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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Mar 1957, p. 1

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t4temn "Durham County's Gjreat Family Journal" BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDÂY, MARCH 28th, 1957 Hospital Auxiliary Holds. Birthday Party Two Goodyear STeams Meet. Bowmanville Goodyear AI]- Stars wil play host to New Toronto Goodyear AUl-Stars in the final game of their home and home total goal series for the Inter-plant Hockey Titýe and Trophy, Sunday afternoon at Memorial Arena. Presently the Bowmanville team have a one goal edge on M the series. They won a close 4-3 decision from their couri- .$~. ~terparts at New Toronto on February 24, in a fast, close hockey match. The teams should provide spectators with a thrilling hoc- key exhibition when they clash for the coveted tîtle. Tickets for the game are obtainaL!ýe from Larry Chant and Jack Baker. There will be a door prize given to the holder of the ticket drawn during the game. Bowmanville Goodyear Ail Star line-up is: goal, Curt Van- stone: defence, Larry Chan-., Butch Cole; forwards, Don Mas- ters, Buck Cowle, Clint Fergu- The annual Birthday Party of Memorial Hospital, the president and vice-president. Lef t to right they are son; alternates, Hank Lane, Bowmanville held by the Women's Hospital Auxiliary in Mrs. *Aubrey Smith, Mrs. W. B. Reynolds, Mrs. Lou Dewell, Bob Fairey, Archie Crossey, the Lions Community Centre last Thursday was an enjoy- President Mrs. L. W. Dppeli, Vice-President Mrs. BruceDo Childs, Bill Cole, Bud Per- fect, Jiggs Cowling, Terry Mas- ible spring event. Many ladies attended from Bowman- Mutton, Mrs. L. T. McLaughlin. ters and Barney Woodward.) ville and district. Pictured above are the convenors with -Photo by Rehder Jack Baker is the teamn'. coach. 175 Attend Banquet Town Ex fends Welcome To Johnson and Johnson A warm, hearty and sincere welgome ta Bowmanville was extended to Johnson and John- son Ltd. by over 175 citizens, guests and civic and provincial officials at a special dinner in the Lions Community Centre 'Tuesday evening. Sponsored and arranged tv the Bowmanville Chamber of Game Here Frday Night ,,,tarts at 19 p.m. '~The Friday night playoff en- rouiîtfeetween the Bowman- vill-~~oCombines and the erno~ Cornets at the Box- rnanville Memorial Arena w-.11 start at 9 p.m. rather than the usuial 8:30 face-off time. The Combines have been receiving strong support from- the merchants in Bowmanville an-d Orono and it is hoped that their Friday night trade wi1l not be hindered. The prices for the Trenton scries will remain the samne as the regular season scale but if the Combines should move into the Ontario semi-finals and finals the dmission will be in- creased to $ 1.00 for aduits. This is neccssary since 15 percent of the gate goes to the O.H.A. and the players will t>e compensated for any time off work, as weil as increased transportation costs. Commerce, the dinner was of inestimable value in showir1g appreciation of Johnson anI Johnson's décision ta locate a sizeable and creditabie pati Bowmanviile. "On behalf of the manage- ment, I pledge that we will al work hard te attain the credit of the appellation-a citizen of Bowm,anville", John Macdon- ald, president of Johnson and Johnson Canada ILtL, told thc audience. Although nothing definîte was announced as ta when erec- tion af the. factory would start, James Barr, vice-presi- dent in charge of manufactur- ing, stated, "We did flot pur- chase the 74 acres of land lightly or on. peçut qU0,$or day, soàmetimie, IFhope -in thé very near future, I or Mr. Mac- donald will be able ta give specifie information." Canadian Directors AIl but three of the directors o! Johnson and Johnson Cana- da Ltd. were present for the splendid banquet and Mr. Mac- donald was pleased and proud ta say that ah of the opcrating executive are Canadians, in what can be termed a truly Canadian organization with the parent organization ibeing sit- uated in New Brunswick, New Jersey. Those present from Johnson and Johnson were: James A. Grier, Vice President in charge of sales; Ivan Gnaedinger, Sec- retary-Treasurer; Dr. Lionel A. Cox, Director o! Research: P.