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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Mar 1957, p. 2

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PAGE TWO THE CANA~!AN STATESMAN ROWMANVIT2ZE ONTARTO '1'HtJRSDAT, MARC!! Tth. 1W' 7/te /lewcczdle Yo Cordon ÂAnew, Edilor EDITORIAL fin Phone 3621 ,ýTprect9a tioin It is with humble appreciation we acknowl- edge the great honour bestowed upon us by judges of Ontario Weekly Newspapers Association, tin choosing us "Champion Weekly Newspaper Corres- pondent, 1957", and accept with thanks the Ontario Hydro Award of Merit. Such honours are flot woni by one person but are the resuit of the co-opera. tion of many. Thus, we would like ta express our appreciation to the Editor and staff of The Canadian Statesman, the press secretaries of variaus organizations in the village, and citizens who have, f rom time to time, given us a call on the telephone to report news items or tips. We realize, however, that being judged best of a group does flot mean perfection in news reporting or, in fact, in any other business or pro- fession, and with that in mind we shall continue, ta the best of our ability, to strive to better portray the life and activity in the village of Newcastle, in the days and years to come. We deeply appreciate the klnd words of congratulation by Don Fairbairn on his "Neigh- bourly News" broadcast on Sunday morning, the words of commendation expressed in the columns of last week's Statesman, the many local expres- sions of congratulation as well as messages received by mail from far and near. It is our prayer that the good Lord may continue to give us the knowledge an-d strength ta menit such com- mendation. W.C.T.U. Members Learn Life of Frances Willard Newcastle: The Februeîy meeting ai the Womans Chris- tian Temperance Union was held an Thursday lest in the Board Roorn ai the United Clîurch with the Puesident, Mis. T. G. Soxxvdcn presicling". Mis. Sowden mentionied fhat Frances Willaîd, xvhan a lîttie girl, was alloweclte e opy a pledgc in the femily Bible and ccch member ai the famiiy signed the pledge. Miss Trenwth and Mis. Mill- son were appointed te the pro- gram committee ior the Mardi meeting. Miss Fergusan, repoîting for the Listening Post, read a por- tion ai the report of the Rex'. John Linton on the World Con- gress Ageinst Alcoliolism heid at Stabul last September. En- route, at Berne they were talc- en ta a faim for alcaholias in the foothilîs ai Switzerland whcre for sevanty yeaîs, aco- holics have bacn ecared for and. efforts made in rehabilitctioi. Duîing the wership service, the group wcre fcvoured with a laveiy vocal sala by Mis. Red- knap; Miss Trenwith read the scupture lesson fîom Ephesiens, chepter 3, and Mis. Awde ai- feîed prayer. The Clip Sheet, cnititled "Frances Willard", xvas con- Newcastle: Thîough the co- operation of local citizens, a car reported stolen in Toronto on Saturday was recovered here on Satuîday evening and the occupants arrested and turned over to the Metropolitan To- ronto Police. Around 10.00 p.m. on Satur- day night, Mr. W. K. Zimmer- mnan was requested to telephone for a tow truck to rernave a car from the ditch at Walton Park On the arrival ai Carveth's tow truck on the scene, the driver refused to rernove the car without police permission so. Mr. Zimmerman called Chief Randali ta the scene. Finding a vent window in the 19.531 Chev. sedan broken, Chief Ran- dail took the men into custady when the occupants failed to produce an owner's permit and