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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Mar 1957, p. 6

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PAGE SIX ~E CAKA1~IAN STATESMAN. BOWANVIT..LE. ONTARIO ?'UTT~C7~ A~ ~IA ~ nA1 U*U Box Social Enjoyed In Aid of Church Hall Fund Burketon: A box social wai held at the home oft Mr. and R. Bone on Feb. 28. A very good crowd attended and everyane reparted having a very nice evening. There w',s à nice number of very prettv boxes and the cammittee of udges, Rev. R. B. Green, M. E.M. Adanris and Alden Hub- bard were hard pcessed ta de- cide an a winner, but tbe vote went ta the box brought in by Mrs. L. Argue, whicb was a doîl in pink crepe paper dress decorated witb sequins. The evening was spent in Eplaying euchre and other amus- hig games, some ai wbich were enjoyed by Mr. Green, wbo expressed his awn appreciation and that ai ail those present for a very pleasant tume. He also tendered thanks ta Mr. and Mrs. Bane for the use of their home, wbich ai forded a very profitable evening for raiý;ng funds for the Cburcli Hall. P-.z7e winners in eucbre were ladies first, Mrs. W. Oke; con- solalion, Mrs. K. Roblin; men's firs', Mr. R. Bone; consolation, air. K. Roblin. Prize wmners in various other amusing games were, Mrs. S. Hall, Mr. Green and Floyd Argue. Mr. and Mrs. Bone învited al those prescrit to <'ore again and cnjoy a pot-luck supper whicb will bc hcid in tlîeir home on Mar. l3th, from 5.30 p.m. to 7.30 p.m. and will fea- ture Irish Stew as the man dish. Mr. and Mrs. Bone thank- ed everyone for coming ta the box Social and expressed a hope that ail would come back for the pot-luck supper and an evening af cards and games. Lunch was served ta those wbo didn't have a box. Orono Fire Destroys Home and Furnishings Pire again became the great destroyer on Feb. 25, wben it totally destroyed a dwelling along with a great deal of cloth- ing and contents. Fire destroyed the frame dwelling of Mr. L. Hooey at the extreme north end of the village in which Mr. and Mrs. Roy Tennant and fam- Ily were residents. The blaze left Mr. and Mrs. Tennant and their f ive children homeless as the building was a total loss leaving only ashes 'where the building once stood. Along with the building, the entire furnishings, clothing and bedding wbich was on the sec- ond floor of the bouse were destroyed. Many articles were, however, saved from the down- stairs when residents of the village and neighbauring area entered the building to remove what furniture and appliances they could. The fire apparently started In the second storey of the building where it was impos- sible ta reach with water due to the dense smoke. The only water available was from a cis- tern under the bouse and al- though the Orono Fire Brigade tdid pour water into the upstairs, it did flot stop the advance of the fire and in a short time the fire 'engine had ta withdraw 1from alongside af the bouse. After abandoning the blaze it was only a mattc'r of five min- utes before the entire house was totallv ablaze and doomed ta destruction. The Orono f ire de- partmcnt stood by as a precau- tion of fire spreading ta the barns. The framie building was la- cated just east of highway No. 115 at the north of the village and traffic lined bath sides of the Highway and the sideroad, At present Mr. and Mrs. Ten- nant and family are staying with neighbouring relatives- Ti mes. YELVERTON An average attendance was present on Friday night at the Family Club Crokinole party in Church Hall with the Clarence Pages sponsoring the "do". Con- spicuous as the evefling's win- ners were the Art Rowan fam- For the Hair For Coughs & Colds Enden Shampoo- 1.69 Vlcks Rub ---- 53c, 99c New Bobbl ____ 2.00 Vicks Syrup 59e Ail New Toni -_____2.00 Buckiey's Capsules 35c, 79c White Rain Shampoo 75c, 1.25 Buckley's Syrup- 50c, 850 Tonette for Chiidren - 1.75 Bromo Quinine- 49c, 79e Tip Toni - 1.25 Pertussin - -___69e, 1.19 Clearasil l3rylereeni 696 - 1.19 43c-69c-98a lVampole's Deep Heat Extract Rub 1.35 98a Scott's D3 S Emulsion Most efFectiv*fetrtme Capsules 1.00 - 2.00 #Or whte caif Seours yer formulted. 