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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Mar 1957, p. 3

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%H 1 ---- --7- %JI T CA A4SATSMN.EO &v~~ ~ 1 ^WW£ Maple Grove Institute Guests of Local Branch COURTICE doing away with expei rnoving things from one1 another at Montreal t the locks werc net large e The 22 locks from Monti Iroquois will be replac seven langer ones. The g( ing plant will provide the power that city cf I uses. Several villages have rc-established in differci ces and it is a wonderful te sec a home movcd or big machines without a dish or furnishings ai on a new site withoî, bre 'akage, damag-e te j etc. Regular tours are bein, ducted now every day, z Sunday from 1 - 4 p.m. Th ject is wcll werth seeing Mrs. Jack Meachin an( G. Allchin's groups scrv( licious refneshments and lightful evening brought close. W.A. Has Talk On California Newtonville: The regul-an meeting of the W.A. met in the Sunday School rooma with 30, znembcrs and two visitors in attendance. President Mrs. Earl Walkey conducted the opening portion of the prograin; reading of minutes and treasurer's report followcd. Splendid te note that $1.235 was raised during the past ycar. Mrs. C. Browmn, Mrs. T. Het- derson, Mrs. S. Brown and Mvrs. George Henderson, prcsentcd the devotional period. A very enjoyable driet %vas rcndcred by Mrs. M. Joncs andl .Mrs. D. Vinkie, accompanied by Mrs. Gilmer at the piano. Mrs. Wilfred Cox outlined in a humorous manner. her recent trip Io California. $5.00 was donated te the Red Cross. Mrs. Murray Porter ahd Mrs. C. Farrow wvere appointeri te purchase small articles for the kitchen, can opener, etc. De- licious lunch was served by Mrs. C. Brewn's group. mO0NE y 1AVAILABLE FOR MORTCACE Ralph S. Janeç Barrister and Solicitor 65 Sime St. S. Oshai RA 5-3525 WIDEMAN'S $48LADIES' WEAR 4King St. E. Bowrnanv ille (Formerly C.N.R. Express Office) wishes fo announce the OPENING 0F A NEW SLADIES' WEAR SHOP featuring * Women's and Misses' Dresses * Hais - Gloves - Lingerie Hosiery - Sweaters STHURSDAY MARCH l4th Ail ladies are cordially invited to corne in 4 and look around. She said we all couldn't be professional people such a s doctors, lawyens, etc., and wom- en's lot panticularly, fell to be- ing a housewife, mother and homemaker. Sometimes we g-ci discouraged with the routine, but if we considered that we kept the churches going and did se many other things by our calîs, women's groups an-i everyday tasks, we would think that we had paid for our î'ent in usefulness here on earth. Mrs. F. Stevens cf Maple Grovr', gave two impromptu rcadings whjch were enjoyeo by all and Mrs. I. Munday con- ducted a short sing-song w'.'th Mrs. Wm. Laird at the piano This made us alent and ready for the film wliich was present- cd by Mr. Smart et the Infor- miation Division of Ontaneo Hy- dro on the St. Lawrence Sea- Ile showed the cifferent things that had been accoiîr- plished se fun and said the ra-- pids near Morrisburg will tbe gene in a month and othcr dams and generating buildings would be in its place. The sea- way will enable ocean going boats to go up threugh te the lakehcad at Lake Superior. thus m 1 --....-...------~--.........