PAGESIXTEECANAIANSTAESMA. EWMAVILL. OTARO ~RflA !~!AflW 2s,.lIL Johnson & Johnson. Give University Scholarships The University of Toronto pre- education is important b aident is anc of a panel of cause.. .. lttading Canadian and American Other Canadian judges a, Eduatin athoitIs ho will Dr.Narman Mackenzie, pres juge oa 50uiesitw cho- dent cf the University of Br- iarship contest for Canadian c'ish Conmbia caDr. Je a and American youth, spensored chd eund e-scrary of Qsta by Johnson & Johnson Limit-addetyrgsarcQub ed, a leading manufacturer cf surgical dressings, and its O IU R American associate company.OBTM R SAny person of any age resid- ing in Canada and the Unite-d RUPERT L. MASON States is eligible to enter the richolarship contest and an Funeral service for Rupe: aduit may designate a child Lawrence Mason, cf 1436 J to receive the prize. The con- Green, Wichitia, Kansas, we, test provîdes for 49 paid-up held at 2 on Saturday, Matc policies for education ranging i 2,' 1957 at Cochran Mortuar: value from grand prize cf $0ý The Rev. Carl Moran, pastor( 000 ta 36 fifth prizes cof $1,000 Unity Church officiated. M each. The competition takes the Mason died Wednesday at th form of an essay of 50 words or home of his daughter, Mrs. J.1 less on the subject: "A good Rogers, Hlerington, Kansas. Mr. Mason was barn Marc 25, 1870 in Bawmanville, On In 1900 he married Hester Ar Spence Corsliere Power who prcdeceased him Reg. 1931 1908. He then settled ith U.S.A. W r*U S He came from Moline, Ill., t lqrs.J. E ý Rch 1Wichitia in 1911 when he tac PHONE 127 ORONO Up residence here, after his mai nage to Hulda Lyscîl, cf Mc Chocolale Novelties for Easter Sc - loc -25C Low Prices Vacuum Betties - 79e Ladies' Brushes - 59e Brylcreem and Cemb - Both for - -69e 100 A.S.A. Tablets- 19C 2 Noxzema 65e size for 99e Bubble Bath -_ ~ 79e a 39C -59C WIHTE OBE-IN BW UGI PENICanCIRE Peiili adStetmASTiT omiS r. Thermos Chase's Geritol Geritol Botties Nerve Food Liquld Tablets 1.89 - 1.98 89e - 2.23 1.35-3.29-5.49 3.29 - 5.49 Mofhproof Spring Tonics Your CloIhing Wampole's Extract 1.35, 2.50 Fly Tox Moth Proofer 1.39 Phospholecithin - 1.50 Dee Tee Moth Killer 59e Dichioricide -___- 75c One A Day Multipfle Larvex Spray- 1.09, 1.69 Caps- 1.40 - 2.50 - 3.95 Larvex Bomb -____ 1.98 Scott's Emulsion 1.00 - 2.00 Child's Lunch Kits, compîete- $2.99 COWLING'S PHONE WB FIT MA 3-5695 DRUG STORE TRUSSES Royal Theaitre Bowmanvilke TRIS THURS. TO SAT., 21 - 23 Matinee - Saturday - 2 pa. THE BIG HAPPY LOOK AT THE NEW-LOOK PEACETIME ARMY!, TAB HUNTER (in attis' dresagain) NATrALIE WOOD (a Rebel ith a cause) lThe Girlq He Lef sur Nor roo FAR 8EHIND! *,... WARNER BROS,.4w.h JEUILi ROYcrLA>4IS AC VKuS 4s mu m-l Added Short and Color Cartoon Last coniplete show 9:30 also "Abdullah's Harem" (Calor) (Aduit) Last Coniplete Show 8:30 Fi out the Academy Award Ballot on page nine of this newspaper and deposit before mid-nite Mar. 23. You may win one of these p&izes offered by local merchants: 17-jewel Wrist Watcb. Marr's JeweIlery Two 6-piece place settings "Silver Rose" Heirlooni Sterling Silver, Horwich Jewellers Seabreeze Record Player, Kelly TV Table Lamp, Reliable Furniture $25.00 Certificate on any Frigidaire Appliance. Woodyard Appliances $10.00 Easter Bonnet, Milady Shoppe $10.00 Certificat., Bruce Minns' Clothing Full-fashioned Kitten Cardigan, lideman's Ladies' Wear Beautiful Easter Perm, Joan's Beauty Centre Elizabeth Arden Set, $10, or equai man's gift, .Jury & Lovell Thistle Tricycle, McNulty'u Year's Pass to Royal Theatre Winners ivilil e announced in Canadian Statesman. Ire si. it. Il- te ec. ?.t ýre ch li., IR., who predeceased hlm in 1954. Mr. Mason was formerly em- played at Young Brothers Paint and Wallpaper Co., and Devae & Reynolds