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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Apr 1957, p. 5

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~!!V~WDA A? ~n'MI u ~ANAf!A ~ W AT~AW W~W, aw--. --- -----*- * 'v'-.. w.~. -" ~i.L& ~PAGE PMV ChIdren's Aid Society frlects New 0f ficers The annual meeting of the c &~ Aid Society of the ~jGtthýrlandand Durham .1-ountAeeected D. R. Maybee, Mayor Of Campbellford, to the office Of president Tuesday night. He succeeds H-. C ap bell Of Bailieboro. Vice?presidents are S. Littli, 130rmanville, and J. R. Perry, ec -Hope. Mrs. G. M. Doggett la etary and William Arm- Strng treasurer. The meeting was held in Dr. Powel's school auditorium. Speaker was F. C. Jackson, of the department of public heaith and welfare. Society directors are: Mrs. F. Belyea, Mrs. J. R. Perry, J. Kel- lough, A. J. Ballett, Sherm Gifford, F. Hempstead, Mrs. H. Brooking, Carl Nichols, H. C. Campbell, F. Belyea, H. Win- field, G. Dunlop, C. E. Stephen- son, Miss Pearl Hutchings, W. B. Renderson, Mrs. W. R. Prouse and A. W. Lent. The Hon. W. A. Goodfellow, ONCE A YEAR ANNUAL SALE RARRIET HUBDARD AXER* lamo Is AYIER DRY CREAM DEODORANTr AND ANTI-PERSPIRANT and new AYER STICK «EODORANT tor a limited 4 ~time only* Rcg.$ 15 eah ~each Smtart people will buy bath. Ayer Dry gives protec- tion, contains Extrolan, Is fira- grnt. Ayer Stick has bacteria. destroy ing hexachiorophene content, canvenient push-up~ container. Bath are non. irritating ta nornial skin, non injurious ta fabric. ý0Jury & Loveil M.P.P., is horiorary president of the board a! directors, and Warden L. A. Hooton is honùr- ary vice?president. Honorary directors are: Mrs. Frank Phil- iPs, the Rev. A. J. T. Hender- son, the Rev Father Cleary, the Rev. B. K. Cronk. Mrs. Fred Smith, Canon C. H. Boulden, the Rev. E. C. Keltoway, Lt. V. Walter, the Rev. J. Corey. Caunty representatives are F. M. Rutherford, o! Campbellford and S. Little, Bowmanville. W. E. Bonneville is honorary sal- icitor. Auditors are Humpage, Taylor and McDonald o! Peter- borough. (Intended for last week) The special Farmer Labour meeting in Bowmanville Tues. Iast was a very well attended bY farmers from dîfferent seg- ments of the county. While the discussion between the two lacked the controversy which usually improves a panel dis- cussion, stili some very good points were brought out. One very interesting point which we have believed for same time was that one which ed-:t- ors Of ail papers cantinually harangue on-"'That the act'ial ir.creased cost of production for almost any manufactured pro- duct is flot accountable to la- bour costs. Increased labour ef- ficiency now produces the in- dividual product for less than during the 1930's. Actually the increased sales price of many products, we were told, was directly due ta the pre-arrang- ed planning for profits which were in several cases between 100 percent and 80 percent. The fashion show held in Yelverton on Wednesday even- ing the 2th, with a record temperature and seated capa- city, must surely have been deemed a success. Nestleton iend Cartwright were well re- presented bath in auditoriumn and on the stage. The 300 or more ladies fromn surrounding district were very intent upon lqO0NEY AVAILABLE FOR NOETCAGES Rialph S. Jonles Barrister and Solieltor 65 Shncoe St. S. Oshawa RA 5-35251t Iwho cares iïf itfs ALL-WEATHER COAT Àoýý,from BRESLIN'S "RIGHT-AS-RAIN" COATS by Famous Makers , - In smnart styles! - ln loads of gay patterns! And in a rainbow of colours. They're in a fanfare of styles - î- handsome rbelted coats - - - double breasted reefers - - - roomy toppers - Some with large collars that can be used as hoods - "private eyes" - raglan or set in sleeves - deep patch pockets - fitted models! Excellent fabrics - - - sleek rayons ---sturdy paratwills - - - tapestry tweeds - - - niercerized iioplins - - - versatile plain colours - - - smart patterns - -- ivy league stripes. Priced from $1695to $35.00 r 1 We've dozens of these slick "Rain or Shiné" Coats '4* for you to choose from. i BRESLIN'S Bownmnvlle m m Whitby F Two Fine Lads viewing the new- fashions and styles. FridaY evening an enjoyable dance was held in Nestieton