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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Mar 1957, p. 2

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r /PAGE TWO * r. - i THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVTLLE, OWPARh. ?TJRSDAY, MARCH 14th, 1937 Family Club Addressed By Traveller Members Telverten: The March meet- applications ta modern living. Ing of Famnily Club was heid on Mr. and Mýrs. Lawrence Staples Marc 8 n CurchHal wih awere the genial host and hostess, bettr han verageHallttea.supplying some very entertain- nled n the eavengsaenda"' ng stunts and contests. was the acceptance of volunteer sponsors for the following oc- BLA CKSTOCK casions: euchre party for March 29. the Murray Malcolms: Fam- ily Club on April 12. the Ralph Wo-He-Lo mission Band met Malcolms. Tuesday afternoon with Sharon A special collection was taken Larmer presiding. Mrs. Hill to be presented to the Bethany baEed her woship talk on Da- Fund for Donald Smelt which vid the Shepherd and offered amnounted ta $10. It was decided prayer. Lorna Wright took up ta set up Mouse Evacuation .<or the offeing and Judy Mount- Eviction) Notices in the piano joy said the prayer. Minutes prior to an overhaul in an effort were read by Heather MacKeen. to keep in tune with our ail o! a Roll was well answered wiffh sudden tone-conscious commun- a Bible verse. Elizabeth Thomn- fty. son played a piano solo "Long Special treats in store for the Long Ago": Ronald Ma'rtycx gathering were an impromptu read "The Rainbow"; Linda travelogue pesented by our Kyte read "The Blue Knight". globe-trotting Balfour Moore After sonae exercises Mrs. H. who recounted the highlights of Kyte told the story, "Preparing lhis trip to Calîfornia. Bal! had for Grandmother's Birthday". rnany souvenirs of his trip pres- There were 17 children present. ent to examine. Howard Mal- coirn also gave a brief esume of There were thirteen tables his trip to St. Louis. Missouri, of cuchre played at the Farm- with considerable audience ap- ers' Union party Wednesday) rpeal. night. Winners were: Mrs. Ar- Mir. and Mrs. Ray Robinson thur Leighton and Mrs. Fred wvere in change of devotional andi Hodgson, Port Perry; Messrs. program with Ernestine doing Merrili Van Camp and Wes her customary fine job o! the Sweet. Consolation prizes, Mrs. topic based on the theme o! the W. Sweet and Mr. Harold Cal- "ExDpjorera" with many timely berry, Port Perry. IGuaranteed XLI Repairs to ail Makes of Cars ani AUI! 1l .l 4inrnpp d Trucks *Competent Workmanship *Minor Body Work and Spraying Cowan Equipment Co. Meteor - Mercury Dealer 134 King St. L. Bowmanville Phone MA 3-5689 \t #R4r Sure, and if's a happy ST. PATRICK'S DAY Rouls Hllir Cusad ar tP RuiCraff Cards Ii iThey're as gay and bright as Sprnîg.. The nicest way to surprise anîd please vour fniends.a Corne in and select Youîrs at "BIG 20" il r APPRECIATION DAY MRHN TO - DAY Flying Officer Peter Philp of West Hill spent an afternoon with the Dalton Dorrell's 93 lie was moving from the Mari- times to Western Canada. Misa Bert Freelin attendeda business meeting o! the Be.1 Telepnone in Toronto. The annual Shorthorn sale held it Mr. Fred Trewins' barns. Blackstock, on Friday, %vas well attended and consid- ened quite successful. The high school entertainers presented their play, "The Calamity Kids" in Wesfmount, Oshawa, Friday night. Messrs. Fred Trewin, J. Car- naghan. Harold Martyn