PAGE TWELVE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. EOWMANVILLE. ONTAMO I'~TT~flAV IIAD 114h lea, SUbfl~ *W* .1 dians Playing Good Atom Hockey The Indians are one of the six Atom Hockey League Lucas. Second row: David Puk, Gary Woolner, Paul teams sponsored by the Bowmanville Recreatien Depart- Peterson, Morris Honeyman, Ricky Lucas, Randy Dewell. ment and presently they are tied with the Bisons for fifth Back row: Len Lucas, Coach; Paul Welsh, Ken Miller, place. They have provided strong opposition throughout Larry Lunneman, Stephen Witherspoon, David Kerr. the season, having wvon one, last six and tied two of their Missing: Lew Dewell, coach; Gary Crombie and Ricky games. Players are from lef t to right, first row: Don Dewell. MeMurter, Bob Valaries, Ron Hooper, Paul Lucas, BradleyJ -Photo by Rehder Bears Atom Team in Playoffs The Bears are holding down fourth spot in the Atom Lawson. Second rbw: Bill Budai,.1 Hockey League and are sure of a playoff berth. They have Buckler, Bill Cobban, Randy Cole.1 won four and lest four games this season. In the playoffs Balson, Coach; Larry Rogers, Gene they will meet the team that is in* second place in the patrick, Arthur Jackson, Raiph Cole. loague. They are from lef t te right, front row: Peter taken: Wayne Hunt, Bruce Barrett. Vanstone, Steven Burns, Paul Sweete, Brian Forsey, Elgie, As the season Is nearing the end, three of the girls are stay- ing quite close together with averages 214, 213, 211. We wish you ail luck for with only two wreeks left it is hard te say which one will remain on tom. Not tee many high games Air. Rail or Steamshlp T 1VCRYWERE TO EVE THR Consuit JRY & LOVELL 15 King St. W. MA 3-5778 BowmanvilIe- were rolled this week but ne. vertheless here are the 20C games-H. Piper 255, 203, 202 K. Beauprie 248,248; H. Dunr 216, 210; N. Hooper 216, 209; V. Coole 270, D. Martin 269; S Bickeli 267; V. Cowan 261: D Joli 243; B. Budai 234; J. Hodg- kinson 231; M. Slaght 228: P. Haines 225; L. Wright 224; B Westlake 221: J. McCracker 215; A. Hodgson 212; B. Dis1ey 213; M. Perfect 211; M. Cooper 211; M. Mairs 207; A. Richards 206; B. Buttcnshiaw 205; A Bick- ehl 204; S. Buckneli 203; A Lux- ton 202; L. Bates 202; J. Ten- nant 201; M. Harrison 201; 0. Patfieid 201- M. Wilcox 201; M. MeNulty 200. Oniy 7 lemons this week- A. Osmond, M. Kozak, R. Ad- cock, V. Miller, M. Moffatt, B. Westlake, D. Bell. 1 High single, V. Coole 270. High triple, H. Piper, 660. High average, H. Brock, 214. -i Vigor Ou I CompanyI /-~?Announces.. 7 the Opening of a. New Service Station Corner of Mapvers Road and 5th Concession Free Glassware Given Away with the purchase of 6 gallons or more of gasoline VIGORI STANDARD GAL. GAS OLNE 4Q OC ineiudiiig tax VIGOR 43LGAL. BIGE TEST 431O neluding tax Stove Oil available in any quantity at the station OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS Jim Dilling, Peter Back row: Harold Balson, John Kil- Absent when photo -Photo by Rehder Co mbines Play Listless Hockey to Lose Seventh Lindsay Regents scored an easy 4-2 win over the Bowman- ville-Oreno Combines at Mem- criai Amena on Thursday of last week te tie their Lakeshore Intermediate "A" best of-seven series at three xvins each and a tie. Whether they were tired er just played-out is unoertain, Team Standi ng Name Peintsy D. Joli __ 44 24 M. Helroyd - 43 23 V. Coole--- 41 25 K. Beauprie 40 25 H. Brock -___ 38 24 Onie Etcher . 33 24 Ena Etcher - 30 23 O. Patfieid . 27 23 L. Bates --- 26 23 L. Martyn 20 22 B. Bitdai -__ 19 22 D. Crombie ----- 17 23 Averages H. Brock.........----- D. Joli -------- O. Etcher B. Budai L. Bates ______ V. Cooe ----___ S.Buckneil_______ D.Crembie_______ W. Bates ____ pA. Richards _______ A. Luxton____ fDorc Mutton _____ J. Hodgkinson O. Patfieid_______ J. Baker _______ H. Dunn.