UUAY, XA~ ISU~. 15? ?~E CAKAD!AN STAT~SMAN. DOWMAIrvffLE. O2TARXO PAGE ~~!VEN B. & P. Club Initial e Three New Mem bers '4,,,Three new memb>ers wpr' I Jewell followed. f0-mall initiated and acceptpd I Cuest speaker at the meetin.g ino the Bowmanville BusinesJw Miss Esther Thorntcn ai and Proiessional Wornen's Club) Pelerborough, Regioral Advis- at the regular meeting held in er of District No. 5. Miss Thorn- the Balmnoral Hote] an Thurs- tari has held rnast executive day evening, March 21. positions in hier home club, and The new members, Ruby Gar- j _ Su pervisor af the Statisties yack, designer and dressmnaker: n epartment at the Quaker Oats î leen Turner, office clerk: amiî Company'. She was introduced Widernan, proprietar cf by Vi McFeeters. aeman's Ladies' Wear. were Why Do Women Work presented by Mary Jeweil.' Miss Thornton toak up with Mernbership Convenar. An il'- club members a nurnber ai itiatiori service conducted ibY points pertaining ta the organ- President Velma Gav and Mary ization and aims ai B. & P. Clubs and the forwarding aof iees, reports anid resolutions. OBITUARY Miss Thorriton urged mern- bers ta go ta the Regional Con- DELBERT A. BENTHAM ference at Napanee, May 4 and 5. prepared ta discuss suci In poor hea]th for the past questions as: Why do womnen six years Delbert Arthur Ben- wark? How manv woren work? thani, 142 Prince street. died at and aspects ai achievernent and the Oshawa General Hospital responsibility with equal pav.r on Sunda ,Mac-2, ihS Mrs. Margerv Pewtress will 7th year. ]ead these discussions. A son af the late Mr. and Mrs.I A resolution regarding un- Richard Benthamn. the deceasedi emplavment, insurance for wom- was born at Enniskillen on en who get married has been July Î, ]887 and was married Iforwarded ta the National Fed- at Thornhill, Manitoba, on Jlan. eratian and is expected ta be 3, 1912. He had be-en a resideut taken up vvith the Federal Gav- ai Oshawa for 12 vears. ernment. Another resolution He leaves his wife. the for- forwarded dealt with the pas- rir Mîllie Cowvan a nd 'anc ^ibilitv af incarne tax exemp- ri, ughter, 'Mrs. Melville Baker lion for drugs Linder medica lex- (Jiean) of San Diego, Caior- p en ses. I nia. Social Workers Needed Also survivîng are four siz- Much lias been done by the ters, Mrs. 'F. Millican (Reva) cf Provincial Federation toward Toronto: Miss Alta Bentham cf penal refarr-n and the Gavera- Bowmanville: Mrs. H. Batten ment lias promised ta appoint a <Mllie) cf Peterborough and w-ornan probation affluer as sot-), Mrs. J. Little <Lenoret af Scdr- as a qualified persan can bc bora; a brother, William G. Bu:--found. in this connection. Mis tham, cf Bowmanville and two Thornton said that there is aI grandcb ildren. g-at need for social service The funeral service was beld workers. Only 2.50 are graduat- et the Armnstrong Funeral Chg- ing from iiniveritil courses this pel on Wednesdav. March -7, year, xvbereas Ibeère are pasi- followed bv interment in Ba - ionsîî for a thoîisand. rnanviiie Cemetery. Rev. A. F. National and Provincial Fed- Cowan, minister ai Centre St.lera l ins have their finger on j United Church, conducted thljthe pulse of affairs and recog- services. nîzîng the need in a manner LAKESHORE SKATING CLUB " Member of Canadian Figure Skating Association" presents Ice O rama For 1957 featuring 125 FIGURE SKATERS COMEDIANS ALBERT WHITE AND MURI BTJRBIDGE AND OTHER