9mu SAT, MAPCW 21et, 165?r Tý& fA6 f %A ft?'1'& OMAvvw.?2v N'rAUMe Classified Ads [n Memoriamn BEý->Jeloving memory of aur deu , Mter Joyce, who pass- ed awayMaCh 23, 1954. We littie knew when we woke that mrn the sorows the day would bring, Fer the call was sudden, the f shock seveme, ffirt with anc we loved sa Sdean. ernctirnes it ia hard ta under- stand why some things have ta be, But in His wisdom God bas planned beyond aur power ta sec. Gad gave us stnength ta fight it and courage ta bear the blow, But what it cost ta bac yau no anc will ever know. -Ever remembemed, Main, Dad, and son Brian. 1-1 HUGHES-Iu Ioving mcrnory ai our dean daddy, William Albert Hughes, Burketon, Ontario, who passed away March 24th, 1949. Sîeep on deam daddy, in that beautiful land ai reat, Wc cannot clasp youn lovii3g hand, TYour dean face wc cannot see, But let this littie token tell That wc stifl remember thce. Always remembemed by daught- em Rena, gandson James, and JUinS. 12-1w FUGHES-In loving neinary ai a dean husband aud father, William Albert Hughes, wha passed away March 24, 1949. Gone tram us but leaving memories Death eau neyer take away, Memroies that will always linger While upon this carth we stay. - Lovingly remernbercd snd sadly missed by bis wife, daught- cm Rilda and grandchildren .Albert and Lois. 12-1 LARMER-In loving niemory ci our belovcd father and grandpa James Larmer, who passed away March 21, 1956. He is sadly missed and l-v. Ingly remembered by Russell Rhoda and family. 12-1I LARMER-In loving memory ol a dear husband, .father and grandi ather, James Milburn who passcd away, March 21, 1956. Ris charming ways and smiling face Are a pleasune ta recaîl. He had a kindly word for each And dicd bcloved by ail. -£ver remembered by wife and family. 12-1* McROBERTS-In loving memory of Robert James MeRoberts who passed away March 23, 1955, anc his m. ife Margaret who passed awa,ýr on Apnil 4, 1956. Away in the beautiful huis of God, Bsé the valley af rest so fair, Saine day, we know flot when, We will meet aur loved ones there. -Loved and remembered by the~ M~L-In loving memaory ai a de4boher Robent (Bob) Monniàrrewho passed away Mardi 19, 1956. We cannot, Lord, Thy purpose sec, But all is well that's done by Thee. ý-Always rcmcmbcrcd by Shir- ley, Ron and Christene. 12-1 M4ORRIS-In loving niemory of a dean son, Robert William, who passed away suddenly March 19, 1956. Tour last parting wish We would like ta have heard, And breathed in your car Our last pa'rting word. Offly t}îose wha have lost Are able to tell The pain in the hcart At not saylng fanewell. -Even remembemcd by mother and father. 12-1* ROBSON-In loving mcmomy of Oddy Rabson, a dear busband and father, who passed away March 25, 1955. -Always remembered by wi.fe Laura and daughters.Gloria and Pat. 12.1w TORDIF-In loving memory of a dean wife and mother who passed away Manch .30, 1955. Dear mother, sleep thy last slcep Free tram aIl care and sarraw. Rest where none wecp 'TII the eternal tomornow. -Always rcmcmbcrcd by hus- band David and two sons Donaldi and Peter.121 Repairs RtADIO and television repairs. Prompt service. Pick up and d1elivery. Lamne Dorcen, 85 King E. Phone MA 35713. 2-tf REPAIRS ta aill makes oi rcfrig- erators, domcstic and com- mercial, milking coolers. Hig- n Elcctric Liniitcd, 42 King St. Phone MA 3-5438. 25-tf Coming Events Reserve Wednesday, April 24 for Little Helpers' Fashion Show. Clothes by John and Judy Shop. Homnebaking sale sponsored by the Hampton Home and School Association, ta be held in Bow- manville Frigid Locker on. Fri- day, March 22nd at 2 o'clock. 