Paint and Wallpa- per Ce. He established his own picture framlng business' at Buck's Department stare, fromn which he retired ten ycars aga. He was a rnember of tlue Methodist cburch; Queen City Lmtge of Independent Order of Odd' Fdllows, Wlchitia En- campi-nent and Rebckah Lodgc. Besicles bis daughter, survi- vers Include a son, Harley Ma. son 1410 N. Lorraine, Wirhit-ta; four grandchildren and il great-grandchllden. Interment was in Wichitia Park Cemetery. KEDRON -1 ý-. Large congregations attende( I.Sunday services at Kedron. witl .r. several very tiny attendants reý ieceiving marked attention followý Aing worship. Among the bon. nie wec folk present wcre 4ht h Infant twin daughters cf Mr. and t. Mrs. Hugh Gannon, Oshawa inl Rev. R. H. Riekard continued hi. n senies cf sermons on "Disciple. he ship" with "The Disciple and hii fellowships". ta Mrs. Fauter Snowden con. k tributed a vocal solo. A beauti. r- ful arrangement cf spring flow. o- ers graced the altar. placed there -with best wishes te Mrs. P. H bShort, on ber birthday, by hej sister iEngland. There was an attendance cf 81 for the Sunday School hour Harold Werry has campleted hii terni as Superintendent, and William Snowden is prcsiding ir that office, with Jeanine Wern: as pianist. Mns. Lamne Tregunne 'told a fine missionary story ai the end cf the study period. Kedron Adult Bible Clas- bought several copies cf thE bock, "Christ and You" by W Fraser Munro, and are using il for Lenten meditatioil in ad. dition te the regular Bible les- sons. From this bock, a quota- tien cf Henny Ward Beecher: "The Chunch is not a galleny for the exhibition cf eminent Christ- ians, but a school for the im- perfect cnes."l Howard Farn- dale is leading the Bible Stud.y for the Aduit Class througl Manch. Several Kedron ladies availed themnselvcs cf the kind invitation te meet with Columbus W.M.S. last week, and enjoyed the fine message cf guest speaker, Miss Sommer-ville. Our best wishes te Mmi. Elmer Parks who has been a receni patient iOshawa Genemal Hos. pital. AbMembers cf the family cf Mr. an-d Mrs. P. H. Short were ai home on Suriday. Kedmon neigh. bouns join in saying "Best Wisb. es" on the occasion of Mrs. Short's Happy travelling to Mrs. Jobn Sutter who has left for a holiday with her relatives in Switzer. land. Mrs. Sutter lef t by 'plane from Malton on Friday mornlng, Mrs. P. Phlllips who bas ne- cently returned from a witer holiday i Europe with her bus- band and friends, reports having dinner in Paris one cvening, and lunch with her family in Osha- wa the next day. 0f course the gain cf severai houri in time changes makes this possible, but even so it seems quite terific. Pupils in Mu-s. Phillips' class here weme thrllled to be given some French money bnought back for tbem by 'a loved teacher. Mn. and Mns. Hugh Gannon, Bonnie, Larry, Donna and twins, Janice and Jiil, were Sunday visitons at the E. Mountjoy home. Maxwell's Community As- sociation invite aIl te a card party at the new Maxwell Heights School on Monday even- îng,, Mamch 25, when the card game cf your choice nay be played. Members of the County Junior Farmens' Choir look forwamd to repeating their musical, "Talent Sliowcase", at Courtice an Fi- day, March 29, and at Woadville the following week. On Saturday evening, March 30, Community Club is sponsor- ing a Hard Times Party at the home cf Mr. and Mrs. Walter Davis. Miss June Davis was a Sunday dinner guest cf Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Davis, Oshawa, when they entertaincd, honouring Miss Pat Davis cf Solina on hem birth- Turke tastes good again fe the inter-val between Christmas holiday week and ncw, and sev- eral Kedron folk enjoyed the delicicus roast turkey dinner at Harmony Church Hall on Sat- urday evcning. Glad