*AG~ SIXTEEN TNI CANAflLu~ STATI~MÂ?t UflWMAWVW.?.v * ~*N ~tiL~V~.J TU~SDAY, ?~> w !ARCE 28th, 1957 SfrA 71 Births In Memoriam BOSTON-Les and Lois Boston THERTELL-In lov 'ng memory <nee Walker) are happy to an- lof a dear father and grandfather, nounce the birth of a son, Dar-' W. Walter Thertell who passed relI, March 11, 1957. at the New away April 2nd, 1954. Queensway Hospital, Toronto. Though his smile is gone forever, And his hand we cannot touch, MAHON-Helen (nee Tait) and Stili we have so manv memories George Mahon are thankful to 0f the one we loved so much. God for their chosen son, Steph- His memorv is our keepsake, en Marshall, March 19, 1957. With which well neyer part; 13-1* God has him in His keeping, We have him in our hearts. McROBBIE-Sandy and Phyllis -Sadli missed and always re- (nee Pingle) are happy to an- membered by the family. 13-1* nounice the arrival of a son on March 25th, 1957 at Memorial VANSLYKE-In loving memorv Hospital. Bowmanvilie. A broth-omv eahubn and a. er for Lloyd and Bey. 31 Henry Vanslyke, who passed awav March 26, 1950. SAMELLS-Mr. and Mrs. A. Some day we'll understand. Samelîs wish Io announce the -His wife and Ernest. 13-1 arrivai of their son, David Leonard. a brother for Christy, Cards of Thanks at Memorial Hospital, Bowman -_______________ ville, on March 23rd, 1957. 13-1* W iht xedortak YELLOWLEES - Harveyv and anld appreciation to the kind Lois are happv ta announce the 'friends w-ho helped with Susan's arrivai of Janice Arlene at the accident last week. Oshawa General Hospital, Thurs- Harveyv and Christine Jones. day, March 21. A sister for 13-14 Karen and Brenda. 13-1* - I wish to extend sincere Engagements thanks toail those woicI ______________________ me while in Port Mr.andMrs HoardR. ar-Perry Hospital and boys who row andOron. ot d Faio-h o el ped at garage. rowOron, Otari, wi toBill Taylor. announice the engagement of13* their youngest daughter. Irene ________________ Lillian Lorraine, to David VineY We wish to thank all thoser Lapham, son of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel V. Lapham, Camel Chute, who sent us cards, flowers and Ontario, formerly of Bowman- gifts on the occasion of our 35th1 vile. he ariag wil tkewedding anniversary, also thev plaeqTielvmnTrsde i aye-ladies of Shaw's Home andj ing. April l8th, in St. Paul's jcobo Club r hir pledi United Church parsonage, Bow- Mobof ate rin. C .Pot manville, Ontario. 13-1* F31 D eaths I wisii to express my sincerec thanks t relatives, friends andc ANDERSON, Lois Hazel - On neighbours for flowers, cards, Wednesday, Mardi 27th, inl gifts and the manv acts of kind- Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ness during mv illness. Special ville. Beloved wife of Donald thanks to the doctors, nurses and A. Anderson anci mother of staff of Memoriai Hospital,'Bow- David Todd, Bowmanville, Ont. manville. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Mrs. Clarence Hockin. n Glaspeli, R.R. 2. Oshawa; sister 1.3.1*c Oshawa, Glen Giaspel. R.R. 2, Oshawa. Resîing aI Nomîheutt andi Smilh Funeral Home, 53 Division SI., Bowmanville. Serv- ice wili be on Saturday, Marci 301h at 2:30 p.m. Intemment Bowmanvilic Cemetery. 1311 CHASE, Winnifred-AI Oshawa Genemal Hospital on Wednesdav, March 27th, 1957, Winifred Lock- Wood, beloveti wife of the late George E. Chase. Resting aI Thanks a million Dr. Hubbard, Dr. Austin and Dr. A. Sylvester, nurses and staff for the very best of care given us while in Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville. Special thanks to Mrs. Swatridge R.N., Mrs. Ormiston R.N., Mrs. L. Milîson, Mrs. R. Branch, Miss Ethel Hall, for helping us out. Bill (J. W.) and Mary Robinson. 