12-1 Brown's Home and School Club annual cuchre party and draw will be held at Brown's School, Friday evening, March] 29th at 8:15 p.m. Good prizes, refreshments. 12-1 Card party. Everybody wel- corne ta euchre and lost heir in Enniskillen Hall, March 22 at 8:15. 50c per person. Prizes and lunch included. Sponsored by the Hllltopper's Club. 12-1 Goodyear Recreation Club dance, Friday, March 29th at Varcoe's Pavilion. Dancing 9 P.m. ta 1 a.m. Admission, $1.00 Per couple, Recreation members; $2.00 per couple non-members. 11-3 Regular weekly binga held Thursdays except third week in the month which will be hcld on Tuesdays, in the Union Hall. 20 regular gaines and a jackpot gaine. No gaine' under $3.00., 1Admission 50c. 2-tf Hampton United Church Anni- vcrsary, Sunday, March 24th, 2:30 p.m. Guest speaker, Rev. E. J. Kersey, Wilmar Hcights United Church,, Scarborough. Special music by choir with Kcith Wood, Bowmanville, guest soloist. 12-1 Be sure and welcomc back Lau and Phil Palerma in the Bowmanvillc Town Hall, Wed- incsday, March 27th. 8:00 p.m. sharp. They corne ta play and sing their way into your bearts with their guitar and accardion. Frec admission. 12-1 Bawmanville Lions Club Bingo in Town Hall on Saturday, March 23rd at 8 p.m. $100 jackpot, $100 doar prize, 20 gaines for $10 and one gaine for $25, three special gaines. Admission $1. Tickets tram members of Lions Club or at the door. 8-6 The Orono Players are pre- scnting "Sabrina Fair" in the Township Hall, Orono, under the direction of Margot Samuel on Thursday and Friday even- ings, March 28th - 29th. Caine and support junior athletic activ- ities in the village. 12-1 For Rent FOUR-raam fiat, East Beach, Bowmanvillc. Phone MA 3-2875. 12-1 THREE-roomcd apartinent, clean and bright, very central. MA 3-3535. 12-1* SIX-ROOM apartinent, Main St., Orona. Avallable April 1. Tele- phone Orona 11815. 12-1w FOUR-raamcd downstairs apart- ment. Apply 71 Brown St. ori Phone Oshawa RA 5-0394. 12-1* ROOM, breakfast if desired, for gentleman. Centrally lacatcd. Write Box 638, c/o Canadian Statesman. 12-1w HEATED six-roomed apartinent, electric stove and refnigerator. Private entrance. Mrs. Duxbury, THREE-roomcd heated apart- ment. Tule floors. Laundry in basement, $60 monthly. Applyl 63 King St. W., Apt. 7 or 4. 12-1 FOUR-raomed frame bouse, 3- picce bath, good basement and garden, garage. Ail conveniences. In Village of Hampton. Phone MA 3-2260. 12-1* IN Bowmanville, 3-room modemn heatcd apartints. Hardwood sud tule floons, April lat, $60 and $50. Adults. Apply Mmm. L. N. Peacock, 341 Richmond St. E., Oshawa. Dial HA 3-3972. 10-tf APARTMENT, central location, large living-room, big bedmoom, modemn kitchen, huilt-in cup- boards, ciectrie stove, 4-piece tile bathmoom, hat and cold water supplicd, $65 per month. Avail- able Apnil lat. Phone ýMAnket 3-3618. 10-tf Memorial Hospital Weekly Report For the %week b! March 1-7 Admissions 45 Birtbs, 3 mî, eae -9 Discharges ---- -- --66 Major operations ----- 16 Minor operatioîîs--------------- 17 Enîergency treatijients 1l Visiting hours - 2.30 -4.30z p.m. aud 7 ta 8.30 p.m. TYRONE - Guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. C lock Repairs Hilis Nwere Mrs. Evelyn ln toft, Mrs. Preston. Oshawa; Mm. PICK-.UP AND DELIVERY aud Mrs. Gardon HuIs, Hannon, G. A. Brown anid Miss Allie Wood. M.adMrs. Walter Rahin 162 King St. E. MA 3-5136 xvisited Mr. and Mrs. Cecil BOWMANVILLE Rahnî, Burketon. 