immediately started an inves- c£ation which revealed the car, license No. 67-142 to be one reportcd stolen in TorontD earier in the day. The two occupants of the car, Edward Drake, 17, and Stephen Reardon, 17, bath> of 2 Angus Place in Toronto, were held pending arrivai of police from Toronto ta return themn ta that city. C. G. COULD Heaiing and EavesÎroughing Authorized Chalco Dealer ]PHONE Newcasfle 3686 the Pansies. Jol the other serbes, Howard Quiiinncyi's Clippers made it 1 al with a 6 ta 5 win over the Orono cuew. Quinney wcs the big gun for the Clippers perfoîming the bat trick with thîce talles while Bill Lake nettad two and Tr'acy Embiey ane. For the las- ers Cornish led with the caunteis and Phasey scored the remaining two goals. These teams were saheduled ta corn- plete the series on Weclnesday (last night) and the winners xiii play a bcst two in thre-i serbes for the championship as soan as ice wiil permit. ducted by Mis. Sowden with srveral ai the members assist- ingc and rcvcaled that Frances Wiliard bas been calied the grcatest xvom-an philanthropist ef the nineteenth century. In the canse ai the Woman's Christian Temperance Union she travclled censtantly argen- izing new unions, visiting eveiy; province in Canada and was heard by unany thousands ai people. The first World Con- vention cenvened in Boston in 1891 ta recaive the Palyglot Pe- tition wbich was carried frein country ta countr'y by this first temperance missionarv. Tbis w'as the f iîst international xvoman's organizatian. The meeting ctosed with a hymn and the Mizpalh Bene- diction. NE WTON VILLEJ Miss Berthe Tharnpson at- tended the Durharr Club et Ta- renta on Thursday. Miss, Glor-ia Lane with Mr. and Mis. Rae Stewart, Hami.l- ton. Mr. TrUman Henderson is on the sick list. Mir. and Mis. Jir-n Gilmer andi daughtei Karenî, Part Hep,ý xvith bis parents. Mi. and Mis. Frank Gilmer. on Sunday.* The World Day ai Prayer service wîll be field in the Un- ited Churcb Sundey Schoal hall on Fîiday, Matchi 8 at 2.30 p.m. Mis. Win. Uglow bas -ene toi1 spcîîd sonie tinie with Mr. and Mî's. Don Powell, Eiizabethvilie. Mî's. Sadie Moffa, Toronto, with Mrs. Relph Boughen an Thursday. Mis. Ruby Reid spent severail days with ber son and daugh- tcî'-in-axv, Mr. and Mis. Gor- don Clysdale, Havelock. MuI. Laine Johnston, Westoni, w-ith Mr. and Mis, Raymond 5h cxx. Mr. Frank Gilmer who went ta Sunnybîook Hospital on Moniday fou a check-up wi-s pleasad ta receive e favorable repoirt. While there hcaend Mis Gilmer werc guests ai Mr. and Mx's. Raymond Gilmer. Mus. Bert Semis who suffer- ed a fail lest weck is et present in the Oshawa Hospital. An x-ray shaweo severai broken banies beiow the hip. Messrs, Fred Ncsbitt, Fie-i Handerson, Joseph Dubeau, Mis. John Peauce aond Mis. Bessie Welkex' have had their homes insuiated this week. There wcs a gaad attendence et chueich Sunday morning. The flowers an the altar table were phaced there in memory ai Mis. John Ogden, mather of Mr. Wîlbur Ogden. Mu. ànd Mis. Lennax Vesey, Port McNicol, spent the weck- end wvith Mi. and Mus. Win. Stapleton before leaving on a trip %vest ta visit relatives at* Edmonton. Mis. Zena Caîlaw, Whitby, and Mr. and Mis. Carman Car- nish and deughtex' Cheryl, Or- ana, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mis. Willis Joncs. Mis. Mihican, Mis. John Pearce. Mrs. Pcîcy Rowe, Mis. Cecil Burie'v and Miss Inez Sy- meons, attcndcd a "Benefit cin- cert" held at the new Port Hïpe High Seheol lest Wednesday avening. Reeve J. H-. and MIsF. Jase spent the x',-eJ:uiii Belleville where they attended the Silx'er Wedding Aniisauy oi Mr. and Mis. 