THMISDAY, MARCH 14th, 1957 How California Trip Looks Through Eyes bf Eîg ht-Year-OId Recently Mr. and Mrs. Ralph, Ames and their daughter Jili drove to California and back. Dur* g the trip and the visit t ere1 kept a diary. We pub- rhh1 diany below to give irrda fës an Idea how the journey appeared through theý eyes of an 8-year-old. The story is in the original form with the spelling mistakes being left as they were. Jill is in Grade 3 at Vincent Massey Public School. We drove in a 1957 buick. We left at 10 to 1 Fni., Feb. lst. Everyone brought lots of cari- dies, for insends lifesavers, gum, cookies and lots of othens. Clara Smith ibrought a beautiful camn- era. We ail bought films for ît except I had my own cam- era. Saw beautiful seenree, and Went under lots of bridges. Just came in to Ajaxs, and we are going across the top of To- ronto. Tell you more in a while. We saw great big bridges and then we saw nice little red and white cabins. Saw a great big school too. Everybody wore slacks. This is who went: Daddy, For School or Play Sanforized! Washable! )Sheen Gabardine for Gfr or Boys For Spring wear right through Summer, this versatile Car Coat looks smart and gives stylish protection. The collar and f Iy front are lined with "pellon" ta keep their shape and insure non-wrinkling after wash- ing. Front zipper closing makes this an easy-on, easy-off garment. Two patch pockets and good 3/4 length. For Girls ini sizes 4 - 6 - 8 Red or turquoise For Boys in sizes 6 - 8 - 10 - 12 Novy or Beige SPECIAL PURCHASE Value ,9AC *Mummy, Gramma Dora, Aline Osborne, Clana Smith and Jill Ames. I just cannot wait until we get to Hollywood. From a big taîl bridge wc- could see houses down below. Thene barclly was one house without a TV airyle. We saw great big buildings. The houses looked like they wene ail ta- gether. Saw a great big house with almost dozens of windows. There was quite a bit of snow. And we saw a drive-in theatre. There were siganails and signs everywhere. And then I saw a ranch typed bouse with a fence around it, then saw a very old bouse that looked a hun- dred years old. The bouses were pretty and we saw fiags and a small sbapping-center. We are on number 5 high- way. We saw botels and mo- tels, al aven. Now we are in Dixie. And I for got wbat I was going to say, Oh! I was going to say we saw churches. Now we are in Cooksvile. Went down the main street in Cooks- ville and saw a beautiful new bank, then saw a beautiful yei- low motol. We saw a bouse that looked like a castie. Now we're in Eindale. Then I saw an apple orchard. Then we saw some barns. Now we're in Tra- falgar, now it's Palimo. We played a game and here's wbat we played. If we came to a fiee barn and not a nice bouse, the man was boss; if we came to a nice bouse, not a nice barn the mother xvas boss. Then we came to a bigh scbool, and then a beautiful motel. Then we came to a place wbere you could rent boats. We bave a lovely radio in tbe car. We saw a turkey farm and a nîce red and green barn with a star on tbe top. The next place we camne to was Troy, Ontario. It is a very small place. We saw a funny little scbool with a bell in the steeple?. Tbe next place was St. George. It was a very pretty little place. We came to a road unden construction (for seven miles). We have gone a bundred plus 2 miles. It was ten after 3 and we bave just eaten at the Wbite Horse and then we changed. I was in the front. Then we passed Queen WarJ Scbool. Next we came to Folk- land. Then we went through Paris and we went up a hl and I leaned over on Aileen al the way. Now we have gone 117 miles. Now we're in Wood- stock. We stopped in Windsor, On- tario, staying at Cas-a-Don Mo- tel