PAGE TWELVE T1l~ CANADIAN STATESMAN. EOWMM<VILLE. ONTAR!O' TH~YRS~AY, MARC!! 21s~ 195? Rcrds- SAre Shattered 4mTe d Bagnell's Team Capture Victory in Both Schedules The second schedule is com- piled and the champions have been declared in ail events. Ted Bagnell's team ran true to form and won the second schedule and in doing so elim- Inated the necessity of having a roll off for the John M. James bowling trophy. Bag- riell's team won both schedules L A is To Pay Past Due Bis To Consolidate Monthly Payments For Holiday Expenses For New Purchases For Eniergency Expenses Cornein Today Try The Beilvue Way on a Pay froni[mne Plan BELL VUE FINANCE CORP. G. H. WILSON. Mgr. 29V2 Sinicoe S. Dial 5-112 OSHAWA and this is the first time this has happened in the major league. They are now the proud possessors of this trophy and w.ill hold it for one year. The members of the championship team are Captain Ted Bagneil, Bill Bates, Doug Taylor, Ab Pi- per, Phil CanciHla, Kari Bick-_ ell and Ted Miler. A tip of the old fedora to the new champs. Bill Bates did it again. This time Bill beat his own high triple of 900 with 913. Bates had scores of 276, 314, 323 for his big total. This is real bowl- ing and Bates is to be congra- tulated but we just have the feeling that this score will be beaten in the playoffs which take place in the next two weeks. Time will tell whether We know our business. Other good triples were Russ Oke 775, Ernie Perfect 774, Ron Richards 768, Fred Cowhe and Harold Bennett 763, Elton Brock 742, Dr. Keith Siemon Trenton Wins From Oshawa Ail- Stars 4 -1 Trenton Cornets scored a 4. victory over Oshawa All-Stai at Memorial Arena, Saturda night, to lead their best-of-seve series two games to one. Robert Taylor paced th Cornets with two, while Au. tin Scott and Doug Beal taý lied singles. Don Bouckley scoi ed Oshawa's lone marker to bE gin the scoring in the secon f rame. Trenton weere ahead 2-1p the end of the middle framE Taylor tied the score 23 sec onds after Bouckley had count ed for the All-Stars. Austi: Scott fired the insurance mark er four minutes later. Both the Cornets',other goal were scored within a minut and 16 seconds during the thir, period.- ts- 1l- ir- ýe. C0 R P 0 R Heod Office:s 372 Bay St.. Toronto A TI0N Branch Office: 1-3 Dunlop St., Barie e Vigor Oil Company \~i4/Announces.. ~Sjr the Opening of a New Service .Statio Corner of Manvers Road and 5th Concession Free Glassware iven Away with the purchase of 6 gallons or more of gasoline VIGR STNAD9GAI- GASOLINE 1 Oc Including a MIon 9 GAL gicla TEST 42 Oc Ineluding tar Stove Oil available in any quantity at the station OPEN EVENINGS AND ST.NDAYS Rece ives Best Goalie Award1 736, Bill Steven 706, Jimn Levett 703 and Ed Leslie 700. Bill Bates with his 323 won high single for the week with Elton Brock next 318. Alley Chatter Elton Brock won the high average finishing with 234 for 33 games while Pete Dobbins, wirvler o! the first scheduhe, fin- ished two points back of Brock. There' has been sorne real team bowling this schedule and Elton Brock's teamn won high single score 1418 and AI Os- borne's teamn won the triple honors with 3619. Another record was set this schedule when 59 bowlers fin- ished with an average of 200 or more. There is just one more week to enter the major league tour- nament and ahi averages are posted at the alley ahong with the handicap for each phayer, s0 get your entry in as everyone has an equal chance of picking up some extra cash. Following is a complete list of every member o! the major league and their averages. Men's Major League Final Standing 2nd Sehedule 1956-57 Season Tearn Standing Team W L 'Bagnehil 21 12 IDale-- 20 13 Osborne- 17 16 O ke... 17 16 Cole .17 16 Brough - 16 17 Polley -- 17 16 Little - .1 6 17 Lesie 15. 