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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Mar 1957, p. 14

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PAGE FOURTEEN TEE CANAD!AI< STATESMAIi. EOWMANV!LLE. ONTARIO ~7WMT~AV MAW~W ti~. 105, KENDAL Callers on Mr&. Thorne and Swarbrick over the weekend were Mns. Pearl Clarke, John and Roy Patton, Mn. and Mrs. Milt Robinson, Mn. and Mrs. Bert Thompson, Mrs. Hatcher Foster and girls, Mrs. Wm. Jackson, Roy Sheep and Rev. J. Kitchen fnom Orono. Mns. M. E. Poster is visiting ini Brantford with ber daugh- ten, Mn. and Mrs. Jîm Short. Mn. and Mns. Martin Locke and Joyce, Ottawa, spent the weekend with Mn. and Mrs. Allen Foster and family. Mns. I. Manhotte came back fnom hen Visit with them in Ottawa. Mr. Gay bad dinner Sunday witb Mn. and Mrs. Rnlph Geach and fnmily. This coming Sunday Mn. Gay will bring with hlm Hugb Gem- mel, n young friend fnom Em- manuel College, Toronto, who will speak ta the congregation. Mn. and Mrs. Eddie Counoux and family visited Mn. and Mrs;* Ray Moore in Toronto. Mr. and Mns. Milt Robinson had supper Sunday night witb Mn. and Mns. Blake Alexander.j There are two types of furnace oil delvery-ordinary-and Shell Furnace 011 Delivery. With Shell, yau enjay the hottest, cleanest burning Furnace Oîi- metered inta your tank-you gel every drap you pay for! And you get oun dependable Keep Fied Service-ail winter long. Order your Shell Furnace 011 iôda>'. Yeo Bros. DO WMAN VILLE Phono MA 3-3259 or 3-3151 RERIGERATORS ELECTRIC RANCES w. He CASE DEALER K'In g St. W. Miss Ruth Jackson, Ottawa, la spending part of her holida.,s at home with her family, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jackson. On Thursday of hast week Mr. and Mrs. Roy Foster ne- turned home from their trip ta Virginia and Tennessee where they had an enjoyable, visit with friends and relatives. Sinoe his stay in Memoriai Hospital, Bowmanvihle, Mr. Wm. Tebble has been stayîng with his brother, Mn. Ceci Tebble ini Onono until he is betten again. Mn. Art Low is a patient in Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville, and we wish him a speedy recovery. David Foster and bis uncle, Randolph Covington, have tak- en a trip to Mexico. Congratulations to Stan Hoy and Alice Taylor of Courtice who were married on Saturday, Manch 16. The Women's Institute beld a euchne pa,ty in the schooi on Friday evening. A ticket was drawn for the blanket anid was won by Argus Curtis. Ladies' high pnize went ta Mrs. A. Lang- staff; men's hîgh ta Hatcher Foster; ladies' how ta Mrs. Mary Luxon and men's low ta Argus Curtis. Mr. and Mrs. N. V. Mclntyre, Toronto, visited Mn. and Mrs. Henb Reynolds. SALEM Salem W.A. will hold their March meeting at the home of Mrs. F. Jackson, Tyrone, on Thursday, March 21. Mr. and Mrs. W. Craig were Sunday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Lehman, Oshawa. They also visited Miss Gerda Craig who was a patient in Oshawa Hospital for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. L. Welsh and family were Saturday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. L. Savery, Oshawa. The Stewards are holding a Pot Luck Supper in the church on Friday, March 29. Mr. J. Cruickshank will show pictures taken while on a visit to Scot- land. Bowmanville Merchants APPRECIATION DAY DRAW EVERY SATURDAT - 3 P.M. Jackpot Value - This Week - $350 This week's winner, 5% coupon - $16.25 Mrs. E. Dilling, 61 King St. E., Bowrnanville $3.60 Consolation Prize to Eileen Crockett, 135 Elgin St., Bowmanville DON'T FORGET - NEXT DRAW, SAT., MAR. 23 at 3 p.m. - Town Hall Thank You . We sincerely wish ta thank the many ladies from Bowmanville and district who visited our store on our opening last week. The many congratulatary messages and comments were encouraging. We hope that we can maintain this high standard in the future by offering yQu the best ini Dresses m Millinery and Accessories If Ladies' Wideman s Wear 48 King St. E. Bowmanville (Formerly C.N.R. Express Office) MANVERS STATION If your lips you'd keep inom slips, Five things observe with cane, 0f whom you speak, ta whom you speak,, And how and when and where I Mr. and Mrs. Sid Powers and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Shepherd visited Mn. and Mns. Ian Smith in Hamilton Sunday. Miss Frances Johnston, To- ronto, spent the weekend with her parents, Mn. an-d Mrs. Al- fred Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Cavano retunned home on Monday foin a two-month vacation ini Florida. Mns. Allan Wood, teacher at Carscadden's school, held an "At home" on Wednesçlay af-' tennoon, quite a numben at- tending and ail report a good time. The children put on an interesting pnognam and Mrs. Wood served a delicious lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Puckworth and Caroline, Mrs. Stewart and Miss Brock, Peterborough, were Sun- day guests »With Mr. and Mns. Earl Fallis. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Sinclair were guests with Mn. and Mrs. Harold Thompson. Mn. and Mrs. Alvin Porter and family, Fallis Line, celebra- ted thein wedding anniversany on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Bnadley. The pupils of Fallis school, S. S. No. 3 Manvers, accompanied by the teacher, Mrs. Earl Argue, attcnded the Kiwanis Music Festival in Peterborough on Friday and sang in competition with 37 one-noom schools in a unison chorus, taking third place, Burleigh Falls second and S. S. No. 5 Manvers, finst. They also took fourth place in a dou- ble trio. Carscadden's school took Parý in the competition too. Mr. Warren Challice, Guelph, a and Miss Margaret Smith, Pe- terborough, were Thursday supper guests with Mr. and Mrs Orville Challice. Mr. and Mrs. Don McGregar o and family, Hamilton, were Sunday visitons with Mrs. W. Bradley and Ross. r Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Porter and () Verna, were Sunday suppen c guests with Mr. and Mrs. Bert I_ Arnott, Peterborough. 0 Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. U Wilmot Horner Saturday were: a .Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Horner and Kenneth, Oshawa; Miss Beulah Thomas, Cameron; Mr. and P Mrs. Stan McCabe, Dawne and S, Alex, Lotus; Mr. and Mrs. Jack S- Rupert, Bowmanville. t] WESLEY VILLE Mr. William Dempsey, a native of Ireland, and long time resident of Wesleyville, passed away quietly here on Sunday morning. He had been ill but a short time, and his strength failed rapidly although every care and kindness was given him by Dr. Kelly and the Austin family. Bill lived on the farm formerly owned by Mr. A. Bali for whom he worked. Partic- ularly kind to children, he had been the friend of two genera- tions of them. He always asked for the absent ones and as re- cently as Saturday morning sent ta tow-n for "sweets for the children." Mrs. E. Barrowclough