t, - ..s - TMI C&AlffffliSTÂTIMM. EOWUAIfVffL!, OIqAMO 'flMUR5AY. MARCx 21et197 Hold Open House Cie aners Pro vide a Service To Give Besi Possible Job Proprietors of the Bowmanville CIe aners and Dyers Ltd., the Leslie brothers, Cari, lid., and Ed, right, will be welcoming their customners to their Open House, Friday rvcning. The Open House will* be the officiai opening of their new plant, which is iocatcd ai. 84 King St. West. They have extended an invitation to everyone ta attrnd and scc the operations of the plant. Have you ever wondered wuhat happen- hchiné] thf- scene pt a;indern diry cleaning plant? Prohably a., an average customn- pr vnu, have often been curioi.uý about what process is involved in the cleaning of your gar- mncnt. TFhc îIo.er.st connection that most custormers have with their rleancrr i the brie[ moment they spend ai. the counter while wait- ing fnr the receptionist ta write their invoice. If you have been wondemîng what actually occurs Io ynur garment after it is taggcd by the receptionist and hung on the ,rack ta be clcaned, you will have the op- portunity tomorrow niglit. Youi wili he able to see the highly ,sper-iPlized 1 reatment your clothes receive as they pas throuolî the various stages ai the cicaning process. }Iold Open House Friday Fridla (to-niorraw') evening ihe, Bowmanville Cleaners and Dycr.s Ltd. Arc, holding Open lini-e ;il thcir new plant at 84 King Street West fmomn 7 ta 9 p.m Thr nwnPrs. Cari and Ed Lcslîe~ have. extended a cordial wrlconme i n evrryone ta attend thr' affair. Thrrc vililibe frreegifts l'or ahl that attend and you will en- joy seeing- the varions operm- fions of the plant. 'We want the customner ta see that bis gar- ments are given the best off came and attention from start Ia finish", said Carl Leslie in annotincing the Open Hanse. Machine Handles Cleaning Work Among the many machines you will see while touring the plant will be the Spencer Dry Cleaning Unit. This machine is the latesi. thing in dry cleaning equipment and was imported from England. The Spencer Unit bas many modemn features that ensure clothes pocessed by t will corne out thoroughly but gently cleaned, and free from any odor. The Perchiorethylene which is used as the cleaning solvent in the machine is under constant filtration to insure that any sol- vent sprayed on clothing during the cleaning process is absolute- ly dlean and free fmom sedi- ment. Leaves Garments Free of Dirt In addition. the solvent with- dmaws any fatty acids that are n the fabric and they are dis- tilled ont through a distillation chamber buill into the machine. Wl shes It fic equipped with an electrie conductivity control, whch scientifically controls moisture during dry cleaning process. Other equipment you will see is the mosi. modemn and up 10 date used in the dry cleaning field. It will include a dmying machine which dries the gar- nients at an even temperature aiter they have been processed in the cleaning solvent. 0 Most Modern Equlpment Theme are three presses and they are equipped with special foam rubber pads to insure that buttons will not be broken while garments are being pressed. They have a modemn type press plate that ensures an even dis- tribution ai steam and air tbroughout the garment, to give perfect pressing. Luster To Fine Fabrics Silk finishing is another of their services and they have three machines that add luster In ladies dresses and fine gar- ments. Each machine handies a separate secton of the gar' ment ta give the ibest treatment possible. Clothing Form Fitted Ail garments are griven a s;pe- 0 0 0 to the Bowman ville Cleaners & Dyers on their MODERN 'NEW LtdO PLANT Ji i% indeed a pleasure to have taken part in the construction of this new building. We installed the heating, plunbing and machine fittings. Jack Brough Plumbing and Heating DI1VISION ST. RO WMA NVI LLE PHONE NIA 3-56i15 P. Il j fb a 0f fer Our Heartiest Congratulations Bowma nyile Cleaners & Dyers Ltd. on the (ipcning of their New Bufùlding A llin* & Hetheringlon Construction Limited GENERAL CONTRACTORS Bowmanville Phone MA 3.5578 ciai formn fitting tr.atrnent after they are pressed. The reason for thiz says Ed, "is ta make cer- tain that the garment wil fit comfortably when the customer