1.95 Ha-zel Bishop Vitains Ultramatlc Lipstick- 1.75 FOR CIIILDREN Mulcin--- -- 1.50. 2.75, 4.85 ILlquid Make-Up - 1.25 Tri-visai -- 1.55, 2.80, 4.00 Make-Up Compact 1.50 Polyvisol ---- 1.95, 3.45, 4.85 Nail Pollah ___ 6e Ostoco Draps 1.45, 2.40, 4.25 Nyal Creophos Stops Bronchial Coughs Large bottle $1.50 COWLING'S PHONE"' OE WE FIT MA 3-5695 LJIUI.J TOR TRUSSES Royal Theatre Bowma.nvillIE FRIDAY - SATURDAY - MAR. 8 -9 Matinee Saturday - 2 p.m. "Seven Now" Starrlng Randolph Scott Last complete showv 8:2,5 MON. . WED. - MAR. 1l MM MTHEATRE -ýPAUL BRIÇKHIUI Last coniplete shîow~ 9:30 Enter Acadern% Aiard Sweepstakes Contest Now! Ballots in this issue of The Canadian Statesnian. ily-with Art besting Lloyd Wilson in the playoff tie for men's prize, Doris Rowan the undisputed ciaimant for the la- dies with consolation goingt daugbter Linda and Mc. Ro;.,s Neals of Bethany. ,Witb the ladies' Fashion Show laoming in the near future, the atmospbere is charged with -Sbop talk" as aur xives ea* ' sleep, breathe, yea, even drearn fashion. Hilariaus hubbies are currentiy enjaying heckling their "clathes-barses" avec their apparent inadequate (or avec adequate) proportions. Our '-sty- lish-stauts" confranted with an appalling ampleness bath "iiere" and "there" and same- times alsa 'twixt here and tbere w~hile athers mare hip- bappy would prefer a transfer from there 'ta hece. Even thase who considered theirs the ideal bouc-glass proportions, detect ta their chagrin deficiencies or avec sufficiencies neyer dream- ed ai. 'Tis feared that the last laugil however will nat be ut- tered by the maie segment as they, faced with the chaice of outfitting their "board ai man- agement" witb tbose dreamny outfits or living witb tbem if they don't will shel aut froin their musty wallets the neces- sary "moolab",. Yeiverton cammunity wel- cames tbe new Service Station owners who recentiy took aver the Downey Station-Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mouton and Cii- fard recently ai Toranto. Mc. Howard Malcolm bas embarked on a train trip span- sdred by feed company ta, St. Louis, Missouri, while bis wiie Eileen babysits the parkers for the duratian. Last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. John Wright and family witb the Stan McCabes ai Lotus; the Harvey Malcoînis and George Heaslips, witb the Maurice Nesbitts, Nestieton. On Saturday a family gath- ering with Mvrs. E. Henderson and Murray, Betbany, included the Gardon Hendersons ai Tor- onto, Ralpb Malcolmns and Ray Robinsons, Yolvccton. Mc. and Mrs. Carl Smith and famiiy of Bethany at the Jack Wilsons on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Stinsan, Lotus, spent Sunday with the W. H. Stinsans. Mrs. Harold Stinson spent this week with hec daugbtec, Mrs. Morris Waiker and girls, Janetvil.le. We welcome Balfour Moore home safe and sound fromn California, aiter an 8,500 mile matar trip with fat even ane flat tire. The Moores visited witb Mrs. Sam Sedman, Whit- by, Sunday. Messrs. 'Donald and Bell Wvhit- taker, Toronto, with the Jas: Sbeckletons this weekend. Mrs. Murray Malcolm and girls with the Bert MeMullens ai Janetviile. KEDRON Sunday School was attended by 88 at Kedron on Sunday iast. The record attendance for a.n ardinacy Sunday stands ut 92. The superintendent bopes ta have that record broken riext Sunday. Alan Francis gave a fine Tem- perance reading based on the stary ai Jacob and Esau, and the seliing ai a birtb-rigbt. Both Cluirch and Suriday School wece brigbtened witb sprîng fiowers, the gift ai Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hancock. Rev. R. H. Rickard preacbed ontbe calling of Mattbew the publî- can, wbo leit ail, ta fallow Je- SUS. Mrs. Douglas Lave contribu- ted a vocal solo: "In faitb, I shall arise", by composer Ver- n on Evile,-Mrs. Ross Lee, or- ganîst. Next Sunday, Mc. Rickard plans ta begin bis Lenten sec- nons, wlhen the first ai the ser- ies xiii be preached, Same ai the local Junior Farmers enjoyed the Leader- ship School at Brampton on Saturday, Marcb 2, attended by sanie 150 interested