. THfURSDAY, MARCH 21st, 1957 TEZ MANADIMAIN VI"' Aý R V fAR Social and Personcil 4-,and Mlrs. Elmo Dunn of ]È?àk-kîin were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hare Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Britton and Mrs. J. D. Cunningham vis- ited in Toronto on Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. W. H. McDonaid Miss Helen Allun of Haml- ton. spent the weekend visitin-4 with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Allin. Friends of Mrs. Charles Fin- ley wili be sorry to learn that she is a patient in the Western1 General Hospital in Toronto. 4 .Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Hare výs-1 ited in Brighton on Monday of iast week with Dr. and Mrs 1 H. C. Rundie. 1A number of friends of Mrs. IJohn Voutt gather'ed at her home on Saturday evening to honour her on the occasion of her birthdaï. A pleasant social evening was enjoyed by ail. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Powell entertained at a family dinner party on Sunday in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Powell on the occasion of their 38th weddingr anniversary. Those at- tending, in addition"to the hon- oured guests were Ivr. and IMr.i. Clifford Flintoff and family, Newcastle and Mr. and M1Vrs. Paul Shetier of Oshatwa. Giving and Receiving 15 Subject of W.A. Newcastle: The regular meet- ing of the Woman's Association v.as heid in the Sunday School room of the United Church on Thursday, Mardi l4th with Mr.s. I. ColwillVs Group in charge of the Devotionai per- iod, with the theme "Giving and Receiving". Used Cair Specicls 1955 Dodge Radio 6 :ow - $445 1954 Studebaker Hardtop VS, O.D., W.W., Radio Do n- $495 1953 Ford »ý4-dr. Low Mileage Down - $345 1953 Ford - 2-dr. Down - $315. Mrs. J. C. Porter Scripture lesson and tin Turner led the prayer. read th-- group in The topie. "Giving and Re-. ceiving", both so necessary ii Christian living, was presented by Mrs. Colwili and the wor- ship service ciosed. During the business period reports were heard froni the Secretary, Treasurer and Cor- responding secretary and Mrs. M. C. Fisher rePorted for the visiting committee stating sev- erai familles had been visitecd with mutually happy resuits. Next month's vissting commit- tee will be Mrs. Clarence Allun and Mrs. Percy Brown. A motion was made by Mrs.1 A. Gienney, fieconded by Mrs. Tamblyn, that the parsonage committee be given authority ta purchase whatever is n2- cessary in the parsonage at this timne of the year. A donation of $10.00 was voted to be given to Albert Coliege. Mrs. E. J. Belsey provided a most pleasing and enjoyable contribution to the meeting by showing the Association pic- tures of ber recent trip to Eng- land. The meeting closed with Tea served by members o! Mrs., Colwill's group and the ladies enjoyed a social time. 1952 Ford - 2-dr. ,u-.w-- Radio, Washers, etc. I'AX« -tr u Down $245 ~SChev., - 4-dr. Price -$745 1952 Nercury 1/2-on Full Price - $595 - 1950 Dodge 1/2-ton Full Price - $495 1951 Case Traclor Full Price - $695 A few new Cutom Radios Ii 36-fE~~ loft te seil at bargain priceg. CAR VETH MOTORS BOWMANVILLE AND DISTRICT AUTHORIZED FORD-MONARCH DEALER Newcastle - Ont. Phone 3251 C. C. GGULD Heating .,and« Eavesfroughing Authorized Chalco Dealer PHONE Newcastle 3686 Réturned "Missionary (x,~ A m c àAA&IAnt À04u uress Newcastle: The regular meet- capital ing of the Women's Missionary Comm Society of the United Churcni Indies' wvas held in the Sunday School She a hall on Tuesday evening, March races 12, with a good attendance of people members and guests. they 1 The president, Mrs. W. F. cial di Riekard, opened the. meeting taking with a timely message on Lenz, church giving its histor 'v and purpose people of deepening the spiritual in- fuil-tir spiration, then led in prayer. Browvn The Worship service theine thanks was "The xvhoie armour of her ir God" with Scripture lesson and addresi prayer taken by Mrs. J. Brown