GUEST STARS to be held ln the P~ORT PERRY MEMORIAL GARDENS Saturday., Mrch 3 Oth tEighttO'Clock Admission: Aduits $1.00. Children under 12 0 START TRAINING NOW! MODERN WORK FOR MODERN WOMEN There is a variety of aviation duties in the RCAF suiîed to the particul4r abilities of women. The RCAF will train you for inberestingy work in such trades ass FIGHTER CONTROL OPERATOR - SAFETY EQUIPMENT TECHNICIAN MEDICAL ASSISTANT - PHOI'OGRAPJIY SUPPLY TECHNICIAN For full information regarding terms of "ervice, pay a.nd other benefits, sec, write or phone tJo WOMEN'S COUNSELLOR R.&.A.F. RECRUITINCq UNIT 27 St. Clair Ave. East., (Postal Station "Q") TORONTO 5, ONTARIO Phone WA 4-6659 of !ields, have alreadv brougnt Thornton told members. Shenr ma on Cm tte actoer taiheforms, Misby B. & P Clubs in gathering in- formation for ',he Commnission G v s R t r P og a on the Status af Women ini theRoayi oain seorctvptsriead United Nations. MareRory i Roain seiratvptsricad was the underlying theme rif senior active service. Since Miss Thornton was thanked 1an enlightening progrm pre- al n eie aacpe by Rhoda Gardon. sented by the Rotary Informa- from the variaus professions, Financial Report t tion Comrnittee at the regular businesses and trades in a dis- Treasurer*s report, given bv 1 luncheon meeting Friday in the trict it is important that the Dorothy Virtue, shawed that Balmoral. classifications be constantly re- the club cleared 1111,111 framn Chaired by Garnet Rickard viewed so that younger men its fashion show of the previaus the committee cansîsting et cari be brought inta Rotary and evening. A cheque amnounting Ross Strike, Dave Morrison and the services af aider members a $21.-15 was received fromn Dave Higgon reviewed for the can be retained by moving, Carton Coach Lines in canner- benefit of fellow members the them ta crie of the senior clas.- tion with the club's sponsorship history. regulatians and ser- ifications. af buses ta the Ice Follies in vices ai Rotary International. Explaining Rotary's partici- which Miss Lynne Bagnell ap-I Ever since Paul Harris or- patian in the international field, peared in January.t ganized the first Rotary club Ross Strike said that the estab- President Velma Gay and Isa- in 1905 in Chicago, Rotary has lishing ai Rotary in another belle Davis who. was canvenor nad tu overcome rnany prob- country usuallv îolîows a sct for the fashion show expressed lems bath internally and exter- pattern-. The 'leaders and top their lhanks toaial who assisted nally before it achieved t ranking men ai the cauntrv are with the show. piesent world wide sîgnîfi- cantacted first and urged taO es- cance. tablish the first club. Tables were attractively de- Dave Morrison pointed out After the first club others corated bv Mabel Bagnell and that the prirnary purpase af the are established Ihroughout the Flarence tomiion in St. Pat- fîrst Ratary club was fellow- 1country and in this wav a cro:s rick*s theme, and fallowirig di- ship but materialistic and busi- section ai the people are uniled ner ail joined in singing Irisil ness iîîterests alttîough frown- i n the cammon bond af Rotary, songs, led by Myrtle Hall with ed upon crept into the orgafli- jatn mpeso Helen bielles at the piano. zation. Lsigipeso Miss Vivian Sadier was a Anather problern posed itseif Although the work of Rotary guest af the club, and conlî'ibut- in 19192 as Rotary becarne