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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Mar 1957, p. 13

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THURSDAY, MARC1~ 2Imt, 195? i"~z d»~i»i STAT~SMAN. flOWK&j~V~~. E~WTARIO AGI ?HIRT~EN Win~ Game 6 -1 Combines Swamp Lakefield hri First Game of Sertes* Two first period goals by Bow- mnarvilie-Orono Combines were enough te defeat. Lakefield Lnbermen, Wednesday, March *eýkthfte epening game cf the ~Jto-seven Lakeshore finals. Combines, sparked by the eut- standing efforts cf Dean and Junior West, dumped their rivais 6-1 before more than 750 fans at Memerial Arena. Winner of the series will advance against the victors cf the Oshawa-Trenton series in quest cf the Ontario Intermed- late A champianship. Combine's first two goals, each eeming within 22 seconds, were counted by Wally Samanski, on assists froni Keith West and Bill Berwick; and by Dean West from Junier West and Lowell Dykstra, ?nid-way through the first period. The Lumbermenwere short- handed at the time, with Martin serving a two minute penalty for elbowing. After a scorcless second period in which bath teams missed numerous scoring oppartunities around the nets, Dean West tallied for his second goal at the six minute mark of the third period. Dean took a pass from Raye West just inside the Lum- bermen's blueline, and rifled the puck into the cage. Inthe hard-plaeed, wide open' third stanza, Junior West count- ed twice, first an assists from Dean West at 10:37, and later on assista fromn Dean West and Frank Hooper at 19:27. Earlier, Keith West made the score 5-1 on assists from Samanski and Berwick. But the visitors neyer let Up, and with thrce minutes left in the game, Keith Montgomery scored their lone goal on an assist from Doris. The goal. scored on a scramble around the net, broke Ross Hawe's chance of sccring bis first shut-out cf the year. Penalties played an important part in the lopsidcd score for the Combines. Lakeficld was haçded eight minors, as cempar- cd with threc against the local team. The win marked the climax cf one cf Bowmnanville-Orono's best games cf the seasan, as they checked hard, shot often, and passed accurately. After their first two goals, they were neyer in trouble, carrying nearly al the play throughout the second period. Outstanding piayer for Lake- field was goalie Red Wasson. who withstood a barrage ot shots throughout ail three periods. Berneice Budai Rolis 307 for High Single As the bowling season is near- Averageu ing the end, it seems hard for D. Joli 211 one of the bowlers ta go out in 0' Etcher ------210 front by any wide margin. Next H. Brock ----- 207 week will make the decision, B. Budai ____ 20.- and then the playoffs. L. Bates 196 Berneice also takes high tri- V. Coole --19:3 pie with 751, and along w'-th K. Beauprie 19:? Berneice's games of 307, 234, S. Bucknell 189 210, we have other two hun- D. Crombie 186 dred games-L. Lyle, 251, 208, A. Luxton --.~~181 200; L. Martyn 266, 225; V. W. Bates - 18o Cowan 254, 233: S. Bucknell L. Martyn 180 250, 207; J. McCracken 227, 220; J. Hodgkinson 180 O. Etcher 218, 207; L. Bates 214, O. Patfield . - -~ 206; A. Luxton 208, 205; D. Mar- J. Baker ------.-- 18o tin 267:. G. Telford 239; M. Har- A. Richards -1 80) rison 28t2-J. Hodgkinson 237; D. Martin -.-- - -.19 D. Crombie 228; D. Joli 228; M. Dorc Mutton 179 Lewis 225; H. Gilhooley 225; A. H. Dunn -17"9 Richards 223; K. Beauprie 220; H. Gilhooley 1, J. Baker 219; M. Cooiýer 219, E. M. Cooper -------178 Kerr 216; E. Marlowe 214; E. M. Harrison 177 Whitehead 215; D. Brooks 219; H. Piper 177 V. Coode 211; M. Elliott 208. J. M. McNulty 176 Harness 207; L. Wright 202. S. Bickell 176 A. Richards, E. DesJardine, Dot Brooks 176 M. Perfect, C. Nesbitt, D. Pol- L. Wright 176 le~ and D. Virtue were lemons M. Haîroyd 17,5 wk scores cf 98, 97, 95, 78, V. Miller-- ---174 and 49 consecutively. E htha 7 I"igh single, Berneice Budai, E. McCrhaknd ___173 ~0P P.Haines ~173 High Triple, Berneice Budai, V. Cowan - 172 751. L. Lyle 172 High Average, Doris Joli, 211. N. Heaper 17, Team Standings A.