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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Mar 1957, p. 10

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5- PAGi l TEN ?H~ CANADYAN STATESM»T, EOWMANVTLL~. ONTA~XO ~Li RSDAI mAnCK 2mt, le" has been started, which vwe hope Tobacco Farmers Votewill be given many tunes. JbnCuc Tobacco Farmers Vote Our women in Solina andjonCuc. Hampton are very active in Women 's Institute. At Hampton On Marketing Schemes 'here is a fine Service Club for- Open Seed ',,,omcn as xvell as other groups a ai Footba iland bowling groups- U are forrned.A Over 3,500 Eligible the young folk busy. The great- jA e r Ontriotobccofamer wil byer ad gowes bundbyest need in ail these groups is1 John Cruickshank, Hamp-1 Onsrl toaco frmrs dibuyrsandgrwer bundbYsuitable leadiers. We must find ton, won the grand champion-i go to the poils ini thirteen coun- the same by-laws. This unique v.illing xvorkers who are agree- ship in t he open seed competi- t;e*,s April 1 to decide between feature is net included inl able to get along with otheri tien at the Central Ontario See-d carry:ng on the present Tob.âc- proposed F.P.M.A. plan whL.Pol..c mhthv ie hwls usdy h rz co Marketing Board or substitu- 1 exeludes buyers.;natomsanthvet iShowatelTuieay .h prz ting a Prcaond staaninaetetstandetheargreatcisoaemanteailchime dock. Otio arrpodulanMundet- eualTh er scof us dofa eand s.on their time and tal- The titie was awarded for OntrjoFar Prducs Mrke- qua nuberof oyes 1adents. We must have activities high aggregate score in eleven ing Act. r'arm owners eligible1 growers and is presidcd over by to suit ail ages and interests cf classes of grain and two of to vote imiber about 3,550.A 1 a chairman elccted by the four- the' ce, ui.Vrityad oatos ee onsfrfrt E. !flhld. votýe wai held abou t til other dircecors. The szevký or*gýial;ty hold thue attention cf five for second and three for five 3cars ago in vhich iî e grower directors are e'cetd 1»' thecoliiiwiiiity. tidpae r rikhn' T.PM.A pln ws dfeacd y dstrcts Th buer iretos \Ve must net let cliques for n total wvas 25. Two exhibitors an overwhelming majority. are neminated by the seven te take over the runnmng Of tied for reserve grand: Robert ~om 23cros nd nimisarecemanes ctiel enagt, i everytlîing. If you do, there Armstrong of Cavan, and Mel- presently under F.P.M.A. plans tobacco buying in Ontario. w'll be antagonism and trou- ville McHolm, Welcome, both in Ontaluro. Thcy operate with About 96 percent of Ontarlo ble will form. Try te see the cf Durham, with 20 points varingdegeescf ucessTo rowrs remembers of the other person's point of view, each. Ahl three are veteran bacco,- Ontario's richiest farmn Association. The remaining 4 and also practice the golden quality seed growers of Cen-a cash crop ($70 millions a year percent are known as free- rule in speech and action. If we tral Ontario.E in gross farm value), has long lance growers. The latter tend achieve a better cemmunity we The individual championships3 ibeen the outstanding held-out. te obtain membership ;.inthe are gaining a step toward a were announced as flosOats Basic difference between the Association after a few years b1trwri -eerDwBololin On two methods cf marketing are cf farming when their farms This was the last regular, tarie county, en Rodney.0 being discussed with increusing1 are equipped te the standards Forum Program for the seasen. Wet oetAmtog interest by tobacco men as thc j required fer membership. We wind upo next week on Cavan, on Dawbul. decsie vteappoahes Tc Spprtes f te resntMarch 25th with a pot luck sup- Barley: Garnct