inter- does flot make the headlines Mr. ed two lavely vocal solos;, national w îth the establishing Srk et hta1stn mrs *hrgh the Years' " and of a club in Dublin, Ireland. ' 1 ion is being laid by the coin- "DnvBoy". accompanied at \vas esar. Mr. Morrisoi.1 bined' efforts of Rotarians the piano by Helen Nelles. explained. for Rotary la reai- aioiind the globe. Welcome Wagon ize ilhat the variaus nationaji- He urged that Rotarians keep lies (ould not be moulded mb w \orking with the tangible toa!s A luîcky number was won bv asadr ara na-t hey have within their reach ta Phyllis Craig. Vi McFeeteîs, ao stankdaordldpeaceand posper chaiman f te Ciie CrA urdige. dvd uait i iity a reality. These tools, he ex- rnîtee Wagch hals take tel-a Tîrough constant watching, 1 plained, are international con- cnem Waon alsmaeortie a thinking, battling, and differ- 1ventions, Rotary sponsored sch- numero al ad nn~ ence of opinion Mr. MAlrrisonî olar-ships and fareign student conr.stated the present Rtr Inter- visitations in the hmsof o Amon members who have national has evolved. tras oe o been ill. reported byl Rhoda AI Witherspoon thanked the Gardon. were Ethel MIcKagiic,IUnlimited Scope' Rotary Information commnittec Me] McNulty, Hattie Mvason, Th prra ofRtr sfr their thought pravoking Nettie Buller. Anna Watsoni. iniinitedi scope Dave Higgon porm Miss Nina Neads was %velcamed i bld the memrbers and an«iai- parm back ta the club. portant phase in maintaining a Birthdays truîv reprcsentative cross sec- Quile à few Rotarians cele- A visitor w as Miss Hut chisan ticon of memibership in a club js brated birthdavs recenblv and af the Peterborough Clu b ,vha the regulating cf member-shiîp ail were called ta the allen- accompanied Miss Tharntoîi. and classifications. 1ijon cf the members bv Presî,- - - ~~To assure individîialitv amn detilRull Those having its members a Rotarian sntihe birthidavs w.ere Rick Rick&- M emorial Hospital a member cf Rolar ' Interna- !hy,. Art Ribey, AI Witherspoo:i, tiona] but only a miember of iis G(eorge Moady, and Dave Hig- Wekl Rpotlocal club, Mr. Higgon pointi:d g" that it is the Rotary cluibthai lcd ta Howard Rundle for com- For the week of March 18 -------24: Iti l12 f'ý- f Admissions --- --- ----3<;tional. c xur i Cid Birtbs, 4 maIe, 1 female - Clasqsification Discharges 46 . There are many. classifica- Major operations tîcas in Rotary including active, Minar aperatians __-13 Emergency treatments 13 SOLINA Visiting hours 2.30 ta 4.30 p.m. and 7 ta 8.30 p.m. Bradley's Community Club met on Friday evening. In the absence ai the president, Mrs.j E. Cryderman was in the chair. M aple 'Grove The program arranged by th Vice familles, featured lovelyr L t coîoured moving p i ct ure s School Holds shown by Albert Eddy, c f 'O pen House Hamilton and a film cf English beauty. The latter was takeuî On Wednesday March 131h whcn Albert enjoyed a trip ta 1 al rv cho edOe his horneland. Rex'. Fred Jack- Mapl Grve chol hld penson], of TYrane, fascinated House. Many parents and evervae seil the chili]- friends visited in the classrooms ren with hîs nmagic auts. Fat fro 7to8 .m aldvi%,,7d oeKnox and Laura Bowmnan en- froi a8f p .advee etertained with piano solos. The displys aiwork.next meeting on Thursday, Following the businpsç meet- April 18, will be arranged b ing oi the Home and Suhool As- John Knox. sociatian the foîîowing pro- Home and School