.- u j ÀO &q h. vT THU1SDAY, MARC!! 2 lt, 198? Y1~ ~i.. mm- - lbbU--& &J Births Articles for Sale BENNETT-Heather and Wendy GOOD straw. Phone MA 3-2662. are thrilled to anounce the 12-1* arrivai of their baby sister Laur-1 el (Laurie> Ann at Cobourg HAY, approximately 800 bales. General Hospital, February 27, Phone MA 3-5104. 12.1* 1957. Mary (nec Pickard) and CRSE rae o dieas ]Rn reth pou prets12-1*llPhone MA 3-5383. 11-2* ELECTRIC motor, man's bicycle. HEARD-Al and Jean Heard PhoneM -15 21 are happy to announce the birth i neM 3-65 21 of their daughter Ellen Marie on ELECTRIC portable sewing ma- March llth, 1957, at Memorial chine. Phone MA 3-3638. 12-1 Hospital, Bowmanville. A sister for Kenneth. 12-1* QUANTITY of Rodney oats and _______Rex barley. Phone MA 3-2157. KEMP-Mr. and Mrs. Douglas 12-3* Kemp are happy to announce NAVY suede jacket, fitted, size the birth of a son Douglas 38, like new. Phone MA 3-5737. Alexander (Sandy), March 12, j 1957. 12-1 12-1* (LOCAL, good white lso McKEEN-Mr. and ý Mrs. Nor-, sweet clover. C. Palmer, Betbany, man McKeen (nee Marion1 Ont.95 Haines) are happy to announce 95 the birtb of their baby boy, John MAPLE dining-room suite, ex- Douglas, March 13, 1957, at Ross cellent condition. Phone MArket Memorial Hospital, Lindsay, 7 3-2075. 12-11 Ibs. A brother for Cinda Lee. 12-i* LARAINE seed oats. Luther fHooper, Tyrone. Phone MA MEDLAND - Jean and John 132322. 12-2*' Mcdland (nec Gimblett) of COOKSTOVE with oul burners; Brooklin, bappily announce the large space heater, oul; rangette. arrivai of a daughter, Barbara PlBronSret 2 I Jean at the Oshawa Gencral ~îrw tet 91 Hospital on Thursday. March 14, HAY for sale. Approximately i- 1957. A sister for Billie. 12-1* 2,000 bales, No. 1 bay. Phone IMA 3-5476 or 3-5805. 12-1 MOflGAN-Rev. and Mrs. T.1 Arthur Morgan are happy to an- FLOOR polisher for rent at nounce the birth'of a son Edwin Mason & Dale Hardware, 36F Henry on March 19, 1957. 12-11 King St. E., Bowmanvîlle. 13-tf TURNER-Beverley and Sam MIXED bay for sale. John Rut- Beau Ridge Farm, are bappy tý nyk, R.R. 1, Port Hope, Lot 22,h announce the arrivai of their son Con. 3. Phone Welcomc 2143. s John William at Memorial Hos- 11-3 E pital, Bowmanvillc on Marcb WALNUT dining-roomn suite, like- I3th, 1957. 12-1 new, wiîî seli reasonable. Also car radio. Phone MA 3-5171. Engagements 12-19 Mr. and Mrs. Wiibert Teeple BALED bay, quantity. Pasture 2 announce the engagement ofI for fifty head of cattie. Pbone - their daugbter Catherine Eliza- Bethany 7 r 3, George Cbapman. A beth, to Neil, son of Mm. William 11-2* el May f Pteroroub ad te jSAV E on lumber, direct from p late Mrs. Isa May. The marriage miii to you. Pbillins Lumber B to take place on Thursday even- Co., Kinmount, Ontario. Phone ing, April l8tb at 8 ociock in St. 17 r 11. l3tf T Paul's United Churcb. 12-1 «:' KEYS eut automaticaily, while le Mr. and Mrs. Howard R. you wait, at Mason & Dale Hard- 0 Hlogaboam, Kingston R o a d,,j ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- h( Bockville, Ontario, announce ville. 46-tf~ the engagement of their oniy IL daughter, Muriel Diann, to SINGER Sewing Centre, new el Douglas Hill Rigg, son of Mr. and used sewing machines. fCE and Mrs. Harvey D. Rigg, 127 RentaIs or repairs. Phone MA to VieIl Street, Stratford, Ontario. 3-2155. 18-tf in The marriage will take place on M Saturday, April 20, 1957, at 3:30 HARD and soft water delivered. - p.m., in Wall Street United1 Prompt service. Robert H. Cale. K Churcb, Brockvilîe. 12-1 Phone MArket 3-5476 or MA ct 3-5805. 48-tf n c Marriges IBRYANS - BROWN - Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Brown announce the marriage of their oldest e2aughter Nancy May, to Robert Joseph Bryans, son of Mr. and Mre. Jas. Bryans, ail of Courtice. The marriage took place at Courtice on Friday, March 15,' 1957. 