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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Mar 1957, p. 2

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-. ,-*' PAGgWO- THIE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVMLE. ONTARIO THURSDA! Y' MARCH 2Mt, 1957 COURTICE Sunday callers at the home of Mrs. Jack Shortt were Mr. Bob Preston and son Ray, of Maple Grave and Mr. and Mrs. Horace Hancock'. Miss Gladys Yellowlees, So- lina, spent Su.nday with Mrs. Jack .Shortt. ,Mrs. Jack Shortt is pleased tp have Mrs. S. E. Werry, So - lina, for company, the past few weeks. Mr. Werry ealled one day last wleek on Mrs. Shortt and Luther. Rev. L. M. Somerville is kept very husy these days, visiting the sick in hospital and at home. Mrs. Clayton Breckenridge, Campbellford, was a welcoïne visitor for the weekend with ber sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Russell De Coe. Mr. and Mrs. Max Brecken- rîdge, Anne and David, West- Wood, were Sunday callers at bis sister's, Mrs. Russell De Ctee. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Pen- !ound have becn recent callers at Ruth and Bob Evans' home -glad to report Bob somewhat improved. Mrs. Morley Wyman had as her guests on Tuesday ai Wednesday, Mrs. Earl Egg-le- tan, Stirlinýý, and Mrs. Olive Deviney, Vernonville. These ladies were delegates from I;elleville and Cobourg Presby- * teniais to the Bay of Quinle Conference Branch of the Wo- man's Missionary Society which convened at St. Andrew's Uni- ted Church in Oshawa. Little Miss Elaine Taite -ias returned home from Oshawa Haspital after a prolongeid stay. Her mnany friends will be in- terested to know Elaine wl stilil bc in 'bed for a time with rheumatic fever. Glad to knoxv that Master 'Terry Trevail, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alan Trevail, who bas been in Oshawa Hospital is con- valescing at home. The baby son of Mr. and Mrs.î Ted Nichais is a patient in Osý1- awa Hasp)ital. Hope he will bc home soan. Mr. Fred Balson had a rather violent ilness Sunday nignt, but is resting faicly comfort- lably at home at time of writing. HNOUSE FOR SALE BUILDING TO BE MOVED (From 151 Simipson Ave.) FRAME CONSTRUCTION Size 30 x 20 ft. Cheap for qulek disposal Apply - N. J. Scott BROOKDALE-KINGSWAY NURSERIES 1 Ml Mr. Balson, was raised ln th4s community and bis years of experience rnake him an auth- ority on bistonicai events bere. Quite a few hockey fans at- tended the gamnes on Monday night at the Bowmanville .,- ena. The big attraction was Rieky Gay and Charles Evans. The lBth Oshawa Cubs arvi Scouts' paper collection iast Saturday helpcd th.s commun- ity do a big house cle.iniig jou by the stacks of paper pile d in Courtice selioolya-zrd. -The Explorers mect at the chunch, Monday after schooi with the ncw oîficers ini chace. The new president. Darienee Gray, prcsidcd for the opening.ý with secretary. Carol Robert- son, reading the minutes and recording the business. Tii-- treasurer, Jane De Coe, recel'.- ed the effecing. The worship service %vas prescnted by Nani- cy Otton, Connie Walker and Audrey Wiilis. The Exploration on the Bible in the forin cf a quiz keenly interested the girls. Makingý sachets was the handicraft fo the day. Many Christmnas cards were presented for missionary work in other lands. The music committee, Mis. Russell De Cee, Miss Lois An- tii, Miss Margaret MacGreg, r and Miss Shirley Antil met at the home cf Mrs. De Cee te se- lect music for the Sunday Sehool annivensary on June 2. The committee for the Spring Tea, Mrs. Warburton, Mni. Penfound, met at the home of