THURSDAY, APRIL 4th. 1051 THE CA2~ADIMI STATESMAN, HO WMAN V!LLE. ONTA~O PAGE ~IF~EEN Ckuss.fied- C~s of Thanks f'The 'Wolfe famlly cf Black- stock wish to thank most sin- cerely, ail those who se kindly extinguished the fire in the pine plantation on Saturday. 14-1 * We wish to express our sincere Ulipks tour many neighbours /lt riends who helped in any U to put eut the fire Sunday aitèrnoon. Mrs. Kovacs and Gabriel. 14-1* A sincere thank you te al those kind friends and neighbors who remembered me while in a Toronto hospital and since I returned home. Roy McLaughlin. 14-1* I wish te express my sincere thanks te relatives, friends and neighbours for flowers, cards, gifts, many acts ef kindness dur- ing my illness. A special thanks te Dr. Austin, nurses and staff Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. Mrs. Howard Masters. 14-1 I wish te express my sincere thanks to relatives, friends and neighbours for flowers, cards, gifts and the manv acts of kind- ness during my illness. Special thanks te the doctors, nurses and staff ef Memorial Hospital, Bow- manville. Dan King. 14-1* Mrs. D. A. Benthamn and fam- ily wish te thank the many friends, relatives and neighbours for their kind expressions of sympathy and beautiful floral offerings extended te thein dur- îng their recent bereavement. A special thanks te Rev. F. Cowan, Dr. Kimrnerly, the ArnÎstrong Funeral Homne, Mrs. D. Barton and Mrs. W. Bennett. 14-1* I wish te express my sincere thanks te relatives, friends and neîghbours for flowers, cards and gifts, aise the many other acts of kindness during my recent iii- ness. Special thanks te the doctors, nurses and staff of Memorial Hospital, the W.A. and W.M.S. of Trinity Church and the Women's Institute. Mrs. Russell Robbins. 14-1* Coming Events Auction Sale' Mori gage Sale Under and by virtue of the powers of sale contained ini a certain mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale, there wil be offered for sale by Public Auction on FridaY, the 12th day of April, 1957, at 7:00 o'clock p.m. by Jack Reid at Durham County Sale Arena at Lot 32, Con. 4, Township of Clarke (about one mile west of the Village of Orono), landusud premises belng part of Lot 18, Concession 1, Township of Clarke, comprlsing about one acre and being sltuated about 350 feet south of HighwaY No. 2, as particularly descrlbed In said mortgage. Upon the said lands there is said to be erected a 1½-storey frame dwelling with insul siding, containing 4 rooms and 2 unfin- ished rooms and garage. The property will be sold subject to a first mortgage and subject te a reserve bld. For further terms and con- ditions of sale apply to R. R. Waddell, Q.C., Orono, Ont., Solicitor for the Mortgagee. 13-3 Notice to Creditors In the Estate of Frank Alds- worth, late of the Township ef Darlington, in the County of Durham, deceased. Ail persons having claims against the Estate of the above named, who died on or about February 23, 1957, are required te file proof of same with Nin& E. Neads 91/à King St. East Bowmanville, Ontario on or before April lSth, 1957, after which date the Estate will be distributed having regard only to claims which have been filed. Dated at Bowmanville this 27th day of March, 1957. Francis Roy Aldsworth- Herbert Nichol Wilfred Al1dworth, Executors. 13-3 Notice to Creditors AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE 0F Dance in Tyrone Hall, April JANE KYDD ADAMS 13, Stainton's Orchestra. Sponsor- Al daims against the Estate ed by Tyrone Hall Board. et Jane Kydd Adains, late et 14-2 Bowmanville, Ontario, who dicd Bowmianville Choral Society on l7th February, 1957, must be presents their Spring Concert in tiled with the undersigncd the Town Hall, Friday and Sat- Executors on or before the 3th urday, May 10 and I1. 