for the night, it is really nice here in the motel. Just going to bed. I wrote Gramma~ Sandy and Grampa Jesse .On the' way up twa trucks were racing. I saw a tower too, and passed the YMCA. Next morning, Saturday, Feb. 2, 1957, we got up at 5 o'clock. Then in our own room we bad toast, coffee and drank orange juice. This, day is groundhocg day but I don't think we will see a Groundhog. Our motel we stayed at was lovely. It bad a television and some beds. One bed was a twin bed the other was flot. There was twa beautiful dressers. And two littie lamps beside the -beds, and a beautiful shower and some windows, some nice cur- tains. We went through the tunne-11 to Detroit and' it didn't get light out until nearly 7.30.ý Daddy got lost in Toledo, Ohio and a policeman toid us where ta go. It is a beautiful day and wben we got ta Indianapolis at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon the snow was almost gone and the sun was warm. We passed the Indianapolis Fair Grounds and Gene Autry was there. We took pictures without aur coats on. We stopped at a Howard John- stan's restaurant for the big folks ta bave coffee. We past thraugh the coloured section of this city and negro folks op- erated the stores, gas stations, taxis etc. We stayed the night at Mount Carmel, Illinois. Shop- ped aI nigbt and Dad bougbt 0 T THRT OU ROLPH TEE IV 1 LL You HA P. IL PROBABLY &IVE M A NI( IVEBATT W CAMTT 8E, AA 11P T&IIS _ _N;STOU ITIOP Au 0OWei JMEIP r AGAIN ! 'm SWEET SALES T ON ANOTHER l Il Y 1 rn'y ALK C-OING TO -Towm* To PLAM SRAND THEY HAVE. OUT 19 YOU HAV "$Top-w-START" BATTERY ANY SENSE YOUIL GO RICPHT IN HERE 0-ro-elO THItOAT LY AND 6iT A NATIONALLY ADVERTISED poWN ngIR *9 0 &ATTERY FROM OUR DEALFP- NERE IN BOWMANVILLF crossed a long bridge that was aven the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers. I bought a pink dog in a nice restaurant, "The Salad Bowl" at Walnut Ridge, Arkan- sas. We stopped at. 5.30 oulside Little Rock, Arkanse at Troutt Motel. Very ni.c. We saw green grass today and '.thie tempera- ture is 55 degrees. We are in Texas now, where everyone wears ten-galan hatz and cowboy boots. I' gaI a new paid of cowboy boots. I just wrote 6 post cards ta my fiends. Staying at Flamingoo Motel. The ligbts keep going on and off. Now we are in Midland. It's quite a big tawn. In Texas I stood beside a Texas Ranger and a Yucca tree, and had my picture taken. And we saw Mstletoe grawing in a mesquite tnee. The Texas Ranger was trying to catch a stolen car. That's the trutb. And he bad a gun and bullets. We saw lots of cactus too. We saw cotton fields and it bad seeds in it like ail cotton. Mountains were as bigh as thi sky, and we saw Mexican children. We are in San Bernardino. Mn. Paget, Ainsley's father, took us the first monning ta Ghost Town, known as Knott's Berry Farm, wbere we rode in a train and just as we were going ta leave, same men came in the train and they were bur- glars. Tbey had camne ta hold up the train and get ail the money. Everyane was scared, inclooding me, and then we fed some seals. We wauld throw food in the ,water and they would chase - ",it*- "ý you hel-1 the faod upi .