'!rtmsnAT, MARCW 2Sth, 1957 THE CAKAflIAK STATESMAK. EOWMA~VILLE. ONTAPXO PAGE SEVEN Mr. and Mrs. Frank Deriby Visited with Mr. and Mrs. Tai- bert Finiey at Thornhill on Sun- day. Miss Ida Peebies and Miss GertrudeBrown of Coiborne vis- iteci Mm C. J. Smaie at the ffl-add Mrs. Dean Hammond ane David, St. Thomas, wei weekenc. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fammond and famiiy. Mrs. Mbert Day, Cataraqui, and Mts. - George Nandoles, Napaneq were weekend guests of Mr. a-nd Mrs. Manseli Stacey. Mr. Malter Blackburn of the Departmcent of Welfare, City of Edmonton, visited Mrs. Nettie Cole and Miss Esteila Blackburn on Saturday. .Many in this community wiii be saddened ta iearn of the death of Mrs. George Chase in Os:iawa General Hospital on WEdnesday, March 27.' Mr. and Mrs. Keith Smith, Gait. spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. ai-d Mrs. Wil- frid Carruthers. Mr. Bob Car- ruthers, Kernptvilie Agricultura] Coilege, has been iii at home for the past two weeks. A number from Bowmanville and district who have returned firn holidaying in Florida re- port that they received their copies of The Statesman in good tirne and thoroughly enjoyed reading tI.e home town news. According to the Northumber- Iand-Durhain Heaith Unit report for the week ending March 23 there are 3 cases of chickenpox in Bowmanville, 2 of red measies and :5 of mumps. Darlington Township has 7 cases of red 2fleasles. Recent visitai-s of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Werrv, Tyrone, were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Awde and DJonald,. Mis. Meneilley, Toron- ta; Mî-s. C. F. Axvde, Orono; Mrs. C. Rowan, Eethany; Mrs. Harvey Brigade Keeps Close Watch On Chimney Bowmanvile Fire Depart- ment kept an alert watch over a smaldering chimney fire at the home of Don McArthur, Ontario Training School for Boys, for more than 40 minutes ta ensure that tire wouid not break out, Wednesday evening *of last week Firemen vere called by Mr-. McArthur as a precaution, after he had used a fi-e extinguisher ànd garden hase ta extinguish a blaze that is believed ta have ,started fi-rn a space heater. Smoke bcgan ta pour frorn the chimney and around the peak of the house shortly after 10~he space teater was lit. The -heater had not been used for over a cear. Mr. McArthur's quick-~to preven ted what might Jave been a seriaus dis- aster ta his family. Heat tram the chimney blis- tered paint on the wails. Be- fore leaving the scene, firemen cut a hale through the ceiling near the chinney ta insure the tire was ou. 1 - ST, JOHN'S COURCH (Anglican) Fourlh Sunday , in Lent 8 a.m. - HOLY COMMUNION 10 and Il a.m. - CII URCH SCHOOL MORNING PRAYER AND THE LITANY 7 pi.m.- EVENI TNG PRAYER B.HF. S. Wins Festival Awards il Siater and son cf Finney, Sask. Mi-. and Mrs. E. V. Hoar have returned home tram a most enjoyable month's cruise visiting Caracas, Aruba, Trinidad and many other interesting ports. The cruise ended at New Orleans and atter sightseeing there, Mr. and Mrs. Hoar flew te New .York and thence ta Malien. Mi-. and Mrs. Herbert Allen of Newport, Monmouthshire, Eng- land, arrived by BOAC 'Plane last Friday ta make their home in Canada. Ni-s. Allen is a niece of Mi-. Arthur Jones and the Allens ai-e staying with Mi-. Jones and Mi-. and Ni-s. Kenneth Hull while they look around for jobs and a place ta settie. Mr. Allen is an electrician. Mi-. and Mrs. Manseli Stacey motored ta Islington Fridyt attend the wedding of is Stacey's sister, Eleanor Perry, tal Dr. A. Gai-don Brown in the Kingsway - Lambton United Church. They attended the i-e- ception afterward at the home of the groom's parents on the Kingsway, who