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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Mar 1957, p. 17

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Ckulss*If.E Help Wanted Auction S~~Eman for dairy farm, I have received r ru 1. Phone Oshawa from the Executor £ . Ep4. 13-1* of the late Mrs. Fr seIl by public aucti CAPABLE woman or girl for day, April 6th at1 general housework by the week. dence, Main St.,1 Phone MA 3-3144. 13-1 room, living-room * N wanted for Rawleigh bus- furniture, bedding, - Seli to 1500 families. en tools, glassware, toda Raweig's No reserve,r C-NO-SA, Montreal, P.Q. 13-11 _____eiautin MAN to work on spring delivery Giving up farmi of nursery stock. Must have car 1ill health, Roy Jacký or truck. Apply H. C. Down- of Little Britainc hamn Nursery Co. Phone MA April 4th, 60 cattie, 3-5690. 13-1 five sows and litter tractors, A.C. Comit BABY sitter, preferably older plough, baler, milli woman, to look after children on other machinery on occasional nights and a few ped farm. Salea weekends. Write to Box 642, sharp. Terms cash c/o The Canadian Statesman. son, auctioneer. I have been favot PROTESTANT qualificd teacher instructions frorn for Starkville Schoul, S.S. 1(), Little, east haif of I Clarke. State experience and Cavan (3 miles so salary. Dut:îcý- to begin Sept. Millbrook, Zion Lin Apply Orme Falls, Sec.-Treas., public auction on Sa Newtonville, Ont. 13-4 6, 1957 at 1:00 p.r QUALIFJED. cxperienced teach- cmtets e far er for one-room sclool. S.S. 2 1,, no rsert. Trm s Haydon. Plcase write, statingln auctionc. er.s A d s '48Cars for Sale Notice to Creditors For Rent 1 Wanted ta Rent _Knte '8CHEV. coach. Phone MArket I the Estate of Frank Alds- STORE or office space. 77 King WANTED to rent or purchase,! iets H a 3-2904. 13-1 worth, late of the Township of St. W. 13-1* la three bedroomn home with fuIl r Darlington, in the County of basement. for possession earlv in d 4*i '55 CHEVROLET coach, V8, twco- Durham, deceased. FIVE roonis, separate entrance.1 April. Write Box 643, c/ o The al yTe c Buv ileage. MA331. - *aantteEtt fteaoei -- -- The iKuiete Club had as g'uest S lsWanted to M-31. 31yaans h!Etat f'h aoeTHREE-roomeId apartoient in; HREor four-room modemrn ae t hi eulrdne 1 named, who died on or about oaeaitiregl dnr PANEL truck, '52 G.M.C., Inr1 February 23, 1957, are required,. Trone. Pon.MA 320 b1_ elfquiet aned armentsuIutab fr ee nes an teningMoarchot20 1 instructions CEMENT mixer. Phone MA good condition. Ernie Knapp to file proof of sanie with be quietand________________formedes,. thenEimrlHot20. of the estate 3-2074. 13-1 Auto Wreckers. Phone MArketNiaENad middle-aged retired couple. Have'lrq hmsAar saa red Cowan to . . .3-5756. 13-1 91Ning t. East HOUSE, six roonis, close to High- Ms hmsAar saa ion on Satur HIGHEST prices paid for live 9ý ig. Estway 115. Phone Orono 8 r 12. own electrie stove and rerrig- 1Mlr. Adai h satahra poultry goose eather. feathr TWO 154 For 2-door, both Bowmianville, Ontario 1-3rator. Write Bok 639, c< i ~b satahra her late resi- p___________________________195_Fod_ Cdorsbot 0 Orono: bed- ticks. scrap iron, rags, metals with low mileage: 1 953 Plymouth on or before April 15th, 1957,1 3j1 anadian Statesman. 