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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Apr 1957, p. 7

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%%WU&'M3T AAKnm<I,.11 TM CANADIAN ETATESUAN, ECFWXAiqvffL=z*olqT'rp Mrs. R. A. Hacking, Aurora, is visiting her son, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Hacking. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Roenigl. have returned from vacation- ing in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Stevens ?"ned home Iast week froni a ~tion in Florida. 'P te meeting of the Scout MOthers' Auxiliary will be held at the Lions Centre on Wed- nesday, April 10 at 2:30. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Hanila and daughter Patricia, and Mrs. Edith Hanna are visiting with Helen's mother, Mrs. J. E. Pritchard. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Annis and daughters Marilyn and Helen, Toronto, were weekend visit- ors with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. H. Cann. University of Toroihto, spent the weekend at home. G. M. Tapics, the publication of General Motons of Canada, Oshawa, reports that Rance Dilling of the Purchasing De- partment was among those re- Sceiving cheques this month for suggestions. Club 15 met at the home of Mrs. G. E. Mann, Elgin St., un Wednesday, March, 27. The club enjoyed a fricndly even- in!g with Miss H. Carr, Super- visor of Programmes for Sen- ior Citizen graups. Mr. Alan Strike attendcd lec- turcs at Osgoode Hall Law School last wcekend on the sun- ject of Estate Planning. Lec- turers were eminent authori- tics from. the fields of law, azz- caunting and' insurance. The series of lectures is under the auspices of The Law Society o! Upper Canada. Scouts invested at the thi-d investiture service held on March 21 were: David Pressen, David Thampson, Bradley Yourth, John Goode, Michael Dickens, David Werry, imi Mceil, Allan Plummen, Pat Bctzcl, Ted Watson. The ini- vestiture was under the lead- ership o! Scouten E. M. McCoy assistcd by Troop Leader Low- ehl Highfield. Attending a meeting o! the Regional Htospital Council of the Ontario Hospital Associa- tion held in Civie Hospital, Pe- tenborough, on March 28 were Harny Cryderman, chairman, o! the board of Memanial Hos- pital, Bowmanvilce; Ivan Hobbs, finançe chairman; Glenholmne Hughes, public relations chair- man. Attending froîn the Woîn- en's Hospital Auxiliary were Mrs. L. W. Dippell, president; Mrs. Bruce Mutton, vice-presi. dent; Mrs. L. T. McLaughlin, sccretary; Mrs. Gea. 'Young, treasurer. Mn. Ali e Shrubb who bas spent the past six months with his daughten, Mr. and Mrs. A. Baker in San Diego, Calif., bas rcturned ta Bawmanville and will spend the summer with his daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Allun. Mr. Shrubb tra- vcllcd by bus, lcaving San Die- go on Sunday, March 24, and arriving in Toronto at 1.30 a.m. Thursday morning. After visit- ing his son, he came on ta Bow- Mr. and Mrs. William Daw- son rcturncd Monday from visiting relatives and friends in Creston, B.C., Calgary, Alta., and Maple Crcck, Sask. Mr. and Mrs. L. Cassel and baby Penny, Kitchener, spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. M. E. Leask. Robert Leask, ST. JOHN'S CHURCH (Anglican) Fifth Sunday in Lent 8 and il a.m. - HOLY COMMUNION 10 and il a.m.- CHURCH SCHOOL 7 - EVENING PRAYER çSocf ai & ,EPersoniai Phone MA 3-3303 CENTENNIAL SERVICE of the Christian Reformed Church will be'held Sunday, April 7 a 10:15 Rev. A. W. Schaafgma wilI speak on: "ýBeneath the Cross of Jesus" Everyone is cordially invited. Trinity United Church Minister - Rev. T. Arthur Morgan, B.A. il A.M. - Bev. J. A.Mutchmor. M.A., D.D. Toronuto 7 P.M. Rev. T. A. 