- s *. ~ -- TNV1MMAY, MARPH 14thi, 1057 TEE CANADIAN WI'AT~5MA1i. EOWMA~~V~ AIG'I~A ~Yfl - - r'Auri ~4voejI~..àzi lCkss.mfied In Memoriam ADAMS-In loving memory of our infant son Larry, who died Mp.rch 12, 1953. .-4Mays remembered by mom- rM&d daddy. 11-1 BUTTQNSHAW, George R.- In memory of our dear father and granltÏer who passed away nVrch ~ 1956. <Ôfte y Cr- has passed since that sad day When one we loved was called away. God took him home - it was His wili;, Within our hearts he liveth stili. -Ever remembered by the fam- i]y. 11-1* CANDLER-In loving memory of my dear bushand_, Russell, who passed away March lltb, 1956. Sunsbine fades and shadows fali, But sweet remembrance outlasts ail. Wife Irene. 11-1* DOWNEY-In loving mcmory of a dean mother and grand- mother who lcit us suddenly, March 10, 1952. Only a memony of bvgone days And a sigh for a face unscen But a constant feeling that God alone Knows just what shoulsi have been. -Sadiy missesi by Dorotby. Jack and grandchildren Anne, Eddie andi John Coats. 11-1*' DOWNEY-In ioving memory of our dean mother and grand- mother wbo passed away Mardi 101h, 1952. Today recalîs sad memonies Of our dean Moîhen gone bo rest And the ones wbo tbink of ber to-day Are the ones wbo ioved ber best. -Lovinglv remembered bv Dick, Grace and granddaughtcrs. 11-1* JOBLIN, Jessie .A.-In loving rnemory of a devolesi sisten, Jessie A. Joblin of Nestîcton. who passed away Marcb 141h, 1956. A year bas passed by since you left But we miss you still each day, Miss your kindiy deesis and devotion As sbown in such loving ways. We couisi not caîl you back with us To suffer undue pain. We know you're happy up above Joinesi with the family again. The Malcolm brothers andi sisters. 11-1 MORRIS-mI oving memory of - a dean brother, Robert William, w1hý passesi away suddenly M4iich l9th, 1956. &o-ietimes it's bard bo undenstansi <,'î'y some tbings have to be: But in His wisdom, Gosi bas A.plannesi reyond nur power to see. Aaof remembrance sadly re( 'be', Witoî,aewell be left us ail, To be wifÉh us in the same olsi way Would be our dearest wish to-day. 'Ever rememberesi by sister 1:orothy, andi family. il-V' 'fUICHARDS-In ioving memory pf a dear mother and grand- yrother, Elizabeth Alice Richards wbo passesi away March the 101h, 1946. Gosi saw you getîing wearv Then disi wbat He tbougbt best, ]He put His arms around you 1Mother Andi whispered, come andi rest. -Lovesi and rememberesi by daughten Selena ansi grand- daughten Alice. 11-1 ROGERS-mI oving niémiory ai Mn. George Rogers and bis wife Annie, depantcd Manch 15. 1939, Marcb 20, 1953. Till incmony fades andileE deparis, You'll live foever in iv lîeart. -Even remembemesi, Margaret îi-il VEENHOF-In meniars' of aur father John Veemîhof, wlio pesa- ed axvax'Merch 12, 1956. To one we wxiil neveu forget, His absenice is elwavs a somnaw., His loss wc will aixvays regret. -Lovinglv reenîbered by sons John ansi Ted. 11- VEENHOF-In dcci' uieniîou-x'ai my father, John Veenliof. who passed awva v Memch 12, 1956. His cherming vxs andsinilingJ face Are a pleasure ta ecail: lie liad nu kiiîdlv xord for ecd And diesi belox'cd bv aIl. -Fondiy renîeuîberecl bv daugh- ter Adriammia, Haroldi ansi fauîilv. 1l-t VEENHOF In ioviuîg mnieiou-' of a deer hushansi. Johni Veen- bof, wlîo passesi cxx'v Marcli 12, 1956. Wben ail is still andsilsent, Ansi sleep forsekes mv eyýes, My Ibouglts are li bhc suent grave Wherc uîîx' dear lhushansi lies -lçarlv nicusprf h hçis wife In Memoriamn LEFROY-In lovilig memory of a dear mother, Harriett Lefroy who passed away March 14, 1955. The depth of sorrow we cannot tell 0f the loss of one we loved so well, And while she sleeps a peaceful sleep Her memory we shall always keep. -Always remembered by daught- er Ma ' , son-in-law Irwi n, grand- children and great grandchild- ren. 11-1 Auction Sales Mr. Clarence Goodman, Lot 4, Con. 4, Hope Township, one concession north and a haif mile west of Dale, bas sold bis farm and will seli by public auction on Saturday, March l6th, com- mencing at 1 p.m., al bis farm stock, nearly riew Fordson trac- tor, tractor machinerv, lumber, etc. For further particulars see bis. Terms cash. No reserve. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 10-2* The undersigncd auctioneer will seli by public auction the chatteis for Valentine Toth on Lot 35, Concession 10, Clarke Township. or one mile east of Long Sault Church on Saturday, March 23: Two horses, harness and aIl farm implements; 800 bushels grain, many other articles. A complete list wili appear in March 2lst issue of The Canadian Statesman. Terrns cash. Sale at 1:30. Cliff Peth- ick, auctioneer. 1- -Work Wanted NEW plastcning and repains,1 vonkmïanship guarantced. A. C.' Woods. Phone Clarke 23 n 04. 4-tf SAVE MONEY AT Dave's Shoe Repair Fast, Prompt Service 35 TEMPERANCE ST. (in rear) 42-tf MASONRY and CONCRETE REPAIRS or STRUCTURAL Brick, Block or Conorete Estimates Free P.O. BOX 177 L. TURNER Phone MA 3-3231 - MA 3-3702 il-tf BRICK LAYING BLOCK LAYING GENERAL CEMENT WORX A. J. Groen R.R. 3 Bowmanvllle PIIONE MA 3-5105 Roofs Repaired and Shingled AND OTHER JOBS Phone MA 3-5349 11-3 A-i Car Wash $1.50 WASH AND WVAX $2.50 FREE DELIVERY in Town 18 Duke Sireet B O0IW M A N V I L L E Houirs 8 - 6. Mon. - Sat. il-lu' Plaslering Repairs QUICK SERVICE STUCCO AND NEWV WORK R. L. TAFT 69 King St. E. MA 3-5030 6-tf Brake Drum Lathing Brakes Relined If Your Car Has Gone 15,000 to 20,000 Miles Let 's Inspect Your Brake Linlngs By relining et this mîleage you will save scoring and wveakenjng of your brake drunms. Bob Siocker's Garage Phone MA 3-5804, Bowmanville 'IL. Schapelhouman" Public Accounlant .SPECIALIZING IN Accounting and Bookkeeping Income Tax AND COMPLETE Financial Reports FOR FARMERS AND SMALL BUSINESS PEOPLE. REASONABLE RATES 17 Jones Ave., Oshawa,. Ads 1Livestock for Sale1 TWENTY pigs for sale. Phone MA 3-2885. 11_1* FRESH cows and some due to freshen soon. Apply Z. J. Benschop. Pbone MA 3-2926. 10-3* CANADIAN Approved, pullor- um tested, Day Oid and Started Chicks. Book orders now for future delivery. White Leghorn, Barred Rock (fast featbering) and New Hamp. X Barred Rock. For price list write or Phone H. J. Brooks, Bowmanvilie, MA 3-3961. 50-tf Wantecl ta Rent HOUSE in Bowmanvilie, by March 29. Write Box 635, c/o Canadian Statesman. 11-1* HOUSE. in Bowmanville or vicinity. Family of three. Write Box 633, c/o The Canadian Statesman. 11-1 Cars for Sale '51 FORD Custom sedan, radio, bheater, new license, good dlean car. Phone MA 3-3916 after 7 p.m. 1l-V' '49 CHEV. coach, radio, beater, good tires, new license, reason-1 able. Phone MA 3-3916 afterl 7 p.m. 1l-V' 1949 CHEVROLET sedan, wine, new tires, air-conditioned. Price reasona bic for cash. Fred Trew- in. Biackstock. 11t-V' 1955 FAIRLANE Ford, radio, 16.000 miles, only S600 doxvn; 1954 Ford Tudor. radio. 23,000 miiles, $4.50 down; 1953 Chevrolet 2-door, low mnilcage, onlv $375 down: aIl cars fullv guaranteed at Cowan Equipment Co., 134 King St. E., Bowmanvile. Tele- Phone MA 3-5689. 11-1 Don't be likie the nman who said "I wish I had seen this car before I bought" This one runis and looks almost like new-. 1952 DODGE CORONET SEDAN The body has never had repairs and is showing no slgns of rust. Also 1949 FORD 1948 CIIEV. 1947 MERCURY Barrabali Garage 35 Highway South of Orono Phone Orono 162J1 11-1 Used Car Bargains 1956 PLYMOUTH V8 4-door, Powerflite, sport- tone, Ilike new 1956 PLYMOUTH 6 cyl. Hardtop, Powerflite A dandy 1955 PLYMOUTH Belvedere V8, 2-door, Powerflite, very clean 1955 PLYMOUTH 4-dr., 6-cyl. 1954 CHEV. BELAIR 4-doo-r Radio. 