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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Mar 1957, p. 3

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THURSDAT. MARCH 28th. 115? T~ CAJiADIAIf STATESMAN. EOWMM1v~L~. O!~?AMO PAG! TRR!E Warden and Family Showered With G1fts One of the most interesting features of the Warden's Banquet at Cavan on Friday was the presentation of gifts f rom Cavan Council. Mrs. Robert Hooton, at lef t, Warden Lloyd Hootons mother, reeeived a beautiful bouquet of roses, as did Mr. Hooton's wife right. Warden Hooton wvas presented with a fine leather club bag. The Orono News qi Telephone 127 Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Armstrong, ronte Gerieral Hospital. Timmins, returned home agaï-n Mrs. Frank Ardron and son on Wednesday after spending Allan, Toronto, and Mrs. C. C- a few days with Mrs. JohnI verley, Whitby, spent Sunday Armstrong and also visited Mr. with Mr. and Mrs. Madison John Armstrong xvho is in To- Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Wood at- tended the Hoy-Taylor wedding at Courtice United Church, March l6th. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. A. Heard on the birth of M A 3.3303 their daughter, Ellen Marie, March llth at Memorial Hos- for pital, Bowmanville, a sister for Kenneth. WANTADMrs. James Dickson passed away at Newcastle on March SFIiDUAU 9th. Funeral was on Friday from Orono United Church. In- terment Orono Cemetery. Mrs. Dickson is survived by two daughters, Marin, Mrs. H. T. Turley, Ottawa, and Margaret, Mrs. John C. Milîson, Kingston. Mrs. May Johns, Tyrone, spent a few days witb M.r, and Mrs. Chas. Wood. Mrs. A. Lloyd and sons, Dun- das, spent the weekend witn Mrs. Earl Grady. Mn. and Mns. Wm. Eck, To- rente. and Mrs. Colin Taylor, visited Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Mit- chell on Sunday. Mn. and Mrs. Ben Fagan vis- ited Mn. and Mns. Robt. Cooper and family, London. Mrs. Chas. Bebee is a patient in Memonial Hospital, Bow- manvile. Mrs. Ken Tolmie felI and broke ber ankie last week. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert T. Tur- ley, Ottawa, and Mn. and Mrs., John C. Millson, Kingston, wene guests of Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Rolpb Iast week. Mn. and Mns. Leslie Alldred and Miss Doneen Alldned af- tended the Murray-McKnighit jwedding on Saturday in King Street United Chunch, Oshawa. Mn. and Mns. Ernest Bryson and Mrs. M. Shenwin visited Mn. and Mrs. Jack Bryson and daugbîens. Colborne, last week. Mn. and Mrs. J. C. Gamey re- tunned home Monday frein Florida. Mn. and Mrs. Roy Barnabal are moving this week te Brook- lin whene Mn. Banrabail has accepted a position on a dairy farm, Mr. and Mns. W. Emery, Whitby, Mn. and Mns. Wm, Mia- chl ene dinnen guests cf Mn. and Mrs. Albert Mitchell Fri- day evening on the occasion cf their llth wedding annivensany. Mrs. M. Canleton is staying with Mr. Rcbt. Sbenwin. Miss Muereta Hu and Miss Audrey Billings, Oshawa, spent the weekend with Mn. and Mrs. CariBilings. Miss Iva Linton. Toronto, visited Mn. and Mrs. G. M. L'in- ton. Congratulations to Wayne Hooev on winning a weekend trip te Buffalo. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Suggitt, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Janvey and daughten, Mn. and M.