13-tf day et April, 1957, atter which date her Estate will be distrib- i&*î Guide dance on Saturday, uted, having regard only te the April 6th at Newtonviile Cern- caims of which the Executors munity Hall. Admission 5Oc, shahl then have notice. cVIîdren 25c. Ladies with lunch, Dated at Toronto this 2lst day fmt. 14-1 of March, 1957. THE ROYAL TRUST COMPANY Plan te support Club 15 Stay- and At-Home Party on Thursday, SAMUEL JACKSON ADAMS, April 25, aftemnoon or evening. 66 King Street West, Lunch will be delivered for 50c Toronto, Ontario. per plrson. 14-1 Executors. misson Oc nd 2c. 4-2By Messrs. Osier, Hoskin& Soe Community present1 Harcourt, the i ay "Where's Grandnia?' Toronto, in _ ailThursday, April 18, their solicitors herein. 1:5-3 8:15' Good programme. Ad- "A Night et Cards", Legion Hall, Tuesday, April 9, 8 pin., by the Tartan Club. Proceeds for Pipe Band. Door prize, steain iron. Lunch served. Admission 50C. 14-1' Hard Turne Dance in Recrea- tien Centre, Blackstock, April 12, sponsered by O.N.O. Club. Montgomery Orchestra. Danc- ing 9-1. Lunch and prizes. Ad- mission $1.00 each. 14-1 Regular weekly bingo held Thursdays except third week in the month which will be held on Tuesdays, in the Union Hall. 20 regular gaines and a jackpot gaine. No gaine under $3.00. Admission 50c. 2-tf The annual canvass for funds conducted by the Bowmanville- West Durham Committee ef the Canadian National Institute for the Blind, opens Wednesda.v, April 24, centinuing through until 4th et May. 14-1 Plan te attend Spring Tea sponsored by W.A, at Courtice United Church on April lOth, opening at 2 p.m. Special at- tractions are: tea roorn. home cooking and candy, potted plants, fancy xvork, aprons, children's wear and white clephants. 14-11: On April 9th Senior Citizens, will meet ini the Lions Centre at 8 p.m. The Oshawva Barber Shop Choir will he attcnding and tickets for the matinee per'- formance of 'Friendly Per- J suasion" will he distrihuteci through the courtesy of the Roy- al Theatre. 1- Notice to Creditors AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE 0F Ida Isa- bella Trimble, late cf the Town et Bowmanyille, in the County of Durham, Widow, deceased, who died at Bowmanville, on or about the 20th day et January, 1957, Intestate. THE TRUSTEE ACT, R.S.O., 1950, Ch. 400, Sec. 51. Creditors and others having dlaims against the above estate are required te send particulars and full preof thereof te the undersigncd on or before the 30th day of Apnil, 1957, after which date the assets et the estate wili be distributed, having regard te the laims that have then been received. DATED at Bowmanville, On- tarie, the 26th day et March, 1957. Lawrence C. Mason, Barrister, etc., 30 King Street West, Bowmanville, Ontario, Solicitor fer the Administratrix. Tenders Wanted FOR sale by tender-Eight-room- ed brick house in good repair, hvdre, three-piece bath, xvell on propert 'v. Can be divided. Tend- ers close April lSth, 1957. High-' est or any tender net necessarily accepted. Contact J. W. Stone, Orone, Ontario. Phone 14 r 7. 13-2 Pets f or Sale Orono Hall OINE male beagle, registereci; 10 OLDE TYME AND MODERN iniths aid. Apply Grant Stew- D neart, Pontypool. 13-2 D anceTHREE maie, blue tick, ed Fridy, A ril 2th boned, fox-hound pups, thmee 9:30 te 12:30 14-1' Jim Fisher and Orchestra 14-2' Wanted to Buy For Bent 25 - 50 PULLETS, ready te iay. Phone Oshawa RA 3-4834. 14-1' APARTMENT for ent. Phone1 MArket 3-3573. 14-1 LARGE baby crib, high chair, stroller and playpen. Telephone ,*IOUSE, six roms, close te High- MA 3-3730. Mr. Hollen, 181 King Çy 115. Phone Orono 8 r 12. East, Bowmanvile. 14-1' I 1-3 - HIGHEST prices paid for live 3 5 ACRES xvorking land, tali- poultry, goose feathers, feather pleughed, Manvers Rd. MArket ticks, scrap mron, rags, metals 3-2360. 14- 1'* and raw furs. Phone RA 3-2043 rIV.1unr- 2rt.qn Lnt 1Oshawva, collect. __ 48-tf 19 land. Telephone Orono [2Wt'~V141 rHREE roins, kitchenette and Dath, heated, $60. Phone MArkct 1-5277. 14-1 &,PARTMENT in Newcastlc, four ,ooms and bath, heavy wiring. Phone Newcastlé 3936. 