'WilimanîJase on Sat- urday evenin. Mr. and Mis. Perav Farrow, Starkvillc, Mi. and Mis. Wil- bert Budd. Dale, Mis. Iiwin Farrow anci Mi:-ý Normna Hai- lowcll w-ee 'cLour guests with Mrs. George Smith an Saturday evening. Mis. Chuis Bqrchprd was in Tarante on V\\c(inc-.cld of laýýt weck, where 'sbe aIttnrled the funeîal service of lher brothe"- in-baxx. the laie AM. S'exvait Wattumn. Mr. and Ms.Everloni Pick- ering, Tooiito, xx re guests with Mi. an d Misý. aishal Pickering anid fanîiily lest week. Mr. and Ms Frcd Cbeckley and danightei Donîiî ancd Mz. and Mis. Vîctnr AEsixchi, Hain- ilton, w-veue SatnLrd.qy visitors with Mr..tand Mrs. I-L C. Den- nis. Friends of Mu. William Waikz- er will bc pleisad ta bairn he has retuî-nc-d tom bospital and is convalcsciog ei t homne. Mis. G. T. Miýnors, Leasidie, spent the wvekc'nd xisting with Mrî. H. T. Mancs andi familv. IF A M'AN EMPTIES HI$ PVRSE INTO HIS CAN TAKE~ IT FROM NEWCASTLE GARAGE FRANK HOAR. Propriceor Phone 2671 1951 Meteor ""Special" - 1955 Dodge -*-- 1953 Ford 4..door, Lic. F6136 1953 Ford 2-door, Lic. 31243 1951 Chev. 4-door, Lic. 845335 1948 Chev. 4-door . . . 1952 Ford 2-door, Radio - 1952 Mercury '/2-ion 1950 Dodge ½/-ion - 1951 Case Traclor, power- 695.00 lak Friends af Mis. Nettie But- her will be pleased ta leain that she bas recoveîed sufficien ly frem ber recent operatian to allow her retu.în home fromn hospital. A happy event of Sunday was a surprise bîrthday party for Mis. Maryv Alidread when ber seven daughters and four sons and thcir mates and ber thirty grandehildien gathered at ber home ta surprise her on the occasion ai ber birthday anni- versary. A splendid time was had by cll and Mis. Alldiea'i was the recipient of a loxely "Space-sever' studio couch th:2 gift oi ber childrenl. Mr. Howard Pollard, Bow- menville, spent the xeekendi visiting with bis grcndparcnts. Mr. and Mrs. H., C. Dcnnis. Under the auspices ai the Evening Branch af St. Georges W.A., a demanstration of Aven produets was given by Mis. Tomn Spencer on February 27th in St. George's Perish hall. A large number turned eut ta hear a very interesting talk and ta sec, the application ai same ai the produats by Mrs. Rolly Spen- cer. Members of the Evening Brench served cookies ai-d. tee and a goad timne wes had by ail. Car Stolen ln Toronto Found FHere SPORTS BRIEFS Though caming home with- out any championships, the lo- cal kids made a gaod shawing in Port Hope on Saturday in the annual Little N.H.L. play- downs. The American Leagu, ai Pce Wee teamn, lest out !a Orona in a closely fouglit con- test by a score of 3 ta 2 with B. Scott and Scott Rudidell be- ing the rnarksmen for the l- cals. In the OHA. Jr. A, or Atarn series, Bowmanville eliminaterl the local yaungsters by a score of 3 tao0 in a gaine which had the spectalors on the edge of thceir scats throug<hout. Wayo:Ž' Hancaak had his rmauth injured in practice priai ta -the game and se was unable ta play. The N.H.L. or Bantam tearn went a little iartheî in the ser- les eliminating Orano in tho first gaine by a score of 3 ta 1 with Jim- Scott, Don Rudman and Doug. Jase scaning the lo- cals' goals. In their second tus sic, a four' banc in- teî-val, ibis iýam wits elimnina:- ed b 'v the Millbraok team b'y a similar 3 ta 1 score with Won- deli Fislier getting the only Newcastle goal. This teami miss- ed the services ai Murray Mar- tin who xvas eut due ta a kne injury iccoived in a gaine the previaus wcckç. Gary