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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Mar 1957, p. 6

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A" ', - -. - -:- . - , . ý-- * -'-A, TRi CANADIAK STAT!SMAN. EOWMMrVILLU. ONTA~!O Tamblyn and Kathleen Geach. Marilyn Cobbledick. The Glee Club, directed by The pianists for the eveflini Mrs. Westheuser and Mr. Watt, dramatized "Romance In New were Joan Alln and Barbera York", scenes from the Gordon Ann Aildred, who most bril- Jenkins recording, "Manhattan liantly handled the musical Tower." This was exceptionally background. well acted. Those taking part Lunch wvas served afterxjhe were n.arrator, William Tam- program to the Graduating 3.t: blyn, also Norman Rickaby and dents, their parents and guests. A Popular Event Laies! in Spring Fash ions Modelled by B.&P. Members Corne S p r i n g, women's 1 cently. The dresses shown l thoughts everywhere turn toI the second portion of the shov clothes-if they are ever far wete designed and made b, away fromn this subject. Bow- Mrs. Garvock and includei rnanville women are no excep- sorne creations reminiscento tion, as was proven by tile the Paris couturiers in tbei crowd wbicb filled the Towni lavish elegance. Hall on Wednesday evening, 1 Mrs. Storks' collection fe3 March 20, ta see tbe Fashion tured a number of verv ch' Show staged by the Bowman- suits by Lou Larry, ail wit] ville Business and Professional the bloused back sa popula Women's Club. this year; some lovely ahl wea This was the largest crowd, I ther coats; attractive dat and possibly the most excitircl dresses, fresh as Spring itself Show the club bas ever spn' the go-everywhere costume c sored. The clothes modellAd sheath dress with brief jaeket came from Pauline Storks' shop and colourful sweaters anc in Newcastle, and Ruby Gar- skirts. yack, Bowmanvi]le, with bats Sprlng Settlng fromn Wideman's Ladies Wear, A lovely variety of bats coni Bowmanville, which opened re- plcmented the costumes model You Are Cordially Invited TO ATTEND A MEETING ai 8 p.m. THURSDAY, APRIL 4th. at the BALMORAL MOTEL of the Pro gressive Conserva five Committee To nieet our candidate Dr. R. P. Vivia n EVERYBODY WELCOME Swedish Milk Diet- 1.98 New Creamy Prom -3.00 Ayds ________ 3.25 New Quick - 1.25 - 2.00 Melozeta _______ 1.50 Tip Tont ______ 1.25 T rims _______ 1.98 New Rabbi _____ 2.00 10Noxzema Colgate Vaeuum ABA. Tabs. Creani Paste Bottles 190 98o - 1.25 8 tubes 66a 190 Fight Mofhs Larvex Spray 1.09, 1.69 Larvex Bomb ---- 1.98 Fly Tox Math Proofer 1.39 Dee Tee Math Killer 59e s Math Rails, 1 lb.- 23c Moth Flakes, 1 lb.- 23e Dichioricide ------ 75e Most ffeivetroIuo Aerosol Bombs 89c, 1.39 M White CON sSurs yt fornlted. Health Kkovah Enai Sal Saits Saits Saits Hepatica 590 39C-.59c-890 690 - 1.09 43e-85c-1.09 iNya ureptio btps nrancnsal Uouglis Large boffle - 1.50 ICOWL-ING'S PHONE DRUGFIT MA 3-.5695 DU STORE TRUSSES Royal Theatre BowmanviIE THURS. TO SAT. - MARCH 28 - 30 GORDON MacRAI DAN DAILE' ",lots ERNEST BORGNINI Iii JI.SHEREE NORTH AxeF. ai so "Wonders of Man hat tanj (Color travelogue) Last complete show at 9-20 Special Children ifs Malinee, Sal. - 2 p.m. "Bedtime for Bonzo" Also Short and Calor Cartoon NEXT MON. TO WED - APRIL 1 - 3 "TifE BAD SEED"S lflE. 816 SRGCKER! 