ý _ ehey would jump for it.C~t ~ went in ta Capastrona ýwhere . we fed pidgens. Tbey -flew alaven us when we hatlý,food., Then we saw a Cathlqdeý Church. In Cathleag cht# _e waee goes in bas ta ;Wear sometbing even if it is just a bandkerchief. We saw a big building that was tomn down by an eartb-quake. The second day we went up a mountain rigbt ta the top and that same day we went ta the desent. It was offly bot. I had ta wear a sun dress. I am just about neady jp go to bed. At Ainsley's I leep -,in the top bunk. Ainsiey1 is ,going ta mave. Today I biought a-little china Billy goat. We saw tlic' place' whcre al the movie stars.stay. It had a lovely swimming pool too. It is called Lake Arrowhead. It look- ed like a castie. It was pink and blue. It bad privaI baîhs too. Ainsley has a lavely home. It is Sunday, Feb. 10th and Gram- ma Dora and,,d stayed at the lovely Hollywoôdd Colonial Ha- tel in Las Angeles. And thal nigbt Mommy and Daddy stay- ed at the Motelà,oo.. And then wc got bungryî"so-vwe found a restaurant on 'Hollywood an-d Vine street.;à-2 The next day we went to Farmmer's Market where 1 bought a broocb with "Sandy' on it for Gramnma Sandy, and a bandkerchicf for Grampa F ine Talent Heard at Brooklin Choir Concert Kedron: Kedron community was largely nepnesented at th2 Ontario County Farmen Choir Concert held in Brooklin Hall on Saturday evening, when a capacity audience attended "Talent Showcase", the 1957 musical presented by this fine choir. Dinector, Mrs. Elsie Dob- son, A.T.C.M. and accompanist Mrs. G. Jackson, A.T.C.M., of Port Perny, reccived hearty con- gratulations following the ex- cellent performance at Brook- lin, and also at Uxbridge the previous evening. Fine musiciansbip, comedy,l romance, beauty in both parti- cipant s and costumes, surely pnovided an appeal for varying tastes. During the minstrel show portion, the Junior Farmers' mixed quartette with Jeanette Dobson, Jeanne, Pearson, Hugh Baird and Ron Werry were fea- tured, and the Provincial cham- pion Ladies Trio, with Jeanettte Dobson, Jeanne Pearson and Jeanine Werny were heard in the Folk Song Grotip. Murray Mountjoy and Jeanne Pearson wbo sang in duet, Jer- rome Kern's "I've told every littie Star," were deservedly encored. Eleanor Mountjoy and Enid Mountjoy in the coloui- ful Sicilian dance -Ware other Kedron participants:' A most effective number for "Brother- hood," and renewed faith in the future concluded the pro- gramme. W.I. Plans Spring Events Blackstock: Women's Institute met at the home of Mrs.W.. Van Camp Wednesday atr noon with about 40 ladies pres- ent. President Mrs. Lorne Tbompson presided. Senipture was read by Mrs. W. Archer. The roll call, an Irish joke, brought a good many amusing answers. A good deal of business was transacted încluding arrange- ments for the bazaar in April and a card Party March 15. The President reported on the iast meeting of the Port Perry hos- pital Auxiliary and gave out materials to be made up for hospital. Mrs. Ivan Thompson gave the Current Events. Motto for the day was "It matters no, how long we live; but how we live". Mrs. Menvyn Graham in- troduced Miss Lampman, Home Economist, who gave a fine talk on ber week. Lunch was served by the group and a social baîf-hour spent. Jesse. At the top It said "busi- ness is good". We went swim- ming every day. And then Jim Williams took me to a movie called "Westward Ho The Wa- gons". We went to Grîffeth Park and the observatory. We, ate that night, Feb. l7th, in Sanfanando Valley. I was upi tili il o'clock that night. I was in Palm Springs and my moth- er looked and she saw Jane Meadows, and there we ate at another Farmer's Market. Thut night we stayed at the Egyptian Hotel in Phoenix, Arizona.. Next nigbt stayed at the second lar- gest Motel in the wor]d, that's in El Passa. We went ta Mex- ico,and I baught a toy dog and a bracelet. We went to Carlsbad Caverns. We arnived in Dallas, Texas Sunday noon. In Dallas, Texas we went to the museumn where 1 saw turtles that were 125 years old and two seals. The-n we went to the aqueyam wbere 1 saw ail kinds of bird's eggs. Then we went to a privat club with Mr. Butcher. Then we xvent to the airport called "Love Field" and I saw lots of