2-tone, a good car 1954 PONTIAC 4-door 1953 CHEV. SPEC. 4-door 1953 METEOR Custom Sedan 1952 PONTIAC 2-door, Radio 1951 PONTIAC SEDAN Lovely shape 1946 MONARCH SEDAN 1939 DODGE SEDAN 1952 FARGO '2_-ton Pick-up 1950 FORD 3-ton Palmer Motor Sales Plymouth - Chrysler Fargo Trucks 20 King'St. E. MA 3-5487 BOIVMAN VILLE Help Wanted GIRL wantcd 10 look after cbildren. Phone MA 3-3775. 11-1 WOMAN for iight housework by th,ý week. Enquire Statesman office. il-tf WOMAN to dlean and polish floors. Appi *v Manager Walker Stores Limitcd. 11-1 COOKN ,anited for Strathaven Rest Home. Apply in person to Mrs. E. A. Hodgert, King St. E. Bowmanville. i- PROTESTANT teacher for UnonJ S.S. No. 17, Darlington Town- ship for approximatelv 20) pupils, heginning Sept. 1, 1957. Applv Clarence Avery. Sec vý-Treasur er,! Burketon. Phone Bowmanvii leý MA 3-2501. 1- RAIWLEIGH busiress now open in Bowrnanville and Tow.nshîpsý Whitbv E. and Darlington. Trade weil establishied. Excellent op- portunitx'. FulIl imie. Write at once. Rawleigh's Dept. C-140-1 189, Montreal, P.Q. 11-11 TWO teachers for two-roomcd school, S.S. No. 18, Darlington, T y r o n e Village. Protestant. State experience, qualifications and salary expected. Wri te F. L. Byam, Sec'y-Treas., S.S . No. 18, Darlington, Tyrone, Ont . 11-2 --ajy4_ýuUYij %i:11-1 593 LADIES-Avori Producîs of jr ______PhîoneLRA 595 a finie aPPortuuiîv ta capablej VEENOF-I lovng mmorvoniature %woman wxith 3 or 4 spaî'e aVEENfaHOF-.lnoving memnvof,_________________ ous ach dav. Tliere mav be awopse dear fathe.JonVehof, ted ta 'D an opeuîiîîgnean 'cocm. For forth- ~~1opseiavv rb1956.n uu c'r informnationi srite todas' ta 1956. MI's. G. Tale.,304 Fuederick Ave.. Your presomîco is eveî- iear uis. PLAY-PEN. Phonîc MA 3-,5300. Peter'bor'ocugh. - 112" tYocur love remains with ustîs,'l -1 <ou wver thie kinsi of a father 1 -- _________ ENTER thie seiiL field' Joiîi al ~<Your lox'ed ames xxouisi nex-cu'i YOUNG cal toc veaiing. T. W. progreSSix'o comnpunv.'.Full or1 uîîreîbrd x. Caxyker. Box'niauiville. 11I-1i* pari-lime agents inuike large I -E,>- iebrdb auglten -- cariigs seiling iiouîseholsi meces- Aim-' iiiand hlde. 1-11 IGHS pruces paîi for lvlstetoiletries ansi farni spécial- i poultrv. goose feathers, featheri ie.Opcuiîgs available in x-our WICKS-In loving menîory afiaa ticks. scrap iron. rags, niebals sunrounclings. W'heucver vou dean sisîcu' Minnte Wicks who'la'ansi raxx' iurs. Phone RA 3-2043 niax' live ask for sitails ands free passesi awav Marcb 17. 1955. 1 Oshawa colet. 48-If catalogue. 1600 Delorlînier Dept. Coulsi I but toucb youn vanishesi1 50 Station C. Montreai. 11-1 hansi ALL kintis o! live poultry went- Ansi hear your voice that la cd. Top Toronto pnices paisi et' W anted still. ý 'our door for large on smell For oth.x'our loss is bard 10 stand. quantities. We hax'e our oxx'n- DEAD ansi crippheci facnî stock, No one your place can fi. market. M. FiaIt, Bethians' R.R., p;kes i tp iuo p<' iioie NMA Sister Manie. I homie cotîcct Lo Botl'auîv 3-2679. Mrg Fllkur Fsiuii 111 -Â17 r 3. 28-tfiTyronc. 26-tIi jlIn a letter ta bbc Dauiugtom. Council last Thunsdav the Osh- awa Genenal Hospital Board made a requcst for a mainten- ance guant from the toxvnsbii) ansi although no grant wàs made last ycar council iL consider the i'equcst at thaý forthcorniug budget meetinîg. Deputy-Rceve Garnet Riekard pointed out thal a gramit to thec Oshawa Hospital was onilxv fuir since mamy Darlingbton reccideiius use btceliospibal. Ho feît Iliat a miii rate grant similiar ta th-, Memorial Hospitl, Bowmian- ville, guant shauld be given lu1 Oshawva. A seconîd letter in the fonm