4DUL-rs If/5U Last complete show at 9:25 Watch next wveek's paper for Sweepstakes winners! in led. The majarity were ln shan- wtung, with a few in caca straw y and milan. ýd Mrs. Aileen Turner cammen- Of tated, and models werc Pauline ir Storks, Joan Gibson, Victoria Frank, Helen Neiles, Madlyn 3- Wilcox, Reita Hobbs, Ruby Gar. C. ya ck. Assisting besides these bh in the second balf of the show, r werc non-members ai the club, à- Elsie Kudla, Toronto, Mrs. te Ralph Ames and daughter Jil f; Mrs. Nelson Osborne, Mrs. f George Young, Blowmanville. t; Mary Connors (nee Cowan) id was in charge ai the models. The stage and ramp were bcautifully decoratcd w_ th ispring flowers in artistic dc- 1- sign, the work of Mr. Bob Kerr, -making an attractive back- Sground for the fashions' shown. One of the most appealing suits sbown by Pauline Storks was a gray worstcd with pan- els shaded from ligbt ta dark worn witb matching bat, sbad- cd in the same way. Severai suits fcaturcd fur trim, a par- ticulariy cbarming anc being a black worsted wîtb slim skirl and black detacbable cape out- iined in black Arctic fox. Duster Coat in red bengaline was worn by Victoria Frank. The yoke ai the very fulll back was accent- e d with corded self-piping and a bow, the large sîceves tape- îng ta the wrist. One af the larger brimmcd bats, in satin, Strimmcd with crusbed petals completed ber ensemble. Amnong the dresses sbown Swas a very smart and wearaofle beige shantung xith wîde con- 1 tour belt accenting tbe waist- line, and a pert polka dot scari at the throat. This was model- led by Joan Gibson. Beige was sbown in several dresses and h ats and the iorccast is that this shade will be anc ai the most popular for spring and sumamer tis ycar. A pale green date dress, mod- el]ed by Helen Nelles, won a big hand fromn the audience. The full skirt was topped by a white nylon Pleated bodice at front and low square neck at the back. A matcbing bolero with stand-up jacket completed the costume. Hats For Everyone AIl the bats worn were most attractive and in shapes ta sui;t every type, fromn large brimrs wreathcd with flowers or chif- fon, ta deep cloches, or smail bats worn straigbt on. Some were toucbed witb jewels. Space docs not permit a des- cription, ai more ai the charmo- ingly wearable dresses, suits, coats, sweaters and skirts in Pauline Storks' large collection. Ruby Garvock's original de- signs featured tbe second bahf ai the show. A very smart shirtwaist cotton worn iby El- sic Kudla was in yellow and black on pearl gray with tbree- quarter sîceves. A lovely. black basice drcss, shown with op- tionai cufis af lace and worr. with black shantung bat was a smart costume worn by Mrs. George Young. Marjorie Couch presented a custom tailored look in a handsomc tweed clutch coat worn over a matching suit. The suit bad the popular bloused back, and a deep box pleat at the back ai the skirt made for walking case. Looking charming in their mother and daughter outiits, wcre Mrs. Ralph Ames anat daugbter Jill. Identicai capes, 50 popular this year were worn by bath in Sherwood Red su:t ing with artist smock folds, ta- pering in to the hemline. The The four permanent waves, ai $20, $15, $12.50 and $10 don- ated by Huyck's Hair Styling Studio were won by Mrs. For- rester;; Mrs. L. Kirkton, 69 On- tario St.; Mrs. H. Pollock, 34 Carlyshe Ave.; Mms. W. Alexan- der, Oshawa. Mrs. Ina McNaughton provid- ed most enjoyable piano music accompanying the showing. Among those outside the club wbo assisted in various ways were Rickaby's Big -90; Sheppard and Gili Lumber Co. and Mr. Wm. Laird, Fabric Town; Hooper's Jewellery; Mari-s Jewellery; Walker Stores Ltd.; and Bowmanville Lions