______ 7. Name Points Pins . Hognt 170 D Til 48 27125 J. EBr --- -- - 179 K . ol __ 6 81 2 E. Etchrs -------169 1VAOr yd 48 26479 J. Tennant 167 K.eauprie 40 27857 A ikl 6 .Brck 40 26885 D. Crozier ---- 16.) O. Etcher ___ 38 26975 B etae1. É. Etcher____ 33 25606 B. Welake 165 0. Patfield 29 25693 M i~ 6 L. Bates ____28 25692 The annual Bowling Banquet L. Martyn - 27 25596 wîll be heid in the Legion Hall D. Crombie ___ 22 25433 on Monday, April 8th at 6:30 B. Budai_ _ 21 25196 p.m. - Two Goodyeai Teams Meet Here This Week *Bowmanville's Goodyear Ail-Stars will play bout to the New Toronto Goodyear Ail-Stars ln return ai Memorlal Arena on Sun- day, March 31 ai 1 p.m. The local Goodyearites won a close 4-3 decision front their counterparts ln New Toronto en February 24. New Toronto have re- quested a re-match to de- cîde the Champions. The wînners will receive a tro- phy. A wlnner will be declded on a total goal basis. Bow- nianvil le have a one goal edge in the series. This shouid be a highly exclting hockey match as both teams are evenly matched and provide a fast moving style of hockey. Tickets for the game are ai'ailable fromn any Player cf the team. A draw vrill be held for a door prize. Close Games In Playoffs Minor League In the Pee Wee series the Bruins clinched a spot in Min- or Hockey Night whcn they de- feated the Rangers 4-1 ta take their series in Iwo straight j1games. Terry Black led the ftBruins ta their %vin by sccring .4'three of the Bruins' goals. Scott 4Essery (James Lane) account- 'ed for the other Bruin goal. Don Kerr (Ronnie Bryant) scored the lone Ranger tally mîd-way -through the final period. The 1>angers collected two of the ree Penalties handed dut dur-. *$.ig the gamne. Don Kerr (,Rlash- mng) and Ronnie Bryant (trip- ping) rcceived the Rangers' twe% penalties. David Allison (hold- ing the puck) accounted for thc Bruins' penalty. In the second game cf the Pee Wee plaYofis the Hawks defeated the Leafs 7-4 te as- sure themiselves cf a playoff spot in Miner Hockey Night. Alex Wiseman again led his team te victory by scoring four ffl . &ad a&s au .gonanothez. ThWe other Hawk goals went te rDeug Lane (2) and Leigh Sarn- merscales. Ray Crombie led the Leafs' scorers with two goals and two assists. Tom Stacey and Rickey Peterson accounted for the other Leaf goals. The.teamns divided the four penalties is- sued during the game. John, Oke (tripping) and Lcigh Somn- merscaies (slashing) accounted for the Hawks' two penalties. Rickey Peterson (tripping) an Ray Crombie (slashing) co1e1 cd the Leafs' penalties. h win by the Hawks gave them the series in two straight games. lIn the Bantain playaffs tiie Braves scored twice in ea!h perîod te defeat the Tigers 4-1 and even up their playaff series at ane game each. Ross Turner led the Braves' scorers with two goals and an assist. Larry Hai- p cock and Bob Burgess scored the other two Braves' goals.1 Paul Gearing, Larry Hancock,I Bob Burgess and Gerald Bal-j son al picked up assists on th e Braves' four goals. Irving Gil1 (Wayne Mavin and Nelson Yea) scored the lone Tigers' goal late in the final period. Gerald Bal- j son (tripping) picked up the Braves' only penalty of the game. The Tîgers' penalty went ta Nelson Yeo for tripping. The saine two teams will be back at it again next Saturday morning for the right ta enter Minor Hockey Night on Marcli 30th. In the other Bantam playoff series the Lions taok a one, goal edge in their goals ta countii series by defeating the Huskies 4-3. Bill Osborne led the Lions' geai getters by scoring three goals. Glen Blackburn