Barchard in the locals' goal was the standout on this team on Sa,- urday, dishing ont prospective goals on al sides. Better luck ncxt year boys. Two ganies were played in hai Town leaaiue semi-finais last Fridav ex-ci ing ,vith Newton- ville taking the Pansies 5 ta 2 ta wind up the series twa garnei ta nana. Ted Lane and Ross; Brown witbi twa each and Bob Hlmnan wîh i 1w-re the goa. scarers for the 'vinners, while Sandy Graham and Paul Mc- Cullouglh each netted one for NEWCASTLE TAXI announces the return cf Bob Rlandal as Driv er, beginninpr Mondas, March llth FR ROMPT SERVICE hne3251 $195.00 1295.00 1095.00 995.00 i 745.00 195.00 895.00 595.00 495.00 Ee-of f. etc. To lower aur stock wve have a few Newv Customi Radios left to sell: Ford Iush-button __ Ford Matnal -. Plymiouth Push-hutton Plyînoiflî 1'lantual ---- Plymouth i'4anual ____ Chev. iManueal 6-volt Universel - 12-%vO!t Universal------ Aerial and Installation Extra 55.00 50.00 50.001 50.00 45.00 NOIV ON S~ALE AT BOWMANV1LLE AND DISTRICT'S AUTHORIZED FORD.- MNONARCH DEALER CARVETH MOTORS NEWCASTLE ONTARIO Social and Personal JModçl F'S-IOIC-57 Easy Payments after sinail down paymerit 'Mis 10.1 Cu. ft. low-cost Super Model is the big "bonus baby" of'571 Top-quality Frigidaire features: Real Zero Zone Free7er-holds 44 Ibo * Exclusive Cycla-Matic Defrosting in refrigerator sec- tion - Four Full.Widff Shieives - Full-Width Glide-Out Porcelain Hydrater - Big, Deep Storage Door with Five rernovable shelves. Built and ba cke-l by General Motors & -aL HARDWARE Phone 408 36 King St.E, l3owznanv ic DE WITH AND MOUNTJOY General nsurance Agents *Car 'Fire *Sickncss and Accident *Multi-peril 58 simpson Avenue Bowman ville Newcastle- Phone 3341 ilOshawa, spent Sundav with Mr Wm. Savery. Some from Starkville attend- ed the Vegetable Grawers' ban- quet at Newcastle, Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Caswell and son visited Mr. and Mrs. Reid Wood, Newtonville. a One Act PIay Is Presented At Shaw's S-hiv*.ï Homne and School As- sccîation held its î'aglai' meet- ing a, the selchi on Friday evcning when a large nuniber of parecnts and children were pi-esent ta einjoy an excellent piegi'am. The býisinc, e-prriod xvas con- 111(1 cd hx- th(, pîcsidc'nt, Jinsi Earnes. 'hc c-nresponding sec- reai, Edith Bennett, î'epoî'tcd scveîal ca'-ds and gifts sent ta sick and c ravdmerinbcrs aif the emuiy 1\1 .s \1Lar-:îret Aikaen an- noîînccd Opt o IeHuse x\vas b--2- ing halci Li he school \Vcdnes- day, M:îrch 6. fioml 7 - 9 p.m. The pupils work xiii be on ais-. pboy ancd the tcac'her's will be pîcsint t Io cu sany problel ns. Ani open haie-e w-as alsdi n- nouniced for the saine evening et Sinicoc 11all n Ohw wxhen the xvorl-cof the childreni attencling thec Cerehiai PalsY sihool anci Ciinic will be dis- Mr-. H. Stacv wha xves carn- vco)i'for the evening theil toch charge anci callecion M'ieS- Aikco in inti-ocuce' the fe'!tir of the ex'ening xvhichi was e une oict play entitied -Scattered Shioxxer-' verv ably puesented bv .\Its. K. 'WerrYx, Mis. G. 1 Rickaîci and Mrs. B. Ripiey. The action showev(d the ýhrec diffecitappuoaches ta child- raising and was a veîY truc picture of evey day lie and Ats prcblerns. Miss Aiken lcd a lively aud- ience par'ticipation discussion on the modern methods ai iaising childien tu be re. ponsible citi - zens. Jurie Wood favoîed witnI e fine piano recdition of a Chopin composition and Mis Staca clcozed thie meeting xvitý1 sinceiU tliaiks ta ber commnittea. and all taking part in the pro- ggiai. Lunch wa-- scrved b-y Mus. J. Biaown end liai comnmittec and a social hour folowed. The naxt meeting wiii be Friday,; Aprili th, whcn Orville Osborne %vill he in charge ai the pro- gra m. STARK VILLE Mr. and Mis. John Stark an-il fa mil7y spent Sunday with Me.