----- Pictured as the bride signs the register following their marriage are Mr. and Mrs. Lancelot G. Bennett. The wedding teok place on Saturday, Feb. 9, in St. Paul's United Church, Bowmanville. The bride id the, former Jean Elma Syer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Syer, Bowmanville, and the groom is the son cf Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Bennett, Kitchener. The couple wi]l reside in Toronto. -Photo by Rehden dies and proved interesting and instructive. The theme cf the Devotional service - Prayer - led hy Mrs. George Reynolds, assisted- by Mrs. Paul Antil and Mrs. Eldon Esseny, was veny belpful. Two thoughts-an appointed time for prayer and the value ef prayen groups, imprcssed the ladies. Editer's Note-We are please( that Mrs. Clarence Penfouct R. R. 4, Oshawa, has taken ovei the duties of cornespondent foi the Countice area. Mrs. Per. found's public spirited offer t-, do the> Job for this evei- grow- inig ai-ca is appreciated by thc publishers of The Canadiar Statesman. The co-eperatien oc the residents of the district i4 soliccfed. If you have any newE items kindly phone Mrs. Pen- found at Oshawa RA 5-4095. Congratulations te CourticE Sigmna C. Beys who won the last hockey gaine with Mapie Grove at Brooklin. The Exploeris expecite com- plete their missionary explora- tiens "Sharing the Story () Jesus'. sean. The practical part of ibis project is Saturda: morning, March 9, when the Explorers will cllect good user clothing for Overseas relief. C.G.J.T. met on Wednesday after school for a supper meeý- ing. The girls are busy making a layette for Korea. The spot- light for the night was on the Philippines. Shirley Antil intro- duced the gaine 'Lemons ancd Melons". The study was pres- cnted in drama by Ruby Wil- kins, Sharon Odell, Evelyri MacGre.aor, Barbara La Cha- pelle, Kathleen Sampson and Gillian Lynch et the Sunheari greup. Louise Goddard, Presi- dent and Mary Carolyne War- burton led the wership service, "What Wilt Thou Have Me Do". March 18 is the date set for the Affiliation service. W.A. Meeting Ceurtice Woman's Association met on Thursday evening at th? church with Mrs. Warburtorr presiding. The mteeting was lu charge cf the Christian Educa- tien group with Mrs. Don Thompson as leader. Miss Janet Barber played sevenal selec- tiens on*the piano accondion for the pleasune of ail. A quiz on Christian Educa- tien wvas presented by ten la- :1t, er n- e il v s ce e e of rt ie y g nse of boat to because mouglà. treal to ed by ýenerat- dou b!e 'oronta to b"ý nt pla. il thing n these rnov ing ind set ut any plaster. ig con- and on he pro- I- id Mrs. ,d de- a de- to a The regular monthly meeting ,Bowmanville Women's In- .9i1t4te was held on Thursday evening, Feb. 28 at the Lions~ Centre. The members of Maple Grove Institute were invited and there was a goodly nu- 1)er >11t to welcomne them. Mrs. NTpttery, President, conduct- $1 prl' the opening exercises and the business. Mrs. G. Alichin was ap- pointed as delegate to officer:b' The treasurer, Mrs. Walter nParker, presented, the budget :for 1957 which outlines a busy nyear ahead. Already a Valen- ntine tea at Mrs. Stanley Kins- Sman's and a pancake supper at nthe church have been success- fui projects. Mrs. Cecil Adams,i Literature secretary, passedi raround several copies of "Ther United Church Observer" for 1- the ladies to read. The roll caîll showed a total of 31. visits made by the members. The report of r the Flower Committee was pre-c sented by Mrs. Carl Adams1 who solicitcd the help of aill the ladies so that ail the sick 1 in our community may be re- J- membercd. Quilting will soon bea the order of the day, says the 1 quilt committee, Mis. Robin- son, convenor. The social com- - mittee served a very dainty lunch and a social haîf hour was cnjoyd. Mrs. Chris McGilpen. Mr. and Mrs. R. Pritchard and Mrs. Kay Davis were wcekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Adams, Mrs. Glarence Pcnfound and Mrs. Eddie Warburton attend- cd the post executive meeting of Oshawa Prcsbyterial of the Woman's Missionary Society on Wednesday at Simcoc Street United Church. Rcv. L. M. Somerville was pleascd to sec