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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Mar 1957, p. 10

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- . - t - PAGE Tm THE CMiADIAN STATESMAq. DOWMANVrLLE. ONTARIn Iri sh Stew March Pol Burketou: A pot-luck. o was held in the home of Mr Mrs. R. Bone on Mar. 13a fairly good crowd attended. supper featured Irish Stevw main dish, supplemented . variety of other delicious di Following the supper1 were a variety of games pl which were greatly enj( judging from the peals Pupils Win Many Prizes At Festival Biackstock: Congratulatior Mr. Gay, music supervisor, chers and the pupils whoc pcted at the music festiva Peterborough hast week. Monday in the duet er Cheryl Medcal! and Grace1 dema won first with 83 Pci Janice Sadien and Lorr Dayes won second place. G da Wilson and Shirley Sno Hem armis and Donna Laughlin, Betty DeVries Nicole Forrcst also compi and got good marks.ý No one !rom Cartwr school got lowcr than 78 po ton any entny. Floyd Kyte. P, Gay and Leonard Saunr compcted in the solo classes On Friday 109 childrenm to the Festivar, made six tries and bnought home tf finst prizes: Rhythm Band, mary Chorus (Grades 1, 2 3) and Girls Chorus (Gna 4-8); also thrcc third pnizes Boys and Girls Chorus (Gra 4, 5 and 6); School Chc (Grades 4-8) and Chc (Grades 7 and 8). HIGGC Clearci OTHER MOI 3OA65 with Glass Dooi Regular $400 * 3OA50 Regular $339 24A80 ivith Glass Door Regular $330,00 Higgor Lir 38 King St. E. Bowr Features fuld they be found in any As- Dr . H ip n pe k LZ B T VL e y Detroit, Mich., visited wlth "There is great need for Your es r. C hasVibeenSpothe EfocalT VIL e yMr.and Mrs. Laverne McKin-iprayers suppr Yor1ýlyThursday. - i hsara h issionare point of many a jest thisr onPttnweek t r.Lal oey or ne er rmtv t Luck Su pper :1engioaedb odwon- On Teen Age Probleins tr' ohMatoOo Oro Q no, erer e Loguest, itwokndee rmtie ditions - a scurvy trick played Mr. and Mrs. C. Beatty's. rsWltrN i Ae hecoefter ;upper laughter which were heard ai- Nature. Even we appreciate the Hampiton : The February Oshawa Clinic, fornierly of wr. ndPeMrs.oreduhe r Mr. and. Mrs. Clarence Neal ing, refreshments were sEre ýr ndmstcnt9ty uig h ee-humour of the situation - a meeting of Hampton Homne Aylmer, Quebec. Dr. Vipond wr f eebruho n were in Toronto on Thursday by the hostess and Mrs. Mevy and a ing. Wiriners in the euchre 1near 10,000 yards of gravel, pit- and School Association was] aetQOhw n 91ad«sd3 atteniding the funeral service of Porteous. . The games were' ladies, high score, run and crushed, was placed on held at the school with a a rmet sawaeon,151and ev r n rs a uhstelaeM.Ewr e as a Mrs. K. Roblin; consolation, Mrs., Manvers roads durincg 1956 at very good attendance. President ing on the Board of Education. and daughter Gloria, Pot Hope, The March meeting of the vith a T. Trick who attended the sup- 'the instigation of the ratepayers' Mrs. B. Killen was in the chair. Hsades and M s. M. Luxon, Kendal,Wme'Intut whc ws ishes. per upon arrivai from Lindsay. "Errand Boys" and here'we sat Business period inclucled minutes Problems" was capably dealt wi at Mk. and Mrs. H. Quan- to have been held at the ho-ne there Gent's high score was won