attend- ed the executive meeting of Cobourg Presbytery Woman's Association held in Port Hope United Church on Monday after- noon. Parents of Bonnie, Pearl and Marie Austin attended the meet- ing in the Port Hope High School on Monday night for the purpose of explaining the course of study for Grade 10, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bar- rowclough and Mr. and Mrs. L. Oughtred were present with Bill and Donna for open house on Wednesday night. A fancy quilt was put In the frames at Mrs. R. Best's on Tuesday afternoon and finished on Thursday. The regular meeting of the W.A. was held at the home of Mrs. George Tufford. The business was conducted by the president, Mrs. A. Austin, dur- ing which plans wene made for purchasîng chairs for the base- ment; contribution voted for the Red Cross; a crokinole party planned for the coming week; and greetings sent with some MA 3-5497 Wins V/aluable Player Award Joe Bothwell Bowmanville, is shown holding the John M. James Most Valuable Player Award which he won at the Little N.H.L. Eastern Ontario Zone Playoffs in Port Hope recently. Joe was chosen the most valuable player in the Bantam (Little N.H.L.) Division. The trophy was presented to him by John M. James, M.P. He is the son Df Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bothwell, 40 Prince Street. roses ta an aId friend in Tor- Dnto. The programme was in bharge ai group leader Mns. L. Hldaway assisted by Mrs. Har- Id Austin and Mrs. George rufford. Mrs. Carroll Nichais nd Mrs. Wm. Tufford were anable ta be present. Follow- -ig the devotionai. period they *esented a skit "Putting the Spice in Housekeeping" which showed many ways ai making the life ai the housekeeper miore interesting. Thirty-three memnbens af the 3unday School enjayed a hay- ide an Friday night,'when two fagox'i loads drawn by a trac- or took a menny trip down the lkeshone road. Clarence Nich- ls was the motorman wîth bis xactor and wagon and Harold Aýustin's wagon. Mns. Arnold Éustin was ready with wienens ind raIls and coffee in the .hurch basement when they eturned. They enjoyed games onducted by Clarence so ahi ad a happy evening. Mn. an-d Mns. Van Vuffelen irived in Pont Bnitain st reek fnom Halland and will be ;aying with their daughter, Vs. John Specksnider before ing ta Toronto. They wene icompanied by four children, td report the ocean crossing 7ey nough. Mn. and Mrs. ;pecksniden came fnam Holland ast spring and are living &t Ir. and Mrs. Carlus Dicken- rn's. 'We are bappy ta àay Barbara lanke had the cast removed rm ber leg this week. Mr. and Mns. Jas. Adarnson ýfToronto visited with the atten's parents, Mn. and Mr-s.1 1.Danke, this week; Marie, elen and Shirley Clarke spent inrt oi the weekend with the 'horndyke sisters. There wene '53 at Sunday ±ool, Dick McDonaid nead the criptune lesson. Sevenai choir embers were away for church rvice, but those who wene resent sang an anthemn with 'r. Tbesmeyer taking the solo ,ant. MVr. Harding's second &nten sermon showed the eed of quiet communion with 'd ta renew and keep strong1 e power ai Faitb. ENFIELD Si ri la t] A A a. CI cc hý ai st mV gc ac SI la sc CI fri af la- H. H TI Se sel Pr M neý th( 1Misses Anna and Charlotte 1McKenzie, Toronto, were week. 1 end visitors with their niece, 'Mrs. Ron Oake and family. Miss Evelyn Pascoe, Civic Hospital, Peterborough, is hav- ing some holidays at' her home. Misses Louise