scorc~d, the Lions' other goal. Richard 1 McLean (Bryan Hughes and Brentan Hughes), Bill Crossey (Bryan Hughes) and Bryari Hughes werc the goal scorers for the Huskies. Bryan Hughes (baarding), Brenton Hughes (tripping) and Tam Wilson (tripping) of the Huskies col- lected the only penalties of the garne. The Lions and Huskies will Plav the deciding game next Saturday morning. lIn the first game cf the Atom playoffs the Hornets defea'ed the Rams 3-0 te take a anc gamne lead in their playoff ser- ies. Garfield Wébb (Ricky GavI, Brian Bradlev Phiiip Balson) and Doug Nichais accaunted for the Hornets' thrce goals. Irw:n Colwell (tripping) of the Rarns coilected the only penalty cf the game. The same two îeanis wiIl be back at it this ceming Satu rday morning. Honesty stands at the pate and knocks. and bribery enterà in.-B. RicIL. Second Game Ends in Tie At Goodyear Office and Fan Belts battled toa 2-ail tie in the second game of their best-of-three Goodyear Mercantile Hockay Playoff s at Memorial Arena Sunday afternoon. The tie leaves Office with one win and a tie in the series, while Fan Beits have a tie game ta their credit. They will meet this Sunday in the final game. If Office manage a tie or a wýn they will be the Champions. Should Fan Beits win or tie, there will be an overtime period te decide the winners. Lose Early Lead Jiggs Cowling tallied the opening goal and gave Fan Beits a 1-0 lead early in the first period. Luke Prout scored the ALVIN BOYD Proprietor Des! Tire VALUE! AS AS12045 00I Similar Savings on ... * WATERPUMPà * GENERATORS * CARBURETORS MXen's, Ladies, Children's BICYCLES 39,95 " TRICYCLES " WVAGONS " KIDDIEKARS " ROLLER SKATES *OIL Save up te 20%1 equalizer after grabbing a pass from Larry Chant. Jim Levitt gave Fan Belts the lead again before the stanza ended by scoring an unassisted goal. Bud Perfect spearheaded through the Fan Beits defence near the midway mark cf the middle frame and talli'ed an unassisted marker te even the score. In the final period both teams played a close checking gaine and neither were able ta break the deadiock. Rec. Group Supervisors Are Needed The Bowmanville Recreat ion Department will require person- nel ta act as playground super- visors this coming summer on the Bowmanvilie piaygrounds. The wage scale will run froin $15-00 ta $30.00 per week ac- cordîng te the qualifications and experience. The heurs vill be from 9:00 a.m. te 5:00 p.m. daily except Saturday and Sunday, for a six or seven week period beginnîng July 8th. Application forins are avail- able at the Recreation Office in the Lions Community Cèntre. Ail application forms must be returned ta the Recreation Of- fice ne later than April i2th. Canada's St'art Spring Art Classes For Aduits The Bowmanville Adult Art Class *ill be starting their Spring Sessions on March e9th and continuing for twelve ses- sions. There are still some op- enings for this new session. The Art Class will be held every Friday evening, 7:30 te 9:30 at the Liens Cammunity Centre. The fee for the twelv .e sessions wiil be $16.00. Anyone interested in jaining the class is asked te- drop in on the class this coming Friday or contact Miss Dora Purdon at MArket 3-3184. The class will be under the direction of Mr. Arnold Hodgkins. Office Downs Fan Beits 5-2 In f irst Game Office downed Fan Belts' 5-2 in the first game of their best- of-three Gobdyear Mercantile Hackey League Playoffs, Sun- day af last week. Don Masters and Luke Prout scored a pair each, while Larry Chant tallied a sinaPé fa li Office their win. John Mason and Clint Fer- guson counted with singles for the Fan Beits. Larry Chant scored the first Office marker and Luke Frout fired two more te insure ehe Don Masters aise connect- ed with a pair. O0ffice Takes Top Position At Goodyear Goodyear Mercantile Hockey League ended its regular