12-1* Deaths FRIEND-On March 2, 1957, at Cuernavaca, Mexico' Otto' be- loved husband of Irene Friend, father of Veronica and Gregory! of Toronto and brother of Dr. F. FreUnd, New York City . The interment was at Cuernavaca,j Mexico. 12-1' McCULLOUGH, Leslie Lorne- .At Port Hope Hospital, Monday, March 18, 1957, Leslie Lomne McCullough, son of the late James McCullough and Lorinda Samis, brother of Lillian (Mrs. Bert Sainis), Newtonville. Serv- ice was held in the George Fun-1 eral Chapel, Port Hope, Wednes-1 day, March 20 at 2 p.m. Inter- ment Lakeview Cemetery, New- tonville. 12-1 Cards of Thanks We xish to tbanlz our kind friends who remembered us on our 5tb Wedding Annîversary also for the nice gifts and cards we received. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Mountjoy. 12-1-, I wish to thank the Newton-i ville W.A., also friends and1 neighbours for candies and cards and inquiries, also staff of M e- morial Hospital, Bowmanville, and Dr. McKenzie. Many tbanks. Willis McNair. We would like to sincerely thank Dr. Rundie, nurses and staff of Memorial Hospital, Bow- i manville for the wonderful care they gave our son Rickey, on bis stay in the bospital. Annie and Mike Nemisz. My sincere thanks to Dr. A Sylvester and Dr. R. A. GilI. nurses and staff of Memoriali Hospital. for lovely care giveni me. also for flowers, cards, fruiti and kindness received frorn. neighbours. friends and relatives during Ay illness ini hospital. Sid Walker. 12-1* I wish toextend my sincerest thanks and appreciation to ahl wvho called on me or sent me cards, fruit, confectionery and flowers wbile in Memiorial Hos- pital, Bowmanville and since I came to the rest home in Orono. Thanks a lot. Blake G. Stevens. 12.1* 1Iwould like to give many thanks for the care I received during my stav in Memorial, Hospital from nurses and staff and Dr. Hubbard. Dr. MacKav,. Dr. Sylvester, and relatives and friends who sent mie plants, flowers, candv. cards and pres- ents. also tbanks for the loveiy bouqum, of flowerg I received when 1 camie home. j Pb3'iis Ma3'nard. 12-11 GARRY oats, grown from reg- istered seed, $1.50 bushel at bamn. Apply Charles R. Fee, Black- ~stock, 96 z 23. 12-1 COOKSTOVE wîth oul burners, Singer treadle sewing machine, lawn mower, small tricycle. Tele- phone MA 3-2155. 12-11 BEATTY washcrs, dryers, iron- ers, ranges, polishers and vacuum cleaners, easy terms. Kelly TV,1 81 King W., Oshawa. 10-41 ELECTRICAL Repairs-Prompt service to eletrical appliances, large and small. Lander Hard- wvare. Phone MA 3-5774. 43-tf DO your own floors-Rent a sander or a floor polisher from Lander Hardware, 7 King St. E., Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5774. 3-tf ý57 FRIGIDAIRE super ýaryer only $189, built and backed by G.M., $1895 down. G.M.A.C. plan.Kll Frigidaire, 81 King W., Oshawa. 10-4 HEARING aid service, testing service and complete stock of batteries and cords at Higgon Electrie Limited, 38 King St. E. Bowmanville. Telephone MA! 3-5438. 20-tf ADDING machines, typewriters, cash registers, cheque writers, filing cabinets, office fumniture, ,new and used. J.-epars to al makes. Walter Frank, Bowman- ville. MA 3-2403. Newcastle 2114. 19-tf EQUIP your bouse with Nash aluminumn combination doors and windows, ail colours. Our representative will give you free estimates. Lander hardware, 7 -King St. E.. Bo\vmanville. Tele- phone MA 3-5774. 10-tf MORRIS Co. have been appoint- ed Singer Sewing Machine re- presentatives for the Bowman- ville district. Come in and see a Singer-the finest in sewing machines. Various attacbments also in stock. Telephone MA 3-5480. 46-tf DRAPERIES and venetian blinds customn made or draperies sold by the yard. Our representativej will caîl at Your home any time with a complete range of samples and suggestions without obliga- tion. Fabric Town, 59 King St. W. Telephone MArket 3-3609, Bowmanville. 48-tf Decoraling *For the Fiaest Paints *For the Latest Papers *For the Best Workmanship S. G. Preston & son hours a day. 10-4 L~ARGE four-burner FrigidairE electric stove, also double por- ceamn sink with built-in arborite top, taps and trap included, both in perfeot condition, TelepbonE MA 3-5780. 