by marooned in mud. Can't be ac- of last meeting. Spring effo rts ith. He stressed the rsp ril'udy of Mrs. Donald Lowes, was YO-~ layed Mr. L. Argue and consolation cused of playing favourîtes, can for ra4*sing money were discuss- eit f h prn sonsai-g M.adMs lrneBa- cnelddet le t n oyed, prize was won by Mr. R. Bone. we? ed as follows: bake sale in March,bitvote aetindaig M.adMsClrce et- aceedueosetsomad Despte oad ondtios a oodbazar i Ma an othr iems wisely, tactfully and kindly to- ty were at Mr. and Mrs. Russel bad roads. The .program con- r [ of Winners in the other Treasurer reporteditins agoo balanc a ad t e onms ward their children. Form a White's on Sunday. venors, Mrs. M. Fnney and Mrs. wee ude Crnghnan es' turnout was present on Friday Tesue epredablac n ail pay rupwthprnt r Jh Srn.adBati-,CaenePgehd wer Adre Crngha ad oe t heeucrepthe nehuch anhor$4.9. oîlcal e-in"la" hwih arets h. Jhnd ofgan B$trc.92.recerReohlln ntees- IStoen se !so ciTi spe a e-Hltkn n h se'o nspnesoe p eninm- included; do flot allow the familY IRoweliffe, were at Mr, and Mrs. ing program prepared on Home last of he seris of soial eve- Halltaking n tcarapor tflnevisionshtoetearplanfamily- eM.vWainker's.r aconomicscoandcs Healthlt includ-d inst b r.assembly plant as a ýne-ton ber of members present. JacklcaorM lk's Bns oe efonr andwwees. truck backed up to unload and Mcnab was appointed in charge apart which is one of the dang- Mr. and Mrs. R. White were ing a demonstration of Salads but it is hoped that one or two later to Joad 13 o! those present of next meeting. esotoy.Swinretnin eebrug Frdy and an "Adyscro!ask $ more such evenings can be ar- -the only conveyance available Eleanor Terrili had charge of the children's affairs, at school called at Mrs. White's sister's, patient at home". It is hoped raned atr o aterEaterMrthat dared tackle the mire south the program and called on Mse and elsewhere, and make theîr1 Mrs. McGahey's, to see Mr. and that thîs c9iî be arranged for S. adlte nedafte o! thakr o tehMrt.B-kn-Missesunc ad MalneRndî,home life attractive. These are IMrs. H. White at Fraserville. a later mnepting. Inconvenience S. Hll tnderd a ote f týnks f th hamet.Be-knd-t-Wil Eloie fd walofeRthea m to the Bones for the evening's son night was celebrated with who favored with severai seîec-only a few fth any valuable Mr. and Mrs. C. Reid, Mrs. H. to members preparîng salads ~' nstoejomnt1 prizes going to patriarch G. E. tiens, with Marlene slnging, and thoughts presented. Reid and Allan Reid, Starkville, etc., is regretted. The Bethany ___________ Wlon ig en;dagte-n-gitracopaientyEnc. Reference to the Easter Con- with Mr. and Mrs. H. Trew, on Branch is sponsoring a short tea-lwRuhWlo hihld:Teuetsekrfteen- vention was made and dele- Sunday. course "Something to Wear" * Co- 'daughter-in-law Isabelle Wilson ing was Dr. C. H. Vipond o! gates appointed. also special Mr. and Mrs. Douglas an' on April 1 in the Orange Hall ~Fe 1 al in -ILVERTOUI - low lady; grandson Lloyd Wil- mention of what use the Homne son and bride, Knoxville, had from one o'clock to four o'clock On son - 10w gent. The Murray and School Association shall tea at Mr. and Mrs. C. Beatty's in the afternoon. Ail women of !ntry, The many friends of Jimmy Malcolms sponsored the "do" P.n(T r make of its money on hand. on Sunday. the community are invited toSav i e rr(hd-r adro ot fiinl.