young folk fram fine counties. Direc- toc for Ontario County, Ron Werry, was General Chairman for the aiternoon session. The evening banquet and play pai- ty coricluded a day ai great benefit ta officers, wha con- ducted business according ta Pariiamentarv procedure. In- sp iration and new ideas foc rnany br.anches ai club wark w ccc gained througb special speakers froni the variaus caun- ties, panel discussions, and a 'l'le local club piaced second in the Junior Farmer square- dancing competition at Port IPerry last wcek. IJxbridge Club. the winners, wili cepres- cnt the Couinty at Peterborough in an inter-county campetitian in the near future. Members ai the Ontario Coun- ty Chair hav'e been xvorking, overtime an finisbingc touches for their new musical 'Talent Showc7(ase". Several Kedron youn'g folk are among the cast. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Spencer opened their home ta the Com- munitr Club on Friday even- ing, when a large gathering Pl aLcd progressive cuchre. M"-. a.nd Mcs. P. Mountjoy assisted inarranging for tbe evening oif cards. Prize-winners includ- cd Mrs. Ross Lee, Mrs. Wm. t.~<~~C~ Elmer Parks, and Walter Dav'is. Grateful appr- ,zit ioni was expressed ta Mc. I]( M \rs. Spencer and familv for 'heir hospitalitv. A hus load of members of Peterborough County Holstein I lbmade a vizit at the Har- oid Verrv farni on Saturdav. àiIemorial service for the laie IAlex M.\ciMaster %vas attended L-y man v friends from Kedron cornmunity. MIrs. Maurice Jebson and children. Beaverton. spent a few davs with relatives in this vonirrninitv last xveek. Gor don Scott. Fairview Lodgc, 'b x:s:~dformer neigh - bor ebre prior ta an ariticipat- ed %%eeks holiday in Bermuda Betty McHolm Is President Jr. Farmers On February 8 in Orono Arena, the members ai Hope Township and Durham County Clubs enjayed a skating party. Hope Township boys defeat- ed the County boys in a hockey game 5 ta 1 but the County ce- taliated by winning the broom bail game 3 ta Ù. In the gicl's broom bail game the County won 1 ta 0. Everyone retired ta Orono Hall where, a hearty lunch was servedi. The annual meeting ai the Durham Côunty Junior Farm- ers was held ini Orono Hall an February 27. Officers were eiected as followg: Past Presi- dent, Betty McHalm; President, Glenn Larmer; Secretary, Har- vey Grabam; Treasurer, Keti Buttery; Programme Planning, Barbara Gray, Richard Van Camp: Associate President, Mar- ion Buttery. Richard VanCamp conducted a panel discussion an: "A great- er supply ai credit rather tban more agricultural education would more adequately estab- lish young people in farming." The panel came ta the con- clusion that adequate educatian was necessary as well as a supply ai credit available. Be- fore the meeting ciosed the members listed -topics that they wouid like included in next year's programme. The Public Accountants Council for the Province of Ontario 2 Bloor Street East Toronto 5, Ontario WAinut 4-4469 H. J. Cornish, C.P.A. The Public Accountants Coun- cil foc the Province of Ontario bas clected as President Mr. Har- aid J. Cornish, C.P.A., partner in the firm aif Carnisb, Mitchell & Company, Certified Public Accountants ai London. H-e suc- ceeds Mr. J. G. Brown, F.C.A., ai Thorne, Mulboliand, Howson & McPhecson, Cbartered Account- ants ai Kitchener, who is re- maining an the Council. Other officers elected were: Vice-Presi- dent - Mc. W. J. Ayers, F.C.A., ai Sime. Ayers & Company, Cbartered Accountants, Toronto; Sccrctacy - Mr. D. F. McKecbnie, af McKechnie, Bales & Com- pany, Cectified Public Account- ants, Ottawa; Treasurer - Mr. C. K. MacGillivray, ai Chagnon & MacGillivray, Cbartered Ac- countants, Hamilton. O t h e r members ai the Council are: D. A. Ampleford. F.C.A., Toronto; John Entwistie, C.P.A., Toronto; W. P. Fazackerley, Windsor; W. L. McDonald, F.C.A., Toronto; H a m ish Macdonald, F.C.A., Toronto; S. A. Narman, C.P.A., Toronto; W. G. B. Read, F.C.A., Ottawa; E. A. Seburn, C.P.A., Toronto, T. A. Sharpe, Port Hope; Guy Smitb, F.C.A., Toron- ta. with Mr. and Mrs. R. Morrison, Toronto. Many Kedron folk joined in the