an- Boyd Ayre form a rink wbu competed in the annual Farm- ers' Bonspiel beld in Brampton Wednesday and brought home a tube chicken-feeder apiece. Messrs. Harvey Grahani. Richard Van Camp, Keith Van Camp and Stuart Dorreli com- peted in the Junior Fammemi' Bonspiel in Barrie Wednesday but were not fortunate in wln- ning a prize. A littie more practice, boys. Mr. and Mrs. Weir Swain, To- ronto, caled on his sister, Mns Clarence Marlow in Port Per Hospital and visited Mr. and Mms. Herb Swain and family. Mrs. Oakley Carley, Wrlhitby, visited Mvr. and Mrs. Harohc Swain and family and callci on Mms. Clarence Marlow in hospital. A good attendance of ladies gathered in the Anglican Churcr Friday to participate in the Wold Day of Frayer Service. Mrs. J. Hamilton, President of the Anglican Woman's Associa- tion, presided and voiced ap- preciation of again liaving tw.. minister's wives with ber or the platform. We trust the Presbyterians also will soort have a resident minister and wife. Ladies from the Anglican, Pesbyterian and Cadmus, Nes- tleton, Caesamea and Blackstoeli United Churches took part ir the service. Mrs. T. Langfelc rendered a finle solo 11Just For Todav". Mrs. P. Romeril gave the address in a fine îxanner and Mrs. Chiaperlin led in the elosing prayer. Grade 10 of Higb Sehool wvent to Oshawa Wednesday night to see the play 'Julius Caesar". Mm. and Mms. Neil Bailey moved into their lovely new home in the noth village Sat- unday. Mr. and Mrs. L. Pearce, Poitt Penny, visited Mr. and Mms. Wes Peace and Mrs. Geo. Crawford, Sunday. Mm. and Mrs. Russell Mount- joy spent Thumsday and Sunday with Mm\Is. Cecil Fenguson, New- castle. Mr. and Mns. Russell Mount- joy entertained Mn. and Mrs. Leslie MountjoY, Mrs. H. Gra- ham, Toronto, and Mi-s. J. Me- Kee on Wednesday, it bein.g the golden wedding day of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Mountjoy They egetted Mms. Leslie's sis- ters were unable to attend ow- in.- to illness. A vemy pleasafll quiet day was spent. The bride and groom o!f fifty years werc the recipients o! several indivi- dual gifts and cards fromn rela- tives, friends and neighborý- Congratulations AU. and M"s. Mlountjoy and may you ecrnx- tinue to have nîlany yeams oi happy life together. Mn. and Mrs. Anson Taylor, Oshawa, with bis parents, M.,. and Mrs. Roy Taylor, Saturday. Mm. and Mns. Arnold Taylo: and Dianne, visited ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Nobleý Uxbridge, who have just ro- tumned from Florida. Spning must be on the waýI even thjough w-e are having snow and snowplows very busy Saturday, as we see the birds are comnmencing ta migrate northward-Mr. and Mrs. Ross Duf!, Gaham and Marilyn r-e> tumned home foni Flonida Fri- day. Visitons with Mn. and MmE Lewis Henry and Mrs. We.- Bradburn on Saturday: Mr. and Mms. Frank Carter and family, Map1e rove; n Sunday, Mr. e e a March l4th is the Opening of WIDEMAN'S LADIES? WEAR 48 KING ST. E. ]BOWMANV1LLE1 (Formerly C.N .R. Express Office) featu ring DRESSES MILLINERY and . ACCESSORIES - A cordial invitation is cxtcîîded to the ladies of Boivnauville1 and district te visit this new store. f LX s a .1 E s, i Ul a e 2 H -i I il 'I New Education Grant s Big HeIp b Boards The Ontario Governmnents announced increase in Educa- tion Grants will certainly bé> welcome news to local taxpay- ers. The grants will help ta sup- plemcnt the increased cost of education and in addition. wi] help