Hartman and Ruth Wilson attended the Sportsmen's Show in Toronto Saturday. The W.A. held a social even- ing in the school Saturday. Mrs. Les Cochrane and Mr. Fred Samis won pnizes for euchre. Mrs. George Bowers and Allan Giffin wene winners at crokinole. Mrs. Rod Simpson showed pictures sent from Ocean Falls, B.C., by Don Samis. if the roads are not bad the folk here are planning another get- together for Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Hobderi and Gale, Kinsale; Mr. and Mns. Frank Lycett and Dennis, iOshawa, wene visitons with the Lee's Sunday. FAST RELIEF FOR TIRED FEET TYRONE The Warld Day af Prayer service was obsenved on Fnîday, March 8, in Tyrane United Chunch with Mns. P. H. Wenny and Miss Grace Smith in change. Bible reading by Mrs. W. Van- eyk, Salem, and Haydon wene nepresented with severai ai the ladies taking 'part. Rev. F. J. Jackson, aur paston, spoke ta us on the theme, "Who Shahl Separate Us." Mns. Chas. Rankine ai Hay- don was the soioist, and sang "I arn Praying for You," ac- companied by Mns. Arthur Rend. Mns. F. Jackson was ongarlisz, for the hymns. Mn. Lloyd Robinson, Gloria and Scott, Miss Jean Gooder- ham, Port Hope, visited Mr. and Mns. F. L. Byam. Mn. Douglas Jones and friend, Malton, visited bis mother, Mns. L. Joncs. Mn. J. A. Rosevear nnd Kenneth visited Lanny at K. A.S., Kemptville. Mn. and Mrs. W. Vaneyk and John moved back ta their fanma on Saturday. They will ibe missed in the village. Mn. and Mrs. L. Phillips have* moved in Mrs. A. Haw- key's home. Mn. and Mrs. E. A. Virtue and John' visited ber sister, Mns. Chas. Shaw in Oshawa Hospital. Mn. and Mrs. A. Rahm vis;'t- ed Mn. and Mns. S, Rahm, Blackstock. Mn. and Mrs. S. Walker, Mn. Douglas Walker, Miss Ethel Hall and Keith Robinson, Bow- manville, visited Mn. nnd Mrs. H. Hall. Mn. and MýIs. Arthur Hamil- ton and family visited ber mother, Mns. John Home, at Grimsby alsa bis brother, Mn. and Mrs. D. C. Hamilton ai-d family, Oakville. Mrs. Marshall Mathis ai War- ren, Pa., is visiting Mrs. W. Miller. Giad ta bear Mn. and Mrs. T. MeRobents are getting along much better. Mn. McRobents fell some weeks ago, injuring his knee, aiter neturning main bospital Mrs. McRoberts feil and broke ber wrist. Mr. Russell Spinks, Oshawa, visited Mn. and Mrs. J. Wilson. Mn. and Mns. Don Reail, Markham, with Mn. and Mrs: j W. H. Taylor. Congratulations ta Mn. and VIns. N. Collacott Who celebrat- ed thein wedding anniversanv on Sunday. Mrs. G. Phare and Lance, Mn. and Mns. Lamne Phare were present. Mn. and Mrs. Donald Thomp- on and family, Courtice, werc Saturday evening visitons ai Mr. and Mns. A. Yaungman. Mn. and Mns. D. Miller and )ebbie, Mns. W. Miller, Mrs. M. Mathis, wene Sunday guests of Mn. and Mrs. Chanton Eng- ish, Peterborough. Mrs. Joe Cowling, Mn. Mur- ay Cowling, Mr. Lamne Crago, Bowmanvilie, visited Mr. anîd lIns. Lloyd Smith. Mn. and Mrs. R. Coombes and Wayne, vîsîted Mn. and Mns Gardon Chant, Hampton, Sa t- unday evenîng. Mr. Harold Gnskin, Moncton, N.B., is visiting bis sister, Mn. nd Mrs. George Alldread. Mn. and Mrs. C. Taylor, Bow- manvihle, visited Mn. and Mrs. A. Wood. Baby Bihl Hoar, son ai Mn. nd Mrs. A. Hoan, is in the Sick Children's Hospital. We hope he will soon be home, weli and stnong again. The Sunday monning service was very weli attended. Rev. FJackson spoke on "ýHaving 'aitb", the choir sang -On- ward Christian Soldiens" with Miss Grace Smith at the