14-1 BRIGHT new apartinent, suit- tble for business or protessional1 fiwl. Residential district. Phone 1&àrket 3:5684, 14-1' ALL kinds et live peultry want- cd. Top Toronto prices paid at your door for large or sinal quanfîties. We have our own market. M. Flatt, Bethany R.R. 1. Phone collect to Bethanyi 7 r 13. 28-tf1 Work Wcmted PLUMBING, heating, eaves- troughlng. free estimates. HarveY Partner, Tyrone. MA 3-2240. 12-tf BIUCKLAYING, plastering.'or- man Pingle, 72 Elgin St., Bow- manville. Phone MA 3-5518. 1 12-15 CAPABLE w e m a n requires houscheld position. Live in. Has one chlld. Phone MA 3-5134. 14- EXPERIENCED pruners fort apple orchard. Apply George NEW piastening and repaira. Walton, Newcastle. Phone 3261.1 Stucco and cement plastering. 14-1 A. C. Woods. Phone Clarke MEN with iight trucks te deliver. 3r04,4t nursery stock in the suburbs et GUARANTEED repaira te al Toronto. Starting April 15 te makes cf cars and trucks, al approximately May 4. Phone jobs are guarantecd, competent MA 3-5690. H. C. Dewnham workmanship, at Cowan Equip- Nursery Ce. Ltd. 14-1 ment Ce., Mcteor-Mercury Deal- 'er, 134 King St. E., Bowman- LIVING ACCOMMODATION I ill. hene MA 3-5689. 1-tf is available te womnan or couple in return for care ef elderly gentleman, net invalid, in coun- try surrounding north ef Bow, manvil]e, modern conveniences. Further remuneration may be arranged upon interview. Write Box 644, c/o Canadian Statesman 14-1 YOU tee can make money, have security and enjoy lite but it is essential te have in hand ail the necessary elements te success. We offer you this, presently we need good representatives in: Bethany, Bowmanville, Burke- ton Station, Courtice, Hampton, and surroundings. To avoid dis- appointinent, act new, we may seon tind the right persen. For details, 1600 Delorimier dept. 58,1 Station C, Montreal. 14-41 LEADING American Company requires women te introduce their nationally advertised ces- metics. Without previeus ex- perience, yeu will earn at least $3.25 per heur with our unique demonstrator plan. No stock te buy, ne delivering, ne cellecting ot money, and you choose your own working heurs. For cern- plete information write Dept. 109, Peggy Newton (Canada). Limited, Dundas, Ont. 14-1 Ontario Government Service DEPARTMENT 0F REFORM INSTITUTIONS REQUIRES Additional Supervisory Staff FOR BOYS' TRAINING SCHOOLS te establlsh a 5-Day 40-Hour Week Salary - $2880 t o $3360 3 WEEKS' VACATION WITH' PAY, SICK LEAVE, PENSION PLAN, UNIFORM Qualifications Education: Grade X. Age: 25 ta 45 Years. Helght: Preferably Not Under 5' 8" IVithout Shees An Excellent Character, Good Physique, Medical Fltness, .Good Habits. APPLY IN PERSON TO: DEPARTMENT 0F REFORM INSTITUTIONS 3rd FLOOR, 984 BAY ST., TORONTO or S UPERINTENDENT ef the following institutions: Ontario Training School for Boys Bowmanville Ontario Training School for Boys Cobourg 13-2 Auction Sales 35 Reg. Shorthern cattle, 15 Reg. Shropshire shcep, hogs, 2 herses, tracter, implements, hay, grain and straw, property et Alex D. McMaster Estate, Lot 29, Con. 5, Darlington, just east et Taunton, on Saturday, April lSth. Sale at 12:30 o'clock. Terins cash. Jack Baker, pedi- grees; Ted Jackson, auctioneer. 14-2'. I have received instructionE frein the Executor et the estatE et the late Mrs. Fred Cowan te seli by public auction on Satur- day, April 6th at her late resi- dence, Main St., Orono: bcd- reoin, living-room and kitchen furniture, bedding, dishes, gard- en tools, glassware, etc. Terins cash. No reserve, property sold. Jack Reid, auctieneer. 13-2 1 have been favoured with in- instructions frein Mr. Harold Little, east haît et Lot 4, Con. 3, Cavan (3 miles south xvest et Milibrook, Zion Line), te scîl by public auction on Saturday, April 6, 1957 at 1:00 p.m. sharp, his cattie, swine, turniture, impIe- ments, etc. Farin sold, pesitively ne reserve. Terins cash. R. J. Payne, auctioneer. 