13-1 he Sehool for Retarded Child- and kitchen and raw furs. Phone RA 3-2043 2-door: 1951 Oldsmobiîe 4-door, afe hhdae te Esate wil FOUR-room flat, inside bath- 1 rn't Oarvwcox. Mr. dair trnsisio, in-be distributed having regard rooni, East Beach, Bw1 nvll. os o brWiork i thes. hool dishes, gard- Oshawa, collect. 48-tf autometie rnsisin i 0d w _________________1_______ toldofle vrinteshl etc. Terms shield washers, radio. two new filed to dlaims which have been Phone MA 3-2875. 13-1 hii owi ev oain proprtysoldHORE, epenabl, ora tam now ire. a Cown Euipmnt!LAtRGEtBowanvlle hisLARG hose or rnt.Aclco--at'AL99olle dg, backStreet. ooMiliStret.Therear tw eer. 13-2 which have worked together.'Ca. 134 King St. E.. Boxvman- 27th day of March, 1957. eneces, close to scbool; hid and brown; red cOllar. bob tai-. teachers in charge of three class- Must be fairly young and reas- vjille Phone'.MA 3-5639. 13-1 F1 R Alî en eîcoe PoneMA -560 . Wheeler, Blacksto ck 80 r 6. CS whicîî have1 scvcn to ei-nlt ing owing to onably priced. Write Box 640,HrencihoyAloîl 13.1* BLACK leePhorneaMAet contain-children cach. Anl Open House son, just west coCnde ttsa.1.*jC R Wilfred Aldworth, SEF-OTANDfunshding moeoeaosadmttl~binheld on Mav 1 to, which on Thursday, ALL kJ.nds of live poultry want- vehiSe liee rsneh3d . patretaidalieeteinhi three horses, ed. Top Toronto prices paid at ~PYîUHSDN13-3 or unfurnished djwnstairs apart- veicI iitv oKich2r, aubl ,eokae nied h rs woM-. qr orfo ageo sal 55PYMUHSEANment with su n rh MArket viiiyKng and Temiperance vlal okaeivtd h rstW MH.yourdor fr are r15a 4 PONTIAC SEDAN N tc 0Ceios - ~rh Streets. Reward. Phone Orono gpeaker was thanked by Fravne bine, Grahami quantities. We have our own 13-5891. 13-i 9 r 5. 13_-1 1\Ii-Doiiald. :igmah nmarket. M. Flatt, Betbany R.R. '53 METEOR SEDANPeien eenDn resid- e well equip- 1. Phone collect to Bethanv' '53 CHEVROLET SEDAN AND OTHERS ;HOUSE, 6 roonis, bathroom, rýi(ntHl D np at 1 o'clock 7 r 13. 28tf- hydro, heavy wiring, garage, Pets for Sale eti for a short business period . Ted Jack- '8t 51 PONTIAC SEDAN IN THE ESTATE 0F garden. Milton Tamblyn. Orono - __ whcn minutes were reed by 13-1 '48 OLDS. Hydramatie Sedan JAE1DDAAS 13 - 19. 13-1 * ONE male beagle. registered: 10, Eleanjjjor L-armner and a report re- All daims against the Estate inonths old. Apply Grant Stew- ccived on1 the recent bake sae ýue ihi- W r atdTwo '56 PLYMOUTH o! Jane Kydd Adamis, late of HEATED six-roomed apartment, art, Pontypool. 1 w \hich realized $25. urd ih nDENIONSTRATORS Bowmanvil]e, Ontario, who died electric stove and refrigeretor. Mr. Harold PLUMBING, heating, eaves- ~4½tnFROTUK Ollt eray 97 utb Private entrance. Mrs. Duxbury, 4 Lo 4 on , rogin:free estimates. Harvey fîd wt h nesge:Mill St., Newcastle. 12-2* 4 uth west Of Partner, Tyrone. MA 3-224th0. Irignd ietosllb M -24.Executors on or before the 30th THREE-one hatd pr- n.atry pbsNW patin adrpardtheEsae ilbeisrib- aseen. $0 mntly.Appy.Bow~manvi'I!e - O rono îtudey Apil LL~. . ' .LIJday o! April, 1957, after which ment. Tile floors. Laundry in iture, imnple- worknianship guaranteed. A. C. Model "B" Alli'.Chaimers îtcd, having regard onIv to f ht 63 King St. W., Apt. 7 or 4. jC m ie )ld, positivelv Woods. Phone Clarke 23 r 04. Model "«CA" Alliîs-Chalimers dlaims of which the Executors Co3-Ine cash. R. J. 4-tf Model "il" International shaîl then have notice. Dated at Toronto this 21st dayBRGTnwarte, .it 5f 132BRICKLAYING, plastering. Nor- lTfW o! Merch. 