angan. Mn. and Mns. A. Youngman and boys visited bis parents, Mr. and Mns. Ed Youngmnan, 'ontypool. Mn. and Mns. Raymond Clapp, isited Mn. and Mrs. Gardon Zlapp, Belleville. Mns. Otto Virtue returned ome after spendîng several îonths with Mn. and -Mns. Per- ENNISKILLEN World Day of Prayer The World Day of Prayen Ser- vice was observed Friday, March 8th at Enniskillen Church. Fniends from Enfield and Burketon appointments joined with Enniskillen in the inspiring service. The service was conducted by Mns. H. Ashton, Mrs. R. Vintue, Mns. L. Wearn, Mrs. M. Bowen and Mrs. 0. C. Ashton. Rev. R. B. Green bnougbt a message ai in- spiration on the theme oi the service "~Who Shall Separate Us". Everyone enjoyed the solo rendered by Mrs. R. Panr ac- companied by Mts. L. Lamb who was pianist for the service. Mrs. K. Roblin, Mrs. Carter and Mrs. F.' W. Wenny rend sel- ections. Prayer was offened oy Mns. W. Bowman, Mrs. R. Or- miston, Mrs. R. McGill, Mns. M. Stainton and Mns. H. McGill. The offening was neceived by Mrs. E. A. Wenry and Mns. T. M. Slemon. Mrs. F. W. Werny was hast- ess ta the W.M.S. Mnnch 12 wiih a good attendance. Mrs. L. Weann, President, opened the meeting with a poem, follow- ed by worship led by Mrs. E. Trewin. Mns. F. Beckett nead the Seniptune. Mns. G. Yeo ne- ported on United Nations ai-d gave some bniefs from an ad- dness recentiy given by Hon, James Sinclair, Minister of Fishenies for Canada. The study chapter on "Burma and Trail- and" was given by Mns. H. B. Green with Mrs. R. Ormiston and Mrs. H. McGill taking part. Mrs. L. Ashton gave a report af Presbyterial hehd at Whitby United Church. Gnoup three annanged the prognam and serv- ed a dainty lunch. The Hilîtoppens met Feb. 22 in the Sunday School room. AnI excellent devotional period was conducted by Mns. Ralph Vin- tue. Ralph Lamb rend a hum- anous poem, followed with a contest by Mrs. 1Èod Simpson. Aiter the business, it was de- cided ta bold anothen card par- ty in the community hall on Manch 22. Girls ta serve lunch. Mn. and Mns. Earl Tnewins, Doreen and Donald, with tlhe Albert Wrights and Fred Tre- wins, Blackstock. Mn. and Mrs. E. J. Harrison, Toronto, visited Mn. and Mrs. H. Stevens and Gardon. Mn. and Mrs. Fred Toms spent Sunday aitennoon wîth Mn. and Mrs. Harold McLaugh- lin nnd were tea guests ai Mr. and Mns. Stuart Dorneil, Black- stock. Mn. and Mrs. Leonard Cheese- man and Linda, Oshawa, with Mn. and Mns. W. Howeils. Miss Doneen Holnoyd, Hamp- ton, with Mn. and Mns. Lamne Lamb. Mn. and Mrs. Ralph Virtue were recent visitons ai Mrs. Gladys Hem, Toronto. Mn. and Mns. Gardon Gettins, Whitby, were with her parents, Mn. and Mns. p. Ellis. Callens with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Toms were Mn. Russell Spinks, Oshawa, and the Wil- bur Toms, Purpie Hill. Mn. and Mns. John Oke ai-d famîly, Oshawa, wene with Mr. and Mns. Walter Oke. Mrs. J. D. Cale, H-elen, AI- Ian, and Jean, Bowmanviile; Mn. Grant Hernon, Countice, with Mnf. and Mns. E. A. Wer- ry. Mn. and Mrs. Roy Hunten, Grand Valley, wene weekend guests with Mn. and Mns. A. Oke. Mn. and Mns. E. J. Harrison, Toronto, wene cahiers at Mr. and Mns. W. H. Moore's. Mn. John Fleet is visiting bis daughten, Mns. R. Thwaites, To- ronto. Mn. and Mns. Floyd Pethick and Robin, Toronto, with Mn. and Mrs. S. R. Pethick. Mn. and Mns. Roy Hunter, Grand Valley, wene visitons . 