of a resolution was receivori fmom the North York municipal couneil calling foc immediate action in havin- the varieuis Ontario muuîicipalities ta mccl witlî prov-incial officials [0 strike a fair division of tlic responsibilities andt revencies. This was heartily endorscd by Danlington. Appoint Asses-or William Lycett was re-ap- pointesi township assessor aI an incmeased salary. On recom- mendalion of bbc Darlimigton Planning Board William Lairdi, Maple Grave, xvas appointesito fMI bbc existing vaeaîîcy on the board. Couples Club Has Talk What Future Holds Maple Grove: On Tlîursdav cvening, March 7, the Couples' Club met at the Maple Grove church with 52 in attendance. President Howard Brasiley canductesi the businîess period. There was a short discuîssion on the damnce %'e are haviîîg at the Lions Centre. Mary DeCoe conductesitheb warship service. A short devo- tional was reasi followed by prayer. Waliy MeKniglit. Mr. Hemb Osborne ansi Mr. ansi Mrs. Somenscales entenîalines with several very enjoyable musical selections. Russ DeCae then intnoduccd bbc gîest speaker, Mn. McNab, ai Oshawva, who chose as bis tapie "WhaI's in The Futuire,?' Many tlîings which- seenx foday almost impossible au'e prophe- sied fan the futune. Mn. McNai) demansîmatesi the iaking of a substance, useci for tires and sbowcd tus w'bat power thp bcdt rays ai the sun bave if ansi wlen they eauxbchuelarness- cd propcrly. Sim Penfaumîsithankesithue speaker ansi othens -wbo bock pa'rt. Lumîch xxas servesi by the~ guoup in charge. The mcxi meetinîg 'ilI 'be iin bbcfocii of a pot iuek scîppor on Aprii 4, at 6.3(0 p.m. Roy. NM. C. Fisb- ce' af Newcastle, will bc thxe gcitst. speakeru. 1MAPLE GROVE iOn Thursday evening (10- ni.alt) the Brotherhood meet- inig will be held at Maple Grove churcn at eight o'clock. This i. Ladfies' ni-ht and the gucst speakoIrxviii be Rev. Piip Rom- cr11 from Blackstock. Pictures %vili aiso be shown. :\r. and Mrs. Fred J1. Wes., Regirna. Sask.. arc visitinIg W!Ith Pets f or Sale i GERMAN Shepherd puppiers., rcady to go, March 201Oh. Makel vour choice niow at S25 ecdi. Creamn of Barley. 11 -1:-I PLOTT hound pups, maies onl-v, $10. Registcred Labrador pop. Perey' Mulve *v, W.R. 4, Cobourg. Phone TUrner 5-5991. 11-117 FOR SALE 2-storey building and land 200' x 30l' located in Nei,'- castle. Property formerly known as Stewart Motor Sales. Offers now being accepted. For further in- formation contact DONALD) H. HOIVE Realtor RA~ 5-7,72 261 1 King St. E. Osha,., a 57 '1 I. i t -"I il Memorial P Success fui1 A very successfui bazaar and daffodil tea took place on Sat- urday, March gth, under the auspices of Memorial Park As- sociation. The club bouse was decorated in yellow and green for tbe event, and the tea table was centred witb a basket of daffodils, flanked by yeliow candies. Mr. Jack Lander, Chairman of the Bowmanville Recreation Commission, was introduced hy, President Miss Ada Dadson, and opened the bazaar. Mrs. Victor Jeffery was con- venor for the afternoon tea, assisted by Mrs. Carl Devitt, Past President. Mrs. Devitt also poured tea. Assisting in serving xvere Mrs. Gordon Wiicox, Mrs. William Calver, Mrs. Howard Edmond-i son, Mrs. Alton Richards, Mr. Tom Park. Kitcben convenor was Mrs. Neli Wilson, assisted by Mrs. H. Dadson. The customary bazaar depart- Oshawa Ho, Grant from - asio .'cccUeu tie xx'ous-iil,.- --,-,-1- m£u: The thene "Whole Armer of antd St luit n5' C g t) Io' temal Gott". Seniplune was rond b-,' tîciu bîuc - s' ca-Idtuat the Murs. ?Mocloy Burgess; puaer , tca I ~l icc 0o xpt's Mu-s. E. Ashton. Programusîc tht iî gari t sh- u in 10 ln l a k e n b v M s. C . 