THLTRSDAY, MARCE 2 î.t, 1957 -- -- ------- . --.. .--. ~PAGE SE 9s one ýerso-riaI Phoe.MA 3-3303 Mr. and Mrs. C. Wood, Orono; Mr. and Mrs. H. Salter, Hamp- ton, were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. C. .ôhns. ,Afl the recent election 'of of- 1î*i for the Executive af the ArtSi Faculty, Queen's Univer- sity, Miss Tanya Goddard was elected secretary for her grad- uation year. There were 21 cases af numps in Bowmanville accord- ing ta the Northumberland- Durham Health Unit report for the week ending March l6th. One case af chickenpox was reported. Mr. and Mrs. Jack McCoy, Debbie and Susan have return- ed ta Dartmouth, N.S., after spending three weels' vacation with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Garnet McCoy and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hall. Mrs. Edith Johnston, Port ]Hope, has returned home after spending an enjoyable holiday in Tampa, Florida. Mrs. John- &ton vas staying at the sam- address there as Editor ana Mrs. Geo. W. James. Master Larry Perrin af Newv- castie has been with bis grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Victor kiancock of Bowmanville for the past two weeks while his mother has been in Memorial Hospital, Bawmanville. Last week Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Cockshott of Winnipeg, Man., were here visiting Mrs. Cock- shott's mother, Mrs. R. M. Jam- ieson, and other relatives prior ta leaving Sunday for a two- week cruise ta the Caribbean Sea. Spring officially arrived yes- terday afternoon, but there were signs of the season before that with many robins around and tulips well above ground in sheltered spots. Other sur" sigris are fashion shows and spring teas. Mr. Clif Saville of Hardesty, Alta., was a visitor this weekj with Mr. Frank Cryderman. Bawmanville, Ont., March 14, 1957 To The Statesman: TI aur home we have' had sorrjp arguments about the wefftner this winter. 1 thought it had been rather a mild winter p i4o date, but my husband insi2ts that the weather has been very cohd, with many days be- low zero. Of course we had a few cold days. Could you publish the temperatures for the days s0 far this year? Maybe 1 arn campar- Sing them with 60 years aga wher we had lots of snaw, with sleigh. ing anq pitch-holes and wher we >-+cdaIl winter on Van. Eh.<bWat *? ! Looking for a report on aur zero temperatures on Thursday. I arn yours sincerely, "A Constant Reader", Editar's Note - After three 'phone calîs ta the Dominion Weather Bureau at Malton and finalhy Toronto we came upvwith the answer. However it would require tao much space ta print al the days but we have. the material here if "Constant Read- e?' will caîl in and pick it up. We cari tell you that in January the Mean Minimum was 4.1 de- grees lower than normal and in February 5.6 degrees higher.- W.G.J. Self -knowledge is an ever- lasting task.-Christopher Har- vey. M. »__"-. ST. JOHN'S CHURCH (Anglican) Third Sunday in Lent BOLY COMMUNION 10 anid il arn. - CRURCH SCHOOL MORNING FRAYER 7 P.m.- EVENING PRAYER id ie àt ar Id te IMr. Saville is enroute ta Pen- *nsylvania and on the way back % will pick up a new car at Windsor ta take him back to the ail derrick province. C Mrs. J. W. M. Smith, her son -1John, and Mr. Ken Locke, &Il aio Bowmanville, have returnec -from a most enjayable vacatior in Jamaica, B.W.I. They were fguests of Mr. and Mrs. John -King of St. Andrew and speni -part of the time tourmng the rislapid. The Editor and Mrs. James who are still in Tampa, among their activities there toak ina baIl game between the Yanks and Detrait at St. Petersburg witb Mr. and Mrs. Everton White. They also attendeda picnic held by Mr. Mervin Nes- bitt ai Nestieton, who along with many others in Florida, occupies a trailer. There were 21 people present, mastly Dur. hamites, the Editor wntes. Others who have trailers there are Russell McLauglhlin, Bow- manville, and Art