to know that Mark Han- cock is able to get about again with the aid cf crutches, and wc hope will soon bc fully necov- ered from bis recent knee surg- ery. A few Kedron folk enjoyed, the hour cf organ and choral f Imusic presented by organis t John Smart and the Canterbury Singers, in St. George's Anglican Church, Oshawa, Sunday even-1 debates and the annual banquet~ and dance, the confemence was concludcd with attendance at the! annual church service held in 4h. War Memonial Hall at the' College. Wîth high ideals and werthy goals, it would seem that, the Junior Farniers' Organiza- tien mnenits its growing popular- itv arrnong -the fine young people la our province, snMisL. MarDiTrnu 1er. and Mrs. A. 'Young and with Mr. and Mrs. C. Martin. Sympathy is extended ta Mrs. A.' Loucks and familY inithe death of her mother, Mrse E. Warburton. Mr. and Mrs. E. Waite and Carolyn, Mrs. M. Everett with Mr. and Mrs. E. Green. Mr. and Mrs. E. Spry and family, Orano, wlth Mr. and Mns. E. Spry. Friends of Mns. A. Rabbins will ib. pleased ta know that she is recovering froni her 111- ness. Mrs. N. Bradshaw and Mr. F. Robbins are still staylng with her. Mr. and Mrs.. Earl Duvail were supper visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Miller, Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Gallinare and family have taken Up resi- dence on the Riddell farm. We wish them luck in their new home. Soi-ry to hear that Mns. E. Nicholson is on tbe sick list. We wish her a speedy recavery. - Mrs. James Buckley entered Memonial Hospital, Bowman- ville, for an apperidix operation. We hope she continues ta make good progress. Latest poser by my nine-year- oid, son: "Why do Chinese ai, ways have black hair, instead cf blonde or red?' Does anyone have the answer?0. isi COURTICE n Congratulations te, Mr. and My .SalyHywowr ai r.SalyHywowr tmarried in Courtice United Church on Satunday afternoon, ;s March 16. Mrs. Hoy was 4he e former Alice Taylor. r. Our best wishes go alse te ýt Mr. and Mrs. Robent Bryans, 1- the former Nancy Brown, who -weme married at the home of - er parents, Mn. and Mns. Wil- frid Brown on Frlday evening. r Wc welccme bath couples te -our community. Miss Vingil Brown, skates and -costume" in hand, journeyed te V Cobourg to take part in the 1Ice Carnival on Saturday. The Bible Study gnoup uan- Sdem the leadership cf the pastor, IRev. L. M. Somerville, met at the church on Thunsday even- e in g .A welcome is extended te sall 4he ncxt meeting to be at the home cf Mr. and Mrs. rHanry Herron, on Tbursday tevening at 7 o'clock. This community was saddeni- ed by the suddcn passing cf Mn. Fergus Kinsman iii Oshawa General Hospital. Sympathy is extended te bis wife Audrey, and other members, of bis fanu- ily. Leader's Fellowship for C.G. *I.T. and Explorer Counsellors met at Ebenezer United Church on Wednesday night. Mrs. Clar- ence Penfound, directcd the worsbip period on Prayer te several passages fnom the gos- pel writings on the Prayer life cf Jesus. A period of asking qu estions and sharing ideas in C.G.I.T. programme was hclp- fui to new leaders. Miss Don- ethy Somerville and Mrs.- Wal- ter Tiik,r bestesses, senved lunch and a social baîf heur was enjcyed. Next meeting at Courtice United Church. Mn. Carl Adams, assistant supeintendent cf Courtice Sun- day School was in charge of the session on Sunday in the absence of Mn. W. E. Warbur- ton. Mn. Warburton was supply- ing the pulpit at St. Stcphen's United Church, Oshawa, and at Raglan, on Sunday. A speedy necoveny is Ilope-i for Mns. V. Buridge and Mrs. Fredine, patients n sha General Hospital.inOhw Mns. S. E. Werry, Solina, bas been spen ding a few days with Mns. J. Shontt. Mn. and Mrs. Gardon Os- bonne, Hamilton, wene week- end guests cf ber