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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Apr 1957, p. 11

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r THURSDAY, APRIL Ilth, 1957 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. ROWMANVT.t. ONTARMIOTf Ja%-,yvPAGEI ELEVVI Served on UNESCO ,,Pi"ctures of India i Anua Rotary Rui Frank Fairey, M.P. for Vic- toria, B.C., speaking on his ag- sociation with U.N.E.S.C.O., -dvas guest speaker at the an- àPiRural Urban Night of the XDfw manville Rotary Club held iin the Tyrone Cornmunitv Hall on Wednesday of hast week. Each year the Rotarians set aside a special evening ta plav hast ta rural r esidents who give strong support ta Rotary jrojects throughout the yeae. Mr. Fairey is well familiae Vvith the workings of United Nations' Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization hav- ing scrved as an expert on an educational mission to Burma and also as a Canadian delegate Ia the Ninth General Confer- ence of U.N.E.S.C.O. which wvas held iast faîl in Delhi, India. Mutual lUnderstanding The purpose of the UNE. S.C.O. the speaker explained is ta contrihute to a mutual un- derstanding between nations o! the world by educatianal, scientific and cultural means. Only by meeting and learning ta know people will peace be attained he stated. "Until we visit the people of other lands and become steep- ed in their history and back- ground, we fail ta realize that they have a distinct point of view." he saîd in reference ta his experiences in Thailand, Burma and India. Among the means af hehping these "have nat" nations are lending technical assistance, sending missions, holding con- ferences, and bringing students ta study in leading unîversities. Much Critlcism There is mucb criticism about- U.N.E.S.C.O. being ineffîcient and a waste a! money. This may be partly true Mn. Fairey point- ed out. "But 1 would rather have the goadwill of people, than relv on a strict account of fun ds." Sprîng 15 Here Get your decorating supplies frorn us. Best lines of Wallpaper, Kem-Glo, Super Kem Tone, Spred Satin, Luxor Enamel and the famous "Thix" line wbich does not drip or splash. Ask for a demonstration of the popular "PRE-PASTED WALLPAPERS" Sundries of ail kinds. A BERNE THY'S PAINT & WALLPAPER 33 King St. W. Phone MA 3-5431 '~0 YOUR * MIMNSAPR * LORLLR * NAUALZR * DAKSHE bel randsto ced in do r o. LloydEllisSho M 19 Kng S. W Phoe M 3-541 :eature Goodyear Girls Hold Fourth Reunion Dinner I AI 1w The annual Reunion Dinner of Centennial celebrations. After w~ ~the Goodyear girls heid on Fri- dinner an Friday evenîng a two raiI i g htII day evening, April 5. in the minutes' silence was observed Canadian Legion Hall. Bowman- for girls who had passed on. ville, was an outstandingly suc- Color Slides cessful and enjoyable event. Games Played Following his short address Fifty-nine present and past em- During the evening various Mr. Fairey showed colour slides , ployees of the Goodvear Com- Rames were played. Pnizes for of his recent trip to the Ninth pany from Bowmanvi]ie and dif- the games were won by Mrs. General Conference of U.*N.*E. ferent p arts of Ontario attended., Lena Geddes, Mrs. Hazel Con- S.CO. held in Delhi. India. h cneers for the eventi neliy, Mrs. Greta Yeo. Oshawa: Through these siides Mr. Fai- were Mrs. Nellie Wilson. Mrs. Mrs. Lillian King, Mrs. Hazel rey presented an impreýsive and Audrey Bate, Mrs. Nancy Colmer Jas'. Mrs. Doreen Westlake. Mrs. informative view of India-a and Miss Rita Parkin. Assistan ts Hilda Hennings. Miss Martha land of four hundred million i were Mrs. Verna Willis, Mrs. Goudy and Mrs. Bella Evans. people increasing in population Eileen Large and Mrs. Elva There were 30 consolation priz- at the rate o! one-half million B eckett. Mrs. Edna Large was' es donated by Hooper's Jewelry per year, a land of dusty im mistress of ceremonies. Store. Special prizes donated by poverishd villages contrasted. The long tables were attract-ý the Goodyear Company xvere by glitterîng wealth, a land ively decorated in blue and gold, ltWo .50-ft. hoses. These werc within the British Common- the Goodyear colors. A delicions won by Mes. Mary Fowler and wealth but still a republie. turkey dinner xvas served by the Mrs. Nýellie Wilson. "It is a land that makes my Legion Ladies' Auxiliary, wvho The Prize given ennuaiiy to heart hleed for these people catered for the event. The tasty the one who travels the greatest %vho have so littie," he confess- refnigerator desserts evoked ad- distance to attend the party was ed. miration as a treat for the eyes wvon this year by Mrs. Carnie Outstanding among Mr.