gramme was presented by the Sauna Home and School Club staff and pupils -- Short play, met Frida 'v cvening wîth the "There's Alwys a Silver Lin- program beig pra'ided by the ingý' by members cf staff; grouîp suhool pupils. la the public 1 saffgs by pupils of Mrs. Cale speakîng r ompet ilion the 1 and Miss McHolm's roam;- char- .iudges. Messrs. Mcrkley and a]rcitation, 'The Lord is M Slute cf Bowmanvillc selected Sheperd"by pupils ai Mýrs. the following pupits as win- Down's roai. rners: Allan Fraser wha spoke Skit. "Health Western" w'as on the "Planets"; Carol Anne Ipresented by pupils ai Mrs. Moi- Stainton who chose as ber sub- fatt's room; duets, '*He" and jcct "The Lobster", and Juan- "The Bible Tells Me So" by Ita Fraser, speaking on "Hol- Lynda Mertin and Linda Senti; land". Songs by the schoolj aeostratian on ~Conserva- werc enjoyed. lion" by pupils cf Mr. Rowan', Diring the evening Mrs. A. J. room. Balson was presented wîtb a gift inapprciaion.ofber Short talks were gix'en on faitblul services as caretaker Music in the Scbools. by Mr. R. for a number cf \'ears.j Metraif: Religiaus Educaîjon in Over onc bundred people at- our Schools, by Rex'. Mr. Somn- tended bbe- Shcrtharn Associa- erville; Wark ai the Health tien banquet in Saline Coin- Unit Oby Miss L. Taylor; Prim- munîty hall on Wednesday. ary Reading, Miss S. Polio 'k; Coagratiilatlons ta Harvev Primary Number Work, Mis. l and Lais Yellowlees (ace Lar- Down; Prirnary Social Stud'es mer,î on tbbcbrîh ai their and Science, by Mrs. Moffatt; daugbtcî', Janice Arlene, on Junior Science and Social Stu- Marcb 21, (a sister for Karen dies by Miss Craig: Junior Eng- and Brenda). lish by Mrs. Cale: Junior Anith- Mr. and Mis. Bruce Tink andi mctic, by Miss McHolrn. familv were Suînday guests at 1 At the close ai the meeting Mr. Dan Goode's, Oronio. lunch was served by t le Home Mrs. Adcbe Tink x'isited ai J.Cale's room won the Parcn's' IrM. and Mis. Roy Langmaid coit. _______ visited at 0. Lunn's, Peterbor- jMr. and Mrs. Chas. Langmaid OBITUARY and children were Sunday vis-1 i0i's at Mr. m. Ashtan's, jBradley's, MRS. ANNA M. MERCER Mr. and Mrs. Tom Westlake The fuinei'al ser'xiceoe f Anri and sions x'isited at Mn. Franki 'Margaret Merrer %vas he Id in estlake*ý. Sr. \Irc. and Mrs. Frank West- ,lie Keiudal United Chui'cb Jr n fmonxîîdMs Wedriesday afteinoon, Februar:v 'N r ndlml istdMs '20th. Rex'. Murdo Mclna es 0'( N MLttn, Oshavwa. Beaverton, brother-în-law of Mr. and Mrs. Harny Knox tbc deceased, conducted the f visiîed at Ken Pascoe's, Brou- service. Mrs. Allen Foster wvas gham, on Sunday. the crganist and Mrs. Meu'cer s M.Hrai *cai-l -i favounite hyrrin -The Lord's - rac me. aiid Miss Barbara 'Curtis, s-\yPeterborough. xisiuted on Sun- Shepherd" was sung. d aIR Mr. Wes Hilîs'. Mrs. Roy Mercer w'as bffn is eî Tyo- Bwnn at Teesxvater, Ontar'io. 8a'îd ville. xvas a Suni'daà, tea gueý't moved wilh bier familv 1taf0To-et Bruce Ta.x lor's. rontoaNvhen she was in lier Miss Ex'ely ni Taylor, Pete"- teens. She taugbt suhool for borau1gb. v at home for the several years, part af Ille lime xveekend. in Manîtaulîn Island, wbere she 1M\r. Wm. Knox, Broughain, had a sex'ere illness. leaw"'g bý'r visited at Mr. John Knox's. jwuth a weak bcart. Mr. and Mis. Don Taylor She was married ta Rex' Mer-j spen thbbcweekend at Mr.