*S. Macnutt, Director, First Ad (Continued on page seven) Chîld's Foot Caught ln Drain Over Hour Freed by Civic Men Puablic Utilities Commission empicyea ended a one-hour an d ten minute ordeal for Su- san Jones, age 2, of 23 Orchard View Blvd., when they releas- ed her trapped foot frorn a drain in the basement of her home eanhy Thursday of last w( e. The cambined efforts of the Bowmanville Police. Roads and Streets and Public Utilities De- partments went mbt action a!- ter the child's mother, Mrs. Har- vey Jones, notified police that the child's foot had become trapped in the basement drain. Sergeant Sydney Venton went to the scene accompanicd by Dr. Charles J. Austin. They re- quested assistance from Roadis and Streets Dept. foreman, Lloyd Quinton. Mcl Moore, local contractor, was called in ta determine the thickness of the conerete that surrounded the drain. Ahf Biekeli and John Quin- sey of the Public Utilities Coim- mission were cailed ta the home and they chisled through the cernent for more than an hour before the child's foot was released. Luckily, Susan was flot in- jured as a resuit cf the acci- dent. Board Uses Extra Grant For Salaries and Deficit First Place 1 Utilities R eceive Credit For $13.,413flrom Hydro Bowmanville Public Utilities Commission received $13,413.36 credit note from the Ontario Hydro-Electrie Commission as a refund for overpayment ta the Hydro in 1956. Often referred tnai sthelt bill this annual compe!nsatiohn from the Hydro is a common occurence since the monthry FaisFrom Gravel Pile Breaks Arm Six -car- aid Ronald Webb. Ontario SI., received a broken arm as the resuit o! falling, Ïtram the top of a grave] pie located on Dexitt Lane, Sunday of last week, --' The youngster wax playing ' on the stock pile when he iumbled down the side and broke bis arm in two places. He was treated for tbe in.juiy1 Iat Mernorial Hospital. Chie[ Eric Smith bas asked parents' aid in keeping their- chihdren away from tbe area where the grax'el is located. Lucas Named To New Office At High School Leonard Lucas was appointed to the post of Vice-Principal o! Bowmanville High School at the Durham District High W.Shoo Board monthl *y meeting Lee ackh~'nWednesday of hast week. Lee RakhafýMr. Lucas resides at 62 Jack- plaeed tirst in the cornet solo man St., and has been a math- class, 15 years and under, at the emnatirs teacher at the school recent Kiwanis Music Festival at for two years. H-e taught here Peterborough. Lee, who receiv- before the war aod after the ed 83 marks, won out by one war took a position at Humber- mark over Alec Wiseman in this side Collegiate in Toronto. He class. Bath boys are students at is the firs t b hold this position Bowmanville High School. at the school. interimn rate paid to the hydro by the P.U.C. is often higher than the total cost of the power used in Bowmanville. The Hydro's bill for the pow- er used amounted te $157,321.81 and the moSithly payments by the Utilities on the basis of the interim rate was $170,637.50. The difference was the credit ta the P.U.C. of $13,315.69 plus $97.77 interest from January 1 ta March 8 thîs year. Throughout the year Bow- manville used a total of 31,256,- '750 kilowatt hours of electricity. The oeak load occurred Decem- ber 19, 1956, with 6,233.3 herse- power of clectricity being used. *'That nmust have been a cold, dark December day," George Van Bridger, manager of the Bowmanville P.U.C., remarked. Hos pitai Answers Council's Cri! icism of Leffing Con! racf s 10e PER COPY NUMBER 13 Second Polio Shots for Pre -schoolers A chinic for second polio vaccine shots will be held at the Lions Community Centre next Tuesday and Wednesday, April 2 and 