13-1* Articles f or Sale APPLE tree wood, $15 per cord. Phone RA 5-5959. 13-1* I{AY and red clover seed. Phone '74 r 3 Blackstock. 13-1 HAY, approximately 800 bales. Phone MA 3-5104. 13-tf MANS bicycle, excellent con- dition. Phone MA 3-2548. 13-1* Articles for Sal( .300 BALES of lhay. Telepi MA 3-2380. CAR radios, a real 'buy. Pil MA 3-3883. HAY for sale, 35c a bale. TI phone MA 3-2964., TIMOTHY HAY for sale. T' phone MA 3-2646. COOK stove, large crib, reason- QUANTITY of baled mixed1 able Phne M 3~l32.13-~ JPhone MA 3-5074, Clare E. A] NEW springs for 1,2-ton truck, haif price. Phone MA 3-2983. 13-1* HAY for sale, 40c a bale. Apply Lance Beath, R.R. 2, Oshawa. 13-1* 1 QUANTITY of Rodney oats and Rex barley. Phone MA 3-2157. 12-3! LOCAL, good white blossom sweet clover. C. Palmer, Bethanv, Ont. 9-5* CEDAR posts, 200, four to seven inch tops. Phone Carke 612 after1 6 P. M. 13- 1* BIG tractor trailer with 10. truck tires. Phone MA 3-2: 1. FRESHLY killed capons, wèe] Order now for Easter. MA: 3-2998. 1: PLAY Pen and pad. Goodc dition. Ten dollars. Telepli Newcastle 3686.1 CLOVER seed, also clover1 and mixed timoth.v and alfa Phone Biackstock 72 r 4. 1 30" ELECTRIC range, varietv of washing machines< electric drycrs. Phone MAx 00,3882 LARAINE seed oats. Luther -_ __________ Hoer, Tyrone. " Phone MA iCORDWOOD. dry-, $8 per ci 3-2322. 12-21Idelivered in town. F. R. Co 1292 King St. E. Phone MArl MAN'S C.C.M. bicycle, nearly 3-2724.E new. Reasonable. Phone MA 3-5718. 13 - p POTATOES, 100 bags, No. - small; also regular sîze. BOY'S Junior bicycle, balance Mantel. R.R. 3, Burketon. Te xvheels. hike new. Telephone phone Blackstock 82 r 12. M. MA 3-2190. 13-1* - - .RODNEY aats, high germinati COAL brooder and space heater test, cleaned and treated, $1, with drum; 1938 Dodge sedan.I per bushel. McLaughlin Facn Phone MA 3-27î15. 13-1 T 'rone.- Phone MA 3-2416. 13- CAMERA, German, 35 mmn. (for SEED oats. Bright, dlean a rolour) 2.8 liens. E. Laird, tele- heiv 'v. Rodney and Larain cý phone MA 3-5908. 1:3-I* .rown from registered seE Phone MA 3-2180. Tom Baki FLOOR polisher for rent at113 Mason & Dale Hardware, 361 King St. E., Bowmanville. 13-tf FAMOUS make, big 21"T - 1 handsome hardwood cabin MvIXED ha-v for sale. John Hut- sale price $ 179.95, full warrani riyk, R.R. 1, Part HouDe. Lot 22, Kelly TV, 81 King W., Oshawi .on. 3. Phone Welcome 2143. 10 11-3 INSULATION, blowing metic HIARDY sprayer, 300 gallons, 35 with rock wool. Workmansl gallon pump, good condition. guaranteed. F r e e estimai( Phone Newcastle 2357 after Harry L. Wade. Phone Clarx 6 p.m. 131* 2420. 391 WVOODS electrie milk cooler, TV aerials erected, moved,r ike new; quantity baled hay. paired, 30 ft., aIl channel, insti Apply Eber Milîsan. Phone MA led, $49.50; Iicensed. Kelly 'T 3-2645. 13-2* Oshawa, collect, RA 5-5121, SAVE on lumber, direct from or a.1 mil to you. Phillips Lumber GARDEN tractor. David Brai rr Nothut ad mih unra wish to express a very 17 . inl3tfntri.Phn Home, 53 Division St., Bowman- sincere "thank vou" to Dr. K.17r1.1f ville. Service on Friday, March Siemnon, Dr. R. A. Gi and Dr. KEYS cut automatically, hile, 29th at 2 p.m. Temporary inter- Mikios, special nurses Mrs. you wait, at Mason & Dale Hýard- ment in the Lang Memorial Squair and Mrs. Davey, tie nurs- ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- Chapel, Orono. Banial at a later es and staff of Memorial Hos- ville. 