PAGE TWELVE T~ CANAD~K SAEUMA2q. U~WMAW~YLVU AWPAUR TEUJDAT. MAHOH -~ - Record Crowd Watches Combines Down Lg To Win Lakeshore BowmanviflQrono Combines Trent on Cornets in the nexi wvon a 6-4 deetsion from the round of the O.H.A. playoffs. :akefield Lumbermen at Memor- Clinch Win for Combines tel Arena, Saturday nîght, to Bill Berwick and Raye West 'vin their best-of-seven series 1 were the big guns for the Com- !our games ta one and capture bines as thev tallied two apiece. the Lakeshore intermediate "A" Berwick scored the wnîng goal rîockey tifle for the first time inifor them at 9:10 of the final four years. period. wbile Raye West counted More than 1,300 spectators, the insurance Marker just 57 the Iargest crowd this season, seconds later. ivatched the local lads count tw'oi Gives Lakefield Eariy Lead goals each period to win the Neil Wasson scored the opener rugged tilt. They will meet'to give Lakefield the edge. He It's a good thing young Ted is only joking. His dad is studying the needs of families like yours for financial protection. If he took Ted up on his offer, the boy would be overwheimed by problems about man- aging family incomes, succession duties, protecting a business against losses caused by the death of the owner, and other matters. Ted's father is a modemn life underwriter. Today, lite irisurance repre- sentatives flot only study better ways to provide life insurance protec- tion - they seek a real understanding of people's needs, and shape plans to meet these needs, which differ with every famly. You'll find today's life insurance man a good man to, know. His pro- gress reflecis the many ways in which the lufe insurance business has developed with the times to meet your changing needs! 1 Canaiaens have a wide chalce of 1fé, Insurance plans i *- offered by mare thon 60 lif. insurance campanies * aoperating in thit country. THE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES IN CANADA Be Safety Wise and Economize with our Full Service Inspection A BUMPER TO BUMPER CHECKC Drive ini To-day FREE LUBRICATION EXTRA MILES TO THE LIFE OF YOUR TIRES Tire manufacturers recomniend that tires should be rotated every 3,000 to 5,000 miles Hgere ls Double Savingr for you ROTATE TIRES WHEEL ALIGN - «0« ONLY Robson Motors Ltd. Robson Pontiac ONLY Plus Parts - Buick - Vauxhail 166 King St. E. Bowmanville he-andiýs-brothers completed: Jî one of their passîng pla.vs. was1 Tries For Lumbermen anio:, Tom Birch nctted a pair in the remaining 10 minutes Of thc H game as the Lumbermen tri ed to tie the score. He tallied bisH first at 10:54 and at 16:16 scored their final goal frorn in front of the nets.L Gives Excellent Performance Goalie Ross Hawe. who bas pulied several close ones ouf of A the bag for tbe Combines during bowl the season with bis spectacular nigbt goal tending, was their big asset i'oyd' in the game. His miraculous place work in the nets combined witb ish f the fine defence put up by the tean team heiped them win. Ena and adian family during 1955 was 3.8 persons. Newfoundland, of ail the provinces, had the great- est average size at 4.5 persons. Complet( BRAKE RE-1 Chevrolet Passenger Cars and Small Pontiac 1946 -,1956 Reig. Prie@ $26.95 Liîmiteil Time Offer Replce.. Adjust Bi Inspeet E Cars MillersWin' akefield Titie 2md Si Miller's Taxi blanketed Front St. 10-3, te win their best-of- five Town League Playoifs w n three games to none, Monday night at Memorial Arena, dlaim- tscooped the puck in the side of îng the Town League Hockey the nets at 2:07 of the first Crown for a second straight stanza, while Dean West was year. tsitting out a slashing penalty in' During the season the