3. between the hours of 9 to 12 in the morning and 1 to 3:30 in the afternoon. These are the second doses for those pre-school age ehiidren who received thelr flrst doses of vaccine on Mareh 5 and 6. Mothers are asked to bring their ehildren at the saine ime for which their first ap- Pointments were made. The clinic is heid under the auspices of the Northum- berland and Durham Hleaith Unit. Kinsmen Win Quartet Trophy At Cobourg A quartet representing the Bowmanville Kinsmen Club won the Quartet Trophy at the annual Zone "C" Inter-club and Quartet Night held at Co- bourg Pavillion under the spon- sorship of the East Toronto Kinsmen Club, Wednesday niglit of last week. Twenty-one members of the local club shared in the fellow- ship and enjoyed dinner and an evening of entertainment. Members of the quartet were: Ken Hockin, Jake Brown, G!3n Fry and Don Stutt. As a re- suit of the Bowmanville Club winning the trophy, the contest will be held here next year. Moan y Attend -Open House at Cleaners Some 250 persons attcnded the olficial, npeniog of Bow- manvilie Cleaners & Dyers new plant at 84 King St. WVest, Fni- day eveoiog, when the owners, Ed. and Carl Leslie. hcld an' Open House for their custom- ers. Fveryone was giveo a gift at the door. Ladies reccived a Rainbelle Kerchief and handv bottle cap, the men were given an ash tray and matches, while the youngsters enjoyed llih- The Leslie brothers gave a conducted tour of the plant and showed their customers the complete operation invalved Ln clcaning their garments. They showcd how the garments are put through the cleaning pro- cess and how thcy are handied by the workers. In addi"tlion they removcd several types of spots frorn garments ta show how this work is done at -tha plant. 'We x&ere very pleased at the large attendance by aur customers duning aur Openi House," said the Leslie broth-1 Final Score 10 -3 Combines Take Decîsive Win 1. r mi fw* 1A I! L r in rirSr %jume vviri Bowmanx ille - Orono CCom-j hi'. thîrd. Deanl found the marlk bines registered a 10-3 w:n agaîn at 8:15 when brotheri over Trenton Cornets. to oeJunior ably handed hirn a pass ino a 1-0 lcad in their bcst-of- across in front o! the cage. five intermediate -A" Ontar-lo Quarter Finals, Tucsday night Breaks Scoreiess Streak at Memnorial Arena. Ivan Istead blinkcd the light Close to 600 fans watched for Trenton at the 17:50 mark the onc-sided tilt as the Corin- of the stanza with a slap shot bines held most of the play inl frorn the circle ta the left Of Trentan's end. The local !ils the nets. Keith West tallied thie counted seven markers before Combines' cightb goal at 2:317 Trenton made the score sheet of the final period after Waiiy late in the middle frarne. Samanski slid him a pass fromi West Brothers Spark M'in theboards.. Austin.Scott boost- e rs. "If theî'e is aoyooe who was unable to attend, but would like ta sce the operation o! aur plant, wc will be pleased ta show them around if they drap in," thcy addcd. "The persans who attend showcd keen interest in jur equipment and were grcatly impresscd by its operatian. WLe were glad that ouîr custorners were able ta sec how their garments are haodled at -ur plant and will welcome anyone who wishes ta tour the plant," Carl and Ed said. ........... " The most fantastie thing 1 have ever heard," was Joe O'Neil's opinion of the accusa- tions made by Coun. John Brough. At a recent Bowman- ville Town Couiicil meeting Coun. Brough levelled severe eriticism of the manner in which the Bowmanvjlle Meim- orial Hospital Board was award- ing contracts without first caîl- ing tenders. Speaking at the regular meet- ing of the Hospital Board on Wednesday of last wcek, Mr. O'Neil, ehairman of the pro- perty eommittee, stated that the facts as expressed in Tle Statesman were erboneous and distorting. "I thought for a moment I was reading 'Flash' ", Mr. O'Neil said and feit that the ratepayers of Darlington, Clarke, Newcastle and Bow- manville