(orcino Several suggestions were made. Mrs. H. Thickson and Mr. attend. The annual meeting ints; Ker(h ar adr o most li effo rtly i(Corectingo A social haîf-hour was enjoyed Ken Trew, attended th W. A. will be held Monday, April Sth uoaiweti ri Lotus), are sorry to learn that lhe ourpreiouseffrt i reortng ¾ Autmati made rne which scheduled tiiemn for March Athuhfein ra mce with lunch served by ýhe ladies. executive meeting in Port Hope at the home of Mrs. Addison corledad et 7len- hias. undergone an operation in129. Next party, a crokinole one, the roads very slippery Monday cnrle n e aoks, St. oehsHsia.Ptr i . night. About 150 parents and Diret od Church basement on Scott. Meigfe eieisgv Mc oghtHspek il et M 1Ar. adMs . .Mlo visitors attended the open house Busine~ss irctMonday. The meeting took the I.M.S.Meetingeu ed e bvres i in and wishing this twinkly-eyed t1eebae their 42nd wedding at the Cartwright Central school________________or ofahtdinrtnon TeW ensMsonrS- peted a speedy convalescence. anniversary and joint birthday and viewed the four new rooms ACC0Un anCY f ollowe d with business concerni- ciety o! the United Church met srie on St. Patrick's Day by a trip to Just completed. Mr. Smid, AC ancy~ the District Annual to be at the home o! Mrs. Otto Spen- srie Mr. Ralph Malcolm has been Toronto, spending the weekediotrnorgso.dpctre ! _______R.______R._ d are Hlio Anl erehopesde orte oen--HN oints to be tin Cobouirg this week wîth.the Earle McGiîîs. local interest in connection with RAY J. DILLING 3.ig n.R .Bnte o-MA eter to esubjected t nesv nThursday Bethany Bad- the schoo;. Parents wregiven Certified Public Accountant v. TPesaockhad inneMr.with Mr. te subhet "hP On The wihoe35 1 es coachi1'lg by Counties' Assessor minton Club were guests o! the the oppo tunity o! consulting 93 Church Street andit Mrs. udtDae. rmur o! G"Pu.nTh h GantSiedpeparatory to local club. A pleasant evening with the teachers in regard ta NiArket 3-3861 n Tesa eein heMs. BudDl.Amu fG. M. Lonfied5rad6 s. commencing tearduous an'd was petin sociable compe- the progress o! their children: HOm e da chol orN oth te rs.of.Mhanfor lre- en- Manvers Township to conform Itto.als o pwî th e omrdints ad W. or.CGG Hope was held at Beech Hill cently sent which contained a thce to standards set up for the new anrc plitomietsr Chartered Accountant School. A short dialogue was number o! ýnew quilts and I Pr-EqaizdAsesmn. Ts adqueries. Light refreshments .64 King St. E. Bowmanville Put on by Mrs. K. Trey, Mrs. many useful articles o! wear- and that one morning recently when BURKETON Prize winners at the L.O.B.A. 6Abov ngrtoeBuetati n Geo. Durwand and Mrs. Thick- ine' apparel. A donation wvas ades the car stopped in the mud and euchne Tuesday. nigîht wene: son. A vote was held to see if sent to Preshyterial funds to * H ýs an Ralph had to get down in his Mr. Archie Alldread and Mrs. Percy Van Camp, Mr. Fred MONTEITH - MONTEITH and wobut diseeaswit ome ans nner mae.frase 7adk' bieite"bib and tucker" anid drain daughter, Mns. Ruth Snudden, Cowling; door prize, Mns. W. RIEHL & CO. with only two negative. Mr. cial Missionary Service to be ~ro l toustheegallons o!ae oto his Oshawa, with friends here. Lawrence. At the Women's In- Chartered Accountants Carnuthers had slides o! the held in the Church on March S u r c torus petrol supply that the wonds hie Mr. and Mrs. E. White o! Mc- stitute panty Friday night wifl- 135 Simncoe St. N. Oshawa Royal Tour. Lunch was served. 