Bailey, Black- stock. Tbe iront page ai the Daily Eagle ai Claremont, New Hamp- sbire, carnies a phatograph af Mrs. Eugeaaia Frazier ai Spring- field, Vermont, as she warmed up for ber 9lst bintbday, March 10, witb a bit ai bowling. Mrs. Frazier, who wvas born in IBowmanville, the daugbter of the late Simon H. and Anastasia Dumas, visited Bowmanvilie a-s weamedota er birtiacean last year on btoer birthaan by Mayor Nelson E. Osborne. She was a special guest at the Lions Club Minstrel Show. In other years, Mrs. Frazier bas roller skated, skipped rape, rid- den a bicycle and tobagganedi as a birthday stunt. But she is active tbroughout the year as well, doing ber own bousework and attending meetings ai al number ai clubs. She feels just1 fine, and bapes ta return ta Bowmanvilhe for the Centenq- niai in 1958.1 combines Won <Continued from page ane) final periad with neither being able ta score. Goalies Outstanding Ross Hawe turned in a spark- lhng performance on the iew occasions be was required ta wark. Red Wasson probably was wondering if tbe Combines had barrawed same rubber fram the Goodyear plant as he per- fonmed like a wlndrnill in th e cage canstantly stopping flying pucks. Raye West will be well re - warded for bis dazzling display duririg the game. He will re-1 Minns' Clathing Store. In ad- dition, John Stutt's Sbae Store have given him a new pair ai sboes. Congratulations "Gusty.'e Teux .Rate Increcose t(Coritinued irom page aone) Bpraperty only. This accourits for the difierence ai 4.33 milîs in the respective rates. i While tawn council only has .the speriding af 33% ai the ibudget we must assume respansi- bility for a substantial increase in the tax rate. Causes of Increase The causes may be listed as fahbows: 1. Cauncil had ta employ some extra personnel in arder ta ad- minister the aifains ai the town. We are uriderstaifed at the town~ offices and in the police depart- ment. 2. Council incneased the sal- aries ai present employees in order ta gîve tbem a fair deal. Pension plan, graup insurance,1. Blue Cross and medical insur- ance are in efiect, partially paid by the town. 3. -Council puncbased somne needed equipment ta maintain raads and services. 4. Council purchased the form- er Post Office building ta make pravsian ion present anid future expansion ai centralîy located municipal office space. A 40% down payment is required. 5. Council made provision for same property improvements in preparation for centennial yearr 1958. Pay-As-Go Method There are only twa metbods ai municipal financing. We pay as we go or else martgage the future by debenture issues. Council bas adopted the first method for the iollowing reasons: 1. At present- municipal de- bentures are bard ta seil. The interest rate would be at least t 5%½% and the debenture would likely sell belaw par. Some are Tfrin ify United Church J Minist 11i A.M. - J i 'i 'f7 P.M. -' sChurch GvOUPS (Continued irom page one) make a profit." jMr. Waoley realized that these graups were doing a cammunity service in pravid- ing catering prior ta the present hotel set-up but their work is nao longer needed. Since taking over the apera- tion ai the botel in November, 1955, a great deal ai time and money bas been spent in re- novating the botel and bringing lit up ta a higb standard. Contribution to Town "W'e feel that a large part of the population want, a botel and feel that one is necessary ta tne progress ai the cammunity. The hotel contributes in a great number ai ways ta the town ai Bowmanville, by pay- ing a large property tax as well as a business tax, employ- ing local help and buyitig locally," be stated. The botel revenues he went an ta explain consist af raoms, meals and catering. Room and meal revenue is derîved chiefly from out-oi-town patrons and the anly revenue the hotel ca.