steady the mill rate in many mtinicipalities. If has also -been announced that in addition there will bc a supplementary grant paid to ail eemenary and seeondary schools. This grant will aid in maintaining proper equipment and supplies which are a costly item ta most schoo]s. Wlii Heip Rural Schools Among the schools the in- crease wilI aid are the Rural School Boards. If will enabla them to naake necessamy repains to nooms and buildings. In ad- dition they will be able to offer a somewhat better salary scale to teachers. This bas been a largf prob- lemn as mnost city schools arý3 able ta offen a bighen rate of pay and other attractive offersi ta teachens. As a nesult of this many teachers prefen to remain in the city affer graduation and experienced teachers will not remain in the rural areas be- cause o! the lowv wages. Trustees who are pnesently faced with the problem of con- sideing staff for the coming school terni will be able to offer themn more than they could pre- VIOUSly. This will undoubtedly mean a higher standard o! tnaining for the pupils o! ural scboois,. Pesently many rural schools have only one teacher, whose job if is to feaéh several grades. It is possible that with the in- crease the Boards will be able ta hire additional belp for thein. Bethany WeAe to Send Supplies to Ethiopiai Mrs. VTincent Jackson enter- for remodelling the church kit- tained the members of th2 chen. Womnan's Association of the Mrs. Thomas Jackson and United Church on Tuesday af- membcrs of Group Three had ternoon, with the vice-president, charge of the program, with Mrs. Thomas Jennings conduc- IMrs. jackson- giving a talk on ing the devotional and business -'"The Power 0f Prayers". period. Mrs. Walter Neal read '"Pîayer is the soul's sincere de- the Seripture lessoiî with M~ sire, uttered or unexpressed. It Jennings giving 'Thoughts (Du is laying our lives open before iThe Lesson". God ini gratitude and expec- Mrs. R. R1. Bonsteel discussed tancy, casting ourselves on His a v.o)nen' .s rally for the Man- mercy and love, telling Hlm, ail vers circuit to be held at Jan- ahe desire of our hearts and etville on March 29. The us cce pting His way for our lives. speaker wvill be Miss Etta Snow. Prayer is spiritual fellowship missionary on furlough fronm with God." Ancsola. Mrs. Mervyn Porteous tock Mrs. John White requesttd the topic on "Faith". "Faith the member-; to assist in mnakinf alone gives us the way to walk rolis of bandages, which w;l I with God. Stormis are bound ta go to 14thiopia with, Miss Fledda blot out the sun. God is faithful Veal, a missionary wvho L; hi the shadows as well as sun- spending lier furlough in thîiý light. lf %we seek. we shail find. district. She is retuirning in Faith is the gift of God, who May. Further plans were made provides for every day. We need t0 fortify our lives with Faith and this cails for Chris- 'vV.I t\4 rchtian Fellowship, Bible study and IW I archrrayr". rs.R. R. Bonstecl 1g sang "}Iow Grept T'hou Art" ac- M\4eeting Hield companicd by Mrs. John Whitný. Lunch was served by the hostess assisted bv members of Nestleton: Nestîcton Women's ou Tre.MsT:enng iInstitute met for Ilheir Marclî expressed the tbanks of the .meeting af fthc home of Mrs. R. ladies ta Mms. Jackson for the Davison, with splendid attend- uise 'o! ber home and toala] - ance. Following the usual OP- thoFe who had assisted inth -ening, correspondence and sev- program. * pEaa