1 1 SH c. 11fl u g l 1 iîCý,l: : o i ç l u' x' t a sp i v î bu r mS , a n do -trî u ci ut 0i - - " ha <c i I o y i , m m s h eil - rs. S 'io r"ci rtii -'( jandsiMns. M. Burgess. lls. C. Il.Sccuc : -:--- i ~u Snowdonu also g'ave a vo ry ni- un Is xamui y.l n teresbiuîg reading an Thailauid. xasuriet. 'J c' î;c( Ucuple ex- pit'- .c-c I t-'- : tuuc. iu a.fesx Oui Mlam'eb8 quite a iuîibr j i Ic1, i s -Liuc-bviîr of ladies from the Court]Ci c ii sers-ed )h 'st t lui( ndia cfta cuit met attMaple Groa'e churc'h Ibu cie to)-i -, for W'ouls Day cf Pmayour. I i TScixcu-cx-ie ancd A. C. Hebent, St. Johri ns 1Xi clIMr. Sci Pii ' nia' ti 1h-, cen Clîcmîch, Towvn, as guoc iinitr i cc-cIthii us-xvs-tfront speaker. spoke on tbe Jerme, J G.t.cux'a V' ui".' o cf tii- "Wiîo Shah Separate Us". Mmý. Jcus i î alof ' m ii iol- Sis i Rcssell rnidresi bhe be-ic- evu-ni g si - ' eC't'i ce pai sti- tifîmi solo, 'Soit Weuc Yen ie IlanssDean Jescîs". aceompai;- an i Sini c-uîfouurl, ied ut the argami by Murs. Wuîi. IM[-l. Ec am, - ct ('u: c i- uianday, l\arch 10 s'as tJe an.i- Jcny S:1-t --i d1M - Cacst- 11.,1W.I\.S, Suuîday S-u-eMbj Pc': fci ii xs 'c au i f cl S-. i'ith the Ex'ening Acîxiiira--ndiin Fu - i a cR. Y 'Evans. isucuIw xo antiienis, MuŽ. S. Ps-nu,- i cllc5acs ÀMoutiîuIst vice of the AfOci- nncl T i mnc!", 5c u xxa-' tin J n ionr Acmxil.ia~rr; Mns. WV. H. bapc. n 'c I - vi 'c'ili) -fOsaroilj Browxn, Puosident cf the Eveîn- Ecuiu . a t S. Joiij*s Ai- îuîg AL1Xi]iau-y, conducting 1 ýl ltcîui('lil -ý.. seuvice. Miss Jean Somlerx'il.1,-,! la'u -I tc-' rM.and ni issiomary oui fculougli frounjM u -('-t t-s - ic l Illte sît- Tuiniiasi, gave a \'Ous' i est i 'vcal of s'tu c'-' gkIr. iuig lalk an lien wvork inilTritii- j M. ti 'l! 'tC-t -- liAdai uiý. dasi. Mrs. Win. Laird presisici JPaps',Mari"asci 1) cyt v it E'ur ai fliceau'gan. ihes'-rk 5cWii andsîucilrs. Mr. andi Mus. iHugli Allu5er Rtc"IPi t :-1, Iîýi ., visitesd ituh MVr- ansiUs. Aitj'1-:-.t' c'ils it xx rui-u"uîpar-j Pcîtmlam, Tor'onto.ficîcctîi o is -Fu-llcs-, f SIc. andsI Ms. EsigarXVî-thî. 'ci c ru i litdiîi'eSpr-uiig- Pat. TecsianmilJavuîe. Pctrbui- Ciiin- cxc ---:1- s;c ti-cci. ecîgh, x-'iiAM. ansi Murs. I. At- l . B. ici."îns-l--. lison it-nilfamiil-, Sundas-. xx' -:5 i.C :c 5 t ý-s' t (nt- t cý"-c Mr. ansi Mca. H. Hiagerdoun. ICgir c c'dc o 'tf n r' Pc tcusbsîrg xiîb lier îparent<,lu [ i a 'f'IclliiO M\r. andi Mus. Allan Siiesi-uit i M- ('t lIc 5(i l-j Muss Mai'gare-t Snoon sus b c- 'utc---I oIri xii u celare u bornlcîîe froun Issos' NP-i R aCy c U I L Muh-.s'u ii KU'c-d-sscr antd las a pi-u si CG - iS -- C i i (l c=. î:oxv -imi G. lcsîss a. ' c j'i - i ' i rock wi AleIL .W'ou'teuu.Buîsîîa'î s'coki' 1: pf c'npu 'c-'u ckw' c x'ili. -sas Suuîduv dinîuer gsu- 'c - G--'G't -c c't- ' ssith MIr. andtIvMus. Gordonî oiI e I cr ' -t - tini ansi Linda. 1î.1 ý ) i R : .Ms'. Jack" c Mýiss Mýiltresi Snaxxdeuî cpe'nt J r:: . "0c U-clc'îlt-». the xxeokcnd x-t e tr l! P 1' IX' -uc --rV.W:'r M rs. Otis Pr'itchîard and fmin--i.- --'i-i[c, Njy. MAZIIiotick. lc" cc 'Mu. ansiMu's. W'allace S i- ",ict-c u IrM dax', Douieanti Jauîicc'. Ern' - ,In CI s c 00 de chî- fi ,ue xxockocd xviii Mu, ai 1t t c ' c, A nýCc1 n t c Y a] f du R ili i fa i. - 1 By Having Our 'Temperature Regularly Every newspaper hais an editorial ther- mometer. Jt's callcd "circulation." The paper's ups and ]owfls in its efforts to satisfy the greatest numnber of editorial interests is reflectcd in its circulation. So that there is no possibility that the calibrations on otr thermometer becoine blurrcd by self-s:ttisfaction, we have our tem perature taken regularly-by a trained A.B.C.t circulation auditor. When he leaves, there's no question of how we fecl. And, we're fe-eling cîuite healthy today,' thank you- an indication that we're doing our job of providing an interested audience for your sales messages. We would weleome the opportunity of showing you thte A.B.C. facts on our circulati on, and to explain just how our editorial prograru) is helping to build reader interest for your advertisirig messages. Cali us this week.