3lst at il a.m. with Miss Etta AND SONS quoted were not taken from non Laughtins Fishenies. Oshawa, ners w ere: Mrs. Keith Van RA 5-4662 Mn. and Mrs. Russel White, Snow, missionany on furlough IPRA SODAE Nwere luncheon guests o! hier Camp, Mns. Walter Lawrence, Partners: Mrs. A. Mencer, Mns. C. from Afnica to be the guest MEILES EL ~I~1TlIP'sister and brother-in-law, Mn. Percy Van Camp, Mns. Cecii j. W. Monteith, M.P., F.C.A. Mercer, Mrs. H. Muldresv speaker. Surc t omnii )N EE T I and Mrs. R. Bone, Thursday. Hill (playing as a gent). A. B. Monteith, B.Comm., C.A. and rs.Ken Tre at.Mr.-EgarBee tok carg Mrs. R. Bone spent Saturday Miss Mornow, Bowmanville, G. W. Riehi, C.A. aended Pr enadTewae'!therstuEdyarbee ook echarbe Just West of Scngog -evening and part o! Sunday was weekencl guest o! the Stan- (Licensed Trustee) tnodp re n t'athentoeae sonitiosnt h ok n e sPh ipies. *with hier daughtens, Mrs. George fond Van Camp's. G. E. TnetheweyC. High School on Wednesday i n c e S a ie aw:onandMrsGeorge Wal-W.W.S. Meeting R. F. Lightfoot, Ç.A. vng touîtwouitB Y fI t A Mrws Wand hretn wtMrads. Dlo arVlWdýs ALE. FRIEDLANDER, On Wednesday about 15 la- E R B HC S A 19 6Boneubro egbusfo en1, President Mrs. -Ernest Lar- Accountants anct AudItors. for Mns. L. Mlrw saa here attended the presentation mer opened meeting with a 64 King St. E. RA 1 516 A n hot dine asthadaties c oe m.n apnss Jo!CReligon.OFaewand tohl temetn ORCHLAND FARMS Mn hwr tDvt'sHl o gavea splendid devotional talk B. L. Yale, C.A. ished the quiîts and decide .% 0 M offact Mand Mwrs.t wodevetfs Hall o "hemapprs. JonCRnlighon.F.shed andF.C .P.A On hrsd W.Ay eetadies ~W U D LfE T (neGwen Dean). Roll was answered with "Inter- P there was only six niembers W OL\\KE T B..The W.A. meeting for March etn tm edi h b J. Hunten, C.P.A. there. Ra nges 1 was held at the home o! Mns.'etn iem radnth O- Howard Abbott, March 14, when senven". Af ten the customary Ch E U I~I~ O they packed woolen goods and reports, the final arrangements £ . i IWIMfE IViViIII Model SOA60j shipped C.P.R. sae ay were macle for the April meet- E H N I was decided to have a variety ing when Dr. Elizabeth Bridg- G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. B T A Y-- wlth j concert in the church, March 25. man o! Angola is to be guest Chiropractor Mn. and Mrs. Frank Man i TLSSheR pot luck supper was heîd speaker. Mrs Rlp Larmer, Office: chenko and family spent the YOU IN 195 GLASS DOanh 3 tthOhmeo!Mn1adgroup leader, then presided for 15 Elgin St., cor. of Horsev St. Mac 3a h oeo r n h olwn neet r-PoeM -59,S weekend with relative .s in Kit- W. are lively, healthy, and br Mrs R. Bone. tefloigitrsigpo hn A350 chenen. Reua 340 tanley and Mrs. Taylor with gram: Reading by Mrs. Lloyd Office Hours: By Appointment Mrs. M. McDowell, Millbrook, for high egg production . $ Mn. and Mrs. Leslie Taylor re- Wright. "A Farm