ý andMu.Lgn Manvers Sta- tion. Mr. arici Mi. Perey Farrow bail dinne" Saturdity ex'eningi with Mus. Geoîrge Smith, Ncwv- caît le. Mr. and Mus. E. Shier and Miss L. A. 5h ici, Toronto, spent Sunday at Mr. Lloyd Hellow- cls. Mr. and Mis. Charli. Yuo,, The Orono 'News Telephone 127 Ivrs. Thorntan Wilson is visiting a Mr. and _Mrs. Jim Lamb and fa.nhiyv, Scarboro. Mr. Madison Hall spent Mon- day in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Pcrc Ltinn left Sundav for Lubbock. Texas-. t,. visit ÈIrs. Lunnos molhor. Mr.,. H. R. PhJl1ipz, x ois Mi. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Axvdi, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Werry,Bo an l, 'stl Mrs. Chas. Awde and aMiad Mrs. D. G. Hl)er. Miss E. Pcnfounid and Mi-. M. J. Tarrblyn attencled ani Exccutive Mý_eting of the Bay of Quinte Conference in Belle- ville 0on Mondav. Mrs. R. A. Èorrcstr speiit the wLoecfd in'lo-ron. Congratulations to F/S anht Mrs. Chas. Walker on the bir'ýi of their son, Rober! Bruce, in Trenton Hospital last c. Mrs. R. Ellicott, Brougham. and Mr. and Mis. H. Cook, Taronto, visitec i Nis. Ca Harris. Mr. and Mis. John E. Arîn- strong returnied homne nn M\on- day fromi Memorial Hospital, Bowma nvi île. Mr. and 'Mrs. M. J. Tamblyvi and Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Bilings attended the Agcricultural Con- vention in Toronto last wcck. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cooper and Mrs. Jack Stapleton visited F/S and Mrs. Chas. Walker and fanmi1y, Trenton, on Suncla " . Neighbors, friends and rela- tives called on Mrs. Fi-cd Dun- can on Wcdncsday, Fcb. 271h ta celebrate Mrs. Duncan«.s 82nid birthday. Sunday v isitors wï tii Mrs. 0Lowesý -MmceEver ALL-NEW '57 FRIGIDAIRE FOOD FREEZER- REFRUGERATOR Il Mr. Hugh Westheuser whaý John Morris and Mi. and Mrs. las been at Recrina with the Arnold Gillicland xxeie Mr. and' R.C.M P. is now stationed at Mers. Lennax Vasey, Port MeNi-' Ottawa. coîl, M\1. and Mrs. Wmn. Staple- Mr. and Mrs. James Laweîy ton, Clark and Mr. and Mis. 0. and family, Kirbx'. visited M. Chapman.and M rs. Victr Farrow. Chapman.Mrs. Fred Tadd spent a fexx Sandra and Gail Wood, Lake- days with ber sister. Mis. \Val- field, spent last Wedncsda.y den. Hamilton. with their gîandiparents. Mr. The Young People of Shilah unci.Mis. Chas. Wood. and Kendal met at the homeý Mis, Z. Carlaw, Whitby, caîl- of Mr. Sid Hallowell Wedncs- cd an Mi. anid Mis. Caimant day cvening last xveek. Cori-iýhl and Cheryl Lee. 1 Mr. and Mis. nobson were Mis. Earl Gîady is visiting in recent auests at Mr. Ed Ruth- H-arnilton., ven's, Zion. Mis. J. E. Richards, wha spentî Wednesda.v afternoon last last week visiting in Toronto, week sixteen ladies mat at th,, ietuirned, homie on Saturday. th orne af Ms. Llexv Hailoweil Mus. Rabt. McHolrn is a pa- njaving a visit tagether and tient in Memno:ial Hospital, lnh 3nxv:nanlvîlc. Mr. and Mis. Granit Sylvester. M\i. Charles Bast. Port Hope. Oshawa, at Mr. imi Staik's, d.a d ýudc1eniy on londay. Fun- Sunday. cerai was on Marcli 61h. Arnomg Mi. and Mis. G. Shemilt. Osh- thiose attending fiom Oranai awa, were iccent guests at Mr, \ver-e Mr. anld Mis. Madisoni Bert Trim's. Hll, Mr. and Mis. Horace Best, i Mi-. and l\rs. A. Geiîy, Mis. R BeSt and Mr. and Mis. G;ea. Carsaon. 