-s. Grant Seymour and son, Mn. and Mns. Cecil Mathews, To- rente, visited Mr. and Mns. Wnm. S eym our. Congratulations te Mn. and Mrs. Charles Wood wbo quiet- ly celebnated thein 47tb wedding anniversary when al cf their family called on tbemn during the weekend. Mn. and Mns. M. Chatterton and Mn. and Mns. Orvilie Chat- terton spent Satunday in To- 1ronto. Next Sunday Orono W.M.S. Anniversary service will De held in the morning. Guest preachen, Rev. Floyd Hewlett, M.A. NE WTON VILLE Miss Jean Wade, Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr.1 and Mrs. Harry Wade. Mr. and Mrs. C. Lane guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chestcr Hill, Buffalo, for the weekefld. Mrs. Ernest Eley is in Toron- to with her mother, Mrs. Dnury who is ill. Mns. G. W. Jones is in Port Hope hospital. for a check Up. _Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walkey attended the Warden's banquet on Fniday nigrit in Cavan. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Gil- mer and family. Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gilmer as did aise Mr. and Mns. Jim Gilmer and Ka- ren cf Port Hope. Mns. John Lancaster visited ber son Sid and family. We were glad to see ber at churcfl on Sunday morning. Miss Inez Gordon spent Sun- day with ber uncle, Aif Gordun, Whitby. Mrs. Irma Selway, Toino spent the weekend with Mn. and Mrs. Reichratb. Mn. and Mns. Raymond Bruce spent the weekend witb rela- tives in Bancroft. Miss Donella Lancaster was bostess to 12 littie girls at ber 1Oth birthday party on Satur- day. Several attended the funeral of the late Wm. Fonsythe in Port Hope on Wednesday. He was a brother cf Mr. Benson Forsythe wbo purcbased the Van Allen bouse. Little Betty Skelding had ber tonsils removed in Bowman- ville hospital Monday morning. A good congregation greeted Wrn. Robt. Gay, student min- ister on Sunday morning. The sermon was preacbed by Mn. Hugh Gemmel, anothen student cf Emanuel. Mn. and Mrs. Walter Whit- taker and family. Toronto, spent Sunday with Mrs. J. T. Pearce. Our sympatby is extended to Mrs. Millican on tbe sudden death cf ber brother, D. A. Bentham in Osbawa hospital Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Burley and Mr. and Mns. Wm. Gordon, Columbus, spent Thursday evening in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. W. Cliftoi Robb, Montreal, arrived Mon- day to spend a week in their cottage. .HAMPTON Women's Institute ladies pre- sented their one-act play "'After The Cburcb Supper", at Burke- ton, on Monday evening. Mn. and Mrs. Mv. Mountjoy vrere among those who attend- ed the Sportsmen's Shew in To- rento. The menthly meeting cf the W.M.S. was beld on Tuesday afternoon at home cf Miss L. Reynolds, and was well attend- ed. A special feature cf tbis meeting was the presentatien cf a life membersbîp te the President, Mrs. F. J. Reed. WESLEY VILLE There wene six tables cf cre. kinole played at a W.A. spon- sored party in the cburcb base- ment on Friday evening. Finst prizes were won by Berniece Best and Truman Austin, Wan- da Ford and Paul Austin. Al bad a happy time and the olden ladies present senved refnesh- ments. Some cf the little folk Who are leanning te play get a thnîll wben the discs shoot stnaigbt. for tlhe opponent*s, and keep the board ciean. The scipture was read on Sunday monning by Freddie Rush. and Clarence Nichelis conducted the opening deveo- tiens. There wene 54 at Sun- day scbool. Usbens for cbunch service were Roy Austin and Dick McDonald. "The Gateway te Prayer" was the choir's an- them witb Mrs. K. Dinner tak- ing a solo part. Rev. A. W.' Harding's sermon in bis Lenten series was on The Kingdom cf God. Chrysantbemums addrd thein brigbt beauty ta the ser- vice. Mns. C. Beigbton, Mrs. E. Bannowciough and Helene were in Peterborough on Friday and Saturday evening te visit Mrs. Reg Bee in the Civic Hospital thetee. Served in "Maggie" Mrs. Lancaster Tells of St. Patrick at Institute The regular meeting of the Newtonville W.I. was held IMarch 2th at the home of Mrs. S. Lancaster with an attend- ance of 18, and two visitors. Mrs. Milligan conducted