__ __ S. Bicke]1 ----- HGiihoeley H. Piper----------- P. Haines -----__ jD. Martin M. Harrison ____ M. Cooper ----- L. Martyn N. Heeper Dot Brooks V. Miller -_______ M. Holroyd -______ E. Etcher _______ E. Whitehead 1_____ Alyce Hodgson1 L. Wright J. Bt uiit ---- J. McCracken-- V. Cowan IA. Bickel-- Ni. Mairs - - L. Lyle Pins 4642 >3749 >5102 M096 4157 M185 3100 !3086 13439 !2772 !2492 =037 214 213 211 198 197 193 193 188 187 184 183 182 181 181 181 199 18t) 179 1 79 178 173 177 176 176 176 17.5 175 17.5 17-i 174 173 171 171 171 169 168 167 166 but the Combines' siack per- formance cest them the seri,ýs. Anether series has already been scheduied and it is a best-of- three, with the first game in Lindsay Fans Roar For Action It was apparent by the mid- way mark of the second period that the crowd of close te a 1,000 were disgusted with the actionless performance on the part of bath teams. Only Ross Hawe and O'Brien, the gealies preduced any workmanlike ef- fort in the affair. Before the game was over the fans were kicking up a rear fromn the stands for seme action by the local lads. Open Scoring Ted Mendyk taiiied the open- er for Lindsay at 1.15 of the first period. His shot sailed under Hawe as the goalie was dropping te make a save. Tom Hutton found the mark f,.r them in the final minutes as he nabbed Burns' shot frein the blueline as the goalie de- flected it. Wimpy Parker ensured the win fer Lindsay early in the final period. Orlie Crawford taliied the insurance marker with five seconds remaining. He fired from centre ice and hit the open net, while Ross Hawe was benched in faveur of an additionai attacker. Scores Sensational Goal Frank Hooper drew a big Stafford Bras. Monumental Works PhoneoWhitby MOhawk 8-3552 318 Dundas St. E.,. 'Vhltby FINE* QUALITI' MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Precise workmanship and carefu] attention te detail are vour assurance when vou choose fromn the wide selection of imported and domnestic Granites and Marbies in stock. hand from the crowd in the first period when he scored the equalizer to tie 1-1. He grabbed the puck behind has own net and started a drive that took him through four Lindsay play- ers to score in spectacular style. Dean West made it 2-ail for the Combines at 19.59 after snagging a pass frein brother Raye. Only Highllght of Gaine The twe goals scored by the homesters during the first per- iod proved to be their only high points of the tilt. 'During the rest of the game they had considerable, trouble keeping Lindsay out of' their end. In the second frame, which was scoreless both teams apeared to ie holding an icing contest as they each took many turae icing the puck. Even while they had a one man advantage on three occa- sions in the middle frame, the Combines were listless and un- able te score. Business Directory_ Àccouniancy_ RAT' J. DILLING Certif ied Public Accountant 93 Church Street MArket 3-3861 WM. 3. B. COGGINS Chartered Acceuntant 64 King St. E. Bowmanville <Above Garton's Bus Station) 64 King Street E. MONTEITH - MONTEITU RIEHL & CO. Chartered Accountants 135 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa RA 5-4662 Partners: J. W. Montelth, M.P., F.C.A. A. B. Monteith, B.Comm., C.A. G. W. Riehl, C.A. (Licensed Trustes) G. E. Trethewey, C.A. R. F. Llghtfoot, C.A. YALE, FRIEDLANDER, HUNTER & CO. Accountants and Auditors 64 King St. E. RA 5-1621 Oshawa B. L. Yale, C.A. F. Friedlander, E.. Comm., C.P.A J. Hunter, C.P.A. C hi ro prac fic G. EDWIN MANN, D. Chiropractor Office: 15 Elgin St., cor. of Horsey St. Phone MA 3-5509 Office Heurs: By Appelntment D e nifa DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. Office: Jury Jubllee Bldg. 40 King St. W. Bowmanvflle Office Heurs: 9 a.rn. te 6 p.m. dally Closed Saturday and Sunday Office Phone MA 3-5790 House Phone - Newcastle 3551 DR. E. W. SIS SON, L.D.8., D.D.S. Office in his home 100 Liberty St. N. - Bowimanville Office Heurs:, 9 a.m. te 6 pan. daily 9- a.m. te 12 noon Wednesday Closed Sunday Phone MA 3-5604 DR. C. F. CATTfRAN. D.D.S. Office 23 King St. E. - Bownianville Office Heurs:. 9 a.m. te 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. te 12 noon Saturdav Closed Sunday Telephone: Office MA 3-5459 Isr an ce 3. A. BARTON Fire - Automobile - Casualty 43 Carlisle Ave. Phone MA 3-3098 Le gal1 STRIKE and STRIKE Barristers, Solicitors Notarles Public W. R. Strike, Q.C. A. A. H. Strike, B.A. 40 King St. W. - Bowmanville Telephone MA 3-5791 LAWRENCE C. MASON, H.A. Barrister, Solicitor Notary Public King St. W. - Bowmanville Phones: Office MA 3-5688 Residence MA 3-5553 DMSS APHA L. HODGINS Barrister, Solicitor Netary Public Temperance St. - Bownianville LOVEKIN AND THOMPSON Barristers and Solicitors E. Richard Lovekin U.E., B.A., LL.B. and Andrew