- F. cer 23 years ega. She '.xas an Aberneth.ys, ïManille. unîiring warker for' the church -'\Ir. aîîd Mrs. Ken MýcMInni and cammunity and loved and an~d Lynda- Mr. and Mis. Chas.' respected by al] wha knew lier. Snîi and Anna; Mr. Jack i The paîl-bearers were, Gea.J Sinitlh and sons, Oshawxa, visit- Merrer, Arthur Mercer, Bruce ed at E. Cryderman's. Mercer. Johnny Thompson Mir. and Mrs. C. J. Wray Norman McKay end HarveyMc and daughters, Oshawa, vîsibed Taries. al nephews of tbbc4dp.1 at Ross Cryderman's. ceased. i Di'. Jerry Milîson, Mis. Mîill- son and famnilv, Toronto, vis- Left to mourn ber passing are lited relatives an Sundax' bier bîisband Roy Mercer: sons 1 M". anîd %Mr1ýTomBar Dvdand Banniie, lier nmobtîrBaans(." Ner]McKy: both rc andMrfaunîl aîtended a parby et M\Is. R'ofî'r, te M-Ot'rni;tion's, Enni- McKv i PrtHope; si. br kiFulen, bonor ng Mr. Edwin Or'- BeaMuroMnnc,.vlaic miston on bis birbhday. Be ai f'ertc n exn Mcr. N. Thomas ai the Souls Her anv î'icds ebendDept. of bbc O.A.C. was a guest their hearticît sympathv ta ber ia., Mr. 'John Baker's. fernilv. There wverc maiiv beau- Edgar Weirr' x,-as a weekend liful floral tîr îlAes.vr.ti .l h gaîdae' Temporany niermnent in Iii. '%- an'd Mrs. Noble Nleicalfe, Lang VaI114 Orono Cemeterv.- QO'hawa. 1 tendance. Visitais at the meeting were J. G. Geikie, Oshawa, Jim Reid, Oshawa, and Jim. Wright, Pr Perry. OBITUARY OTTO FIEND Friends in Bown'anville end district were sbocked ta hear ai the sudden death ai Mr. Ot- to Friend la Cuernavaca, Mexi- co. March 2. Mr. Fricnd had gene to Mcex- ira ta recuperate fram relative- ly severe attecks cf angina per- toris. He suffered a strake shartiv aiter bis , arrival. Mn. Friend w'as 71. Funcral and interment took place in Ctuernav'aca an March Mr. Fricnd farmed near Ty- r rafle for a time before moving ta Bowmanville, and later ta Toronto. He is survived by his wife, Irene: son Gregory, pri- vate secretary ta thie Hon. George C. Marler, Minister ai Transport, Ottawa, and daugh- erVeronica. Also by a broth- er. Dr. F. Friend, New York City. COURTICE 1Mrs. Earl Adams del ivered more than 140 pounds ai used clothing which the Explorers gathered ta the Overseas Relief Depot in Toronto an Thursday. past. Her keen enthusiasma for the wark gaîng on at the cen- tre, makes crie anxicus ta know. bow they handle so many clothes 50 efficiently. Mrs. L. M. Somerville, Mrs. Elton Werry. Mrs. K. C. Hop- kins and Mrs. Clarence Pen- found attended the Bay ai Quinte Coaference Branch cf the Woman's Missionary Socie- ty which canvened at St. An- drew's United Church in Osh- awa last week. The C.G.I.T. groups with their leaders, Miss Elizabeth Wilson and Mrs. Penfaund at- tended the session for girls on WedaesdaY night, when Miss Dulcie Venthani, Ratlam. India, told sanie interesting feature-s cf their work with babies and children in the hospital there. Miss Dorothy Somerville and Mrs. Clarence Penfound, C.G.1. T. leaders from Ebenezer and Courtice, attended the confer- ence for leaders held in Knox Preshyterian Church, Oshawa. This conference was sponsored by the Oshawa and District C.G. I.T. Board with a two-fold pur- pose - that C.G.I.T. leaders rnight become acquainted with members of the Board and that Miss Marion Banks, ncxv serre- tary for the Ontario Girls' Wark Board niigbu bring inspiration and help to the leaders. The Bible study group met at Mr, and Mis. Harry Herron's bomne on Thursday evening ta complete the study ai Hosea with