Hall with music supplîed by Lefty .Williams and Ranch Boys from Lindsay. The lucky draw was won by outside contribu- tors. The electric fry-pan by Mrs. Keith Mark of Port Perry, the electric mixette by Miss Noreen Howard o! Oshawa. Maurice Nesbitt won the door prie, The spot dance and broomn ance were won by Mr. and Mrs. Wallace of Bowmanvîlle. Rev. P. Romeril ga've his part II sermon which was pre- viewed a week aga. It surpris- ed we males to know this part of his sermon was aimed-not at the ladies for excess tongue waggle but at we men for not speaking-at the right time and perhaps often enough. Farmers, look alive. A corn- mnunity betterment programme mnay be in the offing. A special lecture by Mr. Ken Fallis cf Provincial Department and Mr. H. Skinner, County weed in- spector, will be presented in Blackstock Township Hall on Thursday evening, March 28, re eradication and control of Buck- thorn and Barberry. A discus- sion on the Provincial assistance. grant for same may mean a dlean up is inevitable. This may cost us some money s0 farmers awake. The monthly W.A. meeting was held Thursday in the base- ment of the United Churcn' with president in the chair and 16 ladies present. Mrs. N. Mar- low'S group was in charge. Vera McCoy gave the dévotions, Mrs. Marlow rend the study book and Mrs. Mackie gave a reading. The roll cail was re- sponded ta by giving a house cleaning hint. A finish coat was decided for the floor of the church auditorium and a pot luck supper with maple sy- rup was planned for April 1,1'. The meeting closed with Ben-; ediction and tea. Next meeting Mrs. Emerson's group is in charge. Mrs. R. Addison, Toronto,! stayed a few days at her par- ents, the Wm. Steeles', recently. The Rev. and Mrs. Atkinson o! Oshawa, visited Leonard Joblin on Monday afternoon. Grant Campbell with a cou- pIe of the lads in Toronto Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Emer-i son were hasts Sunday ta Mr. and Mrs. Jim Boe of Toronto, son Edgar and family, Don Milis and Irene, Oshawa. The Wilson familY visited re- i latives in Brooklin. The Harvey Malcolm family mixed business and pleasure in a cail at Malconia Pines Sat- urday evening. It mnay be only a short time before these wel known lnndmarks must give way before the march o! pro- gress-in this case the county rond engineer has condemned these pines ta be removcd.1 Tust another major change inJ the scenery in this Ninth Con- 1 cession o! Cartwright within view o! the Scugog.9 cý st ti ZION (Intended for last week) Mr. G. N. Chamberlin's barn was burned ta the ground in a short time the other morning. A few hens were burned also. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Glaspeli and family, Tyrone; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Scott and family, Ked- ron; Mr. and Mrs. John Gerry and Phillip, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Glaspell and family, 'Mrs. Alex McMaster and family at Mrs. F. B. Glaspell's. Master Larry Down, Ebenezer, spent the weekend at Percy Davidson's. Mrs. Vernon Powell and sons, Columbus, at Donald Yellow- lees. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dart, Mr. and Mrs. Hans Geiss berger, Mr. and Mrs. Hans Geissberger Jr., and Jim Stainton, attended the Sportsmen's Show at Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Stainton and Laurel spent the weekend at Ray Walters, Islington. Mr. and Mrs. John Killen, Oshawa, at Robert Killen's. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Coverly and Karen, Ebenezer, at Wes. Cameron's. Mrs. Percy Davidson, Mrs. Charles Terry, Master Larry Down visited at Tom Westlake's, Millbrook. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dart and Kenneth accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. William Dnrt, Sr., o! Woodville, attended the Golden 'Wedding Anniversary o! Mr. and Mrs. Harry Powell at Goderich and spent a '2w days with rèl- atives at Milton. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Stainton at Albert Balson's, Sauina. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Down, Ebenzer; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Terry, Oshawa; Miss Doris Rear- don, Whitby, at Percy David- son's. Mr. John Kiveli and Miss Pearl Leach, Sauina, at Norman Leach's. Mr. and Mrs. N. Patter, Toronto, at Henry Dart's. Miss B er t ha Geissberger, Teachers' College, Toronto, was a student teacher last week at one o! the Oshawa schools. Mr. and Mrs. Antan Kreig, Clara and Haida, Scugog Island, at Hans Geissberger's. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sobil and family, Bowmanville. were caîl- Russell Stainton's, Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mitchell and Terry, Mrs. Bessie Lundy, Toronto, at Russell Perkin's. Mrs. Bd. Romanuk, Mrs. Douglas JoJhnson, Mrs. Walter Libby, Mrs. Murray Butler, Mrs. Douglas Skinner, Oshawa, visited Mrs. Jim Stainton. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Camneron attended the card party at Max- well's School on Monday even- ing. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ward and sons, Town Line North at Wes Camervn's. for the purpose o! aur caming together here, I need not take much o! -your time ta express the reason, none other but ta invest some o! you boys in the Dad Balson. Brotherhood of Scouting," said the Mr. McCay. Being invested makes a boy feel that he has turned -the first stone in his ad- *venture ta scouting he cont-n- *ued and reminded themn that he *expected from them their very best. Mr. O. J. Presson, President o! the Scouting Association, Bowmanville, was present as the guest o! honor. Mr. Presson greeted the boys and gave those who were invested the left hand shake with compliments from the World-wide Brother- hood of Scouting. Mr. H. Wgt- son, a parent who witnessed his son Ted Watson invested, show- ed his excellent scouting spirit. He also met all the boys and wished them the very best in scouting. He turned and thank- ed Mr. McCoy for what he is doing for the boys. He said that he only wished there were more parents present ta see this "fine ceremeny". Mr. Presson, being invited by the scouter was asked ta speak to the boys. He gave a very short, but, to-the-point speech in which he congratulat- ed the boys for the fine work they are doing. He wished them success in their future years o! scouting and hoped they would always remember this night. Much praise is due to Lowell Highfield for the help and in- terest he shows in the troop. Lowell has been acting as trea- surer for the past three months and has been doing an efficient job. After the Investiture Service, the scouter met with the patrol leaders and gave them a bit cf instruction on how ta officiate in their respective troop. Baisons Enjoy Social Evening Hampton: The Balson fai- lies were entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Balson Friday night ta celebrate the 15th wed- ding anniversary o! Mr. and Mrs Harvey Balson. They were presented with a beautiful blue bedspread and twa blue dresser lamps wit.h crystal base. It was also -Har- vey's birthday. During the evening the farr- ily presented their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Balson, with a budgie bird, cage and stand ta honor their 54th weddingr day coming up in April. Gamel were played and a deliciaus lunch was enjoyed. Those attending were: Mr. and Mrs. Anson Balson, Rich- mond Hill: Mr. and Mrs. Lesie Hoskin, Thornton's Corners; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ferguson, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Keith Billett, Bowmanville; Mr and Mrs. Jack Macnab and Mom and Smartest Iooking new beauty that ever dressed up a driveway- ..or caused a flurry of excite-. ment in your neighbourhoodl Folks seem to ngree that Plymouth's reaily a honey this year-for looks, performance, riding comfort, roominess, safety! And who are we to deny it? After ail, Plymouth does have the highest standard horsepower of .SALEM (Intended for last week) W.A. held its Mnrch meeting at the home o! Mrs. (Rev.) F. Jackson, Tyrone. Mrs. E. Twist opened the meeting with an appropriate poema and conduct- ed the business. We were asked ta cater to a wedding in May. Roll caîl was answered with "Ideas for increasing aur funds' Mrs. G. Shackleton and her group were in charge. Mrs. Shackleton gave the bible reading and devotional. Mrs. 1 F. Jackson favoured with a piano solo. Mrs. G. Shackle- ton