. -......... PAGE FOURTEEN< .1.-llàq "1UIL~ ,LAu~ q.fl AIUo TH-A A!NSAEM.N o 'Av.w NA ? - - fl- --1 -&&Ab------------Uj Bantam Alil - St ars Win Division Bowmanville's Bantam Ail-Stars captured the James, Gord Rundie, Terry Black. Second row: George Eastern Ontario Zone Championship in their division at Piper, coach; Joe Bothwell, Bill Bickle, Allan Woodlock,I the Little N.H.L. Playoffs recently in Port Hope. This Paul Gearing, Nelson Yeo. Third row: Brenton Hughes, fine team will be entering the Al-Ontario Playoffs at Don Bagnell, Alex Wiseman, Doug James, Ross Turner, Collingwood on April 16. Players are, from left to right Ray Crombie. Missing: Ted Bagneil, manager, and Grant front row: Larry Piper, John Bruce, Paul Hancock, John Flintoff. -Photo by Rehdei Pee Wee Ail - Stars P[ayed WeII This high f lying team is Bowmanville's Pee-Wee Second roW: Doug Lane, Jon Hancock, Bobby Sleep, Gene' Ail-Stars who participated in the Eastern Ontario Zone Balson, Pat Vinish, Ralph Cole. Back row: Morley Oke, Little N.H.L." Championship Playoffs in Port Hope recently. manager; George Kennedy, David Williams, David Allison, They have provided local fans with sorne thrilling David Thompson, Paul Mutton. Absent when picture exhibitions during the season and display fine sportsman- taken - Ed Rundie, coach; Grayden Colville, Mickey like qualities. Players are, from left to right, front row: Dickens and David Kerr. Brian Bradley, Art Foran, Ken Veitch, Doug Nichols., -Photo by Rehder Atom Al Sta rs Put Up Good Fight This efficient looking hockey squad are the Bow- Werry, Barney Hawthorne, Bob James, Michael Leddy, manville Atom Ail-Stars. They were the youngest team to Chris Quinton. Second row: Don Gilhooly, coach; Larry represent Bowmanville in the Eastern Ontario Zone Little Perris, Bill Depew, Ricky Gay, Alan Raby, Ron Hooper, N.H.L. Championship Playoffs held in Port Hope recently. Ron Oke, manager. Back row: Irwin Colwell, Wayne On Saturday they will be competing in a tournament in Harrison, Garfield Webb, John Hughes, Don McMurter, Newmarket at the request of the Minor Hockey Association George Bail. Absent when photo taken - Gary Butler. there. Players are from ieft to right. front row: Peter. -Photo by Rehder Atom Loe toCob urg innrs f the other zones for Atoms .ose ~ ~otheg C':mpionship. Final Goal in Overtime God teenonscored during beside the nets to soetewn Lions Avidgets .Atomn Al-Stars a 2-1 %vin over was a player short., u " the Bowmianville Atom Ail-Stars Following the game three Are Put O u in the Little N.H.L. Zone Hoc- presentations were made. Thejts le kex' Playoffs at Memorial Arena captain of the Cobourg teain, Ray on Saturday afternoon. Chapman., was presented with t H ns il The youngsters providc'd some the Wladyka Bros. Championship 300 spectators with a thrilling Trophy. by Mike Wladyka, Huntsville Midgets scored a exhibition of fine sportsman- Deputy-Reeve of Port Hope. 15-3 victory over the Bowman- ship and pla ving ability. Gord Stevenson was presented ville Lions Midgets in the final Stevenson had scored for Co- with the Best Players Award by gaine of their Ontario semi- bourg earlier in the game to give Kei th Carruthers, Vice-President final home and home total goal thein a 1-0 edge. Riekax- Gay, of the Little N.HL. Association. series at Huntsville on Satur- tallied the equali3er late in the Bob Jamnes, goalie for the Bow- day, to capture the round by second period and the score re- i mianville team. %vas presented a total of 23-7. rriinecd tied iînÉl the final' wîth Best Goalie Award by Mr, Don Lillow sparked Hunts- whistIle.! Carruthers. ville with six goals. while Da- In the overtirne period Stev-i Collinz\gtood imil enter the, vid Lough counted three and1 enson connected with a shot £roin AU Ontario Playoffs at Colling- Bill Hamil.ton and Lanny Mc- Quain picked up two each. E! - don Watson and Robert Clarke' added singles. Bowvmanville's marksmen were Fred Vanstone, Gary McCul-I lough and Dan Cattran. Paull McCullough ably assisted on scoring two of the local lad's goals. Teamn Did Excellent Job The local boys went a long way in the Midget division be- fore being defeated and deserve congratulations for their fine performances. They met and de- feated Ajax, Napance and Aut- rora to win the privilege of en- tering the Ontario semi-finals. Merabers of the teami have expressed their gratitude to their sponsor, the Bow&manvill,ý Lions Club; their Coach, Jirai McCullough: the.lManager, Tom Gatcheil and assistant manager, Murray McKnight. IBill Oke's High Single MIFeatures Majo*r League Wild Bill Oke bashed the dcad wood for a count of 345 to win high single gaine of the week. Ross McKnight was next, 333, Rae Rundle 332, Dave Me- Knight 