PA ! O~E~ ~' ~AVA% *P~eDa. -- -- CECrLVfl * lDJWMALV12LONAIC Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gould and family spent the weekend in Newmarket visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Daly and fam- ily.I Mr. Chris. Saville of Hardis- ty, Alberta, visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jose and family. Mrs. C. Ferguson, Mrs. ~. Glenney, Mrs. P. Brown, Mrs. Milligan and Mrs. J. H. Jo3e represented the Newcastle Horticultural Society at the ne- cent Ontario Convention (if Horticultural Societies at Ham- Ilton. Mr. and Mrs. Ian Hecken- dom and daughter Marilyn, Bunford, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Agnew. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Whitne, Trenton, spent Sunday visiting with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Whitney. Mrs. P. F. LeGresley spenk-a few days last week in Peterbor- ough visiting with her brother, Archdeacon C. W. Balfour and Mrs. Balfour. Mrs. Clarence J. Allun in company with Mr. and Mis. Mellville Staples and Mrs. Rott. Moffat. Orono, represented Durham County at the Ontario county "Folk School" held at the farm home of Mr. and Mis. Larry Noble of Uxbridge last week. C. C. GOULD Heating and Eavesfroughing Authorlzed Chalco Dealer ]PHONE Newcasfle 3686 1 Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Le- iGresley are spending a couple o! weeks holidaying in Flonida. More than fifty friends and relativns of Mr. and Mrsi Thos. Brown gathered at their home on Saturday evening to surprise them and help thema to cele- brate the 25th anniversary of their marniage. The party was arranged by Mrs. Ai! Garnod, Mrs. Thos. Spencer and Mrs. Lawrence Gaines and after ail guests had assembled the bride of twenty- five yeans was regaled with a corsage iby Jackie Garrod and the 'Best Man' at their wed- ding, Mr. Emmerson Fisher read the presentation address and Mrs. Thos. Spencer pre- sented the couple with six lovely chrome chairs and a personal gift o! a purse to the2 bride, and dancing was enjoy- ed for the remainder of the evening. Guests were present from Toronto, Bowmanville and Newcastle. The many friends of Mrs. Sidney Hutchinson will be sor- ny to leann that she has be-cn a patient in Memonial Hospital for the past week. Mr. and MrS. Gary 1-utchinson of Tronto ace staying with his father duning Mrs. Hutchinson's confinement to hospital. We join with h-r friends in wishing her a speedy and complete recovery. Mr. and Mrs. M. Aylsworth and Barbara, Toronto: Mr. and Mrs. J. Asties, Peterborough, and Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Reidi and family, Detroit, were week- end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Carveth and family. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Porter and daughter Joan have returned home following their holiday in Florida. Messrs. R. B. Rickard and Frank Hoar were in Omemee on Thursday evening where they represented the NewcastIo Lions Club at the Charter meeting of the new Omemee Lions Club. Traffic Safety Topic of TaIk by O.P.P. Officer Newcastle: A good turnout of members were present at the regular meeting of the New- castle. Lions Club in the din- ing room o! the Queen's Hott-1 on Thursday evening. The meeting was conducted by lst Vice President, Lion Roy For- rester due to the absence o! Lion President Brenton Rick- ard, who, with Lion Frank Hoar, was attending the Char- ter Night o! the new Lions Club in Omemee. Following a short period in which routine business was dis- cussed, Lion Francis Dryden introd'uced the speaker o! the evening, Sergeant Alfred Kirk- by of the Ontario Provincial Police District (No. 8) Head- quarters ia Peterborough, who spoke to the members on "Traf- fic Safety" as a follow-up to the address by Magistrate R. B3. Baxter at the last regular meeting o! the Club. In bis address, Sgt. Kirkby stated that, thougri the increas- ed number o! accidents does not present a truc picture of the situation because o! the large increase in the number