI conidition $1095 1951 Pontiac Club Coupe Whitewalls, custom radio, diî'ec- tionai signais. fui] -vequipped. miles $ 9 $675 1949 Chevroiet Sedan \Vitil cutom e r'adio 1947 Pontiac Coach Cuîstom radio, on(, owner c' $595 $395 New tires. custom radio, AI condition. One ownen 39 eRr---- ,------3 9 m 1946 Buick Coach Ctîstom radio, new tires. AI $9 condition -------$ 9 Robson Motors Limited PONTIAC, BUICK, G.M.C. -TRUC.KS & VAUXHALL DEALERS 166 King St. E. Bowmanville mon, a former nesident la ill in the Oshawa Hospital. TeEvening Auxiliary Th February meeting of the Evening Auxiliany was held in the chunch basement, Presidem; Mrs. W. Brown presiding foi the business period. Presiden' announced W.M.S. Sunday tu 'be held on March 10, with the Evening Auxiliary ta form thc choir. Miss Jean Somenville is Ia be guest speaker. World Day of Prayen wili be beld at Mapie Grave chunch an March 8Ih. Mrs. H. Cî'yderman toolu charge of the wonship service. Prayer by Mns. H. Crydierman. The study book was taken bv Mî's. Cryderman. Mns. J. Noble. Mrs. P. Flintoff, Mrs. S. Piper Lunch was served ta 26 presen' by the group in change. Nexi meeting at Mrs. Jack Hunrie«z on March 28th. LONG SAULT Mrns. Paul Vaneyk and famiy are staying with ber parents, Mn. and Mns. Geo. Yeo, Hampton,ý while Mr'. P. Vaneyk is taking a six-week course in Tononto. Ail ladies are invited ta attend the World's Day of Prayer in Tvrone United Chu rch, Friday aftennoon, March 8ih at 2 p.m. Plan to attend Home and School Club Friday night, March 8 and Club 50 ladies will rneet aI the Manse, Thursday eveniing, March 14. Mrs. Sophie Kovacs and Mr., Gabriel Kayacs were Sunday supper guests of Mn. and Mns, N. Collocutt, Bowmanville. Congratulations ta Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Harper an their mar- niage iast Saturday in Pontypool., Mr. and Mns. Ed. Mannîng,j Toronto; Mrs. Hazel Ruttan, Hampton: Mrs. Timoil. Pat., Maurice and Pal wene Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon! Baker. Master M ilIon Timoil spent the weekend wiîh the Bak- er boys. Sevenal of the school children are confined ta Ihein homes with chicken-pox. Leslie and Keiîh Gable, Tyrone. spent the weekend with Iheir gnandfather, Mr. Fred Pantner. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell, Whit- by, wene Sundav afternoan vis- ritons of Mr. and Mns. Rye Gib- son. Mns. Wm. Penwanden and Mn., and Mrs. E. Penwanden and babe, wene Sunday aftennaon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Murphy« . Mn. and Mrs. Bob Cameron weî'e Satunday evening visitons of Mr. and Mrs. Henb Cameron j and spent Sunday with Mn. and' Mns. Fred Camenon. Hampton. Mrs. Fred Partner accomp- anied Mn. and Mrs. Stanley' Gable and Bruce to Embro, Ont. and spe ot the weekend with Mr. adMrs. C. Heal. Mr. and Mns. Fred Parîner visiîed Mr. and Mrs. A. Milison, Sunda ' evening. Mr. and Mns. Allyn Baker, Cookstown. atînded the tuneral of their uincie. Mir. HarY Fraser, Onono. and wene Thunsday sup- per guesîs of Mn. and Mrs. G. Baker. HAYDON Eleanor Gay, Oshawa, at Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Gaî'nard's. M.and Mns. Jim Graham and boys, Bowmanviile, wene l ea guests at Mn. and Mrs. Les- lie Gnaiams Sunday. Mn. Ray Ashton, Tor'onto, speni~ the weekend aI bis home. Mi'. and Mrs. Joe Host and tamili y Oshawa, ai Mn. and Mns. John Liptay's. Mn. and Mrs. Fred Ashîton and Bill, Mn. and Mrs. r Ashton and family, Toronto, were Sunday visiioî's aI Mn. Henry Ashton's. Mn. Leslie Taben and ,;oti, fPickering, with Mn. and Mrs. IT. Snmith on Satui'day. Mn. and IMns. T. Smith and famiiy max'- ledici Buî'keton on Satunda