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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Mar 1957, p. 13

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T1fTYR~AT, XA~CK 301h. 195? THE CA!~ADIA!i 8?ATESMA~i, EOWMMqvff~~, ONTARXO PAGE TH~TED? Applicants For Summer e, #pPervisors ýeRecreation Office la ln receipt of several applications for playgnound supervisons for the summer months. The ap- plication date is stili open for those who wish to apply. The wage scale wil un from $15-00 to $30.00 per week ac- cording to tbc qualifications andI experience. The hours wili be from 9:00 to 5:00 each day except Saturday andI Sunday folA a six or seven week period beginning July 8th. Application forms are avail- able at the Recreation Office in the Lions Community Cen- tre. Ail application forms mnust be returned to the Recreation Office no later than April l2th. Minor Groups Finish Series Th is Week In the first game o! the Atomn League playoffs the Bears de- leated the Barons 3-1 to take a one game leatI in their best o! three seies. Gene Balson (2) andI Bnian Forsey (Steven Burns) were the goal scorers for the Beans. Henry Kooy (Bill KA 3-2130 Depew and Graydon Colville) accounted for the Barons' lone goal late in the final period. TeBears colected two of the three penalties handed out dur- ing the game. In the second game o! the Hornets' andI Rams' playoff sen- ies the Rams came from behind to tie the game 3-3 and pro- long the series. George Bail andI George Moore (2) accounted for tZ Rams' goals. Je!! Gil- hooiy, Tommy Brooks andI George Bail each picked up assists on the Rams' goals. Ric- ky Gay (2) andI Doug Nichols were the goal scorers for the Hornets. In the second game of the' andI Barons' playof! ser- ies the Barons defeated the Bears 5-2 to even up the senies at one game each. Henry Kooy (2), Bill Depew (2) andI Gray- don Colville werc the marks- men for the Barons. Bill De- pew (3) andI Gnaydon Colville accounted for ahl the assists un the Barons' goals. Gene Balson andI Ralph Cole cach scored unassisted goals for the Bears. The teams each collected «vo penalties during the game. In the third game o! the Rams' andI Hornets' playoff senies the Hornets scored one in the first perlod to defeat the Rama 1-0 and win the right to enter Minor Hockey Night this coming Saturday, March 30th. Brian Bradley accounted for the Hornets' goal. In the third game of the Bears' andI Barons' playoif ser- ies the two teama played toaa 1-1 tic. ;Ralph Cole scored for the Bears late in the first per- Peterborough MEMORIAL CENTRE presents (Thursday, Friday and Saturday) April 4, 5 and 6 Thursday and Friday - 8:30 p.m. Sattiday - 2:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. Tickets now on sale at Memorial Centre Box Office $1.50 - $2.00 - $2.50 Phone Rlverside 3-3561 I ê«AWA WOOD PRODUCTS'I, 1IL E YOUR BATHROOM AND "DO-IT-YOURSELF"p RA 3-4661 'q 6kecreation 9 Rev iewsj By Dougla sRigg Atoms Play Consolation Hockey Séries In the finst game of the Atom consolation senies the Bisons defeated the Indians 1-0 to take a one goal lead in their total goal series. John Hughes (Pat Vinish) scored late in the first peniod for the Bisons. Schedule for tbe Consolation senies is as follows: Saturday, March 3th 8:00 a.m.-Cubs vs. Pirates 8:50 a.m.-Red Wings va. Canadians 9:40 a.m.-Blsons vs. Indians Min or Hockey Night Here On Saturday A new feature bias been addt- cd to this yean's Minor Hockey Night in the fonm o! two girls' teams. Tbe girls wil play an exhibition hockey game con- sisting o! two fifteen minute periods. Tbe girls' game wiili stant at approximately 7:45 p.m. The Little N.H.L. Ail Stars Lucky Draw will be heitI fol- lowing the Pee Wce League final. The prizes for the tIraw will be on display in the hobby andI tickets may be purchased at that time. Although the trophies andI crests will be won on Minor Hockey Nigbt tbey wili flot be presented officiaiiy until the Minor Hockey Tnophy Night sometime in April. At that time the donors wîll present tbemn to the