Rev. L. M. Somerville guiding aur thoughts. A ques- tion *presented was, wby daes th,, Christian faith -,eLrn ta hav.e little or no appeal ta rnany in aur community? A near record attendance of 196 pupils met at Courtice Sun- day School at il o'cloek, Sun- day rnarning. Assistant super- intendent Mr. Carl Adams read the passage from the Bible. Next Sundey, the perfect at- tendance certificetes and seals will be presented. The regular monthly mept- ing af the 18th Scout Mother's Auxiliary was hcld reccntly with the president, Mrs. Allen Stephen apening with prayer. The officers read their month- ly reports. A short business per- lad w'as beïd and plans were made for the Rummage sale ta be hcld in the Orange Temple, March 28th, alsa the Father and Son Banquet was discussed. Mrs. Edward Simmans, Presi- dent of the Executive Board, gave a very' interesîing address on Scouting. Mrs. Simmons ex- 1-ere are a few of the things that the Rotary Club with the help of your Easter Seal donations have accomplished in the past year: " Pî'ovided transportation, ta Merrywood Camp for 10 Crippled Children f rom the district. " We have 24 children on aur active list and dur- ing the past ýyear we have made expenditures on 12 of them. " Entertained 29 guests et aur Annual Christinas Party for Crippled Children of the district. Use Easter Seals 6,ý-& A - - mam--j plained that the Scout Iaws were a combination of the five points of the tw*o stars of the Fleur-de-lis' and that parents should know the law and the promise, also that scouting morale is very high and tha't it is good for a boy ta be J-. scoutlflg. PHONE MA 3-5778 The President af tbe Group Committee-Mr. Rabert Cook; Secretary - Mr. Harry Coucla and Akela - Mr. Earl Gatcheli, were guests. The meeting clos- ed with the Scout Mirpah. Re- freshments were served by i NIrs. Ronald Pingle and coi- mittee. BOWMANVILLE ~ DURHAM LIBERAL NOMINATION MEETING... TWP. HALL, ORONO rWednesday, April 10 8:15 p.m. SPEAKERS Hon. L. B. Pearson -Secretary of State for External Affairs DR. CLAUDE VPOND Liberal Candidate Ontario Constitueney JOHN M. JAMES, M.P. Durham and others and britg ur friendg. Hon. L. B. Pearson ~DURHAM COUNTY LIBERAL ASSOCIATION Have You Returned Your 0 0 0 ENVELP For the Annual Eus fer Seul Cumpuign HELP CHILOREN Use ifaster Seala * Provided transportation one day per week to the Cerebral Palsy Clinic in Oshawa. * Co-operated ini the Clinie for Crippled Children in the United Cotinties held in Port Hope. * L.ooked efter the following: Tonsilectomies - ---5 Special Braces - ---2 Special Beds-------- .Major Operations »..2 PINK AND MAIL TO-DAY. A Receipt viillbe sent to you for Income Tax purposes A dream vacation wvithin your reach!1 Stop dreammng and etart travelling! Oui B.O.A.C. Iket lnftai. ment Plan for overmsa air travel je nov a reality. A down payment of just 10% iftarts y'ou on yoar vay and-the balance ini eazy monthly inatalments for sa long as 24 montha. Let un help you plan Tour trip-our experience in free and oui information in world vide. Cali or drop in and »e un soon. JURY & LOVELL PINK 2 TO CRIPPLED The Bowman ville * Rotary Club ASSOCIATEL) WITH THE ONTARIO SOCIETY FOR CRIPPLED CHILDREN Asks For Your HelpI Whaf Your Money Does . 9. BUY EASTER SEALS AND USE THEM! PUT YOUR DONATION IN THE fol -WUV-UMW W V M ENVELOPE 0 iNReýAT, it4rom "lis%. "Sr TIM C"ADUN STATESU". BOWMAN71=. O"ARIO PAGI ELZIVM