Rickard, Bow- present Marketing Board carne Board dlaim that it has xverk- per at the home cf Mr. and mane, onhs arffety into being 23 years ago, when ed well over the two decades Mr.Rsei et MyW ay Pttes:o hs Alber oety, conditions in tobacco marketing during which prices have stead- that although or numbers are Claremont, Ontario county, On were chaotic due te the fail- ily ri-zen and they are today at small, we feel that we have thme Green Mountain variety. ure cf varieus marketling plans appreximately the same level had a very interesting and en.. Reserve champion: Delbert which had been tricd te operate as similar grades in the Unitezi joyable season. If any interest- Clan, cf Cavan township, on a ELccessfully under the unique States. The tobacco acreage bas ed, wish te icin with us fer Chippewa bushel. crop and marketing aspects cf expanded steadily te its present the next season beginning in 1 Judglng the tobacco business, total of about 120,000 acres. For November you would be very Judging of the grain show in The Board is actually the the last eighteen years, buyers weîcome. peck lots resuIlted as feflws: Board of Directors of tJlie Flue- have made it a practice te bu,,___________ Cured Tobacco Marketing As- the entire crop in order te Early Oats: 1 Hareld Swain, sociation cf Ontario, a volun- leave ne unsold surplus te de- KPNefMsaenkHNo. 2pton; n3Mel c- tary association cf growers and press prices or establish a car-- .L.IshnkHamto;L3J.LMe buvers. It is unique in that it ry-over in the hands of the Holm, Welcome. 6 is 'believed te be the enly or- grewers who are net at present Services at Kedron on Sun- Lt rmdu as ee ganization in the xvorld which equipped te process and store day afternoon were carried on Don, B3roklînSm2tJ. Bloic- has lasted for twe decades with any surplus. as usîtal in spite cf the handi- shinkd,3Prinevedr mth oom- - cap cf a hydre power eut. There fie rinceEat1RrtcAunty were 92 present during the sWrnter what:2 . icertAnm; Sunday School heur. Rev. R. 3trHn. Cavn; 24. Rucs hank'ri Farm Forum Discusses IH Rckard conducted the sn evro,5H urchsericeandpreahdsonH. Deown 54HRusei Mrr- te third sermon in his Lenten Barley: Robert Armstrong on pi A cti iti s ynCorm rrî nit "The Disciple and Hýs Rielard; J. W. Boyd and Son, Stadars",with the Seripture Orono. Hampton Fat-ni Forumi met sidering church activitics,we text from- Patîl's first letter Io Soybeans: Mel Mellolm on1 on Monda'v , Mai-eh 18, at the would say, since we have lbad the Cotrintlliati.s, cliapter 13..A home cf Mr. and Mrs. Wesl'y erected in 1956 a new Commun_ beautiful bouquet of spring Hardomne. Yellowlees with 13 present. The ity Hall at Solina, mest cf or fowers was placed at the altar Rye - Tetrapetkus: F. iH. tcpic fer discussion was *A Man forum members are activeîy as- by Mr. and Mrs. Down. Wete, Picrig Haldh L.r- and His Neigbbor". sisting in raising money te op- Ncxt Sunday, in erder ta Vt, Ubridge; ll Har or- The first question asks - erate and finish paying for the ttope with tà afternoon eut in Otaremecont. Altr c Wbat is the mest important ac- hall. There have been dances, electricity again, Sunday scheol Grnta count yd hpar.6 tivity in the life cf our corn- suppers, banquets, concerts, wili begin at one o'clock and Fobr;Dnl aul, Nap- Vuunity ncw? If one is net con- card parties, and now a play the church service will aise be- Foxb orge Donl yP itn ginearier atthecloe o th Grain in ton bushel lots, reg- F. Sunday school heur. istered or certified: Kedron W. A. members are ar tsJmeT.Bon - invied t th hom of rs.Newcastle; John Cruickshank,; Alvin Spencer for the regularLeiSanurtn;Hrd - April meeting on Wednesday, Swain, Nestieton. There were - April 3, at 2 p.m. Ail ladies cf14etis Sff£"Cit th~e community are welcome. the 14as:(2 entries: Adut be C0ass ere gutesRussell Morrison, Beaverton; of Adut BbleClss ereguetsHarold Swain: Robert Amni- 15 ~~ c~f Rev. and Mrs. R. H. RickardstngJ.WBydadS. at the manse on Monday even- ats, ail.W. oherarietiSn . c ing. Mrs. H. Farndale led in w oyd llo Ber ar el Mc-1. O wor hip A porio cf th bo k, Holm on Larain; J. W . Boyd, "Mr. Jones, Meet the Master", Larain; H. Swain. * ~was read by Ross Lee. Mis. Baey GrntRkado - Alvin Spencer gave a readin- evr .Rg.r nBat Seripture was read by Howan evr .Rcard o BRnt Farndale. IJ. Cruickshank; H. Swain; . W Y S E President Alvin Spencer pre- Armstrong. 40 sided for business. A sum cf New Exhibitors Of eoney was voted te purchase Classes for exhibitors ,v'-, RC E U IL fo Suday chol. ErlyCats Doald ree ruwsldes cf childrcn's bymns had net shown in five years: A- vocal sole by Mrs. F. Snow- Nestieton, on Lanark; John IS EST FO den, and unison singing led by Leask, ega. Walter Davis followed 1lrsb OtC late or medium: Don- thenes. A vaiety cf St. Pat- aId Green on Rodney: John ______ NER rick contests wore conducted Leask on Rodney; Charles Glen-to YOUR BURNER by Mrs. Ross Lee, and Mrs. ny, Newcastle; Manstyn Me- f Farndale. A delightful -social Knigbt, Uxbridge. .9 heur and a hcarty vote )f Winter wbeat: David Smith, Sheil Furnace Oul cous no more than ordinarv ois, yet tbanks te VIo and Mrs.. Rick- Bloomfield, on Genessee. ard concluded the meeting. Certified Potaices - it offers complèete protection for your heating system inl The United Links Class cf Early' varieties: Harold Nom- 1 tu-o money-saving ways. Young people met on Tuesday ton, Claremont, on Warbas; evening at the home cf presi- Ivan Norton, Goedwood, Cob- 23 YOU SAVE ON MAINTENANCE CALLS dent Brian Lee. Worship xvas blers; Leonard Porter, Ponty- ofi OnIy Sheil Furnace Oit gives you the benefit of a special cnutdb rn pne~ ol assistcd by other class memeiers. Intermediate potatoos: Do!- additive that keeps your humner filter spotless/y cdean. It The president pesided for bert Clan, on Chippewa: AI- banishes the top cause of burner breakdown ... keeps business, in wvhich it was de- beri. Hockley on Katabdin;« M. T u m er at peak efficency-all winter long. cided te hold a paper drive on Weatherilt and Sons, Bethany, - yorMarch 26 te raise money for on Keswick; Ivan Norton. PROTECTION AGAINST STORAGE TANK LEAKS clars projects. Alan Frances Late potatoes: Albert Hock- and Keith Martin led in livc> loy, Green Mountain variety; - With Sheil Furnace Oit you get Sonitor protecto. ]y games. Arrangements xvero Mý. Weatherilt and Sons, Se- Sonitor. .. stops rust forming. Cani actually make your made for Ronald and Jeaninoe bago; Ivan Norton, Sebago; M. Fi storge anklas twce s lng!Werry te convenie t he next stor ge t nk l st wice as l ng!m eeting, w ith Elean r M ount-f ielectric organ for the church ar~ r aily à <.there. f fe Ms.H. Rose, Mrs J. GLoeie, and Mrs. H. Worry wr Box among those who attended the Tele HIospîtai Auxiliary Bridge last ......o Kedr relatives and fmîendsCo o r.Grant Cmmiston are hap oknow that she is pro- gressing favoumably followinig- an emergency operation in Osh- LEI awa Hospital last week. Miss Beryl Mountjoy, Lon- e l IN in ", M I, Wdon, spent the %veekend at ,At last you can paint without suffering from irri- home xith hem parents, Mm. a-Id atn punyfue!Modruneodorless Mms W. L. Mouintjoy. ai 1l-g-ilaze Colorizcr paints have banishcd paint ___Mrs. W. L. ,otijyan Cdrfmvr Eloanor, MNrs. Fletcher \Vcj- vdr or,,r.51 z eM". and Mrs. Harold Wc", - Thcre are hundrcds of beautiful shadcs te choose J A Ronald and Jcanine w: fronu in paints for W.alls, floors, furniture, wood- À 10aîong Saturday dinner guests %vork or exteriorer . c r n d Mrshe . Bemt Luke, To- 141 rene, v hn thev entetained Offic honoLsiî ls lv ue Nev, alk',d fornuulation makes Flo-glaze Color- Miv . Mcurma ket.d T nrrPjts much casier te apply, more durable ~PIT e i gtr i. Rbr than ever. PIN H3iuIiî ii Toronto last Nweek. H a da eLewis Gerard:of the Americari 7 King Street E. Bowmanville Phone MA 3-.5774 inril cf rnts. wabys bheard . 4 * .eea..g p,- * *,-** ..-...-.+..-..*--...**.~*beîwecn oîè;un £rOua. shank 15 Champion Ont. Show Weatberilt and Sons, on Ken- nebeck. Durham Seed Show The sepamate show whichi continues the Durham seed fair reported the following judging, placements: Rodney cats (11 entries): James T. Brown-, John Cruick- jhank; H. Swain: R. Arinstronc: A. G. Anderson, South Mena-i gban. Garry oats (10 entries): J. T Brown; J. Cr'uickshank; Arthur Brackenridge; Lewis Swain, Burketon; H. Swain. Cats. AOV: J. W. Boyd, or- one, on Larain; H. Swain, Lan- ark; M. McHolm, Lamain: J. Wî Boyd, 4 and 5 on Beaver and Simcoe. - Barley, five entries: Garnet1 Rickard, Brant: J. Cmuickshank,' on Brant; G. Riekard, Barboàff;, H. Swain, Barboff; Rcbt. Armn- strong, Brant. Business Directory_ Accouniancy1 RAT J1. DELLING Certified Public Accountant 93 Church Street MArket 3-3861 WM. J. H. COGGJNS Chartered Accountant 64 King St. E. Bowmanville Above Garton's Bus StaIon) 64 King Street E. MONTEITH - MONTEITU RIEHL & CO.1 Cbartered Accountants 135 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa Parters:RA 5-4662 J.W. Monteith, M.P., FC', A. B. Monteitb, B.Comm., C.A.1 G. W. Riebi, C.A. (Licensed Trustee) G. E. Tmethewey, C.A. R. F. Lightfoot. C.A. YALE, FRIEDLANDER. HUNTER & CO. Accountants and Auditors 34 King St. E. RA 5-1621 B. L. Yale, C.A. 9'.Friedlander, F,. Comm., C.P.A J. Hunter, O.P.A. C hîr opra cfi c G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. ffc: Chiropractor ,5 Elgin St., cor, cf Horsey St. Phone MA 3-5509 ffice Hurs: By Appointment D en fal1 DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. Office: Jury JubiIee Bldg. 0 King St. W. Bowmanville )ffice Fleurs: 9 a.m. te 6 p.m. daily Closed Saturday and Sunday Office Phono MA 3-5790J louse Phono - Newcastle 3551' M. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. Office in bis home 00 Libemty St. N. - Bowmanville )fice Hours: 9 a.M. to 6 p.m. daily .a.m. te 12 noon Wednesday Closed Sunday Phone MA 3-5604 DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. Office 3King St. E. - Bowmanville 1fice Heurs: 9 a.m. te 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. te 12 noon Saturdav Closed Sunday relephone: Office MA 3-5459 Insurance ir'-J. A. BARTON Fid-Automobile - Casualty 1 43 Carlisle Ave. Phono MA 3-3098 x 9 Newc'astle, Ont. lephones: Newcastle - 2115 Toronto HI 4-4396 nsultation by appointment only! Morigages ROY HAMILTON - ORONO Phone 1 r 16 First Mortgage funds Residences - Farms Business Properties Op to m eifr y KEITU A. BILLETT Optometrist King Stý E. Bowmanville, ce Heurs: Bv appcintment Telephone MvArket 3-3252 Mondav te Saturdav 9a.m. te 5 p.m. W7ýednesdav-s 9qte 12 Thursdpv evenmnz -.