12-1 Congratulations ta, Mr. Oliver Beckett ou bis Slst birthday, '-i, March 17. A !amily gatherng was beid Sunday when the fol- Wafch Rpairing lowing wcre preseut: Mrnd AT Mrs. Floyd Beckett and fain- ily, Mr. and Mrs. Donald M ar r s Lamb, Enuisskillen; Mr. and JEWELLERY Mrs. Gardon Beckett, Mn. sud Mrs. Dawson Beckett and fain- - mgftn St. W. MA 3-5463 ilv. Oshawa; Mn. and Mns. J. BO WMAN VILLE Haldstock and Aune, Mrs. El. %O-tt v-a Beckett, Bowmanvilje; Mr. aud Mrs. John Beckett, Scugog Island, Mes Arvella Beckett Rlave Your Car Radio and Mr. Fred Page. Mn. snd Mrs. Ralpli Palmern Rearda and chiidren, Salemn, wr Thursday evening cailers ai Mn.1 Television Service Co.O.Bctt 289 Church St MA 3-38U3 A secret is too littIe for one, ( Of-Hoeur Service en Tour TV enough for two, aud too much 12-1 for three.-H-owell. Local Cubs Have Rousing Weekend at Camp Samac 1 Twenty-four Cuba, ail ci 1them, holding their fimst star enjoyed a weckend outing ai Oshawa&s Camp Samac. Boys fram 3 of the 4 Bowmanv:lle Packs were representcd at thei camp. Second Pack under leader Vince Mathewson counted i baya, fourth pack under the guidance of Miss Jane Hodgkin- son countcd 9 boys and third Packc headed by Luther Wclsh with four boys brought the total ta 24. Sharp at 7 p.m. the cars flii ed with cuba and their equip- ment left the Lions Centre and headed for Camp Samnac which lies about two miles nonth ai Oshawa. The soft Spning air cnsured an even soften noad bcd nean the camp and anc car be- came stuck in the mud. Within minutes howevem, drivers and leaders o! other cars arrived to, push Out the mud bound car. This was the anly mishap and the wbole group arrived in good time. In Hîgli Spirite If yau've neyer been on a Cub auting, nathing I cauld say in pnint îvould give you a dlue as ta the arnaunt O! noise, pranks and genenal high spirits engcndemed by 24 bcaithy hap- py youngstcns. Bedlain is the ,word for it. But, order is re- stomcd as if by magie whe'î Akela (their Cubiaster) cabis "Pack." At bis arder the Totem oi the Wolf Pack is brought out and the cubs encircle it in pre- paratian for the Grand Howl. This ia a vcry impressive cere- mony and la performed at the opcning sud closing ai every eub meeting. Bedtime Pranks "Lights out,"' or bedtinîe is the signal for aIl good cubs ta sec how much noise theýi cai make, how many tricks they can play on their bunkinates and, Most important, how long it will take Akela ta bring a haIt ta their miachief. After a spoken warning or twa tram. Two One Act Plays Presented by Arnica Club The Amies Club ai the Tnin- ity United Chunch premented two excellent anc-set plays at the Town Hall on Fniday and Saturday. The Arnica Club is made up ai about 40 young, people o! the tawn who anc finished high school sud now warking. 'A vemy- satisiactory cowd 'gathemed for the performances. This is the fist year the Arnica Club has been in operatian, and this wvas their firat public preseutation. The master o! cenemonies wss Rev. T. A. Mor- gan. The tirat play was "Still Stands the House", bascd an a drainstie play ai a dry land tar inii the wcst. Those taking part in the play. weme: -MoHy Bennett as Heather; Canal Won- sley as Ruth; Alvin Stacy as Bruce; Dennis Hughes as Mr. Mannlng. Assistant director was Canal MacMillan. Atter the firat play aud be- tome intermission a trio af girls, Nomma Dale, Dianue Austin and Eleanor Osborne kept the cmawd . n good humor with their spamkling sangs. The second play was called IFarmevs mnon (Continued fromn page one) standard of living bave bath in- cneased sud addcd, "I have neyer met a fariner or industrial work- cm wbo teels he la getting a just ahane." Wagcs rnccived by a city in- dustral wonkcn may secin bigb- er to a fariner Mrs. Eady point- cd out but it is often forgotten' that the cost of living in the city is relatively higher. Clifford Pilkcy thought thatý labour is a little more pnotected than the fariner