season schedule on Sunday, March 3. Office finished in top spot, while Fan 'Belts downed Mats in a sudden-death game te dlaim second place.1 The first and second place teams meet in the playoffs. The ieading scorer in the league wvas Don Childs with a total cf 39 points. # W L T Pts. Office Il1 4 Fan Belts 9 7 Mats 8 8 Hase ------- 4 13 Leading scorers were: G Don Childs --21 Don Masters 16 Bob Fairey- 15 Archie Crossey- 15 Mort Richards 16 2 24 1 19 1 17 0 8 A Pts. 18 39 19 35 12 27 1l 26 6 22 Euchure Party Hield in School Tyrone: On Thursday even- ing, March 14, a St. Patrick's Euchre Party was held in Ty- rone Public School. The two teachers, Miss E. Knox and Mr. P. McIntosh with the pupils acted as hasts and hostesse. Bath roams were decerated with the St. Patrick's Day theme and March winds.' As the friends entered,, twe pupils presented them with tally cards, shainrocks and- ASSOCATU STORE -%wmom most progressive chain store organization lowest possible price in and look around. and Accessorles. Save up to 30% .0 Seei ng NEIL McLEAN Your headiquarters for- * HOME SUPPLIES *OHAND & POWER TOOLS. *OSPORTING GOODS *AUTO SUPPLIES. Household APPLIANCES Guaranteed qualiy Toasters. Irons, Mixers, Percolators, Fry Pans, Bath- room Scales, etc. à) Ci Save up o _ _ AUTO ACCESSORIES *RADIOS *SEAT COVERS * MIRRORS, ETC.1 Ail ai Terrifie Savings Bowma nville bats. The party cemmenced with a few words cf \velcome IDy the principal foliewed by an ex- planatien cf the rules. Thirteen tables cf 'euc'hre progressedl during the evening. At the end cf the game two lucky tallit s were found, the winners hein.c Mrs. H. Fartnrs and Mr,. W. Park. Followîng this, prizes wvere presented te: Mrs. A. Wocd, Mrs. J. A. Rosevear, Kenincti Resevear and' Margaret Har- vey. A delicieus lunch was servezi by the pupils. At the conclusion cf the evening a few words of appreciation were extended by NEW MEMBERS for the Bowmanville Art Group sponsored by the BOWMANVILLE RECREATION DEPARTMENT Classes meet Fr;day night nt the Communit y Centre 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Instructor - ARNOLD HODGKINS Spring Session - Starting March 29th Prospective Inembers welcome to attend this week Fee - $16 for 12 lessons. rilèx tu-- b*'- -jJ ialerv -- il .Il .22" w-ý - - m- -f SATU RDAY, m 85 KING ST. W. MUFFLERS' and TAIL PIPES Guaranteed Blowout Proof Models to fit ail popular cars. Save up ta 50% - ____________________ I - I ___________________ I ____________________ I - GARDUN TOULS 'i POWVER MOWERS As Low as 51,95 Comiplete seleetion of Garden Tools for every need. Finest quality guarante cd. Sec Us and Save! FREE OPENING DRAW' *Pair of Commander TIM ES 6.70x15 - First Quality Lifetime Guarantee or equivalent value 7Wei&Îoo TIRE AND AUTO SUPPLY LIMITES ASSOaATu STORE DEEP FRYER Value $14.95 BATTERIES Vp to Y car 4 Guaranten Made by one of the wnld's large-5t manufacturers. As Low as - 7,95 v v ~l.J I ~INI ~ 1MARCH I3rd TIRE AND AUTO SUPPLY LUMITED proudly welcomes you to visit the new Bo wmanville store. The buying power of over 120 stores allows us to purchase at "special discount" prices. These discounts enable us to offer guaranteed q uality merchandise at the is believîng - Corne i. FISHING TACKLE A complet. line of lamlons brand name Rods, Reels, Raits PAINT Guaranteed Quality As Lew 33 Equal or better than natlonally advertised brijnds.' POWER AND HAND TOULS Tremendous SavIngs on Guaranteed Quality Tools for Home, Farm and Industry. Top Quality Always. WESTERN TIRE BOYTS OR GIRL'S BICYCLE Value $39.95 NO PURCHASE REQUIRED. COME IN AND BROWSE AROUND). 8 5 KING ST, WEST "YOU'LL ALWAYS__BUY THE VERY BEST FOR LESS AT Phone MA 3»3134 y y &.%j 8 IMI\l 14 1 TEM dANADUN STATESMAN. IBOWMANVnjýE. C)NTARIO TffmDAT, K&ACE 21st, 1957 P) DAGE THMTEEN 1 i

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