46-tf date at Mount Hope Cemetery. pital for the considerate care Brighton. 13-1 given me, also for fîowers, cards, SINGER Sewîng Centre, new fruit and candy, from friends and used sewing machines. INGS, Henry Jamnes--SuddenlY and relatives while in the hos- Rentais or repairs. Phone MA at Southampton, England, Marci pitl, aiso thanks to those who 3-21,55. 18-tf 20th. beloved faîher of Mrs. E. have belped in any way since 1 HARD and sof t water delivered. Willatts, 2 Liberty St. South, came home.PrmtsvieRortHCa. B o w m nvile. 3 -1M rs. Joh B ro m e13 1l* Phone M A rket 3-5476 or M A i Me oim3-5805. 48-tf BARETTInlovngmemry Coming Events BEFORE you buy a garden ]BARETT-n loing ernoy -tractor, Phone MA 3-5640 for, of a dear father, William Bar- Mass meeting at Enniskillen, free demonstrations of both new rett who passed away March 30, April 2, 8 p.m. 1957. The New and used tractors. 13-1 1948. Policy for Canada" by Dr. R. P. Gone from us but leaving Vivian. 1- BEATTY washers, dr-vers, iron- memories, iers, ranges, polishers and vacuum Death can neyer take awav, Bowmanville Choral Society cleaners, easy terms. Kelly TV, Memories that wil always linger, presents their Spring Concert in 81 King W., Oshawa. 10-4 While upon this earth we sta-y. the Town Hall, Friday and Sat- -_______________ .-Ever remembered by the fam- urday, May 10 and IL 13-tf ELECTRICA± Repairs-Prompt lly. 13-1 service to electrical appliances, St. John's Evening Branch large and small. Lander Hard- GEDDES - TORDIFF -- In loy- W.A. afternoon tea, bazaar, ware. Phone MA 3-5774. 43-tf ing memory of Patrick J. S home baking, rummage table, Geddes who passed away April Saturday, April 27, 2:30 to 5. DO your own floors-Rent a 8th, 1947, also his daughter 13-1* sander or a floor polisher from Jessie Tordif f who passed away Reev-pi 4h t n Lander Hardware, 7 King St. E., Marc 30h, 155.Reseve pril4th 5thandBowmanviîle. Phone MA 3-5774. Marcthe 30 dsh, 1955.blo 6th for Cornz A Poppin'. Tick- 3-tf Mate ndsohaenbo ets available from club members. On hatquit ad hiloedSpecial student rate for April '57 FRIGIDAIRE super dryer sothtqitadhloe 4th. 13-1 only $189, buiît and backed by G.M, ,I8.95 down, G.M.A.C. Where the. ones we love lie Union Farmers Easter Draw, plan. Kelly Frigidaire, 81 King sleeping April 19th, 1957. Ticket sales-1W., Oshawa. 10-4 And wilI nover be forgot. men are going al nut to make-f -Ever remcmbered by familv.; il a big success. Ovex' the top to , RGISTERED Rodney oats, SI1.75 win the bins, shouiders and per hushel: Commercial, $1.65. I3RACE--In loving memnocy of a chickens.1319%griaonDnldGe, dearhusbnd ad fther AlfedR R. 2, Nestleton. Phone 71 r 11 Grace. who passed away March Goodyear Recreation Cluîb Blackstock. 13-2*1 20, 195,5. dance. Frida y, Marcli 29th at i This world mav change from Varcoe's Pavîhion. Dancing 9 HEARING aid service, testing( vear ta vear, p.m. to 1 a.m. Admission sî.oo. service and complete stock oft And friends from day to dav,. Per couple. Recreation members: batteries and cords at Higgon But nevex' shail the one we loved $2.00 per couple non-members. ' Electric Limited, 38 King St. E.,t From memory pass wav. 11-3 Bowmanville. Telepione MA .-Remembered by wx,,fe and -13_94m. 20-tf famiiy . Regular weekly bingo heldi-_____________ Thursdavs except third wýeek ini ADDING machines, typewriters, LEMON-In loving memnorY of the month 'Nhich will he held cash registers, cheque writers, a dear son andi brother. Douglas. on Tuesdavs. in the Union Hall. filing cabinets, office furnitî]re, Cyril Lemon who passed awvav 20 regular games and a jiackpot, newv and used. Repairs 10 al suddcenlv, March 2lst, 1949. game. No game under $300.