tajaamsa4ouno. aMuulli m -- *It was aranged to hold the 1District Annual Convention in *PresbyL'erian church. MSrs. Mveade Mrs. Mackie and MUrs. K. Sana- cils were appointed a Nom- inafin;4 Committee to draw up Speaker at the new slate of officers and % Mrs. Steels suggestion of sew -I inga ocetonan apron to 'Pra yer Service mollci a -y auliépt Bethîany: Tbe World Day 'if tern in chinaware". Prayer wvas obsenved in Befh- Mrs, K. Samelîs, convener of any am a joint service o! the Honme Economiics and llealth niemnbers o! the United Church reviewed current events foi- the and St. Paul's Anglican Chumch. previaus month and Mrs. John %vith MIrs. Otto Spencer, presi- Hoyer enlarged on the theme oLf dent of the Women's Missionamy *the clays inoîto, *Economly 1i Society ieading the service. bal!f thc batfle Of lEfe-". MIrs. 11- The pnogram with ifs thene Vine iead an actLclc "Danger- i Who Shaîl Separafe Us" wvas ous Chemicals"-some are very specially prcpaned and writfen poisonous. Mrs. W. Jackzson for this Day by Serena Vassa- read "Medical .Rouuidup*" and dy, forrnerly o! Hungary anci Mrs. K. Sanielîs read "Hanse- noiv a citizen o! the United cl1e an i ng Hints'. "SP-,îlg States. If was adapted for usp Frauds", a tinicly article, was in Canada by a committee oi' s read by Mrs. Mv. Emerson and the Womnen's Inten-Church Mrrs. Gist provided mnusic for! Couneil o! Canada. the "Naine the sang" colitosti won y Ms. Vne.The Scipture lesson was won y Ms. bv Mrs. H. F. Rayson. Mrs *Mrs. Hoyer's group served the H. Jakemnan, Mms. E. Been an-1 usual dainty lunch and M r: îs. E. Lamb gave, readlng3 Cecil Wilson tendered the mieet- on Peace. Witnessing and Vie- ing«s thanks ta the Il~s2, tory. Leading in special pnay- lthe p-ograin convelier and 111,i, rs wene Mrs. II. F. Rayson, da3ys gi-oup. jMis. G. E. Meade, Mms. R. Wood i and Mrs. R. R. Bonsteel. ;Mrs. G. E. Meade spoke bnief- YELVERTflN y i .- iVng ,a sumniary o! h IWorld' Day o! Prayen whirh Congratulations ta Mr. and %\vas held as ealy as 1887. Con- Mrs. John Wright on the birth t ining, Mrs. Meade said "Pnay- of a son - Yelverton*s fiîst con- j r and worship are at their bPe4 tributian to the '57 Derbv. 1 Whcii practiced in fhe companv Sympathy of the corîn itx- li yis of thr. Love is the gneateit extended ta the irniediate fami--d orlin the world. Christ corn- ily of Mrs. Louis McGilI, Janlet-j ville, in their sdMeeaveg The March meeting o! Yelvei - ton W'*A. was held at the home' of Mrs. Jas. Sheckleton, Presi- i dent Lorna Wilson 1pîcsidiing.' Rev. R. R. Bonsteel tank th(-,dde-: votional based on keeping thle Lenten Eeason ini ait appiopriate Isabelle Wilson, Asst. Sec, read fthe minutes. Considerable discussion i-e pur- chase oi a nc-w organi. culmîinat - ing in a vote being taken w-hi ch approved fthc purchase of ail1 organ in the $1,000 pîice bracket as being more practical consider ing the limifed resources of thi * Fuel Dii imore onate expensive models. fReports were beard Ironi* aS,' O Treasurer and Flower and FruitVOUl Commi ftee. A short discussioi re Faslhion Show dota ils. Nexi . , Automatie weather W.A metngatEileen M I- colm's. Program was convened! X. controlled and met- by Helen Nesbitt. Jovce Mal- ered deliverles rive colrn contibuted a readinfi you the beui in 'Don't Quit": Isabel Wilson.'srie "Believe in Vourseif": ý'The'__ ede Road fa Happincss' bv Heleni!PO followed bv a contest. Hostesse were Jo >ve', and Lulu Malcolm.M