12-1 ELNAR brand alfalfa and most other grass seeds. Registered commercial Garry and Rodney oats. Commercial Rex, the high vielding two-row bariey. Phone ;wain Seed Cleaners, Blackstock 9 r 11. il-tf MODERN boudoir iam 1ps, regil-lar 12.95, to clear $6.95 a pair; lmited quantity available, var- lty of colours. Hooper's Jewel- lry and Gift Shop, 28 King St. W., Bowmanville. Phone MA J-5747. 12-1 IJST arrived! Large variety of =odern shades for floor lamps, 55.95 each. Ali new washable îateriais in many different ;yles and colours at Hooper's reweilery and Gift Sbop, 28 King t. W., Bowmanviiie. Telepbone lA 3-5747. 12-1 HROME kitcben suites from ).-50; -two-piece ehesterfields, 29.0à, spa.ce savers, 49.00; )ring-fiiled mattresses. 22.95. 'rade-mns: Reconditioned wash- rs, 39.50: kitchen table, four lairs, natumai xvood finish. iurphy Co., King St. W. MA 3781. 12-1* ISED tractors and famm ma- hinery-Farmall "H" tractor, iw tires front and rear, over-1 îuled and painted; Farmaîll iper "A" tractor, hydmaulie,j ompletely overhauled, Masseyl 22" tractor in perfect condition;, lassey-Harris seed dril13 arker with power li;Inte13 ational 2-furrow plougb; Fleury' -furrow plough: John Deere 7- ot tandem dise at Cowani luipment Co., 134 Kink St. E., )wmanville. Pbone MA 3-5689. 12-11 EEour 1957 line of- electrie nges and freezers. Push-but- )n electric range, deluxe model, lly automatic, as low as $195: 57 Firestone home freezer, 19 bic feet, $395; 21" Westing- tise console TV, in light wood nl-, regular $359 for $249; 1957 ,estingbouse television, table idel on legs, only $239: Thor lctric washer with pump, reg- lar $179 for only $129; Inter-i ationai 8.2 cu. f t. refrigerator, ýgular $349 for $239 at Cowan iuipment Co., 134 King St. E., owmanville. Phone MA 3-5689. 12-1 c y 8! I.3 st JE St lm CI 12 Ti er l eh ne Su "2 Mi M 2-1 fo( Ee: SE rai to: ful 19 cul hoý on W( Mc ehe ule nal reg Ec Bc Want a Bargain IN Television ? Phone MA 3-3883 FOR FREE HOME TRIAL at no obligation or cost. ta you Television Service Co. 185 Church St. Bowmanville Bill Dykstra, Proprietor, 12-1 Phones j J.V ALtIIIALS MA 3-5912 MA 3-3701I SOLD, INSTALLED. MOVED 44-tf and REPAIRED ALL-WAVE AERIALS Humeniuk Heating $35.00 installed FORCED AIR CNETARAT OO AIR CONDITIONING CS4ET9A.50 Tu RTO Installed - S475 S4950 1 If you cant get channel 6, Toronto OIL CONVERSIONS - $265 we can correct it. Terms Arranged Work guaranteed. Free estimates R. R. 3 BOWMANV[LLE TOWNE TV MA 3-5121 MA 3-55122 9-4 12-l' good condition tfhrou-ghout.-Mayl be seen after 5 p.m. contact Elmer Green, 2 miles east of Newtonville. 12-1 1954 FORD 4-door. 1953 Chev- rolet 2-door and 1951 Oidsmobile, Rocket "88" sedan with auto- matie transmission and radio at Cowan Equipment Co.. 134 King ýSt. E., Bowmanville. Telephone MA 3-5689. 12-1 Cars for Sale 1951 CHEVROLET SEDAN Very. dean, excellent body and tires $695 1950 CHEV. DELUXE SEDAN Low mileage, radio and white walled tires 1 Q595 1947 CHEVROLET COACH Good body, very dlean $295 1947 DODGE SEDAN New paint, runs good $295 1947 DeSOTO SEDAN' Radio, good motor and tires $350 j Cash - Trade or Terms Blackstock Motors BLACKSTOCK PHONE 70 After hours Phone 77 - R. J. Snooks 12-11 Livestock f or Sale SEVEN Yorkshire pigs. Clarence Tink, MA 3-2361. 12-1 FIVE 10 week old Yorksbire pigs. Phone MA 3-2062. 12-1- TWO Holstein cows due Aprils Ist. Phone Newcastle 2102. s 12-1 '< FRESH cows and some due to 1 freshen soon, also somne veall I calves. Apply Z. J. Benschop.i Phone MA 3-2926. 12-11 REGISTERED Shorthorn bull, dark red, from a good milking strain, eleven months old. Apply M. Gilroy, R.R. 1, Enniskillen. p Chickens for Sale " POINT your '57 ebieks in the direction of the bcst markets, eggs, broilers. Bray bas wide choice breeds, crosses. etc. Keep abreast of buying trends. Order soon. Contact us. W. S, Staples, Box 325, Bowmanviile. Phone MA 3-3938. 