( makes. Walter Frank, Bowman- We w'ho loved you, sadly miss Admission 50c. 2-tf121l4. M 12039-watfe v ou ý14 9t As i daws anthervear April 51h to 7th (Friday, Sat- Inou lnev orsofthnkn utrdav- and Sunday) special serv- EQUIP vorbue ihNs In our loei- oureof thinking ices will be held at The Salva- auminum combination doors s Thoght o x'u ae vernea. ion Armv in Bowmanville con- and windows, aIl colounrS Our -Eerreehe'e b at educted bv Captain Gordon1 representative vwill give vou free dad sstrsan brthrs 1-1Brown from Collîngw%%ood. The iestimales. Lander hardwar. night meetings will commence King St. E,, Bowmanville. ee LUXON-n lvîn meorvo!at 8 o'clock and Sundav atIil phone MA 3-5774. 10-tf a dear rnther Emma Elizabeth'a m a nd 7 p.m. On the- Satur- Luxton, who passed awav April MORRIS Ca. have been appoint- Ist. 19.52.i dayv evening a vcrv special Lent- ed Singr Sewing Machine re- What would we give hec hand 'en service xiii be held. This rsnaiefothBwm - ta cîasp. ~ ~ ýwill be in the form of a pictorial prenaiefrth Bo a- Her patient face ta see. presentation entitled 'Journevvildstc.Caenad e aSinger-the finest in sewingj To hear hier voice, ta see herito Calvary ". Four film strîps in machines. VariauIs attachmentsi ~~mxle ~~~vxvid colour, with professional aoiisok eehn A Asinte av ha ue 1 b.musical backgrou nd and narra- 1 Asoin the dbe shoat . Other buit- - 3-,5480. ______________46tfi But some sweet day we'Illmeet aln.wtcmbeshow'îll ber uat- e.DAEISan eeinbid again. al tm ,iIb etrdDAEISadvnta lns Beynd he ad nd trîe. Evervone is \welcomie. 1- cuslom made or draperies sold And clasp each others hand once î hv the yardi. Our represenlative mnoheavta ap Union Farmers will caîl at vour home anv time InLovny remeherv ed .er M s M eig with a complete range of saniples1 son Sidney and daughter-i .n-lam- tion. Fabric Town. 59 King St. Denelda. 13-1* FOR PARITY PRI(ES W, Tclephone MArket 1-16(19, MOORE-In loving niemnorv of Enniski11en Bwavle 8t Mrs. F. J. Moore who passed On the Resurrection morning pi2,8 .m Soul and bodv mneet again: 1951. * For the Finest Paints No more sorrowx' no morel New' Policy of Progressive * For the Latest Papers weeping, no more pain.i Conservatives wiII be announcedi Soul and bodv reunited by DR. R. P. VIVIAN. * For the Best Workmanshlp Thenceforth nothing shah, dividel icuso Waking up in Christ's ownl DicuseBinuc likeess.satifiedS. G. Preston & son -Lovmn lv rcniembered bx- sister: Fv-ryýbody w-elc'nne ta joi Phones Dcrothy, brther-in-law Laur- i Farm Union (Ladies especiallï MA 3-3917, MA, 3-37 n1 maS d a.vbw JO"n. 13-1 IL-î- le-V. used one season. wi j p lough, cultivator, drag-harrc sickle bar, cordwood and bru saw. Phone MA 3-2094. 13- COMBINATION coal, waod ai Celectrie stove, only, used sb< time. Property of Mrs. Chi Carruthers. Ma-v be seen Cowan Equipment Co. or Phoi 'l MA 3-2250. 13- E LNAR brand alfalfa and mnc 'other grass seeds. Register( commercial Garrv, and Rodni oats. Commercial Rex, the hiý yielding two-row barley. Phi Swain Seed Cleaners, Blacksto( 89 r 11. il- OATS-Registered No. 1. Roý nev, Garry, Beaver. Larain, Cer ified Simcoe. Abegweit. Theý oaIs won twelve prizes includir two firsîs at Central Ontarý Spring Show: also Commerci; barley. J. W. Boyd, 3 r 18, Oroni 13-1 '50 FORD truck parts, includin good cab, transmission, 1w( speed axle, spcings. platforr saddle tank and radiator. AIç set of one-ton scales. exceller condition. Murray Pay'ne, Nev castle. Phone Clarke 2811. 