321, Morley Vanstone and Elton Brock both 318 and Si Trewin 308. Fourteen bowlcrs were over j700 with e1ton Brock high aver- age bowler leading the pack wîth 760. Morley Vanstone 757, Pete Dobbins 752, Si Trewin 744, KarI Bickel and Ross Me- Knight 742, Matt Harrison and Ray Fry 724, Russ Hailman 723, Dr. H. B. Rundie 721, Phil Can- cilla 708, Pat Yeo 707, Russ Oke 704 aiid Dick Little 701. Elton Brock's teain broke the schedule record for a single game having 1418 or an average of 283 3/5 per man. Jaek Brough's teain had high triple 3536. Bill Steven had low sin- gle team score 923 while Ed Leslie's outfit captured low triple 3105. AlIey Chatter Dr. Alan Sylvester broke the low triple record with 364 or an average of 121% pins per gaine. Dr. Sylvester also won low single 106. Bob Kent had a nice triple 437. With just one week left in the regular schedule Elton Brock is in front with a 233 average and Pete Dobbins has taken over second spot froin Windy Coole with 232. Brock has a 23 pin margin. Bagnell's team took 5 points from Mel Dale and they now have 45 points to Dale's 40 and it looks like the championship of the second schedule is in the bag. And now for the big news you have been waiting to hear. The windup of the season will be held at the Balmoral Hotel on Saturday May 4th. Al members are requested to keep this date open. Men's Major Bowling League Team Standing Team W L Bagnell --19 il Dale - 17 13 Little- 16 14 Brough -- 15 15 Polley - 16 14 0ke... 15 15 Cole 15 15 Osborne-- 14 16 Leslie - ...14 16 Milne - 14 16 Steven-- 13 17 Brock -- 12 18 Averages Pins 33891 3297' 3216E 333019 33054 32367 32121 33345 33072 32872 32528 32833 Naine Gaines E. Brock -____.30 P. Dobbins ____30 J. Coole -----30 ~Dr. H. Rundie -:30 J. Gay -----30 B. Bates ___30 F. Samis 30 B. Hearle -___ 30 F. Williams _____30 B. Steven 30 E. Perfect ___-30 J. Lander - -30 A. Osborne 30 Dr. K. Siemon 30 A. Piper -____30 B. Polley 30 R.HY l -______ 30 J. Leet ____ 30 R. Maynard 27 E. Leslie 30 D. Bishop 30 M. Vanstone 30 M. Larmer ___ 27 D. Little ------- - 30 R. McKnight--------- 30 ;Pts ý3 45 4 40 6 37 5 36 4 36 7 35 1 34 5 33 3 33 233 8 32 3 28 Ave. 233 232 227 221 221 221 221 220 218 218 218 217 217 216 216 216 215 215 214 214 .214 212 212 2111 1owa --zl T. Bagneil 30 21%) G. Stephens 30 210 R. Oke-_____ 30 203 R. Kelly-_____ 30 208 H. Bennett ____ 30 208 S. Trewin -_____ 30 208 B. Oke______ 30 208 M. Harrison ____ 30 208 R. Rundie ____ 30 207 M:~ Dale ---____ 30 207 R. Hailman ____ 30 206 D. Taylor 30 206 C. Oke ______ 30 205 N. Cowle _____ 30 205 P. Cancilla ____ 30 205 P. Yeo -______ 30 205 H. Janzen_____ 30 205 K. Bickell_____ 30 204 B. Engley 30 204 H. Palmer_____ 30 203 Dr. C. Austin ___ 30 203 J. Ford____- 15 203 G. Piper 27 203 G. Lander_____ 30 202 R. Fry.__ __ 27 202 J. Brough 30 202 N. O'Rourke____ 30 201 J. Callan - - '___30 20i AVAILABLE FOR NqORTGAGES Ralph S. Jones Barristeir and Solicitor 65 Slmcoe St. S. Oshawa RA 5-3525 Small Salvage ! THOUGH you may save some easy-to-remove posses- nions before a fire drives you out, chances are you canIt sav;e very much. Do.n't gamble your hard- earned personal property dollars. Count up' loday's value cf what's Inside your house. Then cal! on us for adequate insurance!, STUART B. JAMES' [NSURANCE Office MA 3-5681 King Street E. Industrial Security Officer Salary $51190 Department of National Defence, COBOURG To be responsible for the safe-guardlng of property, te prevent damage by lire, sabotage, theft or pilferage. Further details as to qualifications requlred are available at, Post Offices, National Employment Offices ao.Dhe Ordnance Depot, Cobourg. Application forms, avallable at Post Offices and National Employment Service, should be submitted immedlately te CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION, 25 ST. CLAIR AVE. EAST 1ý TORONTO 7, ONTARIO THIS MONTH WE HAVE PAID $165 for TRÂDE -INS ON NEW BULOVA WATCHES 'Your old watch is worth money when you trade it in on a new Bulova. BUY NOW AND SAVE. - $.5,640. MARR'S3 JEWELLERY King St. W. Bowmanville ROBSON LTD. SPRING LAY-AWAY PLAN Pick out thcif Used Car or Truck now, and Lay-away un fil Spring. By making a smail payment of as low as $5.00 per week, you can have your complete down payment made before S.pring. !3y ta king advantage of tliis plan you benefit 3 ways: -Low Winter Prices -No Extra Charges on LaymAway - Free Storage of Your Car Then, when you desire, you can pick up your car and be ready to enjoy those Spring and Summer trips. Cail in to-day and talk to us about this plan 1Guaranteed Used Cars on our lot. ROBSON MOTORS Limited Phone MA 3»3321 166 King St. E. .19 57 REAL ESTATE Residence MA 3-5493 MOTORS THE CANADUN STATESMM. BÔ"ANM= ONTAIUD