so many out to the Bible Study group on Thursday evening at the church. The study, the prophets, cen- trcd on Hosca and was most intercsting. Next Thursda.y will be at Mr. and Mrs. Harry Herron's home, as the Cubs will meet in the church basement. Courtice ladies are invited to the World Day of Prayer ser- vice at Maple Grove United Church, Friday, March 8. ut 2.30. The Camp Committee of the Oshawa and District C.G.1.T. Board was reprcsented at the conference of the Ontario Coun- cil of Christian Education in co-operation with the Ontario Camping Association by the chairman, Mrs. Clarence Pen- found. Sessions were held al the Royal York Hotel and the United Church Training School in Toronto on March 1, 2 and 3. Sigma C of Courtîce tTniteci Church challenged "The Dads" in a game of hockey played at Brooklin Arena on Friday night. Goals for the Dads were scored by Barry John son and Sim Penfound and for Sigma C by Paul Gcaring, assist Brian Howcroft. Second goal Paul Gearing, assist Brian Howcroft and Tommy Grills. The superb work of Bill Gcaning in gea! for the Dads kept the score down for Sigma C. Mike Ton!- ey was in goal for Sigma C. Score at the end of the game, Dads 3, Sigma C 2. Highlights of the game werc a head-oýI collision bctwcen Carl Adamný and Paul Gcaning; the longing looks of the Dads at the players bench for a ncw line, and thr remarks fromn the side lines by the vounger generation. Miss Jean Somerville. B.. missionary on furlough from rrinidad will be speaker at th-2 Courtice United Church on Sunday evcning at 7 o'clock. The sympathy cf this comi- -nunity is extendcd to the fam- ily of the late Mrs. Warburton, nother of Courtice Sunday School Superintendent. Mrs. Clarence Pcnfound was a gucst ai the Mother ani Diuehif-r Banquet o-f Hatpv, Ganz C.G LT. Ennt.skilln, and presented three giriz with thei. gradgatm n ilploma&- convention and 6th anniver- sary, at Guelph in May. Plan.z wcere cornpletcd for or Kopper Karnival on Manch 14 and du,2 te the alterations cf Hydre window the gifts will be on display at Mn. J. H. Abernethy window at 85 King St. W. Mrs. J. Meachin was conven- or for programme. the top:c being Canadian Industries. Motto-Uscfulncss is the rent you pay for a roomn on earth. Mrs. Meachin gave a short talk on the motte. WEDDING BENNETT - SYER A standardci f white 'mumns and pick carnations decorated the altan in St. Paul's United Church in Bowmanville on Feb. 9, 1957, when the marniage was selemnized cf Jean Elma Syer, daughiter ef Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Syer. Bewmanville, and Lance- lot G. Bennett, son of Mn. and Mrs. C. H. Bennett, cf Kit- chener, Ont. Given in marriage by ber father the bride looked lovely in a pnincess dress cf iced bloc and silver brocade with a small matching bat. An orchid and hyacinth buds wene carricd on ber Bible which had been cov- ened with the ribbon fnom ber mother's manniage -bouquet. Her onlv attendant was Mrs. Davidi Butterfield cf Toronto, whoj woere a Twilite blue taffetaj ballernca gown with matching -iat and carried white 'mumsj aunderieldcawats.Mst m ac. d Budtepik Dvd The wedding march and the s wa " Glarnorous Dorothy Gray- Super Stay Lipstick. " Liquid Rouge in spili-proof rnatching container. Regular $1995 LL ABOVE While they Iast, <COMPLEE l $ 6.95 I MRR'S JEWELLERY King St. W. Bowmanville No. 1 BEST ACTOR JAMES DEAN - "Glant" -___-() YUL BRYNNER - "King & "-- () KIRK DOUGLAS - "Lust for LUfe" -( ROCK HUDSON - "Giant"-(> SIR LAWRENCE OLIVIER - "Richard MI" -- - ~ No. 3 BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR DON MURRAY - "Bus Stop"')- ANTHONY PERKINS - "Friendly Persuasion" ) ANTHONY QUINN- "Lust for LUfe" < MICKEY ROONEY- "The Bold & the Brave"-_____<) ROBERT STACK - "Written on the Wlnd" ____( No. .5 BEST DIRECTION MICHAEL ANDERSON - "Around the World ln 80 Days"-( WILLIAM WYLER - "Friendly Persuasion" .