13-2 I have been tavoured with in- structions frein Mr. Wesley Gil- banks, Lot 8, Con. 6, Manvers Township (one mile west et Baliyduft) te sdil by public auc- tien on Saturday, April 13, 1957, at 1:00 p.m. sharp, his livestock, implements, teed, etc. Sec lists posted. Positively ne reserve. Tem cash. Lunch semved on grounds. R. J. Payne, auction- cer; Ted Spencely, clerk. 14-1 The undersigned auctieneerý will seli by public auctien for the estate et the late Mrs. A. Soiernen, Maple Grove, Lot 22, Concession 2, on Saturday, April 13, aIl her househoid effects, in- cluding new 7 cu. tt. retrigerat-I or, feur-bumner eiectric stove,g electric washing machine, tables, chairs, linens. Complete list etf articles in next week's paper. Sale at 1:30. Terms cash. Clif- ford Pethick, auctioneer. 14-1 \Vanted God expresses in man the in- - tinite idea forever dcveleping DEAD and crippled famm stock, ltselt, broadcnin.g and rising picked up promptly. Phone MIA higher andi higher frein a 3-2679. Margwill Fur Farm, 1hbundless basis.-Mary Baker Tyrone. 26-tf FAAuJ. A MARRIED, middle-aged war veteran needs light employmcnt. Ycars et experience growing vegetables and berrnes; private estate or summer camp prefer- red, or would consider any other light work. Write Box M. Kendal, Ont. 13-tf SAVE MONEY AT Dave's Shoe Repair Fast, Prompt Service 35 TEMPERANCE ST. (in rear) 42-tf BLOCK OR CONCRETE FOUNDàTIONS Repairs or Structural Estimates Free L. TRAVISS Phone MA 3-5202 Prompt and Efficient Service 13-2* BRICK LAYING BLOCK LAYING GENERAL CEMENT WORK A. J. Groen R.R. 3 Bowmanville PHONE MA 3-5105 12-3 Plastering Repairs QUICK SERVICE STUCCO AND NEW WORK R. L. TAFT 69 King St. E. MA 3-5030 6-tf TIME FOR SPRING WORK General Masonry BRICK, BLOCK or CONCRETE REPAIRS or STRUCTURAL Estimates Free L. Turner Phone MA 3-3072 or 3-3231 P. O. Box 177 13-tf EXCAVATING FILL AND TOP SOIL CEMENT - GRAVEL AND CRUSHED GRAVEL for dnlveways Backhoe for dlgglng lu spetlc tanks and drains and septlc tule. RALPH ROWE TELEPHONE MArket 3-5383 Brakes Relined142 Bonded Exchange Brake Shoes Ready to go - Ail Makes Brake Rlvetlng Machine Brake Drum Lathing Machine Brake Bondlnir Machine Brake Cyllnder Honing Brake Tools and Equlpment TO DO YOU A BETTER JOB Bob Stocker's Garage Bowmanville PHONE MA 3-5804 14-1' Wanted to Rent FARM home with barn, by young couple, Urgent. Phone MArket 3-2820. 14-1* YOUNG couple with family wish te rent house or roems. Phone MA 3-2742. 14-1 LIGHT trucks for 3 te 4 wecks. Phone MA 3-5690, H. C. Dewn- ham Nursery Ce. Ltd. 14-1 SMALL self centained apartmcnt suitable for one person. Write Box 645, c/e Canadian States- man. 14-1 SMALL house or apartmcnt by young married couple, ne child- ren. Urgent. Telephene after 5. MA 3-3844. 14-1 WANTED te rent or purchase, a three bedroom home with full basenient, for Possession early in April. Write Box 643, c/o Thel Canadian Statesmnan. 13-21 Repairs AL's TV and Radie Service, aise repair ef auto radios. 77 King *St. W. Phone MA 3-.9042. 13-2* RADIO and television repairs. Prompt service. Pick up and delivery. Lorne Doeen, 85 King E. Phone MA 3-5713. 2-tf REPAIRS te al nakes et refrig- erators, domcstic and corn- mercial: milking coolers. Hig- gon Electric Limitcd, 42 King St. E. Phone MA 3-5438. 25-tf Clock Repairs ]PICK-UP AND DELIVERY G. A. Brown 192 King St. E. MA 3-5136 BOWMANVTLLE 14-1 Watch Repairinu ATI JEWELLERY 43 King St. W. MA 3-5463! BOWMANVILLE Council Plans to Change Town Property Insurance On recommendation cf the -Finance Comrnittce ail the town property insurance wiII be handled through the Frank Cowan Companiy, Woodstoclc, specialists in municipal insur- ance. Such a move would be very advantagcous, Deputy - Reeve Wiif Carruthers pointed eut, as the insurance would dost less, duplication of coverage would be eiiminated and the local agents would still share in the commissionis. At the moment, the deputy- reeve explaincd, the town has eight separate insurance pol-c- les and some cf these overlap. Mr. Carruthers