and there are a great many who are notrmccciv- ing any benefits frain industrial expansion. I.Jncreased Costs On the question o: tie increas- ed costs of variaus Droducts Mrs. Prosser felt that packaging wvas mesponsible for a iiizable amounit of the overall expenditume. How- ever Mrs. Eady cxplaîned that packaging is now donc semi- automatically and by chcap le- male labour. The main cost is the matemial used four packagng. Although lic cor:-ceclcclthat packjng mnay have s-me beaming on the cost of goods, Mr. Pilkey also fclt that a corporation's huge profits clcarly show where the added costs are going. Mr. Cormack bmought ta light the point that a fariner has ta pay two ways for freight since he nmust pay ta send bis produce to market and also on the goods he buys. Working Together If was Mr. Cottcnill's opinion that if the farmer vrospers se does labour andl simnilarl.y if labour prospers se does the farin- er. This statement led Mr. Cor- mack ta ask why is the fariner no longer enjaying prospcnity while the industrial worker still is. Mr. Cottenili went on ta cx- fflain that thene is a turne lag between the two and unlcss something is donc labour will not reniain prospenous. Co-operation Necesaary Each vanclist was given flie opportunîty ta suggest briefly ways and means of unittîng org- anired labour and the farmers in order that bath groups could wôrk towards theli- common basic goal - a fair standard o! living. Mn. Corm~ack thought that the ne wly forned Canadian Farm- er-Labour Co-operative Council w'a- a definite stcp fonward. Mr. Sowman was of the I ."Heaven on Earth", a comedy 1act, the scene taking place iril a roomn in.the Hubbard's house 1in the country. The daughiter falis in love with Adrian, a free thinker whio rejects mat- niage. The daughter wba tells her parents she is going ta run off with Adrian but nat ta mar- ry him. The parts were played by June Wood as Jili, Bea Roeg- nich as Mother, Eleanor Leigh- ton as Ellen, Ted Colwell as Adrian, and Jin McClure as the3 father. Assistant director Au- drey Young. Much credit must bc given ta the follawing for their great work behind the scenes: produ- ccr and business manager, Jini Allin; make up, Ruth Stocker, Joan Dilling, Ruby Marrow, and Elleen Spicer; assistant direc- tors and prampter, Audrey Young and Carol MacMillan; stagiËg, Ted Colwell; stage pro- perties, John Rice: hand pro- perties and sound effects, Bruce Calwell; lights, Ken Kelly; cur- tain, Diane Hogaboam; house manager, Eileen Spicer; tick- ets and prograin, Diane Hoga- bain, Barry Cowling and Jirn Allin. opinion that labour and the fariner should consuit whenever either group are cantemplating a major move and that each group pay attention ta the other's immediate problems. Mr. Pilkie statcd that the fariner and industrial worker must have representatives in governinent "who are sympa- thetic towards our needs." Mrs. Eady said that- it is diffi- cult for labour ta understand the farmers' probleins in such instar",s as parity Prices and suggested that the farmers edu- cate the city workiers about farin problems. Mr. Cotterill had no definite suggestions but he stated that he is intercsted in hearing frorn farmers ta learn what action can be taken to help the farmers' cause. Audience Asks Questions Before closing the audience was given the opportunity ta ask the panelists questions and to express any viewpoints they niit have. Prior to the opcning of the discussion DePuty-Reeve Wilfrid Carruthers on behaif of the Mayor and town council extend- ed a warm civic %velcomc to thec panelists. William 13lakely, froin Local! 