Mrs. William McKnight te cein- plete plans before the Weman's Association meeting on Thurs- day evening. Watch fer parti- culars in Coming Events next week. Several men from this coin- munity will attend the confer- ence :n June ah Elgin Heuse, for Christian Laymen cf the church. This fellowship stimu- lates Christian living and par- ticipation in this programme ii'- creases the effectiveness cf eur witness in the church and coinI- munity. The Good Friday Service of Worship wili be hid this year, in Ebenezer United Churehi when a religieus dramna wiil l e presented. The annual Easter Sunday Sunrise Service will again 4,e held in Courtice Unit- ed Chureh with the Courtice Circuit Young People's Un ion in charge. Home and School The March meeting cf Cour- tice Home and Sehool Associa- tion was held on Tuesday even- ing. President Mrs. Harry Ga-,i presided for a short business period. Mrs. Garnet Goyne introdue- ed Mr. Ron Heard, wbo show- ed two very interesting sound films, "The Sociable Six to theý Noisy Nine" and "Ages and Stages From Ten to Twelve". Mrs. Lloyd Courtice then led in L. O.D. A. Representatives Head for Cleveland Show Bright and early last Thursday, representatives from Bowrnanville; Stan Shippam, Chamber of Commerce the Lake Ontario Development Association, lef t this area Secretary-Manager at Peterborough; Reeve H. W. Rose, for the Cleveland Sportsmen's Show. There, they will Frankford; Reeve E. J. Leeson, Havelock; John DeNure concentrate on attracting tourists to* the vacation-land in charge of transportation and L.O.D.A. Manager Don arcas locally. They will pick up their display trailer at Kingdon. They expect to be away over a week. Buffalo. Included in the above group are Albert Sturrock,I alively discussion on the films. Mcs. Wilfrid Brown played several enjoyabie Irish seice- tiens on the piano. Mrs. Daniel Shutka thanked Mr. Heard for showing the films. Lunch wa)s served by Mns. Thomas Gladi- man and hec commitîce. Glad te know Mrs. V, Bur- ridge is home froin the hospiiai ta convalesce. The joy cf life is in wiat we give and share witb etherçs. The kind words, the co-ope.xà- tien of aIl in the communiýy and the wacm wonds cf wt -,I came received Ioday frein Mn. George James in Flonida are a great inspiration to youi co:'- nespondent. Thank you, one and ail. ENFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Ray Smith and ehildcen, Newcastle-. Mr. and Mrs. Jin Harris and daughters. Almands, wene visitons w:th the D. and E. Prescott's. Marion and Marvin PnescoU. spent Satucday with tb2ir gcandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Il. Smiih, Hamptan. Mr. and Mrs. C. Lee, David Lee and Bob Guy, Almoncts; Mihs Joan Blendeil, Toron,ýa: Mr. and l\'rs. F. Lycett and Dennis, Oshawa, wece at tlie Lee home. Miss Evelyn Pasce visited withi hec aunt, Miss Evelyn Cunningham, Brantford. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Prescit t altended a Saturday evening gathening at R. Onmiston's, En- niskillen. Mr. and Mrs. G. Bray, Rag- lan, visiled witb ber aunt, Mrs. W. J. Ormisten. We are sonry te renort that Mrs. Ormiston is poorl'y. Mr. and Mcs. W. Gray have retunned after spending the winter with their son and farna- ily in Calgary. The neighbours are pleased te have them home. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Prescoît were with Mr. and Mca. Elmer Gibson, Greenbank. Mr. and Mns. E. Prescott, Mr. and Mrs. D. Prescott, Janice and David,' wene Saturday dirneýr guests with Mr, and Mca. Mr ray Prescoît, Toronto. The folk cf Ibis community enjoyed an evening cf euchr e in the sehool Friday nigh-t. Pnizes wece won by Mrs. L. Stephenson and L. Cochrant3. They are planning another get- together in twe weeks, depend- ing on noad conditions. Any ladies interested in scndl- ing in woollens for blankets shauld leave them with Mrs Fred Samià by the end cf March. 