'Morgan Organist-Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus. Bach, Service I., L.R.S A PICTORIAL PRESENTATION WIlTH SOUN "Journey to Calvary Saiturday, April 6tIi 8 p.m. " Four Film Strips in Vivid Fuli-Colour! " Photographs of Living Characters! " Authenticated Costumes and Settings! " Narration and Musical Background professiorxally recorded! THE LAST SUPPER *.M. [D, h GETHSEMANE ARREST AND TRIAL JUDGMENT AND CRUCIFIXION ethese film strips of unusual beauty Re-live with Christ Ris Journey to Calvary The Salvation Army Bowmanville Captain Wm. Brown, u Table Hotel's Request To License Caterers Balmoral Hotei's request that a by-law be passcd ta forbid aIl groups or arganizations ta caten withaut a license bas been deferred by Bowmanvilie Town Cauncil. On consultation with the tawý,n solicitors, Stnike and Stnike, the councillors learned that tbcy are nat obiiged ta pass a catcning by-îaw. Thus with na definite course of action ta follaw Council de- cided4 ta table the matter until future consideration is given to the question. L.O.D.A. Grant A letter was received by the Cauncil Monday from the Lake Ontario Development Associa- tion whicb expressed apprecia- tian for the town's support dur- ing the past year and asked for continuance of the 7 cent per capita grant ta the association. The request was approved by Council. A grant equal ta the amount of taxes which could be deriv- cd !rom the Lions Communily Centre was made ta the Boy.- manville Lions Club. .Works' Fareman Lloyd Quin- ton was appointed as Weed Con- trol Inspector for the town. Permission was granted ta the Canadian Cancer Society ta hold a blitz campaign in Bow- manville betwcen 7. and 8 pan., April 30. manville on Friday. Mr. Shrubb is feeling fine and reports a good trip, though they were stalled in snow drifts for four hours in Texas during the big storm which bit the western states last weelc. Trinity W.M.S. met on Tues- day, April 2. Mrs. Gilbert had charge of the devotional assist- ed by Mrs. Jamieson, Mrs. Brooks, Mrs. Clark, Mrs. Gibbs. Mrs. H. Hardy and Mrs. R. Hut- chinson received the offerîng. Miss SadIen very effectivaly rendcred a solo "The Old Rug- ged Cross". Mrs. R. Strike re- vicwed a chapter of the study book "Indonésia - Young Re- public". Mrs. Lobb led in pray- er. Mrs. S. James took charge of the business portion of the meeting and the various secre- taries read their reports. Woni- cn's Missionary Sunday will be April 28 with Rev. Gallagher as speaker, and the Family Par- ty May 1. plain Pvrogveam (Continued fnom page one) year with Monday service in the Town Hall when municipal officers will take part; Tues- day in the High School, when Education will be the theme; Wedncsday in the Town Hall, with labour and management representatives; Thursday in the Lions Centre with the ser- vice clubs participating in a theme stressing health and wel- fare of the community; Friday in Trinity United Church whcn the church's place in the com- munity will be the theme. Open Air Service It is also hopcd ta hold an open air service on Sunday, June 29. The Committee wiii endeavour ta obtain special speakers bath for the week of prayer services and the open air service. It is also planned ta hold a service of witness on Whitsunday, May 25, in the evening, in which ai the churches would join. Arrangements have been made for Don Fairbairn ta give the Neighbounly News braad-. cast from Bowmanville, Ivani Hobbs, Chairman of Publicitv reportcd. The committee is ob- tainîng prices on car stickers advertising the Centennial, but the idea of special letter stamps or stickers has been dropperd owing ta the cast. The pur- chase of special match -books was discussed. To Publlsh Book D. R. Mornison, Chairman of1 the Historical Cammittee, said1 the committee felt that as good ,a historical booklet should be' published as passible, wîthin1 a reasonable cost. It was felti that kecping away fraîn adver-1 tisements in the book wauld ha desirable if it is feasible finan- f cially. No decision was madev at this time.S Mr. Morrison acted as chair- man for the meeting. E The Oro I Telephq Mns. Clarence Duncan attend- cd the funeral of her brother- in-law, Mr. Wm. Braby in To- ronto on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Litt, To- ronto, and Mrs. Theodore Sher- win and family, Lindsay, visit- cd Mr. Robert Sherwin on Sat- urday. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Gilloi- land and son and Mrs. John Morris wcre dinner guests o! Miss Bertha Cain on Saturday. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Dean West on the birîli of their daugbten on Manday. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Haoey and Cathryn visitcd in Clara- mont on Sunday. Congratulations ta Mr. James Stevenson, Montreal formenlY o! Orono, on bis 93rd birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. T .Miller lcft on Monday for a holiday in the southern States. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dayes, Jim and Loraine, Blackstock, Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy Gray and David, Cadmus, spent Suri- day with Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Sutton. Mrs. Frank H. Meneilley, Warkworth, is spending this week with Mrs. Chas. Awde. Mr. and Mrs. James Middle- ton, Mr. and Mrs. John Cow- an. Mrs. Milton Wannan, Mr. Luther Barrabail, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Jakeman, attended the funeral o! the late Mr. Ronald McComb Gibson in Oshawa on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brysan and daughters, Caîborne, spent the weeekend with Mrs. M. Sherwin and Laurence. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gilîmer have moved ta Newcastle. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Allin( the fomer Jean Rainey) on the birth of thein daughter on Sunday. Mrs. Chas. Cooper is a pa- tient in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Salter, Hampton, visited Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Wood on Sunday. Mn. and Mrs. Dean Hodgson, Bowïnanvillc, visited Mr. and Mns. D. G. Hoopen on Sunday. Mn. and Mrs. Harold Han- cock and family, Belleville, and Miss Mildned Holdaway, Peter- borough, spent the weekend with Mn. and Mrs. Egerton Hancock. Mrs. Fred Lycett, Miss Kate Fosten and Miss Bertha Cain, attended the Women Teachers' Fedenation Banquet beld in Port Hope on Manch 2Oth. Mrs. J. P. G. Maroosis, Osh- awa, entertained at dinnen in th e Guîld a! Ail Arts Oak roorn recently for Miss Shirley J. Porter, RN. Mr. and Mrs. E. Couvier and family, Oshawa, moved. last wveek into the Frank Hall re- sidence. Mrs. Chas. Bebee has return- ed home !rom Memorial Hasp.- at Leskard. Mrs. P. Bradshaw wvas spending the weekend with her. Wedding beils will soon be ringing for Miss L. Martin, who with Mr. and Mrs. A. Young and son, Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. C. Martin tiîis weekend. MAPLE GROVE LESKARD Mn. and Mrs. Ross Rabbins and Gail, Toronto, spent the weekend witb Mn. and Mrs. A. Rabbins. Mrs. Rabbins continues ta make goad progress in ber illness. We do hope ta sec ber Up and around again soan. Otl'er visitors were Mrs. R. Moffat and Mrs. J. Marton. Mn. and Mrs. E. Green and Brenda, Mr. and Mrs. E. Law, Oshawa, spent the wcekend at .Niagara and Buffalo. While in Buffalo tbey visited witb Mr and Mrs. J. Swarbrick an-1 family, (nesently o! Kendai) who wished ta be remembceed ta al !riends and neighbours there.. Mr. and Mrs. V. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. J. Marton arc spend- ing five days in the States. ,Pleased ta sec that Mns. James Buckley bas made a complete recovery fram bher recent ili- ness. Master Burt Green spent the weekend with Master Jan Hughes. Visited with Mrs. James Cameron hast week. She wisbed ta be remembcred toalal fniends Frasst NCF Capsules 1.95 - 3.45 - '7.63 Liquid 1.85 - 3.95 - 6.85 Geritol 1.35 - 3.29 - 5.49 Kkovah Salt 35e - 59C - 89e One-A-Day Multiple Vitamins 1.40 - 2.50 - 3.95 7.95 Vita Diet 1.95 - 4.50 I.DA. Ere--Tone 1.50 Health Salts 59o Idafer - Liquid 1.50 Capsules 2.00 Idatone ------ 1.00 Syrup Hypopho6phites 1.25 I.DA. BEEF, IRON and WINE ~.~~1.I~~ w no News i moe 127 tai, Bowmanville. Congratulations to Mr. a-id Mrs. F. C. Vagg on the birth of their daughter. Mr. and Mrs. B. Fagan, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Gilbert spent the weekend in Buffalo. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Awde and Donald, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Awde, Peterborough', 1visited Mrs. Chas. Awde o~n ESunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Logan, 1Mrs. Alex Watson, Mrs. Chas. 1Wood and Mrs. Neil Porter, spent Friday in Peterborough. Mr. Richard Morton, Agin- court, visited Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Morton, who returned to their farm last week after spending the winter in Oronu. and the proceeds were moat gratifying. The cast, in order of their ap- pearance, were: Maude Larra- bee, Mary Rutherford; Julia Ward McKinlock, Reta Barr-, Linus Lanrabce Jr., George Col- lins; Linus Larrabee, Jim Pal- lard; Margaret Hazel Robinson; David Larnabee, Don Staples; Gretchen, Carolyn Joncs; Sa- brina Fairchild, Jo Ann Rutîi- erford; Fairchild, Orville