-_ _ GEORGE STEVENS - "Giant" C-- WALTER LANG - "The King & 1'1 KING VIDOR - "War & Peace" - NO. 7 13EST SONG "THEE I LOVE" fromn "Friendly Persuasion"~. -C- "JULIE" fro.m "Julie"-- ) 11WRITTEN ON THE WIND"' from "Written on the Wlnd" - - ----( "«TRUE LOVE" from "Hlgh Society"-() "QUE SERA, SERA" from "The Man Who Knew Too Much" ( No. 9 BEST MUSICAL SCORE, MUSICAL PICTURE <'THE BEST THINGS IN LIFE ARE FREE" - Lionel Newman "THE EDDIE DUCHIN STORY"- Morris Stoloff, George Dunning- "1HIGH SOCIETY" - Johnny Green, Sol Chaplin ( "THE KING & 1" - Alfred Newman, Ken Darby ) "MEET ME IN LAS VEGAS" - George Stoll. Johnny Green ------ ADDRESS. No. 2 BEST ACTRESS INGRID BERGMAN - "Anastasia" -( CAROL BAKER - "Baby Doîl" ) KATHERINE HEPBURN- "The Rainmaker" C-) NANCY KELLY - "The Bad Seed" - DEBORAH KERR - "The King and 1" ( No. 4 BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS MILDRED DUNNOCK - "Baby Doîl" ( EILEEN HECKART - "The Bad Seed" MERCEDES McCAMBRIDGE - "Giant" ( PATTY McCORMACK- "The Bad Seed" - ___ DOROTHY MALONE- "'Written on the Wind"(.) No. 6 BEST PICTURE "«AROUND THE WORLD IN 80 DAYS" (~ "«FRIENDLY PERSCASION" - - ----- "GIANT"-( "THE KING & 1" "THE TEN COMMANDMENTS"- < No. 8 BEST MOTION PICTURE STORY "'THE BRAVE ONE" - Robert Rich "THE EDDIE DUCHIN STORY"- Leo Katcher .- - ----------- "HIGH SOCIETY" - Edward Bernds, Elwood Iliman -(- "ITHE PROIUD & THE BEAI'TIFUL" - Jean Paul Sartre C "«UMBERTO D" - Cesare Zavattini -.(.- No. if) BEST MIUSICAL1 SCOREP DRAMA OR COMEDY «AlNASTASIA" - Alfred Newman "'AROt ND THE WORLD IN 80 DAYS"- Victor Young C "BETWVEEN HEAVEN AND HELL" - Hugo Fniedhofer «'GIANT" - Dmitri Tiomkin "THE RAINMAKER' - Alex North hmusic during the signing ofth Coupe W e inSt. auls Ch rch register was played by Mrs. C. Coupe \~ed i St rau s ~urc H. Dudley.wa Balmoral Hotel where guests fromn Paris, Kitchener, Brant- ford and St. Catharines were reccived by the bride's mother and mother of the groomn. The groom's grandmother, Mrs. G. Hambelton, was a happy at- tendant. Later the happy couple left for a trip to the United States. They will reside at 140 King- ston Rd., Toronto. Prior to her marriage the bride was the recipient of a s.shower from her fellow office employecs of the C.N.R. also :5Mrs. D. Butterficid, Miss L. *1Pickering and Miss E. Knox. Mrs. Jack Hately and Mrs. Roy McMullen were co-hostess- es at the former's home to a cup and saucer shower attended by former school chums of Orono Continuation School. HAMPTON SOLINA A representative of the Eni ish and Foreign Bible Societý showed a film "Our Bible-ani how it came to us", at th chunch service on Sunday af tennoon. Rev. L, M. Somerville o Countice will conduct the Ccir munion service hene next Sur day aftennoon, March 10. Mns. Addie Tink visited wit] her sister. Mrs. Margaret Chap man at Hampton. Sgt. Roscoe Baker, RCAF, o Whitehorse, Yukon, visitei fniends here last week. Mrs. T. Goyne, PrestonvalE is visiting at Mn. Chas. Lang maid's. Mr. and Mns. Frank West lake and children visited at Mr N. F'ice's, Taunton. Mn. and Mrs. N. beach, Taun ton, visited at Mn. Dougla! Flett's. Mr. and Mrs. Hanry Knox ený tentained at a famîly panty foi their son Boyd who was on( yean old last week. Those pnes. ent were Mrs. Addîc Tink, D- anne and Neil Tink, Mn. anc Mrs. Hilton Tmnk. Mn. and Mrs Walter Tink, Mr. Ken Tinr Ebenezer; Miss Margaret Mac, Gregon, Courtice; Mn. and Mrs Kcith Shackleton, Bowmanville and Marie and Murray Flett. Master Dean Knox cnjoyed a weekcnd visit with bis unclE and aunt Kcith and