12-1 CANADIAN Appmoved, pullor- um testea, Day Old and Started Cbicks. Book orders now for future delivcr.y. White Leghorn, Barred Rock (fast feathering) and New Hamp. X Baçred Rock. For price list write or Phone H. J. Brooks, Bowmanville. MA 3-3961. 50-tf WE have the following chicks for sale: 50 New Hamp. X Bar- mcd Rock mixed, batchcd Feb. 1, 50 New Hamp. X Barmed Rock mîxed. hatched Feb. 15:' 120 Barrcd Rock pullets, h atcbed Mamch 15; 400 Barred Rock pul- lets, to hatch March 29tb. Write or phone for price. MArket 3-3961. H. J. Brooks, Bowman- ville. 12-1i Help Wanted LICENSED mechanic required for local garage. Apply Cowanl Ecquipment Co.. 134 King St. E., Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5689. 12-1 TWO teachers for two-roomed school. S.S. No. 18, Darlington, T y r o n e Village. Protestant. State experience, qualifications and salary expected. Write F. L. Byam, Sec'y-Treas.. S.S. No. 18, Darlington, Tyrone, Ont. Articles for Sale Chc Tes BALED hay. Phone MA 3-2964. 1il-tf NEW TWO single beds, spring mat- CLASSIFIED tresses: cots with mattresses. Phone MA 3-5195. 12-1 ] RATES DOUBLE bcd, springs and springf filled mattmess, $20. Mrs. Ander- Send Money with Your Order son, Newcastle 2646. 12-11 and Save. CLOVER seed, aiso ciover bay and mixed timotby and alfalfa.: lPhone Blackstock 72 r 4. 12-21... The Canadian Statesman . POTATOES, 100 bajgs No. 1j~ CLASSIFIED ~ small; 85 bushels buckwheat. A V RTSI G Telephone Biackstock 82 r 12. AD E TSN 121 :.:RATES LAURENTIAN table tumnips,' washed and timmed, $1.00 per ARTICLES FOR SALE busel LslieTalo, uretn. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE *I busel Lelye Tylr, ureto. IFOR RENT - HELP WANTED 1j 12-1 CARS FOR SALE SLOST - FOUND . ETC.*I CORDWOOD, dry, $8 per cord, . Cash Rate - - " 4c per word : delivered in town. F. R. Cook, j'Mwith a minimum of 60c * 292 ~ ~ ~ .. KiMStu.PhnsAte be paid hi' date cf insertion. *y 292 ing t. . Phne Arke Ifcharged, an additional 25c 3-2724. 12-1* Acarewjll ho added. A cha f 25c wjll be mcde for * GIRL'S yellow spring coat, also : ail replies directed ta this office. e.* blue suit and severai dresses, ail .. NOTICES - COMING EVENTS*: like new. Size 6. Phone MA .- AND CARDS 0F THANKS : 3-3970. 12-1* e- 4c a ward with a minimum aof< > . $1.00 for 25 wcrds or less. WETTLAUFER cement block <*BRT'**EGAE e . ,machine, band operated, excel-*: MARRIAGES - DEATIfS :i ýlent condition, sixty dollars. $1.00 per insertion .I Phone MA 3-2625. 12-1* I EOIM :$1.00 plus foc a line far versoeé tJSED parts for aIl makes of %~. washing machines, minor repairs, e.. Display Classified ct $1.50 per e.- 1/b.p. motors, $5 and up. i nchi with a minimum cf ane inch. t u .41 Additionol insertions et the same * Paddy's Market, Hampton, Ont. I,*rotes. ( 12-1 * ~ hme o .*. Classified Ads ms ei FAMOU make bîg 1" TV *:* this office not later thon : FAMUS mae, ig21 T ,* 12 o'clock naon, Wednosday. ..- handsome hardwood cabinet, . Send cash. stamps or monci' ordor *. sale pr'ce $179.95, full warmanty. é: and save money. ..9 Kelly TV, 81 King W., Oshawa. : lp h1euc.oni efrne 10-4 . OFFICE HOUES .. Mondai' throuqh Friday 1 INSULATION, blowing metbod .' 8:30 a.m. ta 5 p.m. vith rock wool. Womkmanship j- Saturday guaranteed. F r ee estimates. : 8:30 arn. ta 12 Noost H{arry L. Wade. Phone Clarke .. Dial MArket 3-3303 2420. 39-tf : for Classified Ad Service A. LATE model WJestingbouse ~** electrie range (big oven), also a Westinghouse frig. and a tobacco Cars for Sale plantîng machine. Phone 20R51 _______________ Betbanv. 12-1* 1951 PLYMOUTH sedan, good TV acrials erccted, moved mre- condition. Real buy for cash. paired, 30 f,., ail channel, irstal- Phone MA 3-2260. 12.1* ld, $49.50; licensed. Kelly TV, 1951 DODGE 1/2 -tonpnlm Oshawa ,-,r,11c,'*RA .-52194 nAael iI Wanted DEAD and crippled farm stock, picked up promptly. Phone MA 3-2679. Margwill Fur Farmn, Tyrone. 