« Fai- las well as the palate, each mndi- Snowden o! Brantford. This rey's photographs were those a! viduai dessert wvas macle in a prize xvas a dainty cup and the world renowned Taj Mahel, slightl,.y different combination o! saucer. Mrs. Edna Brooking, a landmark of architecua pastel colours and diferent h a a 51er'sriea beauty. shapes. The Goodyear Girls' the Goodyear, and Miss Rosel "The only hope for world Ireunion has been an annuai event Bate with 15 years, were peae,, 'r.Faie v onhiddfor the past four years. Next especially honored. Mrs. Jean- "is through full support of the year they plan to l-old their fifth ette Montgomery, Oshawa, enter- United Nations and ah ils or- annual reunion dinrier in con- tained wvth a delightful programi ganizations." If we are looking junction with the Bowmn ileosnsadpaoseetns for a reward, the reward is as big as the effort." Mr. Fairey was introduced r R.P Viin O tne hv. T.,1.., T..M. UTm. -,i r R.P v an O t ne thanked by Lcu Dippell. Attendance Awards Four Rotarians representing 16 years o! perfect attendance received their attendance pins. They wvere Keith Billett, George Hacking, Jim Stutt and Rex Walters. The oniy birthday celebrant at the meeting was AI Strike. President Bill Ruddell passed an a speciai vote of thanks to the Tyrone W.A. for the excep- tionaliy fine turkey dinner they served. Guests The following wene guests of the Rotarians: Walter Vaneyk, John Broome, Percy Perry, Herb Cameron, Russell Virtue. Ar- thur Hamilton, Walter Park, John Johnston, Rowland Coombes, Donald Stainton, H. Malette, Walter Murphy, Gus Rosevear, Howard Philp, Rich- ard Gibbs, Rev. F. J. Jackson, Harold Skinner, David Craig, Ralph Glaspeil, Roy Scott, F. L. Byam, Russell Wright, Gardon Brent, Lamne Annis, Fred Smith, Bill Thiesburger, Don- ald Davey, Raymond Clapp, E. A. Virtue, Fred Paetner, C. W. Woodiey, Arthur Richards. BROWN'S Brown's Home and Shboal Club beld a euchre and draw on Fniday, March 29. Mary Dean from Lakeshone was asked ta dnaw the winning tickets. Hold- ens of the tickets were: Mes. Werry, Ennlskillen, coffee table; Mn. AIf. Garrod, Newcastle, flan- lanelette blanket; Mes. Helen Staititon, Bowmanviile, pillow cases. Euchne winners were: Mrs. Bennett, Mns. Brunt, Mes. Cars- an, Mr. Sam Turner, Me. Cas- well, Mr. B. Clark; winnen fan lone hands, Mes. Adams. The Club President Mes. Curson tbanked evecyone for the suc- cessful evening and lunch was served. Wendy Wilson Is feeling fine after having ber tonsils out two weeks aga. Sympathy is extended ta Mrs. R. Page on tbe loss o! hec moth- er fr. Jean Mattice and baby daughter Narda, left ta join ber busband in North Carohina. Mes. P. Cahl, Toronto, visited ber son Bill and family foc a week. Mrs. W. Bennett had ber grandehildeen from Toronto with ber avec the weekend. Sorry ta hear Mes. G. Martin, farmerly o! Brawn's, broke ber ankie. Congratulations ta Bill and Hilda Cahl on their new son. I TOPS for QUALITY, n[LR.SERVICE and [UC5!IU 1 ATTENTION -ý Chase & Sanhorn 2-oz. jar INSTANT COFFEE 45c Stokely's Fancy 15-oz. tin CREAN STYLE CORN 2 For 29C Royal - Assorted Flavours INSTANT PUDDINGS 2 For 19c Aylmer il-oz. bottie TOMATO CATSUP 19C KINSDALE Large Cello Bags BI1S C UIT S Chocolate Mallows Custard (re;ms3 ('hocolate ('reams for Fruit Cookies 10 Fresh Produce- Sunkist - Navel Seedless -S O ranges -- Texas - Crisp - No. 1 Carrots m JAVEX BLEACH 32-oz. bottie 25C Stokelys Fancy TOMATO JUICE 20-oz. tins 2 for 33c Supreme, Mixed - SWEET PICKLES 16-or. jar 25c LUCKY i-DOLLAR GOLD MEDAL PEANUT . BUTTER 35 18-o:. jar Size Ile~ doz. 49C1 2.Poly23c Bags 3c Policy at Enniskilien Local 78 tanao Farmers' Union hE meeting in Enniskilhe April 2nd Chairman Douglas Ba troduced Dr. R. P. Vi Port Hope, candidate federal election who e: the Progressive Cons party's agriculture poli Dr. Vivian said he fi the higb cost to the c( was brought on iargely wages paid ta the hari our produce. He admitted agrienîti in a desperate state bu- make no promises to ture, because o! the f, other parties have had pianks wbich they have ways fuifiiled. Poor Organizatini The farmers o! Carý flot weil organized, ta with other industries, f