18 Steven 14 19 Brock~ 14 19 Milne 14 19 Averages Pins1 37310 36430 36761 35872 35413 36682 36169 35037 36267 35985 36233 36129 cName Games t- E. Brock 33-____ n P. Dobbins ____33 KB. Bates - 33 J. Coole ______33 Is E. Perfect _____33 e B. Steven .-____33 .d Dr. H. Rundle - 33 Dr. K. Shemon 33 -F. Samis -_____33 *J. Gay 33 F. Williams _____33 J. Levett ______33 E. Leslie ______33 A. Osborne _____33 J. Lander _____33 B. Hearle ______33 A. Piper - -33 D. Bishop 30 B. Polley 33 R. Hearle _____33 R. Oke ----____33 M. Larmer _____30 H. Bennett _____33 M. Vanstone 33 D. Little _____33 R. McKnight 33 M. Harrison _____33 B. Oke --- -_33 T. Bagnei 33 S. Trewin -___33 R. Halîman 33 D. Taylor - _ 33 M. Dale 33 R. Maynard 30 B. Westlake 9 P. Yeo ___33 Dr. C. Austin 33 P. Cancilla ...33 R. Kelly -_____33 N. Cowle -____33 R. Richards _____33 H. Janzen _____33 J. Ford 18 R. Rundhe -.33 G. Stephens 33 N. O'Rourke 33 R:Fry 30) C. Oke33 G. Piper 30 J. Brough 33 J. Parker 33 H. Palmer 33 B. Mine -_____33 K. Bickell _____33 F. Lewmns 33 D. McKnight --33 G. Lander 33 E. Rundie 33 J. Callan* . 33 F. Cole - - -_33 F. Cowle -___33 B. Engley 33 C. Leslie - - - - 33 B. Oliver ______32 B. Shotter -____33 D. Gi]hooley 33 H. Gay ___30 A. Sarnells _____33 B. Moses ______33 W. DeGeer _____3 C. Mutton -___33 F. Blupt ______30 T. Miller _____-33 D, Patfield 33 R. Wright 33 K. Luxton 33 M. Tighe --- 33 B. Williams 33 G. Clarke 33 G. Sellers ------ 29 H. C. Osborne ~--33 B. Cale 24 B. Kent - 30 Dr. A. Sylvester 29 B. Vanstone --27 R. Brock -__ 33 Ave 23d 2 3:- 22S 221 222 22C 219 218 218 217 217 217 21f '216 216 '216h '214 214 214 213 :212 211 211 210 210 209 209 208 208 208 208 208 208 2,)7 206 206 206 205 203 204 204 204 204 203 202 202 202 202 202 202 201 201 211 200 201) 209 1991 199, 199 196 1 96 195 194 193 193 193 193 192 1 92 191 190. 190 183 181 18:3 183 177 169 1671 151 Mi lIer's Take Front St. 3- 1 First Game Miller's Taxi scored a 3-1 victory over Front St. in the first game of their best af-f-eP Town League Hockey Playoffs, Thursday night at Memnor;Il Arena. Don Childs opened the scaring for the Taximen at 5.26 of the first,period and they held a 1-0 edge Until late in the second frame. Bill Lyle tallied for the Main- streeters at 16.18 of the second period and the score remained ticd until the midway mark of the final stanza. Don Masters connected for Millcr's at 10.02 of the third to give themn the lead. Lloyd Ham- ilton found the mark exactiv 8 Mmuutes later to ensure the win. I 2 i t ) Bob James goalie for the Bowmanville Atom Ail- Stars receives the Best Goalie Award from Keith Car- ruthers, Vice-President of the Little N.H.L. Association. The presentation was made after a game between Bow- manville and Cobourg to decide the Zone Champions. Bob, son of Mr. and Mrs. John M. James, was selected as the best goalie in his division by judges appointed by the Little N.H.L. Association. Third Period RaIIy Gives B.O.C.'s 4 -2 Win Be fore Capacity Crowd Bowmanville - Orono Comn- Lumbermen were patronizing bines won a 4-2 verdict from the sin bin. the Lakefield Lumbermen at B.O.C.'S Corne To Lee. Civic Arena, Peterborough, Fri- day, to move into a 2-0 lead in Fank Hooper scored the tie- their best-of-seven Lakeshore ing goal at 4.09 o! the final Intermediate "A" Playoffs. stanza with Dean and Junior Lakefield hehd most o! the West drawing the assists. Keith play in the first two periods, West tallied the insurance goal but were left reeling when the near the midway mark after Combines started to fhy in the Samanski had relayed from be.