shoLuld be given the truc facts. No $4,000 Contract 'There neyer has been the $4,000 heating contract that took such a prominent part iii the report", hie said and weiit on to explaîn that his commit- tee was authorized to spcnd up to $4,000. "The board has rn overali contract," lhe said, "be- cause it can save about $200 »y purchasing ail necessary pum ps, motors, valves, pipes, etc., on a regular formi that is accep'(va by the Government in lieu of Sales Tax." "The board bases its spend- îngs on the idea that the man fromn Darlington and Clarke is an owner of the hospital in the same way as the man fromn our front street and as such lie must be given the best value for his moncy." Minimum Expenses In continuing Mr. O'Neil stat- cd that hospital expenditures Church St. Residents Object to Car Lot To Open There Soon Ail the ratepayer-, in the West Church St. area are objecting to a used car lot that is- to be established there. The Bow- manville Planning Board re- eeived a signed petition last Wednesday night objccting to this business owned by A.rt Stackaruk at 194-196 Church St.6 The board tuirned the petition down as the lot is in a Com- mercial Zone which permits used car lots. Chairman of the Board, L. C. Mason, felt that ta change the zoning wauld be not; feasible or proper as it .would be directed against an individual and would be dis- criminatory. Mayor Nelson E. Osborne felt that he had to go along with board's decision but eautioned Mr. Stackaruk to kcep a clean place of business. This area has been in the Commercial Zone ever since the ineeption of the By-law with no prior dbjection. Another New Business Another business likely to start in the near future will he a Petrofina Service Station on the north west corner of Libertv St. and the Baseline. The oit comnpany requestcd the board's permission to buy two lots north of the baseline so that they would have adequate space. As the southern lot is preseot] iy commercial the board will recammend that, the other lot also be chaoged to this same des igna tion. Short Frontages Mvr. J. B. Yeoman appeared hefore the board seeking per- mission to build on his lot on Victoria St. The lot has only a 46 foot frontage but sufficient square footage. The board gave Mr. Yeoman's permission to go ahead providing he made ar- rangements to have the town sewer service brought into his house. The minimum frontage required is 50 feet. Mr. Maurice Crook ham a lot he wishes to seli facing Lamb*% Lane. Again in the frontage was flot sufficient but as thert% was enough square footage he was also granted permission te sell. To Change Buildingr The owner of the lot and building on corner of Brown and Queen Sts., John Maguire, sought a building permit. He wishes ta change the present two-storey building into a sin- gle storey dwelling or store. The board waived the property area restrictions providing Mr. Magu ire complied with the min- imum arca for the building. The by-law caîls for R min*'- mum of 750 square feet for a one-storey residential building. Aoke Zone Change A letter from Mrs. Ida A. Fice asking ta have the aiea around Trimble's Store at King and Liberty Sts. changed from Residential ta Commercial was received. The board decided le give this rcquest consideration at the lime that other changes are made to the by-law. A î'equcst was rcccived froin Downhamn Nursery to put sew- ers up their sub-division. The board fclt that their permis- sion was -needed to go ahead with Ibis construction. Several other smali items or business were dcalt with by the board hcfoe i~djuiirnment. LinsPre,,sen.t.Resusc.itator n i renion 'Many Visit New Store This Week More than 1,000) persons at- tended the grand opening at Bowmanvillc's n e w Westernl Tire store at 85 King St. West, The unexpected extra gra'it Bawmanvilie High School a t hoe fblos-Wsth" d Trenton's score -ta -t-wa wbe aturday ana wcre welcomcd of $9.54.14froi te prvin jý Thse abulus est brc is .'