1 HOOPER'S PRESENTS For ONE week only Mardi 28 to April 6 See These Goodwill Guaranteed USED CARS and SAVE 2 - 1954 Meteor Coaches Custom Radia, two-tone. From - $1295 2 - 1953 Chevrolet Sedans -- m$115 0 1952 Pontiac Sedans New car condition, custom radio, directional signais, backup lights, new tires recently. $ 8 95 From ___ 1951 Pontiac Coaches - Sedans From - $750 We also have many good qualily 1950, 194 9, 1948 and 1947 models from which Io choose * Good Variety of Light Trucks that have been completely overbauled and reconditioned to give you thousands of trouble free miles. ,eee.e.eeeeeeeeeeeeer---------------------eeeeeee Robson Motors Limited BUICK - PONTIAC,-- G.M.C. TRUCK DEALER 166 King St. E.- Bowmanville MA 3-3321 with Mr. and Mrs. C. Ferguson. Mn. and Mrs. A. M. Weann, Claremont, with Mr. and Mns. A. L. Weann. Mn. and Mns. Floyd Beckett and famihy wene visitons of Mr. 0. Beckett, Tyrone. and cele- brated Mr. Beckett's Blst birthday. Mr. and Mns. Ralpb Vintiie were Sunday visitors of Miss- es Ruby Virtue and Viola Wil- liams, Toronto. Mr. and Mns. Win. Farder, Blackstock, were Wednesday visitons of Mn. and Mrs. Fred Toms. Mr. and Mrs. C. Fenguson, Bernice and Roy, with Mn. and Mns. R. Bottrell, Newcastle. Mn. Hanny Fenguson, Osh- awa, Mn. and Mrs. Clarence Avery and family, Bunketon, visited with Mn. and Mrs. A. Oke. 1Mr. and Mrs. Reg Weavirig and Rickey, Thonnhill, were with Mn. and Mrs. W. H. Moo-ec. Mn. Allan Stainton spent Monday with bis cousins, Mr. and Mns, W. H. Moore. Mn. and Mns. Wallace Gnif- fin, Heathen and Dale, 'wai'e Sunday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. N. Collacutt, Bow- manville. Mn. and Mrs. W. H, Moore visîted iast week with Mr. and Mns. R. Weaving, Thonnhill. Mn. and Mns. Ailan Wenry and Sandra, wene Sunday tea guests at Mn. and Mrs. Ross Lee's and Bnian, Kedron. The Explorers met in the church basement on March 13 and opened with the usual cere- mony and muster. Great inter- ~Oh~ fl~~1?? ~f 3 FREE HERE'S THE PLAN Corne in and chocs. your favourite International Sterling pattern. By maldng a purcbase of three 5-piece place seftings, we wilI present to you, as ca gift irom us, another 5. piece place sefting in the sarne pattern. 5- .PC PLACE SETTING $ 2 50 AS LOW AS HOOPER'S JEWELLERY & GIFT SHOP Sp ecia! Announcemenf - We are pleased tb announce ihai we now carry a completee une of Electrical Appliances WASHING MACHINES HOME FREEZERS S peci al a.a. Washing Machine with Pump only $110 BROWN ut TIM CANADL« STATICSMAN, BOMIUNVn= ONTARIO PAGE rouRTEM TBMDAY. MARC11 2lot. 1957 bird attendance chart. The study wvas given by counsellor Mrs. H. Ashton who told -ha story of a family ii the Phil- ippines who becomne Christiaiis because they heard the story of Jesus9 on the radio. The worship was V4,er%,by Daphne Green and the compabs read by Richard Pickering. We were glad to welcome a n.-w member to our group, For han- dicrafts, ail Explorers continu- ed the work they had started .at the previaus Expedition, Lawrence Wright was*r en to give the password. $ Marie Nellis to be the d &r- keeper. Nothing will make us so char- itable and tender ta the f aults of others, as, by self- examination, thoroughly ta know our own.- Fenelon. DUMP TRUCK COMPLETE with host--7' x Il' box. In absoiutely flrst class con& dition and guaranteed. 1955 FORD F-600 - 3-Ton Any Reasonabie Offer A ccep ted. Seaway Motors 1, MTED 428 King St. W. Oshawa

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