- final stanza. The Lumbermen side thé nets. Keith earned his were short a man consistently goal on three occasions before Iduring the first and second he was credited with it. Three periods as the referee issued Urnes the rubber was knocked them 10 penalties ta the Comn- into the nets and three times bines' three. the goal judge indicated a goal, Period Ends In Tie but officials did not count it Kevîn Hefferman started the until the third time. bail rolling for the Woodchop. Dean West scored his second pers at 8.45 o! the first frm, of the tilt at 9.49 when brother wen he connected with a long unior rehayed himn a pass from shot from in front of the cage. the corner in regular West Dean West tallied the equal- fashion. Junior West ably aid- izer hess than two minutes la- ed in scoring three of the ter by slapping a pass fromn homnesters' makers. brother Junior into the corner. GOalies Play Well Lakefield Gain Edge Goalie Ross Hawe, who Neil Wasson gave Lakefield seems to impove every tirne he a 2-1 edge early ini the middle dons his garb, turned in a frame as he rifled the rubber spectacuhar bit of net-minding in during a seramble in front, for the Combines. He turned The Lumbermen held the edge aside some of the Lumbermen's throughout the period by play- best shots as the Woodchoppers ing a keen style of defensive tried in vain to win the game. hockey whenever they were Red Wasson again starred in short. They held off several the nets for Lakeficid, but ne- drives by the Combines, who ceived little aid when the had a two man advantage for Combines turned the pressure almost two minutes whiie two on in the final peiod. Miller's Down Front Ste' L. À'O-I Wf in -3econa bg Don Masters and Lloyd Hamil- ton each counted a hat trick as they paced Miller's Taxi ta a 9-1 victory over Front Street at Memorial Arena, Monday night, ta move ahead 2-0 in their best- of-five Town League Playoffs. Milher's held most of the play during the first two periods and were successful in stopping the Mainstreeters in the third, whilc they counted a pair on the score sheet. Goalie Loses Shutout Clint Ferguson spoiled George Heath's chances of a shut-out when he snagged a relay from Bob Sheridan near the nets, ta score Front Street's lone mark- er. His goal came af ter the Taximen had run up a 7-0 lead. Atoms Lose To Orillia 4 -1 'At Newmarket Bowmanville Atom Ail Stars made an early bow from the special Atom Hockey Tourna- ment in Newmarket Saturday as they were downed by a fast skating Orillia team 4-1. The local Atoms were held soees thegam ti ereBail ortess fortl ergae part took a short pass fromn Billy Depew and sank the rubber in the Orillia cage late in the third period. Foliowing the game the Bow- mnanville boys were given a light lunch and refresbments as were the other fine teams in the tournament. Then they ire- turned ta the arena ta watch mac of the games. The Bowmanvjlle lime-up was as