Club. PONTYPOOL The stork la making his rounds. Baby boys bave arriv- cd ta Mr. and Mrs. Verdun Lethangue and Mm. and Mrs. Roger Moses. We extend auri congratulations. LOB.A. 1314 initiated tbree candidates an Wednesday even- ing. Visiting ladies from Daugbters ai Cavan L.O.B.A., Millbrook, assisted in the con- ferring ai the Degmee. A dainty lunch was semved at the con- clusion. A large number af young people attcnded the dance in Ballyduif school on Friday evening and ail report another grand time. Our local butcher, Mr»f larryI Van Weringen had an accident last week wbile slicing meat. He sliced the top off bis thumb nccessitating medicai attention. Mm. and Mrs. Archie Wbit- mee oi Oshawa, visited friends bere recently. Sorry ta learn the infant son ai Mr. and Mrs. Archie Hay is~ stili in hospitai in Toronto. Mr. Eari Ligett who was our station agent for neyerai yearsl was seriously injured wben hit by a car. We understand that be will be in bospital for two mnontbs; bis many friends bere will be hoping ta bearofai more speedy recovery. 1 MANVERS STATION1 poçUotl inrîng was cc(-oed in Oh the comiomt, the Incx- tbe dresses womn beneatb, a pressible comiomt ai feeling shcath for mother, and a fuli safe with a pemnon, havmng nei- skirt for daugbter._ ther ta weigh tboughts or mea- Sheath Ensemble sure words, but ta pour tbem Completehy weamable for a]- all out, just as tbey are, chaf mont aIl occasions was the black and grain together, knowing worsted sheath witlh jewel cm- that a iaithful band will take bmoidemed neckhine, topped by and suft tbem, keep what is ti a trim jacket, worn by Mr3. worth keeping, and then witb Nelson Osbomne. A perfect out- the breath ai kindness, blow Lfit for a wedding or ather dress- the ent away. up occasion was the champagne Mr. and Mms. Orville Challice lace ensemble wamn by Elsic and famîly werc Thursday Kudla, a coat with dolman cvcning guents ai Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Porter. Mms. Nathaniel Belcb return- cd ta hem home on Falhis fine, aiter undergoing a serious op- eration in a Toronto hospital. Mr. and Mms. Eaml Argue at- tcnded the Warden's banquet at Cavan on Friday nigbt. Mrs. Jas. Boggs was hostess to the Woman's Association on Thumsday aitemnoon with 13 members and three chi idren present. Vice-president Mrs. A. 1 Jobnston prcsidcd. The theme ofa the devotionai service was 1"I Faith", the tapic read by Mrs. I. Thompson. Sccretary Mrs. MuryLogan called the rail and read the minutes ai the ast meeting. Mrs. Alvin Olanj I xead the Serîptume and Mrs. N. IPorter gave a report on the 1Bradley and Mrs. Fred Young- I SuI lman conductcd neyeral con- tests. Mrs. E. Cavano gave a IFOR RECKLESS veyitrsig ako hi DRIVI O? close of the meeting the hostess 1 DRI ING? erved a deliciaus lunch assisted 1 by AMis. Tbompson. IMy comnpaziy airas ta insuwe* Mrs. Firman Carpentar, Gan- oftly careful drivers. As a Tr 1 anoque; Mr. and Mrs. Orville Ssslt, claims costs arc lower Challice and family, were Sa,- and the savings are passed urdav nupper guesls of Mr. antI Ialong ta policyholders un the 'Ir 1l a r,. 