26-tf Auction Sales Auction sale of 40 head vac- cinated Holstein milkers, spring- ers, open and bred heifers; two tractors, tractor machinery; 2½/- ton truck, 1,500 bales of hay, 400 hales of straw, dairy equip'ment, etc., the property of Mrs. J. Veenhof, two concessions south and a haîf mile west of Courtice, to be sold by public auction on Saturday, March 3Oth at 1 p.m. sharp. Terms cash. No reserve. Jack Reid, auctioneer. Furt'er particulars see buis. 1 2-2 The undersigned auctioneer wili seli by public auction two horses, two cows, farm impIe- rnents, 800 bushels of grain. pmoperty of Valentine Totb, Lot 35, Concession 10. Clarke Town- ship, mile cast of Long Sault Chureb. on Saturday. March 23: H-orse, nine years; mare, nine years: Hereford cow, 5 yeams, bred September; cow, due time of sale; back band harness; four collars, Massey-Harris binder, 7-foot:> Massey-Harris mower, Ibockshutt plow, George Wbit e electric bammer milI. four sec - ions of harrows, 13-dise McCor-! nick seed dmi11, 77 Fleury singli plow, teamn wagon, 3 b.p. gasi engine, chieken brooder, wheei A barrow, : borse motor, and >'iimp jaek; electrie table saw vith ¾ bhorse motor, ail steel, 16 rolis of Insul Brick, 10 pieces of eavestrougb; 24-foot ladder, hay fork. collar and rope, 1101 cet; quantity of loose hay, 300 bushels of oats, 300 bushels of mrains, some furniture with kitcben stove, fomks, shovels and riany articles. Terms cash. Sale t 1.30. Fred Smith, clerk; Clif- ford Petbick, auctioneer, 12.1* '1 E y r c 1: Pl ek bi a fe EXTENSIVE CLEARING of Orchard Equipment, Wade Irrigation System, Garden Equip- ment, Tractors, Farm and Poultry Equipment, The undcrsigned bave received instructions from GILBERT BROTHERS to seil by public auction at their farm. on the East side of BRONTE 'North side of No. 2 Highway, on1 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27. 19571 at 12:.30 o'clock, the following: Machineryj John Deere Tractor, 40 Crawl- er. witb dozer blade, hydraulie systemn, power take-off; H.G. 421I Crawler Tractor, Bean speed sprayer, Model 29D. used two seasons; Lilliston roto-cutter, 7' six cut: double tractor Dise, 3- furrow Tractor Plougb, 3-section Spring-tooth Cultivator, 1-ton Fargo Truck, stake body; Dodge Truck, 3-ton, with 1,000 gaI. steel tank, centrifugal water pump and boses; 6 cylinder Cbrsylem Motor, complete. Wade Irrigation System Motor and Pump. complete; 122-20' Iengtbs of 5" aluminum pipe, compiete with couplings and sprinklers; 30-30' lengths and 12-20' lengths of 6" alumn- inum pipe with couplings and hydrants; 5" and 6" Elbows, Tees, Plugs, Couplings, Latches, Rings, Gaskets, Bolts and other essential pieces, ail aluminum. Ladders and Packing Equipment1 44 picking ladders, Cedars, 16' to 24' long; extensions 20' to 26' long, quantity of picking baskets and bags, strawberrv carriers, apple grader and sizer, pear and! peacb sizing section ineiuded; 2.500 standard apple barrels. Spray and Po.ultry Equipment 2 Brooder Houses, 1 12' by 14' insuiated; 1 10' by 14'. Fountains, F'eeders, 2 Oul Brooder Stoves, etc.: smail amount of Spray Ma-1 tcrial: Spray Guns, Water Pumps, many other items too nrnerous to mentiori. Terms - Cash. Famm sold. Hindley & Elliott, auctioneers. 12-1 Wanted to Buy LARGE size crib. Phone MA 3-5388. 12-1 * HIGHEST prices paid for live -pUultry, guule ieatners, featner Seed Cleaning ticks, scrap iron, rags, metals 1 and raw furs. Phone RA 3-2043 SEED cleaning plant at Ennis- Oshawa, collect. 48-tf killen now open. Phone MA 3-5053 or Blackstock 102J. 12-2 ALL kinds of live poultry want- cd. Top Toronto prices paid at SWAIN Seed Cleanýrs now op- your door for large or small crating sîx-day %'Yeek. Make quantities. We have our own arrangements now for spring is market. M. Flatt, Betbany R.R.1 coming around the corner. Phone 1 . Phone collect to Bethany1 Blackstock 89 r 11. 12-tf 17 r 13. 28-tf DRESSMAKING, women's and children's clothes. Phone MA 3-5348. 