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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Mar 1957, p. 11

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-r- - a - '- . *..--- .-,.----- ?KUESDAY, mACK l4th. 1le" Ma'nvers Class Receive Red Cross Dipiomas ,,,Wednesday evening a meYg af the Manvers branch oft he Red Cross was heli n the United Church. Mrs. Earl Argue, president of the branch, FreSided, and called upon Miss Laura Morton of Bethany tn introduce the speaker af the evenlng, Mrs, Roy. of Peterbor- ough. Wytà4#ike to take this op Waiity4o express aur ap. preciation of Mrs. Roy's most Interesting address. It left ue with the feeling that even we wha have heretofare consider- ed ourselves reasonably fam- iliar with the work ai Red Cosss are, in actuality, ignorant of the The Oreatest VALUE ui, Ginger Ales mn !18c 2 for35c PLUS DEPOSIT GINGER ALES 35-17 tremendous and extensive na. ture of its tasks-nternational. ly, nationally and locally. We wish that a larger attend- ance could have been preseni ta hear Mrs. Roy. We are cer. tain that if such had been the case, the Red Cross canvasse: would meet with a mnuch mor, generous response when hc calls at aur homes this manth, Mms. Roy remînded us thai the vast amount ai work donc by Red Cross is possible be- cause its funds are canverted directly into concrete channeh rather than gaing ta pay fabu- lous salaries ta its worker3, Only three percent ai Red Cross workers receive a salary. The, are the persans who are ir charge ai organizing aIl Red Cross efforts and wha work fuil time at this job. The ather 97 percent ai warkers are entirely voluatary and receive no re- muneratian for their time and work. Another interesting feature ai the evening was the presen- tation ai diplomas and pins to the members ai the Red Cross Home Nursing Class who have successfully campleted this course, which extended through the autumn and early winter months, under the excellent su- pervision af Mrs. Edgar Beer, assisted, in tura, by Mrs. E.,Ca- vano, Mrs. C. Page. Mrs. G. M. Longfield and Mrs. Noel Wood. The following ladies compas- ed the graduating class: Mrs. R R. Bonsteel, Mrs. Delbert Bo- wins, Mrs. Letitia Carter, Mitss Jeanne Coulter, Mrs. Clifiord Curtis, Ms. Ken Fallis. Mrs. Clifiord Fallis, Mms. Gardon Frederick, Mrs. Bruce Fiske, Mrs. C. R. Green, Miss Betty Lau Mitchell, Mrs. Alf Mitchell, Mrs. Bernard Neals, Mrs. Harry Richardson, Mrs. Colin Rich- ardson. Earlier in Februar-y at the terminatian ai the training per- iod, a social evening was held in the schaol, when Mrs. Beer was presented with a Kenwood blanket in appreciation of her splendid service. Bowma.nville -Merchants APPRECIATION DAY DRAW EVERY SATURDAY - 3 P.N. Jackpot Value - This Week - $325 This week's winner, 20% coupon - $68.00 T. R. Perrett, R.R. 3, Bowmanville DONT FORGET - NEXT DRAW, SAT., MAR. 16 SHELL IM.F::?AUE IUSERS GET SON! TOR PROTECTION WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE.. AND ONLY SHELL PIIENACI OIL USSRS OIT SONITOR Here's how it goes ta work' tO Save your maney: when you order Sh cli Furnace Oil we fil your tank witb the hottest ... cleanest burnin~ furnace oil you can buy. Ani~ then-we add-Sonitor. This exclusive chemnical quicklyl gets down ta work .. . Mre vents rus: from forming in Yeo Bros. BOWMANVILLE Phone MA 3-3259 or 3-3151 your storage tank. This way.' you ca save dollars in wasteful leaks. Ye: Sheli Furnace Ou ppls: Sonitor cos no more ibmn ordin- ary heating ails! p We'll be g lad to give you this addcd service-jus: give us a call. SHELL FURNACE OIL For Lenfen Meals Try these recipes with delicious Gien Rae D'airy