also rccorn- mended that substantial i- creases be made in the cover- age which he thought should be determined on a replace- ment cost rather than deprec- TYRONE Mr. A. H. Brent accompanicd Mr. and Mrs. Ross Pooley et Oshawa te visit Rev. and Mrs. John Trumpeur ot Canton. Friends will be sorry te hear Rev. Trumpour suffered a stroke. Conaratulations te Mr. and Mrs. 1. D. Sykes, Hampton, who recently celebrdted the5r 49th wedding anniversary when a tamily gathering was held. Sorry te ieamn Mrs. John Broome has had te returu to Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville. Hope she'Il soon be wel again. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wright, Miss Marion Wright werc Sat- urday evening guests et Mr. and Mrs. Don James, Oshawa. Mrs. Russeli Best, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Carson, Orono, were guests et Mr. and Mrs. A. Hills. Mr. Roy Spry is taking a thrcc weeks' course at Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. W. Rooker and son, Hamilton, spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. J. Gibuï,. Mr. and Mrs. J. Murdoch and boys accempanicd Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Byam te visit relatives in Peterborough Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. Murney and family, Peterborough, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. Park, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William Hemp- hill, Long Branch, were guests on Sunday ot Mr. and Mrs. Earl Prescott and Mr. and Mrs. K. Hardy. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Rosevear visited Mr. I. W. Larmer, MIU- brook. John Vivian cnjoyed a trip te Buffalo sponsorcd by the Times Gazette for the carriers. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne McCoy, Brooklin: Mr. and Mrs, G. Mc- Cey, Bowmanville, were guests on Sunday et Mm. and Mrs. Harold Skinner. Many thanks te ail those who ettered their services te help make the tables for the community hall. The Wonrien's Institute, Woman's Association, Club 49, L.O.L., L.O.B.A. and hall board who shared in ex- penses. A surprise birthday party was held last Wcdnesday evening for Mr. Walter Rahm. at his home when Mm. and Mrs. C. W. Rahin, Weston; Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Pedlar, Mrs. Lelia Coch- rane, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. George Rahin, Saintticld; Mr. and Mrs. Cccil Rahin, Burke- ton, and Miss Ruth Wilson, Lakcticld, were present. Mr. and Mrs. A. Hoar, Mms. S. T. Hoar, Mrs. F. Werry visit- cd baby Bill Hear in the Sick Children's Hospital, Toronto, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Pester, Mim- ico, visited Mm. and Mrs. K. Colbamy. Mr. and Mrs. S. Goble and Bruce visited Mm. and Mrs. F. Wright, Bowmanvillc. Seed Cleaning SEED cleaning plant at Ennis- killen new open. Phone MArket 3-5053 or Blackstock 102J. 14-2 SWAIN Secd Cîcaners now op-, cratlng six-day wcek. Make arrangements now for spning is cemlng around the cerner. Phone Blackstock 89 r il. 12-tf SEE THE NEW Johnson Sea Horse OUTBOARD MOTORS Now en dlsplay Palmer Motor Sales 20 King St. E. MA 3-5497 1 iation value. At present the town hall la insured for $60,000 and he sug- gested that it te incleased to nt least $100,000 and aise pro- visions be made te cover the contents. It was cstimatéd that the town hall would cost at ]east $170,000 te replace. The town shed, he continued, is insured for only $1,000 and this ha thought should be set at $10,000 and Uic contents at $5,000. Mr. Carruthens went on to recommend houler insurance, a blanket fidclity bond te caver ail tewn empîcyees, firemen's insurance be incrcased te $5,000 and workmen's compensation te $5,000. The Finance Committee were given Coundll's approval te make any adjustinent te the insurance coverage. Mr .V. Edwards of Wel- land returned homne aftcr spend- ing twe months with his daugh- ter, Mr. and Mrs. T. Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Partner, Long Sault, spcnt Sunday ev- cningr with Mr. and Mrs. S. Goble. Mr. and Mrs. M. Dubyk and Diane visited Mr. and MrL. Harry Hepburn, Whitby. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Skinner were tea guests ot Mr. and Mrs. W. Lake, Newcastle. Mr. and Mrs. W. Vivian and children visitéd Mr. and Mrs. Walter Orîniston, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Lemne Phare visitcd Mrs. B. Kilpatrick, Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. A. Wood and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Webb, Pontypeol. Walter Murphy, Walter Park, Jr., and Tom Phillips attended the Zone Rally at the Legion Hall, Bowmanvilc, Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Murphy and family visîted Mr. and Mrs. L. Broome, Solina. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Vivian, Isabel, Deug and Ken, Mr. and Mrs. E. Mason and baby, Bow- ,manville, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. Vîvian. Mrs. Len Boumne spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. C. Grant, Leskard. MAPLE GROVE The Couples',Club will meet et 6.30 on Thursday evening (tenight) for their annual pot luck supper. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Breaks spent Sunday with hcr parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Rodman, Little Britain. Evening Auxilliary The March meeting cf Maple Grove Evening Auxiliary was held at the home of Mrs. Jack Humnie. Mrs. Hurrie gave a eading. Scnipture reading was in unison. Bible Study period with Mrs. J. Hurrie, Mrs. S. Seymour, Mrs. W. Munday, Mrs. L. White, Mrs. H. Stevens,* Mrs. McMillan and Mrs. S. Jet- trey taking part. The Study Book was given by Mms. H. Stevens and Mrs. S. Jeffrey. President Mrs. W. Brown presided for the buàl- ness period. Mrs. K. Flint read an article on "Gift For Build- ing Advance". Leaders, C.G.I. T. girls and their mothers arp te be invited te the pot luck supper meeting in April. Luncà was served by the group. C.G.I.T. On Menday night the C.G.L.T. met in the church basement. Woshîp service was cenducted by Vella Jane MacLean and Barbara Milîs. A discussion tollowcd on a tea te be served at a later date, when the moth- ers will be invited te attend. An invitation was received from the Evening Auxiliary cf the W.M.S. fer the girls and their mothers te join with thein for a pot luck supper on April 25. This invitation was acceptcd. The C.G.I.T. will hold their next meeting on Thursday, April 11l, at 7.00 p.m. % Group to Meet Foresters Plan Cancer, Drive The Sunshine Group met- at the home et their Secretary Mrs. Stan McMurter on Wed- nesday night March 27, with 14 members present. During a short business period the Pre- sident ead a letter frein Mis. Fred Lloyd et the Oshawa Unit concerning the introduction et a new type of dressing soon te be made by the group and al3se a "'Thank You" for the afgha-1 %which will be given te the Unit for one of their patients. This afghan is being made by tnei Brewnies under the direction These days muat people work undut pressure, worry mnore, aleep leu. This strain on body snd brain mahe physical Iinosa casier t. bse- harder te regain. TodaY's tense living, lowered resistance, overwork, worry-any of these anay alfect normai kidney action. Wben kidneys get Mit of order, eues, acids and vastes -enain in the system. Then bachacho, fiaturbed reg, Ihat "tired-oeat" heavry. ieaded feeling Olten follow. lTha thelb Âme to lake Dodd's Kiney Pilla. Doddsa Ejinulate the kidneys te normal action. n«leu oel better-aleep Letfer-work botter. Ask for Dodda Kida. PUis&a .ny dru& couutor. 4 St. Pauls Eveè*ning W.A. Pion for Future Events Help Wanted BABY-SITTER wanted, 8 - 5:30.1 Phone MA 3-3084. 