1 knFahs î Iform of lower cast insurance. The Ree\'e ai Manvers Town- iFind out taday il you can ship, Mr. Earl Argue and Mrs. Iqualify for State Farm Insur- lArguîe, witii the o:,her mcmrf- ance as a carclul driver. Just bers of the County Couincil andI *phone me. their iv;ves, \vere taken on a k poys to know yow îdi(e tour tbrougb th,' I TAE IR Aa n ew jail a',1rivlilbrook andI ~ STAEFARMgut e rVed a delicious buffet lunch- 'i .5,*..,,ean. is gliests ai the architects. Mr. andI Mrs . Murmav Porter, ISandra a.pd Donna, _Newton- Dirk B inkman ville,. were Sunday visitors wilb Mfil St. N. Newcastle '\r lfoc usnagir PHONE 3671 NEWCASTLE aie wekend atPU11 Capacity Crowd at' Orono Commencement sleeves over a slim sheath. A beige cloche, chiffon covered, campieted this elegant costume. Several striking evening gawns were shown as well as date and cocktail dresses, )ut perhaps the show-stopper was the fabulous mauve-gray bro- cade with sweeping skirt and puffed cape fastened with silk organza tie. The cape was re- moved ta reveal an Empire bu-. dice and low V in the back, pointing ta the flowing back panel af gathered silk organza failing over silk taffeta. The very wide skirt was lined w5th pelon. A tiny sequined nituff completed tbe ensemble, which was modelled by Elsie Kudia. To end this very sucessfu1 fashion show, a wedding group was shown, littie Jill Amcs acting as flower girl, Mrs. Nel- son Osborne bridesmaid, and Joan Gibson the bride. ii1 wore a pale blue taffeta dress over a crinoline with bandeau of flowers, and carried a pretty nosegay. The bridesmaid's gown was a short formai in rich corai tone witb wide scoop necic and back înterest of a wide sash caugbt at the sides with ties flowing to the hemline. The wedding gown was a floor length original, ieaturing two layers af nylon tulle over taf- feta with hand-clipped rose point lace. Draw Winners Miss Velma Gay, club presi- dent, welcomed the large au- dience and announccd the lucky draws, made by Mrs. Nelson Osborne and Isabelle Davis, Fashion Show convenor. The McBrine luggagc from John Stutt's store was won by Mrs. D. Johnson, 90 Southwood St., 1 Welcome home ta Mrs. Sam, 1 MKee who spent the past ew 3 months with ber daugbter, Miss 1Muriel McKee, Oshawa. r Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Williams, iPort Hope, and Mr. and Mrs. iDouglas Fallis, Bowmanville, visited MVr. and Mrs. Arnold Williams and Janice. Miss Jean Tbompsan bas been spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Tbamp- son and Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Tbompson were Sunday guests also. Mrs. Jas. Harris returnecd irom a week's visit in Toronto with Mr. John McGarry, Lor- raine and Miss Dorothy Harris wbo remaincd for the weekend. 1 Mr. and Mrs. R. Davison spent a day in Port Hope. Stewart Hedge, Oshawa, Lspent the weekend with Ralph Bowers. Messrs. Fred Philp and Grant Thompson were Sunday visitars with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Philp, Stimling. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Naylom, Peiferlaw, and Mm. and Mrs. R. Campbell, were guests of the Grant Tbompson's. Mr. and Mms. Harry McLau- ghin ceiebrated Saturday in honour ai Mrs. Jos. Forder's birtbday. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Anson Taylor, Osh- awa, and Mrs. John Watson and Darrell, Caesamea. Mrs. Wiley McKeown came an Friday from Mono Road ta visit ber mather, Mrs. J. W. Irvine on her birtbday. On Sun- day Mr. and Mrs. John Mc- Keown and Robert, Miss Me- Keown, Howard and fricnd camne ta take their mother home and were guests ai Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Heasip. Congratulations ta these aid- er ladies of aur village! Congregations of Nestîcton and Ballydufi Prcsbyterian churcbes weme pleased ta learrn on Sunday that Mr. Ronald Campbell, student minister, bas been appointed resndent min- ister of