COTTAGE CHEESE COTTAGE CHEESE OMELET 4 eggs. separated 1, tsp. saît Stsp. ppe 'cup milk ¾i cup cottage cheese 3 tbsps. Chopped caaned pimiente 1 tbsp. butter 2 tbsps. ehopped parsley Beat egg yolks until thick; add sait, pepper, milk, cheese and pimienta. Fold in stiffly beaten egg whites. Place butter in skillett, heat well and add omelet. Cook slowly until f irm and browned on bottom. Bake in moderate aven (350* F.) 10 to 15 minutes or until browned on top. Crease, fold, slip onto hot platter and garnish with parsley. Serves 6. CREAMED COTTAGE CHEESE DEVILLED COTTAGE EGGS 4 hard-cooked eggs, shelled 1'tbsp. pickle relish 1i tsp. dry mustard I~to, 3 cup cottage cheese 2 tsps. vinegar i tsp. Salt 1 tbsp. choppedl olives i tsp. pepper Cut eggs in haif lengthwise, remove yolks. Mash yo~> add mustard, vinegar, chopped olives and Wij4ý Add cottage cheese, mix well; season with Salt a'd~ pepper. Refi egg whites with mixture, piling it high. Sprinkle with paprika, if desired. Serve in lettuce cups. IGlen Rae Dairy Phone MA 3-5444 Bowmnanville THE CANADIAK STATESMAN, BOMANVILLE. ONTrARIO - According to last week's duties at Ottawa. Statesman. the Conservatives By travelling constantle in the have selected Dr. Perey Vivian riding; making himself avallable -ta trv and win the Durhamn at meetings of various kinds, tCounty seat in the next Dom- going ta, bat for any worthwhile *inion election. cause; being willing ta cham- e No fault can be tound with pion an aid age pensioner's rDr. Vivian's usefulness ta the case as cheerfully, and tho- SConservative party: prestige in roughly as a major public work; e the medical profession, or his keeping' us informed of the in- 1. intellectual stature, but will the teresting happenings at Ottawa It foregoing win the seat? -in language understandable Some years aga, in this same ta, the ordinary. layman; having -county. Vincent Massey, a per- a pleasing personality. giving dson af educational attainments. full time ta his parliamentary wealtnl, prestige and culture, duties:. being available at al -was beaten by Fred Bowen, a times ta any persan, regardless humble farmer, lacking many af polities, wishing ta discuss saf his oppanent's advantagès. Canadian problems: havmrg a The doctor is reparted ta keen sense of the value af good have predicted a win! public relations; being an ene.- ,j Confidence is necessary in getic canvasser, makes the pres- 1ar.- contest, but it will take ent member a hard man ta shift mk than confidence ta dis- fram his place in the palitical rlociý,e the present sitting mem- sun, which he has grown accus- ber.. tomed ta, probably likes. and And too, a lot af vaters still will try ta, keep. remember helping ta elect the When the gaod doctar ran for dactor ta the Ontario Legisla- office several years aga, the ture during the "forties", anly populace was fed up with the *ta have him quit the palitical Hepburn regime, and aching for job for the Chair af Health and a change. Can the same be saidi Social Medicine at McGiIl Un- ai "Unca' Looie?*" iversity, in Montreal. Which It is axiamatic that gavera- sdecision, was his persanal pr- ments dan't change tac readily 1vilege. during prosperous times, which r Fortunately, his successar ta may help ta add ta the taugh Queen's Park, Hon. John Foate, nut that Dr. Vivian has ta crack. b as served with distinction, by> Why do I, a Tory, write thus? devoting his full tîme ta his par- Well, I think any subject of liarnentary duties, in one af the interest ta, people should bc *most strenuaus Cabinet posts, discussed openly and intelli- the Dept. af Reforrn Institution. gently. People are wondering how. And 1 think that Dr. Vivian Dr. Vivian (if elected) will be should be put wise ta the fact ~i able ta attend a full tîme job that he wan't find Johnny in Mantreal, give proper atten- James a pushover. tion ta prablems of Durham We wish him the best of luck County, besides parliamentary .