Muniel Shackleton, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. M. McCarnel] Omemce, spent Sunday at Mn Wes Hilîs. Carol and Anne ne- turned home after visiting their grandpanents. Miss Lena Taylor, Bowman- ville, visited at Mn. E, R. Tay- lor's. Mn. and Mrs. R. Miles ani family, Oshawa, wcre Sunday visitons at Mr. Campbell Ham- en's. Mrs. Chas. Si1i'h, Miss Jean Crydenmar% Mr. George Bitt- ner, Oshawa: Mn. and Mrs. Dor Pascoe, Bowmanville, visitel Mr. Hanold Pascoe. Mr. and Mrs. Rae Pascoc and Beverley' visited at Mn. Art Beevor's, Oshawa. Mr. and Mns. Wes Wery vis- itcd on Sunday cvening at Mn. Noble Metcalfe's, Oshawa. Three M's Group The Thnce M's group met on Wednesday night with President Murray Vice in the chair, ln the business period it was de- cided to punchase material for choir gown collars and mak-, them at the home of Mrs. Ewart beask. The pnogram of the cvening was arnanged by Don and Joyce Taylor with the former presiding. The wonship service based on the life cf Rev. George Matheson, author of the hymn "O bove That Wilt Not bet Me Go" was presented by Mns. Harny Knox and Mrs. Ewart Leask. Nick Alcock gave two short neadings. Helen Knox favourerl with the two piano selections whichi were played on hen re- cent Grade 8 piano exam. Prayer and Worship was the subject of the topic pnesented by Don Taylor. It is net only n time cf trouble and discoun- agement that we should have communion with God through prayer but it should become a vital part of our daily lives. The central part of worship is t- prayer. The pirayer of interces- ty sion is the noblest prayer. d Durjng the social hour Don .e conducted a contest and lunch k was served by the group in charge. The next meeting wi]1 of be on March 26 with Harvey n- and Lois Yellowlees, conven- L- ors. The C.G.I.T. group met on th Saturday afternoon. Pat Knoxc p-president, conducted the open- ing exercises. An impromptu program was prepared by Anne ofWerry and included a vocal Bd duet by Gail Baker and Helen Knox; a speech, *'A Day at e, High School" by Pat Davis; 9-poem by Helen Parrinder; piano solo 1y Pat Knox. The roll caîl t-was answered with a favorite I.popular song and singer. T.ha group read from the study -book. Mrs. Davis, leader, then as showed the girls how to make foam rubber flowcrs. The next n-meeting will be on March 16. )r The roll cail-An Irish joke. ie - In the first six months of - 1956 farm cash income in Can- id ada was 13 per cent higher 'than in the corresponding period k, of 1955. e, A Cordial Invitation is extended to you ýd and your friends cl to attend the Annual bMeeting - of the ir Children's Aid Society or Y Northumberland & Durham to be held in the Auditorium n of Doctor Poiver's L_ Publie School, Port Hope TUESDAY, MAR. 26, 1957 8:00 Academy Award Sweepstakes You may win a HARDTOP OLDSMOBILE THIS IS NOT AN ACADEMY BALLOT. IT IS VOUR CHANCE TO GUESS HOW THE EXPERTS WILL VOTE ON THE AWARDS. Mark your choice by a check (\/) in the box opposite the name you think will win the Acaderny Award in Category Iisted below. Special af *MARR'S JEWELLERY Th is Week! GLAMOROUS BRELLA- HANDm-BAG You rnay use if as an umbrella bag, or a shoulder bag or a hand hag. This beautiful practical bag cornes in sirnulated alligator in natural tan. Included with this bag - " Detachable Umbrella Case witb modern plaid Unibrella. * Fashionable Dorothv Gray Compact complete with mirror, puff and sheer velvet compressed powder. " Fragrant Dorothy Gray Figurine Perfume- a full dram - in spili. proof dispenser. AND ANY ONE O0F NUMEROUS PRIZES OFFERED BY LOCAL MERCHANTS Contes! Rules This free entry form IS available to anyone without obligation to purchase a ticket to enter the