189 of the Goodyear Union, also extended a welcome to the panelists. Co-chairman for thc evcning was Douglas Barton, President of the Durham Farm Union. NEWCASTLE GARAGE MRAM BOAR, propretor Phone 2671 Hiere Is Double Saving for you Robson Pontiac 166 King St. E. SBuick - Vauxhail Bowmanville ROTATE TIRES WHEEL ALIGN rnchtaneotat bt tMa LROBSON MOTORS LIMITED Cars f Akela ta desiat or psy the pen- 1, alty the cuba settle down. That a smst o! thein do. Those ithat persist in their capens are !meted out exencises ta tire them. !out. It is not a strange sight .ta sec thnee or four boys doing 1push-ups or knee bends long after "lights out." But event- ually aIl is semene and the 1leaders can turn in too. Parents and visitons are wei- carne at these camps and among those wbo visitcd were Mm. 0. J. Presson, President of the Bowmanville Boy Scout As- sociation and bis son David. Mn. Bob Mutton, member o! the Lions Gnoup Sponsoring Coin- mîttee. Ail stayed ta cnjoy a meal and watch the cub activ- ities. Leave an Sunday But ail good thinga umust came ta . an end and shortly aften 2 p.m. an Sunday gear waa checked and the boys mar- shalled out ta the waiting cars for the trip home. If you've neyer been ta a cub camp came ta the ncxt ane - ifs an ex- peience you'll neyer forget -i non even want ta. The staff iîîcluded: Vince Mathcwson (Akela), Luther1 Welsh (Babao), Jane Hodgkin- son <Raksha), Len Swatridgei (Bagheema), Bill Cobban (Tal Pine), Chanlie Biggs (Yumrnî),j Dr. H. B. Rundle (Surgeon),0 Rev. T. A. Morgan (Chaplain).s Cuba Attending1 Cuba atteîîding included - c Red Six: Randy Cale (Red Fang), John Allun, Gary Akey. Larmy Rogers, Ron Garoock; Grey Six: Irwin Colwcll (Grey Wolf), Hon Richards, Johnt Lyle, Wayne Devitt, Wayne Allread, Bill Cobban; White1 Six: Rass Mycrs (White Plume), Bill Crombie, John Depew, Ralph Cale, Ken Miller, Doa Sweet; Yellow Six: Paul Swept, 1 Henry Kooy, Rod Taylor, Keith 0. Banting, Mike Shane, Bnian j Forsey. SOLINA "Pm&yem" was the themie of thc worship service prcsentec by the C.G.I.T. gnoup at the Sunday School. The leader ai t.he gnoup, Mrs. Ralph Davis, was in charge. The C.G.I.T. hymn was sung by the graup. This was foilowed by the stary af C.G.I.T., which had itsoni- gin in 1915, given by Gladys Ycllowlces, assistant leader. Othens taking part were Pat Knox who rcad 'a xeditation; (Helen Knox ncading the Scrip- turc; Qail Baker aiicring pray- er and Helen Parrinder who nead a story. The play "Where's Grand- mna?" is being preparcd by Sa- lina folk for presentation in Apnil. Sunday Schoal next Sunday, March 24 will be at 10.45 a.m. There will bc no church ser- vice. here owing ta Hampton anniversary service in the ai- ternoon. The C.G.I.T. graup met Sat- afternoon. The rail cail was an- swered with an Irish joke. An interesting story ai St. Patrickc was read by Helen Parrinder. Several piano selections by Pat Davis wcmc enjoyed. Mrs. Da- vis, leader, distributed the mon- ognains and stars. The next meeting will be on March 30- the raIl cali, "Sing, say, do or pay'. Bradley's Community* Club will' meet on Friday niglit, Marchi 22. The pnogrami will feature magie acta by Rev. F. Jackson of Tyrone, and pictures shown by Albert Eddy oi Zion. Visitors are welcome. Any ladies wishing ta send old woallens for blankets are asked ta leave thein at the home of Mrs. Harry Knox April 1-10 and lîelp out tbc total ship- ped by Sauina Women's Imati- tute. We are happy ta know Rev. Reed ia naw at haine and con- valescing favonably. Mr. and Mns. Ralpb Davis and Pat, Mr. and Mrs. J. Yel- lowlees wvcre Sunday tea guests o! Mn. and Mrs. Gardon Davis, Marilyn and Peter, Oshawa. Saturday tea guests at Mr. Ralph Davis' were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Davis, Oshawa; Mrs. Ross Pearson and children, Woodstock Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Ellicott and childnen, Peterborough; Mrs. N. Yellowlees, Mr. Archie Ca- tion, Hampton, were Sunday visitons at Mr. E. Hockaday's. Miss Helen Baker, Taranto, was at home fan the weekend. Mrs. Roy Slack, Mn. Gardon Hlardy, Ebenezer, visited at Mr. 1. Hardy's. Mn. and Mns. George Gilroy and sons, Columbus, wcre Sun- day visitons at Mr. Chas. Lang- îîaid 's. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Pascoe entertained fniends at a last rîcir party Saturday evening. Mrs. Wes Yellowlees and Mn. Chas. Naylar received. pnizes for higbest scores. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hunter o! Grand Valley visitcd at Mn. Bruce Montgomery's. Mm. Gardonl Pascoe, King- ston, was -at home for thîe weekend. Mn. and Mrs. H. Freitag and Randy, Oshawa, wenc at Mn. E. Crydenman's on Sunday. . Mn. and Mrs. Bob Flett, Janie and Isobel, Columbus, vlsited at Mn. Ross Crydeninan's. Mn. and Mrs. Neil Malcolm and children, Blackstack, visit- ed at Mn. Bruce Tink's. Mn. and Mrs. Frank West- lake Jr., entertained fnienda at a party on their son Gordon's fourth birthday. Mn. and M. Frank West- lake Jr. and family visited at ,Mm. Frank Cook's, Bowrnan- ville. Mn. and Mrs. Frank Moore, Bowmanville, werc at Mr. Frank Westlake'â Sr. Mn. and Mns. D.-'Flett and family were Sunday visitons at Mn. N. Leach's, Taunton. Mn. and Mrs. Hanry Knox and sons visitcd an Sunday evening at Mn. Pency Dewell's, Hampton, Mm. and Mns. Rae Pascoe and childnen visited at Mn. G. Glas- peil's, Taunton. Mm. and Mrs. A. Beevor and son, Mmi. J. Dycn, Oshawa, vi-.E ited at Mn. Rac Pascoe's. Mn. and Mrs. C. Harner and family weme Sunday visitons at Mr. Dick Winters' at Audley. Mr. and Mrs. Don Taylor wcre Sunday tea guests at Mn. E. R. Taylor's. Salina Horne and School Club will meet Friday night, Mamch 22. The pragnarn will be provided by the school child- ren, the public speaking coin- petition and musical numbens. Spring Service Be Sâfety Wise and Economize with our Full Service Inspection A BtJMPER TO BUMPER CHECK Drive in To-day FREE LUBRICATION ONLY Plus Part« "Specials"f Complete BRAKE RE-LINE Chevrolet Passenger Cars and SmaiI Pontiac 1946 - 1956 Ret. Priee $26.9s Llmited Time 011cr RePlace Ait Brake Shoes AdJust Brakes Inspeet Brake Drumg Inspect Ail Wheel Cylinders Adjust Parking Brake InsPeet Master Brake Cylinder F111 Master Brake Cylinder InsPect and Lubnicate Front Wheel Bearings Limîted G GMC Trucks MA .3-3321 & 3-3322 Robson Motors Ltd.1 EXTRA MILES TO THE LIFE 0F YOUR TIRES Tire' ianufacturers recomxnend that tires should be rotated evcry 3,000 to 5,000 miles 'o« ONLY Robson Motors Ltd. SPECIAL OFFER EXPIRES APRIL '15, 1957 Moto rs 'i 1' I WEDDING BROWN - BRYANS A quiet but pnetty wedding took place on Friday, Manch 15 at five p.rn. at the home af the bridc's parents, Countice, wben Nancy May Brown, dau- ghter o! Mn. i.nd Mrs. Wilired J. Brown was, united in mar- niage with Robent Joseph Bny- ans, son ai Mn. and Mrs. Jas. Bryans,' ail of Courtice. Rev. L. M. Samrneville officiated. The bride, given in marriage by her father, warc a two- piece navy sheath dress with white collan and cuits. A sinaîl head-dness of white flowers and R corsage af roses campleted hem ensemble. Miss Virginia Browa was fnideSmaid for hem sister, weam- ing a dreassai light blue witn head-drcss and corsage similar ta the brldc's. Mm. George Bny- ans acted as best man fon his brother. A neception for the immedi- ate tamuily followed. Two aun4s of the bride, Miss Mary Wilkins, Oshawa, and Mns. HLarry