Chat- terton; A yaung woman, Joan Cook; a young man, Paul Ru- therford; a girl, Marilyn Cob- bledick: a boy, Normnan Rieka- by; Paul D'Argensan, Victor Auger. Production staff: Pnoduced and directed by Margot Sam- uel; Stage manager, Ted Sam- uel; prampter, Carolyn Joncs; Scenery, Margaret Rickaby and Merle Gilbert; Make up, Margot Samuel; Properties, Jo Barlow and Sid Rutherford; Lighting, Ernie Dent:, Publicity, Marjonie Russell and Jeanae St4ples. k I COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE I~U STUOlRES11 [] SPECIAL VALUES AND REMJNDERS FOR THIS WEEK "'For Baby's Comfort" Council to Brighten Town Y New Cha irs a nd U niformsi Adding a new look ta theIchased by the town and Coti aid Counicil Chambers are 50 Hîgn asked that some con- new stacking chairs whîch have sîderation be given ta naming been purchased ta replace the the building. "And I hope it heavy wood benches that have won't be called the old Post long been a famîliar sight in Office building," he added. the Town Hall. Tenders for new police uni- FAMILY Si The chairs are part of Coun- farms were received by the cil's long term plan ta improve Police Administration commit- in a speciai bottie fi the appearance çf the Counci tee and it was decided that the y*ar table Chambers and Town Hall for $425 tender from Ken's Men 's the Centennial. Wear be accepted. The material Compared ta the Charma o PulicPrperyfor the uniform would be the Cu n. ofave bHicgon, ert-y, same quality as the Provincial yoii save $ that. bi' amte wigg î alseorte Police uniforms Coun. Jim Pres- Ohrszs $.4 buyt ig achir, coriatoncson pointed out. An additional tesis--$14 deskn ad aire u nt onr$25 will be spent on badges. __________ dsctindfor thre cuerk'soffier Coun. Presson recommended wecihf the csts osthofite -that a sign be erected to de- wihtecssofteeiesnote the police office and l'e coming ta approximately $55.aiso told counicil of the possibil- K L E H Namne For Oid Post Office ity of moving the police office Another important piece of into the present Chamber of public propcrty is the old po,, Commerce offices in the Townî office building recently pur- Hall. so A STR Council Requesîs Board To Re - Con sider Zoning -e A delegation supporting, a 'We did not know it was a petîtion sîgned by 34 cîtizens commercial zone or we wouici approachcd Town Councîl Mon- have objected long ago," skie day evening asking for Coun- stated. cil intervention in the Bow- Since the lot is already PACKAOR OF manville Planning Board's de-. bought as a commercial site, 300 tisses 6/4' xtf cision ta allow a or uscd Mayor Nelson Osborne explain- 200 tissues 9" x 10" car lot ta be cstablished at cd, it is impossible ta rcscind MNSs 194-196 Churcl- street. the Planning Board decision. MN IE1"l" The Planning Board prcv- iously turned down the peti- Deputy-Recve Wilf Carra- _____ ion since the lot is in a coni- thers agreed with the mayor merdiai zone which permits but added that the Board uscd car lots. This area has might reconsider, and possibly been in a commercial zone turn the area into a residenlial since the inception of the by- zone whi4Zh would not allow law with no priar objection. any further businesses ta estab- Speiss flore Gadeloine , 186 iithas cieda t o I Main Flor he Gadnegri, 86 iith a ed a. on il Church Street, pointed out that would requcst the Planning there would be commotion at Board ta re-zone the area A/ Dei r aii hours and flood lights at bounded by Scugog, Churc. W eie night ta interrupt the harmony Silver and Wellington as a of this residential section. residential zone.-1 I.DA. SHAVING CREAX Brushes to a thick, ereamyl lather that softens toughest beards . . . makes shavlng easier ... faster. Large tube ______49e BAYER ASPIRIN SPECIAL! Buy 100 Aspirin and get a sample of eight flavoured Children's Aspirn frec. Both for -_____79c Save 29e on IPANA% TOOTH PASTE 2 Glant tubes --. 