-he'll needi it. Many Women Talke Part At Special Proyer Service Speaking on the need for Ima- nique and are said ta spead $30 ____ gination ta visualize the Day ai to every ane dollar spent by Prayer as celebrated araund the Christian churches in fareign world, Miss M. A. Luke of lands. The Day of Prayer of- Pre-di Oshawa, a former deaconess ai ferings are used ta provide *the United Church, braught a Christian literature. "A great Roas ïmessage afIinspiration ta, those work is being done In teachmng attending the aiternoan anai people af these lands to became evening services here. literate," she said, "but what The services were held In the use is this if there is nothing c i Salvation Army Citadel on for thern ta read? Surely we fMarch 8, and used the farm of have failed If we do not put service prepared by Serena Christian literature Into their Vassady, formerly of Hungary, handa," she concluded. ]Eni who ten years ago did nat know Miss Vivian Sadler was solo- Bur the English language. Mrs. E. Ist at both services and Mrs. Willatts af the Salvation Army Albert Cale presided at the pi- welcamed the large number af ano. Mr&. C. A. Wight *as head ladies, representing ail the Pro- of the Inter-chureil commlttee ' testant churches ai Bowman- which arrariged the services. ville. Memnbers o ail congrega- A.agtaetaigpr îu rn tians toak part in the services. the aitoonserice p rei "Mast Anglo-Saxons are ra- Mrm E. Willatts, Mrs. R. J. Kin- Pure ther prosaic," Miss Luke said. near, Salvatian Army; Mlrs. L. "We need aur imaginations stir- T. iZcLaughli, Mra. Howard NO IL red and piqued. We need ta Gaud, .t. Andrew's; Mrs. G. E. campehend the warld vision Lena,' Miss Vema Clapp, Pente- Burn taday as we neyer did befare," costal: Mrs. H. G. Shaw. Mrs. she stated. "It was John Wes- H. A. Turner, St. Paul's; Mrs. Hoi ley who said, 'The warld la my W, Tait, Mms L. A. Parker, Mrs. and 1 pamsh.' :r is mare true today S. Bucknell, Mrs. Farrest Diil- even than It was then." lng, St. Jolhn's; Mns. A. G. WIE Miss Luke asked hem hearers Brooks, Tnrinty;,Mns. K. Dyk- te atetch their imaginations ta atra, Mr%. Vanderbyl, Christian Burns visualize those aound the Reiormed. The offering was D warld with whom they were taken up by M4rs. H. Bartlett spiritually joined in this service. and Mrs. H. Sumersford, Salva- Comiartable and remate fromn tion Army. With world suffering on this favour- ed continent, aur imagination Among those takIng part In Table is apt ta, be blunted, the speak- the evening weme: Mrs. Capt. W. er said. In trying ta îorm a pic- Brown, Mrs. Scott Pollard, Sal- Pc ture ai what it is like ta have vatian Army; Mrs. R. Hamni- lived through World War II, for gald, J. Newman, Mrs. J. With instance in Budapest, ar ta live Overy, Mrs, C. Betties, St. Table in cauntries behind the Iran John's; Mms. W. Porter, Mrs. E. Curtain, we need Imagination Dilling, St. Paul's Mrs. Heini- ta, carry us over the barrier of'stra, Mrs. Sayer, Christian Re- inexeriece.formed; Mrs. Adams, Pentecos- inexeriece.tal; Mrs. Gardon Eiliott, Mrs. The speaker urged the use ai Aura Trewin, Trinity: Miss Imagination in meeting those Agnes Carruthers, St. Andrew's. who have recently came ta, Can- Miss Gwen Bartlett and Mrs. ada. Imagination is needed ta G. Forsey af the Salvation Ar- n determine the will ai God formytokpthofeng us in relation ta the