- Re eimbman f4attemau *This newspaper is a niember of the Audit Bureau af Circulations, a nonproflt, cooperative association af publishers, asivertisers, andi advc-rtising agencies. OJur circulation is auditesi ut regular intervais Isy txperiencesi A.B.C. circulation auditors ansi Iheir re- p îrts are made available ta aur culverti ers w:lticî)ut IWO %EIJ~ c L r' 'ark Holds TYRONE !Many Attend L Gussof .Mr. and Mrs. How- x adMcRobcrts were Mr. and! BazaarMrs. L Plain and Donald, Boxw- B n u tH l manivilie: .-1Miss Lillian Mc-B n u t Hd ments did a brisk business Fraser and Mrs. Fred McIRoberts, Over 200 persons attended Reeve, rý tbroughout the afternoon. Home!IOrono. th uhmCut ibe James on baking convenor Mrs. David M.theMs G PakeDurhsoiain' anqCunty eLibaers iD Park was assisted by Mrs. Lance!M.adMs .Pak n soito' aqe eda ri i Plai andMrs Ros We te.sons, Oshawa, v'sitcd Mr. and! the Legion Hall on Friday niglit fine wwax Mrs. James Barclay was con-' ,rs. Ronald Phiiii. 'e and b an eard the guest speaker, prescnted venor of the bazaar table, assist- Mr. and MIrs. S. Gobiean on. James Sinclair, Canactian SE ed y rs Thma Hrnes ndBruce visited Mr. and Mrs. H. l Ministcr of Fisheries, give a Senator iMrs. H. Bradley. Mill eiotenighîy interesting report o rci~ Mrs. Fred Luxton, Mrs. C. Sha\v and Ralph, Osha- bistpriusaii h u oveut Jr., was %va, visiteci Mr. and Mrs. E. A. hsti oRsi ntesm 1\ u Fish Pond convenor; Mrs. V1te mer of 1955. \\iSh tb pý Lawenc Leman cad - Mr.. and Mrs. R. MacLean and The audience aiso heard fine Durhamn L venor, assisted by Mrs. James children, King Ciy eegeî pehsbteHn enao n Overy. sted cbin Mrs. E.at C. H. icun' home. W. A. Fraser of Trenton:. avor guests a rCa, site y r.Garf ield Mr. and Mrs. George Hum- -Nelson Osborne of Bowman- atio-,endc 1 Clarke. Mrs. Alex Lyle was phreys and children, Highland ville and Deputy-Reeve Wilfrýd Mr. Frîn pubiicity. convenor and Mrs. Creek, visited Mr. and Mrs. K. Carruthers of Bowmanville. to John ? M Herbert Cowan, draw convenor. Colbary. Oeo~tehglgt ftedlgn Miss Rose Bate and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. W. Jcwell and nenngfathe presence of h e bilger Alfred Smith were popuiar toia boyýs xcrc ton guests of Mr. and two Legion Pipe Band mcm- a groat w( cup readers. Mrs. Lawrence Nîrs. J. Grant, Bowmianville. besAbMvnadrtBok in ps Leaman won tl4e lucky draw, a Mr. and Mclis. W. Rahm isiî es bMvi n r rokten - cup and saucer donatcd by Mrs.' cd Mr. and 1itIrs. G. Rahm, Saint- wxho piped in tbe bead table ser zýaiciI. Alex Lyie.' The Association is field, and Mr. anti Mus. Lorne guests. This was done in bion- glamrnût h very grateful 10 nîl those who Grîffin, Biackstock. our of Mr. Sinclair, who is a make spc donated or participated in any Guesls of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Scotsman. making is Way to mnake Ibis event a suc- HilI'c wo'--': _Mr. anci Murs. W. H. Fine Entertainment work thait cess. adsn iin atî The Set Mcccan on iio;Caz in Inaddition the audience were cd ,aNvor anud Mus. C. Moniford,. Hampton; thnillcd by seven-year-old Billy bis fine s e ~ I Mr. anai Mrs. J. Russwll, Union- Wadc, of Countice, who enter- lent xvorlz' Sf~ TaI I'4 KS vlle Ittuewî eetained them wtha deligbtful etoe 1 msicl tlens.He did a tap congratuitý vat the homo (I Mis. A. Etichards. number and won the hearts bh î s D arlinglon Crsiulo' i of the crowd witb a senies of la ble one of iumbens on the drums. Wreklg ars auhtc, u, I a-vStainton Also pnoviding