were celebrating their 58th wedding annivei-sary. Friends of Miss Lynne Bag- neli will be soi-iy ta learn that she returned home last Satur- day suffei-ing tram a virus in- fection and has been ordered ta take a i-est. Lynne is a member of the Shipstads and Johnson Ice Follies show and will be i-e- turning atter the show's annual vacation. The show is scheduled ta recommence June 7 in Seattle, Washington. Lynne's parents, Mr. and Ni-s. Bill Bagneil, brought hei- home fi-rn Rochest- er, N.Y., last Saturday. Hope you ai-e soon feeling much better, Lynne. Truck Roils Down Hill Hits Bridge A driverless truck collided with a car driven by Teltord Bergan of Toronto, causing an estimated $260 damage, and continued on its jaurney until it sti-uck Vanstone's bridge be- fore stapping, after rolling down the hill fi-rn in fi-ont af Bow- manville Cleaners early We'J- nesday of last week. James Ellis, driver of the runaway truck had -parked 'out- side ot the cleaning plant and left the vehicle's matar running, while he carried out an errand. The emergency brake was on at the time, but the truck bt- gan ta i-ail and gained speed as it descended the hili. When the truck came toaa hait it had ti-avelled moi-e tilan 300 feet fi-rn where it had been parked. Damage ta the truck was estimated at $50.00 Bowmanville police investigat- ed the accident, they said, that chai-ges may be laid under the Highway Traffic Act. Blind Ca nvass Plans Made PAt a recent meeting ~o h local Blind Committee, the dates of the campaign were set and Team Captains named. The campaign includes Noithumber- land and Durham Counties with headquarters in Bowmanvile, and will be of one week dura- tion this year, opening Menday, April 29th through ta May 4th. Tag Days will be heid the even- ing of Friday, May 3rd and al day, Saturday, May 4th. Under the Convenorship of Don Williams, Bowmanviile, the Team Captains are as follows: Miss Mary Jewell, Miss Helen Cryderman, Mrs. C. Trewin. Mrs. M. J. Hutchinson, Mrs. J. O'Neill, Miss Isabelle Davis, Miss Dora Purdon and Mrs. George Vice. Mrs. G. H. John- son will captain the Courtice ai-ca. Air. Rail or Steamsbtp TI1C KE TS TO EVERYWHERE Consuit J & LO0V EL L 1KigSt. W. MrA 3-5778 Trinity United ChL Alinister - Rev. T. Arthur Morgan, E 11 A.M. - "The Forgiveness of Sins" 7 P.M. - 3ev. C. R. Rudd, B.A., B.D Distnict Secretary of the British and Fc Bible Society ini Canada A, e, ollowing the evening service a local beBible Society will meet in Trinity Schoo. Hall where the film "Our- Bible" shown. *Orgaaist-M-ýr. Arthur Collison, Mus. Bach.,1 psgp~p--b------su---gp----- irch B.A. oreig, 09 I branc Sunday will be L.R.SeM At a concert of the "stars" of Peterborough Kiwanis Music Festival, held in St. Peter's Auditorium, Peterborough, last Friday night, Bowmanville High School Glee Club was awarded the Kiwanis Trophy for high sehool choirs. The Glee Club received the highest marks of any choir in the Festival and won high praise from both adjudicators. The Glee Club also received an award of $50 from the Quaker Oats Company. At left is Tom Park who received the DeLaval Company Ltd. schol- arship of $50 for vocal solo. Howard Rundie was awarded the Federation of Mus- icians scholarship of $25 for woodwind instruments. Howard was entered in the clar- inet solo class. At right is Mr. D. C. Peters, music director at B.H.S. whose training of glee club, band and indîviduals xvas sa highly rewarded. Many Ska'ters Pass Tests Folwn h banquetad speeches the representatives of ~ILf ~Johnison and Johnson took ti-, To Cliumax ClIubsS eason out ta personally meet severai Bowmanville residents. IBowmanville Figure Skating IClub ended its