o! cars and drivers each year, thus cutting the percentage o! accidents in comparison with drivers, there are stili far too many unnecessary accidents. He said the element of human error was responsible in all cases-accidents are aIl caus- ed-and each individual driver must have this fact dnivLn home to him so that proper at- titudes will be acquired by dri- vers.1 The speaker said young dri- vers who start out with a 'don't care" attitude will usually con- tinue in this manner if flot checked and, "If the Police don't get him, the undertaker Evening W.A. Enjoys Trip To England Newcastle: The regular meet- ing of the Evening Branch of St.Geoge; Woman's Auxiliary was held in the Parish hall on March 2th with 21 members and three guests from the Af- ternoon Brandh in attendance. The President, Mrs. Dewd- ney, opened the meeting with prayers and reports from the various officers followed. Busi- ness of the meeting included discussion of an approaching banquet and a rummage and bake sale which is being plan- ned for the near future. An invitation has been ex- tended to the Branch from trie W.M.S. of the United Church to attend their Easter Thank- offering meeting being held in the United Church Sunday School Hall on April 4th..- The next regular meeting, which will take the fory of a quilting, will be helcT on April 3rd with some of the members planning to get starz.- ed on the job in the afternoon. Following the business por- tion of the meeting, Mrs. Gladys Belsey, showed some delightful pictures taken during her trip to England and spoke of her trip in a very pleasant and in-t formative manner.1 The meeting closed writh th- serving of tea and ahl enjoyed a social time together. NEWCASTLE GARAGE FRANK BOAR, Proprietor Phone 2671 will". He said, "'You aîl know the type, they will go around a corner with their tires squeal- ing, not paying any attention to pedestrians or other motonjsts". On the othen hand,'" he sai"d, "There are some people wSj are consistently good drivers and are neyer in trouble", thus empbasizing the need for pro- per attitudes when driving a motor vehicle. The speaker urged his listen- ers not to always demand their right-o!-way when an accident might be avoided by giving way ta the other fellow even when he is in the wrong. Fol- lowing his addness, Sgt. Kirby conducted a most interesting question and answer period in which he cleared up many o! the doubts o! the mzembers in mattens pertaining to this most important subject. Ile also passed around a number o! pictures showing the resuits caused by many district acci- dents duning the past year. Lion Phil Williams expressed appreciation on behaîf o! the memnbers to the speaker for his most interesting and informa- tive address and made the usual presentation o! a hamper o! spy apples grown in Newcastle. During the business period, the final report o! the Valen- tine Dance was given, showing a Profit o! $221.99 after ail ex- penses wene paid. Lion Hanry Jose was declared winner of the montbly 50-50 club draw making Lion Harry and the convention fund each $14.00 nicher as a nesuit. The new Constitution and By-laws, pre- paned by Lion Frank Rickard and his committee and recoin- mended for approval by the club directorate was accepted by the members. W.C.T.U. Sends Protest to Premier Frost Newcastle: The regular meet,- ing of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union was held ia the Board room o! the Un- ited Church on Thursday a!ter- noon, March 21st with the pre- sident, Mrs. T. G. Sowden in charge. The meeting openad with the hymn "What the Wonld Needs is Jesus", follow- ed by the Lord's Prayer and the W.C.T.U. pledge repeated in unison. Mns. W. Clemence announc- ed that she had written ta Pnemier Leslie Frost expressing the disapproval o! the Union in regard to the proposed sale of beer in grocery stores. Mns. Awde reponted she had sent blottens to the Newcastle school and fine other schools in the district. A!ter some discussion it was decided on motion o! Mns. Awde