- lano Tuning ARTHUR COLLISON Pmofessionai Piano Tuning Phone 34 Prince St. Bowmanvii.e F 'ROTECT YOUR RIGHTS CTS PRO versus ISE The basic issue before tobacco farmers is whether to take a chance on a Proposed New Plan for tobacco marketing or to retain and improve the present Marketing Board. At best, the Proposed Plan is full of uncertainties. In many key points, even its own supporters are relying on hoped-for promises of outside help to make it, work. Ail tobacco farmiers ivill do welI to study these uncertain promises before they vote. Here is the latcst information on a few points of special interest: Ciii the Proposed Plan Legally Take Over Even if Approved? Even the supporters of the Plan admit that it requires some aci by the Federal Govemnment at Ottawa to make it work. The emin( counsel who are advising the present Marketing Board state positively tl the Plan, as it stands, will be rejected by the Courts on application ofa farmer. The proposers of the Plan answer that they "expect" a fede order-in-council to make the Plan legal. But they have produccd no pri or no statement that such an order-in-council is even under considerati in Ottawa. On the contrary, we are advised that such an order-in-council in neyer be passed because the Federal government may net want to ha the problemi of deprcssed tobacco prices and surpiuses on its hands. B remember - if the F.P.M.A. Proposed Plan is thrown eut by the coni . .. there will be no organization whatsoever to control the marketing the 1957 crop. Is the Combines Act Investigation an Issue ini This Vole ? Some dlaims in this respect are being made by persons who shou know better. The fact of the matter is that the Board bas aiready taki the necessary action to satisfy the minor criticism of its by-iaws centaim ini the recent Report. The Board retaincd the services of one of the outstanding Ici authorities in Canada on this matter. H1e lias made frequent visits to Otta' and bas consuited with the senior officiais administering the Combines A( Nie lias now advised the Board that the by-iaw changes recentiy made 1 *' the operations of the Marketing Board and the Association compi.ý within the letter of the law. Ciii the Proposers of the Plan Seize, the Assets of the Marketing Board ? You may have scen this thrcat reported in the papers ever the wecl end. It wili be interesting to sec what happens to this threat. It wiil giv an indication of the value of many other threats and promises. The fact is that the Directors of the Board arc net oniy entitlcdt defend the Board by putting the real facts before their members, but ar iegally obligcd to do so. They were elcctcd to maintain the Board, nott sec it destroycd. In upholding it thcy are oniy doing their duty. It may be wcll to size up the calibre of the men who are tryingt take control of the tobacco growing by this irresponsibie and uninforme outburst. Their haste to seize control of the Board's treasury is both interestin, and cnlightening. Can They Carry Out Their Published Promise to Pay Growers for Unsold Crops ? So far they have produced not one single piece of evidence mnat an. institution or governmcnt, federal or provincial, bias undertakeii to give oi iend them a red cent. They have hopes, of course. But hopes do not pa1 for unsold crops or build warehouses or process surplus tobacco or pa3 mortgages. lVhat happens if, under present conditions of restricted credit t bey cannot get the moey requircd? This is a reai probicm. Lack ol funds bias wrccked many sehemes before this. As a matter of fact, it ha! wrecked some schemcs not very different from the one you are now being J ion cent bhat any eral roof tion nay ave But rts 1of uid :en ed gal wa ng k- ve to re to to iy t, o Published by the Special Committee - Flue-Cured Tobacco Marketing Association of Ontario. si ON APRIL 1sf i -- Tffm Tffr CANAMTAN STATEnfAN, BOVIL&NVT= ONTAMO

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