share of the national ei he said. The farmees strang anganization, ta unfair dumping methods neigbbours, tai the sautl There would not be an: lng, if team work by or labor and organized presented their case ta derstanding government He stated that U.S.A. traying co!!ee and1 whereas he feit they sh given to needy countriE Send In Eggs Lloyd Hasson, the1 ton County director sa because of the fact othe tries saw the weakness Canadan farmer that s them exported eggs iri ada last year, creating surplus cf eggs which Farm Union 3of On- forced a market iow price ta el h i the producer o! 26 cents which en Hal. is oniy 40 percent of parity. atan-mn- In 1955, Canada imported 'ivian of cheese from eight different of the countries. In 1956 19 countries xpanded took advantage of aur position ýservatî've while oniy one country took in icy. exchange agriculture products, feît, that nameiy wbeat. Whle the dump- onsumer ing metbod, practised by the ,by high U. S. Government, wrecked pri- ndiers of ces o! several farm produets, in Canada, their own farmers ne- *ire wvas ceived respectable prices for the It would goods consumed at home. agricul- Lower Prices act that For example, egg prices ta election the Canadian farmer were 26 e not ai- cents while the Amenican farm- er maintained 46 1/ cents a doz- nm en; fowi as low as 7 cenzs, iada are whiie the Amerîcan farmer compete maintained 22 cents a pound. f'or their Only the Farm Union laudly economy, protested this dumping prace- ;need aý dure condoned by our Domin- meet the ion Government. This proves Is by oun ta me, said Mr. Hasson, that h o! us~. farmers of Canada need a mem- ýy dump- bersbip organization, tbrough )rganized whîch we can be heard in Ot- farmers tawa. We need it naw, ibefore an un- the present rate o! farm exo- it. dus o! 60,000 farm operatars is des- bananas hould be es. WellIn.g- ;aid that ier couni- sof the seven of f0o Can- a large in tuen Province Pays Hiaif for OId Age Pensions The Province cf Ontario will assume half the cost of the $6 per month raise in old age as- sistance allowance wh ich will become effective on July ls, Premier Leslie Frost annotinced recently in the Legislature. The Provincial and Federal Governments share equally in the payment of these allow- ances. As soon as the Federal Minister of Finance indicated his Government was ready to raise its contribution by $3, the Provincial Government agreed to match it. Welfare Minister Louis P. Ce- eule figues the increase in al- lowance will cast the Province an additional $1,000,000 yearly. BURKETON (Intended for last week) jThe Jolly Woekers Club met at the home o! Mrs. Hazel Parker Wednesday evening. W. A. will meet at Mrs. Roy Bone's home, Apnil 4th. Demonstration at Hubbard's Apr. 2 in Aid of Church fuild. A lavely donation o! a pul- pit and three chairs ta match was danated ta the churcb frorn St. Paui's United Chuech, Bow- manville and is geeathy appre- ciated. Best wishes ta Mr. and Mrs. jMurray Archibald on the arri- val o! a baby boy. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Grant, Mrs.- Roberts, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mes. R. Davey. 1Mes. Greta Bailev at her home for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Edgar and Sylvia, Scugrog Island, with Mr. and Mes. Wm. Step- henson. Mr. Mel Wather, Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Sandy V'an Dam. Me. and Mes. Bill Johnston .and family with Mr. and Mrs. John Wotten. M;. and Mrs. Sam Adamz, Mr. and Mes. E. Adams w'tïh Mr. and Mns. Ivan Cochrane, Nestleton. Mn. Fred Carter and Mrs. J. jCarter, witb Me. and Mes. R. C arter, Peterborough. Mr. and Mes. Elwood McKee, Raglan, with Mn. and Mrs. R. Dean. Mr. and Mes. A. Brvan with 1 Mr. and Mes. B. Hubbard. Me. and Mes. Aidread Sr.. MNr. and Mrs. Alan Aldread, Scugog Island, were Sunday visitars with Mes. Carter. Mes. Rilda Stevenzan, Toroin- ta, with Mes. A. Hughes and lamnily for the weeken d. 9mmWCI omumaxnommennn-mu uu -a HOI oW 1 1 Mns. Leslie Argue with frlends ini Toronto. Mrs. B. Hubbard with Mr. and Mrs. R. Davidson. Raglan. Mr. and Mrs. H. Trick witi Mr. Tom Trick and~ friends. Mr. and Mrs. John Archer and children with Mr. and Mrs. J. Wotten. Mr. and Mrs. E. Adams w-th Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cochrane, Raglan. Mr. A. Aldread and Mrs. I. Snudden, Oshawa, with frlends. Mr. and Mrs. (Dr.) Soliway and Jean