13- ON sale - Chesterfieîds, bed room and kitchen suites, space savers and floor covering! Trade-in al]owance. Trade-in Washers. 29.50: refrigerator 79.50; kitchen tables and chaii and kitchen cabinet. Murph, Ca., King St. W. MA 3-3781. 13-1 INTERNATIONAL refrigeratarý 8.2 cu. ft., regular $349 foc $239 Chefmaster deluxe 22-incb elec trie iang-e, push-butîon contral automnatic aven contî'ol. clectri, limer, regular $225 for only $19! at Cowan Ecipment Ca.. l13 King St. E., Bowmanville. Tele, Phone MA 3_56,99. 13-' SAVE ON MEAT 1%'e used te freeze a wlnter's supply of meat in the fail. Nou' it pays to freeze a summner'ç suPPlY in the spring so that yeu 'an beat those high summtel sekprices and eat choice grain fed, Young beef too. Hinds of Beet 45c Lw. Beef Fronts 3 1c ,. Beef Sides 361/c Lb. New Zealand Lamhs 40-lb. average 45c eb BOWMANVJLLE FRIGID LOCKER SYSTEM PHOINE MA 3-5578 Exeln bedïn-9 -é-n-itio-n en-r11ý - -lvon 1 acrmotcoetaOh-Igon Electrie Limited - 42 Kin2,3t. Phoe__________ r2_. 13___ile,__________Wn, *1jjg-w, xx 1,,h aitachieci garae 4 E. Phone MA 3-5438. 2.6-ti PboneBlacsîock5 c 3. l3l* vlle, <îdcîî ki:-h n m Jnicce bath, ail famna.e, unn ON E boar. Landrace x Y ak- ai n. d n n - o m ni h d mi lii and i c d xatrr, ard wo d EIR Tee-on main floni', twvo bedroonnz; anrl 111e flror-', kitchen ctip- R PAE i hire. Harolti McLaughlin. Tl anti 3-piec, ah nsecond- n Ncî atscpm.Mk ýevso evq O poeBlacksîock 66 r l. 13-1~ flanc: practicalîx' ne\ forccd air> 1 TelvsonSrig o FRES cow andsomedue a 'il beating, attuchnti gar'age, large>a ofesic freshn sondasomsie deal lot, $1.500 or more down pav -1 rsds a bave mentinneti we EXPERT 24-HOUR St l cales. Appo, lv Z. J. enschop ment. Ca'] Keith Peters RA! have approximately 100 more P o e calon.MA 2926. J. Be-871 r Mc3-533 -farms andi homes ta choose from. PhneMA 3-d8 Ph n A 322 .1 -3 Orono Dwelling Contact A 13-1 REGISTERED Shorthorn bull, Owncm tranlfcrced. muîstl I lF dark red, from a gooti milking 5 oom I '2-storev, 3 hedrooms. JohnIF.LDe vyihnr1 Pniir sîmain. eleven months nid. Apply aIl modern conveniences, large irlctor and General Insurance I " c Repirin M. Gilmoy, R.R. 1, Enniskillen. beautifull "v lantiscapeti lot, also Newrastle Phone 33411I AT 12-2* raspherries. stirawherries, ca SalesmenI - quiet section. $2.000 will hantileM arr s TWO P. B. Holstein cows. fresb,1 or exeeptional value for ca.sh. Donald Mountjoy, omnil Api. Vaccinated. accreditetIC(aIl Siti'\lai-t-.n RA 3-98!0 ol >TA 3-3950 JEWELLERY ad !4ýted M1bvecs 2 <vidri A222 Daniel Boehmn - PortHoe4 King StÉ. W. MA .5463 nichard spray pump. Fred R ofh'm- tihie local pc;i TU 5-5042 Hoe3 BOWMAN VILLE Stvl.13 1* Estate Board. 131131 4 IArticles for Sale Real Estate for Sale1 Real Estate for Sale Real Estate for Sale hone PHONE MA 3-5519 for Peter- BUILDING lots an Highway 2. REAL ESTATE FOR Sef 131borough Canoe Ca. price list and Phone 2156 Newcastle. 13-l* H .Pd elPoete od et - catalogues on canotes and boats - ____REA_________ L ESTAT .E BRwER MPropeteaSd, prentOuj hone cedar, plastic, aluminum or BUILDING lot, centrally loca- R A S A E BR K RM ngd1n prie 13-1 moulded. 13-1 ed. Phone MA 3-3554 afler 120 acres an lake front, frame LM Al 15 p.m. 13-1* house xith ail canveniences, L . M . AlOl rl USED equipment -1950 Ford bank barn, 40' x 100'; ahi equip- 1 Real Estàte Broker 13-1I panel truck, 8N Ford tractorLT nS wa tee,75xe5,pe ordi.ig. Pie hs e Phone 2566 - Newrastle, Ont. -jMassey-Harris 81 tractor, Mas- wte, sewer, residential area. lowered ta $18,000 for quick sale.j Two blocks nacth of traffic signal ele- sey-Harris 102 Jr.; Case VA Phone MA 3-5545. 