the above charges and Mm. and Mrs. Campbell will move to the manse early in May. Mr. and Mrs. James Emerton and Mrs. A. Woood wcre visit- ors with Mrs. C. Emerton and Miss Noon. Residents of the village and the travelling public wiil be pleased ta learn Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Langfcld, proprietors ai the Village Grill, bave opened their dining establishment for another season. Mr. Jas. Howard, Tor-onto, vîsitcd with bis sister and fam- ily, the Johnnie Arscott's over the weekend. Mrs. Percy Williamson re- turned home aiter a visit with ber parents in Willoughby, Obio. MORRISH The regular meeting ai the Mission Band was held at school on Monday, March 18. It was decided that the Eastcr Tea be beld in the Sunday Scbool an April 13. The leader, Mrs. Har- ry Beckett, president Joan Mar- vin ta arrange the catering and Mrs. E. Wilson, teacher, the program. There wili be mare about this tea later. Sunday Scbooi was held at 1l a.m. with 55 present. Mrs. Fred MeConnell, Supeminten- dent, conducted the session, Elaine Anderson read the op- ening prayer. Schooh as usual next Sunday following Churcb Service at 10 a.m. Visitors with Mrs. Win. Mc- Holm on Sunday were Mrs. F. Comnisb, Port Hope; Mr. and Mrs. Ethan Joncs, Bowman- ville, and Mr. and Mrs. Clair Walker, Toronto. The social evening was held on March 21 at the borne ai Mvr. and Mrs. Harry Beckett, il tables ai ecre werc play- ed. A bountiful lunch conclud- ed a pleasant get-together f f The Super-Efficient OILO - MAGIC Ou HBealing MAKES VOUR PRESENT HEATING EQUIPMENT TWICE AS GOOD Saves Vou Money an Yaur Fuel Costs Phone or consuit JACK DROUGHR PLt'MBING - IIEATING Division Street South House Phone MA 3-3964 Phone - Office NIA 3-5615 BOWMA N VILLE I and.ntand .1.., btomo~tm, gi,.., mtlt b. h.Id .,,Iet~ eg~fid..,thl. eriord, Susan Foster, Jonn The Township Hall, Orono, was filled ta capacity on Thurs- day evening for tbe annual Commencement Exercises of the Orono High School and the program of entertainment pro- vided by the students and the addresses were enjaying fea- turcs of the night. Tbe program opened with the National Anthem followed by an address of welcome by the principal, Mr. W. W. Watt. lI-e stated that he was pie ased ta see the interest, as shown by the attendance, towards the youth, wbo are on the thresh- aid af life. Chairman Speaks Mr. H. B. Tînk, chaîrman of the Durham County District. High Scbool Board spoke a few wvords af good wishes ta the Orono High School. Tbe valedictory address was given by Wayne Hooey, a grad- uate ai iast year. In the absence ai Mr. D. M. Graham, Director of Education for the Forest Hill Village Scbools, due ta illness, Mr. Alec McQuaig, graduate of Queen's University, spoke on Education in its Secondary aspect. Here he said that secondary schools must teach students -ta use the [skills wbich were learncd in thc elementary scbool. Durham History Mr. McQuaig spoke of the ricb feeling ai those in Durham County towards their beritage and pointed ta the early tradi- tion of Democratic co-operation. The first major manuiactured article to leave Canada was, he said, a q'aper made by the Masse y Ilarris Company at Newcastle. He also pointed ta the rich feeling of the heritage ta the fact tbat the Baker Farm at Solîna bas been in the fam- ily for four generations. Paul Rutherford very cap- ablyr acted as mnaster ai cere- monies for tbe cntertainment portion of the program. The Majorette Corps direct- cd by Miss Barr performed