planes. We got in ta Little Rock Arkansas Feb. 2Oth, stay- ed at a motel that had a pond with ducks in it. I fed the ducks. In Tennessee we crossed th-: Mississippi river, we saw cotton and rice growing, annd inTea For Ibis final costume change tbe enline choir wcre in black gowns witb gold feit collars. Wbiîîier Ringwaid's arrange- ment of "O Brother Man" by the choir, the ladies' trio in Bacb's "Ail Glory Be Ta Md, and the choir number from Handel's opera "Aliena," fitt- ingly carnied ouI the Brother- hood theme, and climaxed a splendid programme. Mrs. Lamne Tregunna assisted greatly in the cosîuming de- partmcnt and was responsible for much of the sewing that contnibuted s0 well in colour and background cffects. On bebalf of the choir mem- bers Murray Mountjoy express- ed gratitude ta Mrs. Dobson fan ber untiring efforts and help. A sheaf of red roses was pre- sented ta bath leader and ac- campanist. The choir and Ibeir fricnds were entertaîned at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. Mount- joy foilowing the Saîurday concert. HAYDON National Film Board pictures will be shown in the church on Wednesday, March 20 at 7:30. Mrs. M. Blackburn, Salem, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Blackburn. Sheryl and Beth Ashton spent a few days with their grand- parents, Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton. Mr. and Mrs. George Bertrim and Georgie, Taunton, Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Trewin, visited Mr. and Mrs. M. Bertnini. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Fon- tain and Neil, Toronto, were Sunday visitors at Mrs. A. Mc- Neil's. Little Kenneth Walker, Bow- manville, wîth his grandfather, Mr. J. Walker. Mn. and Mms. Alfred Gar- rard, Blackstock, were supper guests at Mr. and Mrs. C. Gar- rard's Sunday. Mn. and Mrs. C. Rankine at- tended a party Saturday even- ing, given for Dr. Ross Cornigan and family. Tbey are spending a few weeks in Ontario visitingI friends and relatives. Dr. Corri- gan has had a practice in the west for the past four years. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Siemon visited Mn. and Mrs. Norman Avery, Maple Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson and family, Port Hope, at Mr. and Mrs. Arthun Trewin's. Mn. and Mrs. C. Rankine had Sunday dinner and spent the evening with Mr. and Mrs. Ro- land Thompson, Hampton. Mn. and Mrs. Roy Graham and family and Mrs. Crossman were dinner guests of Mr. and Mns. Leslie Graham Sunday. Mrs. A. Read, Mrs. C. Ran- kine, and Mrs. C. Garrard at- tended the World Day of Pray- er service at Tyrone church on Friday. Mn. and Mrs. Jack Potts, Deb- hie and Mary, visited Mn. and Mns. Aif Richards, Salem, Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Cowl- ing and family, Mn. Leslie Cowl- ing, Salem, were Satunday visitons at Mn. George Tabb's. Woman's Association held a service Sunday evening, the World Day of Pnayer program being used. Mns. F. Jackson gave a paper on prayer. Junior girls sang. Sevenal ladies took part in the programme. W.A. March meeting is being hcld at Mrs. C. Rankine's Thursday (today) at 2.30. Popularîty is a crime from the moment it is sought; it is oniy a virlue whcn men have it wbetb- er tbey will or not.