13-1* 107 acres close to new iigh- Newcastle s-t 13-1 Iractor, Empire tractor, tractor 275 ACRE farm, Muskoka dist- va~' brick hause, fine dairy - mounted cernent mixer for use rict, incîuding partîy fuirnished barn, 40' x 100', $18,000 with îËL> ~ t~ hay. with Ford or Ferguson. We frarne seven-raomed bouse, somte $5.000 dlown. Leask Raa l Esate Min. carry a fullI une of Massey-Har- implements and two horses. Tele- Store and dwelling situated on 5 room brick bungalow, sun- 13-1 ris-Ferguson farmn and industrial plione Mî's. H. Ruttan, MArket main corner of Newcastle, good 1raam, furnace. 3-piece bath, -ply equipmntn and parts. Sid Lan- 3-2362 after 6 p.m. 13- locationfo an,, line of business, Jgrae Centrall 'v located. Terrns. !356. caser, R.R.2, Newcasle. Phon For piead'em consult us. 8roihLs nCuc t 3-*Clarke 2703. 13-1 HOUSE for quick sale. New New 6 room bouse in Orono Modemn kitchen. 2-piece bath on five-roomed bungalow, breeze- with attacbed breezeway and main floor, 3-piece up: 4 bcd- USED tractors and farm ma- way and garage attached, forced garage. This house is modemroo o ae eln.I Iky roosîngwte hatninI rket chinery-Farmall "H" tractor, air, ail hecating, beavy w rni very waY and bas manv excellent condition. Garage, 3-2* new tires front and rear, ov'er- modern tiled bathroom and extras.. $9.500, low dlown pay-j Te rmns. -hauled and painted; Farmail kilehen, hardwoodi floors. Will nient. limmediate possession. 4romfnibdctaeo con- Super "A" tractor, hydraulic, seli reasanable. Phone Orono 4XVh pay ment wbecoytagcao one completely overhauled, Massey 150. 11-4 buy a 6 room bouse foc $3.000 Ws ecnw rsuess -2. Massey-Harris seed drill, 13 it bermsba'ywrn, sunparch. boat.heer ha-v marker witi p3ower lift; Inter-1 IN BOW'MANVILLE bard and soft \vater, central, i Choice building lot on Duke iNewcastle. S500 dlown, $40 per cf$((.)) lfa. national 2-furrow piougb; FleurY1 S2500 doxn-Attractve 2'0ear- montb will bandle. This praperîxty 90,0 No service charge. 12-2 2-furraw plouigb: John Deece 7-i aid 6 room ranch type bungalow, bas been lowered for this wee We have lots, bouses, bunga- - 1 foot tandem disc aI Cowan nil heated, bardwood and tilelo5 \veeasItîews, farms fortsale. j onlv, as the propertyfmust b aloiEquipment Ca.. 134 King St. E., flooî's, tiled 4-piece bathi'oomr, 3s-Id. List with Leask. andi Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5689.bedrot Lovelv landscaped Moc 50a 6 nai St A351 'ket' 13-i corner lot, bas garage. fruits. H. C. PEDIVELL Bowmani'ille 3-1 Close ta school. Ask for Mrs. NewcastlePon 561- ~~~~~~P a t r i c k . P o e . 8 5 '1 . Wan abagan. $7500 full price-Low cdown 13-i )kt Wa iNB ran payment an Ibis rebuilt 4-room Peter Kowal keINbungalow, close ta school, on ~ Vn' 3-1 sewes Modemn tiled kitchen J. Van es! REAL ESTATE BROKER -Television ? and batiroom. Garage and large <;ENERAL INSURANCE 11, lt ri.Nwro n e REAL ESTATE BROKER 99 King St. E. Bowmanville M. loturuite. ANewfroofarynd new eienilpopriso Tlpoe A356 2le- Phone MA 3-3883 virnc. AkfrMr Bsk ing E., central. prpries$750 Open for Inspection on Sunday. FO3RE-OE RA ' - H and $12.000. Came ta office for March 31 at 109 Ontario Street at noObligatiOMoE.eTnRIAPaLr k information, 1 te 4 p.m. Lo tnobiaion o cost te you eni H Parc 2 acre property nt Caurtice. Trade in your present home on 1.55 REAL ESTATE BROKER large frame bouse, conveniences. Ibis 3-bedroom brick bungalow. m;Television Service Co. J116 Bond St. E. Oshawa Attention V.L.A. Attacbed garage. Gas heatîng, 185ChrchSt Bwmaviie RA 5-3692 <colleet) Modern 5 raom bungalow on large living-room witb fireplace. 