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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Mar 1957, p. 5

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?nMJSDAT, MARC1! 7th, 1957 -TME CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANV-TLE. ONTARIO Changing Patterns Us Theme at Presbyterial The 29th annual rally of the Oshawa Presbyterial Women 's Missionary Society met in '4 iitbv United Church. Nearly "WJO members and delegates re- presented the 63 auxiliaries and affiliated societies and the 95 junior groups who contributed a total of $22,044.83 in 1956. The stor3r of the year shows a gra- t f1Lfe response to ail depart- s nasof W.M.S. work. Mrs. Hugh D. Taylor who îs Overseas Missions Executive Secretary was guest speaker îîi the mYorning and afternoon ses- sions and Miss Constance Wa- gar, principal of St. Augustine High Scbool for Girls, Trinidad, was guest speaker for the even- ing' session and showed slides of ber work. Changlng Customs in the morning. Mrs. Taylor spoke on the new patterns In life and societv. We have' a responsibility to tackle ail prob- lems and relief is now a major part of our work. Mrs. Taylor paid tribute to government suo- port to the Colombo. Plan an3I Air. Ri or Steamnship TI1C K EIr S TO EVERYWHERE Consuit 15 King St. %Y. MA 3-5778 CO0 RPO0 Head Off ice: 372 Bay St., Toronto to the increasing subscription from United Church M. and M. to Overseas Relief. She spoke of the rise in na- tionalism and the important part these new nations wvere taking in the UN. Similarly their churches were now sellf supporting. "The time has corne when missions as we once knew them, have ceased to exist," she said, "and we must work out a nev/ relationsbip with them. The In- ter Board committee for worl in Japan has combined the work of eight denominations into the new Church of Japan and meets every two months. Five Year Program "Started five years ago asa five vear program, there are now 63 projects in North Japar and 10 more are planned each year. The World's Christiar Training Centre bas been es- tablished in a strategic section in the suburbs of Tokyo and: includes better farming prac- tices. cattle improvement plans as well as a nursery scbool. "In Iodla since 1955 the Training Centre bas been a presbytery of the Church of India. The teachers, doctors and nurses are paFt of the Churcin Government board and ask, for a share in the work of this In- dian Church "0f the 72 attending thue first meeting of the Council of Churches in Angola, 21 were missionaries who are now part- February W eddin ners in the work. The chûrch-es stiil need our support since ali________ are part of the World Christian Church and we must work out our share of co-operation ail )n witness." Despite an increasea budget, A *~ the W.M.S. Dominion Board had a-some $55,000 less than the nt amount asked for by the over- e seas churches. Mrs. Taylor ly pointed out that there were many wonien flot help îng and it was the responsibility of the ~'W.M.S. to interest them and n, show them the vision of the dlarger world-wide work. V/ Co-operation In the afternoon, Mrs. Taylor .k spoke o! the increasing impor- le tance of co-operation wîth Sother mission boards and shar- ýn ed ber personal knowledge of overseas universities. The uni- g versities were produclng young i a graduates of Christian cbarac- ,e ter which woula transform - ncommunities. h She said that the W.M.S. n made grants for Christian liter- -ature in many countries and n buch co-operative work must be: Iincreased and enlargeci. Evening Acldress Ls Miss Constance Wagar, wear- ing a beautiful blue sari, said ethat Trinidad was a land til a contrasts in climate, topogra- )fphy. architecture and economy. d Five high schools were main- Itairned in co-operation with the ,government of Trinidad as weA] as evangelistic work and thE: Archibald' Institute whîch taugbit home economics to the girls. An impressive "In Memor- iam" service was conducted by Mrs. J. Stork for Pickering Af- ternoon Auxihiary. The day's tbeme "ChistinL11 Faith and Witness" xvas carried Mr. and Mrs. William Robert out in the worsbip services. In i rnt ntdCuc nStr the afternoon Mrs. M. C.' Fisher TiitUied hrhonSuc o! Newcastle was assisted b3' is the former Patsy Lorraine Bagne] Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Allen in a Mrs. E. G. Bagneli, and the groom vocal duet and in the evenir.g Mrs. R. W. Stocker, ail of Bowman, C.G.I.T. camp counsellors Car- make their home in Bowmanville. olyn James, Catherine Ennd -Photo by and Mary Warburton we-e as- sisted by a choir of Whitby Senior C.G.I.T. b r O the new organizations: Colum- bus Evening Auxiliary, Fireside Group Whitby Evening Aux- p iliary, Shiloh Affiliated W.A., B2 & P. W om ei Leskard Affiliated W.A. and , < Mrs. C. Love, Port Perry, presented the report of the A "Welcome Wagohi" service In addi nominating committee and Mrs for newcomers to Bowmanville & Gill