Gay, Countice, assistcd ini serving the guests. Later in the evcning the young couple left for a trip around North Bay, the bride weaming a blue short top coat with smaIl pinc hat and navy accelssomies. They will reside in Countice until the completion o! thein new home in Oshawa. MORRISH Regular church service was lield at 10 a.m. on Sunday, March l7th, conducted by Rev. A. W. Harding. Thene was a fairly good cangregation pre- sent. The junior choir, a! which we are very pmoud, sang very s,weetly the sacncd sang, "Saii- ing on Life's Ses,"1 accompanied on the piano iby the organist, Mmm. Norbert McHolm. The theme o! the Rev. A. W. Harding's Lenten sermon was "The Way the Master Went.e' The subject of a week ago was "The Baptisin of Christ," that o! today was "The Temptation af Christ." Mm. Harding also paid special tnibute ta the choir upon their regular attendance, good behaviaur and pleasure given toalal present by their swect singing during'momning service. Sunday School was held at i Il a.m. with 111 present. Super- intendent Mrs. Fred McConnell conductcd the session, the col- lection amounted ta over $4.00. Thene was anc birthday honý aured. Sunday School at the Susual turne, 11 a.m., next weck. We took the fimat Iongish walk af this year on Fniday around the block as we callili, south, west, north and east. It was 'rathen bard going, we encoun- tered deep water, soit snow inta which We slipped up ta the knees and rnud almoat toa Dance & Draw Aid Tyrone Hall Tyrone: A very goad crawd turned out Saturday night at the dance sud draw held at the Community Hall. The hall board was gratified at the nuin- ber of tickets sold aud an in- dication o! the support given ta the wonk af renovating the hall. The cvening was a success, sud not just financially, as witnessed by the happy faces and crowdcd dance floor. There were no "wallflowers,I' and no wonder with such music. The board gnatefully acknow- ledges the wondcnful music ai Staintouîi's orchestra and the grand calling by Messrs John- son and Sim, ah a!f whomn do- nated their services ta the hall. The lucky pnize wlnners wene Piper, R.R. 3, Bowinanvii.le; electrie nazar, Mn. Sid Murdoch, Bowmanvilie; clectnie iran, Mmm. F. R. Cook, 292 King St., Bow- manville; electrie fny pan, Mr. N. S. Russell, 75 Chesterton Ave., Oshawa. mNE y AVAILABLE FOR MGRTGAGES Ralph S. Jones Barrister and Solicitor 65 Simca. St. S. Oshawa RA 5-2525 HKOUSE FOR SALE BUILDING TO BE MOVED (Promn 151 Simpson Ave.) FRAME CONSTRUCTION Size 30 x 20 ft. Cheap for qulck disposai Appiy - N. J. Scott BROOKDALE-KINGSWAY NURSERIES Stafford Bras. Monument ai Works Phone Whltby MOhawk 8-3552 318 Dundas St, E., Whitby FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS A14D MARRERS Precise womkmanshlp and caretul attention ta detail are youn assurance wheu you choose train the wide selection af imponted sud domestie Granites and Marbles in stock. worth the undue exeroise and the resultant appetite was worth it tao. Sure slgn of Spring - the nearly empty coal bin and diminishing wood pile in the shed. Mis. Mary Simnpson, Toronto, spent the weelcend with ber sister, Miss M. Beckett. Mrs. Frank Anderson has been spending a few days in Orono with her sister, Mrs. C. Bebee who is not very well. Little Dorothy MeÇonnell had the mistortune ta get a nasty flU in the barn where she and Paul were playing an Friday. We trust she will be up and around as usual within the next few days. Dead Stock Removsd Hlghest Prieli Pald 24-Hour Service TELEPHONE COLLECT COBOURG FRZ-3721 NICK PECONI PETERBOROUGH RI 2-2080 TEE CANADL4» STATESUffl BOWMAwvff-,Lr n"Aweb ID À #W-19 v 3-3322 $18,45 MÀ .3-3321