follows: Goal, Bob James, defence, Peter Werry and -Michael Leddy; forwards. Ricky Gay, Garfield Webb, Wayne Harrison: alternates, Don McMurter, Geore Bail, B;il Depew, John Hughes-, Larry Perrus, Gary Lyons, Jef! GiA- hoaly, Chris Quinton and Bon liooper. eries Uame Buck Cowlc set the pace for Milher's at 12:09 of the first period. Guthrie made it 2-0 with six seconds remaining after Hamilton passed to him from the side. Pace Tcam With Rat Tricks Don Childs blasted another for the Taximen at the 40 second mark of the middle frame. Don Masters netted a pair duning the period and connected for his hat trick late in the third. Lloyd Hamilton tallied two in the second and managed his third hess than a minute after Masters did in the final period. High Stlcking Fracas Bill Lyle -(Front St.) and Guthrie (Miller's) were given one-way tickets ta the dressing room after they had been involv- ed in a fracas near the midway mark of the third period. The referee gave bath players minor penalties for their high stick- ing sprce near the nets, but changed it ta game misconducts when thcy continued ta carry on the affair in the sin bin. Third Game of S erlesr The teams wilh meet an Mon- day night at 7 p.m. in third game o! their best-of-five series, ta determine Town League Champions. Minors Hold Series for Consolation In the first game of the Pee Wee Consolation series the- Red Wings dcfcated the Canadians 6-4 ta take a two goal lead in their goals ta count series. Da- vid Williams (2), David Wer- ry (2), John Bruce and Gord Rundle accountcd for the Red Wings' goals. John Hancock, Larry Welsh, Gord Rundle (2», David Werry and David Wil- liams ail picked up assi sts rn the Red Wings' goals. David Thompson, John Tcrhune Alan Plummer and David Stanton were the goal scorers for thec Canadians. Sebastian Sweep, David Thompson (2) and Jonn Terhune (2) assisted on the Canadians four goals. The same two teams wil play again on Saturday morning March 3th. In the First game of the Ban- tam Consolation series the Cubs scored three times in the final period to defeat the Pirates 3-f- and take a two goal lead in their series. John Clark (Bill Bickle), Grant Flintoff Wayne Thertéhi <Wallie Babich) ac- counted for the Cubs three goals. Gary McCullough scored the Pirates' lone goal haîf way through the final period. Both teams picked up two penalties during the game. Harold Mut- ton (kneeing) and Grant Fhin- toff (hiooking) collected the Cubs' two penalties. Joe Both- well (kneeing) and Gary Mc- Cullough (kneeing) accounted for the Pirates' two penalties. The Pirates and Cubs will con- tinue their series on Saturday, March 30.. Playoff .-Chedule Atom League Thursday, March 2lst-5:00 p.m.-Indians vs. Bisons; 5:45 p.m.-Barons vs. Bears. Saturday, March 23rd-10:30 a.m.-Hornets vs. Rams; 11:20 a.m.-Bears vs. Barons. Bantam League Saturday, March 23rd-8:00 a m.-Huskies vs. Lions; 8:50 a.m.-Tigers vs. Cubs. Consolation Series Saturday, March 3th-8:00 a.m.-Cubs vs. Pirates; 8:50 a.m.