and Mrs. Baskerville, to hold the aniual Medal Contest in November this year. It was also decided ta hold the election o! officers at the Apnil meet- ing with Mrs. Bnitton and Mrs. M. C. Fisher to take charge o! the meeting. The worship service Included the singiné o! a hymn, the 23rd Psalm, recited (!nom memony> by Miss Tnenwith and Prayer, led by Mrs. Clemence. The gnoup were favouned with two veny fine neadings by Mrs. Pency Bnown. The Clip Sheet, entitled "Alcohol Education", was conducted by Mrs. Milîson with sevenal membens assisting and nevealed that it bas been the policy o! the W.C.T.U. to advocate Alcohol Education in the public schools. In 1947 the Giovernment o! British Colurn- bia xvas the finst to promo~e this project in its Depantment o!f Education. This same year thie W.C.T.U. Unions o! Alberta, Saskatchewvan and Manitoba stanted a summer school o! Jarcotic Education which ne- - ceived financial assistance frn t ;he Departments o! Education in these pnovinces. Suppont from he Provincial Govennment o! Ontario bas been fan fnom en-D couraging, while Quebec's pro- t ject o! prizes for essays writ- ten a!ter viewing a tempenance ilm bas been most successful. Lake Shore, Clarke Mn. and Mrs. C. Avery spent the weekend in Brooklin witri Mn. and Mns. Lloyd Bradley. The Lake Shore Ladies K.S. and C. Club met at"the home o! Mns. Alec Martin, Manch 20.ý The next meeting will be held at the home o! Mns. C.Foe- guI, Apnil 3. Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldred and Lois and Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Alldred and Barbana-Ann at- tended the wedding in Oshawa, Satunday, Manch 23, at King Street United Church, o! Miss Marilyn McKnight ta Mn. John Murray, both o! Oshawa. Mn. and Mrs. Bob Shupak and Gar-, Toronto, spent Sun- day with Mn. and Mns. W. Holmes. Miss E. Holmes, Osh- awa, was also a visitor with Mr. and Mns. Holmes. Mn. and Mrs. Jack Holmes, attended a NIasonic Ladies' Niglit at Bnooklin on Friday evening. Mrs. W. Clemence, Newcas- tlc, spent the weekend w;îth Mn. and Mrs. Jack Holmes. The regular meeting o! the Lake Shore Home and Scbool Club was held March 19, with Mrs. Bill Jaynes' group in charge. The next meeting be held ApriI 16, with Mr. Gon- don Martin'a group in charge. 11 Zion Barn Burns in Fire of Undetermined, Origin Sehool children at Zion's new public sehool were the time. The barn was burned to its foundation, along the first to see smoke coming from a barn on the property with 14 chickens. There was some insurance. Bowman- of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Chamberlain, Friday morning. Mrs. ville's fire brigade were called to the scene but there was Chamberlain, teacher at the old sehool, was notified and littie te ol oohrta oke daetfne hurried home while the school youngsters were given a te ol oohrta oke daetfne temporary reprieve from seholastie activities. Mr. and grass from spreading the fire. No cause has bee~n Chamberlain, General Motors employee, was in Oshawa at established. STARK VILLE Mr. and Mrs. Chanlie Yule, Osh awa, visited Mn. Wm. Sav- ery, Sunday. Mn. and Mrs. Keith Rowe and family, Bowmanville, at Mn. Howard Farrow's. Mn. and Mrs. C. Hall, Toron- to, visited Mrs. F. Stone recent- ly. Mr. and Mns. C. Gilmer and family visited Mr. and Mrs. C. Burley, Newtonville. Mn. and Mrs. Morley Robin- son and family were supper guests with Mns. R. Boughen, Newtonville, necently. Service and Sunday School at Shiloh were well attended with Mn. Gay being assisted ibY Mn. Hugh Gemmel of Vic- toria College. The ladies of Sbiloh W.A. met at the home o! Mrs. Herb Reid Wednesday evening last week with a fine attendance and two visitons, Mrs. Clifford Reid and Mrs. Ross Hallowell fnom Bowmanville. The presi- dent, Mrs. Orme Falls, was in charge o! the meeting with the scnipture lesson being read by Mrs. John Stark and the comn- mentary on faith by Mrs. A. Dobson. Mrs. 