Taxi- the sin bin. men have only bowed to one Ties Score defeat and tied two of their Dean West evened the score games, having won the rest. 1at 12:47 by knocking in the puck Their marksmen have counted 1as Wasson tried to catch a shot. a total of 503 points during the rVeteran Max Yourth came year. through wifh another less than George Heath, Miller's goal'e, fhree minutes later to put the bas been one of the team's big Combines ahead 2-1. Yourth assefs during the season by dis-1 snagged a pass f rom Gerry Rob- plaving brilliant ability in the inson in the corner and fired nets. from about 15 feet te hit the targ e strsGain Edge tBa d mni nton 1 Raye West connected witb a long shot f romn in front of the i T nets early in the second as he D istrict Tou gave the Combines a 3-1 edge. Brother Junior bad corne close Two young men from Bo;v- witb a shot from beside the cage, manville, Bob Gallagher and but Wasson deflected it out in Gary Tighe, are enjoying a front and Raye blasted a slap good season in Badminton shot past Wasson. Tournaments wbile playîng uzn- Bill Twist brought Lakefield der the colours of the Oshawa partially out of their deficit as Flyýing- Club. he slapped the puck in from the AtheCnrlOaioBd face-off circle in the Combines minlon Association Tournament end, to make it 32. Bill Ber- this ycar in Picton, tbey «"cop- wick tallied his first of the *iht pe d" the coveted Men's Dou- on a breakaway. He grada bles Cup given for competition pass from Frank Hooper and in- by the Ontario Arrny Regiment. vaded the unprotected Lakefield In. w:ooîoig this tournament, the territorv to connect with IWeîî jai ,s lishedfor themselves aimd sot ron aout20 eet a rakin nanein Badminton aimed shot fror oabout c crcles by defeating the highly Coun Wining oals rated tearn of Grant Henry and At the midwaY mark in the Ken Crowe. Grant Henry is ai third frarne he couinted the Win- former mcrnber of Cadi ning goal after picking up a pass Thornas Cup Team and is nowý from Wally Samianski. Berý,; irk!rcsiding in Peterborough; whilej oufskated Kevîn Heffernan fo Ken Cr-owe played most of h pant the rubber in thie nets ini a badminton in England, but i3 similar manner as be did bis' now hv,ýing in Oakville. Th, earlier goal. ! cwe\ champs 'did not lose a sin-: Less than a minute later Rave: gle match during this tourna- West counted bis second of the! ment, The scores in the finals affair bv denting the twinp ,fte- vuicrte15i-7. ,-and1.5- Players Win mo ments the Rotary clubs in tnis district. Sunday's tournament was held in the O'Connor Bowl, East York, with teams from East York, Ajax and Bowvman- ville competing. The Bow-t"anville team was comiprised of Keith Slemon pionship at an Invitation Dis- Bill Stevens, Mel Dale, Morley trict Tournamentat the Belle- Vansfone, Howard Rundie, Wal- ville Armories. Players from ter DeGeer and alternate Jirn Central Ontario, Ottawa Valley, Stuf t. Kingston, St. Lawrence, and Northemn Ontario districts were in attendance at this second1 In the semi-finals, they disposedFa Bet of the top Ottawa team of Ken Martindale and Bruce Silvers W invlfli in straigbt games 15-4, and 15- t i 10. In the finals, tbey proved '.L to be true champions by re- IXubbe L>i thefirt gme o eciivey d-! anBelts eked a 5-4 win feat rn Henry and Ken1 from Office at Memorial Arena Crow wit a sore)f1-2t Sunday aftemnoon, f0 deadlock the second game, and a 17-141 their best-of-three Goodyear extra point verdict iii the thirdj Mercantile Hockey Playoffs at and deciding game. Tbeir los, a game and a tie each. 0 f one game in this tournamen, They will meet in a sudden- was their one and only for thiîs deafh