told us about the W.M.S. Conference meeting which she attended at St. Andrew's Unit- ed Church, Oshawa. Rev. F. Jackson read us a very inter- esting story. A social timç was enjoyed after the meeting. Anyone wishîng ta send a1d wollens ta be made into blan- kets please leave at Mrs. S. Buttery's or Mrs. Bob Craig's before April 8. Mrs. Mark Blackburn enjoy- ed a pleasant surprise on Sat- urdny when Mr. Walter Black- burn, Edmonton, who had been ta Toronto on business, was able ta spend Saurday night with his mother at Mr. and Mrs. SATURDAY EXCURSIONS 1 On Sunday a family dinner was held at home a! Mr. and Mrs. F. Blackburn when Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Blaclcburn and farnily, Mrs. K. Cowling, Haydon; Miss Stella Blackburn, Mrs. Nettie Cale, Town, were guests and Mr. and Mrs. G. Shackleton and family also en- joyed a short visit with Mr. Walter Blackburn. Mr. ane. Mrs. Bob Craig held a party oýi Saturday evening in ho?-,cr o! Miss Beatrice Craig's birthday. Mrs. Margaret Maçk and 1Gloria Jean, Mr. Geo. Parsons, Toronto, wvere weekend visitors with their sister, Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Marchant. Mr. and Mrs. J. Delaney were Sunday visitors with h;is bother, Mr. and Mrs. Les. De- laney, Port Hope. Weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. Craig were Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Pirie, Toronto. and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Barr and family, Rosebank. Mrs. George Goddard and Louise, Courtice, were Monday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. R. Welsh. Mrs. W. Craig, Mrs. G. Shack- leton, Mrs. E. Twist and Mrs. S. Buttery attended the W.M.S. conference meeting at St. An- drew's United Church, Oshi- TORON TO 10W FARES EVERY SATURDAY (TO AND INCL. APRIL 13) Tckets good going and returning some SaIurdoy only. FARE FROMs Belleville . .*.*.*.*.$4.40 Cobourg. a a a a 0 . 2.70 Port Hope.a. e * e * .2.50 Bowmainvill. ... 1.75 Oshawa. e. . 1.35 Whitby e.. .. 1.10 Corresnonding fores fromn intermnediate points FULL INFORMATION FROM AGENTS CANADIANf PACIFIC CANADIAN NATIONAL 57 Seo us about getting your new ThriII-POwer Plymouth today 1 It's the Iowest priced car in Canada with: e FigNt-Sweep '57 styling a V-8 or 6 ThriI-Pwr GO e Total-Contact brakes a Torsion-Aire Ride s Advanced ChrysJer qua"W engineering *... and push-button Tarque-Flit. *0utomatic transmissiop Salnes-58 Phone MA 3-5487 the low-prioe field. It does happen to be the lowest priced car with modern proved-in-use push- button rving ... revolutionary Torsion-Aire Ride . .. and new Super-Safe Total-Contact brakes. Don't accept less for your money than this fresh, frisky new Thrill-Power Plymouth has to offer. Corne see us soon ... and learn how easily you can own one!1 Uhrysier Corporation of Canada, Limnited Motor Bowmanville rtining? m m m with a smart TuRzLL ?PowR>P ym You're always a step ahead in cars of The' Forward Look Palmer 20 King Street E. These brothers are the children of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Knox, Solina. On the left is Boyd Douglas who was born on Feb. 29 last year, a leap year baby. His big broth- er is Robert Dean who was three in January. They are grandsons of Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Tink Courtice, and Mr. and Mrs. William Knox, Brougham, and great-grandsons of Mrs. H. C. Tink of Hampton. -Photo by Ireland Studio, Oshawa Ten Boy Scouts Invested At Impressive Service I'ft» CifflADIAlq 15TATM'-qd" . rym-rj&ww.% a North Nestleton On Thursday, March 21, the lst Bowmanville Boy Scout rroop under the Leadership of Scouter E. M. McCoy assisled by Troop Leader Lowell High- field held their Third Investi- ture Service for this year. The Patrol Leader must be complimented for the very good work and the high înterest they show in the weekly meet- ings. Because o! such interest and work, there were ten boys invested on the above date. The ceremony was a very colourful and memoraible one. It took the form o! a Candle- light Service with the boys standing in a horse-shoe forma- tion for the breaking o! the flag. "On such a night as this and Sales

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