regular season IWednesday of last week, by holding various Canadian Figure Skating Association Tests for its members. Officiai C.F.S.A. judges pi-es- ent for the event included: First Vice-President pf the C.F.S.A., E. R. S. MçLaughlin and Mrs. McLaughiin; Ian M. Greenway, Oshawa, and Glenholme Hughes, Bowmanville. AIl tests were held under C.F.S.A. regulations. Those qualifying in the pi-e- liminai-y figure tests were: Shawn Leddy, Hazel Richards, Roxy Yeo and Glenna Park. Shawn Laddy alsa passed her prelîminary dance test by doing the Dutch Waltz. In the Swing Dance tests, Gail Armstrong, Erlyne B a r r o n, Extends Welconîe (Continued from page one) Products Division; Roy Cook, Ontaria Sales Supervisai-; J. MU. McPherson et McMilan, Binch and Ca., legal representatives of J. and J. Official Weleome In ofticially welcoming John- son and Johnson ta Bowman- ville Mayor Nelson Osborne said, "I can assure you that nathing during my term of of- fice has afforded me such plea- sure as my present privilege of extending, on behaif of the ci- tizens of Bowmanville, the heartiest of welcomes, ta the tii-m et Johnson and Johnson Limited.1 "May I assure you Mi-. Mac- donald, and through you, your company, that my colleagues and I wlll cantinually do every- thing in oui- power ta make you as happy in your choice of Bawmanville as oui- town is in your chaice et us." Mayor Osborne aise related the events that led up ta Turs- day's banquet. It started in Mai-ch 1954, he said, with the re-organizatian of the dormant Bowmanville Chamber af Com- merce followed by the estab- lishing of a Planning Board and the hiring of Ken Moi-ris as secretai-y-manager of tae Chamber. Fi-rn this point on it was a matter et attracting prospective industries ta inspect Bowman- ville as a possible site, and fortunately Johnson and John- san's search for such a location ended in Bowmanville. j Many Obstacles JHowever the stery dees net end here, the mayor pointed out, since many legal and tech- nical problems still had ta be overcome and this took a great lengh ot time and patience. In speaking et Johnson and Johnson the Mayor stated, "Here we find an organizatian dedicated ta tai- more than the prosaic manufacture and sale of a wide rangae ef useful com- modities. Here is an organiza- tien that contributes substan- tially te the well-being et the cornmurntics in which it locates and ta which the happiness and health et its employees is ut paramaunt concern." Provincial Greetlngs On behaîf et the gevei-nmarnt et Ontario Alex Crate, director et the Trade and Industry Branch, Departrncnt et Plan- ning and Developmetit, vaicicd a sincere welcome ta Johlso and Johnson whose contrib-'- tien te the economy et Onta:io hie telt would be important.t He assured the campany p-r- sonnel that the departrnent's î'-i- terest would not cease, and lie would be pleascd ta offer ai-w assistance. Mr. Cratc wcnt on ta say that Johnson and JohA.- son had made a 'wîse choice in coming ta Bowmanviile. Full Co-operation A course of happinc-ss ta Ku~n Morrs, secret arv-managoer i the Bowman', îUe Chamber an-ci Gloria Bilida, Carol Finnigan and Lynda Hately aIl passed. Judy Jeffery and Gloria Bilida passed the Canasta Tango Tests.' Gaîl Bagneli qualitied bei-self for a Bronze Dance Medal by completing the C.F.S.A. Bronze Dance tests. Bowmanville Skat- ing Club Bronze Free Skating Tests were held ip conjunction with the C.F.S.A. The following p as s ed: Yvonne Anonichuk, Judy Jeffery, Gail Armstrong, Gail Bagneil, Erlyne Bai-ion, Gloria Bilida, Susan Rivers and Gail Mulholland. Monday of last week the club held its boys' competitions. The winei-s were: Gerry Wilson and Michael