cbampionsbip teams, andI at wbich time they will be pro- perly engraved. Listed helow arc the trophies and their tIonors: Atom Cham- pions-Bowmanville Teen Town Trophy; Pce Wee Champions- Reg. Harding andI Tom Gatch-i cil Tnophy; Bantam Champions -Jack Miller Trophy. CANADIAN ARI Information Contre The Armoury Peterborough. Ont, Telephone RIverside 5-836e or write West Brothers in Lead On Combines Score Sheet iod. Bobby Bryant scored mid- way through the final period to account for the Barons' goal. The fourth and final (1) game of this series will have been played by the time this article goes to print. In the Bantamn League play- offs the Lions defeated the Huskies 4-0 to win the total goal playoff series 8-3 and en- ter into the league final on Minor Hockey Night. Bill Os- borne (2), Don Bagneil and Philip Vowles (Roger Mea- dows) were the goal getters for the Lions. The Huskies pickcd up the only penalty of the game for slashing. In the other Bantamn League playof! series the Tigers de- feated the Braves 2-1 in over- time to win their playoff series two games to one. The Tigers wiil meet the Lions in the League finals on Minor Hockey Night. Nelson Yeo and Irving Gili (Doug James) scored for the Tigers. Ross Turner (Lar- ry Hancock) accountetI for the Braves' single goal. Nelson Yeo and Irving Gili each collected a two minute penalty for the Tigers. Ross Turner antI Altan Woodlock received two minute penalties for tripping. lent net minding has carried tbem to a victory, they might well have lost without him. Dean West heads the list with 87 points to bis credit. Brothers Junior andI Raye are tied for second with 76 each, while Keith dlaims third place with 53 points. Following is the toam's scor- ing record for the regular sea- son andI the playoff series against Lindsay andI Lakefield. Those sharp shooting West brothers toI3 the scoring list for the Bowmanville - Orono Combines during their reguhar andI playof! games, inchuding the Lakefield series. Goalle* Aloo Large Assai Also ranking ,higb on the team's list o! assets during the year is Ross Hawe, their goalie. Hawe has -jlayed brilliantly in the nets for the team ail year. On several occasions his excel- Dean West Junior West Raye West _________ Keith West Frank Hooper Gerry Robinson Wally Samanski ______ Chuck Armstrong Bill Berwick ________ Maxie Yourth Mickey Walkcr _____- Lowell Dykstra Don Mercer -________ Jack Marshal______ Ev Edwards _______ Bun Welsh________ Total Pts. 87 76f 76 53 52 45 34 33 27 23 16 16 16 11 8 4 Lakefield's Only Win Ends in Free -for*-Al Lakefield Lumbermen reg- istened their first victory in the Lakeshone Intermediate "A" hockey playoffs by downing the Bowmanville - Orono Combines 6-1, before a capacity crowd at Peterborough's Civic Arena Fni- day night. RetI Wasson's spectacular goal- tcnding combined witb the Lum- bermen's strong rugged defence gave them the win. Wasson turned back everytbing the Com- bines firetI at him as be pen- formed goal tending miracles for bis tcam. Gain Early Lead Paul Doris blasted the opener for the Tnee Meechants at the midway mark o! the !irst stanza. He took the puck in his own end andI managed a bneakaway that paid off, when he fired into the corner. Jack Martin scored the win- ning maeker late in the middtle frame.- His shot was caugbt by Hawe. but rolletI out o! the goalie's glove. Gord Coyle en- sured the win at 18:03 as he con- nected witb a slap shot from in front o! the nets. Score B.O.C.'s Only Goal Raye West spoiled RedI Was- son's shutout wben be tallied at 1:14 o! the final peniod, during close play in front o! the cage, to put the Combines on the score sheet. Chris Heffernan !ound the mark at 6:31 to make it 4-1 for the Lumbermen. Neil Wasson clinched the win by tallying a pair late in the period. He scor- etI bis first at the midway mark andI connected for the second at 14:21. Rough Up B.O.C.'s Coach After the game botb teams le!t the ice via tbe same gate andI a fracas occurred as they were entering their dressing-roomis. As result o! the