-i expect from the town is catering. "Catering in Bowmanville." be said, "means ta a batel what beer means ta a botel in a wet tawn - the difference between aperating at, a loss -or being, able ta carry on." Church Suppers- Allowed Mr. Wooley is quite agree- able ta groups catering tao their own functians but is op- posed ta their uniair bidding- for the Iimrited catering traaei in Bawmanville.1 Council feht that Mr. Wooley's ( demands were justified but I were in doubt over the legalJ aspects.1 The suggested by-law draft-1 ed by Mr. Wooley asks that al!l individuals or groups cateigs for renumerations must firstt obtain a license .annually fromrn the town cherk. Accordingly anyone applying for a licensef would be classiiied as a busi- ness and subi ect ta a tax. Ex- :luded from such a 'by-law.. .vould be graups catering ta f, their awn members. Questions d However a number ai que s-c tions arase in the minds af th e J councillors. If the botel for b any reasan decided ta discan- n miue their catening would the e organizations once more take A over the catering or would thcyd feel slighted and refuse? d Another was il the hotel wa_ r able ta handie two or three , banquets a night.b A fear was also expressed E that by giving the hotel a F monopaly it could set its awn W -atering prices and p)olicies. al Before any decisions cauncil1t. xihI consuit the tawn solicito r.R Gi*rls' Hockey (Continued fram page one) the other will be calîed the vlusketeers. Players on tbe Rarigerettes 1- Iinclude: Sharon iveMvurter, Su- l san White, Carolyn Meadaws, Judy Brough, Doreen Drew, iLynda Hately and Lucille Ba- bich. The Musketeers' raster *will read: Karen Barrabail, San- 2dra Dilling, Patsy Carter, Pat- sy Thompsan. Judy Paeden, #~Margie Pickard and Enid Tan- Sgender. Most ai the girls are mem- bers of the Explorers' Group at Trinity United. Margie Pickard, wba iaunded the group and is their spokesman said: "Girls ~$Ishauld have some rvcreation, Sibecause most ai the arena ac- Stivities are for the boys." Margie bas several hobbies and enjays basebaîl and swim- Sming during the summer. She Ssays that hockey would be an excellent exercise for girls. I <$Jaddition she phays a clarinet in thé sebool band, is a member ojf the church choir and laves Ail of the girls are enthus- astie about playing hockey and Ashould provide a fine exhibi- ~tion wben they play on Mina: iockey Night _ îlies. Our anly regret is that some ai aur member couples without cbildren are tao shy ta put in their appearance on those evenings when we unleash aur aifspring. W're sure the cbild- ren enjoyed themselves (as they always do wben aliowed ta tear baose on their own) and also those adults wbo become re- juvenated during the several square dances. The music for the evening was very kindly sup- plîed by Mrs. S. Brooks, pianist; M'r. Lewis Wood and son Everett, fiddles, all ai Bowmanvile or Sbaw's ta be mare explicit and MIr. Borden Slack, electric guitar- ist from Oshawa. Thanks again for the enjoyable music. A programme consisting ai luet by Bannie and Gail Mal- olm accompanied by Gwen; a ong and bone rattling number by Leonard Saunden (wbose rnusical talent will be further nlarged upon); sone, "Hjllbilly Auctioneer" exceedingly well lrie by Lloyd Wilson, and a luet by Lloyd with with Lor- -aine McGill ai Yelverton. The ,atter brougbt wbistles irom the Qoys. And lastly, the Days 3rothers with their Western Ilit arade numbers, always a bit vitb the teenagers. We appreci- te the willingness an part ai rie programme members in par- icipating and tbanks ta Mrs. uth Wilson, accompanist for a ,ouphe ai the numbers. Lunch )y the hard-working ladies )rught the evening ta an enjoy- hIe conclusion. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Black, aourtice, were Suriday church ,oing visitors at the Malcolm- mersons. Its been a iew years nce Dan (aur ex-Steward of his cburcb) bas been in the teighbourbood. Mr. Frank Emerson and fam- [y, Peterborough, called at bis ýaren ts. John and Nelhie Hooyer help- d daughter Mary cehebrate ber 'addy's Day birtbday at Ci- ngton an Sunday. Mr. Leonard Jabliri and +be ic Malcolm iamily viewed 'levision at Ralph Mahcolm's, elverton. Rev. P. Pameril taok as tex? )r bis sermon James 3:5. Next undav he will give the sec- id part an same subject anid Èdies are invited. Perbaps be iay sa *v samething that mozst u is men thirik but have flot ie courage ta voice. cc b, b, ai c g( E si ti n il, pý ec Pý ni Vi te. Y( fa: Su on la( m. af thi HIGHLY STYLED MIODERATELY PRICED LADIES' WEAR Reg. 19oC - - - Reg. s29a Compared to the smali size you save $6.05 Other sizes - $1.40, $2.50, $3.95 COLGATE Dental Creain Two 59e tubes -___89e Three 33e tubes ---66c IMot men / boy YCR.i thIon oy other uir drssbln te w" '*-MLODODEDFOR SUPER STRENGTH DRY-OR WET! 3 5c ai(; B -x-3-PLY.. r' A* La Vogue f/acqueinejJ WeDelve Cor. Athol & Celina, Oshawa_ PRESCRI PTIONS kx Buekley's Mixture 50c, 85C Cinnamnated Capsules 35c, 79e Buiferin 39c, 79c, 1.23, 1.89 Coldene _ _______-1.1() -y Dr. Chase Brand Tablets - -----59c, 1.49 Super Anahlst Tablets ------- ----65c, 1.00 Hankscraft Vaporizer - 9.95 Bottie Warmer with Vaporizer Cap----4.25 VICKS VapoRub 53c, 98c Va-Tro-Nol -____________53e Cougth Syrup - -____59e Medi-Mist Spray _______-___ 8c I.DA. Bronchida Cough Syrup ___-75e Bronchida Cold Capsules ____ 1.25 Idaphedrin Nasal Draps ______ 65e Spray ______95c Jdarub, chest rub -__-- - 49el il - 'sellingz as low as 96. a net Io Ion $4.00 every hundred. ent goad credit rating. Whe the town has to issue more dE bentures for large projects suc l as schaols we will be ablet rmarket such debentures at reasonable rate. J3. The present is a poor tim tissue debentures owing to th~ k tight money situation. Some 2 Ltimunicipalities have been unabl 0 omarket their debenture issue. The Provincial Government ha purchased these issues under [special fund set up for the pur dpose but the local municipalit, nlssaddled with a twenty-yea edebenture at the high rate c r,6.3 %. t School Costa Educational costs accaurit fo nearly hall the total budget. Thq increased educational grant rIfrorn the province helped ti . keep the public school budge s down but at the high school lv jpractically the entire increase i. grant had to be used ta raise th( àteachers' salaries so no reductior could be passed on ta the municiý palities. Cost of high schoc education to Bowmanville ha! nearly doubled since 1955 arn will go higher because of thE upsurge in pupils of high schoo: age. We are paying the pricE for a large area school. This y-ear the taxpayers ol Bowmanville will pay $6,076 o: nearly 1 mili for transportation, a service we don't use. We pav $1.440 for a cafeteria deficit. Why should the taxpayers be called on ta feed the students as well as pay for their education? We pay $1.200 for a building deficit and will continue ta do so for the next two years. The cost of building additions proved pro- 'hibitive al about $17 per sq. ft. compared ta a brand new school in Port Hope at a cost of $10 per Isc. ft. M~uIcho es MAPLE GROVE n M r. and r.SutN n LI L xvere dinner guests last ]oro ch ofMr. and Mrs. Stanley Mack- a twl eur h ags 14400 opytetahr Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carter, cam ta~1~bthdtef1IrSHarristonwere weekend vistors !s. chols n Bwmavile wll 115740was spent an teachers' ham and Carol visited with Mr.1 t require $194,167.00 the board salaries. A new salary scbe- and Mrs. Charles Burrison, Har- r. 34,82.0 illbe eedd o py 'stwhich is the cause of the Visitors'of Mr. and Mrs. Nor- LY ff he ebetur det. his1 Avr onSdy e: Al ot Increase Mrs. R. Rombough and Mar- wf as $3,00 earss but the bda Practically every ather phase garet. Bowmanvilhe and Mr. and was 30,00 essbut he oar ofthe board's aperations show- Mrs. 1. Cook, Scarborough. will onhy ask the taxpayers ta e substantial increases. Equip.. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Avery r pay appraximately $8,000 more ment, which includes items such visited with Mr. and Mrs. Don e tis ea. Povicil grants as books, texts, scribblers, pens, Cameron, Haydon; Mr. and Mrs. ts have increased from$5 999 pencîls and variaus other equip- Cyril Avery, Newcastle, Mr. and ýo 1ta $67,230.59 this year. In ad- ment i*u 200frattlMs .Brrm adn n t dition the board énded the year a 12,110. 2000o ttlMr.ars. etiHAey, Burkn- n1 TwoYears'Surplu soni. h1adinitraion Mr. and Mrs. H.AvkeMrtonBurkd al wi th a surplus of $15000. The smalhest increase wvas tan, hast week. ie This surplus by the board department which jumped $400 iamily with Mr. and Mrs. Stuart aP is largely made up ai manies ta a total of $3,857.00. This Morton on Saturday evening and from interim tax paymenzs includes salaries for the sec- Sunday evening supper guests ai paîd ta the tawn on which the retary-treasurer, attendance of- Mr. and Mrs. Morton were Mr. tschoohs receive a percentage. ficer, office supplies, ba-ak and Mrs. Earl Osborne, Bowman- diDuring the past tiv-o'years thesp charges, auditors' fee and othcr ville. le payments have not been turned smaller items. Mr. E. Willoughby visited in ,e1aver. The board will require Operation Costç up Toronto hast Saturday. total af $146,618.91 from the Under the beading af opera- Mr. and Mrs. William Curtis ,municipalî±y for operating and tions the board wiîî require an and son Ralph were Sunday vis- idebenture payments. itors of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. ýr . increase aof $3,100 for a total Fred Curtis, Woodville. As in other years the biggest ai $23.900-00. This covers the Ms .D tvn pn sîlcers a ies.budg e go eorsalaries af the caretakers, $600 few days with Mrs. W. P. Rog- teahes' alris. hi yer hefor water, $3.000 for liglit, ers, Bowmanville, recently, and cboard estimates it, will nee'J $4.500 for fuel, garbage remov- called on her sister-in-haw Mrs. 1,ai, caretakers' supplies, $ 1,900 H. W. Fohe-y, and had dinner! e for sewers and maintenance with ber daughter, Mrs. Ken Jt LONG SAULT supplies.Smeroranfmi. r Maintenance and repaîrs was SrMrs Miltnd PaeroRas EJMrs. F. J. Jackson, Tyrone, the on]y item that the board anne, Louise and Arth ur withI - Iwas hostess ta 10 members af founid they could reduce. Last Mr. and Mrs. Alex Symes, New- IClub 50 hast Thursday night, year's estimate was reduccd castle, recently. March 14. Pres. Mrs. Greta Mc- $1,650-00 ta $9,300.00 for this Mrs. G.arnet Burnis and son, rLaggan opened the meeting. year. This sum covers the rc- Peterborough, with ber brother, RaIl caîl and minutes were taken decorating of a set number ai Mr. and Mrs. William 0'Neil. by Asst. Secretary Mrs. Doris rooms each year, needed repairs, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Metcalfe Baker. Program Committee for replacement ai desks and in- were Sunday visitors of Mr. and April: Mrs. Bessie Vaneyk and surance. Mrs. Wayburn Adams, Bowman- Mrs. Jacoline Vaneyk at the lat- Debentures Up ville. ter' hoe, Aril9. rs. ack On othr badig, Axilary Mr. Ray Preston has returned ts ethe Sript9.ur a Mrs. rhedig Axiia home aiter spending the winter son read the Srpueadevo-. Agencies, requires $50 more in Hamilton where he phayed John Jobriston gaveth eo this year for a total ai $530. hockey for the Hamilton Tiger tional. Readings were given by Thiscvra ub osmlCb. Mrs. Barrett, Mrs. Milîson and itms crs numel riesa Mrub. adMs lxSmsw Mrs.,Partrier. Jean Baker iav- ndIit fen, suc staepîe r adMs lxSmswt aured us with two piano solos' ane fegal ies. th ude Mr. and Mrs. Milton Paterson. and Grace Smith sang "Our is Tefnlie ntebde The community wishes a Best" accompanied by Mrs. Jack- the debenture' rate. This speedy recovery ta Mrs. How- son. President thanked hostess year the six raom addition at ard Bradley Who is in Memorial and committee in charge and a Vincent Massey School cames