Boy Bnings is visiting with Mn. and Mr&. broilers grow fast for top mu On cently. New Hope to Angola People"; DJe nfia Reg. Edmunds. Sale ~Mn. and Mrs. Frank Allison neading by Mrs. Stuart Dorrel , ____________ _ Mr. Norman Lowes, Toronto, prices. Don't put off orderin $289 ~and children, Oshawa, with Mn. "Stewardship Through Today's spent, the weekend with his orbychksditnw and Mrs. George Allison. Woman"; solo, Mrs. Harold DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. paensMn. and Mrs. Donald: orbb iik-of o rM r. and Mrs. H. Trick, Lind- Kyte, "Hew Great Thou Art"; Office: Jury JublIee Bldg. Lowes. say, with !riends in the village. Study Book chapter on China 40 King St. W. Bowmanville, Sunday guests with Mn. and )ELS NOT SHOWN fi Mn. and Mrs. Harold Larmer by Mns. Ralph Larmner. Re!resh- Office Heurs: Mrs. Earl Weatherilt were Mns. O UR C HI CK S A RE:FO )rwith !iends in Toronto. ments were served by the group 9 a.m. te 6 p.m. dailyv Edna Aikin, Mn. and Mns. Jack rMn. and Mrs. Lonne Ganrow, and hostess and a social time Ciosed Saturday and Sunday Grills and Mrs. Grills, Sr., all Healthy Hafched O Sae$9.0 Oshawa, with Mn. and Mrs. Ross spent. OfcPhnMA3590 J O Sae$9.0 Dean. The Finemen's pictune show House Phone - Newcastle 3551 of Toronto. Fs rwr On al ______ 7800 Mn. and Mns. H. Wotten 'and in the Recreation Centre Fni-M and milyPeterborouhwenePrlctvORllt On Sale 278.00 ~children, Purple Hill; Mn. and dlay night was fainly weii at- DR. E. W. SISSON. L.D.S., D.D.S. aendcmlygeterbwith, Mn. a rdutv lesM£ -,-- Mrs. Ray Bradburn and childnen tended. No bumper crowds at Office ini hîs home Ms ar ye n r.McyBolr with Mr. and Mrs. John Wotten. any o! the affairs as thene were I0on Liberty St. N. - BownianvilleMn.H ry yeyad rs MatBolrs' On Sale _____ 270.00 Mn. and Mrs. Ross Dean visit- too many ententainments with- Office H ours:JonWie ed Mn. and Mns. Elwood McKee, in five or six miles. 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily Miss Grace Attwood, Temis- Raglan. Sympathy is extended to Mn. 9 a.m. te 12 noon Wednesday kaming, visited with Mn. and RCL NFAM 0 lsdSna Mrs. Thomas Jennings hast e tn cMrs. J. Carter with M. and Harry Hall and Ms John Rani.. Closed.J.Sunday Mrs. Kenneth Cargill. Toronto. ilton on the passing o! Mrs. Phone MA 3-5604 Mre.* n r.Nra el i l c r cM.M. LMn. and Mrs. AudoymHnllNeal, H. mJ.inBROOKS and Warren, Toronto, with Mrs. fenalri c wa hedist D.C.FCTTAD.S Markdale, were weekend gùests Breeder - Hatcher of 'n ited j Carter and Frel. John's Chunch Monday. Office rsCnr m t dMns. Edith Murphy, Tyrone, 23 King St. E. - Bowmanville Mn. and Mns. Ernest Cavano S.C. White Leghdrn - Barred Plymouth Rock Truc populanity is not the is*spending two or three wceks Office Hours: have returned from two months' New Hampshire X Barred Rock Hybrid manville Phone MA 3-5438 popularity which is followed with hien daughtcr, Mms. Roy 9 a.m. te 6 p.m. daily vacation in Flonida;' afcr bt hepoulniy hihMcLaughlin, Donna and Dennis, g a.m. te 12 noon Saturday Mn. and Mýrs. Cecil McGil PHONE MA 3-3961 R.R. 3, BÔWMANVILLE, ONT - !~ollows after.