'Brenton Farro)w gave the treasuren's repont and after the business discussion contents wene conducted by Mrs. A. Dobson and Mns. Gor- don Trim. Lunch was served and Mrs. Brenton Farro)w tbanked Mrs. Reid for the plea- sant evening at her home. Mrs. Reid of!ered ber home for a ciuilting in the near future. Mn. and Mrs. Dan Shutka and family, Oshawva, visited with Mn. and Mns. M. Shutka, Sun- day. BURKETON The Panent - Teachers' Asso- ciation meeting was held at the school Wednesday evening, March 20 with vice pnesident Mrs. A. E. Ri-bey in the chair and Mr. McCoy at the piano. Minutes o! last meeting were given by Mn. McCoy. Extra desks were bought !romn Bow- manville High School, bcing needed because o! the increase o! pupils, numbening approxi- mately 50 this season. Mn. and Mrs. Merle Hubband invited the -P.T.A. for Apnîl 24, to be a social evening at thein home. Mn. Ken Grahamn xvas guest o! the evening and three other fniends, whcn he showed films o! great interest to ail]. A vote o! thanks wns extended by Mn. Mcoy. Saturday evcning a presen- tation was held at the home o! Mr. and Mrs. Howard Abbott to honon Mr. and Mrs. Murray Aibbott (nee Barbara Murdocin). Mrs. Jack Sinclair and MrS. George Allison made trie pres- entation o! a step-up stool, ma- gazine rack and other gi!ts. The address was by Mn. A. E. i- bey. Mn. Chester Hoskins spent a cxv days with relatives and friends at Niagara -on -th e-Lal:e. Mr. David Roberts and fniend rom Toronto spent the week- end with Mr. McCoy. Mr. Harold Strutt and Mn. Wright, Courtice, Mrs. Stan Ball, Beaventon, with Mrs. Pearl Avery. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Gatchell fr fr er Iý FOR SALE 2-storey building and land 200' x 300' located in New- castle. Property formerly known as Stewart Motor Sales. Offers now being accepted. Fer further in- formation contact DONALD H. HOM'E Realtop RA 5-7732 26'2ý King St. E. Oshawa Deputy, Chief Discusses Barn Blaze Following a fire at Ziori Friday niorning, when a barn was burned, Deputy Chief of Bowmanville's Fire Brigade, Walter Hackney discusses the possible cause and estimated loss with Mrs. Guy Chamberlain, wife of the owner. and !amily, Oshawa; Miss Ar- lene Neels, Orono; Miss Sylvia Edgar, Scugog Island, with Mr. and Mns. W. Stephenson. Mn. and Mns. Russell Dean were with Mn. and Mrs. Lese Hancock, Oshawa. Mrs. Edith Murphy, Tyrone; Mrs. Roy McLaughlin, Blacki- stock, with Mrs. Florence Caughill. Monday evening, March 27), a Variety pnogram was given at the chunch to aid the.r building fund. Rev. R. B. Green was chairman. A play entitieci, 'A!ten the Chunch Supper," presented by six Hampton W. members as follows: Mrs. S. Kersey, Mrs. Harold Bals,),-) Mns. M. Mountjoy, Mrs. Wilfred Smale, Mrs. Jack Mcnab, Mrs. Raymond Farrow. Films were also shown by Mr. Rymer. Mn. McCoy gave an ongan solo. Rev.' R. B. Green thanked the artists f on a veny fine program. Tyrone W.I1. Make Plans Tyrone Women's Institute met at the home of Mrs. A. Rich- ards, March 20, with a goud attendance. Mrs. N. Woodley, vice-president, pnesided. fl cal] was answered by the "Maiden Name o! Your Mo- er." Business includcd letters o! thanks nead by sec. Mrs. H. Stainton. Ouitrip ta Genemal Motons, and date set for the The leaders for the summer 14- ClbMns. N. Woodley and Mrs. A. Youngman. Mrs. N. Woodley reported on Wintcr Course and Achievement Dav in Onono. It was decided zo hold an Auction Sale ta raize money ta pay our share for the tables being made for Tvnone hall. Nominating convcner Js Mrs. L. Annis. A _ettel f thanks fon the donation frai-n the Polio headquanters was ruad. Mns. D. Davey presided for program. Mrs. 'L. Phare gaveI the devotional. Mrs. A. Wooi a reading. Miss Joyce Davey gave ber speech on 4-PCu which %vas enjoyee. Lunch xva served by M.râ. D. Davey a.nd group. JENNISKILLEN Mr. and Mns. Geo, Rahm, Saintfield; Mr. and Mns. Carl Bradley, Hampton; Mn. and Mrs. Leonard Bradley, aIl celc- bnated thein wedding anniver- sanies on March 22 at the home o! Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Brad- ley. Mn. Edwin Ormiston, Miss Karen Ormiston, Ebenezer; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ormiston, Joan, Garry, Betty, Bonnie and Mumray, Bowmanville; Mn. and Mns. Howard Ormiston, Dianne, Beatnice and David, Newton- ville; Mr. and Mns. Tom Baker, Gai], Ronald, Jean and James, Solina; Mn. and Mrs. Walter Or- miston, Sharon, Wayne, Jill andI J]ack, Oshawa: Mr. and Mns. Hoskin Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Smith and Douglas, Hampton; Mn. and Mrs. Donald PrescottL Enfield; Mns. Lloyd Ashton, and Ronald, Haydon, were Saturday evening guests o! Mn. and Mrs. Russell OnmNý- ton, it being the occasion o! Mr. Edwin Ormiston's birthday. Mn. and Mrs. Geo. Irwin vis- ited Mn. and Mrs. Genald Sharpe, Oshawa. Master Tommy and Ross Leadbeater, spent Fiday with Mns. E. Wright. Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn, Oronc, called on Mrs. M. J. Hobbs. SBowmanville Merchants APPRECIATION DAY DRAW EVERY SATURDAY - 3 P.N. SJackpot Value- This Week ~ ltName-Mrs. Paul Carman, 87 King St.W., abýefIt Consolation - $3.00. 2nd Name-Mrs. H. Lorne Allin, 1 Prince Street. Absent also. Consolation - $2.00. -Winner-Mr. Dan King, 15 Durbam St., Bowmanville 5% coupon - $17.50 SDONT FORGET - NEXT DRAW, SAT., MAR. 30 at 3 p.m. - Town Hall. and family spent Sunday witlh Mn. and Mns. Wilfred Banks. Weston. Mr. and Mrs. E. Wright and family, were necent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. M. Heard. Mr. and Mrs. Roy MeGilI. Mr. and Mrs. M. Stainton, Mn. and Mrs. E. Trewin attendcd the Shorthorn Banquet at Su- lina Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mns. Ed. Coombs and Charlene, Toronto, witl- her mother, Mrs.' E. Page. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lamb were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lamb, Caesarca. Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Wrighlt spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Wright, To- ronto. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Oke were visitors of Mr. and Mrýs. Cameron Oke and Mrs. G eo. Ferguson, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oke were visitors o!fMr. and Mrs. Oliver Hubbard, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. L. Allingharn and family, Oshawa, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Howells. Spencer Corseliere Reg. 1931 Nqrs. J. E. Richards 4»s Anw, Edilor Phono 3621 Social and Personal &p ring g8nides TABLE CLOTES in cotton or linen front Bridge Cloth te, 52 x 70 sizes. Prices start at' $2.95 From the famous Leacock Linen House tbe designs and colours are beautiful. LINEN TEA TOWELS at 98e each i decorator colours and as modern as tomorrow idesign. COME IN AND SEE THEM AT Important Notice to Cattie Owners The County of Durham and South Monagban Township designated a supervised area as of October lst, 1956, under the provisions of the Brucellosis Act, 1956 (Calfbood Vaccination). As a resuit: 1. Every female caif, except those in listed berds, must be vaccinated after reacbing the age of four nionths but before attaining the age of il months. Females that may be exported 6 months and under 9 montbs. 2. Cattie owners may have their cakves vaccinated by the veterinarian of their own choice. 3. If the veterinarian cbosen bas an agreement with the Minister, and every practitioner bas had an opportunity of enterinz into such agreement, the cost of vaccination ivili be borne by the Ontario Departnient of Agriculture. 4. Certain restrictions apply to the movement of female cattie over il months of age from non- supervised areas into supervised areas, 50 consuit your veterinarian before moving cattie across county boundaries. 5. Every cattie owner who fails to have bis cakves vaccinated, or wbo contravenes any otber pro- visions of the Act maY be cbarged witb an offence. THE HONOURABLE WM. GOODFELLOW, Mnister of Agriculture. E. A. SUMMERS, Agricultural Representative, Durham County. à [UýN C L E CJWS É, Z -- - - - - - - - - ------------- =2=e=cn!l 1 1 TEM CAMADUN STA"-CMÀLV - 19" PACM 7"URTEM JO r