Contest. Listed on the reverse side is Your entry blank. Place a check (V) against one choice only in each of the il categories will be an- entry in any movie theatre Participating in the contest. The winner of each of the 13 categories wilI be an- nounced Wcdnesday, March 27th. AIl entries must be deposited by midnîght March 23rd. The correct, or niost nearly correct, ballot received from any contestant in Ontario will be awarded the Pro- vincial Ist Prize. an Oldsmo- bile car. Other prizes willl bc awardcd (wvhere offered), in order of correctness of ballot submitted. Winner of any local secondary prize (other than an Oldsmobile car) may retain said prize and still qualify for the Pro- vincial Pnize. Regardless of number of car-, offered as pri7es in any one Province, or ini other Canadian Prov- ince%, no person in Canada %hall he Permitted te win more than oine car. AUl other Perçons w'ill be eligible fer one prize only, re.-ardless of number of ballots submitted, In case of tics for.any pnize, the judges ivill submit a tie- breaker to determine the winner. No person connected ivith thé, Motion Picture In- dustrv' or any newspaper or individual *Judging ballots, or their immediate families, may enter this eont.est. Reas- onable facsimiles of this bal- lot will be accepted. The decision of the judges appointed hby the Motion Picturc Industry Council of Canada, or their agents, shall be final in aIl matters relating to this contest. Ballots are available in any thratre- partiripating in the con test. No. 11 SPEC LEAITSE PIT: AEOY NAM ted eo refPHrtihOcuesslce b aa NE Noic. Pl____r ar PROVINCE Mrs. Gentrude Stephens and Mn. Beverly Stephens, Toronto, visited Mn. and Mrs. Bert Ste- yens. Mn. and Mns. Clarence Vice and Miss Donna Vice, Bradley's, were Sunday visitons with Mn. and Mrs. Hosken Smith. Mr. and Mrs. K. Cavenly wene Sunday guests of Mn. and Mrs. J. A. Cole, Bowmanvillc. Mn. and Mrs. Woolhead, Agin- court, spent the wel<end wîth their daughter, Mn. and Mrs. Allan Macklin. Mn. and Mns. Merwin Mount- joy visited Mn. and Mns. Mar- wood McKee, Cadmus, Tues- day. ivrs. J. A. Bunrows accom- panied hen brother, Mn. Phillip of Countice to Kingston to visit their mothen and sisten. Mrs. R. J. McKcssock, Osh- awa, and Mns. H. E. Tink, So- lina, visited their sisten, Mns. Joe Chapman. Mn. and Mns. Raymond Clapp, Tynone, at R. J. Hodgson's on Sunday. Morley Hastings. Tononto, was with fricnds here Sunday. Mn. and Mns. Milton Gray, Lotus, and Mn. and Mrs. E. Stireng, Bowmanville, wene n-e- cent visitons at Merwin Mount- joy's. Rev. Rudd cf Toronto was a Sunday dinnen guest of Mn. and Mrs. J. A. Wannack. Mn. Ronnie Clemens who was a patient in Oshawa Genena] Hospital for about ten days returned home Friday. - Miss Gladys Chapman bas acceptcd a position on the staff cf Memonial Hospital, Bowman- ville. Miss Susan Macklin was a patient in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, for tonsil opera- tion at the weekend. Congratulations te Mn. and Mns. Art Reynolds on the an- rival of a baby girl. Wc welcome Mns. C. E. Jef- fney back to Hampton. Rev. C. R. Rudd of Toronto repnesenting the Bible Society was in charge cf the Sunday morning chunch service. He spoke bniefly on the wonk and aise presented a very interest- ing and impressive film on "How we got our Bible" which was much enjoyed. Genald Balson contributed a vocal solo.1 Rev. b. M. Somerville ofi Courtice will conduct the com- munion service on Sunday next. --m 1 . c 1- 1 - -IlrURSDAT, M"CE 7th, 1037 TEM CA14ADUN STATESMAN, BOWMANMLE. ONTAMô JACK DROUGH PLUMBING and HEATING MIA 3-5615 BOWMANVELLS Division Street South m IDA t'W-IP MM13'DWW 3

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