18d BIIlc DySt.a, Popraietr-tf large lot aI Orono. Asking dining area. Kitchen with loads ans BilDktaPoreo $10.500 with $2.500 cash. of cupboards and breakfast nook. at13-1 2 acre property, Scugog St.. Aluminuin windlow units. Your ed. Charles Rtankine 7 raom frame house. Canyon- present home mnav bie Iraded as Seed REAL ESTATE BROKER Hampton-6 raom frame on homes. Full price anly $14500. TV, GARRY seed oats, cieaned, $1.25 Foc the righit price foc youc nice lot. Canveniences and Termis. net, per bushel. M. Mantel, R.R. 3, home, for prompt action. for. garage.* * ty. Burketon. Phone Blackstock efficient and couctetîs service, 80 acre farm, 15 minutes. from, 2 hedroom frame bungalow in 7a. 82 r 12. 13.14 we suggest you contact us! Iown. House bas conveniences1 very nice condition in nortb sec- i0- $9.500 with low dlown pav- and close to school. Ver-v nîce tion. Hardwood and tile floars. -IREGISTERED Barboff barley, ment is ail that is askcd for tIbis haro and five acres of young Modern kitchen, etc. Only Lod, Garry and Rodney oats, Coin1- new, 3 bedroom bungalow. Spys and Mcîntosh apple>Irees. $10,500. Term4. hip!merc.ial Barboff banley, Radney $9,500-Store.v and baif stucco> Askinig 512,000 with termis. 2 bedroom framie bungalow in es. and Lanark aats. Harold Swaîn, home,' 3 «years old. anc acre of We have a buyer with ail cash souîh section of town. Attach- ke Nesîleton. Phone Blackstock land, close ta Oshawa. Ternis. wanting a modemn brick bunga- cd garage, extra lot. Ou bheat- -tfi 71 - 2. 13-2*, $7,500 full price for this 5 Ioxv. centrally lacated North of ing. Askîng only $9,500. Ternis. e. roomed hai-ne, large lot, central. Kinlg SI. Contact Ibis office aI 3- ce- SEED grain-Clover seedsc, Haîf cash requircd. oc.1- ta- best vanieties of seed naIs, bar- Weas aesme otges, 118 .igS t. E. Bowmanvjlle rV, ley, peas, also the newer \'aicties farms, businesses and many Phone MA 3-3230 James Nixon, Lab 24 of claver and permanent pastuie more homes in Bowm-anville and. 13-1 REAL ESTATE BROKk-'R 0-4 mixtures, as recommendcd b-v district. - the Ontario Dept. of Agriculture. 4 room stucco bungalow. d- Quality~ seeds aI regular prices. 52 King St. W. Bewmanville ". hardwood floors, 4-piece', ýbath, itb Feed grains, fertilizers, certified MA 3-2453e or 3-2762 De Wîfn .Rieail sf aie cloîhes ciosets, modce'n kitYheni seed potatoes. A. W. Glenney, alesman - Everett Hianna ihcporshev wrng _____Newcastle.____ 1_-1_____ wth cupoards,1eavyairins îs ewatl.Phones. Mill 2771.,31 GNEA1AM 10arsvenelian biinds, insuiated, land. 1*residence 3876.132 with 110 acr'es workable, 20 acres scaped. $8,200. Ternis. Pas. wood, cmcek, 90' x 40' bank b arn. sessi on arranged. Migbt ex. ind Peter Feddema implement shed,.lien bouIse: 8 change for a larger bouse. as. Seed Grain for Sale REAL ESTATE 1BROKER frae bhay rhe Seelbrick. Mod rkic1'ý aI tawd Daimv farm, 94 acres with 80 stanchions in barn. Asking prîce cupboards, 4-piece b 1 artlyr )ne Strong srwd rust resisting, rods of lakeshore, 160 rods on $14,000. Termis acranged. finisbed, large heatL 'Yl~ier. 1* high yielding varieties of the C.N.R. track and 80 rods on GENERAL FARM, 50 acres, 46 mastat tieatsbcwo9f oue Oa- ndBale1 Highway and aiso 1 mile acres workable. pond. 50' x 30' flyi S hdtuuad n .i ost ais nd