encounter Sunday April season, xvbich is a remarkable 7, to determine the Leag-uc feat in the badminton world. Champions. Bof h boys plan fa attend the Ottawa District Championships Fan Beits gained a 3-0 edge whieh are to be beld fhis y-ar during the final fixe minutes nn P '4r(- 'tt 9 99-)qfl _q , .,, f the first stanza and coi-, t (-à 1t ist to Pro\,e that thîs win and we xvishi them everv su- singles in Ihie seconc r o "fluke", "our boys" won ceFs in their attempt to Win th e h ilt. Co bher Men's Doubles Chan- another championsbip. itrubwt w second and two in th atfempt 10 xWin the r 1 4, ~Mort Richards pac foirovds e is Beits witb two. u Cowling. George S John Mason and Jira adies Bowling Titie ceived the assist bon Don Masters falliec ýt the end of the regular will bowl for the cup. Office during the mii ling scason finished Monday The following girls rolled 200 Bob Fairev and Li t we find that Muriel Hol, games Monday night: -H. added singles in the .5s teamn ends up in first Brock 266, 258, 226; L. Bates iod for fbem. Arcet e. It was really a close fin- 250, 247, 208; E. Etcher 350,1 ably assistcd on scor for MÙriei's team, as Joll's 204; K. Biggs 271, 2-16; V. Coole the Office markers. n was second witb 53 points. 281.234; D. Joli 266, 238; J. Teii- Etcher rolied a 350 game nant 242.213; K. Beauprie 240, __________ Hilda Brock got high triple 209: H. Dunn 234. 233; Dore - 1750. Mutton 219, 231; B. Westlake- le will be bowling our play- 213, 204; A. Luxton 290: D. Pol- M 0 N E next week and the follow- ley 281; B. Budai 277; D. Crom- week, the two teams thaf bie 259; M. Holroyd 252; B. AVAILABLE cd t he piayoffs fthe first Buttonsbaw 242: P. Haines 241: due n scodschedule M. Cooper 233; M. Elliot 223; lul an scon -M. Leddy 218; E. Des Jardinr M OIR TG A 217; J. Brunt 214; J. Baker 213: J. Engley 211; S. Bucknell 209; E. Embley 204; O. Etcher 201;1 L. Wright 200; O. Patfield 200; IRailph S. E. Holroyd, G. Telford, D. Vir- BritradS tue, H. Simnick, M. Moffatt, A. arseradS Perfect, S. Brown, and DolIy 65 Simcoe St. S. Brooks rolied games under 100. RA 5-3525 The final standings of the _________ ,ou i~ tennis at the end of the second M. Holroyd - 55 29281 D. Joli ---- 53 279 V. Coole 46 3075841 O. Etcher 45 29712 H. Brock___ 42 29521 E. Etcher 38 28537 L. Martyn 33 218354 O. Patfield 31 28255;S LUIN E D. Cronibie___ 24 29960 -B. Budai 22 27811 Averages AUl Brake Shses Name Ave. Brakes D. Joli 212 H. Brock _______ 21, Brake Drums O. Etcher _______ 208 Inspeet AIl Wheel Cylinders Adjust Parking Brake Inspeet Master Brake Cylinder Fi11 Master Brake Cylinder Inspect amd Lubrieste 'Front Wheel Bearinge Robson Motors Ltd. Limi ted -GMC Trucks MA 3-3321 & 3-3322 B: B utd î_______ 20.5 L. Bates200 V. Coole ______1961 K. Beauprie19 K. Biggs ----- ___ 19 S. Bucknell____ __-18 D. Crombie 1861 A. Luxton -______184 D. Crombie ________184 H. Dunn - ______181 Dore Muttorx________181 O. Patfieid -________180) L. Martyn -.- __ _ _180 J. Baker ----- _____ 180 J. Hodgkinson- 180) M. Cooper 179 A. Richards 179 Ena Etcher 176 M. Holroyd 176 W. Bates ______-176 M. McNulty _____ 176 D. Martin -_______176 H. Gilhooley 17,3 H. Piper 17,9 Dot Brooks ________175 M. Harrison ________175 E. Whitehead _______174 S. Bickell -_________174 P. Haines ________173 J. Tennant 1721 N. Hooper 172 J. McCracken ______172 J. Brunt - ______171 A. Hodgson 1711 L. Wright -________1701 Trenton Wins O0shawa Series' -After .5 Games~ Trenton Cornets scored a de- elsive 11-3 victory over the Oshawa Ah-Stars at Memor- il Arena Thursday, of last week, fa win their best--of-se- yen series four games fa one. Trenton wiil meet the winne- between Bowmanville - Orono Combines and Lakefield. Bob Taylor paced the Com- ets witb four, while Austin Scott and Tiger Istead counf"d a pair each. Moe Jones, Bill Foster and Brian Mulivihil! added singles. AI Baker scored twîce for the Ai-Stars as he broke their scoreiess streak early binthie final period. Don Bouckley ta!