1957. able for business or professional,« MI 40kes, sprin- mnPg122 li S. o-5PALMER THSAME YL ACKST ON AN , gr.13 1* l itrc. rt'4 f o s a manville.Phone MA -5518. S LS and P.O. Box 82, Bowmanville. k ihifers;to __________________.21 . J 66 King Street West, - j"" w ar csofhiney 2400A MARRIED, middlc-aged war PLY31OUTH - (HRYSLER Toronto, Ontario. IN Bowmanville, 3-room modem40etrnndsigtepo et.FAG TR(KEecos.ead aatmt.H rno ae wr yf eqiMentJ Years of experience growing omnil Msr.Olr ok & adteforAplIt $0 ýessions soutl vegetables and bernies; private'20 King St. E. Bwan HaeIBysrcosIrtosin& adti.ple f rs .i s,$0o Lr. N. Pea- eTo be decided on gaies plaved dtring to!Cutcestate or summer camp prefer- Phone MA 3-5487 Toronto, cock, 341 Richmond St. E., Osha- the 1956-57 Scason st t of p.m.ce red, or would considerýany other 13-1tersoitrshrn. 1-waDalR 33921-f li auction on light work. Write BoxMterslctr een 1-jwaDi R 3392 -f ot reserve. Kendal, Ont. 13-tf - APARTMENT, central location, Please mark yot:r choice anid drop the ballot in . FNor'esr BUYINu A CAR? Notice fo Creditors large living-room, big bedrooni, ~blo o nteAe 2-1 SAVE MONEY AT AND OTHERS mdemn kitchen, built-in cup- blo o nteAea l2.2jboards, electrie stove, 4-piece Dav's hoeRepi Befoe Yu D IN THE ESTATE 0F Ida Isa- ,iebtro;bo n odwt 1 Ross Hawe<) 9 Maxie Yourth() d aesSo earbella Trimble. late o! the Town: er supplied, $65 per month. Suit- 2 Don Mercer() 10 Mickey Waiker Prom t u "1V' of Bowmanville. in the County 1able for adults. Available April s, Poil Heme- FastPop Service - ee .uofesi. .IEaU. o! Durhami, Widow, deceased, îlst. Appfly Apt. 3, 79 King St. 3 'Ev' Edwardq >Il Keith West 0eb.Plae1 who died at Bowmanvi]le, on or W. 13-1i 4 Jack Marshall( 12 Bill Berwick,( Robt. Brown, 5TMEAC T inra)o about lbe 20th day o! January, _5________________14_RayeWest one Betbany EPRNES.( 42! Iris 1957, Intestate. 5LwI )kta ()1 aeWs BLOC2 OR1ONCRsh "Stew" THE TRUSTEE ACT, R.S.O.. Personal 6 Dean West ( 15 Junior West t- FOUNDATIONS NEW OR 17SED Creditors and others having PAIN o! rheumatism, sciatica, Cuk rntog()1 Gry oisn (- ra tdRepaira or Structural WE WON'T BE UNDERSOLD dlaims against tbe above estate lumbago, cen be helped by takc- 8 "Sonny" Hooper (> 17 "WaIly" Samanski<- Estimates Free are required to send particulars jgRmcaf.Rcomne -eceîved up to L. T R AVISS New License. Tank of Gas, and full proof thereof to the j by thousands o! thankful usera. yigatec undersigned on or before the Ask your druggist.131DNR rirete tunnel Phone MA 3-520Z 30-Day Writtcn Guarantee. 3th day of April, 1957, after jONR ospital to the Prompt and Efficient Service No Money Down which date the assets o thelHYGENIC supplies - (Rubber 9.Complete 13-2*1 Top Dollar For Your Trade estate will be distributed, baving 1 goods) mailed postpaid int plain John Stutt ShoesMNlca prs yi red from Mr. regard to the dlaims thet bave 1 sealed envelope with price list. Hooper'. .ewelery Anonymous, $5.00 ch St., Bow- BRICK LAVINO j 50 PONTIAC DELUXE SE DAN then been receivcd. tSix samples 25c, 24 samples Ken's Men's Wear Don Boe's Servie* Station 131 LOK AYNGList 595. Speciai - $39 DATED et Bowmanville, On- $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28, Mutton's Service Station jury & Lovell Drues Eh rpar, GNEA CMET OR '1 OTIC ELXESEA tario, the 26th day of March, Nov.