mother, Mns. Albert Wilkins. Mn. and Mms. Kani McDcugall and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mc- Dougaîl, Allan Park, Mic1h- igan, called on Saturday mcmn- ing at the home cf Mrs. Kari McDougall's sister, Mns. Cec~il Adams. Mrs. M. Mathis, Warren, Pennsylvania, is spending sev- eral days with hem friends, Mn.I and Mrs. W. E. Warburton. Mrs. Morley Panish and Mrs. Fred Phoenix, Gneenbank, were luncheon guests necently with their sisten, Mns. Cecil Simmons. Miss Linda Osborne, Hamil- ton, spent the weekend with. hem cousin, Carol Robertson. Mn. and Mrs. Jock Sander- son (Mrs. J. Wenn) cf Dunbar. ton were Sunday afternoon vis- itons with Mn. and Mns. George Reynolds.j Population of Alaska is about five times as great as the com- bined populations of Canaada's Yukon antd Northwest Territor- Îes. DE WITH AND MOUNTJOY« General Insurance Agents *Car Fire *"-Sickness and Accident Multi-peril 5Simpuon Avenue Bowamnvile Phone MA 3-3950 Newcastle- Phone 3341 '~ A terrible feeling ian't "q ItL Actually we are pretty proud ef aur hospitaiity and If we simpiy can't whip np a snack for aur guests, we feel we've lest theni au friends for lfe and wecocuid Juat die of embarnasmnent. There are a few things extra nice te have around Just ln case - tea that's se easy te prepare It nover Interrupts pleasant conversation - sanie cookies te serve ln iffil!Y -maybe sanie sandwich ipreads - party meats. This week-end why nlot look around your IGA store for those convenient littie things that will make you the hestess at whose heuse neighbours would mont like te meet. SIGA FANCY 20-oz. tin FRUIT COCKTAIL 29C CLO VER LEAF SOLID WHITE - 7-oz. tin FANCY TUNA 35c 1 M EATIS As you like it! Serve It Rare! Serve It Medium! Table Rite - First 5 Ribs PRIME RIB ROASTS With 10 Free Salada Brown Label Tea Bags NOWu Pkg. f of 90 y99C IGA OFFERS 15 FAMOUS RCA VICTOR LP RECORDINGS FOR ICA CASH. RECEIPTS AND FREE "BOOSTER" TAPES! Ail you need do is to keep saving IGA Cash Receipts until you have enough to equal the catalogue value of any of these recordings. They range from 2-2/10 Folders to 3-2/10 Folders for the L.P. recoirdings, down to 8/10 Folder for 45 Ask your IGA dealer for the illustrated inaterial listing these recordings. NO CASH REBUIRED WITH IGA CASH RECETPTS OR "BOOSTER" TAPE Serve It Well Don.! IL 59C Peameal COTTAGE ROLLS Lb. 53C Table Rite 6-oz. pkg. SLJCED COOKED HAN Table Rite - Sliced SIDE BACON Mn-lb. pkg. w40C Table Rite Small Link PURE PORE SAUSAGE With Free $5.00 "Bonus Booster" Tape YORK 'KAM 12-o z. Round tin Plain or Pimenta C bateau CHEESE 45' p. 31 1 u Frozen Food Features -1 Birds Eye Peas Minute Maid 'Orange Juice 2 40 Fathom Sole Filuets 12-oz. pkg. 45C 1-lb. pkg. 79c Lb. 59C "BONUS BOOSTER Featurs ' Niblets Fancy Vacuum Pack KERNEL 1i-oz. 7 With Free $2.50 "Bonus Booster"9 Tape Lipton's Tomate Vegetable Soup Mix 2pkgs.2.5c With Free $2.50 "Bonus Booster" Tape Hfunt's Caf sup botl22 With Free $2.50 "Bonus Booster" Tape Borden's 2-oi Istant Coffee With Fr.. $2.50 "Bonus Booster" Tape Crisp and Crunchy - Low in Calories CELERY 2 Large ,STALKS Size 36's 2 For a Spring-Time Lift - Solid Heads Jumbo Fo LE T TUCE Size 24's 2o Smooth, Firni, Dark Green Leamington - Size 24's ROT HOUSECUCUMBERS A Sign of Spring - California ASPARAGUSL. With Free $2.50 "Bonus Booster" Tape Most Popular for Eating Out of Hand SUNKIST IlA 1ORANGES W3j& liU Doz. 49C z. jar 67C 1C 29gC 19C 35c DOL. 39C - - 21C tinz 37c lb. 39c Blue, Green, Pink orYellow Toilet Tissue 2ROLLS 23 C Food Values "Bonus Booster" Tapes Effective March 21, 'CWKER'S Snop for inese values at Your local I'-A Store IGA a *~ 4. 22, 23 King St. West Bowma nvi lie M" PAGE SIX "M CANADUN STATYMMN. BOWMANVn.L& ONTAMO TERMSDAY. NI ýuiiciff 2114, loge m vm llà