A bi followed by an impressive mc- conduc ditation revealing the strength When of the -powers of evil and mne the an: reality of the xvarfare for which ing me Christians must be prepared, ilivitati and thbe Heavenly armour and the Or( weapons that Paul recommend- ttend ed to combat these evils. This 2lst w, meditation was conducted by1 Central 1Mrs. G. Rickard. speakei Mrs. M. C. Fisher introduc- Mrs. ed the guest speaker of the the m( evening, Miss Jean Sommci7- Quinte ville, a mnissionary on furloughi be helc frorm Trinidad, who had also Oshawî Served in China. which The speaker gave a very gra- vited. phie Picture o! Trinidad, its cli- The mate, location and great natur- hymn i al resources and mentioning the i'efreshi honour recentiy conferredo joyedi Trinidad in being chosen the ther. Durham Lodge' Us Outstanding Newcastle: The Brethren of Durham Lodge No. 6,6 A.F'. & A.M., held their ann ual "At Home" in the Newcastle Com- munity Hall on March 8th with more than three hundred per- sons in attendance. The many visiting brethren and their la- dies coming from Bowmanville, Oshawa, Whitby, Brooklin, Port Perry, Cobourg, Port Hope, and Orono to attend this annual affair. Foliowing a very fine turkey banquet, prepared by inembers of the number fine Home and School Club, Worshipful Mas- ter Sidney Lancaster called on~ Wor. Bro. Russell Osborne t6 Iead the gathering ini a sing- song with Bro. Arthur Coilison of Bowmanville,* accompanying at the piano. Head table guests were ably introduced by Wor. Bro. Lan- caster who also called upon the following members ta pro- pose the Toasts of the evening; Bro. Earl Waikey, S.W. Bro. Jim Brown, J. W. and Bro. John Scott, S.O. Responding to the toasts.were Right Wor. Bro. James Jackson of Oshawa, Dis- Damnages High In Three Car Crack -Up Newca3tle: Approximately $800 ln property damage wa.s the se- suit o! an accident which oi- curred on King street, at the community Park, on Sunday afternoon shortly after five pi. when a car owned and operet- ed by Clifford Newman o! To ronto faiied to stop for a line o! traffic halted for the tsaf!ic signal. The Newman vehîcle struck a vehicie operated by Anthoniy Ton Jr. of Newtonville, whichi in turn bumped a car operated by Frank A. Whalen o! Toron- to. Total damage in the crash jwas estimated at approximateily $800 by Chie! A. R. Randal Who investigated the accident and charges against Newman are pending. Couples' Club NEWCASTLE CUBS lin Hungary Net-t-astie: Wîth somne thirty persons present, the Ma:ch PAPER D IVE meeting o! the Merry Married P A E R D R V ECoules' Club ws hgat the 'Bob Allin presiding for the Wur. Firsi Saturday of Each Month ship service on the theme of The highlight of the evenircg when the members enjoved a question and answer period Your co-operation in having bundie% tied with thneir speciai guests, Mrs. IL. S. Mikios, and ber brothei', and at curb ivili be appreciated. MNr. John Straub, a recent ar- rivai froni Hungary, answering the questions o! thýe memnbers.' isc ~. ~ ~4~C J.Ž ~ __ Through this discussion the I groLip iearned, first hand, o! iltie recen t ievol t i n Hungary, ~SPECIAL!! fromi one \vtio was in the midst off the trouble, and ' great da about the incidents leading up Nto the revoit. SET Asas ressedte onfbhal! of S A TIN S E T the guests for enlightening the gron4p on this timnely subjeet, Regular $1.59 thoýe present, by Mrs. Marlowe Hancock. 30c OP ffl ny 12 ronducted by the Rev. M. C. r'o! the eommittee in charget at scrved refreshmnents. V The President. Mr. AI! Gra- hani, presided for a short bus.- *~ U EaU ess period and expressed ap- JURY & LO ELLprccîation to the host and host- ess. the Rev. and Mrs. M. C. 3.578 BO~ N~N~ LLE Fisher. and the miembers o! the PHONE MA 3-78B WINIL conimîttee in charge of the mecein& Cordon Àgnew, Edilor Phone 3621 I - -- th RU P AN 9SAON I vy I d 19M .1 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. RôWM-4NMU-TýV Mmmanirm ELEVM 19 1 1