wears 1.1 after it is delivered ta him'". Any size garment nayf be given thîs form fit treatmen, because the machine is adjust- able from the smallest sizes ta the largest. This equipment is afl operat- ed by compressed air which ie supplied from' a large compres- sor in the basement of the plant. In addition they have a package bouler equipped wîth' oil bumer. It is used to supply the steamn needed by the various! machines. New Plant Carl and Ed Leslie opened their new plant on November 29, 1956 nt a cost of $50,000. The plant was especially design- ed for themn by their Engineer brother, William J. Leslie, To- ronto. The building was construeted by local contractors. General contracting was done by Alun' and Hetherington. Other con- contractars were, Jack Brough, plumbing and heating; Higgon Electrie, electrical; Selby Grant, roofing; Murdoch and Welsh, block work; Pilkington Glass, windows. They have nine employees who are ail experienced in the dry cleaning business. They ini- clude, Mrs. Marion Mari errison, spotter: Mrs. Thelma Couvier, presser; Mrs. Doris Joll, presser; Mrs. Irene Whitney, iressers;1 Mrs. Emma Bragg, service sales- lady; Mrs. Bertha Segers, ser- vice saleslady; Mrs. Sadie Pice, silk finisher, Miss Grace Ker- sey, receptionist; Miss Fat Bar- tell, receptionist.. Ed Enjoys Sports Ed Leslie nioved to Bowman- ville seven years aga and pur- chased a haîf interest in thel business. He is an active mena- ber of the Bowmanville Cham- ber of Commerce. Ed cnjoys golfing, bowling and was active1 in al) sports activities when ai. school. He is a graduat of Jar- vis Collegiate and has studied business administration. and ai - lended a special one-year courze at a school for dry cleaners. Joined Business Ini 1953 Carl Leslie joined hie bro- ther as a partner in the business in 1953. Prior to coming to Bowmanville he was employed with Chris Hanson Canada Ltd., Toronto. He held the position of Production Manager and was later promoted to Food Contrai Manager for the firm. His fa- vourite sports are golfing, bowl- ing and racing. Carl is alsoaa graduate of Jarvis Collegiatp and bas studied. business ad- ministration. In addition lie lias attended the school for dry cleaners ini Toronto. They are botc members of the Dry Cleaners Institute of Ontario. This organization sup - plies. them with information i concemning the mosi. modern methods used in dry cleaning and other data. Spotq on Gartnentq a Problem n "Unidentified spot-, on a- ments ar the biggest problemi faced by a cleaner", said Ed. Leslie. "We can. remove anýr spot without. damaging the fah- ric and the sooner that a spot is remnoved the less damage it will do to the garment", lie added. One way the customer can be of great assistance is to tell the' receptionist if their gar- ment is spotted and what was ,spilled on it. This allows theJ cleaner to know exactly whati is necessary ta remave the spot and saves hlm considerable timpe.1 Wide Varlety of Services In addition ta dry cleaning they offer many other services tn their cujstomers. These ir- clude. -fur storage, maoth proof- ing, water proofing, invisible mending and zippers replacd. They make ail minor reparsai 'nominal charge. They aisa me - pair small rips and bar and ICongratulations Io the Bowmanville SCleaners & Dyers ILtd.b New, on their NewModern Plant We are proud ta have taken a part in this nem, structure by installing ail the electrical wiring and fixttires. Higgon Electric Ltd.,~ ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS j38 King St. E. Bowmanville Phone MA 3-5438 I Citizens of Bowmanville and District Are Cordia Ily to atte nd the I nvitedF' Y PJ of the Bo>wmeunville Cleemners &- Dyers Ltd. 84 King St. W. Phone MA 3»5520 Prom 7 to 9 p.m. Friday, arch22 NOW YOU CAN SEE HGW YOUR CLOTHES ARE SPOTLESSLY CLEANED BY DUR MODERN NEW METHOUS. We are praud la Le able la display aur ýnew equipment Ioa lhe general public so thaf they can belfer undersland why we are naw able fa dry dlean yaur clathes perfectly. .mumm.m....m.u.m..umm..u........uuuu, Phone For Free FREE! MA 3-5520 Pick-up and FREE! Delivery FREE! VALUABLE NOVELTIES TO EVERY ADULT A17ENDING OUR OPEN HOUSE I wned and Operated by Carl and Ed. Leslie '4 Best We wish to 19 Seugog st. 1 Mil