MNa, Seckleton. A carload of hog produýcer 35 1 attended the convention in L % 56 Toronto on Thuî-sdav. Thosei attending w %ere Messrs. Jack WVilson. Flo"cl Stinson. I.awrenRLc - Staples and Howard Malcolm. On behaîf o! the reader fans o! thaf "Grass Roots Columnnist À eH . iiiiglit we express a cor di-al w-el- * H coare hack f0 the "FoIld' to Ed. Yotîngmian w'hose unorthodo: uttemings have been a source of Stu rrockc eader delight in the nast. Man.v AND SN Happv Refurns on the reverse SN side o!f the Welcorni Mat ta this INIPERIAL ESSO DEALER Cocknev-Iî-ishman v-ho. v-e lea ru from secret sources \il! lie ccie- j Slurrock St. - Bowmanville *brating on th-, -Ides o! M1arch' i~ ~o uo an anniversary of sone iîhreej iWs o one scope years. lt short eut shartk cent guests with Mr. and Mrs. H. A. McMaster. Mr. Manseil Wright spent Monday and Tuesday in King- ston, attending an Insurance Convention. Mrs. Ray Stinson and sons Danny and Kenny of Oshawa, are visiting this week with Mr. and Mms. Percy Mantie. The Ladies' Good Luck Lodge held a successful progressive euchne party in the Orange Hail on Friday night with prizes for high score going to Mrs. Mona McMaster and Mr. Milton Chai- lice, consolation awards to Mns. Edmnund Staples and Mrs. Roy mande .,P .one another. Must .pr this commnand- nient ad pray toge- ther for f othens. An" we pra ti nstias? Ar we do liv ý ttothers will be d a n i t te Life i.. Christ?" A trio, Mrs. M. Porteous, Mrs. T. Jennings and Mrs. P. Neal sang "The Lord Is My Shep- herd" accompanied by organist Mrs. Clarence Rowan. M OERRIS H The social evening was heldj on Thursday evening M arc h 71 at the home o! Mr. and Mrs.1 Allen Peters. A large number! wene present and 1 1 tables of euchre played. The usual prze frhigh 'and low soe were given, also a door prize. Lunch i was served by the hostess and' committee. The next social willi be on March 21 at the home of, Mr. and Mrs. Hammy Beckett.1 Sunday School wvas held asi usual withi 46 present. The Cal to Worship was given by Rodger Harness. The session was con- ducted by Superintendent Mrs. Fred McConnell. S.S. as usutal next week affer Church Service at 10 a.m. Mms. D. Haines eturned home on Sunday from Toronto affer two wveeks during whic h many X-rays and examinations weme taken. Mrs. Haines returns for further examinations in Ma.v. The last quiît of the season wvas finished on Wednesday last. This wvas the thirteenth since January, quite a record for our' small group. Miss M. Beckett spent Wednes- day and Thursday with ber sis ter Mrs. M. Allison at New- castle. Mrs. Frank Anderson and' granddaughter Elaine had din- ner wlth Mrs. Wm. McHolm on Sunday. .Mrs. E. Wilson spent the week- end at Oshawa with ber daugh- ter Miss Emmina Wilson -whose- marriage, to Mr. Bill McKay of Kingston is to take place in Oshawva on Saturday. April 6th., A shower was given Miss Wilson by hem many friends on Fridav evening. BETHANY Mrp.. James Mowatt and Mrs. Gordon Brufon, Toronto, werc' recent guests with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Wright. Mn. Fred Schilling who bas been a patient in Civic Hospi- tal wvas able to return to his home Monday. Mn. and Mrs. Verne Mull*,- gan left on Fiday night to spend three wvteks' 'vacation in Flonida. They wene acconi- panied by their sister and bro- ther-in-law, Mr. and Mms. Dou- las Bruce o! Petrolia. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mill- son and sons Ronald and Rob- ent o! Oshawa, were recent guests wîth Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Rowan. Mn. Milîson was a former principal o! the Beth- any sehool.' Mrs. James McKinnon is in Ingersoîl visiting with hem sii- ter and bnothem-in-law Mr. and Mrs. William Balley. Mn. and, Mms. N. Cufts of Vancouver, B.C., and Mm. Doug- las Cufts o! Glenoma were re- Movtarch Reg. Price 2 for 55oe-SAVE ". MARGARINE 3-lb pkgs79C Aylmer Reg. Price. 31cSAVE 2a BARILEIT PEARS 20-oz inl9c Clart's Reg. Price 49ç-BSAVE 4* SPAGHETTI DINNER 'k45C Br.ght's Reg. Prioe tin 31c--SAVE 3o TOMATO JUICE 2 48-oz tns 59C Kraft Cracker Barre! MILD CHEESE 13-oz wed49C LEGS Ferren. Mxrs. John White won the lucky door prize. There were 13 tables of players. Lodge inembers served lunch. Tura OId Furnilure inta Cash with - STATESMAN I CLASSIFIEDS Phone MA 34 OPPORTUNITY THIS AREA MANAGER WANTED <Part Time OnIy) 3 10,000.00 te $20.000.00 annual incarne possible by spendinq on! e haurs manthi in luit spar* limen. W* t1 etlisbed Ccinadian çCa;mpanuy will appoint local man or woman te supervise Ibis consatiancal uie No expérience necessary as we train jota Ini al phases of th. business and no hiçjh pressure mon la wanted es ne 3111129 Ou jour Part in roqujred. Qualifications aru as Iallows: 1. GOOD CHARACTER AND REFERENCES 2. SPARE 5 to 10 HOURS MONTHLY 3. A MINIMUM OF $1,600.00 CASH REQUIRED WHICH IS FULLY SECURED If yau can mentthons qualifications and désir* an Interview with Company Exécutive in jour croa, answer Ibis ad Immediatelj. Please do nlot answer this advertjsement unies% you are dettitielv interested ini a business on a high plane, have the necessar as h available. and are a porion who can matie and give a définit* eiso alter you know the tacts, as thonse soloced wtil be appointed immédiately. This is a once in a liletinie oppartunity wilh a permanent unlimited incarne. For a personal interview in jour arec, write Jully about yourself, include phone number, ta J. W. WEBB COMPANY DEPT. K. 1449 St. Alexander, MONTREAL, QUebec US VOUR DIAMOND SECURE?0 -la your diamood oeeur. M--n"Aree clams worn thia? Are the ahoulder diamonds le' Ithe bamof the mttù* woru? b liebaMdwm n u? YOUR OLD sTLE D14MOND RING CAN BE MADE BEA UTIFUL AND NEW YOUR OLD JEWELRY WITH j vr QUALITv c"Mies rmau Ring siwià rHERE'8 HIDDEN TRIA SURI IN TOUR JEWIL BOL Out of date jewelry you dont won bai littie practical value. Yet the gem can be beautifully reset. Let us show yen the many moderc and striking mountings = chare quickly and economically available. r' Prie." Effective Until Saturday, Marah lOth, 1957. lb 53 c LOI NS Kidney in, Flank on lb 3 7 FRONTS FuliCut lbZ3c CHOPS CENTRE LOIN CHOPS Rib Loin lb3 9C lb53c CHOICE MEATY SPARE RIBS rb49e Peamealed, 2 ta 3-lb End Cuts Wheat!ey Brand, Coolced Bock Bacon 't' 57c Perch Fillets 12oz pkg49c Lake Erie, Headless and Drcssed MiId Cure, Smoked Smelts lb25c Scotch Kippers nb29c Te SPECIAL!1 BLUEBERRY PIE Jane Psrker Plain 'ender Fresh, Washed and Trimmed, J L Y R L N o. 1 G rad eJane Parker C innam o ut CARROTrS DONUTS Je Parker Reg. Grown in the Bradford Marshlond 3-LB CELLO BAG 1 9C r Reg. Prie es-SAVE Se .c5 9c Reg#. Prie 33c-BAVE 4c each 29cr Reg. Prie 27c-SAVE 2o pkg of 1215 1Prie pkg 2o.4.,rS HOOPER'S JEWELLERY & GIFT SHCs Cornein aM m e untosdy SUPER RIGIIT QUALITY MNEATSI LAMB SALE SUGAR COOKIES 2pkgs4 Oc 4 wi

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