the meeting and Mrs. S. Rowe act- ed as secretary-treasurer in the absence of Mrs. M. Samis. Two $5.00 donations were granted te the Polio Clinic at Isolation Hospital, Toronto, and te the Red Cross. After dis- cussion of the community hall probiem it was decide.d that 911 W.I. members who cani shouid attend the community hall annual meeting. Conven- ers wili notify members as te the date. The Kendal W.I. have sent an invitation to attend a branch extension service on Home Decorating. It was decided t?) enter the "Salada Tea Layette Contest" and Mrs. Milligan, Mrs. Rowe, Mrs. Shaw andi Mrs. Lancaster are a committee te look after this matter. Our District Annual is te be held this year in Nestleton on May 29th. and any W.I. mern- bers interested should meet at Maple Grove April 30 to make plans. WiIl our conveners please have reports ready for our own annual meeting on the regular day, April l7th. Mrs. M. Joncs then took charge of an interesting pro- grain. Mrs. S. Lancaster gave a reading. "St. Patrick." This hero otf Ireland was born in the year 389 in Western Bni- tain and his parents werp Christian. At the age of 16 hie vas captured by a pirate vesse] and carried to Ireland where he was freed te look after sheep. After six years he escaped in a vessel geing te France. Here be entered a large monastery to train as a miss- ionary. Then, taklng some monks with bim, he went back te Ireland te spread the gospel. It is said tbat in bis preaching be used the sbamrock te ne- present the three persans cf the Godbead, and bence the shamrock was chosen as the emblem cf Ireland and St. Patrick as its patron saint. Dorella Lancaster gave a piano solo, "Lavender BlueY' and Mrs. F. Henderson con- ducted a "green" contest. thie winner being Mrs. Millig:àn. Mrs. Ferguson won the lucky cup prize, and Mrs. Dennis bad the lucky number. The roll caîl was "Why I like the month cf March."' Some cf the answers were: Because the birds retunn; It is maple syrup time; birtbdays. etc. The bostess and ber gnoup then served a delîcieus lunch carrying eut the St. Patrick's Day theme. OBITUARY WILLIAM DEMPSEY The death occurred at noon on. Sunday, Marcb 17. 1957. ef William Dempsey at bis bomne in Wesleyvilie. Born in Ireland on April 2, 1883, Mn. Dempsey left the port of Queenstown in June 1907 and came to Toronto. Very shortiv aftenward he came te Wesleyville te work for Mr. Fresh PRODUCE Extra Sweet and Juicy MEXICAN NEW CROP - No. 1 Valencia - Size 252's Oranges doz.4,5c TENDER FLORIDA VALENTINE FANCY Green Beans .lb. 23c It's Tea for Canada Week TRY SERVING LEMON WITH TEA - Size 150's Sun kisi Lemons 6 for2.9c CRISP, GREEN PASCAL FLORIDA No. 1 Celery 2 bunches 2 3 c Special Offer - Saving at time of purchase [NGERSOLL 5c off 8-oz. jar Cheee Spead 34c Make ecse 10ea » off 16-oz. jar 59C OGILVIE - CHOCOLATE Cake Mix [nvigorating - Stimulating D.S.L. BLACK Tea Bags 7e off 16-oz. pkg. 26c Celle pkg. of 100 79c Just beat and serve Special LIBBY'S - In Toinato Sauce with Pork - 15-oz. tin Deep Brown Beans Zfor 33c DARE'S - Pineapple or Chocolate Cream - 35 Bis. pkg. Sandwich Biscuits 29c Cut Bread Costs - White Sliced or Unsliced- 24-oz. loaf Richmello Bread 17c Able Seaman Edward Burtch cf Bowmanville and! Toilet Tissute Barrie, Ont., wvas in HMCS Magnificent for the aircraft carier' mst unique voyage of her eight-year commission Q r a d eRoil l in teRN She took'Canadian servicemen and equip- rg n î ment to the Middle East, returning via the United Kingdom and bringing home RCAF Sabre jet fighters. The ship returns to the Royal Navy this spring. Cut Food Costs ut AB Burtch, son cf Mr. and Mrs. Pyette Burtch, 908 High St., Bowmanville, attended school in Barrie before potnn t.he