J. H. McKinney, president o! bas been organized by the taining Bay of Quinte Conference Bowm-anville Chamber o! Com- cils an Branch installed the slate of merce and will be operated by free sV officers for 1957. the Civic Committee o! the The Sý Discus5 Federation Business and Professional Wom- The During the Conference Hour, en's Club, of which Miss Violet feels th Mrs. Hugh Taylor discussed the MeFeeters is chai-man. manvil' Women's Federation, wbich is New familles will be visited the tom being studied to do the work by members o! the B. & P. Cluib ly Tow of both W.A. and W.M.S. It and wiIl receive gift coupons corners will not be an amalgamation for merchandise at a number with w but a new organization to roe of Bowmanville stores; a brie! mer an as near to total church as pos- history o! tbe town; a list ot the coi sible in membersbip and scope. churches, societies and frater- co-oper The final plan o! organization nal organizations; a street map Profess will likely take another four and a scbedule of days on shows 1 years or more. wbich garbage is pîcked up by this oný Mrs. K. C. HopkIns very cap- the municipal garbage servici:- Velma ably presided for ail three ses- sions and Mrs. E. James re- potdfor the courtesy commit-Pre ent O i Pa t e e d a d e i c l o u b o t m a l a n At noon the Whitby W.A. greetings were given by Rev. r n u Mr. Smitb, Whitby United Thirty-five Orono Cubs along a water Church: Mrs. M. Tamblyn, pre-c dob sident Oshawa Presbytery W.A.; with a number of mothers ed on b Rev. S. C. H. Atkinson, chair- were present on Feb. 25, in Mother man Oshawa Presbytery and tbe Orono Municipal Building, Mrs. J. H. Breckenridge, presi- when a social gathering and dent Whitby Afternoon Auxil- presentation was held. The ' iary. At tbe supper hour, piano Orono Cubs during the course ION solos were given by Miss of the evening paid tnibute to Parmîce and a vocal solo bv their assistant leader, Mr. A. A. (loti Miss Donna Davidson, both o Russell, who is leaving the pack Mi-S. Ontario Ladies' College. due t0 a transfer to Sault St. is spenc III Prior to the festivities o! the evening tbe Cubs were taken. on a sleigh ride witb Mr. Ivison Tamblyn, who provided the sleigh. Although nain sbontened tbe trip the Cubs stili bad a goodly portion o! their tnp completed. Returning to the Municipal IBuilding tbe Cubs and mothers joined in a social eveniog and also to bonour their retiring assistant leader. Akela, Miss Carolyn Joncs, spoke a few words to the ga- tbering pointing to the tine and effort spent by Mr. Russel in assisting with the Cub maove- ment in Orono during the past few vears. His assistance and knowledge o! cubbing was cer- tainly to be missed. Douglas Walker then prescnted Mr Russell witb a Drummond oYl painting. This painting %vas ol ELIZABETH VILLE Most of the community a'- tended thefuneral of the latç. held at the home on Saturday. Sunday School was held fM the morning. Most o! the teach- crs were preseot with an aver- age attendance. Church servicI followed. Rev. Gardiner spoke. Congratulations are cxteodeci to Mn. and Mrs. Jackson Pea cock on the birtb of a baby Shane Widdis Peacock, at Port Arthur Hospital on Monda7.. Feb. 25. Mn. and Mrs. Vernon Peacock spent Sunday in Markhanî %vitii Mns. PeacockŽ mother and siz ter. Mrs. Jackson and Mrs. Honey, Mn. Honey and daugh- ter. jMrs. Harny Fowlie, Royal Oak, Miss \Vîlla Muldrew, Long Island, and Mrs. V. Wal- ters, sisters, bad tea with Mr and Mns. R. Savory and daugan ter, Starkville on Monday. Miss Aune Tbickson R.N., ancd Mn. Sani Moore, Toronto, baui dioner witb ber moiber, Mrs. Tbickson, Tuesdlay. Mrs. Tbîck- son and INIs. Levko returnec to Toronto witb tbem and stay- ed fi Wednesday evening. Several attended the Meinor- îal service in honor o! the late Mr. Wilson, High School teacb- er, held at tbe school Auditor- ium an Wednesday evening. Mis3 Marilyn Mercer, Gardi'n Hill, b- spencling a few cia-,- witb Mr. and Mrs. E. Fowber. dauglite Gerow. Mr. ar with Mr eilley, P Mrs. Robert Martin has re- borne. PAGETV g~~~~r Endrwin H p~Ruthven and Mr.j ~ *.i..-~ *.. Norman Gerow motored to Osb- aw a last Monday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Eiliott, Mnr. and Mrs. Del Whitney, spent last weekend in New Mr. and Mrs. Frances Tufford and daughter, spent last Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tufford. Mr. George Hamilton is con- !ined to the Civic Hospital, Pe- terborough, wbere he under- J wcnt an operation recently. We wisbh hm a speedy recovery. Mr. Norman Gerow suffered the rnisfortune of having part of bis left hand tbumb severer. wbile servicing a car last Thurs- day morning. * Zion lVoman's Association The Zion Woman's Associa- tion mîet at the home of Mrs. Norman Gerow Thursday after- 0000 Februany 21. Therwa only a fair attendance. Devo- tiooal period followed roll caîl witb Mrs. N. Gerow reading the scripture. Mrs. Meneilley read "The Work o! Our Hands". The business wvas