12-1 DUTCHMAN seeks rosi tion on dairy farm. Able to start April lst. Phone Blackstock 64 r 12. 12-1 PLUMBING, heating, eave-1 troughing: free estimates. Hqarvey Partner, Tyrone. MA 3-2240. 12-tf NEW plastering and repairs, workmanship guaranteed. A. C. Woods. Phone Clarke 23 r 04. BRICKLAYING, plastering. Nor- man Pingle, 72 Elgin St., Bow- manville. Phone MA 3-5518. 12-15 1COMPETENT stenographer' and typist with knowledge of book- keeping desires part time job in Bowmanville. Write Box 637 c/o Canadian Statesman. 12-1 SAVE MONEY AT Dave's Shoe Repair Fasi, Prompt Service 35 TEMPERANCE ST. (in rear) 42-tf BRICK LAYING BLOCK LAYING GENERAL CEMENT WORK R.R. 3 Bowmanville PHONE MA 3-5105 1- MASONRY and CONCRETE REPAIRS or STRUCTURAL Brick, Block dr Concrete Estimates Free P.O. BOX 177 L. TURNEFI Phone MA 3-3231 - MA 3-370~ Roofs Repaired and Shingled AND OTHER JOBS Phone MA 3-5349 Il-~. Plasiering Repairs QUICK SERVICE STUCCO AND NEW WOR!N R. L. TAFT 69 King St. E. MA 3-5 830 Brake Drum Laihg Brakes Relined We carry a large stock rAf BRAKE LINING We can eut you ANY SI E required for one shoe or as tnany as you need. We are 'welI equipped ta, give you a good brake jo b. Bob Stocker's Gainage Bowmanville 12-1* Tenders Wantý-d TENDERS callcd for tra lisporta- tion required for intec9tange of pupils between No. 9 Y ckbarts and No. 8, Antioch Sck ýols for 1957-58. Accommodaticei for 20 pupils. Tenders mccirv d up to April lst. Mrs. Aima -I Bowen, Sec'y, Clarke Townsbii)Scbool Area, Orono. 12-1 TENDERS wiil bc reeived by the undersignedl up tto, noon on Monday, April lst, lf>i-,7, for a new model car, coanch. The present car, a 1955 CiÉîevrolet to be taken as a tmade. in. The Iowest or any tender usiot neces- samily accepted. Chu deren's Aid Society, 230 Waiton St., Port Hope. 12-1 Notice Notice to rabbit bu ivters. $1.00 will be paid for tt;ich rabbit. Pîcase be careful wkicn bunting on nursery propemtv', Brookdale- Kingsway Nurserie.ýî, 48-tf Seed for Sale RODNEY oats, clctaned, treated, 99% germination, $1.55 per bushel. Phone Oshiaia RAndoipb ý5-7227 or BrookiàpR 637r2. 11-2* !BANNER seed 'oats witb a sprinkling of 'barley. Qood bright seed, barn threshed. Apply to Kenneth Hilîs, Orono. Phone 5 r 3. 12-1* SEED-Rodney oats, megistered, treated, in new sacks, $1.90 per bus., at the farmn Orono Hîgh- way. Charles Gýenney. Phone Orono 34 ring 1 S. 10-tf ýREGISTERED No. 1 Garry and Rodney oats, tm eated and bagged. rhese won thi !ee first prizes at Central Onta' tio Spring Show, Peterborough, this week. Place orders early. Limited quantity. James T. Bmcgwn, Newcastle. 52 King St. W. Bowmanvllle MA -3 -3950 Pcrsonal MArket 3-2453 Daniel Boehm - Port Hope 0'Evenings MArket 3.2762 TU 5-504Z IF backacbe A are sîowing .you up, or ln Oshawa RAndolph 3-4235 12-1 take Ruma caps and helo your- Salesmen_______________ self to reh kbf from pains and Everet Hanna John Heatlie aches. Ask; your druggist. 12-i 12-1 \anted to Rent HYGENIC supplies - (RubberBuies. SMALL farm, or six roomcd goods) mr4jed postpaid in plain Buies pportunity bouse with Pasture or land, by sealcd enrëlope with price list. - May lst, Bowmanville district, Six samni les 25c, 24 samples CARTAGE business. Truck and four adults and one school aged $ 1.00. M#Ëil Order Dept. T-28, licenses, P.C.V. D - C - F & H., in girl. Refemences. E. Bmocsma, Nov.-Rubt4-_r Co., Box 91, Ham- Powmanville. Write Box 636, R.R. 3. Bumketon. Phone Black- ilton, Onti. 1-52 c/o Canad.ian Statesman. 12-1 stock 87 r 5. 12-1ý i Work Wanted 200 acres, 40 acres good tim- ber, balance workable; 7-room brick bouse, hydro and water, bank barn 401 x 100', implement shed, hen bouse, pig pens, 30 acres fali wbeat, 10 acres for tomatoes. Will consider bouse in exehange or seli on low down payment. Wby pay rent wben you can buy a 6-room bouse for $3,500. 