Nyi Toon to in Nthe dr. 1953.cAirarm OMIN IO plott in i h Nv n Tonto in Nohembdrer. ti93.nAradar of the '"Maggie". -NatioxiaIDelence Photo Albert Bail. He continued in the service of the family until 1951 when Ernest. the remai.:- ing member at home. died in an accident. Since that time William lived alone on the farm. He had been iii about three weeks and throughout that time was a good patient and very appreciative of the kindness and care tendered him by the Aus- tin family, his near neighbours. Funeral service was conduct- ed in Our Lady of Mercy church in Port Hope on Tuesday morn- ing. March 19, and conducted by the Rev. L. Cleary. Inter- ment w'as in Wesleyville cerne- tery beside those he served so faithfully. Pallbearers were Wilfrid Bee, William Tufford, Edgar Bar- rowclough, Chas. Beighton, Alf. Holdaway, and Wm. O'Hara. The respect cf the community was shown 4:y the attendance cf his neighbours at the service and the f lowers sent by thein through the local church. Mr. Dempsey is survived bv two bî'others, George and James Stafford Bras. Monumental Works Phone Whitby MOhawk 8-3552 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Precise workmanship and careful attention to detail are your assurance when you choQse from the wide selection of imported and dornestic Granites and Marbies in stock. I DEVON BRAND R in dless Bacon in Portarlington, Irelarid. He wiil be remembered kind- ly by a large number of child- ren cf this generation and last who were bis special friends. Always te be seen wvorkinq around thbe barn and the ani- mals he loved, he will be miss- ed for bis cheery greeting to ail who passed by. TOUR home Io a hlghly Iai- portant investment . . . an lnvestment whlch has grown in value tremendously dur- lng the past few years. Ys your Insurance still adequate? Doa't guess. Ask us to review *your protection to- day . .. and be safe. STUART R. JAMES [NS URAN CE Office MA 3-5681 ing Street E. REAL ESTATE Residence NIA 3-5493 Bowmanville IC FRESHLY GROUND lb. pkg. Richmello Coffee 97c Aillniercbandise sold at your Dominion Store is uncon- ditionally guaranteed to give 100%/ satisfaction. Values effective in Bowmanville until Saturday, March 30 DOMINION STORES LIMITED 1-1 CALDWELL'S 1-1 Skinless Wieners GRADE "A" PRE-DRESSED - 5 te 8 lbs. Turkeys l1b. pkg. 73c -b. pkg. 37c lb. 51< Vol. No. il Quality MEATS INEXENSVE! SMATLYSTYLED! TODLRS COAT SETS For Boys end Girls Szes 2- 3 anid 3x. 309? You'll be defighted witl, the quolity of fabrics - the styling and careful toiloring of these littie coat sets - for such a tiny price. Choose from - two styles for little girls (one illustroted) of wovem rayon and wool f leck fobric or striped benigal- mne. Sets include cute rnotching pixie style bonnet. One style for littie boys (os illustrotedi in rayon tweed /with Eton Cap. Cap hos elostic insert at bock to fit ail sizes. Coot has two pockets; something ail childri-m love. Corne in and try onie on your little girl or boy - see ho,,# well dressed he or she con look for sa little - they're ~9value for 3.99 set. Lenten Foods at Dominion KRAF 71,2-oz. pkg. READY DINNER 2 For 31c RICHMELLO 8-oz. pkg. CHEESE SLICES 29c CLOVER VALLEY 16-oz. roll H IfN LO CHEESE 35c BRUNSWICK 1/'s tin SARDINES IN GIL 3/29v CLOVERLEAF 1/2's ti n COHOE SALMON 41c J. WM. HORSEY 20-oz. tin GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 2 For 29C SHIRRIFF 24-oz. jar Good Norning Narmalade 51c SiMALL 2-lb. cello bag 'MATY PRUNES 9 SHORT GRAIN RICE 17c RICHIMELLO 16-oz. jar SALAD DRESSING 39C E ncyclopedia Now on Sale TIMMOAT, MARCR 28th, 1957 TIM CMADL4Jg STATESM«. BOWMANV=E. 01ÇTAIUO PAGE TERIM 1vot1vý «1ýe Alne.

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