1 G a a t Mus. Lucy Wilson, widow ai Gu rnte late Win. Wilson, Kendal, and' nithr fMr, Gus Wilson, Kii- iR 1~r by, passed axvay in Memorial! e ar Hiospital, Bowmnanville. Funeral was on Satniday in Kendal Un-, to al ied Churchi. Interiment in Or Mi. and Mis. Wmn. Iuwin and a e of C Mis. J. J. Cornish who callcd on Mi. and Mi.s. Donald Robb * Ail Jobs Guar at their winter home in Bra- * Comipetent Wi denton. Florida iecently, leain- cd thiough Orono news in the * Minor Body i1 Statesmian that Mis. Cornish xvas the prend giandmaother ai a gianddaughter. Chcryl Lce' Coîýnishi, daitghter ni Mi. and L ANC Mis. Cariman Coinish. Church of the Air ovai CJBC at 4:30 on Sunday after- 1 Firestone Town & Counti noon originated frem The First SNOW TIRES - Nutread Baptist Chnrcb in Leamning-' ton, Ont., where Mi. Hubert and your oldx Cobbledick, son of Mis. Win. Cobblcdick, Orono, is the choir 13-Plate leadcer, MvIs. H. Morcer visited hr BATTPRIES daughtar Greta (-Mis. H. Lux-i ton) whao is in Memauoial Hos- and your i pi tal, Bowm-anville, fallowing an oneration on Monday. j Wnmen's Woîbd Day ai Pray-i eunaY.Orono Friday aiternoan Cow an Equ i the Suodcay School auditar-Meor - ' in t3 o'clock. This observ-Meor - 1 ance is undenominational. For, 134 King S. E. Bowmai oveîr 30 years the Women's World Day af Pîayeî has been observed in Canada. This year________________ wamcn and "irls in maie thani 1,12 countiies will joini in thisI observance. A heaîty invitation te ahl the ladies ai aur church and conmunity ta unite withi Fsor dcain e on Tuas- day aiternoan an Open House vas hieid at the Orono Public School. Naxt Suinday. at the conclusion of Ibis Education Weak', Mr. W. W. Watt, B.A., B.Ed.. Principal af Orono High s , qiol, will occnp)y the pulpit of oui United Church. Servire at Il o'co. Ili --.$14.95 Only $9.95 oid battery jipment Co. MIercury Dealer inville Phone MA I-MS TEMORIAL ARENA CTIVITIi'S Intermediate "A" Hockey Game SEVENTH GAME 0F PLAYOFFS ai 8:30 p.m. THURSDAY, MARCH 71h Lindsay Regents Bowmanville - Orono Combines Admission------ -----Aduits 75e for lteserved Seats and Gencral Admission Students anid Chidren------------------50e PUBLIC SKATING FRIDAY, MARCH 8th 8 Io 10 p.m. Admission - - - - Adulis 40e Students 25e Junior "%A" Series ai 6 p.m. SATURDAYI MARCH 91h Cobou rg Bowmanville Atoms EASTERN ONTARIO O.H.A. Intermediate "A" ai 8:30 p.m. SATURDAY, MARCIR 9th Hockey Semi-Finalsç. Oshawa Ail-Stars vs.1 Admisý fo Trenton Cornets ;sio - - - - - - Aduits 75e r Rescrved Seats and General Admission Students and Children* - 50SC r, w es and Trucks ranteed orknianship Vork and Spraying :E SPECIALS! BARGAINS on A-i USED CARS So check fhese "Give Away" Prîces on Our Guaranteed "A-T' Used Cars Mrs. Prouse and Charlie, Os- aca. at Mr. Morley Robinson's, Sunday. Mrs. Jirni Stark visited her father. Mr. Moore at Castleton, recentlv. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Caswell, Port Hope. Miss Norma Hallow- cil. Newcastle, Mr. and S Llcw Hallawell, Maurice a~ Jîm. wvere dinner guests Sun- dav evening at Mr. Brlan Cas- xxellI's. Stafford Bro,à t Monumental Worics Phone Whitby N1Ohawk 8-3552 318 Dundas St. E., %lVhItbv FINE QUALITY NION17MENTS AND MA RKERS Precise workmianship ana carcful attention ta detail are vour assurance when v.oit ahoose fromn the wide solcction of imported and dornestie Granites and Marbies in stock [ry recappable tire a 1 ZF"NM e PAGE TWO TFrE CANADIAN STATESMAN BOWMANVrL'ýE. ONTARIO TMMSDAY, MARCH 7th, M

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