fracas, Com- bine Coach, Jim Crombie, ne- ceived several facial cuts andI a fan, who had come to Crombie's aid was cut across the head by a stick swung by one of the Lakefield players. Most of the Bowmanvile- Onono players were in their dressing-room, wben the fracas broke out. Jack Marshall was grabbed by two Lakefield play- ers andI was being stnuck in the head when Jim Crombie came to bis rescue. As Crombie tried to pull them away from Marsball the two playens bit him in the head. Spectators crowded around the group as tbey fougbt, but none attempted to interfere in the fracas. Over 300 Attend Spring Fashion Show., Yelverton Spring came eaniy to Yelvcr-1 ton as flower-tIeckcd Easten bonnets andI gaily-hucd dresses were viewcd by a capacity au- dience at Yelverton Churcli Hall. Sponsoned by Yelverton W.A. the clathes andI accessonies were presented by the Simpson- Sears store o! Peterborough with Quinn's Pharmacy o! Lindsay, agent o! the Du Barry Cosmetic Co., doing the mnak(e- up andI supplying favours for ail. Flowers for the brid-ai scene were donated by Hick's Challengfng employment combines with valuable experience and train- ing in Canada's Regular Army. The pay is good. You leara new skills, pcrhaps a trade, or train to be a leader. You get a taste of real adven- ture, have a chance to make life-Iong friends with fine men . . . young cnthusiastic, a cut above average. ee After three years you make your choice-to leave, or stay and make a rs career with advancemcnt, training and varicty. Find out about one of Canada's better careers-no e obligation. I-A rrny 1Inf rma-o1ion-C en t re.------ ITPe Armoury. MY Petrborou.izh. Ontario IPleaie let me have fullI information on m 0 Army Coreer. Nome ........................... Larlo Street............................. 3 City............................... 1 arn...Years aid. Tel. No ......... Flowerland, Lindsay. With Mes. Dorotby Bnlstow and Mrs. Ruth Wilson provid- ing background music, the mocVels paraded the run-way sbowing the softly-feminine clothes o! Spring 1957's new Pretty-Lady Look. Paris Pastels, often touched with white weee the predom- inating colours in dresses. The-: new cape look was often re- flected in the xide collars andI deeper armholes of the coats andI suits. Back interest was shown by fullnees andI half- belts in many o! the outfits. A delightful interlude was provided at intermission when Mrs. Eleanor Brown, the cus- metician from Quinn's Pharma- sy, Lindsay. assisted hy Mes. Haiste, gave a tIemonstration o! proper make-up itechniques. Mes. Sue l3onsteel was the mû0- del chosen f«r this demonstra- tion. Mes. Bonsteel also a3- sisted the W.A. by printing the programs. Me. Howard Malcolm M. C.'d the draw for the door prizes with Mrs. Lamna Wilson, W.A. president, making the 1LICky draws andI expressing the thanks toa ah who had contribuit- etI ta the success of the evening. With the assistance of the men lunch was served in shurt order. Present andI assisting from Simpsan-Scars, were Mes. Mary Stuart, Women's Depi.; Mrs. Jean Snape, Girls' Wear, Mes. Mona Morden, Boys' Wear; He- len Reil, Infants' Wear, aad Jeanne Westlake, display man- h -~ Vigor Oul Company u4Announces.. the Opening of a New Service Station Corner of Manvers Road and 5tb Concession Free lassware Given Away with the purchase of 6 gallons or more of gasoline VIGOR STANDARDGAL GASOLIE 39 OC in cluding tai MIon Aq9 GAL. HIGHR TEST 'E' 1 OC ineludint tax Stove Oil available in any quantity at the station OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS cJeen Iîlews t..- By Connie Osnmond On Friday. March 29, there wili be a dress-up dance, be- ginning at 8:30 at the Lions Centre. Well, there's just four weeks ieft, andI you feliowis are stili boo slow. The tickets are only S3.00 for mem bers andIS4.(0 for non-members, andI the cor- sages are supplied. Dancing ',- the music of the Paul Minicoa Orchestra will be from 9 pi. until 1:30 arn. Lunch wili be served, and there is also the Queen andI the five Princeszes to be picked, andI certainly yaou wauld like voue girl to be one of themn.