9e I.DA. MINERAL OIL Ileavy grade, odour- les, tasteleas ohl. 16 oz. reg. 55e - 43e 40 oz. reg. 1.10 - 87c DRENE SHAMPOO 65e sîze _______55e COLGATE DENTAL CREAM 99e tube -..2 for 89e 33e tube - 8 for 66e BRYLCREEM Speclal Offer! With the purehase of ech 69c tube you get a HIgh Quality Comb absolutely Free. E MISERY- NTME-TESTE D 3c 98c MÂCLEAIIS PEROXIDEJ FP TOOTH PEATE' BRYLCRE E ~ THE PERFECT 43RMAIRDRESSING "rs For Balai fitne PLUS~ l'ASTi iced ss ~ANO iNG - Drugs., Phone MA 3-57 7 ASPECIALTY x.McGregor, Your Local l.D.A. Drug Store SHOP AT TOUR DRUG STORE -the dependable place to buy ail your medicines and hcalth and beauty needs. SPRING TONICS .AND DLOOD PURIFIERS Andrews Liver Salt 45c, 79c. Burdoek Biood Bitters 1.59 Dr. Chase Nerve Food 89c, 2.23 Eno Fruit Sait - 69c, 1.09 IZE for --$7.95 small size ;.05 0, $2.50, $3.95 IEX 20c 35c With Vitamin Bl 16 ounce7c Reg. 1.0079 I.D.A. EPSOM SALT 16 ounce 9 Reg. 25o 19 PUT PEP IN YOUR STEP! Aids ln tunlng up the nervous system. Pleasantly flavoured. Contains Vitamnin BI. 15 16-oz. -15 PRESCRIPTIONS' r-ttur, cmv-mll Mr. and Mns. Ted Foley, Dorothy and Don, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Staples, Bethany. Mn. and Mrs. Laurence Whitc and Elwin, visited wîth their aunt, Mns. John Henry, Kit- chener. Mn. and Mrs. Mel Edwards and family spent Monday with his parents, Mn. and Mrs. L. Edwards, Toronto. Mn. and Mrs. Les Collacutt visited with Mrs. Norman Mut- ton and Mr. Bill Wcstlake, Oshawa. Guests with Mn. and Mrs. Fred Wright were Mr. and Mrs. Stan Gable and Bruce, Tyrone. Mrs. E. Ashton, Mn. and Mrs. Gardon Becch and Bannie, ac- campanied by Mn. and Mr. Stewart Rodman, Scugog Is- land, visited witb Mn. and Mrs. Stanley May, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Snowden and Mrs. Sam Snowdcn, Osh- awa, spent Sunday witb Mr. and Mrs. Bill Davidson, Toron- ta. Mn. and Mns. Ken Kuhnke and Bette Ellen spent the week end with Mn. and Mrs. Howýard1 Waidrosf and family, and visit-1 cd Mrs. Kuknkes mathe , Mr% Garfield Stapiey, wba is in the haspital. Don't forget the Institute pot luck suppen on April 8, at 6.30 p.m. in the basement o! the churcb. Aiso the short course, "Choasing and Using Fabnics" which will be held on Fniday, April 5, at 1.30 p.m. ta 4 p.m. Any lady of the cammunity is invitcd to attend. Lunch wijl be scnved. Visitons with Mns. Les Snow- den, Mildned and Bob, were, Mrs. H. Hontan, Mn. and Mrs. William Mamison and Harry, Oshawa, and Mn. and Mrs. Har- old Crawford, Prestonvale. Many Attend Sabrina Fair At Orono Oroîîo: The village and dis- trict were treated on Thursday and Friday evenings to a spien- cid pl&y, spnsored by the Orono Amateur Athletic Society and capably directcd by Mrs. Mar- Éot Sarnuels. "Sabrina Fair" was a movie and later a Baroad!- way production. It is the story of a young lady, who, having lived with her chauffeur fath- er on a large Long Island as- tate, leaves the confines af the estate ta face the problems ùf the wonld. The play is a no- mantic camedy in four acts and Sabrina being beautiful and charming is confronted with ber romantic problems and suitors. Ail playars did their raIes exceptionally well. Praceeds fromn tha play go towards th? promotion of sports for thie children of Orono and district, -i - a, . PAGE sitVM m RaIIy (Continued from page one) Firth welcomed ail comrradeg present before turning the meet- ing over to Zone Command-r John Allun. Reports were giv2rn by representatives of branch- s. Oshawa, Claremont, Uxbridge,* Sunderland, Dunbarton, .-Apx and Bowmanville. Ail brancli- es in the Zone seemed to be prospering and undertakinc worthwhile programs in their respective communities. Bus'.- ness concluded with mîiutcs of last rally being read by Zone Secretary Frank Grant, Osh- awa, and reports from Poppy Chairman, Sports Chairmali and Zone Treasurer. Zone Commander Allun in his closing remarks took the oppor- tunity ta express his thanks for co-operation received dur- ing the past two years he has held office, as he intends rc- tiring in May. Comrade Jim Fair took over as Master of Ceremonies for the entertainment and intrco- duced "The Regans" who p;7e- sentcd an Irish program of sing- ing and dancing. Mrs. Re-cari also played the accordion for a sing-songr with Comradle A,- nold Dam ant ass.isting, at thie piano. Comrade Fair, bein.g a good Irishman, rcnclcrcd tw. numbers ta the cleli ght of his comrades. Lunch and social hour concluded a very scc fui rally. Shipments of iron ore frorn Canadian mines h-r 1955 wcere 16,445,411 tons, more than dou- ble shipments of 19541. HIGHLY STYLED MODERATELY PRICET) LADIES' WEAR La Vogue1 fJacque/ine Cor. Athol & Celina, Oshawa

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