-Rubber Co., Box 91, Hem- jath, we ll n . . G o eL ist 695. S pecial - $495 1 5 . L aw ren ce C . M son, ___ ___ _____On t.__ _ 1-52_ [ivided. Tend- R.R. 3 ~'50 FORD COACHI Barrister. etc., nhokyfnwsigoadt he pzemy ividd. end R.. 3Bowmanville No rujst -_cond motor 30 King Street Westt Room and BoardAnhokyfnwhlgtadt ï1957. High- PHONE MA 3-5105 List545.________$45___________Ontrio do so by contacting Garry Venning at J. W.esarl 12-3_______________ Solicitor for the ROOM or rooma and board. Suit- Bruce Minns' Clothing. J.W51tne CHEV. DELUXE COACH Administratrix. able for young couple or young hone 14 r 7. MASONRY and CONCRETE Customi radio, outside visor 13-3 people. Phone MA 3-5884. 13-1* ~s...o.cs 13-21 REPAIRS or STRUCTURALI List 695. Special - $545 --- _________________ to: D. Malcolmi, Sec'y- Tr .es.', uR. R. 1, Bowmanville. 13-1 PART-TIME man to work around home and grounds on Saturday and some evenings. Knowledge of flowcrs and shrub.q an asset. Write, gziving age. cx-, perience and remuneration ex-1 pected, to Box 641, c/o Canadien Statesman. 13-1 WOMEN WORKERS Apply Specialty Paper Producis Lfd. 83 Temperance St., Bowmanville For ight factory work. Permanent Employment. 13-1 Ontario Government Service DEPARTMENT 0F REFORM INSTITUTIONS REQUIRES Additional Supervisory Staff FOR IBOYS' TRAINING SCHOOLS to establish a 5'ay 40-Hour Week S*~ry - $2880 to $3360 3 WEEKS' VACATION WITH PAY, SICK LEAVE, PENSION S PLAN, UNTFORM &Îtalifications EduJx Grade X. Age: 2~'l 45 Yeara. Height: Peeferably Not Under 51 8"1 Without Shoes An Excellent Character, Good Physique, Medical Fitness, Good Habits. APPLY IN PERSON TO: DEPARTMENT 0F REFORM INSTITUTIONS 3rd FLOOR, 984 BAY ST., TORONTO or S UPERINTENDENT of the following institutions: Ontario Training School for BoYs Bowmanville Ontario Training School for Boys Cobourg 1- 1Auction sale of! cinated Holstdin mil ers, open and bred tractors, tractor mac ton truck, 1,500 bah bales of straw, dair. etc.. the property Veenhof, two conce and a haîf mile west to be sold by publi Saturda.v, March 30 sharp. Terms cash. Jack Reid, auctione particulars seie bills. Straye FROM the premises ford bull, about 750 contact owner, Mr.1 Pontypool. Teleph( 14 r 2. Tenders W, Tenders will be re April l7th for dIggi and installing a con from Memorial Hos Nurses' Residence. dctails can be securi R. J. Dilling, Churc nianville. edbihueiFOR sale by tender- hydro, three-piece b property. Can be di ers close April 15th, est or any tender ni accepted. ContactJ Orono, Ontario. Pi ONTA~IO PROPERTY SALE No. 1241 LAND 73 3/5 acres o! land, iocated just east o! the City of Oshawa limita and lig south of Highway No. 401 and C.N.R. TENDERS CLOSE at 12 NOON EST. on THURSDAY, APRIIL 18, 1957 Information and tender forma obtainable from: The i'enders Secretary Room 1412, East Block Parliament Buildings, Toronto or Department of Highways Port Hope Highcst or any tender flot necessarily accepted. Departmnent of Highways Ontario 13-1 Brick, Block or Concrete Estimates Free P.O. BOX 177 L. TURNER Phone MA 3-3231 - MA 3-3702ý il-tf Car Wash $1.50 WASH AND WAX - $3.50 Free Delivery and Pick-up MINOR PAINT TOUCH UP MA 3-2963 18 Duke St. Bowmanville 13-1* Roofs Repaired and Shingled AND OTHER JOBS Phone MA 3-5349 1-3 Plastering Repairs QUICK SERVICE STUCCO AND NEW WORK R. L. TAFT 69 King St. E. MA 3-5030 6-tf TIME FOR SPRING WORK General Masonry BRICK, BLOCK or