1h is graîifying te look bqck and nealize that we have hartd ne Sunday without a church service and Sunday Sehool al winter. The attendance has been fair and Rev. Green's messages make it worth while for those who came. Canadians lest year aIe 31,- 502,000 galions cf ice eream or twe gallons for every man, woman and child. Production of cneamery but- ter in Canada in 1955 reached annual high cf 318,000,- ______________________________________________________0I0UUpoLIIJs. POWER INTERRUPTION from 6:00 ta 7:30 ame. Sunday, March 3lsçt ln the South Ward There will be a power interruption on the above date in order to make necessary repairs to equipment. The power wilI be off in the following areas - Ail South ai Bueen Street Liberty Si. front Concession Si. South Ail East of Liberty Street YOUR CO-OPERATION WILL BE APPRECIATED Bowman ville Public Utilifies Commission W. ROSS STRIKE, Q.C. GEORGE VAN BRIDGER ChIirmuff.Manager. Warden and Ex-Warden Hooton at Banquet At the Complimentary Dinner held Friday in honor of Reeve Lloyd A. Hooton, Cavan, Warden of the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham, one of the guests was his uncle, George Hooton. Now over 80, Ex-Warden Hooton was the last Counties Warden selected from Cavan To wnship, 26 years ago. Here, he is shown shaking hands with his nephew, the pre sent Warden. Movie Club Announces Resuits of Campetition Last Tbursday, Mar4ch-.41, at the Lions Community Centre, the Competition Director cf the Oshawa and District Movie Club, Meredith Moffaît, an- nouneed the following winnecs for 1956., President's Trophy for the outstanding film in ail classes (silver tray): Wm. Wonnacott, "~The Gliddon Tour" 8mm. 8mm Classes. Edited film- Wmn. Wonnacott, Oshawa, "The Gliddon Tour"; Mereditb Mof- fatt, Oshawa. "Fairview Beach". Unedited 50 feet:-Wm. Won- nacaît, Oshawa, lst; Eanle Wii- LONG SAULT On Friday evening March 22, Mrs. Resevear and pupils enter'- tained the community toaa court whist party. The school was very pnettiiy decorated and as eaeh guest acnived tbey *were given a table number by Linda Davey and Allyn Young- mîan. The party commenced with a few chosen words frorn the tcacher explaining the ways cf the ganie. Nine tables wene plaved and at the close il was found thal Mrs. Norman Wood- ley and Mr. F. G. Smith wece the lueky winners wilh Sandra Gibson and Lyle Milîsen the consolation winners. A delicioLis lunch wvas served by the pu- pils and on behaif cf al Ihose present, Mr. Wm. Johnson, chairnian cf the sehool board, *moved a hearty vote of appre- ciatian le Mrs. Rosevear and pupils for the evening's enîcir- hairiment. Mrs. F. G. Smith la visiting hec son and family, Mr. and 1Mrs. F. O. Smith, Bowman- ville, Ibis week. Mn. and Mrs. Keith Davey, Tyrone: Misses Nellie and Agnes Skipper and Mr. Paul Vanderbrink, Bunkelon, were Sunday guests cf Mr. Robert Sim. Mcs. May Johns spent a few days with Mr. and Mcs. Cnîis. Woods, Orono, and altended the funenal cf the late Mca. Dickson Friday aflerneen. Mn. and Mca. Alfred John- son and Mr. and Mca. Fred Luck, Toronto, wece Sunday visitons cf Mn. and Mrs. Bert .Johnsoni; Mr. and Mcs. A. Youngman and beys were Sun- day evening visitera. Weekend visitons and guests cf Mn. and Mrs. Bob Cameren were: Mn. and Mca. H. Camer-. on Saturday supper guests; Mr. and Ms Stuart Carson andi Doreen, Bowmanvilie, Sunday afternoen calleca; Mr. and Mca. Raymond Clapp, Sunday sup- per guests and Mr. and Mrs. Albient Woods and family, Ty- rone, Sundav evening guests. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Penwar- den and Wade spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Vaneyk. Mr. and Mcs. Robent Cook, Robecta, Tom, Fred and Jim- mie, Couclice: wene Sunday guests cf Mn. and Mrs. A. J. MrLaggan. Mr. snd Mrs. Clayton Brown were Sunday supper guests cf Mr. and Mca. Barl Penwadem and Mr&. Penwardeu. son, Oshawa, 2nd. 16nun Classes: Edited film- Wm. Simons, Scarboro, "Camnp Samac" 151; Ceeul Carveth, New- castle, "Tobacco" 2nd. Unediled 100 feet:-Wm. Si- mens, Seat-bore, lst; Wm. Si- nions, Scarboro, 2nd. Mr. Moffatt pointed out the excellent work done by the Winnipeg Cine Club in adjudi- cating tbe contest and noted that the criticisms whiie et limes seeming harsb, were cf a most constructive nature and in ne way should discourage the entrants. As there were 15 enînies in the ccntest, the ameunt of time used in judging tbe films and the effort te be strictly impartial in the criti- cisms accompanying eacb en- try, certainly denotes the en- thusiasm cf the Winnipeg club for anything cinematographie. Af 1er viewing the films, th2 club hostess and ber aides senved coffee and doughnuts during which time muL-h swap- ping cf hints and information was eanried on. President Forrest Dilling closed the meeting with the reminder thal the next execu- tive meeting would be at the home cf AI Fletcher, Transper- tation Director for Bowman- ville, Toronto Movie Club wil visit the Oshawa and District Club at ils meeting on Apnil 1 à in Bowmanviile. As always, vis- itons are moat welcome. ENNISKILLEN Mr. W.P. Corbett, Bowman- ville, with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Decland. Mr. and Mrsm A. Leadbeater spent Fniday in Toronto and atlended the funeral cf Mr. Leedbealer'a aunt. Mr. and Mns. Ralph Venstone, Whitby; Mr. and Mca. F. Hep- burn, Oshawa; Mr. and Mca. Fred Cowling, Blackstock, witb Mn. and Mrs. R. McNeil. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Virtue wece Sunday visiters cf Mr. and Mca. Eacl Masters, Bow- manvilie. Miss Rita Dickey and Mr.- Allan Dickey, Hampton, with Mn. and Mrs. Clifford Pethick andi Mns. E. Strutt. Mr. Charles McLean, Sylver Lake, Alla., spent a few days with Mr. and Mca. Alvin Beyd. Mn. and Mra. Lorne Griffin, Biackstock, wece Sunday tea guests with Mc. and Mcs. Rus- seli Griffin. Mr. andi Mca. Arthur Brunt with Mr. and Mca. Alian Mac- lin, Bowmanviiie. Mr. and Mca. Bd. Jenninpi, Ted and Jim, Mr. and M:';. Mitchell Kennedy, Acton; Miss Shirley Mills, Peterborough; Mr. Ken Kelly, Mr. Bill Eeg- ley, Bewmanville, wece Satur- day evening dinner guesîs of Mca. Harold Milîs and boyg. Mns. Jennings remained focraà visit. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Wecry andi Sandra wece Sunday ta guesîs cf Mr. and Mca. Rosa Lee and Brian, Kedron. Mr. and Mm a.Ecrew.n1 Doreen and Donald, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Slemon, Haydon, were with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Toms. being the occasion oi Master Donald Trewin's fifrci birthday. Mr. and Mrg. A. L. Wearn, Susan and Lorna with Mr. and Mrs. C. Wagg, Uxbridge. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Stain- ton and Gail, visited with Mr. and Mrs. E. Carlson when vis- iting their baby daughter, Dor- is nt the Sick Children't Hos- pital, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Docland with Mr. H. Ailin, Bowman- ville. Mr, and Keith McGill and baby, Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGili and Reva, with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Billiett, Scarborough Bluffs. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Stainton and Clarence, with Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Dickey. Bowman- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Murphy, Tyrone; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gettins, Whitby, with Mr. ani Mns. P. Ellis. Miss Sheila Murphy, Tynone, spent the weekend with Miss Patsy EBuis. Mrs. Adam Sharp, Mrs. H. MeGili, Mrs. F. W. Werry, Mrs. E. A. Werry and Betty Jane,, accompanied Miss Alla Bentham and Dr. Will Bentham ef Bow- manville, on Tbursday le visi* Mr. and, Mrs. Jack Little, Scarborough. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Pireston, Garry and Bobby, Bowman- ville, wilh Mr. and Mrs. Roy MeGili. Mr. and Mrs. P. Elis and family wilh Mr. and Mrs. Toin Wilson, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Werry and Betty Jane were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Willis Woods, Millbrook. Mca. Harold Milis and famn- ily with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Milîs, Mapie Grove. Mr. and Mrs. 'Adam Sharp wilh Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Robin- son, Newtonville. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mc- Laughlin, Bobby and Linda, were Sunday tea guests of Mr. Regular $179 Only ------ Aulomalic Washer and Mcs. Fred Toms. Miss Beveniy Grabam Mr. Geo. McKenzie, Tocanio, with Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Weain and family. A complete surprise was sprung on Saturday cvening o'n Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright when their family enterîain.Žd some tniends and relatives çn thein Parents' 2Oth wed"3,5 niversary. I :U : Ag Robson Motors Lumited BUICK 166 King - PONTIAC St E. ---$129 - - -$299.?ý DELUXE ELECTRIC RANGE 30-ilnch size Regular $309 $ 4 Only - ----- - --------------------- $ 4 REFRIGERATORS Il cu. ft. Reg. $379 Special - Only J COWAN Equipment Co. 134 King St. E. Bowmanville Phone MA 3-5689 IP~ Here are a few of the Goodwill Guaranteed Used Cars We are featuring this week. 1955 Pontiac Sedan Delivery 1951 Chev. Sedan $795 InAl1 f condition 1 ---9 5 1954 Meteor Coaches 1953 Chevrolet Sedans Two from which In Ai condition. te clioose - Two from which_ $ p9 t' cooe-- $1,0 9 5 1952 PontiacSean C~f 1952 Ford Coach - * Fully $ 8,50 1951 Pontiac Sedan $795 Many more cheaper models front which Ia chaos. USED TRUCKS 1953 G.N.C. 1%-Iong condition $1395 1952 Chevrolet %/-ton 1951 Ford %,-ton $750 $595 1953 Chevralet %/-ton panel $895 1951 Chevrolet %/-ton 1950 G.N.Ce $595) 3/4-Ion siake $ 59-5 Announcement.. We are pleased to announce that we have been appointed dealers for KELVI NATOR Refrigerators Washers m Dryers for Bownianville and district. Special 0.a. INTRODUCTORY OFFERS WIRJNGER WASHER 11-lb. capacity, therni tub, electrie timer and pump Regular $229 $ 3 O n l y ------------------$ 3 and your old washer STANDARD WRINGER WASHER il-lb, capacity, with timer Guaranteed lxR Repairs Makes of Cars and Trucks " AUl Jobs Guaranteed " Competent Workmaimhlp CLEARANCE SPECIALS! IFIRESTONE 6.70xlS PASSENGER TIRES $1*9 and your old recappable tire 13-Plate Amr BATTERIES------------Uly $7.9 and your old battery Cowan Equipment Co. Meteor - Mercury Dealer 134 King St. E. Bowmanvill. Phone MA 3-5689 Nany more quality used trucks on aur loi :- G.MC. TRUCK DEALER Bowmanville MA 3-3321 "M m- -MI i F- a THURSDA'N 9

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