v. jMr. and Mns. Silas Trewn and Judith. Mn. and Mrs. Jîm IMartyn anrd family, Bow&mall viîlle, visitcd Mi's. Wmi. Tnewin and Mn. and Mrs. Walter Lot,- enidtge. Mns. Lloyd Ashton accon- panied Mi'. and Mns. R. Ormiz-1 ton, Enniskillen, and visitedi Mrs. John Brown, Orno. Mn. and Mrs. Jack Poils wene dinnen guesîs aI Mrs. A. Mc- Neil's Sunda. Mnr. and Mrs. Boss Ashlori visiteri Mis. Ashlon's mother aI Memorial Hospital, Bowman- 1 ville. Glad ta heai' Mrs. Mc- Laughlin is impnoving. Mi"ý. Lloyd Siemon accam- panied Mn. and Mns. Fred Toms, Ennîskillen, and visited M'I Keith Van Camp and called on i'. Counîney Graham, Purpie I Hill, Thui'sda. Mr' and Mis. ThomnasSmt and famly and Mn. Leslie Ta- ber weî'e cKnner guesîs on Sal- îîrdav at Mn. and Mns. JacIk IPotts. Mn. and Mns. John Liptax and family for dinner at Mn anid Mîrs. George Bodna'.: Hia mpton. Manch Woman's Association mieeting will be held an Thur.- riav, Mar'ch 14 Pt Rie home of, i n.Charlif, Rankinr PaI 2.31): Programme in charge nf Mrs1 Wilbur Blackburn. Mn. and Mns. John Verbeek, fBowmanville, were Sunday Ivisitons of Mr. ai-id Mrs. Van lleuvelenf. n îd Mis. George Ber-1 t ii nd ci(eorgîe. Taunton, si Mi. and Mna. M. Bcrtnim's. will bc meeting at the church.! Very pleased to report that Mrs. F. SwalloW has neturned! Ta ber home after spending somne time with ber cousin ini Brighton where she bas been convaiescing for the past few weeks., On Sunday, March 3, Janica Grace Munday, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Munday t was christened at Trinity, Unit- ed Church. Guests at Wallace M/unday's for dinner on Sunday Iwere: Mr. and Mrs. Johns, Mr. atid Mrs. Larry DewelI, Mr and Mrs. Bon McDonald. Kathy and Paul. Gas - M ~ 'I Economical as Uther Fuels with FIVE YEARS TO PAY For Your Natural Gas Heatîng -installation Get the facts - Give us a cail H ere are the benefits Natural Gas offers you! HI-Boy Forced Air Unit ' $314 $16.60) per month plus installation CONVERSION BURNERS $150 $8 per month c'.4 HOT WATER BOILER $549 Iins tali ed Complete with Boirner $18 per înonth (1) Economy! (2) Efficiency (3) Silent Camion ! (4) Perfect Safety! (5) Free Annual CIeaning by Cansumers' Gas Co.! (6) Free Annual Service hy Consumers' Gas Co.! (7) Freedom front Maintenance Cash! (8) No Heating Interruption. Through Hydro Failure ! (9) Free Air Filter Change hy Consumers' Gas Co. ! WHEN YOU BUY &vyGoS Fwnoco or y m d a <jean, qtuet, compst Md .oaomsed gm heting uiM .-.. ltes you iisd the Lennoz 'Lo-Boy'l Idedp mt er tbamment installation, ik as.- mvi veàubie upaoe. yet aasyon *ernplebe .oinfort! Corraeion-remqting 0"e cwnmt ei iemma with rick b.Lk.a-. ODRA. . . .uc 0mvM llow-Waoemt eoubrois k.op tmperet«reaconstant. Cor m ites aime, om of wbhl Lu or your homea w mom à te yesTOY Mff1QKm Imm mmmuum m- .Im Nf - m a Fromn ,$170 $9.95 per montk an plus installation LENNOX Heating Equipment Lennox Molors, Transformers, Electnig ContfroIs, Heat Exchangers and Cas Burners are ail GUARANTEED FIVE YEARS AillItems advertised are payable on your monthly gas bill. Buy from your authorized Consurners' Gas local HOT WATER TANKS $119 instaffeff $3.00 per month Dealer I r s- VISIT BOWMANVILLE'S FINEST HEATING SHOWROOM 55 King St. W. Phone MA 3»3348 ~A4r -~ Now We Can Prove One owner - - -.. - . fl - car, ..f 3 7 5 1952 Ford Coach Pontiac Whitewalls, newr paint Johb Sedan - -$895- radi"So m$ 89 5 ON DISPLAY' ALSO A FULL, LINE 0F CLARE JEWEJ. GAS RANGES MANY 6001) BUYS IN USE» TRUCKS. SEE THE31 ON DISPLAY TO-DAY. Phone MA 3-3321 & 3-3322 lat.ural s as -i 1 j -TMMSDAY, MARCIK Ith, lUT TRE CANADIAN STATESMAlq. BOWMANVn=. ONTAMO MLAAIMM 1 *1