- Your Teen Town crests ,vi Feion sale at the dance 'i Fiay night andI they are' only 50c. Dont forget badminton on Wedncsday nightà, ager, who was responsibie for the tasteful decoration of the stage. The chiîdren often stole the show with their refreshing and rather impromptu approach to their modelling assignment. The clothes were graciousiy modelietI by: Miss Catherine Bailey (bridesmaid); Miss Josie Hoyer (bridesmaid); Mrs. Au- drey Gibson, Mrs. Thora Gray, Mrs. Cornie Malcolm, Mrs. Joyce Malcolm, Miss Lorraine McGil, Mrs. Mary Moore, Mrs. Myra Page, Miss Betty Pres- ton (bride) . Diane Bigelow, Dawne McCabe, Diane Mullil- gan, Elizabeth Rowan, Linda Rowan, Judy Lynn Sisson, Ca- rol Stacey, Barbara Wilson, Marguerite Wilson, Muriel Wright, Gary Bristow, Trevor Nesbitt, Terry Malcolm, Wayne Malcolm, Gary McMullen, Vau- ghn McGill, Clare Robinson, Dale Stinson, Kenneth Wilson. Mrs. Ruth Malcolm was cern- rnentator. Fashion Show Committee: Mrs. Lorna Wilson (President); Mrs. Eileen Malcolm, Mrs. Joyce Malcolm, Mrs. Ruth Mal- colm, Mrs. Marjorie Stinson, Mrs. Audrey Gibson. (Assisted by their husbands!) Door prizes were contributed by the following: Beaul Jewel- lers, Lindsay; Carnegie Hard- ware, Port Perry; J. G. Edwards Co. Hardware, Golden Station- ers, Quinn's Pharmacy, Ross Newton Limited, Silverwoods' Dainies, ail of Lindsay; G. E. Spenceley, representing Farm- ers' Mutual Company. HAMPTON Dr. and Mrs. L. B. Williams, Bowmanville, and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Pascoe, Solina, were Sun- day visitors at Sam Dewell's. Mrs. Ht. E. Tink, Solina; Mr. and Mrs. Aif Dewell, Bowman- ville; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Davey and Johnny, Leskard, at Percy Dewell's. Little Bonnie Jean-Fortim had the misfortune to fali and break her leg. Mr. and Mrs. Woolhead, iAgincourt, and Mr. and Mrs. Austin Wood. Bownianville, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Macklin. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Yellow- lees and family, Willowdale, were Sunday visitors with bis inother, Mrs. N. C. Yellowlees. Mr. Wilbur Burnett, Bow- mnanville, was a visitor at WiIl Wilbur's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Peteri, Toronto, with the Salters and attended the special church service. Mr. Donald White, Oakville, antd friend with his mother, Mrs. W. White. F/L Reg. Kersey, wife and family, Downsview, were recent visitors at S. Kersey's. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mount- joy, Blackstock, and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gilbert, Bowman- ville, were Surf&ay visitors at Merwin Mountjoy's and attend- cd, the anniversary service. Mr. andI Mrs. H. E. Price and son Bill, Toronto, were Sun- end guests of Mr. andI Mrs. A. E. Billett. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Cunning- ham, Fenelon Falls, were Sun- day guests of Mr. andI Mrs. Harland Truli. Mr. andI Mrs. Allyn Taylor, Bowmanville, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hosken Smith. Miss Carol Chant, Toronto, spent the weekend at home. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Billett, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Price andI son Billy, Toronto, were Sun- day , evening supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Billett, Bowvmanville. Miss Muriel Tummonds, Port Perry, was a Sunday guest at Lorenzo Trull's. Mr. andI Mrs. R. Fernandez and familv, Toronto, with Mrs. S. G. Niddery andI Mary. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Burrows andI Helen attended the 50tii Wedding Anniversary of his parents at Brougham. Mr. Fred Hewson, Lyons, N. Y., Mr. W. Hewson antI Mr. Clarence Clary, Oshawa, visit - etI their sîster-in-law, Mrs. Jirn Hewson and Mr. antI Mrs. W. Wilbur. Rev, E. J. Kersey andI daugh- ter Susan, Scarborough; Mr. and Mrs. K. Pooler and family and Miss Grace Kersey, Os-'l awa, at S. Kersev's. Anniversary Service The church anniversary andI thankoffering service on Sun- day afternoon was fairly wel attended. Rev. T. Kersey of Wil- mar Heights Uited Church, Scarborough.i was welcomed bo his home church as guest mi- ister, andI his inspiring messag,,e based on the text "Launch out into îhe deep" was a practical one antI contained a challenge to ail. The choir under the leader- ship cf Mrs. K. Caverly with Miss N. Horn at the organ pro. vided splencÉd music. Mr. Keith WoodI of Bowmanville, contr:- buted a vocal solo "The Lost Chord" which was also appre- ciated. Rev. C. R Rudd, Toronto, is expected to occupy the pulpit on Sunday next. We welcome to our village Mr. antI Mrs. ]Palmer of Osh- awa, who are now living in their new home, which they have recent!y built in the cen- tre of the village. ZION (Hope Township) Mns. R. Gerow spent the wcekend i Toronto with hen son, Mr. and M.ns. Don Gerow. Messrs Fred Raby andI Peter Kcsslen attended a sale at Agincourt last Friday. Mn. andI Mns. Edwin Ruthven were dinner guests Sunday o! Mr@. M. Dickinson, Oshawa. Mr. andI Mrs. Fred Tufford spent Sunday in Brampton, gucat o! their son, Mr. and Mrs. Frances Tufford. Mn. andI Mrs. Norman Gerow. andI David spent the weekend with Mr. and Mns. Don Mondon and family, Wellington. Mrs. Gerow's mother, Mrs. Dunn, who 'hatI been visitinxg with Mns. Gcrow for some weeks, retunned with themn to ber home in Wellington. Sunday School was net heltI Manch 17 owing to poor road conditions. Master George Raby spent the wcekend with bis parents at Bewdley. Mr. andI Mrs. Fred Tufford andI Mn. and Mrs. Percy Snell spent Sunday ii Peterborough with Mn. J. Snel I1fs. E. Ruthvert spent Sat- urday in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Earl andI famiily, Ida, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. M. Irwin. Sympathy is extended to the relatives of the late Mn. Wîl- liam Forsythe who passed away at Memorial Hospital, Bowmaiî- ville, March 20th, following a brief illness. Services we heltI at George's Funeral Par- lors, Port Hope. Interment nt Zion United Church Cemetery. To the relatives of the late Mn. Leslie McCullough the friends o! Zion extend sincere sympathy. Mr. MeCullougut ppased away March 18th at Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville. Interrnent at Newton- ville United Church cemètery. Rev. Harding conducted the chunch -service. Thene was a fair congregation. A container o! beautiful flowers from the funeral o! the late Mr. William Forsyth was piaced in the church by Rev. Harding et the request of relatives. Sunday School followed church. Mr. andI Mrs. Norman Gerow attended the Sportsmen's Show in Toronto Saturday. Mrs. R. Gerow vislted wlth her cousin in Toronto. Schedule Playof! GP Pts. Pts. 44 61 26 46 56 20 43 57 19 38 42 il 43 37 15 45 35 10 26 21 13 43 24 9 28 18 9 42 17 6 42 10 6 32 9 7 46 i 5 30 i 0 30 8 0 17 4 0 HOOPER'S JEWELLERY & GIFT SHOP HIGGON ELECTRICý CLEARANCE. 1956 Crosley Refrigerators Model DH 105 - Not shown Regular $392.00 ON -29500 SALE$ Higgon Electric Limited 38 King St. E. Bowmanville Phone MA 3-5438 No Experts Needed - No sir - You don't have to be an expert to make a beautiful Job o! voun tiled floors in your home. Every day custorners corne and tll us how nice their tiled floors look wben they have used the "Do It Yoursel!" method. A complete range of colours and materlals are available at OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS, so corne in todat and plck out your tile. MIRAPLAS for Walls of Beauly When you use genuine Miraplas Plastic Tile yeu can be sure your job will "look the best". With spark- Jing Miraplas yen have a- ivide range of beautiful colours and they are,, easy to, keep cdean. Measure Your walI area today and corne in te choose your colour. Only 40c per sq. fi. REMEMBER - OUR TIME PAYMNT PAN IS: FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE When You Cornefo Tile Corne fo Oshawa Wood Producis Lt, COURTICE 9 -AIRU AT, MARM 28th, 19" "M CAIqAD" STATLPSMffl, BOWIL&NVMLLP. ONTAMO PACM

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