peaples aiof________ the world, whether we have seen themn or nat. It is not goad enough ta, leave it ta the Gov- R m c u ernment, Miss Luke ce H The speaker.also stessed the Beachr IMrs. James intrdduced theI Speaker. Miss Jean Sommer- The Super-Efficient ville, B.A., who origiaally cameI from New Brunswick and is naw on furlough from mission- IIO-lq% I ary service in Trinidad. She tald ai the Wamen's l Uai , Groups ai the church there iBetg which are practically the same i B as we have in Canada although MA E TOUR PRESE J With F most ai the members are of HEATING EQUIPMENT IA Mfrican and East Indian back- TWICE AS GOOD G C graund. Members memarize the____ key verses used in the services. SvsTnMnyo work, ane being the Wold Day Tour Fuel Costs ai Prayer. Trinidad now has Phn o o utWiUi E the honour ai being the site a Ponfo 5c Off the capital ai federation ai the ~ ~ gugv British West Indies. Mm:. C. JACK IL RULU Wight maved a vote of thanks M ta the speaker. PLUMIING - REATING M Mrs. James conducted the Division Street South ___ business when final arrange- Bouse Phone MA 3-3964 monts were made for Bible Stu- xe-OtesM 3-65 A dy Groups during the Lenten. Poe-Ofc A351 season. Social time was enjoy- BOWMANVILLE 1 e at the close o1 the meeting. STOKEL'Y HONEY POD F an cy Peas CUDNEY CHOICE Toma foes PARAMOUNT SOCKEYE Salmon IGA Itins 2. Evaporated Milk 2 PAGE ELEVEN 31C 28-oz. 4 i.43 c tali tins 25 C TOMATO OR VEGETABLE Clark's Soup 2,-(>11-21 C Wham ite, Delicately Flavoured ressed, No Head, Feet or Inside Waste Cauliflower :a. 2 9 c ,Siing Or Frying - 2% to 3-1b. average Rich in Flavour and Nutrition - Seedless Large A9 Good 1 .CORANGES 11'o's C ~144's C hickens3 o. oz Each with $2.50 "Bonus Booster" Tape.1 IL.8C k Shamrock Mellow and Sweet - Golden Ripe ýPork SAUSAGE EROLLS Lb. 43c' BANANAS 2 Ibs. 2.9c eftovers! No Waste! 1 12-oz. pkg. Firmn and Fresh - For Flavour and Colour Cs (8 wieners per pkg.) I. IRROTS lkgs D-OG WIENERS -: MAZOL OILLb. Tin 37c 5 3 c With Free p kg. of 8 Children's Size- Bottie of 100 BAYER ASPIRIN' 79c. iLb. 69C Frozen Food Features iPO Dragon Brand 14-oz. pkg. 27c Chicken Chop Suey 53c pe With a Free $5.00 "Bonus Booster" Tape 40 Fathom Fillets 31C iSkinless Haddock 16. 35c ve JbY "Jiggs" Favourite Meal - Corned Beef and Cabbage rns Shamrock - 2% to 3-1b. average Cnisp and Tender - New Crop orned Beef Ib.69c Cabbage s'çmm= * , I THIS IS ALL YOU NEED DO r esure you pick up an efficiaI savings folderN( your IGA Faod Market. Then, each time 81, sf u shop at your IGA Store slip youm cash >'ou ýgister receipt in it for safe keeping. Just IV cageî ep saving IGA cash receipts until you have P '4o d k rfNL ough to equal the value indicated for any e 'ai u.e1V em in the IGA premiuim catalogue. Ail 0111h)a,. '1 I ci a rS , al'ld remiums can bc claimed in this manner re PteIQ4 a k îth nothing extra to, pay! IMPORTANT: Pea 1 4 d'POOIIt b r rcequests for FREE BONUS GIFTS must 4 te. 4p si wm be based only on the values listed in tpeek ZG -r T ur NEIV CATALOGUE (4). lj8a o~<'ilci nus Booster" Food Features Effecti Free $2.50 "Bonus Booster" Tape Withl Free $2.50 choice IGA Choice mple Juice 2 2s - .2 7cDessertI Free $2.50 "Bonus Booster" Tape With Free $2.50' 1Reg. Price - Stafford's 3 Fruit CHOCOLATE C :irma fade 12Oz.26c Flav-r for a Free Bonus Gift Catalogue and Shop for these values at your local IGA March 14, 15, 16 "Bonus Booster" Tape Pears 2 1ioz.29C "Bonus Booster" Tape I)g STRAWBERRY Straws p k2-o"'33 c Savings Folder Today Store 1 e 1 j. M 1 t 1, m 0 ý 0 0 2=mcq crossCd j 33,000,rO0 of QuIlity F..ds re~ F.n bi we - O mis

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