-George Savile. r-4 p * Vanity Relis and Accessories Owned by Mr. and Mrs. Ross Clark Managed by Mrs. Rose McDonald a19 Juniors Receive Prizes At Dinner and Social Kedron: Decorated in green and white, in St. Patrick'.s motif, tables for the Junior Congregation dinner presented an attractive appearance to thc 70 guests who enjoyed the fam- ily dinner on Friday evening in the lower hall of the church. Rev. A. H. Rickard led in wor- ship. Miss Carolyn Spencer Féderation and Union Hold Symposium Blaekstock: The Federation of Agriculture sponsored a combined meeting with the Farmers' Union in the Com- munity Hall Thursday evening which was well attended and proved înteresting. Speakers on the Symposium were: Mr. Ed Summers on "The Trend of Agriculture". M r. Elmer Scott, "The Health Plan". Mr. Manseil Stacey, who is the teacher of Agriculture in Bow- manville High School, spoke on "Education", and Mr. Gar- net Shields, chief assessor for Durham and Northumberland on "Assessment". Allan and Clifford Dayes provided musi- cal numbers. Chairman Clarence Allan, Newcastle, who is Presicbent of the Federation of Agricul- ture, also called on Mr. Dalton Dorreil for a few words on C. I.A. insurance. Considerable discussion was held on ail sub- jects. Lunch and social chatting brought the enjoyable evening to a close. If You're TIRED ALL THE TIMNE Everybody gets a bit rn-down now a [bien, ired-out, heavy-headed, and maybe botbered by backaches. Perhapa nothing seriously wrong, juat à teniporary toxic condition caused by excess acida and wastes. Thats the time to take Dodd'a Kidney Pilla. Dodd's stimulate the kidneys, and s0 belp restore their normal action of removing excesa acida and wastes. Then you f eel better, leep better, work better. Cet Dodd'a Kidney Pilla now. Look for -the blue box with the red band, at Al druggiats. You can depend on Dodd'a& 52 read scripture and Miss Lynda Hopkins sang a solo. Attendance awards were pre- sented by Mrs. Riekard. Per- fect attendance was recorded for June and John Davis, Gloria Mountjoy. Donald and Dennis Werry. With over 40 Sundays attendance were: Carolyn and Brian Spencer, Lynda and Bren- da Hopkins, Ann and Donna Glover. Ali other Jrs. who at- tend church were given attend- ance buttons. A brief musical programme was presented by Sylvia and Marlene Wood at the piano; Allan Francis with his accord- ion, and Lynda Hopkins, a vocal solo. Pictures of Jamaica by Miss M. Pellow, Oshawa, were great- ly enjoyed. Small gifts were presented to Miss Pellow, Miss Gwen Griffith who operated the projector, and to Mrs. Rick- ard with gratitude from the Jr., congregation. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Werry, presidents of the Couples Club who sponsored the evening, con- vened arrangements for the programme and' thanked al who had assisted in making the evening a success. M a.m. 1l5th DRESSES The Iatest dress fashions in Junior, Misses' and Wamen's in Large and Haif Sizes Expert dress alterations are guaranteed. * Sweaters exclusively designed by Helen Harper and Glamour Knit * Casual Wear by Country Club ---------------------------------------------------...à7 MILADY SHOPPE 71 KING ST. E. DO WNAN VILLE PHONE MA 3-3816 MARCH FRIDAYl OP E NINGc SPECIAL .Hosie ry 79 9cpair Full fashioned Scamless * Brassieres and Girdies by Form Fit *Lingerie by Gay Lure *Scarves by Canadiana *Gloves by Max Mayer MAPLE GROVE GROCETERIA (Alice and Gardon Beech) We wish to announce ihai we have insialled a MODERN COLDSTREAM (BERKEL) SELF SERVE FROZEN FOOD AND DAIRY COUNTER, for your convenience. To ail customers attending our DOLLAR DAYS ~ Thursday, Friday and Saturday this week' we will be pleased to have you sample A FIEE CUP 0F OUR SELF-GROUND RED AÈD WHITE CGFFEE F ree Souvenirs Visit our MILLINERY DEPARTMENT *Berk Hats Exclusively *Misses' Hats by Charu *Bridai Veils and Hats made to order *Hats Retrimmed We also carry some bat forms and trimmings for your coiivenicnce. rHURSDAY, MARCH l4th, 1957 'iRE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO PAGE THREE IHE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVIILLE. ONTARIO PAGE TH=