-Red Wings vs. Canadians; SPECIAL OFFER. STAINLESS STEEL CUTLERY ~A~0t~0R- VAS~ON ~ FOR 5 PIECE-- ~~~ ~PLACE SETTINO v. Minor Hockey Night Is Set For Mar. 3Oth Arrangements are ahi set to hold Minor Hockey Night on Saturday, March 3Oth, at Mem- orial Arena. Proceedings will get underway at 7:00 p.m. The Atoms wvi1l start the night off with their game be- ginning at 7:00 p.m. and will play three fifteen minute per- iods. The first two periods wil be played in straight time with the final fifteen mieute period being played stop time. The Pee Wee teams will take over at approximatehy 8:00 p.m. and will play three fifteen min- ute periods. The first two per- iods will be straight time and the final fifteen minutes play- ed in stop time. The Bantam game starting at approximately 9:00 p.m. wil round out the evening's hockey schedule. The Bantams wihh also play three fifteen minute per- iods with the first two periocis played in straight time and the last period being played in stop time. If any o! the games are tled at the end of regulation time one five minute overtime period will be played. If the teamns are still tied sudden death overtime wihh be phayed. That is the first team scoring a goal a! ter the five minute overtime period wilh be declared the winner. These games will bring toaa close the 1956-57 Minor Hockey Season here in Bowmanvilhe. Hockey Night will be as follows: Adults 25c, Children accompan- led by parents wil be admit- ted free. Tickets for Minor Hoc- key Night are available froin ail Minor Hockey League pla.v- ers or coaches or they can 4je purchased the night of the games. The Oreatest VALUE in Ginger Aies I PLUS DEPOSIT GINGER ALES 55-7 BEST BUYS "WIN A NEW BIKE" Quaker Muffets 2 pkgs. 31c Chicken, Liver, Beef 15-oz. tin Pep Dog Food '10 for 95c Ail Purpose 5-lb. bag Five Roses Flour 36C CROWN BRAND Corn Syrup 2-lb. tin 29C Unele Ben's B 1C E 14-oz. pkg. 19C Culverhouse Dessert Peal ,, 20-oz. tin 3 For 55c Royal Instant PUDDINGS iPkg. lOc Appleford's Save-Ali 100-tt. roll Southera Crom Solld 7-oz. tUn WAX PAPER 27c iLIGHT TUNA 2For45c Fresb Produce FIRST 0F SEASON - Young, Tender LETA MC N StC l- ueo As crg .Bu-nch l C TASTY, MEALY 5-Ibs. a w% " lýr alw u -- --NEW PG0T ÀTO0E S 33c ONTARIO> - FANCY GRADE 3-1b. poIy bag SPY APPLES 35c Crisp, Tender, Green, Pascal - Jumbo Size Quality Meats ""Spring Time is Veal Time" Swift's Miik Fed Veal Sîrloin Roast Swift's Miik Fed Rib Veal Chops lb. Swift's Milk Fed C'<a.,ity ee Swift's Brookfield VEAL ~Be PURE PORK Spetlally Selected IUMqP ROAST BONELESS S AU SA GE Knuckle Bone Ont P 0 T R O A S T Sklnless - 1-lb. pkg. lb. 79c lb. 29c i49c York Brand Peanut Butter "New Low Price"I 4c Off 16-oz. ice box jar -- 39c Early Riser Coffee, 1-lb. pkg. 89e Good Luck Margarine, 1-lb. pkg.- 33c Javex, 32-oz. bottie - -- ------ 25e Bulldog Steel Wool - -____ 2 for 23c Hawe's Lemon Oil, 12.oz. bottie-- 29e Johnson's Paste Wax (',, extra wax) G.E. Light Bulbs 25-40-60 watt, 4 for 79e 1',-lb. tin ------ 59e G.E. New Coloramic Bulbs, Fab Detergent, 5c off large size -- 35e 4 colours each ---- -----33e Aunt Mary's Sliced Bread, 24-oz. loaf 17e Christie's Carleton Crackers, b. pkg. 41c Birds Eye Frozen Foods GREN EAS ____ 12-oz. vk:. 24o STRAWBERRIES - - 15-oz. pkg. 43e E. D. 8MITH'8 GRAPE JUICE, 6-oz. tin 21e THERE'S ARED & WHITE STORE NEAR YOU BOWMANVILLE MAPLE GROVE- ORONO- ~P. g',, * j ,' t ___ 1 1 . . 1 1 1 t d . . ý i . - s 3% 4 GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES " short term-5 years " pay 434% interest, payable haif yearly " Unconditionally guarante'ý-d as to principal and interest " authorizeci investment for trust funds IN 5 YEARS $395.40 ACCUMULATES TO $500.00 THE STERLING TRUSTS - Yeo's Marketeria Maple* Grove Groceteria -Cornish Marketeria. PAGE TWELV TEM CANADIAN STATEnIAN. BO"ULNVnl,& ONTARIO ' 1IMSDAY, MAPME 2lit 1957