Leddy. Bath winners will receive figure skates and boots as prizes. a key figure in negotiating with Johnson and Johinson, was the unfailing co-operation of corn- riiunity action and the help cf out-of-town triends. For this 100 percent co-oper- ation fi-rn many people whose foresight will lead ta a bettcr Bowmanville, Ken Morris wasu deeply indebted. R. P. Rickaby, Chamber pre- sident, was chairman for the enjoyable evening which rie termed "the fruit of au r la- bour". He introduced the Board of Directors of Johnson and Johnson and also the several other guests who had joined with the citizens of Bowman- ville ta welcome Johnson and Johnson. Special Guests These special guests werc: A. W. Denny, Vice-Presîderit, Goodyear Tii-e and Rubber Ca. of Canada Ltd., New Toronto; E. P. Sutton, of R. M. Hollings- head Ca. of Canada Ltd., 'F- ronto; Han-y Slcigh, Induýstrial Development Division, Dept. of ' Planning and Development; T It W. Watson, of Canadian Bank,- of Commerce, Toronto; Harold G. Gillingham, ef Bank of Menti-cal, Toronto; E. J. Mac- Keil, assista n& superinten dent,! Bank ot Montrbal: Trevor Hlans- iii, Ontario manager, Canad:ian Chamber at Commerce, Toron- ta; H. J. Herder, Industrial Re- presentative, CNR.;, W. J. Au'- tin, Dis+ric4 Freight Agent, C. N.R.; T. J. Bennett, Travelling Freight Agezit, C.N.R.; Gardon Powell, president, Lake Ontario: Development Association, P,- teî-borough. Head Table Those seated at the head ta- bIe were Ken Morris, secretary 1 ma na g e r etBowmanvilie Chamber; James Bai-r, vice-i pi-esident in charge of rnanufac-1 turing, Johnson and Johnson; Alex V. Crate, Director, Trade and Industry Branch, Depart- ment of Planning and Develop- ment; R. P. Rickaby, presideïst of Bowmanville Chamber: El- mer Banting, Past President Bawmanville Chamber, John Macdonald, Pîresident of John- son and Johnson; J. E. Turii- bull, Municipal Industrial Div- ision, Department of Plann - and Developrnent; Mayor Ncd-' son Osbarne. Rev. A. G. Scott was callcd upon ta say gi-ace before the meal. Leading an enjoyable singa-song while the dishes were being cleared were AI Strikej Royal Conservatory of Music of Toronto MIDSUMMER EXAMINAI IONS JUNE, 1957 Applications and fe must reCh thé Conservatery meot lofer thon APRIL 1, 19S7, 13S COLLEGE fSltirE TORONTO 28, ONT. cical & (ersonal Phone MA 3-3303 Turn OId Furniture inioCash with STATESMAN CLASSIFIEDS Phone MA 3-3303 RAY GIBBS JOHN DEERE DEALER Sunoco Gas and Oil 181 King St. E. MA 3-3503 Bowmanville COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR THIS WEEK bIÂCLEÂNS TOOTH PASTE JUMBO Man's Size KLEENEX * Tissues MI1 TISSUES IN TH4E NEW RED BOX I 3 5c 2 for 69c Save 29e on LIsterine Anl izyme TOOTH FASTE Itegular 1.38 value 2 Giant ôi tubes _______ Time For îSpri ng eai -Haïr Preparations Settlng Pretty Halr Spray 1.50 New Quick Homo Permanent -___2.00 Egg Creme Shampoo for dry hair 25c, 1.25, 2.00 Tip Toni for "Between Permanent" -_____1.25 'Ail new Toul Home Permanent-- 2.00 New Bobbi wlth casual - Pin Curls -- -___t.00 New Creamy Prom Home Permanent - 2.00 Halo Shampoo 39e, 65e, 98c Spray Net - 79c, 1.50, 1.95 ÎSuave - -____ 60c, 1.00 Nestle's Colorinse 15c, 39e Cutex Nail Polish 390 Revlon Clean and Clear 1.50 Woodbury Creams 39c, 75o Soaps Allenhurys 356 3 for 1.00 Nivea 300 3 for 89e Pears 27a 3 for 79e Woodbury's Facial 4 for 31. Colgate Dental Cream Speciai !1 33e tubes 59o tubes 3 iFor 6c 2 For 89C uty Care Creams - Lotions Cosmeiics Cutex Rand Cream 39c, 69c Tube ______-49c, Deep Magie - 75e, 1.25 l Hlnds Honey and Almond Cream -- 37c, 65c, 98c Hazel Bishop Lasting Lipstick --- 59c, 79c, 1.50! Formula 77 Lipstick 1.50:1 Lady Esther Face Powder 