taken care of and *tbanks were expressed by the presideot to the members for their splendid support and c o- joperation tbrough the past year *The Rev. Mr. Harding then ofofficers. wbicb had been held ovrfrom Jaouary. This was qikytaken cane of as a mointhat ahl officers and committees o! 1956 be return- edfr1957 was carried. Rev. and wished tbem well for 1957. The meeting was then returned to the president. Some busines was discussed. It was decided Stockr wee mariedto continue with the travelling Stockr wee mariedbasket for ànother year. A pro- day, Feb. 9. The bride gram consisting of riýadings and Ll, daughter of Mr. and a St. Valentine contest follow- ed. Miss H. Raby was the win- ville, h couple Wi11 The Hostess and committee immerce Winy 'a a a %glu& Service ition, a kit from Sheppard 1Lumber Co. Ltd. con- 'carpenter's apron, pen- id measuring tape, and hort-term subscription i:) Latesman will be given. Chamber of Commerce hat this welcome to Bow- le will help to underline xn's slogan, "The Friend- *n and will assist ncw- in ibecoming familiar vhat our town bas to of- id taking their place in uimunity. The workin,ý ration of the Business and sional Women's Club the community feeling of ,anization. of which Miss Gay is president. inting Worker rscene and was present- behaîf of the Orono Cubs, s Association and the Committee.-Times. 1(Hope Township) tended for last week.) Roy Dunn, Wellington, ding some tirne witb ber er, Mr. and Mrs. Normanu nd Mrs. Chas. Meneilley r. and Mrs. Arthur Men- Port Hope. nlew for ('X~ talke this (Intended for last week) Mr. Billy Tebble was taken to Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville, Monday morning, by Mr. Herb. Reynolds. We hope he wil] be better mon0. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mercer of Guelph are visiting lber mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Warren. Mr. and Mrs. Hughes, Port Hope, visited Mrs. Mary Luxon on Sunday. Miss Margaret Jackson, Otta- wa, spent the weekend with bier family, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jack- soni. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cowie spent several days xith Mr. and Mrs. Allen Foster and family. Tbe Cubs o! Kendal attended tbe Scout Service in Orono Unit- cd Cburch on Sunday in memory o! tbe bînthday o! Lord Baden- Powell, the founder o! the Boy Scouts. On Monday evening of this week the Cubs enjoyed a hay- ride in Orono. Tbey also had a farewell service for Mr. Russell, wbo lias been helping with the Cubs, and pnesented hlm with a picture. Mr. Russell will con- tinue bis reforestry work for the government in Sault Ste. Marie. Mrs. Tborne bias been quite iii during the last few days and bias been attended by bier grand- daughter, Mrs. Lloyd Ferguson, and also Mrs. Wilfned Rougbley. Tl4e wbole family was down for the weekend. MVr. and Mrs. Herb. Reynolds and Peter visited in Toronto last weekend with bis father whçp is very ill. Mr. and Mns. Blake Alexander now bave television in their THE ONE FIAG ON WHICH AIL AGREE A symbol of ail that is best in human nature - ;. to give a helping hand when needed . . to show kindness of heart ... to care for the sick i *to comfort the distressed. Keepg# this flag fI>v&q i» i Canada Remember THE RED CROSS If you ore nof at home when th~e anvassers cat, you may send your contributions direct toi EITHER BANK< BRANCH IN BOWMANVILLE with 0ndefulwearable, washabi ..... .. .. th» :,and thîs m i You'Il be AMAZED hiow easily you can '"do-it-yorslf' with PRE-PASTED Suoworthy Wallpaper. Thiene's no fuss or muss ... you just wet, apply and sponge smooth. You'l get týe bang of it-fast! With our w~ide select ion of patternssfor every type of room, it's easy to acliiCv(' the exact, personaIized effeet you want. An(] s-ou Jnow, wallpaper isn't expensve- it just looks tliat way. CHOOSE YOUR WALLPAPER TODAVI Abernethy's Paint & Wamllpcuper BOWMANVILLE, ONT. PHONE MA 3-5431 R A TIO0N Branch Office- 1-3 Dunlop St., Berrie r - 3 0 O 4 GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES "*short ferm-5 years " pa 43/4% interest, payable haif yearly " Unconditionally guaranteed as to principal and interest *authorized investment for trust funds IN 5 YEARS $395.40 ACCUMULATES TO $500.00 THE STERLING TRUSTS EXAMPLE A TYPICAL employee of a well-established Canadian industry is a married mian ivith two or three chidren. life lias an incomne of about $305 per mionth. (In Stelco the average is $394 per month). He owns bis home, andl the rnortgage, if any, is being paid off steadily. He hias an automobile and bis home is equipped with almiost every kind of convenience. As a father, this typical free, independent and self- respecting Canadian industrial employee is anxious to sec bis c-ildren do well, bie honest, grow up as good citizens. And the father belie'ves in setting a good exanîple in bis home, in bis neighborhood and in bis job. 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