Blakwell, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Elwood McKee. Raglan, with Mr. and Mrs. R. Dean. Mr. and Mrs. Les Taylor and family and Mr. Lawrence Lunn, with Mrs. N. Taylor and Stan- ley, recently. per year remnoves the primary producer, and the national de- mand for food be unfulfilled. The resulting hungry Canadian populace will be forced to pay excessive prices. The government must back the farmers for 100 percent price supports, or they will have killed the goose that laid the golden egg. BURKETON Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Bone on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Whihe of Columbus, Ont., Mr. and Mrs. M. Lahay, Toronto, Mrs. G. Johnston and Mr. M. Schaeter, Montreal, Que. The April meeting of the W. A. was held at the home of Mrs. Roy Bone, with a good at- tendance. Roll call was answer- ed with a house cleaning hint. Due to the return of the wool- len blankets the same day the business was taken up with giving out orders to the mem- bers and neighbors and ail paid to date. It was decided to have Mrs. George Wolfe from Black- stock show film of their vaca- tion in Dublin, Ireland, and England, April 25th at 8.15 in the church in aid of building fund, also, have Miss Margaret Goheen, pianist, with Mr. Rob- ert Henry, Bowmanville, a~s tenor soloist, and Mr. K. Ham- bourg, violinist, Oshawa. Ail are welcome. Sunday morning service Com- munion was observed. Mr. and Mrs. Don Parkes and girls, have moved to their new home at West Hill. Sorry to lose them. Welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Eric Simpson and children frorn Trenton, to our community. Mr. and Mrs. Harold DeMille and family, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. George Alliston. Mr. Orvis Smith returned from Bowmanville Hospital feeling much improved. Sympathy from the commun- ity is extended to Mr. Leonard Bradley and family in their sad loss of a loving wife and moth- er. Stafford. Brou. Monumental Works Phone Whltby MOhawk 8-3552 318 Dundas St. E., Wltby FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Precise workmanshlp and careful attention to detail are your assurance when you choose from the wide selection of imported and domnestie Granites and Marbies ini stock. Puick Super 2-door Riviera -M - - - - - mý Um - -mm -m-- - YOUE nearest Bulck dealer la the best man in town ta get to know-right nowl He's making it mighty easy for you to get everything you want in a fine car .. . in a new Buick, cf course. It's ail a matter cf whaf you get for what you spend . . . and just look- at what you do geli any Buick!1 That's when your excitenient etarts to rise-with your firat look at these classicaily beautiful lines. And when you're behind lhe wheel - feeling the instant response of that new Variable Pitch Dynaflow*-.your excite. ment mounts even higiier. It's a new kind of performance, sparked by brilliant obedience from a big 364- cubic-inch V8 engine. Then you brake Io a gentie stop-or even a quick one-and you learn how Buick'u levelized braking vlruafly ends the down-!n-f ront dip you've had to live with up to now. You go around curves and corners with the confidence cf a cat on a carpet-hike a train on tracks. That's Buick's combinca- tien cf bail-joint suspension, a new lower centre cf gravily and unique front-end geometry that gives you lhe easiest handling and surest cornering you've ever known. You go on and on-getting happler and happier-and your money's ta-iling bigger and bigger every mile. Visil your Buick dealer and take lhe wheel cf a '57 Buick. Do il today 1 *New Advanced Variable Pitch Dynaflowis the only Dynaflow Buick builds today. It is standard on floadmaster, Super and Cen tury-optional at modest extra cost on the Special. meWZdai AGENUERAL MOToRs VALU§ el 1579 Robson - Buick Pon tiac 166 King St. E. Motors Cars - Vauxhail Bowmanville Limi ted -GMC Trucks MA 3-3321 & 3-3322 Tim PROTECT YOUR PRECIOUS FURS PAGE ELEVM 1 I Don't run the risk of darnage to your i-aluable furs through heat, moths, fire or theft. Cail now and have our bonded 1 inessenger pick up your precicus furs for safe, cool storage in our vault. BEASONABLE' COST It only costs you 2% of your fair valuation. Phone MA 3-5520 FOR FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY B owman ville Cleaners &Dyers Ltd. Carl and Ed. Leslie 1

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