B rley roadfrontage. This farm bas bank barn witb running water, florisbatel and cad atchavv f A RY O NE , LA A N m any possibiitics. Priced ta im plem ent shed, hie n ouse. pg wî'in, h tandced ga trg e ga d scîl. pens, garage; 9 oomed insulated lot, nicely decorated, good loca. ýgh and CLINTON OATS Genemal farm, 275 acres; frame stone house wikh ail fumnace, lo nHmtn ls asho :ck BRANT and BARBOFF BARLEY ouse witb bath and funace, bathroom, running ot and cold chu mcnH amnd s os tre. Pied t .t i edGaanedfrPrt barn 200 x 36. Price $20,000. water, heavxv wired. Situa ted 8 sdihan tre.Picdt 1 and Germination,. Termis. miles f rom Oshawa. Price 9-room storey and baif, tw* d-Dairy farm. 200 acres, 7 roam $11,500. Termis aranged. andti thîe piece bath, 5 bcd. t-j Treated for Smut - Ready to Sow'frame bouse, bath. fumnace; barn DAIRY FARM, 150 acres, situ- roomis, tile and bardwood fînars. ýse HARDOME S0V BEANS, 100hx 34, 6C)an milk quota. Priéce ateti 8 miles from Oshawa wit.h cellar, ail furnace. $10.500. ng UNK G-YBRD CR, w-îtb stock and full line of 100 acres warkablc, 4 acres in Tfernis. FUKSGYBI CR machinerv. $23.000. Termis. x v oung orchard, crek, 90 x 3o, 4Hro bungalow on No. 2 ia Buy with confidence at Dairtr farm, 100 acres; 9 roamj and 50' x 20' L-shaped barn wt Hgway, hydmo, well, chicken 10. ~~~brick bouse. modemn barn 80x water bowîs, steeli ncions, bouse. $4,500. Termis. lm* 1* Ceresmore Farms .16, 6 can mîlk quota, gond loca- silo, implement sheds, bn bouse, mediate possession. tion. Pricc and dlowvn payment etc.: 9 oometi solid brick bou.se 4-room frame bungalow, tile ng are B.R kad arranged. iî2 ce,4 djxith al it~y conenienes. M1iIIk and pine fînors built-in cp MPhone Bowmanville MA 3_2813 mn m s, bath, kitchen, living- mîlk quota. Catn be sold as a No. 2 Hiighway andi school. 50 3- room, full basement, nil f ucoace goîng cancern. Price and termis $1,500 dw.Pseso mag nt 13-1_____________ and garage. Price and dlown arranged. c londossso.rag Chiokens for Sale pavment arranged. GENERAL FARM, 91 acres on e 200 acres. medium soul, barn. _______________________ Insul brick, 3 bcdrooms, bath, No. 2 Higbway~, facing lwa high- stable. implement shed, other - CNADANAppove, ullr-dining-ronm, living-room, kitcb- vaxs and cloverleaf in near buildings, creek. wel], 8 coom CAN DIA Ap rovd, ull r- npart basement, double lot,.jfuture. 75 acces warkablc. creck, bouse, fuî'nace. hydro. water ini i- umi testecd, Day Olti and Started rice $3.750 with only $750 ta 77' x 36' bank barn, large chick- bouse and barn; tractai', impIe- e- Cbicks. Book orders now for pay clown. on bouse, pig pens, implement mnsat tc sagigcn s future delivery. White Leghorn, Newcastle R. R. 2 Phone 2204 sdd t. -rneislt brick s: Barmed Rock (fast f eatbeming) 131huewt ev uywrn. cern. S' 'and New Hamp. X Barreti Rock. 1-Cbouse wth beavy etc. wicg Trucking business with P.C.V s F'or pice lisI Write nc PhonoeCos$t1scoo00tc.Prceloadeor, extra tractor. 3-3H,1. .50-tkf, Bneigrove Ca. LA-$18 01)0 FARM. 150 acres, 47 Queen _St. Bowmanville H-9. BoosBwmnvll L. S. SnegoeCo close ta Lake Ontario wilb 90 MA 3-5682 *- 43 Park Rd. S. Oshawa acres workable, 7 acres wood, 13.le - INTO a most important monîh eea am6'x4'btkarmpmn -e s, for chick buying if yau want 2n Gcen al a7rmbichdlen 6'x4'hank bamronime mete le nn 9: production on best markets 5-6120acs en7ro rc n os:9roeifae Se c- monîhs away. Bray bas wide bhouse with bycro, hiproof banik bouse with beavx' wiring, x'un-lenn PAM ZIXTEEN TIM CANAMAN STATESMAN, BOWK&N7nim. M"AlRTM '-