entertainimentI. Heiadti Requests for the establish- and Mr. Sta)inîcîi%. Otbieis pues- were Mrs. Sam Black, Mrs. Mr. and ment of xvecking yards in Dar- ont ,vere -11rv. and Mus. E:-ar Russell Oke and Mrs. Van Driel Hlorono; 1 lingon twnshp wee recivo Croail nsi \lc N Xr.Bill whlo sang sevenai songs for the Hlod from Richard MeKniglit, Hamp- C1cal 3îo ii audience. Their rendition of Fraser aP ton, and Mark Sisson, Ocono 1, < M rsi 1 Ms. cri Alicireai '"He' drew considerable ap: rse but bath have been dcferrcd. XlSAsi c. u1L nci Mis. Hi rb Mur- plause. They were accompani- Trenton; Mrmen.,Itv sin pc a, 0Gruu. cri by Mrs. John James at the Liboral Cý i m issMongto i ainspre-he Mus. C. F. Aw-,do.ý Oroiio, spont piano. Counîty; FR wrain yardisi 150 construet the a few dvsxxitti Sir. ani Mcrs. Ladies Supply DInner Twsi xvekn yr 5 fe nm lcIFrank WR EV.g and moacI nather than bbthe gulatioui c.ans< rCinton Egisi Evervone enjoyed an exce- thers, Bo- 200fee sice l wulda iwand Paili,1 PL hîoîi visitosi lent turkey dinner pnovided by Mtrs. N. C, the Nyard 10 be out of sigh. At lrS. W' \1 1 the Ladies' Auxiliarv of th' Mi- andi 1 the 21)0 foot mark there is a I c1Io.ssd 1i iss Jean ILogion. Following- dinner they Ilou. jili rise in land and it eulca luylPhdlp, * c andi u. Davici joineci in a sing song led by of Fisheri bc seen fmom the highxvav. Pbsev anci Wc:n, spet a fevj John M. James, M.P. M.P and I Mr. Sissoii had hopes of daytissvitil ruoi-'1x r.M.c. and i Mi1rs., The chairman of the dinner, of the Dui' tabiishing in tbc south of the L. l1LuJlcor andi Lynda. i bila- Alan Osborne introduced May- lion amd 1'1 township but in the interini dtbi.Pa. y or Nelson Osborne to the Fi rtb, 1Lcg council have neccivcd numorous Mir. and Mrs. W,. MurphY and complaints from n esidents !il fainily v. ;Àcd SMr. anîd 1Mi'. W . group. Mayor Osborne gave a Rickaby, bbe arca ii]sM'îl fine speech on John M. James, ville Char Mr. Sisson pointed out that WIts. L' ti 1 <'0, s5.isb ed bv the mani. He told of knoxving Mr. andi bbe wrecking of auitomnobi,'es i.'s i. tt 1<-cuti a<'i . James since early cbiidbood Mr. andi ail esential andi capidly gr-owvinj b leul r tk iIC ifouiii d fave same intercsting points Orono: industry. X',igvu~1w(Vu a . <~ .-- brtlits background.* Port Porc- saisi are noxv kept in ordecly, %PuosciOntou rtuGa hc. iîms, Wilfrid Carruthers, DepuIs' - lar Wad ansi respectable fashion andsi Slig-s01onai uiaSiw 00or nOy- shoulsi be bcld in bbc sanie cd- anai Deborah visited bier bro- csteem as any other business. j~Dotirlas .-ie Malton. sp-ent 11w" wo is if bospital in Tom-ra e If a wcecker expeets to mnake Ile whs n x i chh îl otior, Fonrem a resonblelivng nd eepMrs. L. donc'- h ar r easpnabaelng and ste pPc at d f !Sdo 1 xi:it- DMus.. Iorace Vetzai entertain e bis~~~ yadiesetble"ut gh i,coir 1~.anii Mus.i cd the ladies of the community P e e frst have a good location wbicb JOe ptî!î. for bbc Spring Tea on Wedncs- can easily be reachesi. It is bis swr. nid 51r. LRonM tore andsi av afternoon, intentions he said ta establifl Grace c-c - îr M rsf \r.jMssoay rgame o a respectable yard and comipîs'a,, i Mix.A \u of 11man--r pogame o witb tbe wishes of sunroundc .- vjjiî- I A.Suîday aI Sunday Sehool wvas Group 01 ing nesidents. TcAyu:.uicnMis. Frankî in charge of the Young People's Trinity W., Weu'urvy 4U')t the EBail Class. Miss Aldus Morrison mecting or their dacgter, Mn. and Mrs. Golic f VWý. Y i't ico visit- preesi for the opening assis*.- ai. the bon W. A. Baney. u~ '<e" ~ ~ ~ d by Miss Lois Antil who iedMisJa Mn. anîd Mus. W. A. Blanev GuM: t'.lr in i in prayer and Miss Gloria Phil- iii a body,s are mnoving ta Spruce Dale, andi oon'-,l 1k - i cui\.Iirs. Le0on lips ,wbo rcad bbc scriptcire. dl their ar have solci their bouse Io Mcrtcr-0'en t-rnl u. Miss Margaret MacGregor Ï11a- i.Ja and Mus. Gordon Bland cf 1-. L'ouclitpL c ýýda 1muano soîo.1 icoducesi the guest speaker,l Thrnei. Oshawa. 