CONCRETE REFAIRS or STRUCTURAL Estimates Free L. Turner Phone MA 3-3072 or 3-3231 P. O. Box 177 13-tf Brakes Relined Brake Drum Lathing We can true up your scored brake drums like new again For $1.50 En. ON PASSENGER CARS TRUCK PRICES VARY according to size. PHONE MA 3-5804 Bob Stocker's Garage BOWMANVILLE "L. Schapelhouman" Public Accouniant SPECIALIZING IN Accounting and Bookkeeping Income Tax AND COMPLETE Financial Reports FOR FARMERS AND SMALL BUSINESS PE OPL]Z. REASONABLE RATES 17 Jones Ave., Oshawa Phono RA 5-9953 U1- '52 PONTIAC DELUXE Autom-atie. radio List 895. Special - $795 '47 STUDFBAKFR Convertible Radio List 49.5. Special - $295 '51 FORD CIUSTOM Overdrivxe List 595. Special - S495 '53 METEOR SEDAN Radio List 950. Special - $745 Stew's Specials '56 METEOR NIAGARA Automnatie, show roorn condition List $2.100. Special - $1,895 '52 CHEV. SEDAN DELIVERY Sound in cverv respect List 795. Special - $645 AND MANY MORE AT WELLMAN'S IIILLMAN - RAMBLER METROPOLITAN Nonquon Rd. RA 3-4431 OSHAWA Open Until 9 p.m. Auction Sal-e Morigage Sale Under andi hy virtue of the powers of sale con taincd in a certain mortgage whîch will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offcrcd for sale by Public Auction on Friday, the l2th day o! April. 1957, at 7:00 o'clock p.m. by Jack Reid at Durham County Sale Arena at Lot 32, Con. 4, Township of Clarke (about one mile west of the Village of Orono), lands and premises belng part o! Lot 18, Concession 1, Township of Clarke, comprising about one acre and being situated about 350 feet south of Highwa y No. 2, as particulariy described in said mortgage. Upon the said lands there is said to be erected a 1l'2-storey framne dwelling with insul siding, containing 4 rooms and 2 unfin- ished roomas and garage. The propertv will be sold subject to a first mortgege and subjcct to a meserve bid. IFor further terms and con- ditions of sale applv ta R. R. Waddeli, Q.C., Orono, Ont., Solicitor for the Mortgagee. 13-3 FAST RELIEF FOR RHEUMATIC PAIN Introducing the Revolutionary INTERNATIOL B.250 UTILITY TRACTOR with DoIIar-Saving Diesel Power Here now! A new 1H tractor for every farm and every type of farming. Every model features power put ta better use. For farmers in the 2 - 3-plow tractor class it'8 the all-new B-250 Utiity. Neyer anything like it before in 1H tractor history! No other such value in the 2 - 3-plow Utility field anywhere. Packed wîth farm-easy features that cut your work and costs on every tractor.job. Powered with economical direct- * starting Diesel engine to save your fu2land-maintenance dollars every work- ing hour. P YOU BE THE JUDGE! INTERNATIONAL MARVESTER Corne and seel Corne ond compare! Corne and provo the -250-or the new IH tractor of your choice. Ask tocLcy for a demonstration on your own form. Cowan '34 King St. E. Equipmen t Bowmativille Phono àN Co. MA 3-5689 b 0 MEMORIAL ARENA ACTIVITIES Intermediate "A" Hockey Game ONTARIO QUARTER FINALS THIRD GAME ai 9 p.nt. FRIDAY, NARCH 291h Trenton Cornets Bowmanville m Orono Adm ission------------------Aduits 75e for Reserved Seats and General Admission Students and Children -- -- - ----50e SATURDAY, NARCH 301h Minor Hockey League Night starting ai 7 p.m. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVrLLE. ONTAitin PAGE SEVENTEEN VRURMAT. M"Cff Mth, 19"

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