49c, 85c! Nivea Creme 35e. 63c, 1.10, 3.00 Skin Oi -- 60c, 1.05, 2.25 Pacquins Hand Cream -- 47c, 75c Pink le LlquId or Cream 2.00 Pond'. Angel Face Make.up -- 89c, 1.25, S AVYE on these SPECIALS! I.DA. COCOANUT OIL SHAMPOO 8 oz., reg. 49c - ___39e Evelyn Howard COLD CREAM 1 lb. Jar, reg. 89ce---69e BRECK SHAMPOO 2 oz., reg. 49e -__- 39e Noxzema, SKIN CREAMX Reg. 65e Jar- 2 for 99e LUSTRE CREAM 98e tube -_____-79c PRESCRI PTIONS Shulton Dusting Powder 1.75 Toilet Water 1.75 Stick Cologne 1.25 Bath Crystals 1.25 Deodorants Arrid Cream 53e - 75e Arrid Spray 75e Ban 1.25 Muin-Mist 75o Shulton Stick 1.25 *ABSORBENT STERINSONSUZ *STERILIZED PADSAZ JOHNSON'S STERRlE GAUZE PAOS SEALED IN INDIVIDUAL ENVELOPES. READY 1OR IMMEDIATE USE. 2" x 2" 12's 45c -3"x 3" 12-S 60c 'With Wondlerstoft* coverîng NOW IN THIS ESOFT GREY PACKAGE 12's 43c *REG'D TRADE MARK ASPECIALTY Alex. McGregor, Del iver Vo ur Local I.D.A. Drug Store Drugs Phone MA 3-5792 H OSP t« l Besides tliis the hospital has ing job", Mr. O'Neil explained, Si operation a 50 h.p. bouler, "'a tunnel will have ta be bufit a power dishwasher, a kitchen between the two buildings. W e S and a few dozen outiets of var-N esovaiupopentr A ns evs ious kinds. "Most likeiy these ested have been assembied and would put the hospitai into a a specification is being dra;vn (Continued fi-cm page one) position where it couid be up. Along with the necessary must be kept to a minimum if ciassed as a volume user," he wiring this may cast $1,000. the present % miil grant re- pointed out. Tenders will be cailed for." quested fromn each of the four Council Mlulnormed The ratepayers, in reality the municipalities is ta be main- It was the consensus of the owners of the hospital, can be tained. The payroll he pointed board that the Bowmanvlle assured, he said, that the board out came ta $142,000 iast year Town Council were misinform- is doing its best ta keep costs while the hospital revenue was ed and a letter will be sent ta tahainimma ndh hges seriet only $113,909. the council expiainjng the te sc hehges osil "The paint story is a good board's policy is the same as lvl example of savings. It was the recommended procedure of faund necessary ta dlean, scrut, any public organization. paint and do general repairs Inrgrst tedsM. GHYS LE on the walls and floors in bath Inegards ugto tews ners Mr IGHLY TYLPED the hospital and Nurses' Home. O'eithy ogtitorwsulikeiy ODE ADES'Y WRIE Some parts might have been that tny contract a- tould c- A IS'WA done by contracts, others couid c the ont racleto at ethpie La Vogue flot." theb oar e. ai ahv h "Two extra men were addedjodoe on a temporary basis ta oui- Tenders To Be Called staff. Their rate of pay is fot Al small jobs are offered tractors, but is lower than any big projects tenders are always Cor. Athol & Celina, Oshawa rate in Goodyear." called. "To complete this heat- No Sales Tai "'Paint was purchased cheap- er than the wholesale prica paid by the dealers because we, didn't have ta pay any salesi MOTORCADE tax. 0f the 25 gallons of paint used recently we paid $2.25 per gallon iess than what it would have cost if purchased locally.S e i-s o h Wk about one-third the total cost." High Water Consumption R DO N T L E In regards t the large mutR DO IN T L E of water being used Mr. O'Neii explained that the laundry with Aerial machines consume approximate- ly 2,000 gallons a day since it 4.5adu chines ta have eight changesinesar foth t omafi4.5 ad p water for each load or a total10 of 96 changes per day._ WIND DEFLECTuRS 1.89 pair Wbo*0*4booe qWMUDAT, M"Cff 2M, 1957 -THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOMMANVMLE. ONTARIO - PAGE SEVEN f