14-1i 191 Ashtonbee Road MUFFLERS NIRRORS RAY Sunoce Gas and Oilt 181 King St. E. Scarborough, Ont, m . m $5.39 up m m $2.25 lo $4.39 GIBBS MA 3-3501k Bowmanville HOW "HIGH OFF THE HOG" WILL YOUR FAMILY LIVE? Whether your family lives on tenderloin or kidneys may depend on how well your estate is handled. Experienced Estate Officers, like those at Sterling Trusts, can help you plan your estate properly, se that ultimately there ivil] be a minimum of delay, confusion and tax loss. Why flot talk to a Sterling Trust Estate Officer soon ... or write for our free bookiet "Blueprint For Your Family". THE STERLING TRUSTS C 0 R P 0 R A T 1 0 N Head Office: 372 Bay St., Toronto Brancb Officet 1-3 Dunlop St., Barrie I., Ads GIRL or woman for light house- hold duties, atternoons only. Phone MA 3-3137. 14-1 Storm Window Dealer World's largestI nternational manufacturer cf aluminum eombination' windows, doors and awnings, requires aggresslve dealer for Bo'wmanville and surrounding areas. Applicant should have previcus expenience in this field with proven record cf achievement, and should be able to sell and to train and direct salesmen. Please reply ln detail, giving complete personai and business background. The Sales -Director will visit Bowmanville shortly to Interview quallfylng applicants. Letters of application should b. addressed to : MR. MILTON SHEKTER Alsco Produis of Canada- Limiled MOTORCADE Specials of this Week JOHN DEERE DRALER The Evening W.A. cf St. Paul's United Church held a general the church lecture rom Monday evening, April Ist, with the Jane St. group taking the devotional Eero..Their theme was "The :ght of the World is Jesuz;,' and those taking part were Audrey Osmond, Vi Marjerri- son and Jean Harness. The popular Dao Trio, Norma Dale, Diane Austin and Eleanor Osborne, were introduced by Susie Graham and favoured thte W.A. with three selections. Rev. Harold Turner showed coloured slides cf church lactiv- ities and local and vacation scenery. - President Doris Welsh then conducted the business period. Minutes cf the February meet- ing were read by Marlon Stac.!y and the treasurer's report given by Margaret Welsh. The On. tarie Street group is planning te hold a daffodil tea and other groups will have heme-baking and bazaar items. The group reperted niuch sickness and a great many sick calîs. Liberty St. greup have given a baby layette te a miss- ienary returning te Korea. of Mrs. Don Russell and Mrs. Marjorie Stout. During the evening 65 dress- ings were made and plans f ir the cancer drive ef April 30 were discussed. A list ef can- vassers is te be prepared for a meeting. on the following even- lng with the Forester con- veners. Lunch was served by ihe hostess, Mrs. Ossie Williams and Mrs. O. Plummer. The April 24 meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. J. Dunn, Beech Av~ Further plans were made Im the annual tail bazaar in Nov. ember. Mary Syer will con. vene a Doll Festival. A lette? cf thanks was read frein HL A. Cuthbertsen, church trea- surer, expressing thanks cf thé Board of Stewards for a dona- tien towards the re-medelling cf the church kitchen, and the purchase cf a ncw mat at the S.S. entrance. The manse committee, V-ýra Lawson and Hester Boe, were asked te see about the purchase ef a studio or day-bed fer the manse study. A donation ef $5.00 was made to Dominion Council for the John Knox Chapel Rebuilding Fund. This chapel is in Gen- eva, Switzerland. cfThe greup were reminded ofthe Presbytery meeting in Newcastle United Church on April 25. The theme for the programn will be, 'Ye Shahl be My Witnesses." Port Ferry w;'. conduet the devotienal periodl and Albert St. 'Church, Oshawa, will conduet the memnorial ser- vice in mrnmry et those ladies who have passed on since the last service. Conference will be hcld in the Port Hope United Churchi on May 7. Morning service be- gins at 9:45 ir. The annual dinner for the choir xviii bh hld in Septei- ber. The Jane St. ladies served refreshments. Cet Your Price For Your Liveslock through STATESMAN CLASSIFIEDS Phone MA 3-3303 TRUMDAY, APRIL 4th, 1051 PAGE FllrrrXM E::L"fflit mm CMADIM STATESUM. BOWMANM=. ONTAlqto à