3 bedrooms, heavy wiring, hard and soft watem; Central, in New- castle. $500 down, $40 per month will bandle. This property bas outstanding possibilities. Money to loan. Newcastle Phone 3856 12-1 Peter Feddema REAL ESTATE BROKER Dairy farm, 200 acres; 7-room frame bouse with bath and fur- ace. Barn 100 x 34, 6 can milk quota. Price with stock and ful line of machinery, $23,000. Terms. General farm, 150 acres, 120 rods of bighway frontage; 12- room stone bouse, 4 barns, 2 never-failing strcams. Price $20,000. Terms. General famm, 100 acres, 10 moom frame bouse, barn 100 x 34, neyer - failing stream. P r ic e, $11,500. Down, $3.500. General farm, 100 acres-, 8 room frame bouse, bamn 96 x 36; excellent soul. Price, $14.000. Down, $2.000. 50 acre farm, 40 acres work- able; 7 room stone bouse, furn- ace. Barn 63 x 30. Price, $9.500. Down, $3.500. 28 acres of excellent garden land. Price $3,500. Down, $1.500. Modemn bome in Orono, only $2.000 to pay down. 4 room cottage, lot 100 x 165- hen bouse for 200 bens, garage, good well. Price $4.500. Easy terms. Newcastle R.R. 2 Phone 2204 12-1j Charles Rankine RàEAL ESTATE BROKER $700 down will buy an almost new, 3-room cottage at Cedar Crest Beach in Bowmanville. Hydmo; furnished. The full price is only the value of the lot, $2.000. $2,000 down will put you in this new 3-bcdroom bungalow. Full prîce $9.500. Good temms on balance. $4,000 down - 200 acre farm, noted for the quaiity and quant- ity of its grain. Excellent build- ings, brick bouse alone is womtb the pice of farm. $13.000. Vemy easy temms. $8.000 down on this invcst- ment property wili give you an income of $5.000 per year. Five modemn apartments plus store. AUl rentcd. Main street of Bow- manville. Full price $34.000. We bave summer places. town Re ai Estate for Sal i iiAýBURGER stand, will saci fice for quick sale. Apply Ji Croiinbie. Phone MA 3-57751 3-38 e12. 12 L'rs. industrial sites, close 115,, school, business sectio Mo] ?tgage money available. Lis ingý o f farms and homes reques cd for waiting clients. W. Eirins. Broker, Orono. Phor 33 - 17. 10. HC USE for quick sale. Ne fwvO-roomed bungalow, breezi wý iy and garage attached, forCE aik h oil heating, heavy wirin, miv ýdern tiled bathroom ar kt ichen, hardwood floors. Wl se 1-1 reasonable. Phone Oror REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Properties Sold, Rented ~,Managed and Appraised L. M. Allison Real Estate Broker F ho ne 2566 - Newcastle, On 1roblocks north of traffic signe Newcastle 5-1 ýD0OMMERCIAL property locate i n King St. in Bowmanvjllî tV'ontains four apartments an (:me store. Tis property i centrally heated by an almos ew bot water oul fired furnati eavy wiring throughout. Thi luilding shows an excellent re turn, and should give a bette eturn in the future. Full pric $22.000. Terms. For further in ormation caîl Bill McFeetersa 1 11ch fild Insurance Associate lLtd Osbaa. Pone ollec IN BOWMAN VILLE $2500 down-Attractve 2-year old 6 roomn ranch type bungalow oul heated. hardwood and tili floors, tiled 4-piece bathroom,: bedrooms. Lovely landscape( corner lot, has garage, fruits Close tQ school. Ask for Mrs Patrick. $7500 full price-Low dowr payment on this rebult 4-roor bungalow, close to school, or sewers. Modemn tiled kitcher and bathroom. Garage and largE lot, fruit. New roof and ne%%~ furnace. Ask for Mary Boshko. vitch. Berneice H. Pafrick REAL ESTATE BROKER RA 5-3692 (collect) il-tf H. C. Pedwell D. eNEWih FRal140iacres GEonaeROarioFARP4oroe n Lh acOtri ornelPotdHop n ih9 acres wo mkabil, oo e n, 7 acres xwood, welbas, good fenes 65' sh 40' an bousn;9 rimeme Vbouse with running water and hcavy duty wired. Price $15,000. Terms. GENERAL FARM, situated 8 miles fmom Oshawa, 50 acres total, -with 47 acres workable. spring pond, 50' x 30' bank barn with running water, implement fshed, hen bouse, pig pens, garage, 9 roomed stone ho'e insuiatcd, with bathroom, rge- ning hot and cold water, oul fumnace, 1/ mile fmom pa*zýgd road. Prîce $11,500. Terms.'l GENERAL FARM, 200 acres, isituated on a bighway close to 1town, with 140 acres workablc, t30 acres