R. Thompson LL.B., LL.M. Box 9 Newcastle, Ont. Telephones: Newcastle - 2115 6 Toronto HI 4-4396 Consultation by appointment only Morigages LEROT HAMILTON - ORONO Phone 1 r 16 First Mortgzage funds Residences - Farina Business Properties Opfometry REITH A. BILLETT Optometrist 141 King St. E. Bowmanvflle Office Heurs: By àppeintment Telephone MArket 3-3252 Mondav te Saturdav 9 a.m. te 5 p.m. Wednesdavs: 9 te 12 Thursdav evenings- JOHN A. OVENS OptometrIst jury & Loveli Bownianvile Phions MA 3-5778 Piano Tuning ARTHUR COLLISON Professional Piano Tuning Phone 34 Prince St. BowmanvM* First Huntsville Game Lions Midgets Lose 8-m4 Huntsville Midgets downed ville in the first five minutes the Bowmanville Lions Midgets gave them a wide edge which 8-4 in the first game of their they kept throughout the gaine. home-and-home total goals series Don Lillow blasted their f irst at et Memorial Arena on Wednes- the 28 second mark frein beside day of last week, to gain a four- the cage. Lonny McQuain blink- goal margin in the round. ed the light a minute later with Approximately 400 enthusi- a similar shet and Bill Hamilton astic fans turned eut te watch poked the puck in the side for the tearns in a dlean, fast, eveniy thern at 5:48. matched hockey gaine. The Soe ia o omnll Lions Midgets were short Gary Soe is o omnil Bagneli, who is eut with a brok- _Eric Carleton scored Bowman- en leg and tweo o their other vilie's first after Dan Cattran players were unable te play. had relayed him a pass from the Although the local lads werej side. He counted his secend at handicapped by net having a ful 3:29 of the middle stanza when teain, the players turned in a he got a breakaway and con- workmanlike effort and wvere nected wîth a siap shot. close te tieing the score during Leading Scorer the final frame. Lonny McQuain neted three Gain Early Lead more fer Huntsville as he paced Three fas t goals by Hunts- his team te victory. He made ûii/5e the score 4-2 during the second stanza after grabbing a reboundé in the third he ensured the -Win by scoring the sixth and seventh goals. Corne Close To Tle* Dave Lough aise connectIfor Huntsville during the -, to mnake it 5-2.- Dan Cattra "~d Paul McCullough teamed up te tally one for BowmanvIlil early mn the third. Bryan Hughes followed the pattern a minute later when he scored on a paso from Bill Qsborne qt the blue- lime, to make the scoile 5-4. Don Lillow taUllh l.od of the tilt at l1, e 'aI' stanza when hesWppfr,"the puck into the corner. Robbed of Goal There was considerable dis- pute over a shot by Dan Cattr~ai near the midway mark of the final period. The puck had entered the nets and the goal judge had counted it, but Refere Ivan Locke disallowed the goal. wawe42h& Homemakers! March is National Wallpaper Month; time te give yeurself a more gracieus background for modern living with the only decorating medium that is truiy distinctive. See our grand selection of smart and modern patterrfs in Sunworthy Wallpaper today 1 You know, Sunworthy Wallpaper is net expensive, it just looks that xvay. S - O - ~ ~ - Z ........~.. ~:~:~s w NATIONAL .. .:.:.:.:-:;-Z Z-Z:. . Z.. ¼Z« :Y->.. Z.. 4 «. 3 CHOOSE VOUR 33 ~Qvo;/4i ai~ WALLPAPER TOCAVI. JH.'ABERNETHY PAINT &WALLPAPER King St. W. Phone M.,ý A phone in the kitcOCtI makes it convenient for Mom te take or make catIs without «'dropping everything". Extend "telephone convenience" to any part of your home! It's comforting te have a telephone by the bed. side - especially when you're alone at night. A telepboe in the workshop is a handy tool for Dad (casy for Mom on washday, tee). FOR EASY LIVINO - FOR PRIVACTI Take the run out of running your home - have a telephone witbin easy reach al over the bouse! Just $1.25 a month for each additienal telephone ($1.00Oin small centres). And where your telephone is part of the décor, there's a bright choice of red, green, beige or ivory. *. You can bave your telephone install ' ý î in no time - merely cali your Telephone Business Office. The charge for an installa- tien is only $2 ... $12 more for color. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA Hi Ida Brock Holds Ladies' High Average 1 make a date 1 i PAGE TWI:Lvx TffE CANADUN STATESM". BOWMANV=Z ONTARM TMMSDAT. ILARCff,14th. M9 ù1oâbaý,l - -- T 43-5431 i ý fLl-