-Lond Mansficld. while Roy is in Toronto Gen-CoedSndyTotoMrspnt th.Jese-n cral Hospital. He is undengoing Telephone: Office MA 35459 with n. and Mrs. James Me- SRVIC anoain on his knee.oprtinMn. and Mrs. Harold McKin- Master Tenry Collins is stay- Insuranc e ------- igwith Ronald Martyn 2nd _____________ te other thnee boys with their J'.BRO e d ..-grandparents, Mn. and Mrs. Ere-A.ombile-TON ul Davidson, Raglan,, while their Fn uooie-Csat mothen Mns. Percy Collins i. 43 Carlisle Ave. *.then talk 'My Bank4 Acrearniseparator.- vator - tracter - in few of the many i making farm miachin put te work on your local B of Mi manage. ment lban. BANK-0F Bowmanville Eranch t Oshawa Brnch t WONKING W17H CANADIANSIUN chane t hep -----P-u--er or UROr. a u ±vrs. tArtnur îtahm, -and chneI epfxu Pubro UOdae Tymone, wene Saturday supper Andrcw R. Thompson 3 u. ain.. es c. for full information or Write guests of Mn. and Mns. StanlL.. L..C U T LOCATION AD RS tonomica!, convenient, ver- for FREE folder, UIRuunnhg Rahm and family.Bo9 Newcastle, Ont. OooHl antîn amaig oaSwain, Bruce O'Brien and Newcastle -21 ati. ie eakido alout friend visited the Herb Swains Toronto HI 449 farta a better farm. Sunday and Rev. Milton San- Consultation by appointment onlyNotubradCnro UieChc Hl Ttso and Mn. Roy Sanderson, N -milking machine - culti- Mrs. Milton Sanderson, To- Liorigages ncubator...these are just aa reo svstn nceMrs. LEROY HAXILTON - ORONO nodern, time-saving mone- On ThuClanencnlght, Marclh Phone 1 r 16 g, ' '14, the O.N.O. club met in the First Mortizage funds ries and iinplements you can Community hall with 29 mcm- Residences - Fanms An official voters' hst wiII be posted i each poUling booth. If you are farrn through FIL. Sec your MCrik rsdn iee bers and one visiter, Donothy Business Properties listed as an eligible grower yeu are entitled and urg'ed to vote. OnIy rr about yourfan improve-MecLaugiconPrsdced thEie bs- p mei one vote per flue-cured tobacco farm may be cast regardiess of the ness when final plans wene J number of joint owners there may b. and only one vote per flue-cured made for the Manch 23rd KEITII A. BILLETT y0 dance. It was disçusscd a, Optometrist tobacco farm owner may b. cast regardless of the nuniber of such ~, ~ ~ 1 e n t h as to wh t he nc t r - 141 K ing St. E. Bow m anville fart a h . m ay ow n. C om pany ow ned far is have one vote. £ec would be at the Recrea- eHur:B apinmn PU14P & SFTEMRLç ionalCente. Rll jokws.n- Telephone MAnket 3-3252 ý0N GN E A AD The hostess then started a 9onav te PM .ONDON - CANADAam o! cuchre which was en- Wedea.. a 5f) to 12ON A O F RM RO U T M RK T G B A D ACK R joyed by all. Pnize winners weice Thunsday cvenings O T RO F R R D C SM R EIG 8 -R GEORE MODY Maage J GHDorothy Fonder, Gwen Ballinx-T. G. F. Pirkin, Chairman. F. K. B. Stewart, Secrntary. then servedi a delicious lunch. PianoT n g FRANK BEDFORD. Manager PLUTMBINO and HEATING The next meeting is to be held &L4 3-5615 BOWMANVILLE in the Recreation Centre with ARTHUR COLLISON EVERY WALIC OF tIFE SINCE 1817 Division Street Soutb Aima Dîîff as hostess. Rol] cail Protessional Piano 'l'uning tAs is somctlîing for the white cie- Fhone 34 Prince Sî..______________________________________________ phant., Bowmanville I. '. %b TIM CAIqADL4N STATUMAN. BOWIL&Nvr=. ONTARIO m -ÎWMRSDAY, MARCH 21st, 1957

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