'mo r 1:',t on i',- ar-w-s allow- Miss Margaret Pellow of Osti- Tem Suinday visitons or Mr. andsL'cl for cuir iw'"i at-u i îss axva. Miss Pellow showed col- Prosident Y Vrs. John A. Noble, Base Line, i J cn u !i"- ctcr'utt mis- oued sldes fmom Jamaica where vzhuclî MuIs. vene Mn. and Mns. FuesiFcdunrs <ci"T'îl '"ýi,1 îincbl she spent some lime during the duetosi the rant Lceandxill Tornoo. id îd&oiu aif-hloluir past vean. Her very intenesting perioci of ne 'ctLc ad ii, onnt. pin mesFage made bier hearers reai- by ail1. Mirs. Les Sniowdon andi Mil- Ccciîu-catuia1 ions te Mr- lierbi X'e iîow very fontunate ac is , Oui bchald dred, Mr-. Tom Gimiblett Sr., caumî:u r-ion tý ut ii:tiîsias'. t live in Canada, also lit'Ms I i rdu. and Mus. Charles Snowdeon, and ( i.R< \c airîî hlienn atrwia hî oopuoec Mrn. and Mrs. Herbert Ric-hardsanici. ,"-sEO<Mirl, race or colon may be aur 1loan it and Mc. Reg. Harding, Town, clilru ,\-:tjM.at n..fimss is oieWbet n buîîc were guests af Mn. Will Snow%- W ilurdvvas piiîîst for bbe service. mujas -ie. ien, i-. andi Mus. Letooze ancd S.Pi -- ciichie parts' is, Attendance -was 178. icuveci bv al] Roger, last week. bs ki Ili,, 1<Pti; -li 'eScheol Mus. Letooze and Rager werc-lr Ci'i ýi. ls' ' vun i r ut 8 1)11. 3unday suppen guests af Mr. ____ Rus imlel ns C UBI E How This Newspaper -ep Mn. Alfredi Letooze is visiting nu Toronto with Mn. and Mn-. A cu'mat shower 'vis Ddolone. Jlils t Ci:' I I -oci)/~1.~ IV.M.S. Meeting jc. cîrs 'i- fo1r Mui The Macch meeting of tbb1c iTj I, "Mt i:îsi lA- .M.S. was hielsi on Mai-eh 6,tl n Vs. S. Morton iii change. Mus. ;as-1icut dorIon couîducted the busins.x i'.v: c'-i for th--, ifer wlîich tbe programm oc,-'i<.3 t 1, ucPon t ammitîe bock charge. Mus. L -. b ib eral Friday paid tribute ta M. ii bchaîf of the farm- îrhani County for the Iin whicb he has re- 1thcm iat Ottawa. enator Speaks rW. A. Ëraser spake 'clie said, he is of poiitics, but he did paY bis respects to the iberal Association for array of bead table ind constituents Who the dinner. -ser paid bis respects I. James, M.P., for the ivork he does as a of Parliament. "He is vorker and bas an en- ~oalitv". Senator Fra- It is ail rigbt for the hoys in tbe House ta pecchcs, but speech- ýnot work, and it is tcouints. be said. enator also commend- ýNelson Osborne on speech and bis excel- Iin public office. He d the new industrY that L- t Bowmanville and atcd the Mayor on -ch a fine communitY. ad Table Guests tabie guests included; Mrs. Roy Forrester, [Ir. and Mrs. George Mr. and Mrs. H. E. ort Hope; Hon. W. A. and Paul Crawford, Dr. Claude Vipond, 7andidate for Ontario Rceve of Darlîngton Roy Nichois; Deputy- i Mrs. Wilfrid Carru- )wvmanvillc, Mr. and Dsbornc, Bowmanville; Mrs. Alan H. Osborne; nes Sinclair, Minister ies: John M. James, Mrs. James; President .hain Liberal Associa- Mrs. Bob Kent; Jameî gion President; R. P. President Bowman- inbor of Commerce; I Mrs. Russell Honey; Mrs. Roy Forrester, Jr. Richard Bowles, ,,; and Mr. and Mrs. ie, Newtonville. veIGift .nted to W. Street 'ne, Scugog Street, af A. lield their March nThursday March 7th rie of Mrs. W. Street, Street. The ladies met surprising Mrs. Stréet irrival, as Mrs. Street are mnoving ta Scar- Âng was conducted by 1\1rs. -1. Freeman after sAustin Larmer con- eworship. A short recreation was enjoyed If of the ladies present inday and Mrs. Albert ýncI Mrs. Street and Sa 11111e gift, in re- eof their stay in Bow- A social time was en- il]. Advertisers. 2 TIM CANADUN STATESMAN. BOWXA»ft-"ý- M"AMO » A ý MIR avmnmgnnmllm