thelr exercises and twirling ai the batons with perfect deiýterity. Fine Singlng Mrs. Westbeuser, musical di- rector, led the Gîce Club in their singing ai most enjoyabie numbers such as "O Wbat a Beautiful Morning"' and "The Surrey With The Fringe On Top.", The Drama Club presented a One-Comedy Drama "The Day Aiter Forever." Tbis praved -a most enjoyable play with the students starring in the per- formance. Those taking part were Carole rant Jo Ann Ruth- Green Beans, lO-oz. pkg. 27c Sole Fillets, 1-lb. pkg.45 Straberies 15oz. kg. 43eHadock illts,1-1. k. -- . 50- Chieken, Beef, Turkey -o~jp~65ç Orange Juice, 6-oz. tin - 2 for 37c Quality Meats Government Inspected for Your Protection SWTTS PRIME RIB ROAST Li,. 5 7c ]PEAMEALED - Hgalves Cryovac SWIFT'S PREMIUM RINDLESS BACON Lb. Pkg. 79c YOUNG AND TENDER - Sllced IPOIRK LIVER VACUUM PAK - 6-oz. pkg. Park and Turkey Loaf b.25c 39c OUICK OATS 47c FEATURES Rase Brand 12-oz. jar TROPICAL CONSERVE 37c Monarch - Choc. - Lemon - Caramel SPONGE PUDDINGS 2 For 45c MohrJackon's Jiff y 18-oz. pg PECRUST MIX 31c Sola Brand MARGARINE lxth.Pkgr.29c Wagstaffe's Pure Seville Orange Marmalade, 24-oz. jar ------ - -40e Kraft Parkay Margarine, 1-lb. pkg. 31c Oxo Cubes, 12's ______29e Mazala Oil, 16-oz. batte - - - - ---4 Oid Dutch Cleanser, New Blue 2 tins 27c Bec Hive Corn Svrun. 2-lb. fin ;_I BEST BUYS 1 7c off - 3 Coupons worth 24o Ogilvie Chocolate 16. Ingersoll - Se Off Pack - 8-oz. jar CHEESE SPREADS 29c 7c Off - Free Tea Towel White or Blue Glant pkg. BREEZE DETERGENT 71c i- pk~g. IRobin Hood 5-lb. bat Fresh Produce NEW BRUNSWICK - 50-1b. bat JUICY, FLAVORFUL - JTumbo 110 size SUNKIST ORANGES floz. 49C ONTARIO GROWN No. 1 Roi Haouse CUCUMBERS iEs 21c TEalfoNDFAVBOULILreHa McCarmick's Jersey Cream Sadas, 1-lb. pkg. - 35c Johnson's Glade - Air Freshener Spray, tin __ 98c Wisk Detergent, 16-oz. tin - -43e Lux, New - 4c off large pkg. 36c 8c off giant pkg. 69e -New Blue Package - New Brown Label - Salada Tea Bags TH ERE'S 10 Free Bags - pkg. of 90 M M M 'Ueo? A RED &, WHITE STORE NEAR. YOU BOWMANVILLE MAPLE GROVE- 1 --- '*1 mlu - Yeo's Marketeria Maple Grove Groceteria IPAO! BM I Tea, For Canada Week - March 25h a 301h Nwen heyou e ranethoghaCANADIAN GO VERN whnyumust stop working. Yeu can purchase an Annnity NOW te corne due at age 50, 55, 60 or 65, or other ages. HERE IS AN EX AMPLE - Suppose yen are a man af 28 and want an Annuity af $100 a manth, begin- ning at 65. Yonr monthly premium would be $16.44. AT ÂGE 65 the Goverament will begin paying yau $10anianth aslong as you live 1 If you die within 10 years after age 65, the monthly payments will continue ta your heirs for the balance ai that 10 yearm. Thus, yau will have paid $7,299.36 for a minimum retura af $12,000.00 - which will be even greater if you live past 751 IF YOU DIE BEFORE 65 the Gavernient will psy your heirs the total mmn paid Up ta t.he date of your death plu 4% compound interest. There are several plans ta choose froni. For detailed information, consuit your DISTRICT ANNUITIES REPRESENTATIVE, or mail the coupon below, postage free. OoooWj FFDERAt DU UTMENT OF LABOUR CANADIAN GOVE RN MENT ANNUITIES Nestlelon Station 1 Lb.'59C 1 25c . 10 Free Bags - pkg. of 90 TEZ CANADIAN BTATrSliffl. BOW?4ANV=& ONTARIO ý OIRII A9r vAiRrw lim%ý le» Deprtmont of Labour, Ottawa, (Postage Pr«)W- Pies,. tend me comploe. information on Canadimn M m ./Jm net9ý . . hoiado__________ ý Potatoes $1,819

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