in wood, crcek, 58' x 38' )bank barn witb L-sbaped exM'n- sion, with water, on tap;, "'n bouse, implement shed, 8 r,e- c d frame bouse with cuAye, 2-piece bath, running wuter. bcavy wired. Asking price 1$16,000. Temms. DAIRY FARM, 200 acres wîth 140 acres workable; 50 acres bush, large river, 70' x 40' bank barn with water bowls, milk bouse wîth tank cooler, drivc-in shed, ben bouse, pig pens, cement silo; 10 roomed solid brick bouse with running water. Close to scbool. Price $18.000. Terms. DAIRY FARM, 200 acres with 140 acres womkable, 40 acres wood, remainder pasture, 100' x 40' bank barn with 75' x 30' L- shaped extension, steel stan- chions and water bowls in barn, 2 silos, implement shed, ben bouse, pig pens, milk bouse with elcc- tric cooler; 13 roomed solid brick bouse witb new furnace, bard- wood floors througbout, heavy wired, Has 9 cans milk quota. Price $25.000. Can be bougbt with entire R.O.P. herd, 73 bead and fulli une of macbinery as a going concemn, 8 roomed solid stone bouse with SCRAP YARD on No. 2 High- way in the Town of Port Hope. Price and terms arranged. 8 roomed 2-storey frame bouse in Bowmanviiie on good size lot with 2-piece bath, bardwood floors, running bot and cold water, kitchen cupboards, storms and screens. Garage. Price $8,300. Vemy easy temms. 8 roomed solid brick bouse in Bowmanville on double lot, suit- able for two familles, with 3- piece bath, furnace, partly bard- wood and tule floors, running bot and cold water, kitchen cup- boards, full basement, smail barn, and nicely landscaped. Asking price $11.900. Terms. 5 roomed (3 bedrooms) brickt veneer, ranch style new bunga- lows in Bowmanville to be built to your specifications with ail modern conveniences. Prices from $10.500 and up. Low down 5 oames gao.o ar lot clos omOsbunawin Iare lt, cled garashawa, wtb at- turace graghopite ath, ou furae, ptrunnin o ad ol woand ictue ino, kbard- wopoad.tieflooras, ichpen cupboanmds. Ncl adcpd Maesiean oe ntoe Beae aov mentio00edowe bave appromstely 00 ore frms n. oe ocos Contact John F. De Wiih Realtor and General Insurance Newcastle Phone 3341 Salesmen: PAGE SIXTEEN_ ___THE -CANADIANSTATESM. - BOWMANV!LLE. ONTARIO- WIENT biDE OWN a lifetime business that grows fmom repeat and voluntary orders. Start part or full time. Easy to learn, no store necded. If you are xiling to work. Write immediately to 1600 Delorimier Dept. 51 Station C. Montreal. 12-1 WANTED: Man for stcady travel among consumers in Bowman- ville and Townships Whitby E. and Dariington. Permanent con- nection with large manufacturer. Only reliable bustier considered. Write Rawleigh'sDept. C-140-131, Montreai, P.Q. 12-1 le m- or to )n. t- st- -3 ýw ýe- ig, id ili no -4 It. ial ad id s st is ar t ýs ct 3 id - 1 r- Reail Estate forSc1e Leask Real EstaWb One and a half storey house, 3 bedrooms, 4-piece bath, extras. (Reason for selling, owner being transferred from town). $10,500. Terms. New cottage on Lake Ontario, water system, bathroom, hot and cold water on tap. Kitchen cup- 3boards, furnished, boat. Hleavy wîring. Easily winterized. Choice building lot on Duke Street, $900. We have choice building lots. List with Leask. 165 Ontario St. MA 3-5919 Bowmanville 12-1 Pef er Kowal REAL ESTATE BROKIER GENERAL INSURANCE 99 King St. E. Bowmanville Telephone MA 3-5868 Open for Inspection Sunday, March 24, 1 to 4 p.m. at 109 Ontario St. B3eautiful 3-bedroom ranch style bungalow, living-room with fireplace, dining area, beautiful kitchen, 4-piece tiled bath, at- tached garage, etc. Trade in your present home on this one. Asking only $14,500 with terms. 3 bedromn brick bungalow in north section of town, living. room, kitchen, bath, air con- ditioned, etc. Hardwood and tile floors. This is a real beautyl Only $3.000 down. 2 bedroom frame bungalow with attached garage, oil heat- ing, 4-piece bath, extra lot and 2-car garage. Full price only $9,500. Terms. Numerous other homes to offer for vour selection. 12-1 - 1 m