miscelianeous shower hon- oring bride and groom Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Houlding, the for- mer Margaret Rateliffe of Whitby. Neighbours and friends in this community extend warmest good wishes for hap- piness ta Margaret and bus- band John. Graciaus hospitality of Mr. and' Mrs. Harvey Pascoe was enjayed by several friends on Saturday evening, at a lost heir îjarty in their home. Higà scores were held by Mrs. Har- vey Crossman and Mr. Gardon iLeask. A felA Kedron folk enjoyed the O.C.V.1. drama. directed'by Ernest Winter, "W'hat Every Woman Knows". Michael John- stan of Màxwell's Communitv, played a leading raIe most cre- ditably. Robert Werry was home from University for the weekend, with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Werry. Among Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Booth, Oshawa, were Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Love, and baby Neil. Our best wisnes for a speedv% recovery are extended to Mrs.1 JT. B. Reeves, mother of Brv e Reeves, who is iii in Oshawa General Hospital. Mr. Frank Elliott of Y:irktor, Sask., has been a recent visitor at the John Elliott home. Mr. and Mrs. John K. Glover, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Jack Glover Sunday Mr. John Bastin. Bermuda. with Mr. and Mrs. BrYan Baý- tin and baby were tea gue.sisý of Mr. and Mirs. Jack Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. H. Martin, and Mrs. George Spencer weie gluests of Mr. and Mrs. Clarencý- Averv, Enfield, ta visit Mc- Spencer's uncle from Alberta, Mr. Howard Goodman. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Lov.,, iMaril,\n and Sharon. Kmngstor., were Sundayv \isitors witb IMr and Mrs. Everett Love. Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. Merrv is ited Rov Jackson in Toronto General Hospital, who is pro- gressing favourably after an operation. Gratitude is the fruit of great cultivation: You do 'lot find it amnonz crass people.-- Samuel Johrnsoft. Food Values and Bonus Booster Features Effective March 7, 8, 9 A SALAD FAVOURITE - RED,'RIPE BEAUTIES Tomatoëes Tue 9C Low in Calories - Crisp - Fresh - large size 24's LETTUCE 2 For25C For Better Health - Sweet and Refreshing - 5-lb. poly bag SUNKIST ORANGES 59c Stimulates the Appetite - Fresh - New BUNCH CARROTS 2 B ch. 23C Nutritious and Economical - New Brunswick - 10-lb. bag POTATOES 35cI IGA Royal Gold Cheese Sfces 4c Off Reg. Price - York Peanut Butter Clover Valley Cheez Pleez Pard Beef Dog Food2 16-oz. jar 37c 8-oz. 2a 5 c 15-oz.2.3 GoId Seal Sockeye Salmon tin 4 3C Cream of Tomato Hinz Soup 4 tns4 M5 Velvet Pastry Flour Spray Standard Halves Peaches 5-1b.43 15-oz. Itins 33C pe '074W'o M AS LEAN - BONELESS Pot Roast Swif t's Premium - Milk Fed * Boneless VEAL LEG ROASTS Ib.29c Lb. 55efl Table Rite LEAN NINCED DEEF Lb. 29c By the Piece MAPLE LEAF DOLOGNA bl7 Devon Brand - Skinless PURE PORK SAUSAGE 1,. Pkg. 35c WITH A FREE $5.00O "BOOSTER" TAPE Table Rite WIENERS cello pkg. J C y - - 1 M THIS IS ALL YOU NEED DO M Be sure you pick Up an of'ca aigs Mfolder at your IGA Food Market. Then, *each time you shop at your IGA Store slip* a your cash register receipt in it for sale a Mkeeping. Jnst keep saving IGA cashM *receipts until you have enough to equai Mthe value indicated for any item in the a *IGA premium catalogue. AIl premiumsM Mcan be claimed in this manner with noth-* a ing extra to pay! IMPORTANT: Al M *rcquests for FREE BONUS GIFTS mustM *now be based only on the values Iistcd in yosur NEW CATALOGUE (4). "Bonus Booster" Food Features Effective March 7, 8, 9 WITH FREE $2.50 "BONUS BOOSTER" TAPE IGA Choice Cut Green Beans 2 ýo-3 9 WITH FREE $2.50 "BONUS BOOSTER" TAPE Biscuit Mix B isquick 21 2-lb.Af pkg. C Elbows IGA Macaroni 2 p:s3 lc WliH FREE $2.50 "BONUS BOOSTER" TAPE Monarch- Quick Colour ilb: 3 2c Ask for a Free Bonus Gifi Catalogue and Savings Folder to-day! Shop for these values at vour local IGA Store I ~ * a Margarine THE CANAIDIAlq STATESMAN. BOWMANVfLLE. ONTAMO TMTPýqn,&v V,&we4w -piu lem R I Er l ci c c ti PAGE SIX 1

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