- lied their fin al goal wità aih minute remam='&. STORE HOURS d and third Dffice came goals in the ird in their series. MON. - TUES. THURS. - SAT. 8:30 te 6 P.m. WEDNESDAYS 8:30 &.m. - 12:30 p.m. FRIDAYS 8:30 &.m. te 9 P.m. Dr. H. B. Rundle Has Season's ' High Triple Town League Rotary Takes traight Year District Titie tMiller'. Break rose ln FinalFo B wln ï Front St. fought vigorously A favorite activity of the in the first two periods trying Bowmanville Rotary club is to break the Taximen's 2-1 bwigadeietytecu tlead. Miller's broke loose with bowluring andteîdetop th e u wiht ol the indragers &bowlers. A team representing stanza, wieteMidagr the local club defeated two netted two. olher Rotary Club entries Sun- r Lloyd Hamilton and Buck< day ta win the Walter DeGeer .Cowle paced the Cabbies by Trophy presented by District 1scoring three apiece. Don Mas- Governor Walt DeGeer, Bow- ters, Don Childs, Marvin manville. Brooks and Irv Brooks each It is hoped that this tourna- coun:ed singles.Chk ment will become an annual 1with one each kept Front St. bowing,_ d fllowsh-ip1 among bowled with Dr. Rundle lead- ing the way with his 380, 33,Y, Bill Polley had 358, Jack Lan- der 307, Reg Hearle 306 and Ed "Flash" Rundle 304. Following Dr. Rundle for high triple were Bill Polley' 796, Reg Hearle 754, Dr. Keith Slemon 746, Bill Steven 738. Ed Rundle 715, Jack Lander 714, Bill Hearle 708 and RaIVF Kelly 704. I The low single game wentkot* Ken Luxton 110 and Murray Tighe wvon low triple 432. The standing of the first teams is as follows. The first half of playoffs is1 over and already some records have been shattered. As predict- ed in last week's column Bill Bates' 913 did nlot hoid as Dr. H. B. Rundie went beserk and siapped in scores of 355, 199, 380 for a grand total of 934. This score not only was high for the second schedule but is the sea- son's record and just about wins ail the money for this event. This deserves a tip of the hat from al the major league bowlers. The big money is in the teamn competition and Bill PoIley's team bhit 3595 for 3 games and is going to be tough te beat as this is an average of 2,39 2/3 pins for fifteen games. Polley's team is made up of Frank Wil- liams, Reg Hearle, Norm Cowle, George Piper. Murray Tighe and Garf. Clarke. Some good single games wer Brough 3253 Pins 3595 3489 3469 33901 332f; Mapie Leaf Roc. Prie* 42o-SAVE Se Liquid Detergent 12-oz tin 39C Royal - Atiarte'd Flavaurs Reg. 2 for 25o - SAVE ile Instant Puddings 3 pgs19C Choie* Quaiity Reg. Pria. 2 tins Sc-BSAVE 2o A&P Tomatoes 120-or tins 37C Mitchell'* Viaminized Reg. Prie 209-SAVE 4o Apple Juice 48-.z tin 15C Jane Parker Reg. Price 49a-SAVE Ale Raisin Po *aeh4t5c Jane Parker Orange Reg, Pri.. 19o-4AVE 10* Chiffon Cake each 49C PROUCE SPECÀILS!1 Fiorida New Spring Crap - Rounid, Tender, Stringiese No. 1 Grade GREEN BEANS 119c Florida New Crois, White Table Stock, No. 1 Grade POTATOES 10 fs49C SUPER ,RIGIITaQUALITffy AMEA TSI OVIN-RIADY. GRADI 'A' KIN, 10 t. 14-lb ovoegep TUR ETSlb y, "j Prices Effective Lintil Saturday, March Sth, 1957 r ____ q L ROBSON MO TORS LIMITED Spr. n g Service "Spec SPECIAL OFFER EXPIRES APRIL 15, 1957 Moto rs Team Polley -_______ Milne Lit tle __________ Cole Steven _________ . 1 PAGE TÇMVE TM CANAM4W STATESM«. BOWMANM= MTAM95 A ý ILAP à q@,ý mâhAIL - p on te score sheet. $18.45 1