?0 footer boun-ed out I to the store by Alvin Boydl, o$151.4fo le ran-the recent Peterborough M, ;c Ihers gax e the bomiesters a --1)ROSSHawe's goea he-ai roprietor. cia.l governm~t will be used Festival. i edgc bcfore the first pcriod tglovama e a as te ghestreishldne P Oe tq caver the increase in teach- The board decided that th-ý endecd. Dean nettcd a pair and tne amk ae Hoestoreis hoiswandsopn ý' salaries and ta reduce the Prof. Squair pize in French Raye found the mark twice as Scores Flfth Goal Saturday afternoon will hold 'I ding account def icit the be increased ta $15 from $3 in thcy dazzhed Cornet goali e, rwt giea ythe Fra ititHg Shclbt h roaadBwa-CaueCrwt hi spec- Dean West grabbed a reliv adrw t giea ythe tb rham is ti t High Scth l bate h he Orooo and Bw a n- Choau dear r, wsi th their .from brother Junior and Don valuable prizes. Prizes include: mea e ided at thn eir m nthhy v i e Hig h aSeh o . tw as l s o a uar p si g h yM ercer at the red lne and a bicycle for a boy or 'girl, a meeingin ron onWedes-metioed hatNewaste ued Rav e opencd the scoring at skated in ahane to score his set of tires for the man whos'i day o! last week. ta have a Squair award ani 9-125'of the period and Dcý,n fifth goal. He carricd the puck tce sdanadade Qv 9.00willi he used te Clarence Allun was appoinîedcoutdbi arne-ie i i1 e s rw ndade inraei alre.t nuieaottisada. ntdhý ar ertemc- nîgb: in and scoopcd it P as' frx Ier for some Iiucky lady. Ca h inrese n alaie. o iqure bot tisandaio riar!! Ravec nettcd lPIS Carr. Winning tickets will be drawn In ~ 'e 6-5 vote it was car- the Montagu award. second after brother Junior bv John M. James, M.P. ried ýi the rernainder of the Resignations of two Bowrnan- had faked a shot ta dram- Cari 'Walty Sarnanski stick-har>dîed Dra tickets are avaihabie ta xnoney would be applied ta the ville High Sehool teachers, MrF. out or the nets and pa-sci bifs wayinoa Crnet territory' ta anvane who draps ia the building accounit deficit since F. J. Sheridan and Mrs. D. E. ta Ra\v ,ho fired into the 00D i score the Combines* final goal soedrn h ek tý it wouhd be imipraper financing Hochnmann were accepted wýI h î ! of the game. He drcw Cari st our re urg the30ee.m.St' ta put off for another vcar wbIa* regret bx- the Board.1 parthv out of the nets and or aefo 831rn ni shouid be liandled th1ý "car 1< Vas decided ta imîi: :nt-: R.O.C's Gain IVide Edge 6anedth rbb. atnd thocosn time is 9 p.m. Trhe -ecretarv of the hoa:ýd alowance for experience in0,:e B 1! Bc-'xv:(.k blqa'*tcd a buVI goaie's pads. Austin Scott net-1 was instriicted ta wvrie D.'. Durham Higlh Schools oa a ma:'- iÇt r fm ithr lcft face-of it cî'lc ted bis seconîd rnarkcî dui-, Mr. Boyd lias extended ;q PetrstheBownanville Hiiî imum of $2,000 which will be ta' scoree Combines'. fif+l a scramble in front of the nets.- oda niato aayn School music teacher, a con- made up of $200 for each o!fgoal earhy in the middle fraine. Scatt poked the puck into th- that mîssed the Opening Day graultor ltir i rcogitanthe first six years and up ta es ï 2 co, la'er Dean corner after Hawe ha fhen celebrations, ta drap in duri.-a. &f the fine showing made by $800 at $100 a year thereaf*t!iî. West came raaring in. Io taly ta make the save. the week. Rccciving this portable resuscitator on behaif of the Mémorial Hospital, Bow- manville, is Harrv\ Cryderman, îight. Chairman of thc Hospital Board. The presen- tatian %vas made bY the Bowman\'illc Lions Club at their regular meeting, Monday night. Making the presentation are. [rom the lef t: Dr. E. W. Sisson, Chairman of the Lions Healîh and Wclfare Committcc and Norm O'Rourkc Lions Club President. The resuscitator will be used by thc hospital for emergencies and will be available for use by, Police and Fire Departments and the Beach Organization, in the event of au emergency. e VOLUME± 103 1 10e PER COPY NUMBER 13 ý %%Statesman"' or "'Flash"

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