Hospital, Bowmanville. social time was enjoyed by all. incrfor the iirst time and this Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Milîs and Mrs Eda ampellan Irs, nceases the debenture Payment family with Mr. and Mrs. oms.Edia Cambell aund Iisp approxirnatehy $8,000 for a tata] Charles Mihîs, Port Perry. per guests af Mrs. Sophie Kayacs o $34,682.00. About 60 attended'the Broth- and Gabriel. f We welcome Mr. and Mrs. W. Vaneyk and John back into aur midst again. Mr. and Mrs. J. Vanbeck and family maved toaa COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL Si farm north ai Manchester lastJ week.i Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Penwarden and Wade were Sunday supper guests ai Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cameron and Raymond with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Trivett, Weston, on Sun- day. Mr. and. Mrs. A. J. MeLaggan, Victor, Bruce and Heather witb SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR TI friends in Part Perry on Thurs- day. Plan ta be at the schaol Fni- day night, March 22 and 'support (RI 1r A your teacher and pupils at t4eir ONE 1 D I social evening. MULTIPLE VITAMINS i North Nestleion SEIL The Farmers' Union Family , ~4 -IDÀ.H do Nigbt at Blackstock was wel 4-oz. 80z represented by those with fam- 15C RAY GIBBS JOHN DEERE DEALER Sunoco Gas and Oil MA 3-3503 181 King St. E. c ERVICE us WEEK THIS WEEK! gen Peroxîde 23c Re:.450 39c *SOFT *ABSORBENT JOHNSON.S *STERILIZED LE AUZE JOHNSON'S ~4' STERILE GAUZE PADS SEALED IN INDIVIDUAL ENVELOPES. READY FOR IMMEDIATE USE. 2" , 21112'S 45c -"x 3" 12'S 60c With Wondersoft* covering NOW IN THIS SOFT GREY PACKAGIE 12's 43c o ASPECIALTY Drugs Phone 'MA 3-5792 I. k' ~-~------ /1 lA S P E C IA L White Tire WaIIs 5.95 per set BAYER ASPIRIN BRYLCREEM Special! Special Offer! Buy 100 Aspirin and get WVith the purchase of each a sample of eight flavored 69e tube you get a Children's Aspirin FREE High Quality Comb Bath for 79o absolutely FREE Save 25% on Noxzenia 3-WAY SHAVE Instant - Brushless - Lather Cough & CoId Remedies Save 30e on IDASAL TABLETS Relieve headache, colds. 300 - Reg. 89c --59e ;ter - Rev. T. Arthur Morgan, B.A. 'Son of Man - Son of God" "Fallh Healing" Organist-Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus. Bach., L.R.S -M. McGregor, Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store erhaod Ladies' Night at Maple and a discussion followed. Games Grave Church last Thursday were conducted by Janice Beech evening. Miss Zubkavich of and Barbara Milîs. Next meet- Oshawa played several selections ing will be held in the church on her accordion and Mr. Bob basement. HnmbeCrs. RePangipseveral The Explorer group and Tyr* numers Rv. hilipRomeril goup met in a joint meeting on of Blackstock spoke on the topic a IsgaV evening. AIl enjayed a ogtime af requested hymns "Broherhod".with Mrs. William Laird at the Friends in Maple Grave wish piano. Mr. Laird showed the ta extend their heartfelt sym- groups two films. The groupa pathv ta' the family of the late then divided into their respective Fergus (Jiggs) Kinsman. groups. The Explorer girls read The C.G.I.T. met at the home the Scripture in unison. Time af Janice Beech on Monday ev- was spent hearing the girls re- ening. Vella Jane MacLean and peat the Books af the Bible. Mrs. Jackie Hall conducted the wor- M. MacMillan read the mission- shij service. Study book chapter ary story. Next meeting an was read by Mrs. Ran Brooks Tuesdav evening. Announcement We are pleased to announce we now carry a complete line of Motorcade Parts and Accessories SPECIAL BATTERIES 7.95 Up MR. GEORGE BROWN will be glad to show them to anyone interested in guaranteed merchandise at lowest prices. LEITERS iZ' EDITOR f - 60 C/ 1 'l Phef akecL il r LMM LI s Lg a Cs 7g m , d n ýf a e 44 3-57921 TRE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOVMANvrLtlbp omTARtr% Phone 'MA